HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-10-12, Page 4+ yp THE
.�v�ti•4 ' btlocate,
Chas, H. Sanders, Editor and Prop
illation is -really hastening the time
when there remains no eourt. but the
Ieated field and no arg nment but the
bullet, Prt'.eitlent Kruger and then.
Joubert have dealt with liberal al states-
zuen so long and ween sneli signal v ie-
tories that they faney that the Brit-
ish Lion is made to be l:ici;.t•d and Eng.
lishxmen to be taxed and plundered.
And all bee;tuse a sensele.e generosity
h Healing with men to whom the Lin-
er points of chivalry and honor att.
unknown. If a bl'etaaly war le: needed
to correct this, the ghosts of Briton
aantl Boer shondel wake sleepless the
night of more than one liberal .tate.-
elan for at their door lie:: the guilt.
OPexioxs ill teanni;+t: the C'omsert•e-
tine party rn office may differ both
among Mende and tintuineanis. but
there is litttte room for difien•enee when •
that party is in oppo ition, Sir Charles"
Tapper wilds a letter to Sir Wilfred
Laurier that he will gladly stee orn1 any
eikt)rt made by the tie)vernlatt nt,ttt ate
mow Imperial ?laity by sending a re;r;-
iz a nt to• the Cape eln.tab1 war ltre::k
out. On the other hand the- oppo••i-
tion in England. eontteiniri;; as it 11t1t',
the de:r wre, kagee taf .tt etati tstatd t:tne
Cabinets, through ;gr. Campbell Baan-.
nernnau and Sir \Vat. liaareottrt, are •
constantly 4emb:erl a. silo;.; tilt tiovta•n.
mem' by speeeelt and ileo in what they
call the interest of 1'•.t' e . It i- really
in the interest ot tsar MO the beet
friends of pe;tee are those lira _h pnrit�
who shout themselves 1eaz•t '•'rt h;ul.-
herl:antlanti.iing thea (er:ttat:, i11t0 ..-i-
tenet.. The Beer: t tra,ay that England
will yield anything rather than tight,
anti everything shit+ trend; to eon -
firm this idea :noting :in ignorant pop.
Roicks, barred, F. Williams, C. & D. ;work, S. Doupe, M. Creighton; tableTHE FORMa,1 (D PMI} (.
Baud; Dolmas, G-Bentlea Dark Broth. , or piano s anf, M• Crteighton, Mrs- ] L'
urns, C. & 1). Baird 1 and 2; Light 'Graham, pillow Shams li,, t'rt•iglitof,
Brahmins, J. Senior, C. & D. Baird; knitted lace, X. Creighton, Miss Hyde;
Black Spanish, C. &,, D. Baird, J. Sen- gentleman's c:ase,M. Brethoiar; woollen
• c Py
tor; Hatld,tn.., 3 letxiur, G. Bend shawl, Mrs, (:x.l:httin, M. Creighton; Cabinet Ministers Attend 'Chis.
White Leghorn•,, R. Doupe 1 and; 2; Afghans, Mrs Ferguson, E. Creighton
Breiwn I,,eghorus, C. & D. Band, F.collection of ladies work, M, Creighton
M. McCallum; novelties. M. Brethour,
M. 'McCallum.
Wiltittlns; Oanxe, C. & D. Baird, F.
Williams: Golden Polandie J. Senior,
G. Bently; turkeys, S. Doupe, D. Doupe;
(let' e, S. Doupe, 1), Dotipe; betel;., (_.
Bentley, F. \\ illiauis.
Fall wheat, white. Shier & Marshall;.
fall wheat, red, M. Brethour; spring
wheat. red. W. Hazelwood. 1), Breth-
our; large tette, 1). 13retholrr, M Breth-
our; common oats. white, I. Brethour
black oats, M. Brethour, D. Brethour;
large peas, 1). Brethour, 5. Doupe; tim-
othy seed. 1). 13n•etbour, M. Brethour:
white garden beans, ,1. Robinson, 3, Bon M., Jae, Beattie
Shire. turn A. Shire, M. Brethour; Pat, 1 Snell,
small peas, 31. Beeth sur. W. Hazel., Topsey 31..1). MeLarty,
Time., Wer and Louis Tone, of the pey)ara-
FRU FRUIT. Cour RACE, g:Aux. meat of Railways and, camels, anti a
:Ll'PL,'�..e,•--Northtrn Spies, G. Lead- Elsie Wilkes, re Hicks 1 1 party of newspaper men, went to the
stone; Ben Davis. P. D. Switzer; Tal- Surety. \\'m. Irvine. 2 2 scene. The new canal is. net to that
man :;tweets, 3. Allison: Baldwins, (ar. Tiallt'; 3.i)1. at the Sault, the mos: connlllete in
I.eatdstoine; Snow. J. Allison; Rhode Iaict ele z:nee. A anile, --\\'in, Y,rown, 'forth Aancriee, and, perhaps. in the
Island Greening-, 11, Norris: King of ('has. Pettit. John Kirk, Harvey Rob- world- It is expected that al. fte't.
Tompkins. ti. Leaatietone:','0-oz Pippins, , Insole vessels may be taken through the
P D. Switzer: Ribston Pippins.P. D. -•_ Canal this year. The electric plant is
Switzer; (*oldenItus its, P. D. Switzer;�d sRifle. not yet installed, eonsenin ntly much
Calvert*, J. Shier; Duchess of Olden -of the work has to be done by hand -
burg. J. Allr'on; collection apples, Y. Rat portage, Out., Sept 4.....4/031, power. The locks are 270 feet by
1). Switzer: Crab, NV. (.air, A. Breth- Larson, a Norwegian, ctlpmnitted salt- a 4o. wtth I:i feet tan the allure Mils -
our. pinatas. J. iRobertannn, A' Dura e: eine in his rinun on South Main street The :valfls t)f the lticka alta •l1 felt
hal /items, Mary Met'allttrax+a\V. , at as few minutes pita 7 o'clock tips' high, the total lift being 8J4e, feet.
I ►t,ey , winter e'Avs \V. \-t. a nxan, .I.A. good deal of salt i :t act:on rias e', -
p morning. He placed the butt of the
:oilir: open :alt ge,m,,,s, ,1. Itullinsea, barrel peau Iii, bed arta ?tall Ow sun pressed at the quality of the stone-.
S. Poop.. , , by I1re-.}n" a sties;. against the trigger, work of the guard pies Red the firs('
r yi'IecIAL . -\1 an lt•11 111u.1t, 11, Nal" . The eliter,ge eute•rtel his body near the lock. ys'hieh is a b,•aant gal bit of
x 1\ cellar, 11, :stories.t .luauict heti, atl,dutmen r:uttiitlg:llulust distant tltath. work. A great cleat of n art: is still
t 11. Norrie: Rambo, G. I e:ul•tUnt'; 13'11 _lrecessnry. but wh4'at tis„ tanaa\I is tin-
t !tom tee U. I.ead.toute Wagner, Web- TIMt:atPU .T1( ST i''i.ali;1T that the 7 fished, as has been yalitf, t+. will be a
art•!' &Co.I). e1: I. menth„1 lInstor i's doing : ` unagnificeut bit of Work. There are
VEtiETA 13I.1.'. gm:a deal to elleviatee neuralgia and `. avebie;hnaar bridges te"'r the canal.
)-Hund:-RurlaNow1'orkel•, M, rht•umatistat Is 1) t' *ti inion fact-, The' whit 1 ate alt 4- a=:en value- Ttnu..
Bn the n W. 11:tzlewinelt Pearl of I). &. L. Plaster never fait, to soothe there is no nal edintent to tear teat ion
savory, \V. IIazhewuetl.,1. suthmund; ;ante quickly (etre. ;1lanntaetured by,, in the ehannel•
t'iatl 1• o Hebron, an'l. ort ut , • 1,; •' t'o.. Ltd.
• C'olleetiou of house plant;;, 3. Robin-
son, R. Hoskin; geraniums, A. Robin-
son, J. Robinson; fuchsias, S. Doupe,
J. Robinson: caeti* J. Robinson, S.
Doope; rare plaits, J. Robinson, ' -J.
Judges. --bliss A. Hogarth, Itnssel-
dale, Miss Loaise Rud, Granton.
Function on Monday,
Next to That at the Sault, the Sou-
lan aeu camel to the !goat Com-
plete la North, 4oaterieo, rer-
ttap.. 1R the wort et-Sxze oL
the Loei:s.--1'latta for
Ottawa, Oct. TR. .The Soulannges
1 1 1 ':anal was formally opened yesterday.
'-1 • "poen Iron. Messrs. Blair. Tarte and.
3 :; 3 Fielding. Messrs. t'olline a; ood Sehre'•i.
Favored with excellent weather, the
annual fall fan. held here on Friday
last. was it great ea•eee-.. The' ertewd
was large and while the entries were
nut So- flunnvr.lus a. last year. what it
lacked in quantity wag made up in
quality. The show of hot sec wag
splendid and also that of •toil;, Fol-
lowing isthe prize Iist. viz: -
HEAVY Dxt.O.rt11aT --- Brutal nettle, 1 wo
year --old and foal,Adam Smith; .pan.
Sohn :tn•liogast. Jas. 1laekuey. 3. L.
Dow; two ;teai•-oiel,.11, Roadhouse, 11.
Norris, J. 51s41 lek4•l; yearling, Albert
At.iCle•t'LTUii-tI --Span. 3. Netller-
eott. 3. Haekue'y i Lre r til mitre, J. AO)*
gest: two-year-old, Webster .t ('o.. S.V.
tiilflllitrl, 1). Hazelwood; yearling. J,
Arbogast, 1), Foster. J. Allem foal, J.
(xn`ERAL Pt'I(PosE-ti ran, T. Collin -
house, J. Hannah, \Vat. Leigh; brood
:mare, R. I3irteh: two-year-old. R. (I•.
• Ratcliffe, Kirkby Robinson. Shunts &
\Ir' ' 4, yearling, It. I3irte,h. D. Foster.
J, Sutherland: foal, R. Birtch. T. Cargo
\\ Leigh.
ROaDaTERi+.-Span, J. hackney. A.
Cunningham; brood maze, G. Hunt. J.
Nethercott; two-old,-olcl, iV it . Han-
an; yearling, \'4'; Hanson; foal. Nom
Kirkby, John Eortheot t. single horse,
J, Poilawkoski, Joe. Spear.
(':tRniat i•'.--Slnen. 3. Steitnacker, J.
'Watson; brood mare, R. Henderson,
S Kirkby; two-year-oln, R. He•ncler'son
A.Martin; yearling;, R. Berry. J. E.
Dow; foal. R. 1ie'rnlerson, 3.` Taylor;
single hor•.e, Miss M. Creighton.
BULLS. --Two-year-old Durham. G.
Bentley, Angus Brethour.
THOROrORI3nED 1)t•h•t31�r5.-Mihell
vow, w. ()liv( r. J. Hannah. 0. Bent-
Iey; yearling heifer. S. A. Shire: hall
calf and heifer calf. O. Bentley.
JERSSY.-Milch caw. R. Fletcher, C.
(bats, two-year-old heifer, R. Fletcher
C. Coats; yearling heifer, R. Fletcher.
('. t'oat.S; `heifer calf, R. Berry, C.
AYRSHIRE -Mika +.•tits. A. Robin:on
W. Oliver: taw,-veair-e,ltl heifer, R.
Robinson: bull etif, \Vin. Oliver; hei-
fer calf, W. Oliver. A. Robinson.
GRADE.-Mileh cow. J. Sutherland;
t ""� U 1 ear -old heifer, W. Oliver; year-
ling heifer, ). Sutherland.1V. Oliver:
heifer calf, J. Sutherland, Silas Shier;
steer calf, J. -Sutherland; two-year-old
steer, A. -Robinson: yearling steer, 3.
Sutherland 1 and "d; fat cote, 3. Hazel-
wood 1 and 2.
LEICESTER -Ram, T. Currley & Son,
Geo. Penhale; yearling ram, T. Curr -
ley 1 and L; ram lamb, T. Currley, 0.
• Penhale; ewes, 0. PenlnaIe, T. C:au r : y.
shearling ewes, G. Penhale, T. Currley;
ewe lambs, G. Penhale, T. Currley.
LntcoLNs,-Rare, • Louis Goodwin;
yearling ram, L. Goodwin, Wm. Duns -
ford; ram lamb, W. Dunsford, L.Gnod-
win; ewes, L. Goodwin, W. Dunsford;
Shearlingewes, L. Goodwin, W. Duns -
ford; ewe lambs, L. Goodwin, W.
GRADE. -Ewes, G. Bentley; sherling
ewes, G. Bentley 1 and 2; ewe lambs,
G. Bentley, W. Dunsford; fat sheep,
T. Currley, G. Penhale.
I3 t I Ii t \\' 1I 1 1 F tin' I)ttr.0. ntai.nt. 0 l t(i
U. )V) xtla•1•; White Elephant, D. Roger I ore TRADE WiTll 111.1T N.
• 1, i'rtiuhatrt: Rose. )1. I3r•etllitir, J. Suicide Near Petel'boio# •lirlttati Itaard of Trade Retorts* tear
Hazlewood; Maggie Murphy, Win.? Moe Mouths.Moore; any other variety, 5, Doupe, I eterbnro, Cott.9.----On SSaiilitia)1
J. Urquhart; eolle•etion potatoes. W. ; t•vt'ning Mrs. Catharine Johnston. .1 l Montreal, Oct. ltn._.,Z'h.' Star pith -
Wiseman, O. Bartley; 'cft•tedisla tura lad' fifty-three sans', of age re;idillg,, fishes the foUotvia:; s ..t. tt m1,1,,
nips, Mies Ilvtlt•, S. Volpe: field e.er. at Downers Corners near tow, whilte from London
rot:, W. Switzer, 3. Sutherland; gar-ina, despondent condition front ill- The British Board of Trade reenna,
den carrots. Shlear l Marshall. i shall. J. t e• 1 health. took: larr. (1,5/amity at Pal eat• fpr the past lune moot I, sinot\' 110•
Shier; globe rmangtdd. J, t'a•ttatli:art. J, in great agony. 1.14)d 11 t ruefully ; ports from Canada': Sheep £;E1,s(to.
\surras; ()pious \i'. \\-i-tent:ul,J. \Iml-°.at:atehcvl, (mum to threatsof
entehlt wheal £:i;13,t)U0 wlefat flour • £r366.-
r;ay: blood beets. 1, Shier. J. Sather. she 4ay.ld('tl the vigilance of the nuts‘' Luau. hams Xi►11,0(11, but ter t4l:n.0411)
land; turnip beets, 'tv. Hazlewootl,' employed to watch her. , cheese g144.000. sawn wooer. £x'111.- �q► �i �'
shier &: ' I:u;sll:all; e;tbb ire. M. Breth- �- - telt1. The chief derrea'. - are : l'eaY 1 R E AS U P E OF Ir.!
our. .1. t'rl nlr:trt; tomatoes. M. Bretb- TBE D. & t.. RMt'i.Sit1\ or eon LIVER :' £103,000, maize £•J:t1molt. /wee
` our, A. Shire: etelerv, J. Urquhart: tut. will build yon up, will make volt' £•,•4o Hutt eggs 211 ottu titin gene
ltuluu3; red xmxngatkl, J. 1rttultart, `, i httlie acid and diet a eat/ hoar.. after• ; renown% increases iu Briii.h
nonrulet', ;u•unnnuPape pnnurnnasnv 1.nr•u
similating IheroodandReguta-
ltlltl the S.tomactts enamels of
,01,'" -,AA AA
PrprI¢te s T1gestioJl,Cbeerful-
Ile s aildR st.GAlltaiills neither
OpiuiitMorplline nornee,ratl,
NOT -NAB citT> O,
.7 .PF torn 7L••.l imaPllrr
Mao :tea-
,atnr{a�'id c
Alleged -Reme(t for Cons%i -
OSoar $too ch,Diarrt a.
WOrms,CQQY UUsIQUU.Femisil''
Yiess and Los or i ,lwl;,PA
Taesi.tnile Signature or
W A5�# I
THAT 1:11S
oa Ux
Cate:iaa i; int up is ceeeha bstt:et o;lly. It
is uc; said to b:'.'G. ilva't a..:e' aayene to a:clt
ye; coy;»tea else ca Vie, plea or Tavel -lee abet It
i5 "leak cs gc.i" asd. "will ezeisee 'vale ger,
evaa." -0t7• 2fe tl est you gs; tl•aa•E-'T fi+13•I.1t.
;t:a Enos
r14 -10.--t
I�la ea
long; t xt.ron,J, ;Sutherland. J. Urquhart ` fit and stealthy. Especially btent•11. mi ; Ofite itt'ut ^wood $.1,1l.0411). -
round citreln, W. Wiseman, ;Maar\' me, to those who are '• all run down.",alniut:li,
Callum; pumpkin. W. IlazIewnoil, A. i \Iannfaetured by the Davis & l.aw.1 The chief increases in British es-
' Robinson; watermelon. R. Fletcher. I I'enl'e Co., 1 -td. a pores to Canada are: Spirits £1:,,titnt.
W. Wiseman; lmu•k1na lttn. M. McC al -� - --- ,
itliza. M. 13re•th4rttr: parsnips, . J, Cn- ! COtton piece hourly .e.:13.000, intern
1 I The Surprise is Ont. i piece gowls £1£t,1uu, Wonlurt tissttt'S
~_--°-^ £1.1,000, railroad iron and steel
Partieubtrs8ree just to hand of the £108,(100, tin plates £10,UUta, tm-
new �1'enlitunsfor subscribers of that , wrought steel £;1u,uttlt.
IMPLEMENTS. wont (TN paper `•Tire Mundy Herald The driest decreases were: Worsted
1'0) buggy. I). -\lel tits. W. Babb;
9 rand \\`eekly Star." of Meltrtre;tl. it ` tist.ttes .£:12,(tu(n, apparel 4arei etnd slops
1 �'-" eat )'eau:' that to mark the cud of the i 1 t
open buggy, D. \It+i,atx•ty, road ("art, 11 £t;l.(}11p, a artltettware £;1-l,utr0.
\G'.Mrliei.trott: Portland cutter,\V,\he. 1'4entury the lttthllshei.a are giving their
• Lally, , \\', 0 il1b; piano lee\ cutter,'ts .. sttltscriber:a this Season two aced, I MRS. Y(0(,.1 TIS S["ICtil&;S.
Bat, It", Bvnwn; farm wagon,. D. lit._ beautiful piet area intend of (tire EIS in
1 'tett': iron beaam plow. A, Brethour 1 fnrtna'r year.•. '1 hV two) deelde'el 4,n attic , X tSroela'I Ilte 'Widow Who Was said
that fa iiuu• battle pietine to Alruli ( to llayc Bcett Jixtetl
and a beautiful peace. picture entitled
'•Pussy Willows. Yearly subscribers 1 Brockville, Oct. 10.••-•3Irs. Rogers,
get theta berth. 11 this is not :t dollar's a ,'oung; woman who bald been at
Maple .agar, K. Dc►upe..S. Doupe: worth, we want to know. The «'1.tunny ' widow so: years and had supported
maple syrup, Mrs. 0. Is enlp, \i. I rt'th- Herald and Weekly Snoar 'll:is also been her baby boy by }seeping a boarding
etir; hoose -made bread, S. Shire, A. increased to 24 pages -102 coltttnfse house. suicided Sonia\' afternoon
Robinson: home made shirting, M. every issue, representing a hook 411:115
Brethonr. E. Creighton: placid all wool, pages, Think of al There should be `
M. Jamieson; wool blanket;,,, 13. ('reei; h- a great scramble to get on the "Fain -
ton: ration lalankeets.le: ('reighton.31x5. ily Herald and Weekly Statr'suhscrip•
J. D. Graham; ('anadtan tweed d smut, thin lists this \'Farr.
bluer & Marshall, Malcoltn ('happell; _ ... �, _-
honev, Cr. Bently; extract honey. 0. i lecni)I:y emu. often means sudden
I3entle•y, Shier & Marshall; canned illness. Pain Killer is all Hint is need-'
fruit ---peaches. E. Creighton; plums,
H. Norris, A. Shier; pears, E. Creigh-
ton; cherries, s, E. Creighton. 31 I3reth-
(tmr•; gooseberries. M. Brethour, straw-
ber'i•ies, P. C'reigeton, M. Brethom; -ea- I
raspberries, M. Brethour, E. Creighton; Strunk by a Train. 1
tomatoes. W. Hazehvoad„I, Urquhart ___
jelly. A. Robinson. 5. Doope, roller- Oakville, Oct. 5. -Mr. John Ion. a
tion pickles. J. Robinson, lir.. Kemp. highly respected farmer 1) yea1' of
Photographs. Jos. Senior, \% ebster t4 age, residing about It nii14' from this
J1Sc Senior; portrait. ; eolleetum lmttr,eyontc\\XPi tE r)c' PIetceevn' sti ne kan(1 instantly killed Lc•
Co., Jacob Taylor: latntelsea )e, crayon,the westbound G. T. R. express train Bralcen,an THos. Baker Run ')ver..
J. Taylor; light harness, 111 t•v hon.due hereat S.30 this morning. to ggc. air. Ion s
t, had been at the station to get leis nun.- « Cornnall, Oct. 10. -Thomas Tinker
ness and single borne«. J. 'Fat .lox'; Hing paper :133(1 "cap returning home of AIoittreal, a brakeman on board a
eoilectinti stuffed birds; ,Vat. Brown; along the track. He was iu the teethe fill
train in charge of Conductor
ail painting, W. Brown; collection of the bridge, whic•li is about. two hila.. iiavenport. fell heti\ eon the curs near
«photo views, J. Senior; baker's eollec- drecl sorrels in length, when his atteett_ ('itrditutl yesterday auarning and had
; tion. R. Hoskin, 1). C. Jamieson. tion WEIS called to the rapidly approach- }tis leg run over. 114' was brought to
Judges, --I'. D. Moore, H. C . Tracey. ing Crain. \Ir. Ion starred el to run. but Corn wall by the engine, which was
I D.:,lIIY. Wats caught about four feet from the uncouples}, and conveyed to filo Gen
end and hurled twenty feet stzik ilsg :t eral Hospital. whore the liar was am-
end Five pounds hitter, Is.. Doope, S. ' ` `(p
post and breaking it. The train, which. notated. lit: lost a groat. yuuutit.y of
does not stop here, and was running . blood, and is in a critical condition,
I LADIES' WORK. at a. high rate of speed stopped and
f Dinner•mats, M. Creighton, E ('neigh- picked up the body, talking it to the The Yacht Mace,
• ton; table centre piece, M. Jamieson, station, One leg, one arm and the 'NISI' New 1 ork, Oct. 10. -The fourth
i M. Creighton; tray cloth, E. ('neigh- of the sktill were broken. Coroner
attempt to settle the first race for
• ton, M. McCallum: table dorlts, Mrs. Williams decided that ata }acme st "Rats the America's Cup will start. at 11
( Graham, M. Creighton; netting, M. unnecessal•y. 31t• Ion "vas ain ex-to"wn o'clock to -day. The course will be
Jamieson, M. Creighton; button holes, councillor and prominent in Method:sr. 15 miles to •tvindwarci or leeward of
E. Creighton, M. Jamieson; Dresden circles of this plaice. the Sandy Hook lightship and re-
work, Mrs. Gr•ahain, M. Creighton; 'a turn. A result being reached to -day,
painting on any kind material, E. Telot)SANDS OF CANADIANS can t'otleh the triangular course for the second
Creighton, M. Jamieson, machine sew far the of G4LCY of that pee les's cough race will be sailed on Thursday; and
ing, r11. Jamieson, Mrs. Graham; hand remedy, Pym\' -Pectoral. It cures a thereafter the yachts will race daily
sewing, Miss Hyde, E. Creighton; cold very quickly. LC1t. of illi cling- until one boat has won thrice.
laundered shirt, collar and etitEs, E. gists. Manufactured by the propi•ie-
Creighton•.dar•nedstockings, Mrs. Gra-
ham,Davis' E. Creighton; counterpane cro-
cheted, M. Creighton, A. Shier; coun-
terpane knitted, M. Creighton, Mrs.•
cltthart, W. liazlexoud; hest squash,
\Vitus. Hatzseewtotl, Walter Hazlewood.
Sinee't.vr.---Sugar beet, W. .Switzer.
Yo tx simuss.--Aged boar, W. J.
Walkom, R. Birtch; aged sow, R.
Birtch,W. Walkom; spring boar, W.
Walkom, C> Fahner;- spring sow, SS .
Walkom, L. Goodwin.
Hadgert, aged sow and spring boar, A.
Hodger't; spring sow, A. Ilodgert 1, '2.
BERKSRIREs.-Aged boar, 3. Dun-
bar, S. Doupe; aged sow, R. Birtch, C.
Fahner; spring boar, L. Goodwin, C.
Fahner; spring sow, 0. Fahner, d'.Dun-
TaMwo.Tas.-Aged boar, L. Good-
win; aged sow and spring boar, D,
Douglas, C. Palmer; spring sow. L.
Lnngshangs, C. & D. Baird, Frank
Williams; White Piymonth Rocks, 0,
.411 Baird, F. Williams; Plymouth
and 2: straw cutter and scalier. 0.
Maxwell & Son.
ed to ward it raft, Unequalled for,
cramps and diarrhoea. Avoid sub-
i4 itutes, tiara' is but one Palin -Killer,
Perry I)nviti 2)(. met 50e,
after a quarrel with one of her for -
liter lodgers, a mans named Hamel,
who canto' from Tomato.
Hamel had courted Mrs. Rogers for
some time, and they were believed to
be engaged to marry, until recently
Hanel was reported 115 aheult to used
another, where'uptul Mrs. Rogers said.
she would shoot hint first. Yesterday
Hamel "vent to her hoose. and they
held a heated discussion, she drew a
revolver. nod he raised a n'indow,
dropped out and called 111' police.
]Fearing arrest and disgrace, Mrs.
Rogers hurried to the river and jump-
ed in. Tire body was recovered yes-
terday morning. An inquest will be
A serious accident occurred on the
G.T.R. at Ste. Anne's, where pate, of a
Kemp; patchwork quilt, 14I. Brethour;
freight train jumped the track on the
best quilted quilt, Miss Hyde, J. Shier; bridge that spans the Ottawa River,
and five
crazy patchwork, Mrs. Graham, Jas, cars were precipitated into
the river.
Robinson; hand -made gloves, M.
Creighton, Miss Hyde; hand made
stockings, M. Creighton, M. Jamieson;
hand made socks, M. Jamieson, M.
Creighton; ladies' underclothing, M.
Creighton, Mrs. Grill:Milt applique
work; M. Creighton, M. Brethour; ar-
rasene work, 112. Creighton;Roman
embroidery, M. Creighton, M. Breth-
our; Venetian embroidery, M. Creigh-
ton, Mrs. Gxaham; slippers embroider-
ed, M. Creighton, M. McCallum; slip-
pers knitted, Mrs. Graham, M. Creigh-
ton; crochet work in cotton, 31. Creigh-
ton, M. McCallum; crochet work in
wool, M. Creighton, .Mrs. Graham;
jewel case and pincushion combined,.
M. Brethour; sofa pillow, M. Brethour,
M. McCallum; toilet mats, M. Creigh-
ton, M. McCallum; covex'lee, E. Creigh-
ton., M. Jamieson; child's dress, E.
Creighton; Berlin wool work, M.
Creighton, E. Creighton; rag mat, . F.
Pri.cl'iam, R. Robertson; home made
carpet, K. Doupe, J. Robinson; paper
flowers, M. McCallum; tea cosy, M.
Brethour, 141. Creighton, bead wox'k,
M. Creighton, B. Creighton; drawn
Robbed the Grave.
A. startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliv,ere of Philadelphia, was the
subject, is narrated by him as follows:
I was in a most dreadful condition.
31y skin was almost yellow, eyes sun-
ken, tongue coated, pain continually
in back and sides noappetite-grad-
ppetite gr< c
a - a l-
ually growing weaker clay by day.
Three physicians had given me up.
Fortunately, a friend advised trying
" Electric Bitters; and to my great
joy and surprise, the first bottle made
a decided improvexnent. I continued
their use for three weeks, and aro now
a well man. I know they saved my
life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try
there. Only 50 ,cents a bottle, every
bottle. guaranteed, at any Drug Store.
Children Cry for
Grand Vizier's Son Shot,
Constantinople, ' Oct. :1.0.-Bjarid
Bey, son of Hall llifal Pasha, the
Grand Vizier, was assassinated on
the Galata Bridge yesterday by an
Albanian, who fired four shots from
a. revolver. The murderer was ar-
Deadly. Result of Typhoon,
Yokohama, Oct. 10. -While a ty-
phoon was raging Saturday a train
was blown from a bridge pito the
river near Utsunomiya: Six persons.
were killed and many injured. Great
damage, ,was clone to property and
' National League Rasohall'
Yesterday's Games.
Washington 8, Baltimore 6.
Washington 2, Baltimore 9.
Philadelphia 8, Boston 1.
St. Louis ,6, Cincinnati 4.
St. Louis 6, Cincinnati 6. (6 in,
called.) . <
Yellow Jack at Iey West.
Key West; Fla., Oct. 10. - There
were 24 new cases of ;Yellow feverre-
ported yesterday and three deaths,
F(e)lt T..t1,1 5.
By virtue of warrant, tender time multi of the Warden and Seal of tette Cot.
poration of the County of iluron, dated the ::1~•t day 4,f .Sugn,t, Veep, alma
mantling me to levy Minot the lands hereinafter de.crilted, fee. the 01'1 MIA ,tt
taxes rt'spet'tiyely rite thereon. together tt'ith ('tees. notice le itt't't'by
that 1U114'ss Sntch, taxes and ('tt.t't are .sooner paid. I ,h:ail in r'r=tupllant't' with
the Consolidated Asse:ssuietlt Ave. eh;►pter 221, 1i.S.(1, lett;, pror4'tel to sell b
It1111114' auction the said lands or sit nnne'h thereof as may be naeet•.s.ary te, tl .•
charges the saint, at the Court IIot1.e, in the Town t'f t4a,derir•h. 4•1/
T('1.S1)AV, TIIE ,illi: I).1Y OF 1)Et•iimli141t. 1s0,'
at 2 o'clock in tate afternoon.
Part of
Part of
Smith part
Part of
No. ofC'ott or No. el Patented or
Acre,. t'araatemtrti. Tam.... Co.ts.('te Total
4 4133. D. 51) Patented 821.211 $ .;5 $23.14'
Lot ±tr,•t t,
113 ti B. I). 7.1 Patent,'(1 24,71 :."".e;i 2te 1°
10 llnithtlld 70 12.49 2,31 14,e0
TOWNSHIP OF 00011(11'11.
). _ 1
H i 1 :3
13. Patented # .i.
Maitland 15 " 11.4:' :.',�:3n 1.:'i.7e,
:i.1t 2,54 5.
5.13 2.25 7.0*
3 Main St., S. Patented 5.713 2.2:1 11.01
T'ar't of 25 (} 511 Patented
McConnell Surtsey 1) Block B. a' Patented
County Treasurer's office,
Goderich, Aug. 211, 1ti919.
W\1. I11.31.M145,
Co. Treasurer.
���y�; �I
fBPlh '.�'�
. AAAA. r: L yla ,u •, '°�:I�h:Ill,a.>
This beautiful pocket knife with two blades will be given to any young lady
for giving away among her friends twenty-five little books. These books are
not to be sold but given free to friends.
Write us a post -card with your address, and we will send you books post-paid.
ONE iv,
Young, Middie Awed R ®id Mon
F you are suffering from any compiica-
iii of the Sexual System, Bladder,
O Kidneys, Blood or Nerves, consult us `V
At at once. We cure all weakness, Nervous
A)Waste, Secret Losses, Nightly Drains, Sex -
A) ual Decline, and ;stake marriage possible. \
� ,Rich or Poor -One Dollar.
t We guarantee to cure -Varicocele, Emis• w
Bions, Stricture. Gleet, Syphilis, impotency, (1)
i Unnatural Discharges, all Private. Nervous and (
(n Delicate Diseases of Men and Women. Con- ip
saltation Free. Question List tor Home Treat- w
ment Free -Books Free. ag
47 Michigan avenue, iN
00111111 DOCTORS
iDetroit, Mach- yl
Goderich tp: Mr, 'Will Jenkins, the
bandcutter at Mr. Joe Jervis' thresh-
ing her: the misfortune to cut an art-
ery in his wrist.
(Jliuton: Mr. 3. J. McLaughlin of
the Base Line, has sold his 111 -acre
farm. to Lindsay Bros., sons of MrF:¢
James Lindsay, of Goder•ieh tp. Mr. '
McLanglan's price was $5,000.
Clinton: Mr. S. Wilson's back shop
was broken into Friday night and a
quantity of rubber, brass and hair sto-
len. 11•Ir. Wilson had a big suspicion
as to the thieves and in company with
Chief Wheatley he 'followed certain'
parties 13S far as Exeter but the stolen
property has not been located
rta: a`. ;ik`r3iazis?I..,eati i. .l,.lt fc g
Ctl8E ALL YOUR 1'AT118 ;:1 11
A¢ bi
�' a'YY'YN ��,, yY�,t ' '1 t<;i.'�^y 'Ti ' a •
h i ,
Medicine Cheat ,1:+<ti9,
;t,4 Sl,rtalr4, Snia'a:td quick
25 and 1150 cent T..ttiosr. g r
WY ONLY THE GF-h:.ai`lF+..