HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-10-5, Page 5.i f THE I s pub hs ede, every xh ura a Morning, , at the Office, *AIN -STREET, - EXETER. -By thee -- O PA Y Q M N T PUBLISHING A E; laV00 A . TERMS OF STJBSORIPPION. One Roller per annum if paid in. Advance ag1,30 if not ao paid. 341.sreectisem o =atom ox7. .K,pz31.1.co• tom . 1 liopwrerdisoontittuednntilall arre rage e p a id . Adve rt is e ments wit h ou- t epe oi f o astienswillbe published till forbidawl r eda °o din 1YLiberal di9COUntne e transoiantad �ar xsamenis inserted. for hong pertoda, Every description of JOB B1NTINGi turned out in; the finest styles d at moderate rates. Cheques,raoney era- esh, &o.'. r.advertising,attbaariptions,eto..to be made plivable to Chas. S. Sanders, EDITOR alto PROP Proreeeional Cards. 1 . KINSMAN, N, L. D. S. & DR. A.11. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. s., Uonor ',, graduate of 'Poronto '1 n sersity, DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad affects. Office xa Fanseeas Blocs;, west side /fain Street, Exeter. II.D. ALTON ANDEItSON,(D.D.S.,r..D.S.`} 'honors valuate of the Tor oto Gln rsity m44 Bevel College of Dental Surgeofs of Ontario. Tooth. extracted without pain. Ali prodea of Dentr'try tip to date. Office Genua l&Iotel-IElliot.a law o lett-oppeeite Medical zt.T.P. afolearfaRLIN. MEMBER OF the College ofPhvsieiianeand S rgeoue Ontario. Physician,Surgeon and Acaonch- enr. 0;t co, Dashwood, Out. Legal. •.. IGT(SON 4 CARILIN(G, }3ARRISTERF, LJ Solieltore, Anterior, Conveyancers, Commii,lonere. Solieitare tor the Molsona ]lank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and Pe per cent. Ofeett Fanson's $look, Alain Exeter. (A member of the firm will be at 'Hensel' on T ur,,iay of each week.) ) Y. R. Cxrt.iSO, B. A.. 14.11. Dicitsox. LLIOT & tvLADMAN. BARItTSTEUS, s 1 Eta.. Convayaneerx, and Money to Loan. B. Y. Eat F, W Gr..tnetaX. AAuctioneern 1SS BOSSENDERRY.Grand Bend. Licensed 1. Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales promptly attended to, and cbargos moder- ate. driers b} mail will resolve every at- tention. Te UROW:i , Winalietaoa. Licensed .1uot- 1J.. ianeortor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUeborae Sales promptly attended to and tonna rea- eon boa o.5ales assented at Post office.Wine *haloes. Insuranee. The Molsons Bank.' UN EVE OF CONFLICT , DEWEY'S RECEPTION, (Chartered by Parliament, 1885, ) Paid up Capital $2,000,000. Rest Fund 1 5OO,000 Read office 3fontreal,. WOLFERSTA T THOIIA.S, Esq.. GENERAL INIANAGER. Money advaanecd to good. •Farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers en a at'lvex a t,p r n annus. ----EXETER I3RA.lS CII - Open every lawful day from 10 a rn. to 3 paSaturdays 1Oa.. to nx p A general banking business transacted. OI:R11ENT 13,ATE.Sallowed for money on DepositRecefpts. Savings 33auk at 3 ;. Pleases & CARLxra, Buaror; Solicitors. hienager. irk ELL'IOT. � / TnsuraneeAgent, Attain St• Exeter sea [c se utir.^art.sa1.sets• (%- 'kass+!o' IT P.11)eS 7! To read the big stores vertist'I u nts....... yy`� STOP! T ad - r For whore 'good etre we in r For +� the furniture business? F Iyours and ours. If we are not useful toou we cannot be use- ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we can- not make a snceaess of oto' busi- ness. But we have been doing ]business right along for years, 5 which Troves that we are the right kind of people with the right prices. Came and see for i g 5 yourself . ... S. GIDLEY & SON, Furniture, Undertaking, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. FOR FIRST CLASS Rem. Afte Wood's T13osphoaine, The Orme T3ngllish Remedy.. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reit- able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to cure all fo los of Sexual Weakness. all effects of abuse or excess, Mental, Worry. Excessive use of To- bacco.Optum or. Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one psclrale $l, Six, $5. One tont pleasa size/ft cure, ramphlets tree to any address. Whet Wood Company. W?indsor,On$. tH'Wooda• Phosp'iod-ane is sold in Exeter by G. Luta, druggiet. --.. . ._....... r,D acs Qt.t'1C'(.•;;. CURE, BEEF, LAMB, PORK, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRESSED TONGUE, CORNED BEEF; SALT, FRESH OR SMOKED MEATSi e Call at The Family Butcher Shop. One door North of R.Piekard's store. '�ya FOR COUGHS Cl and COLDS I The Canadian iian Remedy for all THROAT Jilt, LWW AFFECTIONS Large Bottles, 25 cents. DA:";S eLAWRENCE co., Limited, t( , 0 Prop's. Perry Davis* Pala Eater. 0 New Ytee Montreal Fa TO TUR D14,..F.---A rich Iat1= , cured of her Deafness and Noises to the heats by D.t 'a�ieholeou'ti Artificial Ear Drums, lute sent $1,010 to his In- stitute, so tlUtt titaaf people unable to procure the Etat' Drums ivay have then! free. Apply, tel Department A. el. N. The Institute, Longcott, Ounnef, bury, London,yr., England. 8 LOUIS DAY Proprietor. :Y •� V i t q r 1 A E 1 p 4 J��w PLii Grtr5 S�' mag 1 GF THE. BUT Min -RHEUMATIC ii.eiliAeOlA PLASTER MAbE EACH P! A$T€e IN EttsmaED j•Q--- g r }�f�r /" TIN E..;, i aZ16E 2,1frILSO IN]lAriDrAM• E,i j�CK r.OLI5 f'RICa liti Det.) c M.,� U oYUR Ch'8 Niiltt FA -, -C 1 Child Dre;1ned. Hilton Oct. 2.-- .A sad drowning ac, eident ('ecnrletl this morning at Boyne tt; country village near :Hilton. The 3 -year-old son of Mr. E. D. Ockerzzlan was hissed from the house only ten. minutes and upon searching for him Ile was foiled drowned in a tank of water nese' the house, which tvtts nSt d for cooling milk. The West Huron Case, Toronto, Sept. 20. --The West Huron Clet'tiotl case came before tilt.e trial judges at Osgaade Hall this horning on another zIt(ati(ltx by Mr. Dickinson to postpone the case (lending the pro- duction of Linklet(rr, the missing yvlt- neSs. 11Ir. Watson, on behalf of Hon. ATr, Gamine, warmly opposed farther delay in disposing of the case clairning that the court was not one of inquisi- tion. Dic ln. t n .• , The motion Mr. l,~ Lt t, Te rt will be further considered on Friday, October 13th, 'A D lukhobor° laborer was caught between the drawbacks of two cars at Lethbridge Saturday and was fatally crushed. Children Cry y dor AST Caught on a Bridge. Chatham, Oct. 2. --This morning an unknown man attempted to cross the railroad bridge near Sarula ahead of the L.E.' t D.R.R. express. He had reached the centre of the span when he found the train was about upon him. With great presence of mind lxe drop- ped between the ties and held himself by his hands suspended beneath the bridge, while the train passed over. The train crew thought the incident tt case of suicide, .and the train wasstop- ped, when the man was found to be uninjured. BOTH SIDES T :. READY FORTHE FIRST S E RIK. OVERT ACT OF THE OTHER, .1ka iJ,oafi rmadIuButner That the Beers.rs Bata captured i?oudea-The Itailwax Systpaa of the South Afrigale llespabita trader Military Crutra , Pretoria, S,A..E., Qet, _. .'he entire rait- wuy system of the Sottth Atrlcan Republic Yesterday . passed under the control of the military authorities. Thtas3.tam center- ing er - inb InJ0hann Sbr�admits Of setting down troops within 100 milesof the Bechu- analand e h -analand border on the nest, the Natal brguelb, the southern .terznlntie of which Is Mabee, on the coast, passes the border at Latng'e Nett; the eastern division reaches the ,Portuguese border a little uarthwtst of Lorenzo ?Marquez, and reaches: the coast alt Deiugoa Bay, while the southwestern branch, passes through the Cape Colony frontier at two points on the Orange river. Burghers linrry to the 1'yontier. The military trains, wltleh began moriug toward the Natal froutier at I•olesrtust, just north of 1.441,44 '5 b ek yesterday, continued to Move yesterday, and the town is its a state at euthuslasw. The bttrgitere who are leaving under erne include many British - born colonists. Krueger Against an Aggres•tve :days Cape Town, Oct. a. --The lion. S. II. Huf- Meyer, the AtrI,:auder leaner. Is prepared o Proceed. at once to Pretoria lu tite capacity at British ementissiouer, with assure ice that he will obtain from the Gaverhment of the RepttblIe the coneessien of the five- year franchise In eaebara<e for guarantee; of peace. The tape Duteh are highly in- ceilsed at Sir Alfred Milner for his failure to avail himselt of the prodered medullae, Thirty thousand Boers ate under areas in the Transvaal, while the total of elle Bri- tish forces available for Instant einem In South Africa Is but 10,000. In face of this dlspartty of force, Britisis utilitatry and dlplontatle officials here are highly appr'e• henetve of au aggressive move as the port of the burgbet's. Their fears tete Intensi- fied by the fart that the Boers who tamely stave Mau sent to the front have within their retell several strategic pollee of rare Importance. President Kruger, on the other hand. is reported 45 sttytug tkitit hots will not tight au the side of the Boers If they ;idealises beyontt their own bonud u•ies before a de• iinfte outbreak of hostilities. The. Pr 1 r ations Continue, th nue Loudon, Oct. --.A detmatclt from Dur- ban. Natal, timely 10.45 o elotsit this ntorn- ing, reports that tile exeitetnent le inereas• Killed at a Crossing. Lindsay, Oct. 3.-Iu the G.T.R. sta- tion here lie the bodies of a than and a, woman who were killed by the west bound express train this morning. \Vhen the express was just pulling in- to the village of Reaboro' six miles east of Lindsay, the engineer noticed a rig on the track. The train was up- on it in a second, and struck midway between the horse and the rig, throw- ing. the occupants underneath the train, killing thein instantly. The horse tvas also killed. The station is thronged with people trying to identi- ty them. The !man is almost six feet high with long greybeard,grey home - :Tun oe;pun' shirt and tweed coat. The wo- man is almost as tall, dark with black Astrachan jacket on. The rig eon- taiued all kinds of farm produce, evi- dently being , brought to Lindsay to market. The stun of $90 in money was found in the unfortunate persons' poc- kets. It was not until 1 o'clock this afternoon that the bodies of the vic- tims of the railway accident was iden- tified, and the mystery to how the ac- cident happened was cleared up. The unfortunate people were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rutherford, living on the 1st con. of Emily, near r Otnenxee. It appears > that they left home early this morning in -la Istat their son-in-law, in- to vistWire dx inof town. They drove.through Omenee without stopping, but' were recognized by some of the villagers, The morning being cold and frosty the, buggy top w is up and the occupants had their heads wrapped up, and it is this which is believed to have prevent- ed them from hearing the approaching train. The engineer gave she usual whistle for the crossing, and the next instant the titin tee upon their ve- hicle. The tiai n was stopped and Von- ductor Bounciy and others ran to the spot, only to find Mrs. . Rothexford dead, having been hurled about thirty feet, with a terriblewound on the .lett side of the heard. Her husband was still breathing,•although :his shoulder bone was !broken -and his leg CI11Sbed above the knee. He died shortly be- fore arriving in Lindsay. -Dir. l.Ruthet ford was a. Well-to-do farmer and high- ly respected. Both are about sixty years of age. The inquest was beg ti this afternoon, but was aid;jonened au - til to -morrow to allow the trainmen to attend.. Grand SPeetaele Witnessed by Tenn of Thousands of People -A MaggnliIcent Dtapley. • New York, Sept..` 1Q. - The Roman conqueror. returned to his triumph of barbaric splendor, No vietorions king ornrince coining home from a successful war ever received such a magnificent Ovation as overwhelmed Admiral Dewey yesterday, as he stood on the bridge of the Olympia at the head of magnificent i eat of steel thunderers of the deep, follow- ed by a thousand vessels of peace, each tiered and coated black• with people, and sailed ed QFer the brightxt of h t tell ) t� waters Q1 I3t;. • a d t the a Pl y n p broad pathway of the sunlit river. Shouts heard above the perfect bed- pled under the fresh wind that held the flags straight and jaunty, and the wharves and piers and rocky heights and grassy knolls were black with frantic. enthusiastic people, who strove weakly to, make their Eleven Miles of Steamship.. The parade was one hour and fif- teen minutes passing i'u,ton street. The vessels moved at about eight knots an .hour. New York'', Trl ate to newer - New York, Oct. 2. -The second day of Fels York City's official wel- Colne to Admiral Ilewey opened cool and clear on Saturday, The first ce- remony of the day was the presents- tion at the City Hall of a gold toe - leg cup to the admiral by Mayor Fats Wyck on behalf of the City of New York. The head of the parade started from Grant's Tomb at 11.14 item. Not far from the head of the proces- sion calve the carriage containing Admiral Dewey, by whose side was seated the Mayor of the city. In re- sponse to the cheers of the thou- sands of spectators the admiral bow- ed right and left. The tixrong of en- thusiastic people was greater than ever before seen hero. The land par- ade capped the climax. The earth trembled beneath the tread oI 50.000 , air was torn andtilt / lt'ilh the shouts of znilliotls. The naval par- ade of yesterday was a. magnificent Mg at Durban. The streets are thruugedand superb spectacle, but the won - with animated crowds and the ltnpre"loo prevailsthat the Boers may comment , der of Inadera times was the great hostilities today. Alta,etber over 11100 land parade. Walls of people exiles. Natal volunteers have gOue to the fruut. a long stretched clown the line of 'rraius froth Lureneo • Marquez, nelagea I1uY. are bringing enormous crowds, melt- elpally miners. _L hoer cotuutaud has ar• rived at the border town of ('omautipoort. Loudon, (let 2. -The British (;overnal('nt is ellartelin; a larvae number of steamers, evidently for the purpose of transporting all army corps. About 40 via -ale are to be chartered and the steamers Parente, of lite Cunard Line, anti Bavarian, of the Allan Line, are ancon„ those already taken. Leedou, Oet. :t despatch from Cape Town says a despatch reet'lved there to- day from i'11arle'st°wn. Nutul. ttaflOi1 ' s that SO utenthers of the Otauge 1�ree State in iitritleh Columbia -Tice Body Artillery' with six guns have arrived at Volksrust, a point In the Venereal, elese Disembowelled. to the Natal border. and that a ntaequee has been erected by the hospital author!. March. A dense impregnable mass. At night the smoker given at the Waldorf-Astoria to the sailors of the Olympia coneluded Dery York's won- derful reception of Admiral Dewey and his Men. 11I7IRDEn IN PTCTORIA, An Isnmitator of Jack the flipper 'The oftleials et Charlestown have recess• ed a telegram from the Caluuhtl Secretary night on the Indian reserve, lust be- n answer to an Inquiry, instructing theta otsd the trestle work on the pit to telltale absolutely still nod to oiYaee no y y resistance. No water have been left ltd side of the engine house of the E. & Volksrtest and the natives are lettviug.1 N. Railway (:onapat,y, . The victim Charlestown. The oftkIlals still vermin but was Mrs. John I3ings, who, together are ready to tenet, ata moment's motet'. of the with her broLiser, J, Jordan, knee t a General Joubert. the Vice-President1d,. South African Republic said Commender•i little bakery Qn 4tare street, nearly Victoria, I3.C., Oct. 2.-A fiendish murder was committed on Friday i , t z in•Clilef of the Transvaal forces, has etc• f opposite the depot of the 3::. & A. rived at biy rust, and las presence there Railway. Cousalbny, The body was will probably haven canning effect. discovered U Officer titialker, and y Advices from Ladysmith, Natal, thioI after being viewed by the Coroner, Dr. Hart and. Dr, Fraser, was rntuxov- ed to the city morgue. The victim left her little store r about 8 o'clock G S ac ordin to the re- collection of her brother, with whom she was in parte(>rsitip. She carried a shopping bag and a purse contain- ing the receipts of the day. Her hus- band, who is incapacitated by rheu- matism, because alarmed at her fail- morning, say that six hundred burgher. have assembled at Albertintt, In the Orange Free State, with the °biota of proeeedine in the dircetion of the border, and that It i 1 d Is feared a ra ld on 1 a vsm s meditated. Ith t tdttted. semi•ot elal rl The South African News, , a s newspaper, announces that a special train 1 Greene, 1 1 len x 1 Mr.of I l fetch G ha • of to tcY g �l t the British diplomatic agent at Pretor•i•t, and his staff. It adds that the formal haul. Inc clown of the Eritisll flag on the agency building at Pretoria is imminent. London, Oct. 2. -No confirmation is ob• EXETER MARKETS.. (Changed every WedLeaday,' wheat per bushel:.......... . into ,'a Flour nor cwt 18+ to 1.00 Barley. °, to 35 Oats 21 to 23 Peas at to 21 Corn 46 to 4k Butter - 1•l to ' et Sege.....es perb g.... ...... t.. *1 to Pots o a .oto iia y per ton..- .. 4.51, to 545 Briers Apples per ib 1 Wool tamable from any source of the report con -Ore to reach home, and notified the tattled in a despatch to the Exchange Tele• graph Company that the Boers have cap• 1 police. A search was instituted, L:•. awed Dundee. in the darkness little progress could No exceptional activity was shown at the,be made, and it was nearly 0 o'clock Government °tikes to -day, .lir. Chamber•on Saturday morning before the body lain and the Earl of Selborne were absent i from the Colonial Oitit e, but Led Lana, was discovered at the foot of the downe, General Lord. Wolseley anti General E railway embankment. Sir Evelyn Wood evere busily engaged at i The sight was a ghastly one. On the War Office • General Sir Itedvers Buller called at the War Office this afternoon, and a special board meeting was held. No. thing of the dIscu.siou was made public, but It Is understood that Gen. Buller wln not proceed to the Cape until next week, except in ease of unforeseen developments. Reports font vnrions arsenals and garri- sons In Great Britton testify to tate active continuance of militate, preparations. The reserves have received preliminary notice to be prepared, and several regiments have been nOtshed to keep themseIyes 'n readi- ness for active service. American Pacific Cable, New York, Oct 3.-A special to The Herald front Washington says : President McKinley has determined to urge again upon Congress the au- thorization of a trans -Pacific cable, and will be able to announce that a naval survey shows that the route selected is practicable. The worst of laying a cable among the Philippine Islands has been de- layed by the mishap to the cable ship Hooker. A. Quarter of a Killion lip. Toronto, Oct. 3, --"This meeting is Oaran a tothe complete success Lto e of n of the 20th Century fund," exclaimed Dr. Potts in a voice of almost breathless exaltation last night es, he faced the Metropolitan audience. Reports showed that the share which it was expected that the Toronto churches Would con tribute, had risen from $200,000 to $245,650. Band Ground to Pulp. Ont., Oct.S.-Yester- day t ct. 3. ester- day- afternoon Osborne Wigle, a boy 12 years of age, white feeding sugar -cane press a short distance north of this town, had his . fingers catght in the rollers and before the achine could be stopped his left nP l hand was ground to a pulp. The hand was amputated above the wrist. $!200,000 Blaze .at Sydney, N.S,1V. Sydney, N.S.W., Oct. 3. - Fire which broke out yesterday in the printing establishment of W. E. Smith, 26 Bridge street,. destroyed 7n ul r buildingsand d' im- mensethe Pen s adid x mense damage. The loss not covered by insurance will amount4200,- 000. toS 2 0- 000. Queensland Votes for Federation. Brisbane, Oct. 3. --The referendum in Queensland on the prospect of Australian Federation has been. com- pleted. Thirty-eight thousand four hundred and eighty-eight votes were cast in favor of the scheme as against 30,996 in opposition, her back, her body stripped of every particle of clothing lay the victim, while evidences were also present to indicate that the most . monstrous violent had violence b sen employed. The brutality of the butcher was hardly outdoIlu by the revolting work of Jack the Ripper in the Whitechapel horrors, the body having been dis- emboweled and the intestines cut into small pieces. Higher up the bank Jay the hat and the shoes of h victim, tot Ltim h evh i le most of her cloth- ing was beneath the body. Finger !narks upon her throat indicated that the woman had been throttled sand that any outcry must have been quickly stifled, MAY BE A MURDER CASE. Serious Fracas at Braneltton Which Grew Out of a Trifle. Galt, Ont., Oct. 2.-A serious fra- cas occurred on the farm of J. M. Irwin at Branch ton, Saturday night. Allison Haney, an employe, went to station the t ion for o an implement and einen t there met Allam Allan aails 'er p L in the village. The two had a drink and then proceeded towards the farm. On the way they got quarrel- ing over some trifling matter. Arriv- ing at the barn, Allan stopped there, while Haney went for the. cattle. On returning 'with the cattle Allan re- sumed the quarrel, the outcome be- ing that Allan picked up a dung fork and made a lunge at Haney,. three of the prongs entering Isis r base one of them hem. na e r the heart. The attendin g phSfci ns say two of the wounds are serious and they can- not saywhat the result x may be. Allan has not yet been placed under arrest. A Woman Inatantly Killed. Gananoyue, Ont., Sept. 30. - An unknown woman, about 0 years of ai;e, was struck by an express train going: west yesterday morning: The woman was valksna along the G.T. R. track, half -way between een, here e and 1aingdowne when she noticed a freight going east, To avoid the freight she stepped on the other. track, and was struck by the express. and instantly killed, A considerable sum of money, with two handker- chiefs, otic marked "M.F.T.,,' and the other "T, Holme," were found on her body. The woman had fair hair, weighed . about 100 lbs., and was dressed in black clothes. 1$ to 14 ave Voll een Sick Perhaps yeu have had the grippe or a hard cold. You may be recovering, from malaria or a slow fever; or possibly some of the chil- dren are just getting over the measles or whooping cough. Are you recovering as fast as you should? Has not your old trouble left your blood full of impurities? And isn't this the reason you keep so poorly? p olet delay recovery longer but It will remove all impuri- ties from your blood. It is also a tattle of immense value, Give nature a little help at this time. Aid her by removing all the products Of disease from your blood. If your bowels are not just right, Ayet's Pills will Make them so. Send for cur book on• Diet in Constl- potion. Wide. les oear Doctors. We have the exclusive 'orrice. otaome of thetnoatominentppb�yel- clans In (00 United States. write freely and receive a prompt reply, without cost. Address,mt. J. C. Ate. Lowen, Mass, V•,.'.A,.'..•\•..'a•/ yra,.•i *,.r`l:+M'\ "4h,V'.•4'+`4•c,lti a EMU 6 5 I The r L. 4, .. Ca tN iF:e '�, ,,r- :.i � ..3 Is ibe t end ra. t 3^ 1 eta' `" 1 , M G+R :,f Cod 1.i,14- vii, ,.,, ,;.,•1.'ttlO,.4.:$:da;t:1.2ie st..::e e l The D. l t 1r , rl . r rr. r a ' is prescrlb.:d 1:e• t... 1.,m...i:ng rI1 .i:i...71.1 of Canada. l 1110 D 1'=i. '..: .'I t _se mettallseo r .1. Intl, , I eat •,>e # a you a ai:p:tit,r. 4 .1.e.et r r ., e 511rC)'CU 9,5t.�, iT• t.. W tee,r;nutee I Co, L:.,.. , Lt 1 .•i t Caught in a Belt. llerrickville, Ont., Sept. 29.-_A. wan named Lockwood, employed in Kyles foundry here, was caught in one of the belts this afternoon, and it is fear- ed fatally injured. One arm is smash- ed, One leg. b ol.'n and internal in- juries b ju ies are looked foe.. Three medical hien are doing all they can for the. ,of- ferer. 6 0. ' J 9 a • p t but don't think you can patch clothes to look like new. Then again it would not pay you when you can buy clothing at the pricer we sell. BAROAINF`'"" - Pants made to order, t wool heavy tweed. $2.00 Suits $9.30 Overcoats 8.09 Black Worsted suits a spec, • hal:, $12,00 Oar $20 blacks teat all others at 823. Come and see for yourself. PATRONIZE US, People patronize us because they realize that we always sell clothing that is strictly up-to-date... , . . GRIEVE Attempted Murder and Suicide. Rodney, Sept 30. -Last night about 6 o'clock Philip McPhail, n'ho worked for P. Doyle, fanner, near Wnrdsville, shot Mr. Doyle's eldest daughter, a young lady about nineteen years of age, and afterwards went to his home, about al, anile from IDoyle's },lace, and shot himself in the left breast, dyin;.; about 12 o'clock at night Miss Doyle was shot in the left ear. The doctors in attendance think she will recover. No reason is known for McPhail's com- mitting the act. Are You os EasilyTired? 1I 1 1 Just remember that all your strength must come from your food. Did you ever think of that P Perhaps your muscles need more strength, or your nerves; or perhaps your stomach is weak and cannot digest what you. eat. you If h need. more strength. then take SCOTT"' ;... 1 EMULSI N 1 of Cod -Liver Oil with Hypo. phosphites. The oil is the most easily changed of all foods into strength ; and the hypophos- the best hltos are tonics for the nerves. SCOTT'S ,EMUL- Ixe easiest t. YON is t S and quickest cure for 1 weak throats, for a coughs of every kind, 1 ar..d for all caries of de bility, weak nerves .1, and loss of flesh. I 5oc. and $r.00; all drugaasi Nli Chemists, oronta c SCOTT Sc BOW e T 5C0 , gliOtototeso•0440e44o4440rr0o,aaooelvroct•aoae Opposite Plast (>Mee EXETER ROLLER MILLS. WOO WANTED. k slaty «'lsalea;dtrr Wel Retail. (.'hoped feed. Barley, Peas, Oate, Cern -BIO STOCK 0'N HAND. - Prices Right. J. COBBIAD1CK, Manager, Cook's Cotton Root Compound. is Successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe. effectual. Ladles ask your druggist for Cats Cotton Root Com - other allMixtures,ills and pard. Take no as p imitations are dangerous. Priao, IH`, 1, $t per box, No. a,10degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 3. mailed on receipt of price and two 8•eent stamps The Cook Company Windsor. Ont. �iuissindmendedAyall resbleDrggt0anaA Nos. 1 and No. 2 sold in Exeter ay 0 Lutz, Druggist. AGENTS WANTED. No experience necessary. Permanent l eel. tion, Liberal terms. Pay weekly. Stook, complete with fast selling specialities, in. eluding Seed Wheat, Corn, Potatoes, &c, OrTFIT FREE. Secure territory nrow. Write, BROWN BROS. CO., Nnreeryineu Tiro en's Nurseries P. 0. Ont. The Attradon of All Eyes t Just at present the objeet of Lttx 1a'tiee to the people of Exeter and surrouttd- inr country OUR GREAT LINES -OF- i'URNITLRti To see is to examine 'end to exaxnitle our stock is to buy. • m When the Prices .are so astounding ...quality is considered.. . R. N. 1OWE. ALWAYS KEEP Oa 115rliD yO FUND c PAIN on THERE IS fi it A PAMIE., INTERNAL OR EirrafiBAB., �1 A THAT P1ifs'•IIILLEI1 WiLL NOT Rh. 6 L s, ICE 'LOOK CUT FOR tM:l i ATtOr:9 AND Z, uT lTUIF .8 71-E -GENUINE viBs o, T L' $ 0"..T.Al30 THE NAM, PERRY DAVIS a, S011s 414'Grur4. t t'd Hans Larzon; a Norwegian, aged SO years, connnitted suicide at Rat Port- age. He placed' the britt of za iuusket: on a chair near his bed ,a and fired this i •r`Y. ,tui by pressing et, stick =t,ant..t the trigger. n yr '' S , a:t hand. A Pr-!�'Srcl<�lw is sl t tit t, ;luted yourself agatlnst .sral,iett cot. it:i Ind colds hy keeping a bottle of isiller in the house. Avoid suhstitve- '..es, there is but one }atilt -.Biller., ?erre' 25c. and .50c. The Dominion police believe .thaE; ..hey are en the track of ilia melt ',\ 1 lave so suceessftill.y forgad and pa Seo 1fk tite Dominion one dollar notes,witlt, which the country has been flooded.