HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-02-14, Page 4IGiDDEFICH BTAR FESRUARY 0, JWS 11,41heirfty tu t 14144 III UQ 00I Pit APine and "I" O" I 41 It lav, frII lInvotro 3114"W". WWI* t citing i?A No A, IW T Wj U, v �, 0 sh .1111�
141 elit.11130A to it liaAllsonolyr for jv ja 0 lit CMOs Q. tta to W, Z W. *Q=*JoV C""is Ito by Aber* Is III 1 4W, a terivI W! -.Qtflnt' reody for $pdug VOW, ind have tnor� Spring, A a .4 11101rTILIK $ cbill and t4gr WOU14 IV Y_ ,ait ofo 404011 wro healhu. I end f e* vatt d. te, at All JZ Ast ItI viro %-Ant yot I 17 if jotoot, ona Itirk 9,010kitlas.: liw and J04 X I Itu It" Wig llurs Aamo, *vlgst $t3t,. Wth Ilt coUI dxreq.;row. tile: makers to UfI wlji� X 11111111,11111TV W.41I 1) il flucalI tluo'% ;ire lilt. bX41go, #�Rjk W I e vochordo, do vot Ora V744 OxWawa. RPM" '"LOCK 1.0 be at bcd toolc for p4as. to- Ai *441 - . -IN - "leaftilli, u14co l;0L0vqrsL Ipolkx 4ot. illail -,td sit on. a -tole, 40 friI illic diI lot r4*4 114t froot 16�(, XOPI 101,034010 4119. 13, ; 7*.. =Mbluclot Ill Wig statI tl,011*014L uvoll by Wwc 0; Alp intplent ron.� S POWNR, All UV Alk.wVita . Ilog, 910i Zoo i. I 460, I )r;. T. A ni X fai4 Qllttwm 4041rin All htr�o UU IlI An Inv#
oRut A rlf,vai alid, *,4.04 P ow or 04VII to lly d wo bought A lact I lit what vask, loft 0 Am—UP-4 of. 'sot, 4 bi ill ipmelit here Uloody,, aadp s4cril'il Colildipltiok to: -They. 4ro�qjl uto "40 pdoos, u6ipr It. AQW. ZVJ!17 V.10"r lot w4lbb 'Will ftppq*vk ill 4 6t ft II '41ow for tbl� qW11 19.4 S44,94t. Jili biirg4ls, Inuen" -but I .� I $TAU. , . . t YOU �-,olfcrc4. ibCY A V� mumor r� cloolil "I �4w �tx� ill _ 1golial;ft goiI oij$ at tbt r#to tho Vollpt � To goI hrjdg� . , . is - � to 75c, 004 tI 6tAA h fr l44, t*Plitt _,Of pourd of 11). fouild �d w0d; the b0qtfobq� �_JJPA IN 0. Ak yqaknow thpt thoro to A0 (lit, 0.0110,911 , 41tigna river at gololVi. "a.gerouwaag iloglaill coldl lZ Ili 1_Uq__1FQ , Ila 04 so 4J�VO#j *OK4,404-Vt #*Otlon 19 UWWrh, Pail k -Aul W� 'N"bitt, belw"Woolll *0~00 tbede- of tbo.4004,0 LWO tir t 44 tA9 Whore I . uld Al *,on be, redently. 41
tow ot aw, now- A* tug, xv wo, gr. Man 1110tor I . A are AmaAII 14110 to Ila 000ted, A; lot, Meet. To iOVOK 0 of lollitsk 10 OoUed. The point, for ao.4pts Igo the Oqunt'Vomv ,21 it .4kor. mod MR. AOPII P.Xviv AVIA I na t1I posent ota iriago., Willa -trol0k tbe ex W0 suggelitiobo that VII0,84mo bo4ra dhre.ljot de 0 Ws 111,1100 to W-Fulneuded a higher rate.of pay OWN 4ift 'Ofttr.Act, and 000older�ft , ;— about sAo sory Itoblo, potwili) 104 j# tho- v tkute to tho. tel raoxers to te, relI Of POW 4 tit% whole a, the c.qu,Mt "Solon, ee4 e" In ox- das thiI Collidrne I J.06n. Ulddleton; rwAy the iI aft', lWft tban'thlI were
4 reeve -of to 6MIA013a im the Its to lustAnom a are glad to Ito ored. forelovaul Iv. w0port Wit the pai-tles i1ppreqlatd v %IDSI urLebill, AISfjot oup " 40b V towelaborso John Pax, 4 *.,#AlXft �e park _X'WALe#Qr -
P, on %hol % alll tho reavoils whr the membera, of the biar�opt" froall *w1dav 04, A6041i -bold of some complaint LIVER GOPLAIKI, ground that the lal wh1oh, Cho' '001bol-Xiepeol4o t t their township board could no to this Instance see wid�Oot marojorge Y iropresentd, bu or.&W _*A00rewark- was 00, or; .Zt� ai,04, Wolljolyze It coun",torilegi out of onicip. in U.0p.
itlaq ill av to. the recommendation of D. M 1. it up�A to I* 41" the Ablost $llot the- nhigher. rgte tball that Onally areed I t to -00' Wi '01 0% #Uh . I orlin the MJ1114tar A Ila ie"y Upon lietw6ell Lite parti we Tholiver to the hill 914114 14 gie baq�y; RA betialles;;4-dId We, )test, yestordal collkloll, And 11 J11 'Woel 0 noting, � g. end eg. desire to put upon record tbe coke fit to take from the wood, tho prc�v=a- In It W" lit best *whjq but tile co"JuliII report t6mb vvs the -6f pthw peotarla, reasons w by w, cab5o to Was 'ild _4K InOjV naVoq I gl�g ky the, re, r a] ll,bj_tbo three orbeatidbark& I I Sion. fullsmi.4 l4antrok furnish bile tb *% bowe* rin th "O "We tbought, by Ames olly miquietied, jf0QbUgjW C014$AL 114no I under the proseoticim�, 'oup III lax Rally a have 131 reason nit, ,Ito u6j.. omthil 11ft the matter .1 .ft,rMreQaCE00wageb the rf4h& sl4o, and shooting P stit' , Y 1 olia thill it is a 4 h 04 wo,ol K�0104114 OP thO %lixtr Doocil A k 1116*11�� W#JuI ALtions, tbil offer sympto- *M,4 Icons of fulp9m ITH TAIt''AM'
V114% 'Or , 191lill 14tontiOn Was to e jor A11414 t a . .
3 � �II t , . . ,VNT, QF S to ive A; H pA
%4% A m_ -Mlou�pdu Olt --A *_AOWtu*.jVeotAjj am�be][Wtho r'kefori or to sk back orwal 0 i dire many considerations entering into of the " pad eyes, bqvmls
Ol. r eborito of spedulatorp oullb tw` h I Imm". 0wi4 in � our-,"eW-,.- thI - #AaVW. tva-"" 00 r _tWol - -- * would assuisic, n;=611blilty ollbor m-ilue4lan'.- — � -;Id arranging to the right of the men to recilvii, a UV- make f%e c6tch Store ,rdore popit-
toOwn tile limit$; us,� it thI forcough3andoolils,_Aq wagO ar SbO bmallad Wit,
tb xt�6pevly_op the Way'$ on c4 9 jif and that right Is paramount. ppillg resort than ever beforg. wete bet One of the very complalot* -phalilooft a present bridgi, 1 and it to III eoekinan ivr entitled to get a fair, 1144 Oft 01 lilt lllllme`V� An IBUR made aeAffilI lit$ 44011RISIttatl0fili, 111 Ov.011 more Irtillailrk4ble, ago for a fair day's. wor j�i oturnooded it to 0 h! ii,j'16 w. it. t I ut It - would not be justice fijj� tile WA She wasMore it b UNt tbo feuding r 40ft 'Was Mr. Sittork's All -fth -W at, however, often seems tb a 76 oolI goutity counall to I n, of the caniliatty, Uon 04t, so -'stiumix wag' now U thL, 'the vaultai" r a�4 for a Iielonglog to tile Do- b9ttle at all dealers. Pitt U 0 W n the, first that tber expendedl also bat Dr. Wood's Norway Pine; 13 cltal �botb nopessary.,in order to produce a bwn money al IiA 4 , U064 Is that capital and Iabo
or t LAXA-LIVE"Ild. whother,t
the County' 06unell who 23 years ago Is in the operation remintou factry? This fat, mitt6a to 10688 sft But the Act Is orected the Widget tit thro.,time Invea. arill'threer p 0 t place,* we bUyr all'koQd$ for Oasb, that wbav Is nc Of railways, in manufacturing,. or 1ii only 41�volopvd ire. ) a already Is pi Igo. t ated t, o naposed new alto AnAL nm "'Ouse ittatt, r.6 0 any, btlier branch of trade. The aim 'a�therefor 'able to buy in all t -best, markets
imntl,�4 Wosv that � there I$ 4.4 a robi; ly tI re40011 Why e Want, to )law lid oil --tbe- P1 L L 'S'. tho Maro. WeAvow Abet lasufficiout time sent one., t Godbrleli one Norrwqa�yfta By of the worker should Ile to secui a a and. get the closest prices, and amtlieref0r�, able to- 'iVe akpti . lahIP4 at that time lioug Bowe- Wool Sir doiot gdv% the.,queft 1 " n Wa0giviin betwee" Q u4VOrtloeMent fatrullare ofithis pront. But there Ili *m lil"weet And 08 to take- I
What opposed to the at aboa a. Wjqt Oeo to bQ considered the position of we.Owu or sloken, never tea in eis. the very best valu to WOrK t. thth -efleat% god our custoul e for their ultme, at y
will blivol be �4 bat has since )as,, called eo Lite. money rarriedy fw -9 III shipMent of o, 4ed Ito -IndepondiI the township sink bole, cutting a rood e undertaking to be carri ived urt, 1 0 dompan anyone to ulido tAIII III �-hlo kp4n irbo ndvanc by far *a adeso &oil: quie We ..have already rece
lit tbAt all dkesses or d1siI of tlp liver, White 'L 6 14ilwa Avhloh Was k yen W I ,, Way Up a OW foot hill and peeparing (Too luto forlast wail th awn-, Waists. We h on Wilich'gtires employraqnt, He, tq ave $0419. exceptionally tyll, bVI, a aPrice 25 cents, or 5 b, Dr. I Q. notin f Is OhLRW4 to receive it relLarn for li a es CO a O. ailt the neation w all we ottio3 'or Illl teni�t'ng 'in at $1,11-25 $1-75, $2.00, $1.$0, I'd 000JI lull Me to' sleep, W at 11 6 ruil road for their 'nolglitilles of PPHSONAL.-
N fo�y noall deallarsr ma7ded direct on receipt of Via U0101ul b tw'sold I; Illat-'WaK-why the men who %%,a as , ng ow f$ W 11 it � be tooegi, t, has been the gueli luone'y and his v ri b The T. Milburn C�.. th _Jt4 lak. A blandred mill. le44400 b =r 3.1t., far a tow dA Ions of the capital stock of the Grand 13 III Y $3f43-50, lip to $5-50. fmom put up w6re ab wilship R 'thi, fiew, bridge IV; rooks I jjl -Toronto vored. li8 visiting. two 'Trouk Atallway receives no dividend t O' ProSolit afte P '�VO will with her coust ro. RIWOF to In Pfk& Ar' nooSeAule tp contend that udgQ On'this Point from What Toronto tak IuF tip ale 'Th 'hatever. If Such dividends on the '). , , " 9 " to ne.-M w - 101, 11 Tesele red Ili W 16.-L preferred stock, its tire now tieing paid redped from the deal Which The many fronds 6 , ra.' Ut. -are still further reCoced by the w c"_6 tpi* a ilothIng to fie. leaped by pat. wish raj 00 thq dlelunis, In Praver nd olan it). the wb Were brought Into 28 years all ages IT W 11miI, V l7oder _;a. ledge will be 164B at h' rh I[ IW bill being increaI what must, necol is u, SIRY17HURU -4b 're b,6* AAd -as�tit dU100 howthey" c4me wbeowpassamed thelcoet ofilleeping isornewhat In 0 . . . h4041I . Ft prove it a III til or harujist, i0ve prosont sarily follow? The company camot n. this btislue�s or too- roadleadinG us. To ad& iOPA where Dr. Thomas, Hilloctric oil is POP jft1I -the, cill 0, 9 our g0ef WcLba#o ow record the odt NoTuo.-Tile quar Orly lineetingrals obtall-furthev money for expansion, niI known --;-Wherever.. C.L intrQdsceil It T tile A why Mr. a it foothold for Itself. and MAI EWA(* tilt 16. o hecand. I ot so muh of money and labor ant on that in. It Witt,6iJ6 46f played In. other ijudertakings.' This 04. 3ey"ll.ro rill', postponed till ilext!Vondar. on a far it can be more remuneratively eva. Ll LAST OF THE COATS
!of 104LIL -60 ao. bwowhotyva Ill I h hold the Data lioadjng Q the aptage tainclI Samomairch4ri- oge-tive 111dir lOrgy year tborp ill an �a atL�,we to the ira-4 numblI who and' am. rianledy- As equally fit ats left. Every one must be sold- tcount of the star certahI would be a disal
worst Storms -we -baVe-had -for, many to Ill hwh Wilt b4va to do somet Inj tEll ra, tile Snow I on eat some other Only a r with the . plow waa s1#110d felleficifil. Such �recornmendatlqns, used tot I win 11 -1 Ut ahturday.! rMi orals ill A" go pe company. hie' Holmesvillo bill." The only Wakehis track hard i0loyment oft rallwayi. -Then th should be received Withdollft There 10.4 011ami Won of ill Ticia!q qQ, 11 L can tie fted. perm -to IR after breakfast.,-inx Ld4d's, the man Regardless of Copt. lj��r it 6111 'amafid o the Public is only one Eclectrio Oil and' that Ili i Alamo- bi ]II a cement wAlf from top to bat- 0. ! he 1tte, eq 't. for increase.. of facilities,
I anontly qs 0 t1rj to get far the bettermei
-tot, 9r,11 workell till day undely t it of the service and
oII the r6A4 Olear top. tram ulomen 4' 6,JW� a , and hfr TU It ro DiZ. Th6ul Take -noth6g e se. THE LADIES' STORE. 'it a, � I Vit's own to keep.lho out frorn-.ca In Iin g train �was detaned at Olinton until o bettering of the romalied and an- a r1b a combi on the road which 4. oul A Clinton pa a for tfitso tit ojk�q, if, howal Allow Is. I thing _�ale inniate III House of.Betuge It644b (k 41ilm 49'a 'e Worth hearing, down. on the roadi astlipre are several -ovemeqt in the accomm da per "s4va : Thor day. oral lulpt fen I Wtbv odl Ili to debt W �ejp wby dgs so a rewd,,r poll, 'lilt would gost between tions. These can only be obtained pr
Opm- On Taboday Miss Ford passlI where the partics asked to adrnde Sheen* 'Phone 66 0 troub ' Iq &Way, after,a long-111hess. She w 0 tilt money can see, some possibility of JoTs liar pipe ell 99 she' des her fift a Now lit the tinue we
'Phoine II a In b M1 8 OTCH STORE '09 Xp� st t t I .0 ad van LLAR Q line 11 t(bli with. Will 1111I 1 6 APB Our AtTairs-to get 161D TemeinIbeied. a a, WAS ve Ow I a 910,0 I Ilia
loto return for the advance, Our- experl. c6; till is t1tilea There is no medictile 0 veapon, AiI thoth -e e 'dollar we spendfrom big lyest a womlbe Ailvati alue fat Pooled bsr aiN o knew ppe at% a number of these boards has *1 X0 WIll prepare? Am In- he was a -life Was us to the conclusion that - there n the reguh Air attial III at tile house of that Can cam Alre -WILU Hickle' ti at t er ul, ve if -tlua ion would discover If the Colborne Council are Seems to be an oversight on the part largg, J)tboortl so 4nxi- in a, no a W ill greatL card In tl e old afte thiI might Godj lfrom rla .011a to heep th ol plublib of two thij gs: First, that the system the
w rest on Que'llill k I 04 overnal it %Von offer to assist Ina was Ila, a. I ',I ruttikil; germs Chat I -at rteq* - - . "I Friday' 111 there la:a-clointiqual de oaod for an in- ST. Goderlah 'Vollooll Ilk the Maitland qe4QUe5or* , colds engender in tile late PlAssages. - it lI to Mae, edit trufamy tinkother IL IiI it pro 011ttim oll cost of put- create of expenditure, upon ilia paq. of if I - 4ceoplI ellar a Ogal at thein 0111ch I Ling LFIO hill to permauent repaiv Ile- is suicide to noolect your eold TrV1 I be company for facilities, and. secohil, 10tUtto all -But they vol the cheap 4�xf I Aftr. U continual demand for a reduction ol tile LQII`IX� Ry be true. ir�v .4 re the County �Oouncij take action 11:0 of WE kp t .0 q1tol But to oil IlkiI away this AdvAliAnget, und regarding th6 neiv'bridge, It not, the Aritte 11I fiArni8b,'kho monls 1�01811; by using Rieklo's Byrn 'A00 'a tit simple remedri, easily. to M �U;llo face, of U10 eaintr me- then It I no Irtur, township a a Ilk neeassry� to provide these facilitij-8 eirt, and once used as the gell. ) It M III . Y_ - The U - rth tea 'it `W 11 always be PP "
f bavin -y 01i"Pe Rule of 'and P commodatilI The growth of prized as o, deal willI thoCaurity ouncil. anSObaked off enquit k - th It- t, .1 � 48-18 not itee 9'pue- propor- Atoods'. TUat wo -Idge oil tbo now site, tb 1 blonAtely with tl Wth of expenses V OIX. ot board ing great WAII OO 001111 Y 0 el , wh 17 too Rilap along sot of alretim. 1II w 11 he cheaper tot Ations. put on tho dbe pool, tactics; ervot the bi 3*0 losible 161i Jay enth ed N t110. ton- -Mir -theiMem- ST -000 Iftheo erAting eij�nl and the wage and effectual On" �70Veol moaft oworm -liter, iiel;414 1 h# t, its I If the 900. poojr til(it clao-o' let tio, pifnswt Ves, old ete. ailler Gra o Federal Uoyernineut are AvOr the cast of the f dyeelimust be increased from County Council with this sav nR Aboultr ale W soared to make BiterminAtorl nothing iquals it, r public Eo de. curo a Pro�, C JAPAN
time 16 time, and the HINA111 10�0M'Tdot# his ab of tho�,,gteatoSt bottle and 1I ft' ho' Niablo-to t*pqv us for at V# coo of Z 1,01 L Oland, voi-7 serious* -considerations h I 149 There to no thlosr, bow er, bLlCh I be, liven ill tile Opera lie eas� III m4y be bal for% ali �Vlwlld ind Ilia, tile militalip at the County cou"011 Fat must lie, given to tliq proposals for the It it -"� Istors. ponia not Ulaki) -Wbi) bullt the 61a bridgih forcing OU8 a�eduotlon of freight and pusaSilger 0 II Of its, van a defence. mail grou 'Alinling'ao cost, -The "recent W.48tarm bas MT "AND W Ill t2o, Ott their lip rates, ismsmuch all. every reduction dl� NO. M AU0_ I RALIA A ly'xi roadivq03al notbl*g of keep. 9"At, 10"y 6d to*n ei"lly. hy)! it vote for Mal I Ireatly Weilts theabilify of the rallways laj)d�, Jjja.U%t0wj ita 6 ioad to, Olintoft Was P.004 mODOW M tb pay, t1w. wages asked by their on, 5. but they woull m0nt.' SAOW tover ivhlob so otuLlit tillibr and Av.0d 4191%, on all. atkoift 4al som� roads ployees. There Is no TOOL, ISO Otb6t, debate of ,lag bqQn hauled. ibir -There its. some doubt that M a IMPorliane J� f;16, lil4tary of !klio road leading cost oflivingbas greatly Increased, and ROUNIYTHE WORLD 'NTRU DIF ATTRACTION-. Poed $Ito level, Or tAlk, oflop , 4, n - , - I ; . . 'Vo that the employeevota. railway co In chdaill 0,00 pro j% think III redulI a canded liqii�ea Canadian Pacific Steamers intlike n5ju. buoinesi IN inside our store, t lualoodt, onv,iigi� ny$t j�ar ad,. -are entitled.- to be bettgr eonl' I IV e.
a AI rind of p'lltuvelir Sol Would ho too V - AO%
.Q& pany A are loaded with winter and
-to meet such increased coat lar -al from Vancouver. of 0diret-riment; depart. which. kwitild Ili oltiqllY III ill re0ale. Most direct sprini styles of, IL ��o business �eae, Wo Obt 0A , Oduallitted before Wit), Ali 0, olthlI of GodertAilk , towuahll� I is dill) fillI tjm4 of the I Ct Surely they are not olftitled to b� Ganadign TOWA Cut one alti�16.14P606b by the walstefs (16, not bold; Ito VC condown our hol that A06o' tbjfifl�. t1joy 100I lipo c6nipetisatod it the Solo expense of If vou are interested secure copieg of Vak t4OVA80l L " , 5A Jim , ')u -le 0 101 I . c ,olewlad have SOOTS 041horno plo b0a for wfuslag, to inViested I heir money free fptders and guiao, W6I handbO31161y pay tile $100 still t. but ti,V6 five them ittl a ouldinreturn be deprived The U041 908phl oil local agent or froul J# i6 Ups 141si pokoce, iable tb Care illustiated, froaL AND WfIV NO . r 114V 404 S. SandOrS the �aii Ofthelt 04118oflivqUitood. Thepub fil the, par a. tho , . . on6STjIi1AT16N 7 OiI flow fOt' benato al� U a ibe bodies Ito shoul bear their share. The tall: I ory S"OES
to So spends his m6ney for had objected-matili -pirimly befor - the it O' 0 log, X.IJI Ticke f #40' 'Why abould Sit Ith,fole do t 0 one tofevery other member -of t Agent# Godedelil Unrler -work was dotalri Iona $1, w6ot'ho vatiltIollk. W Wh 61,0 .7 ikv� ford. 4ad in 9 Of or write II 13� FOSTIca
III&Oommouity from Winer to t D.P.Aj, C.P.P_. d *T to W 11ftVO1VtigI%jlQn Into beelif gaVea L For M
thiaL beal 1118L 011bto*4 spiI those, and It the employee hasta, Toroutoli -Not, tire 'pastebogtfl westom thubellp eptxy* 't 0WuL bit$ neijs'_,Mrs� L jo o oney to meet Ilia In. In '1� Ithlo boilklet, 'issue& b)� the Wild, liko sOlne oall .Uce 14\real old-fashioned, good, 'k 08 0 &hl ilelL but 'tt O On -of dt Ofelil Cost 40f JI'vin , other -classes or NatiO110,11I 'difttiontrader wearing killia out fathers used to ear. toltu "tot -epconeot" White 1004fit"I -liar ihilabund Wit aig the r4il *bo reco," Out Boots and Shoes Are trigdo ofleatiI _01I to takI You fbit"(110 4#401" and bv� Tvj.,% 14 III GoIlleb, U --b 40113111LAWO 4 the P jheUue�, Froo, ]Xb§PIW. for of 't 0 tilip'the clit, �jb ll�jj a Spends aboqld ton- that Yoh ca -all. Come in ale Volation low -bo for!" � V _ � p � ir"*of thlo left 14't'Vook-fok! thaWestj Where the Muskoka, at ilee010, plitbuo towards Ofilabli E8.8 —MA on -it pair. 0141110 TMMAtUftirim Ill faroijol Ill to 0 ve lilt styles, III to aud t6 it jhDMJd &1bLUWtJjaJL S&NG III -
rV tioul "tilt �0 I et the money he hAT to openX atimpilveg; *0 I - U
Succel .y�ota, t, S Ar Shapell- hav# the ato, Ong, aff4ek000j be 0 I an 01110 Tit I . BY MAlt 0 f* lb) 'So d it 9 (Ov the 6'regolaq re b All WhI&IO otbe 4 We want our coumto'bo in every home lit
no fill ,V,O"hjjOko0,0ij Ito alta, of 401111401110 of tOW6. who fifis ept reo . I I Ill' od, haVing in View tliw ON*'Willutit _ ftionlI 04uti: where thereato Ltffes, tAt- litr WK S"AWIAN Oirbumst4liI el oil II ork a t9ain t'"blabali Fork to i — Hav , mUCIZZ T
i00 Pu Lie Our up roved $15 to h -1116llI htjW 41jil and otiroa '0011- An dT" akir III Ladleal �va;jd Ile 0%0$014 Inanto"tely peo on :a I g; I't US III "Mod in to, O*Aftlfio h6v 0asol as she A Ill Ill 'N" VIIIII dysturn Ann jr5Z III Wj po, 6-114' 'Akid LIV001th 'not necessat hj lit 11I 006dy duftl Ullow A13AY, 01I why It to the lok", Irk 111.0 111I Of tile 6 Vat?. two'NAO a. of the Gtm' Ill all r Iftlegaho pride $SOD pe If% tilt* afjv WqrU as U!'domeitl AL datitat" �Was in a0 sa44WtI Tj ft bu. foel teal. dreszrn apt Oft
.6t 1.0
41"Whoke br :to"1ft1yAjy 000, teachea how. to Anake A pitfect III waist) %to Y, 61I fiuticoft'�oiir ebide tj " Very 60 '40 Lho 113 the talegrar ought i 0 t I
1het Thanow1v , %tx n(I -Aieryou �jkl)teii L A conislI Olt W1404 140P ft to Caro 4V fbilmstIlloces, Tile ArVitatitfita yr " I 1:1 94% 01001-arld %v6 'Al :nft*.Qf Of the illveStment at 'ba U1 to IiiiIII
Ij;jy1 d t*Lthtf
4t sit ,forward nit C A 6 le u96, rleiim do
t 6*. it it h eg erl PURI (4bIftUJ6iI it leo ft' tw. Rov, anil, HMO nodovorr It" VP J)jao youl tojearn dretstraLing ovori �Of 'Icls -boo �Lo% IM tillity, -too tllt)L la 111killay. Itod ao , � We are w dft&..1My6ao III JeAre that We tuar.
01, 0011101119 *0111d a(T& 004 If the PlI lift IntetiI "U" btlen' e0h. it 8000 oytifto.
I i to#dthor� $[ay t� it, 8110 qy, Ity 10 Thom 0sol teacli 1I to idut. fit, a 166 too 0.00suatit; bj#$ 00111 OV #rat Ybtf 101I tOL At'lar ilcOlual h*lt41 of tho'to#jtj �4ya ev dated to t" M, to 014" All. noopot 411d It tw( nd Put
.4 X" Ott ot .16 040 Itt, twe�a tbe,deuiau aidt tulb to t 0 a fate 11%. 1111%1tv tho 641Y CoVe-a t the' W 0113 amity
t04 'he 0110 41de, II %'be domain 'bfibLjrj0#I takihil It ilp� We
.00, kaiiwwtio b JbQ ift Wh b64TY J�%V,t,bLLen in btij 11110111 t *U%6VjI lot the Wow 'tip V1 Z 14�ktl to heip.4�-�,avo $iub) 06a.1-0, OVIll', U611I 10 Woe the 10 the emolol on the -other. It kill NALIOI $IIII iq, , At) 'i6� ',ieit 00 Mto a onelill, 6dulOtI611,10, live[ u6n Wo" to eTY blill'40,13, land OV011. t6 Ill, V 4e#oIj�ttlaiiii, to (hot wagot tialffica Vino?b 4til" -W6 rVt knn�" to lali* t0dol Ib Iftit f4tor of d %ba, ImIllbet of 6I 6 tt"'0II I I ho rloytbllb OW tit a oluelf grotitor Ailtimate a 41, ly t ay.
tt, follf-14 lit tho, tole 801XI blit(doodli Theli 1k" . I ittlit oIU, Itit th *h_"ho, *000botod 004 attv bI an, iab]lia rdj)�Aiit oy to* thO this ttato o hip W4 ONTARIO It thet' otitti dl�
use Jit tholitAtIft b000lulog. solo owtiot 01 the olit' '41 oh, tko- i t 4b*. 00. ciu"tiott Wot* ?At) it L ].he 'r4p: lot 1A It, 1201! lotoul uliIII $tole mito ltr Ate(thgth you'll ooi%*1kt1*jt*jl4 I &L of iltoattig ma ft1WjIj(jrh% li""bv" ga ill, 1W %Ut hil Imat boona, 0, .Aft A V , ;; lit t; Ind -,AhV6Ikbb1*� Volthift, Von, 4*04t 041 tAjjW4!s to$ ahave tot
Ji4lalt, dos 661; btlij '90 fl*ii1jjt kto(jldili II Vj t'o Wool(' ; I I I *0 ot otit ti,oeiib 61114wptkglv� ick hitt)POl tAU, to R&WOk nMosdo 0% SM41% 0CU04 Ili, Ill" thoWn tIJI fie"It Strlting fto poUlft 1564,,L4 0,041 *)OW 00 Of lifo, 'train Vio *,kids -like t 6 to, th6 , 6 lit. tAL Itilitiltimmu 9 'cApItAt dowli %iiAt to tilt)* d it I* t11600, Who 4100I lt1h IttI vigor, I wt" �� Uthim Vlos4r� toehit ,4 that, tUM10k6ka, X*6, hiffi, O( Viol L jjyAd jL6 jo;%'" to 0 & d U 10, Rolt r4o tht bo paid -III %106 1,0# AITLOht to lotovb .1 at, 6. lir, P111 " Y011AII, I4t 9 higboi 11,40 lyej�, VOU(�ttAbjlo Sluoke", Ylt aft jj I *34 O" 1, �. L 40 Alto ill $*Von WANOIAI IT of *#. I I Al tot 'O ". - , I L to 1A - thatshol 4I t**. now A, ta the, 411(t fat", WAII 00I for the J)et'�6 fiftLlitte' )AII, A* of 40 b4Vt6*6tsl:l soo6rid, 110 nAr tov, watiII P.WIA le L4. % - I 14" pq tilt ItidoAttfAl 01I ft. llt jill If W' �thkatldjj,. thle 04MC6010 As U6 touille for yftft' At L"t flVI I" "Jl-f, -WAOMMAI, A'jt1jg# "M J!Ao OtIt"I III woula ofttly 'A 'd It WoVkK ttt* III ftk *t lift 1-k Z wot* tilka ballig ftlI XlhI0tW,# 11 fta 0II, 3�pu 111I etkiloc ire) V**Ott of twi thAlI .144 too tow ok tuft U110 -it its lit to Ioul U-16vitit".,45fbeektilI YJI ths I 411400AL, �culb ........ . . V41. *Uttoklblo -0-6ith W tvalitr toAmw I it L 054, "Ant llak It I to tffo* liff tiWaI fhx,,h tayl #1k**gtI to I WINATI,% wril omt of tal INC '010 OOL O*f*'* i, *014 lift A"d IVI A1,1WA witv,WlAlt
*0 ~Awtlilll A t4tillo, vtry'lloworA.; tiliti 1.1,� KU lid bytoll, Tt.flbftAj 11111 *ll At It' ki w, THOSO E01001 watuteil t*'*h0%Stjt'jttkjjj I wo IIt ft *M*t' 111A ft 148t th %104ldheys IN" *It It 110 that out, ftlI rAli t , 4L II Iftli 0 wo 4I rool 0.jjA, Was 0% Not A fthtll; w6m to eft'Ar, **a tliiitlk AM 011 - - - - - - - - - - r sttoftil! X#t 151`111I tit," t1:01100i (a All td(Iktd#A ArA fX y,--3kjKVW t find 1I Ft tUIN W. iiAlItWil 604U 1 from F it" tu tZ III tOele VIAV* I*y ANuldato 11t *,dj*j. 'Will' W to sklo�, *A"tv Infth- Mr. oth , . .
Of' "it Is _1W1 AWIK tht WINK Ue7% '04 Ahi%kJI uniit w0t* _1104101i V lilt to, -4. U. j**6% XV& tit, - tobit oft, AT17' Mort- t"All'it ftft 00WIMUMA 641*1thIf t9thtlit Mft I ftofth OW11111hV11- iVOW", fkftfk st#ditbi W04-4-4, Fitt = I*y jl)tt# III rowsoer oft or, K V Rf*'410A A "t U.A.4ilI fait, it likilklos omit x1mill Apd ANGRIA."S 6". 'a a" ""IsK 1I V i* eft� W4W loft to the 'OnItad a SON06" nit All foq* 41 o**. *;=*%t tkII W iz *IU%M,ft,W"t# How, U X V9 A0000, fait *4I *t W, *I* abil% v4k" to, AN" 1014ft. ft* OLI It1ho odfilw(*. IIII au imil" ow , 1*0"y . ft# NfilitilIli 4 *#"WAS "*4 m 0tI%&1iiJI it to W" I** "Itk"illk wool t"OV0111 to 11tri mite" W41111011 R#466d k4kof. ftilkift 1, IK "M Noilitwilt tAW99N09 040� thila W *0 A in *1111,11, 1111"; t%* Kod to" low to kvk*w "I III af 4, *q%,61A 60 4% k c **'ft*$*. *Wh" L.- to," ft tl*t do"104 III 4"I d IA I 'W ftoll 0 Ck 20"L W *111, N* soft a" 664 A** 16 *4 ilk 4I foot% %ft 0, T. lilt (SU 6 It It whVIII (ft "t :W " 4, *ttd tww W *ft % Ufto"AI ). t * "Aillift tItA*,� 1W 1=061W = rvi 00 of #1 go-go", 00