Exeter Advocate, 1899-10-5, Page 1THIRTEENTH H i EAE. -6O i . EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1899. O. .+11, SANDERS,, EDITOR. H. BISHOP & SON Highest Price Paid For Produce., Highest Price Paid For Produce. iimgr I#antles andpursclif To the front again this week. We want you a� T e - " 'the 1 all. in either C e al money 1`n � e gall. v lines. � St 4 M be convinced. All goods sold on their merits. o know Put what we are doinghi these .� f the above lines.. Come see for yourself self and Your money back if you want ir. N, A.NTTEES. T I;aclles' 1�'ieze Coats, 3:3 to 40, .$3,50.r 0• Ladies; Curl Cloth, all sizes, $1,25. Ladies' Curl Cloth, 32 to 42, $4.75, $5.50, $0.48. Ladies' Beaver Coats with velvet collar and trimming. Special at $4.08. Ladies' all wool Beaver ('oats, new Blue n1 Fawns, Vlvet Collar u11 I:l.aicl trimming at $7,5t). Misses coats, 12 to 1R years, $3,510, (;'hildrens' coats, smith FURS. Fur Rolfe, black or brown, here„ ,$1.00, $1,25 to $1.751. Ladies' 1111ti s, $I,I 0 w $2.75. Cllircirens' white irons, 30 inches long ;:t 25c. C olleaettes Black with fancy edge and trimming, from $3.25 to $W,00, Astrachan cashes in 11(1 ins. sweep Iso inches long, real height caul at $12 and 14.00, laidies' Estlachan coats in Week, all seizes at from $25.00 to $35.00, Men's Russian Otter coats with black astrachan collars, tally coat warranted to st;end the wear—$1.1.110. HOSIERY. Good heavy all wool ribbed k:Iose, Jest the thing for the boys at 25r. Ladies' rubber hose. Speciatl values :e. '?.a• e„ 35e. and. 50e. We have everything in the way of # Hose for the little folks. DRESS GOODS. 10 pieces good l h 1 1 dress( -ti goodein .Blue,, Browns and Greys, at 4't •. .Special 43 inch ,tilting in t:l•t•t•]h, Brown and Blue. Selling at hoe. See the big range of ssuit.ings i11 all the leading !materials and newest ef- frets in colorings at 50e. These goods are all bought in snit ends. No two alike. A . SILKS AND SATINS. Satius aall e;hades, 59e, Special in Bleak Sirius at Me., ',ats,1 and $L00. Silk waist ends in Plaids etvipes and figured. Special at C. to :ars LADIES UNDERWEAR Good heavy winter veste in plain or fancy, at 1'2.°e.,15 e., 2(k., 25e„ 45e. and 50e. ('llild3•e It.i4v' '• 21 15e. and the. vests, t.is, 1 - e., HATS & CAPS. Men's tweed caps, 25e. to 50e, Men's slide bands, good heavy ell. wool eaps at 50e. Boys caps, lees to 25e. Youths Fedoras at u0e. Men's ('crush, all shades, out. Men's Fedoras, 50e., 75e., $1•t$ Girls wool Tanis. u0e.. Girls Tains from 23e. to $1,t1te 1V. EN''S TJ 'DERWARE, The prices We have a(latt•lied in these t Been: might to alllpeal to the tbie•kest hien's Union Shirts and Drawers, ':pie. •. ., •, isle, •10e, Fleeced lintel S. & D. he'. tel 62°,e. 11 wool S. & D. hoe. to 75e. I3flys artiee S. & D. :hie. to 75e,. • Mr. FiY cl Il;ac l,ancv left lase McGillivray. Drowned in •a Cistern. k <31(tuhax Sitter- The F'dNu Methodist t•laurch lrelll (lacy morning for Detroit, to pursue their annual Harvest vest Hogue on Times- Windsor, Sept. 30.—An extremely his Mini year:- wore in the :Medical day, 8(14011 ber 8. The wi:tther was sacs double drowning occurred at -the las=s ' :+ ' Ieft on .not very prutnising, lint this (fill not • vall,lr,c. of Tcc•aitrhseh, ease of this city, will• t and mi.. Geo. Hackney t prevent a large atteralane . sifter all Friday evening, the enemas bein 'Miss. \iunid,ty 1nuE1•talu„ fol•'Turttnttl Cutoff- p i�' sits to take up leis third year work in' had done ample justice to the inner- Geo. ,Stanley and her infant daughter, his arts cosine. Both al'e studious man theyp reparled to the e11 Leh soling nheii fid we l)esppeaak success for' where it clhoiee praising wits retiderecl thein.—:'Hiss I moa \IeXichol left last by elle. Crediton chop: Itev. 1 tiid,B. week for \1r. ,lohal Whytes, Mitchell, • .A., Mrs. Kerr, Dr. Rivers mut 'Mr. (i. Ready-lV.aa de -Clotting, The old Saying;, •• Tii ' , next thing to a loan i' i►1s elothiug, next to that the price he h as to pay tor these gouda Conte soul eve us: ;ancl listen to aur tale of ivli3•. Heli s odd pants, ti5c, to $3.04, la'outhe mite, $3.00. 0. to $5.00. Men's snit', $t.2'i, 1:1.15 0, $0.2i and upward,. FET WANTS. Boys heavy eon(' leather hoots, all sizes, Mer. to $1.25. Men's gond heavy hoots;, just the thing for rough weather, $1.00„ King's l a bthll S We handle 1 D. 1,111 t h.trt ll the J. and shoes. You know the rest. GROCERIES. When you are hungry', eore here and we will sell yoq groceries cheaper than. anv other houses in the trade h'o T 4t'`;"' old goods. Everything bright and fresh. We handle the celebrated Christie', Biscuits. -where she Spent the greater part of Bloomfied. Rev. Hussar oceupied the the summer. -Mr. John Luker moved ehiar. The proceeds amounted to $.46. Gladys. The little rine had managed to crawl out of the house awhile the Mother liras occupied in some of her household duties. A Bleep cistern fill - with' water a few feet al a'y stood uncovered, and the first warning of into his new brick i i..idenre on Friday . Srlioo'. Reaeur .--The follcllving it 41allge4' tele 171Ut11el hall was w}ien she of last week. John will have both' a cOrreet report of S. S. No. ,i. fur the he:tr43 ;i Iotid splash. She ruSherl aur cnnIfUrt and rorlvenienl e. --31r. Paul month of Se:ptelnb:•1•. Report 1 based to find her baby daughter in a death Madge lu,orht 19 head of cattle last Ion work and attendance of the puftils struggle between n the narrow roR walls of week for stall feeding at, 1,2 cents aeNamesa14 i,l order of Illi rat: tNora fire e.l,aarn. 'err.' St anlev was alone pound. t, .,lain 1s high and fall and Coughlin ('lover Short, Pearl Wilson it the time, but Without t moment's winte?. feed eealreer than uenaal stock- Ettie C'olighlin. IV (:ora Short. hesitation she plunged into the deep err are not bringing quite as high Z!Fillie Talwin, Josephine (.'out ihlin, IX- water to rescue her . little one. The For the last few weeks we have told yoll something about the stoves we handle. People havaurchased some of thein and are using them. They report entire satisfaction. Come P getr wouldto see them work. in and their Dame... �� e like you s Worldsc , DOR 1 F O R C E T We have stoves which took first premiums at the Fair. They are of course greatly improved since then and are well, worth your inspection. REMEMBER that we intend giving you the benefit of the low prices purchased at, We also have a larger stock than ever of Cow Chains, Axes, X cut saws, Apple Wire Chains, Washing Machines: etc, wa A FEW sECONb fi.Allb STOVES Obl HASID AT A 13A1 G1 IN. Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs in tr,•ule. --•j-1. 13Isf101) & sod This Store Closes at 6:30 p.nl., except Wednesday and Saturday. .1011111 . E3tETER. FARMS F®R SALE, MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good farms for gale cheap. Money to loan on easy to rm JOHN SPACEMAN, Samwell's Block Exeter I .k,{ONEY TO LOAN. AI - We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon farm or yillage property, at lowest rates of interest. DICRsoN & CARLING, Barristers, etc.. Exeter. FOE SALE -EO USE AND LOT. The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable house and premises on Huron street, East, in the village of Exeter, being part of lot 15, containing lit acres. There is on the premises a good frame house, stable, a green house. hard and soft water, some fruit trees andother conveniences. Posses- sion given this fall or next spring. For further particulars • apply to W3a• S. BAKER, Exeter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of George Geiser, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap- ter 129, of the Ltevisect Statutes of Ontario, 1897, that all persons having claims against the estate of George 0aiser, the above nam ed deceased, who died on or about the 80th rlay of.7uly, A.D., 1890, are requested to de- liver to the undersigned solicitors, for Wil- Liam B. Geiser, the administrator of his es- tate, on or before the '15th Day of October, A.D., 1899, their names and addresses with full arten- gars of their claims and statements of their accounts duly and legally verified. And notice is further given that after the said 15th day of October, 1899, the said ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute the assetsofthe said deceased among those en- titled thereto, having regard to those claims only, of which notice shall have been receiv- ed as above, and the said administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof so distributed as aforesaid. to any person or persons, of whose elaim or claims notice has not been received at the time of such distribution. DICKSON & CARLING, Dated at Exeter the 7th Solicitor for day of Septem her, 1809. .A.dmistrator. MONEY TO LOAN. Crediton East. 3lany were the expressions heard on Money to loan at from 414 to 5 per Saturday morning last, as our villagers ELLIOT & GLADMAN, awoke to find the ground covered to a Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter 'depth of six inches with the beatltifut a Now is the time for our oldest inhabi- Sale Register. tants to recall a like occurrence, but none is forthcoming. Many predict a fine October after such a storm. The brickyards are almost all through with the season's work and the quality of brick was never better, although the weather has been very disagreeable for the burning. Mr. Anderson finish- ed Friday noon and in the evening in- vited all his employees to a fowl %up- per, all of whom accepted the invita- tion and spent a pleasant evening. Music, speeches and social chat formed the anniselnent.-Mrs. Erb, of Strat- ford, is visiting her son, Mr. Erb, our popular lntllet'.—Miss Bennett, of Ba- clen, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. Erb. -31r. and Mrs. Wes Winer, who have been on an extended visit to friends in Michigan, returued home last week. -111r. Adair, of Sylvan, is visiting his brother, Mr. Frank Adair. Mrs. .Bantle and Miss Finkbeiner spent Friday i11.Farquhar.—The Miss- es Mitchell and Anderson of Exeter and Centralia, respectively, have been spending.a fele days with Miss Hilda Anderson.—Mr. E. Simpson, of Toxon - to, called on friends here one day last week.—Who were those two young men from Lucan who were enquiring for some of our fair maidens, on Sun- day last? Better conte again boys, you night find then next tinge.—Our grist mill is running over time now to keep pace with the ever increasing trade.—Messrs. Chris and Chas. Hoff- man are each wearing broad seniles this week. Cause: The former a girl and the latter O. boy.—Our' Klondike merchant has this week, opened out a large consignment of well assorted men's furnishings and with true enter prize • ha,s provided •L sitting -room apart from the stole. A move in the right direction "Billy." Cent: SATURDAY, OCT, 21.—Farm stook, imple- ments, Household Furniture, etc, the pro- perty of W. 0. Huston, Lot i, Con.3, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. ED. BOSSENRERRy, Anet. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11.—Farm Stock and Implements, the property of Mrs, Ellen Clark, Executors. on Lot 5, Con. 5, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. A. HOOPER, AAet. THURSDAY, OCT. 12 Farm Stock . and Implements„the property of John Doyle, Lott), Con. t5, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. HENRY BOSSENBERRY, Anet. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of John Trevethick, late of the VtIlage of Crediton, in the Township of Step- hen, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, wagon -manu- facturer, deceased. Notice is 'hereby given pursuant to the }loyised Statutes of Ontario 1897, chapter 129, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said John Trevethick, de- ceased, who died on or about the twenty-first day of September, A.D. • 7899, are required: to send post prepaid, or to deliver to Thoni;as Trevethick ot the said village of Crediton, one of the executor's of the estate of the said deceased. 011 or before the 15T13 DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D., 1899• their names, addressee,,and descriptions, with full particulars in writing of- their claims, drily verified, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. And n otiee is hereby given that immediate- ly after the last mentioned date, the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and will not be liable for said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons&l whose claim or claims, notice sball notli?:'Ne been received by him at the time aforesaid. A]1 accounts owing to the said John Treve- thick. deceased, must be paid. on or before the i$Ith of November, A.D. 18.99, by cash or note. L EST.Ev TREVETI1:10K l Executors. TROIKAS Taaa.vETnsCx 1 Dated. at Crediton, this third day of Oc- tober, A.D. 4899 , ,I'ace:;:es lest TeaD'.—\Ir. C'raLy- Iv Lightfoot, Tommy Lightfoot, May walls were steep and slinpy,and while ord. who hleasea as k ler. Joshua _tab- Ste(xtoeha I:. Falutoe h Geoehat;t seam; Mrs. Stanley might possibly haat tor',ftir4feet m1 o1# five years, t Coughlin, 1tISNIL Lightfoot, t , Elf1 h a It, she UI1 t impossible $150 a year riltal, ives on themem- Un1e Shutt, Sam. Scott. Harry Lewis, if) e1t1withunt relinquishing ir 'ng11 on i,es about the middle of this month. Sr. II.-- Pearl Short, Nellie Lewis, her child. NO Inge emu(' 1n res wish to Who be i, takin • along with him to JNnnett . Ili dire, Gladys Short, Erwin sharehie• joys and :sorrows we have Scott. Jr. IL ---Arnold Coughlin, Al - not yet heard,— Mr. David M. Ila(>k- lin NVilsoi, Lottie \ t�lsh. I t. II.-- ney, torn1Nriv of the Thaunes road, Adrian Ceuglth1n, ayHUinil theighlin. r lvhn unwed to c f•tp•In 1Pitti111 fool• llal)]e I.it,litfurt, Adeline Hoffmann. utiles of tit. Marys last spring. sold his Pt. 1.--C'lalr.a Talwin, Edward .lone,, farms .l. few days ago at a comsiderahle Francis Glavin, Fred Lewis, Chester advance over what he }}agin for it .foci Morley, Erin Stott, Eliza Hodgins. bought. hit'. Donald l loris' farm for Average sltten(lanee 34. $(]800. Thi, i, considered at good price ; J. II. LANE, , Teaelllrr. for :)t) acres.—•lir. 1Vin. Stewart and - -a- Gent1aliaJ1n Fulton, of the Hoatndry, have been tip at Myth the past two weeks' :Vise flora Baker, of Fairfield, 1v11u ,_. t ti business, n looking after lir. -,.girt, h 1>ine> , Fleas for the past month been seriously Exeter, the fernier shipping apples and ill with inflammation, is we are pleasect the Later leicl,iug. Vreditou Mr. and 11r:s. August Mmes. of '`ftlricln, epeni Tuesday with :sir. and 111.•:. I , Shinier.. Rev. Manor, of Phil- ipsburg, (endue -tea ljIutl•terly meeting in the (r. i•:. (hn*•est last Saturday .1n41' Sunday. Mr. J. G. Young, Mia." 11)r.l Rivers, tool Mi a. Jacob imklaeiuer are can the sick list, We tract they will Bane at speedy 1•eenv4'1'y. — Friday's .now was .1 great surprise to our bur ;h- erS, :Sonne of our oldest lv'aidents say it is as long time since' they have seen such an early snow. We hope Jack Frost will go to sleep for a while as we want a little oi'e warm weathe l.•-^ Mrs. a ofParolee, 1, , rem itlnes 1 rs and ,1 are visiting relatives in this vicinity,— Council netin the Town Halloo Mon- day. on-d Ly. =-alt•. Janes ('latrk coal Mrs Ellen exeent4ti:,, int4'nd 141 have 1111 anetion tale on Lot 0, C-on,0, Wednes- day, Oct. 1I,--• The choir of the Metho- dist Chetah are preparing for the Thnnksgi'.ing services for next Sun- day. :l:a. to y rssei'y is drawing gravel for the'n.ui through the villagta—Mr, (leo. 11..wieke+r has gone* to London to live .. ^ t now we want at. jeweller. We are sorry to lave George ea he bus won runny ft ie ods hem', especially among the fair sex. —Mr. \Vin. Lewis has purelaised one of tt ('Iary's men Coal stoves from J. G. Yuu:1g & Sion.- Mr, Cline. Eilber hes returned from Malatitobat ve*','sick, About three weeks ago he left Isere for Wawauu•sa, Man.. on a pleasure trip and took ill while up thterP4 He telegraphed his nephew. 11. Either,'., to sleet him in 'Toronto to a seist hint. IIe ar- rived home Tuesday morning and con- sidering; the long tedioustrip Mr. l il- br•i" s condition is very favorable. Drs. I{ullin. il. I1.ivt'*s are attending him and gond hopes are entertained for it speedy recovery by his large number of friend, in this vicinity, Har1:t. LEASED.—air. Walter Clark lute 14 arse d his hotel to :lir. Robert lic- Falls. of London. Mr. McFalls intends moving into the premises the latter part of this month. Hay Council Children Cry for CASTOR IA,. Council poet on Monday, Oct 2; all members present. The Collector, 0. Troyer, handed his bond to the Coun- cil and was found satisfactory and the collector's roll was ordered to he deliv- ered to the collector. The following accounts were duly passed and orders issued for the same ; J. Wagner, cow. work S. 13. $5 02; R, Denomie, repair- ing L. R. $2 50; H. Lippert, putting out fire C. R. $1 50, and services re. court revision voters' list $20; P. Sche- de, culvert L. R. and side -road $4; J. Weido, two culverts $2 65; Wnt. Jen- nison, repairing 3 culverts L. R. $4; Wm. Miller, two culverts, con. 16 $6; G. Eisenbach, repairing culvert, con. 14 50c.; T. Turnbull, culvert L. R. $3; A. Turnbull, repairing two bridges L. R. $3; Registrar of Huron, registering By -paw re. S.S. No. 10, $2; F. Hess,Sr., work re. By-law S. 5. No. 10, $3; P. Schade, lake gravel $5; P. Hartman, culvert and grant, $8; J. N. Howard, work. and • t d culvert, con. 5, $5 20; S. Vin- cent, repairing two culverts $5; F. W. Hess, printing $6 50; Hay Branch Ag- ricultural Society $50; Wm. Dignan, repairing bridge and gravel C. R. 2 50; H. M. Willert, repairing culvert 5. B. $1; J. Oesch, cutting thistles C. R. '75c. P. Beaver, com. work S. B. $25 64; J. Schroeder, drain accross S. B. $2, and repairing three culverts, con. 16, $3; H. Nagel, grading con. 14 $1 25; Jas. Carroll, work con. 4, $1 50, and culvert con. 5 $3; J. McDonald, cleaning allowance, con. 6 and 7, $14 25; J. Moa - seen, culvert and plana $5 20; J. Oesch work on road, con. 12, $250; El] Duch arnle, repairing culvert L. 'R., $1 50; Wm. O'Brien, gravel contract, 0, R. $20,15; H. Reichert, repairing culvert con, 6, $1; F. Busch, building bridge, con. 2, $16; Geo. Thiel,,Jr., work C. R. $15 Geo. Thiel, Sr., work C. R. $1. Council will meet again on Monday, November 6, at 10 o'clock a. n]., when gravel and lumber accounts will be settled. F. HEss, SR., Clerk. her eerie -tuts for help, and in at ew Inin- iltess the Smother gave up the ltnec tragi struggle anis with the child in her nails Sant: quietly to the bottom,where the two bodies were found an hour later by the husband and father, loe1: e(1 in a death embrace, Struck by a Stone. Kin.•:rdine,O4 t. 2.Yesterday after- noon fternoon %'.'Bile walking on the lake 5llore with aL number of companions, air. Reginald Simpson, iatnI" English- man, 1 1x1- ma, represetiir large ftittue 1 assay ;utile to be wilt aILi1110.-111 , 11.i11- (inn cif :Halle I*(sten, was aC(•identally away is confinees to) her room thlxlugh struck on the head with at large stone:, sickness . --Mrs. James Andiron and fraetnringithe sktill and producing pro - daughter have returned home after ' bably,at hemorrhage of the brain, He spending at few weeks here, the guest now I�e” in a S('mn-t4'IIS('iehtl'+, partly* of MIS. J4l>ep}h :lnde)'.on,-3 '.. Jas. p{aralyzeel string itiean. \i1. Simpson has White, of le 1il, ; enulaulel by linen here for some months, with et View to establishing a1 Burr' ure• ac- hes 1i1r1thel', all, tic\Iourlir, 'who Iiias t furniture f later returned twine from aL 1'i.it to tory, and by his kindly manners has the femelald Iale, spent. mnndaty hem rn.aele aa, large number of friend.. the guest of Me, A. Nevin.—Mr. Wm. Pickle, our cooper, bas left towel and gone to Nol•wieb where he has aeeet- ed to situation with 31r. Frank Birks. A gentleman from Slabtown i, ne- gotiating for the pmeha se of the m- eant blaeksmith shop here.- Mr. A, Hicks, our enterpt'isin grain pier - chant, who pays the highest prim for on tho scintli yicie of the toll n they set p. r to cast: rll i L e 1 t,dth t I fop a l e wheat, r• r .,. 1. is 4 quantity in 1 1 getting alar a pit1 (+ g, 1. 1. pp 1 r;''v- • •v 4 le. � ilei the resiclen<aN of 111•. Jretney Shanks to just now. t�'he , e p uses t > held here on SnndaLy next will be in aid of sharpen their drills. At 6 ph -lathe men the twentieth century fund, ;1. plat. left, off work and left the forge and bel forum meeting will be held and rein- lows st;ttialing fit] slfiltfeing groultn. They ducted by some of the leading 1111.11 of bald lhecll alasa•nt a1 w Illinted. en Exeter, Centralia and other place's, `1r. Shanks,' nn, a little fellow Eevelt atte intt'reeting tune 10 expected, --The unex;pt'eted visit of old King winter end the raise in the, price of coal catuved a look of suxpl'tsc' to many of our citizens Stet Saturday, but every - thin it: hright again. \Ve re stn ft,nn snipe of the old pioneers that ,a similar storm occul't'ed 24; years ago, on the 21st September, nine day sooner than this one. It is to 1' hoped that such a Storm will not take pimp fits' 25 more year.• Many Sine orchards have been ahmost rained by the load of snow they Were foree4'I to b('atr,•—Mrs. J. Demsey, of Eden, has moved to town and taken possession of Mr. Wm. Mof- fatt's house on Burke star --:11r. Win. Elliott, of Fairfield, has disposed of his handsome delver to Mr. «1n. White, of Rogerville. Semen. REI'owr--Thr' following is aL ,correct report of the publie school here for the month of September. Names are in order of merit: Sr. Division. V --•Polly 'Windsor, Allnenat Huxtable, Katie Elliott, Lillian Salton, Lillian Elliott. IV—Alvina Nilson and ("lin- A Serious Accident. Smith's Falls, Oet 2.--A peculiar ire- ektent happened here on Saturday ev- miing. A. Bell telephone construction gang having built a line from Ottawa are now working towards Brockville, 11Vingham: On Saturday'last Irwin Patterson, while working in the Union factory met with an accident that re- moved the end of his thumb. He is at work again. On Monday last, Arthur Hobbs met with an accident. in the flax Mill, making a cut nearly three inches long in his left hand, and severing a meant artery. ton Hogarth even;Fleeda Baker,Edith Bunt, Perry Windsor, Aggie Hepburn, sores would breakout can her head and Earl Mitchell. Sr. III (a.)—Earner face, and the best doctors could give Mitchell. George Hepburn, Pearl With no relief, but her cure is complete and ker. Sr. III (B) Minnie Baynhanl, her health is excellent," This show Clara Fairhali, Ruby Hicks, lieno what thousands have proved, that Cnlifas. No. of names on roll 22, aver- IlectxitBitters isthe S blood url- aneattendance 19.0. Jr. Division. Jr. her known. It's the supreme remedy years old, went to the bellows and in trying to pular upset it. The handle knocked hills down and held hint there while the contents of the forge, ma- sh ung of about halfahushel ofcinders nehOa start and live mile, were dump- ed on his head. 'Three other lads vvlho were playing a short distanee away rail to his aseistanee. The first to reach hila caught his legs and tried to pull hila out, but ceiuld not until an- , other lifted the handle off. He was breathltes and nearly snfroeated for a, tittle, lledieatl acid woe summoned and 111' was found to be terribly burned all over his heard and neck and one hand. His tongue and mouth were also cover- ed with blister's. He is expected to re- (omer, Inti may lose the sight of one eye as a result, atud possibly be other- wise disfigured. Glorious .News. Comes from D. B. Catrgile of Washi- ta, I. T. He writes; "Foto' bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible ISI—Frank Boyle, H. Motz, F. Cottrill E. Hill. Hector Mitchell, W. Mitchell, Homer Mitchell, A. Baker, Rosy Wil- son, A. Haggith. Sr. II—C. Vale, C. Heitman. E. Windsor, R. Bloomfield. Jr. t1 --Winnie Essery, Flora Hepburn, Nellie Cottrill, R. McCoy, Verne Wil- son, Verne Sheau•down. Part II— Gtadys Essery, Melinda Chillies, Jos. Beaman, W. Hudgins, .111. Elliott, E. Windsor, 0. Nilson, N. Beaman, 1M. Callfas. Pt. I (A) Gifford Hogarth, Francis :Mitchell, G. 'Wilson; (B) Stun. McCoy, Chas. Grafton. No. on roll 34 average attendance 28. W. B. BAGSHAW 1 Teachers. MISS OLIVE WALKER. 1 Stephen Council. The Council of. the Township of Stephen, convened at the Town Hall, Crediton, on October 2nd, at 2 o'clock, P.M. All members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirm- ed. Hicks—Yearley, that By -Law No. 10 of 1809, after being read the third tune be ' passed and signed by the Reeve. -Carried. The following or- ders were passed.—Jones Bros., Wier - ton Lumber, $108.77; P. Sullivan, gravel and culvert, $33.22; Wm. Kuntz, repairing spire driver, $1.55; Frank Clark, repairing culvert and two new ones, $4.50; C. Eiiber,'burying a horse, $1.00; Canada Co., fence viewers fees, etc., Doyle and 'McCormick, $16.00; Hy. Essery, drawing dumber from Centralia, ;$2.50; Oliver and others, drawing lumber from Centralia, $2.00; Michael Htuxsickex, work on road, $1; Adams & Rhoeder, stones, and work on the 16th con., $4.50; '4V1n. Sanders, commissioner, Exeter, S.B., $6.75; J. Barry, gravel contract, N.R. block 8, $87.70; J. Barry, gravel contract, T.P. blocks 742 Ex. S.R. $57.55; J: Berry, ravel contract N.B. blocks 4 & 5, $50- 25; 50- 2; James Baxter, building two bridges $16.00. Council adjourned to meet at call of Reeve. HENRT. EILBER. Clerk. for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, - boils and running sores. It stimulates the liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poison, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by all druggists. Every bottle guaranteed. Seaforth: On Sunday as Jars. Forbes, a young son of Mr. Arther orbes,wa.s walking along Main street, he slipped on the wet sidewalk, and in failing struck on his shoulder with the result that the breast bone was fractured. BIRTHS HOFF IAN. --In Stephen, on Sept. 26, wife of Chris. Hoffman, of a daugh- ter. LANs.—In Exeter, Sept. 17, the wife of W. S. Lang, of. a son. Homs tie II.—ln. Steph . aa, on Sept. 20th, The wife of Chas licifflnani of a son. MARRIAGES. HoFFVIAN.—STACEY.—At the Manse, Exeter, by the Rev. AV. 11. Martin, on September 27th, Henry Hoffman, of Dashwood, to Z'iIiss Margaret Stacey, of Stephen. KEAMIE—BAIRD—Ill Clinton, Sept. 27th, at the residence of the bride's sister,. Mrs. E. B. Harte, by the Rev. Mr. Stewart, Miss L. Baird, to A. J. Keachie, of Galt. HARVEY—CUDMOBE.--At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, Us - borne, on Sept. 27th, by the Rev. J. W. Ball, of Kirkton, uncle of ` the bride, Mr. Wesley Harvey to hiss Ellen, daughter of Mr. Thos. Cud - more. MASsoN-SCuROEDER-At Grand Bend, on Sept. 27th, by the Rev. S. A. Oarriere, Mr. Louis Schroeder, to Miss Lillie Masson, both of Stephen. FORD—WEST AWAY. --At the family residence, Brantford, by the Rev. R. Treleaven, on Sept. 27th, Albert Ford, of Exeter, to Miss Aggie Wes- taway, daughter of the late Samuel Westawa y. DEATHS. WALKER—In Clinton, On Sept. 25, the infant son of John Walker. JOHNSTON--in Goderieh, on Sept. 20, Mary Tiunoth, wife of Mathew Johnston, aged 71 years. HxND MAtr.—In Exeter, on. October 3rd. John Ilya dman , M.D., aged 69 years, 6 months,