HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-10-5, Page 6IL ePe elabseribers who do not receive their paper 'tegu.larly will please notify us at once. lied at dale ,dace for advertising rata.,, TIE EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1899 An Odd Assortment. The too frequent use of greasy prep- arations on the face will causea growth of down. A valuable lotion for strengthening the color of the hair and useful in re- tarding its turning gray is made of four ounces of bay ram and one ounce of sulphur. Some of the largest jewelry houses its London have immense mirrors be- hind the counters, so that when they tun their back upon a customer they can see if he transfers any gems to his pockets, The Arabs assert that they were the first to make butter. The method was strangely discovered. It was their habit to carter wilk in skins, on the backs of camels, The steady jog- ging of the animals churned the milk into butter. Explosive gelatine is far more de- structive than dyilaluite, A shell containing 113 pounds of explosive gelatine, lodged in a 1 -inch projec- tile weighing 1,029 pounds, was re- cently fired from an ordinary service gun at the government proving growzds. A shell of this kind explod- ing in the hull of the largest battle- ship would rend the vessel to atonia. Russia eta$women 29a nen pharmacists. The least troublesome and most pro= Stable animal to raise in this country is the sheep. Be There a WW, 17isdoni Points the Way.—The sick man pine, for relief but be dislikes sending for the doctor, which Inane battles of drugs never consumed. Ile hit'+ Clot the re,t]iclt'.tm to load Ids stomach with compounds which smell vill'.ana+,ts'y and taste worse. But if he leave the wee to dein himself with his mimes,, ww:atom will abet' hie attention to P.atnenee' i Vegetcalne Pais. which, as a sweetie for exclave: atilt mutt fie orders of the digestive organs. hare stn equal, Not a Wheel I:rttltnsi:ast. There is at least one C'aluadian editor who dtws not like the bicycle, and is not baa'kward in : aying so. From the tone of his remarks it appears as if he had triad to ride the machine and couldn't. But just hear hint : "These bladder -wheeled bicycles are diaboli- cal devices of the demon of darkness. They are contrivances to trap the foot of the unwary and skin the nose of the innocent. They are full of guile and deceit. When you think you have broken one to ride and have subdued its satanic nature, behold it buck. eth you off in the road and teareth a great holt in year pants. Look not upon the bicycle when it hloweth up its wheels, for it bueketh like a bronco and hurteth yon like thunder. Who hath skinned legs? Who hath a bloody nose? Who Lath ripped breeches? They that daily along with a diabolical bicycle." A. dose of Miller's Worm Powders occasionally will keep the children lleatlthy. ( The Doctor Ordarod It. How frequently we hear the excuse for not abstaining: "The doctor orders me wine." The following story goes to show that even medical men can, err: As a husband and wife were crossing a London thoroughfare the man was knocked down; his injuries being serious, he was placed on a shutter and borne to a neighboring hospital. At the door stood a surgeon. "Ah, poor fellow," said he"he's dead." "No, o, I'm not," replied the pian. "Be quiet, George," broke in the wife, "the doctor knows best!" By their action on the Stomach, Liv- er and Bowels, Miller's Worm Powders correct all such troubles as lack of Ap- petite. Biliousness. Drowsiness, Sallow Complexion, etc.: nice to take. • Hard Luck or an Editor. Here are some of the terrible things which, according to a country ex- change, are likely to befall a delin- quent : Last week a delinquent sub- scriber said he would pay up Saturday if he lived. He's dead. Another said, "I'll see you to -morrow." He's blind. Still another one said, "I hope to pay yon this week or go to the 'old boy.' " He's gone. There are hundreds who ought to take warning by these procrastinators and pay up their subscriptions now. Ask for Minard's and take no other. English Lords to Trade. Lord Londonderry carries on a coal yard. The Marquis of Bute owns a vine- yard that he profits by commercially. Lord Sudeley turns many an honest penny out of jam. Lord Harrington has a fruit store at Charing Cross, London, where the fruits and dowers grown on his estate are offered for sale. Oh, men how your complexion has im- proved. Yes, Miller's Compound bon Pills did it. Seal: Oil: Tee Crean. A favorite dish with the Eskimo is an ice cream made of seal oil, into which snow is stirred until the desir- ed consistency has been obtained; then frozen berries of different kinds are added, with a little of the fish egg for flavoring. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- efeend Irma Pills, DOINGS OF THE WEEK IT¢mi OF INTEREST FROM AROUND THE WORLD .t'ruese, punctuated. and }'reserved ilk Pithy paragraph* , for the Perasal 'of Praetieal People — Personal, Political and Erodtabio, TIM DEAD. General Brault, 'who succeeded Gen- eral lenouard as chief of the general staff No. 4, 1.89S, is dead. While carding his oxen on Thursday at Rossway. near Digby, N.S., Ken- neth H;tteeld, aged 21, was attacked by bleeding at the nose, and died while attempting to <reach his house. enietE AND ORI3I.IATAI.S, 0. B. Byland killed his wife and his brother and then temaniitted sui- cide at Walla Walla, Wash, to Fri- day. The ringleader of the band of high- waymen who stole ,12,000 on Sept_ 12 while it was in tr ailsie to a large bank in London, has been arrested. Burglars went through about six stores at Boiesevain, Man. They seemed to have keys to nearly every one of the buildings. They got little ,coney. Thomas Stead, the Ottawa Lien who was recently convicted en harge.: burglarizing the house of Chari(t, ;i, Moss, has been given three years Kingston Penitentiary. Because he would not give a dollar to two unknown men who asked his,. James McDonald of Torouto, ww as robbed and murderously assaulted. late on Friday night within 1200 yards of bis home. a McCallum S. Phila- delphian. Captain scall lit of the S. T" lila- delpliian. has been committed for trial for ulansiitughter at Quebec. He gave bail, himself in $2000, and two sureties in a similar amount each, to appear before the court on Oct, 20. Aledall Richard, an Assyrian, 78 years of age. was sentenced to peni- tentiary for life at Montreal en tit- urday° by Justice Ouinmet, he having been convicted of erinninal assault upon a girl 17 years of age, of tat, Hubert, Que. I;'NCI,ASSIFUID. The International t'aligregoatonal Colwell is in session et Bt' tort, The estate of Mr. 9Mowee, the Stratford private tat.ker. is 'tat ex- pected to pay more than 25 eaents on the dollar". It Is announced in Dublin that the Muck Ross estate, embracing the Lakes of Killarney, will bo sold at auction. Nov. 20. Storekeepers in the Rub de Chal,rol, Paris, demand $C;0.(0,, from the Gov- ernment tie cottllxmsation for their loss of business during the siege of Jules Guerin's house. The members of the French Medical Mission, which was scant to Lisbon to investigate the bubonic Plague. announce that so far nobody inocul- ated with Y ersin's anti -plague serum bas died. lex-President Gen, Igen. Harrison is still arguing before the Anglo-Vene- zuelan nglo-Veno-zuelan Boundary Arbitration Com- mittee in Paris. Thursday he claiin- ed that Great Britain had never claimed more than the Dutch had, and that the latter's claim was mucin less than any Iine now suggested by DTI Min. Mrs. Ezra Hook, who resides with her husband in Gainsborough Town- ship, near Silverdale, on Thursday morning took her infant child and threw it into the well, and, without saying a word to any person, wan- dered to the home of her mother, four miles from the scene of the tra- gedy. She told all about the deed when questioned. The woman is un- doubtedly insane, but an Inquest will be held. An inquest on the drowning of the infant child of Ezra Book of Silver- dale, was held Saturday afternoon before Coroner Comfort. The jury returned a verdict stating that the child came to its death by being thrown into the well by the mother, who did so in afit of temporary in- sanity. Mrs. Book will be removed to an asylum. October 12 has been fixed for the hearing of the Exchequer Court case of the Queen v. The British Ameri- can Bank Note Company. In this matter the Government claims heavy damages from the defendant firm for alleged breach of contract, but the firm replies that the Government of the day was cognizant of and party to any departure from the strict letter of the contract, the spirit of the contract having been lived up to. CASUALTIES. A harvest hand named Thompson from near Woodstock, Ont., was bad- ly injured by a threshing machine ac- cident near Wawanesa, Man. The German Emperor and Empress have contributed 80,000 marks to the Red Cross Society for the relief of the sufferers from the recent floods in Bavaria. Willie Curran, aged 21/2 years, youngest son of William Curran of Toronto, was killed by a trolley car on Friday night. An inquest has been ordered. By a gunning accident William Young, aged 14, son of Dr. Young, asylum superintendent at West Sel- kirk, Man., lost his arm near - the H shoulder. e is expected to recover. By the explosion of molten metal at Shoenberger's Steel nit Tits, at Pittsburg, four men were dangerous- ly injured. The explosion was caus- ed by the overturning of a ladle of hot ]petal. Saturday morning Homes G., the 6 -year-old son of Mr. Robert Kenne- dy, was drowned at Lindsay, below Kennedy & Davis' lumber yard. He attempted to push a lum- ber scow with a pike pole, when he fall into the water. Plymouth, capital of the Island of Montserrat, reports the destruction by Are of many buildings which had escaped the recant Jamaican herri- cane. At Anguilla 700 inhabitants are wildlyappealing for immediate supplies of water, besides food. President William Smith of the First National Bank of Charlotte,- Mich., was killed at Wolvertine on Saturday by being thrown from a.• log carrier against a moving saw. Mr. Smith held vast lumber interests in Cheboygan County, and was rated as enc of the richest sten let the county, Some children were roasting pate - toes in a bonfire in Toronto on Sat- urday, and Mabel Kay's (aged ten years) dress caught fire. Her six- year-old brother and later her mo- ther were badly burned in attempt- ing to quench the denies, but Mabel was so badly burned that she died. on Sunday. The horse of Mr. Gray of Toronto Junetion, on Thursday ran away and did not stop until it had put its head through a plate glass window. It was fearfully cut and had to be killed at once. Mr. Gray was not in- jured, although it was some time be- fore he was got out from under the scattered load. FOR MEN OF WAR. Fifty alien, six guns and four wa- gons of "A" Battery left Ieingston on Friday for Deseronto artillery camp. They went by route march, camping at Odessa Friday night, The Venezuelan Government is con- centrating its eastern forces at Gui- ra to Meet the revalutloi,ist troops under General Meta. A decisive en- gagement is expected to take piaee very soon. F, W. Miller of Teterboro has re- ceived a letter from his son, Capt. T. Miller of the First Battalion Scotch Guards. Chelsea Barracks. London, England. His regiment is in readiness at any moment to leave for South Africa, A correspondent of the Cologne Gee Matte from Santee telegraphs to Me paper that there is increasing excite- ment and anti -German sentiment in the Islands, owing to alleged British macbit]ations. He predicts a new up- rising unless the melee ,tents are energetically restrained. TUE 31CSIzkss WORLD. woolen n mill coxrbiue saki in the five mills of the Penman C ln- parry, the Moody Mills, Hamilton, a mill at Paris, one at Allnonte, and those at Kingston is proposed. The capitalization would rutsup into a million dollars. It is reported that A. G. Ramsay, Um president and manager of the Canada. Life Insurance Company. is to resign shortly, and that he will not remove from Hamilton to To- ronto, when the head office* are transferred to the latter city, The successor of Mr. Ratmay is likely to be lion. George A. Cox. The post of general manager will go to 11.. W. Cox. son of the Senator, Si; ICIDInS, The body of Mrs, Frederick Bridg- ens. a. cousin of Andrew Carnegie, was found in a millpond near her home at Oyster Ia°, L.I. on Friday. She was In moderate circumstances and poor health. It is not known whether she conunitted suicide or was drowned accidentally. George Crevasse, 45 years of age, formerly of God, rich, Ont., hanged himself in a. room he occupied in St. John's school at Sing Sing, N.Y. Ile was formerly a bookkeeper in the Molsaus Bank in Montreal, After losing his position six months ago, he failed to obtain work, In his poc- kets were letters from his wife, ask- ing him to share her lot. PURELY I'iv LSONAL. Lady Minto, the Wife of the Gov- ernor-General of Canada, expects to witness the cup races at New York, afterland which she will sail for Eng - The engagement is announced' at London, Eng., of 'Miss. Isabel How- land, third daughter of tIle late W. II. Howland, several times Mayor of Toronto, Canada, to Captain Bar- nett, a. surgeon in the Indian army. Mrs. W. i -I. Howland is at present rosiding in England, and will winter in Switzerland. POLI'T'IC S—CAYAD IAN. The Dominion Labor Congress, in session at Montreal, on Friday un- animously resolved to form an inde- pendent ndcpendent political party, condemned the Government for not enforcing the alien labor law, and for its course on the Chinese question, and elected Ralph Smith, M.P.P., Nanaimo, pre. sident. The next meeting will be held at Ottawa. THE VIBE RECORD. Fire on Saturday in the furnace room beneath the drykiln at W. C. Edwards' mills at Ottawa caused damage amounting to about $7000. A great fire on Thursday evening almost completely destroyed the fa- mous amous and beautiful church of San Francisco, Peru, founded by Pizarro, One woman was burned to death and another woman and an insane man are also believed to have been buried in the ruins of St. Vincent Hospital, at Norfolk, W. Va., which caught fire Thursday. The building collapsed. POLITICS—IItzPERIAL. Reliable reports at St. John's, NIId, from England state that the nego- tiations with France over the French shore question have failed, and that the British Ministry will invite the Colonial Legislature at its next ses- sion to 'renew the modus vivendi about the lobster fishery along the French shore. The Colonial Govern- ment, it is announced, will refuse to enact any such measure. POLITICS—FOREIGN. The Austrian Cabinet has resigned. At the elections last week for the Second Chamber of the Riksdag, Stockholm returned 21 out of 22 Lib- erals. John W. Foster has returned to Washington from his summer home, and has begun to take up the threads of his work in connection with the arrangement of a n-ioeus vi- vendi relating to the Alaskan boun- dary. There has been no change in the status of this cues Hon recently. The decree of the Government fix- ing Oct. 6 to Oat. 8, ' f.wr the pre- mary elections of Santo Domingo, and providing fete the meeting of the electoral college during the last week of October, although a revoluticn,ury action and against the constitution, has been well received. Officers will be elected for the full tocsin -- four years. Jiminez is the only candidate for the Presidency of the li.epnelic. Moro Bubon:lc Plane. Alexandria, Sept. 25. --There has been a recrudescence of the bubonic plague here. Two eases have been oflicielly reported, one of which meet,. ed feta. Why Re Wan in raises. An old whitewasher stood before the court as a witness. The lawyer for the defendant tried. to confuse him, ('Yon are James. Miller?" "Are you the Ames Miller who was sentenced under mitigating oir- oumstauces for robbery?" "Are you, perhaps, the Miller who wtss sentenved to two years' impris- onment for theft, then?" "I am not that Miller, either. "Gere you ever in prison?" "Yes; twice." "How long the first time?" "One afternoon." "One afternoon? And the second time? Yon must make a truthful statement, for you are a sworn wit - use, 11 you were in prison for so short a time, what did you do?" "1 whitewashed a cell for a. lawyer Who naheated his clients," The lawyer did not ask any more eatestions on that subject, Six Oils....The most conclusive testi. moray, repeatedly staid before the pnblie in. the columns of the daily press, provesthet Da Thomas' Balearic Oil—an absolutely pure combination of six of the finest remedial oils in existence—remedies rheumatic pain. eradicates affections of tits throat and brags, and cures piles, wounds, sores, lemenees, tumors, burns, and injuries of horses and cattle, It You Would be Poptatar. Don't And fault, Don't contradict people, even though you're sure you are right. Don't be inquisitive about the affairs of even your most intimate friend. Don't underrate anything because you don't possess it. Don't believe that everybody else in the world is happier than you. Don't conclude that you have never had any opportunities in your life, Don't repeat gossip, even if it does interest a crowd. Don't be rude to your inferiors in social position, Don't express a positive opinion un- less you perfeetly understand what you are talking about. Don't jeer at anybody's religious belief, Stanstead Junction, Y.Q., 1201 Aug., 3889. lit eves, C, C. Efcuauns Sr Ca. 2n112-.Ifei1 irrm the grid a ]('stung from a platform ro a inaded car zvldle assistlnl; my men In unioatliug a lead of grata. The bridge went down as well as the load on my back. and 1 struck o'I the ends of the steel ors, enusine a serious Injury to my leg. Only for Its being very fleshy, w",uld have broken it. In an hour could, not we tic a step. Comroneed using SII\,1ItI]a LI1I3f> : T, and the dgot tbtrd th day tt eat ro Montreal on business abont well by e use of a rano. In, anten Clays wasnearlywell, I can sineerrly reeommeud It as tbo best Liniment that I know of In nee. Yours truly, C.11. GORDON'. a°ertt'e New I'reelden t. Senor Don Eduardo Lopez cle Rom- ana, the now president of Peru, was sent to England by his parents when he was only 10 years old, to be edu- cated at Stonyhurst college. From that institution he went to the Royal Institute of Engineers at London, 'Where ho obtained the degree of civil engineer and became an honorary member of the institute. His profes- sional Imowledgo was the cause of his being sent to Brazil by a syndicate which was building a railroad in the mountains of that country. Of 80 en- gineers sent there 21 died, owing to he unhealthy climate and the rough -work they were called upon to per- form. My daughter has improved so much that you would hardly know her—Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills did it. Dal lel ons Apple Charlotte. Ale excellent home-made apple char- lotte is prepared as follows: Line the inside of a pudding dish with thin slices of home-made bread, mod- erately well buttered on both sides. Peel, core and slice a quantity of sour apples, put in a thin layer of apple in the dish, spice to taste, and a liberal quantity of sugar, then add a layer of any kind of home-made preserves and so on until the dish is full. Put slices of buttered bread on top, and bake until quite brown and crisp on top. These two desirable qualifications,pleas• ant to the taste and at the same time ef- fectual, are to be found in Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Children like it. Hand -Painted ,Linen. The latest craze is to have your walking gown set off with hand - painted collar and cuffs. It originated in Paris and is really the extension of the fancy for hand -painted ball gowns, fans, shoes, eto. At the drawing rooms this season sprays or trails of hand -painted flowers have been in pretty general vogue for the corners of trains and the edging of over -drap- eries. A new back for 50 cents. Miller's Kidney Pills and Plaster. Alcohol for Motor Cars. The majority of motor cars in France are now driven by petroleum, bat a French engineer recommends the use of alcohol instead, and motors ere being altered so as to consume that find. There is no fear of ex- plosion with alcohol, and it is said to be legs costly than petroleum. ONTARAO FARM AGENCY CO. Limited. If you wish to sell FOR. CASH, your Farm, have it placed in our Catalogue Magazine, which is distributed' among the best classes of British Farmer!, through our London. England. office, and intending purehaserit here. Our office is the recognized headquarters among buyers. ONTARIO FARM AGENCY O0., Ltd.. Room 408,' etnple Bid. Toronto. ST. JACOBS OIL DID IT" Did what ? All the world knows it has done what it promised, It has made the most remarkable, prompt and permanent cures of Aches and, Pains on record. Time is looney, it will euro without loss of time, A single application often cures. PIAN 4'M41tAR'AWPA'n :AIMRIt,!tJM4 W IMAMAAM,S'1P1ti'14SAYth'A','lAeeieeeaMeAs,1',rRAW 9 Catthfloutsedsandittone wife ihCI''name or7ae:. ,.erect express oln - and wo win ship yon the viol etch outfit b7 express, subject to examluatien. Ix. aminestatyeurexpress oars. and 10-ou And It exactly ss ,., wa represent it and etteraly aat]sfaetory. PIT t e express agent our special price. St. to r#/.n• . express e.ierges. This is a imply anlshed. regsular 6814 ]Shadirarlue model irlella, rlcwy Colored. highly polished. powerfue en,1 sweet fn tore, Complete with crus bow. extra set of strings and rest,. 4 gennlxo bargain at the riot, Boy direct from usaea sato the deaier'spro$t. Johnston & McFarlane, Box De Toronto, ell& Frank About Their Agee, Russian women are said to be re- workably frank about their ages. Sev- eral,, years ago one of them Inaisrepres- euted her age in court and She was promptly sent to Siberia. It is said that the courts of France are abso- lutely minable to get correct statements of the number of years the fair Baugh. tors.. of that • land hast been upon earth, When children are pale, peevish and restless at uigbt they require a dose o" two o! ::filler's 11'orun Powders. They are pleasant to take; No physic re, aired A Prteliioneble Novelty-, It can be said with perfect safety that the collarette in its numerous different forms has come to stay. There was some doubt as to whether it would take well at first, especially in high grade goods, but it is now a well-kuawu fact that they will be largely used this fall and no doubt continue right through winter. How's This! We offer One llun.'rr(1 Dollars Reward for any else(atarrh that cannot bo cured by Haire 1'atterh t urs, F. J. Ci11• Nl,]: & CO.. Pro , Toledo_ O; \\ e, the 1nn it"v „(ted, bee a krn,wu F. J. Chen. ey for the last eleven ars, and believe ltim perfectly he: arable n all eueinrea transadtior'p and financially able to early oat any ultllgatIons ]rade le' their tern. Welt t; Truax, Whelve t t; Draaarists, Toledo, 0. � R'aldi:ts Ifinn:in & Marva', Wholesale Drug - ghee, Toledo. tlldu. Hall's Catarrh t'.nre is taken irate' natty, acting dlreetly up.m the bee d and ,menus eertaees of tihe sv-st, m. Price ;Le. t er b„ttie. Sold by all Druggists. Tcetim.etiels free. Wnnderrul Contrast" Brevity may be the "soul of wit," but the Iaughnble effect is some- times the very thine; the speaker doesn't ,lean. In the following ease a word or two more would have ,lade a clearer description, but it would not have been half so furry. Tho head master of the girl's high school is describing to the class the beauty of the Alps, which he has visited during his vacation, and enols his lecture in these words: "And there, with one foot I stood on the ice of the glacier, while with the other I was plucking the most beautiful flowers!" Health for the children. Miller's Worm Powders. Flowers in lee (loxes. A french scientist has made some plants "artificially. Alpine" by keep- ing them in an ice box all night and exposing them to the full action of the sun during the day. As a result" the leaves do not grow so large, and become darker in color, while the flowers grow larger and are of a brighter color. .A. Clear, Healthy Skin.—Eruptions of the skin and the biotrhes which blemish beauty are the result of impure blood caused by unhealthy action of the Liver and Kidneys. In correcting this un- healthy action and restoring the organs to their normal condition, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will at the same time cleanse the blood, and the blotches and eruptions will disappear without leaving any trace. Trees and Lightning. According to a recent investigation of lightning strokes in trees which a German has carried out, the beech tree is less often struck by the stroke than any other. It is unwise to take shelter from a thunderstorm under any trees, but if it is a case of needs must the beech is the best and the oak or poplar among the worst. Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians, Superstitions About Babies. In Spain the infant's face is swept with a pine tree bough to bring good luck. In Ireland a belt made of wo- man's hair is placed about the child to keep harm away. Garlic, salt bread and steak are put iuto the cradle of a new born babe in Tlollaud. Roumanian mothers tie red ribbons round the ankles of their children to preserve them from harm. When all other corn preparations fail, try Holloway's Corn Care. No pain what- ever, and no inconvenience in using it. Jud zirig Character. One of the rarest qualities in hu- man nature is justice in judging chore acter. We take snap shots of criti- cism and think we are clever; we de- velop quickness in discovering evil motives and flatter ourselves that we know the world. No man can ever read character aright unless he has sympathy and charity, the vital elem- ents of justice. , You think I look so much better: yes, and I feel better—Miller's Compound Iron Pills did it. A, Long Felt Want. "Biggs has invented soap that eazt't lte stolen from betels and wafting rooms.'' ".flow does it work?" "Over a roller, salve as the towels."' -e Chicago Record. PLOWS, 4 M/ , ROLLERS & iii,A00(1iIM;3 'rate flout Made. 'tenit for Catulor(te. COCIeSIi OTT PL,QW (10 , Itit'l. 4'r''oaD. tiOAS, STEELE & BRISTOL, F3rIie��fl'eee ntreonirelni er (mamas.L S a ln. Retract* WriterN s, aettarcne, I,.S, OH, Stele** BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE QNTAi130 WNDElt TwDra GO„ 113 'Union Station Arced*, Toronto, OKCO CEREAL COFFHI] ineaLTU ARINg. Pure, Wholesome, yeurislliee--15=. lb. or 2 lee. for vac., and Is equal to dao, Coffee. ROKCO le used Atyour me.tlseinatead of Tea. and Coffee. F•'r rile by all Grocers. or send leo. for sample Vb. Package to leOKCO 317'ti (30•, let Queen ,Toronto. Agcntswanted throughoutCanada. FREE: TGdr he�atlrai I;tt: II >�Itit itaaa.if' t.4 ten t• $ s; me, ea •a. 1'te fl•vn 14a,hf:rre ,ng l'1 I+t(lzt std tett:ett ole,: 'e -a At ii%th Naetens)'Required, S:caW write at we send U,,y: to EMI theta. z-:., zarcrt.t. a..i w Duly.:rwa,wt:ee tsn..a:ii'.yji-a ret melee. LINEN DOYLEY CO. sox 13, vol' lro Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS wo also make Steel Fins. Staffs. Grain (,rindere, Iron and \\-nod net pi, Bee Suppose, Send for New Cat- eloeue. 2£19 Cat thea Gutted return q r ort .out exprew ugfii and Wo'will arnd Ma Watch theta tons ion to Murano. it is sr, eeetettre. amputee dant .proot naro.l.nuilo» ,tiytripntved. lttto With Atl.rrh•.u1 n tUrt 'Non elicit sten. wtt Baud cot move :eel. pLobe( er gent's sea. lib n led ewe piece, emirate sp. 17rarenco to a sleet: Watch. and is jnot the thing ter ara.1a1Q pltrpoa,S. It. on (aro ul eeaa•nlatloapit aro Pep, in•Eht this Watch is wnrllt far 111140 Ibex wre x+4 my tho ex1'rr_-s a,,rnt V.05 and exrre s shames sed it fe rrmrs Terry Watch Co., next), Toronto, Can. The Owen Electric Belt Trade Mark.-Dr.Oweta Tho only acientiflo and practical Electric Pelt made, for general use, havingbatteries that generate a strong current of Eectricity that is under perfect control and can be applied to any part of the body, for the cure of Nervous Diseases Thousands of people suffer from g variety of Nervous Diseases, such as Seminal Weakness Impotency, Losb Manhood, etc., that the old erodes of treatment fail to cure. 'There is a loss of nerve force or power that cannot be restored by any medical treatment, and any doctor who would try to accomplish this by any kind of ernes is pursuing a dangerous practice. Pro- perly treated, these diseases can be P sitively Cured Electricite, as applied by the Owen Electric Bolt and buspensory, will most assuredly do so. It is the only known power that will supply what is lacking, namely nerve force or power, impart tone and vigor to the organs and arouses to healthy action the whole nervous system. III will most assuredly cure, ithout &Medicine, Varicocele Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism Soiatica,1dnoyDisoaso, Lumbago, Lame Back and Dyspepsia. OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOCUE Contains fullest information regarding the erre of aouto, chronic and nervous diseases, prices how to order, etc., mails S1 r , (sealed)—FREE—to an , ¢ e,'4' address. ie1 n �c•le` s teea e, \ `* The Olden Electric Belt And Appliance Caps,, TORONTO ONT. COLO PLATED. °"O s�y 'nae11* to hs name your nae mut oddres ,ltd* a•,• will fm w11111 Ills watch to you by express for ex:,ninathon. It is o swap -bang and bezel duet -proof open face; stem wind and .se. gd.atItoe7ietinv lokkhandsomely gold watch, is matt with '11. 7 -jewelled\American .Modell; Movement that we warrant Le - give good satisfaction, and 10, Just the watch for trading pur. poses. - If after careful oxalo. !nation you find this watch ta- b, exactly as represented, pay the express agent 61,06tat@ charges, and It Is yours Terry Watch Co., Toronto, Oat. • ituk enolate•. sttou Sole itair eRing in exquis- 'te p1usls-'Pined came for sellingqldoz. gold topped Lev- er Collar Buttons et lac. eaoh. Wo send buttons postpaid. Seli them, return money, and, we send you ring, all obergeo• peed. Lever Button 0o.e Box Dr Toront0g