HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-9-28, Page 50 ( ;are THE The iHlolso.s Bank. :�a� W'�_. TNfr MARKETS.EXETERMARKETS. (Ia�vub�}ss} ��� �.. �� 7Cl/ N �4 vacate i, (Ohartezed by Parliamentsao culealco Wheat opened. Weak- But i , (Ohevery LVedi.epday) 114 ad aver Thursday published y hu day Afornin 7 • at the ()9jeo, g' 3lfiAIi�i-STREh,T, „e EgFrTER. Paid lip Capital �,00U,000. x Rest Fund 500,000Oats �� y. e-atsla�i-�1° Gradually Become Stronger mod -r + Cloned With Ativonim of r Cent, '� 26. -There ChicagoSept. . 'was an Wheat pefibushel ,.. GO to df,t Four' Barleper awl 1.82to ,2.0 Paasa to 23 50 to 5G, 4 e 1r1144 —Ey the—.- ADVOCAT- PIM,. C,omeaav TERMS OF SUBSCRIMON, Hard office Montreal,• . • F. ��'OLTLRSTA? THOMAS, Esq.,, early weakness in the wheat marl e, yesterday, but a strong undertone PERSONALITIES. Yiiggs gradually deieloped finally Oorn 48 to Is x4 to 15 Eggs i Potatoes per bag :10 to so 0 4; . a One Dollar per annum if paid in B,dvunca ,81.30i£not so paid. ag Ra,tgr3 cm. (rIa 1 E1tAT,=�i.1lAtik ii, Money advanced to good 1`OrinerS on their own notes endorsers and scop ed an advance of one [elft. C'losiar * Governor Roosevelt spends fi hours b tyuotation was ad,x�c for 1+eptenlber. and 40 minutes per day at the state I fverpool, tial),. ° lrlees ._.., Hay per ton 4..5v o 30tr Tried A pies per 14 Tocol p 12 to 14 - - - -_ -.. �- e 5 ?Miter Ecl1sart-s ,A2x2,ca.. dost - _ No paperdfseontinued lintilallarre raga are paid. Advertisements without souffle will be published till forbid and 0hargedaccordingly, Liberal discount made or transoient advertisements inserted for long p_eriods. Every description et JOB4. PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Chequea,moneyord- ora,&o.foradvertising,snbscriptions,etato.4.. be made payable to Clltas.H. Sanders, with one or more at 7 per cent, per stinum. —EXETER 'E' RR BRANCH - Open every lawful day [rola 10 ani- to a p.m;Saturdays 1Oa.1 . to 1 pro. 4 s , - genetalbanklxtz, busi1)e, Stransaeted... CLRRFNT RATES allowed formoney an DepositReceipt,: Savings Bank. at 3`;, DicssoS & CA ra iolkors. N.D. H giros; err. ..G.-1Cheat capitol. 1 For September and December closed Russell Sage was a. warm supporter of unchanged yesterday •r •March I'dS Zachary Taylor, and recently said that lover. x e his ideal American politxcianwas Henry 'MAD IN'GW1l1I T>IARKMS... In 1a72 Sarah Bernhardto Following lwere the closing prices was g'ettiil§ a .. i 1>o ani. ,Sheat. centres jester^- Wil) a InOntlx at the Odeon, In tlt8 r5 ? Cash. May. years since then she has received $`�,- Chicagoso 7, i . $0 74%$0 7' S011IQO$evex dge, the new senator from New obiee .. 0 7t?•a ^#)ri U7r U `30 lit, ,a(lts .",. 4.'„11.+4 a air, 0 7dEt, 0 ,� Indiana. is a self made ' Sure . 11111re go. Coids t�011'.t thinkyou C2Il pate OlOt les to loo like 1e''! tit `,directions Then again it would IIq pay you when you cam bu •t' ,1 clot in at the prices / sell. BARGAINS` EDITOR exp PROP 8efo�r• r man, and i$ Toledo 0 114 0 7.144 0 7ti?4 known.amonghz5friendsas the "seem) Detroit. red ,. 0 7'. 0 75is 7alrk , lt'rofeysional cards. Woe,. plit)Sphoa ,$.t The Great Engifsir Rem e1V. .0 Detrol,, „Isla., , ,.. 0 7 M4 Garfield,"' ,•,^ Duluth. No 1 '.;0_3!'.0 When the Children et their Poet wet t;Cre. Cold give thein, Pants made to order, all col heavy tweeds $2,01 H. EINSMAN, I,. D.S. & DR. A. R. ..-,,,, KINSMAN., L D. S. D. D.S.,Ronor ,_+• graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS, 'rQeth extraeted without any pain, or any d ofiocts. Office in Fanson's Bioak, wast side Main Street,Fxeter. ---- Sold and recommended by all • druggists in Canada, Onl reit- .,,� able medicine eliscoversa. ,$iz , , ., paelcages guaranteed to care all Zcnms of Sexual Weakness. all efieets of abuse Aiental Worry, Rxcesstve use of To- baceo. Opium er Stimulants. Matted on receipt ofprice, .one psokage dl,six. SS, ())iewittplea4e. sluusigcare, Pamphlets free to any Address. Tao woof" Coo:walla. `Yateaser,Oat. On the 1st of January Tommaso Sal- uot•thern , ,. 4 70;ir 0 7°1 0 73y, - Dnare Np 1O vial. Celebrated his seventieth birthday. Lard .. ,"0 T .,,. ,,,,^ •,,, He has had a Career on the stage of ai+neapalia ,o Gsa',; 0.7x, , 0 epter 0 7r3'a Li ore than 50 ea a Rerirt)ot-CloseSpot wheat ft kirm, red worexcess, y • winter 5s 104[1. northern span- Gs 2d,, fir Willi= Miller Collier, whom Governs tares flan. 5e )t, )s 11>)(d, 1>ee, 0� fedi I ' r r _ - �lnreh, Fix 1?;d; spot corn .quiet, ^,1 orRoasevelt hasmade a aa lorl. • MU* futures firm. sept, 3:; TO, Oct. a 7d Nov. eexvice the .r and, a hot foot bath a bowl of hot drink, a close o Ayer'e Ghei�y - Pectoral, and put them i bee, The cbatzces are they will be all right in the morntn . Con- ,lane the CherryPectoral a%w days, until all Con h has die- ,`ul �$r Overcoats $'f Black Worsted suits a spec. soli ;`. [39 •. Our $ - blacks t ;2Q b a:lza beat all _-_.—. R.)3. A LTO � ANDFiRS0 i,(D,D,S„[.D.5=) honors Uraduate ot'the Toronto n reify and Royal College of Dental Surgeons rain, a i •Wo d a Phosphodine 1;; said iA B,,,rer by o. Lutz, , drugelat. CornmxsSloner, is ,, r author of 3s 6;'d, Der.. • s tiltl, Jt1u,. new ", ,la, Feb., "Q'otlier oA Bankruptcy.” Ae h, us 43+,,•4; flour. 18s 00, _ 1`t;$llii,t'h at+`t't+'1+:•, Senator AiCCulnber, recently electedit The visible, apj�eared, 014 coughs ate. aix0 etti'Gif" - wQ. mean tthe, coo s of brgtt�. Otitis, others at $23. Come and, 'BA j"Ql'. Ott yourself. of Qatari°. Teeth extraeted without AU modes of Donttt,try up, to date. Wilco over Elliot & F.11i°t's law ofiioti-opposite ^ExOt t' eCentral Elliot •,..----_-, •- . `.1O TI' E 1)IaA , --x1. 1•i('l3 lady, F "� cured Of her Deafness ant :�()itik�S tit the Head by I)i•. Nieholbon'oi Artitiietai from North Dakota, is described as stal,1)1Y of gratin for the about 43 ears of ane smooth f Pits[ Wee, shoe s the following in- y s , a . aaad,e creases and del'rc.iS. . Wheat itter4'aS• with light boar and bine eyes ed ^x#o.l)Ui) bushels. Corn increased weak throats and lrrltabf Iuligs. Even the hard coughs of consumption at'e always< mai?,' easy and frequently cured PATRONIZE fI y i s 3� sltltta>kat' ....-_r..._- _,_.._._-_ _- - T,R,T, L. SIoLAt'(*RLIN, MEMBER OF LJ theCo1Ieg of Fitvst0lansantlSLlrgeans Ontario, Physroiaf, Surgeon, and Aeeouoh- env. Ofaca Da,ahwood, Oast Dawns, has sent 81,000 to his .lit. smuts. so that deaf people unable to ptOt;klre the Ear Drams may have theltl t'reN, l>l>l - to Ilrllitl'tllletlt A. S. N. Tie institute, ," Longcott," Gitnners1Il v London, W. l;,u'glalltl. John Hooper, a man with a mania for ,433 00O nisht4s. ,rats decreased t0A1bstOI1eS,. stole 1$ of them AVM145.000 hustle's -I f raCel.lntj cemetery, Chicago, aril used of oN7,'o .r. 1#wi:r, 0l. 1i:1ImET, them for brie'at-brae at Ids. bon e, Grata- , Wheat, wilite, he'll, $U °P to $U 71 B-GoYernox Taylor of `petlilessee „ u red, bean ,.,. ,. 0 (,,a,, 0 7u;i • by the continued use of Aga People patronize us beeRs �t realize hat we Gi f'fd 7 +5 � clothing that IS S f"i(t ' a sI •t(}^Li te, , , , _: _ .. ___. _ ,.:._,.....: 1lRea:ai,respites �_..._ ...__ ..w_ .,_"._.., Sudden Death a Guelph. ¢anted 693 pardons. Commnt�tionsa?�d A. sire. Lush. 0 during" his two years in office. " goose, bush .4 , 0 ,a!a 0 7G. _ - . l CAv'Ratar (?n tit last day of his term bo signed 43 n ter. hush . , , . , , :. , 0 4 3r„ 0 40 I ens, ini,tt 0 1, Coat i . . GRIEVE IQK Solicitors, es, OanveZ an ew; Commissioners, Notaries the lance s, 5 <, ), Guelph, Sept, 25. -Archie, rchie, Lamont, well known in Guelph. and vicinity, pardons Outs. bush '• 0 )Sy: 0 "l. Dr. Nicho1as Senn, who was r rye` hush. , 0 55 •• •• hf,;. gBuckwheat. bush :a:) Opposite, Post ()Mc per a Block Bain t Office Fanson's- S (lied littler y at the Albion suddenlyarmy •,,,.,. !l ..,, b Iiia Seeds,- ,.. ., ,.. ..... ._._ . cent' " ,, Exeter. (A member of the firm will be at Exeter. Hansell on Thursday: °leach week.) I. R, OA/in.txo, B. A.. L. R. Dtcxsor,. .• Hotel about hit)£ -petit 0110 til-(„ta , H( had peen taking his dinner when he f�"11 hirci lxi tlLe eharl'. II" st"e fated. to Gent work as an surgeon eeds- , - ^- during the Spanish. war, holds the chair lied clover, er, per hush .., ,$44' 25 to s „A ” p Alkslce, , llote,� tt, taws 5 75 ka i of Chicago. aArgery at that 'University Allslte, ami 1a ' 4 50 ;, .a) oa' Aisfke, l nod ,Aa . ., 6 ;a0 # t10ilLAD41AN, ectori IIQN�RANC BABRISTEB,S, (t�.l oto., Qonreyaneera. a'nd 14 •• to Lawn, .LOT. F, AF. t1z.Anxax, lir V. EM.10r. have been elioke(1 Ia a piece of ltleat in bis throat. �.°�. veterinary 5121'};t'On at the table relieved lout a lzir a pus. ; ible stlltil a phy ieian arrived. \o in- ,., 1�'ttlte elowea icer bush7 110 'J 00 Rea. Dr. I',1f, D, Hillis. who is to sac' Tluloth,' ,teed.. per bust; 100- 1 05 ceed Lyman Abbott in the Charge Of hili' alail strays-. Beecher's old lalymoutll church. Brook- slay, per ton $10 90 to $1_ 00 Straw, Every doctor knows that wild cherrybark is the best remedy a A mm -^ _.,- Axeltoaekrt7 quest will kik' held, the death lilt, ins i g arisen partially from natural cutlet's. sheaf, per tiro .... 7 00 8 00 lyn, is said to be as °nlniverous a read- straw, loose, per ton , 4 oo 4 00 er as was Gladstone. Aairy' I'rodnee- known to medical science for , r soothing and healing infiaaled ,..N of law Its no t•x i"rt'•e, l>n ^ 7ri" AOSSFNBERRY,Grand Bend, Licensed ,i.3. Auctioneer forCount.v Huron.. Sales promptlyattendedto, and chargee > oder- ate. Orders by until will receive aver at- tontlan, Sentenced. '" Can 5ittirxdaty Ttol)E+rt Casey, t4lt(►hitkl Putter, ur lb, rolls ,.,$0 20 0 -a Charles Dudley Warner has come out l:,ggs, new -laid ..,....,,. U 10 0'20 as a believer in the indeterminate Son- Poultry-. tence for criminals, sayingthat rl, ons ! r pair $0 40 to $0 75 prisons Chickens, Per shottlti xeall bli metal IrOs itals vvltexp Turkeys, per lb. 0 12 U 15 y y p Ducks. 0 :)0 0 00 throats and lungs. t ono of e Dr. , Ter' s r' l ignorance taF.-- „_ ._ m- ••- BfLOWN,1Pinehotsea. Lieonsed Auot- • i°neerfor the Counties of Perth and 1liiddloaox,alsoforthetownshipofUsborne romptly attended to and terms red- eoubeicsale,arranged at Post office Win- ehelsea, been committed to Cx()tierich for trial by a J. P. of Zurich, on a charge of stealing steatlin at petit of S( ISfigx :, \L'as brought u;;ht before .TLltl'411 ' g lassonforclecti()ll. The pxiaonei elected, to be tried try Tuts Honor without jury, pleaded guilty to '3acline per pair the inmates are held until cared, ,lease, per 1 ,. , ...,,U 00 0 U3 Jai>aes R. Scott, Iowa's oldest news• 1f..3.-.1• tittrNAt,t, <:,►'rx`tl. •+• vll)it, i. j� p Fast Buffalo, N•1,. Sept. 25'.-Cattle- a er man, recently deceased, never Liberal offerings, 250 lan(ls,, coapted with misseda day at his desk in the Dubuque latae receipts in the west and an ample Herald in 41. years. The floor beneath it supply la . the esst cautie't3. a general 00 in prices here, the receipts in. �,t(h CherryPectora Plasters o your lune J mY r TyE NAVY is ii misfortune. 1 -- [nt+uratnce. the chart and was sentenced t0 charge days in the county jail with hard la- liar. -Geo. Stevens, a tramp, was bare a deep impress from his heels. The instrument which Edouard Re- (luded 02loads of Canada cattle, larger. stockers. The general trade opened cult, flood to best smooth fat expert cattle 43.0 The Beet Madlcal drlcs Fi .l --Awn- " i T & B ill (lilt on E"verb• "" ELLIOT, r, Insurance Agent, Alain St, Exeter brought before the Police lliigist rate Y on Tuesday, charged with bl'lnl, Y. train!). and the evidence supporting menpi,tllefamous vlolinist, WAS playing a@ when he fell dead on file Stade was a Stradivarius known as the"Titan."ittiteb 5i ex, poo rt buds, $4 tto S4.21; f, ro010 o Uk1101e butcher steers, $,i to $,.'S: good to best r t1 t., R4,;,U ro C,,10; Sg ell to best, Daus. 48.50 to 541 feeder, lulls 432' wa pugs have soma of the most amt• • 17un4uplyPpPortnnitl QAlong a;Aerf- once eminently tit them for trtn you freely plug and package. ? ,It the charge, 1\l . Seager sent his tramp- ship to the Central al sig months. which its owner would, never sell, but to $3.50: gm! to Hest fit lietfers,, ;4'22 medical ed'lee. Write ail the particulars la your cast.. rw.,sl:.aY. t a5<,t .R.� � �< -..-.o- .,, o_ which has naw been purchased for $400 by Sol Marcos84n1 the American to z 1,73; rale to )Doti befit tY rt -i to xi x: fat cowl good to heat, 1k .) to $4.21: Address, Dr. 40.ATER, Lowetl..Mees. ---_-_.-.._..-- ..,�-_-_•., ,.., _• -, , , A Manxman's Call to Ditty. violin^ ist, stable ria cows, 4" ,,• to$3.21; fresh tails, ehatee to extra „nod bass $50 30 400• EXETER ajyj ITThe A•,,$i5 a• IIon. J Ii, Ward, of r(>ntrelil450 a 11I.Lt13-(a',tll ldtan 5enl15 tO the '��-ltlless APHORISMS. - good to thotet, $4u to 4.5 springer, good o 453; cnu,n and poor toa`extra.>$2 p to ) rows and springers, Col to _� THE HOR$E RECOR',D. 01L R ` " il To react the big stores' aid- 41 verbiseuients C STOP! � 1 4 ( jZ hisM111.8 copy of the leading• Isle of Man paper [entwining the following:- ,t from 'Christian I see this week's Christian World'thatt there is a paper curried on on the very Satlle lines as the hong- inary one described in 'In His Steps.' It is the Montreal 'Daily Witness,' The man who procrastinates struo glee with rain,-Hesiod. The more honesty a man has the less he affects the air of a saint. -=La vater. Duty ninon good. +20 to 425 calves, elloler to e,; felt to ood,0$J.30ato 40;''iieav fat y ca,lvee 44 to $a. Sheep and Lambs -With 03 loads on sale and a ntoaerates demand the market raleel rue evert Li At stheosn jiyalthererklaiia large antl prices lower, and the volume or ce sThe Frank Walker, the famous starting )edge, advocates the two in three heat p len J. J. Critchfield of Columbus, 0., will be out with the pacing stallion a __,- - W000 WANTED + ` For whose ra_,00d are we in 41` the furniture ansinessa For M yours and ours. If we are not useful to you we cannot be use- ful to c>tu'selves. -1�'e have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we cau- aLn not make a success Of our busi- ness. Hess. But we have been doing 1business right along for years, which proves that � e are the p p 4 right kind of people with the and is said to be the only tote of the kind in the world.ey7.'lltxt can hardly be Sllld [0 be iL very creditable thin for the Christian Church. Can tiny one doubt that such a paper mast be an enormous force oil the side of purity,what t'iglltequsners, and every good and no- ble 1)10 cause. I can imagine tear greiiter blessings blessings that coo conte to way coneheadlambs. y thou the presence of such ;1 paper • het ou111 be tglhacein thisust 1i.517ndva (thehimself. Isle of Man) a paper absolutely free from personalities, stories of petty bc�ttin<ry and today are ours. Results and futurity belong to God.-Horacetri Greeley. The praises of others map be of use in teaching as, not what we are, but we ought to be. -Hare. Poverty is the only load which is the heavier the moxa loved on°sthere are to assist in bearing it. -Richter. he prodigal robs his heir, the miser robs The middle way is justice to ourselves and others.-Bruyere. You may deceive all the people part ori thehprlec st Ctly e1,o cel to tr tanlbs were to lett aentaua inti solo about steady, bat o,i`tlle iwd<'rgrafles there IYa,J. 5: heavy decline. Lambs, choice h: cote! utwere4quotable, to 45.40 to $;,.uo; goad atv�Tizrs;ir. LIVE sroplc. Fnstn lial'�� altoir2tvis lnioiuln jp� a� 50' head at ratite, luD tithes, 800 Sbt'eIi 1101 There was a good utcesacun e o buyers, but the demand was stow cunt prtcc, ureh)vtged. C"ante-C'haice •.old cit •Iro)i 4%c to 41ac Ger 10.;good sold at from t4.( to 4c Per 1b. ; lower grade from 2e t° st par tt'• ,relyes were sold si tram $3 to 12 ace 7diva to size. Sheep. brought from 3t to , _c per 10. Lambs were Noll from 4, Egozen, 2:00; , again. There is an immense amount of "rootin "being g a done in favor of the two in three batt, system. The name Amigo has been added to that of the fast California stallion Mon - teray, x:09 4, for registrationpurposes. a eA The veteran Jack Feek has expressed himself as in favor of the two in three Pian, and also says heel, betting should be abolished Leyburn, Will Le burn, 2:12, by Wilton, the kingpin 2 -year-old pacer of 1807, who �" flour, �S`h(llk• wiE arc? itietwil, (Moped feed, Barley, I'Mais, ()aft, Corr c -StG SZO K i Tp f3lla '- .._ +� PPiCeS Right. J. ��B�� I t Manger. right prices. Coale and see for 5 yourself. _ , ^ scandal , news, and aids c�rtis(to Giants of anything that could be to the moral detriment of the people. Iuithnsl, of the time, and part of the people all the time, but not all the people all the 4?:,c per lb. Hogs brought from 4;' Cute per Ibe( cc ,talaiasts• was not raced last year, is to be trained again this year. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Issncceasfullynsedmonthlybyover �q( GI .pdS •q Furniture. LIOPEPA I S� +) ,prejudices. Undertaking, �1, la HOUSE BLOCK' tunaware for such a task.a 111),21 of enormous courage and faith would be needed. But if such a tnan did arise in. ourmidstit would be such a eall to duty to all Christian people as Nils hardly ever come to us yet. He would �, have great difficulties to fight with, but I wonder what right any of lis wonld have to call ourselves followers time. -Lincoln. Every period of life }las itspeculiar Whoever saw old nae that did not a land the pas and condemn pp p 0 Present times 1 -Montaigne. Always vote for a principle, though. you vote alone, and you may cherish the sweet reflection that your vote is At Little Falls these sales.weremade: 304 boxes large white and coloretr :11 UNI(.: 4]'i boxes, largt' colored; at 114 , +;; bores', l:uge colored, at nivrte ,elm,; lets'; boxes `mall wilite, ut I10 ).�c; 4xi bases small white and colored, at _Lie; butter silt at s is to 230. Latica, N.Y.,Sept.25.-On the 'Utica Board of Trade today the fallowing sales 01 cbecse were officially reported: 3'1) boxes large colored at lie, 41 boxes do. at 111i+c 000 b•xes large NT tyour "• ou M a- no fa' - - _ _ ,$ p�'i+� � Experiment • When q h is in C�+G i1v 10,000 Ladies. Safe,efiectual.Ladiesash druggist for Cook's Cotten Root Com' Dowd. Takeno other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitatlonsaredangerous. Priee,No.1,$lper box,No. 2,10 degrees stronger, 48 per box. No. tor2.mailedonreceiptofprceandfwos-cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. Nos.iand2soidan,irecommendedbyail responsible Druggists in Canada. Nos. 1 and No. g sold in Exeter by 0 Lutz, Druggist. -',ec---i,r Tir•l;r . .si.,,,r• of Jesus if we did not stand by him never lost. =John white at 110, 2500 boxes and see him through. Surely this is- Quincy Adams. small colored at ilei 320 boxes do. at 11?• c boxes anger. FOR FIRST L.8+ I n0 utopian dream. It ought to 1)(1 ))el"- fectly feasible.If our Christian _ , DON'T DO IT. do. (301 white at 10%e. 300 boxer d0. at llc•, . boxes ea da. at il+ral 12(! yboxetlob clo. at 11)%EC• On the ('art) cacl„t Fancy 1oc: e. AGENTS .-� a � -ell, pro- sold at 11 to 111/2e.sales of buttal BEEF, LAMB, ?ORRJi, fession feS,iou is aL reality and not a sham; if all, or even a large portion of the Church members were to be governed Don't linger at the bottom of the lad- der. Either go up or down. were 17 packages at 22t 1)0 packages at .:Jc and, G0 cases of prints at 25e. Paints Celery Compound Gives experience necessary. Permanent SAUSAGE, BL��r L�, by the rale ` What would Jesus do? ”Sure they would make it: quite possible for Su�h t pitpet• as the one described as Don't expect a coat of paint to cover a woman's age successfully. Don't life The aunt clul, Races,. Toronto, Sept. 26. --Yesterday, the and Honest Results• on tion. Liberal terms. Pay weakly. Stock, wekly.Sok, complete with fast specialities, in- p selling cluding cluding Seed Wheat, Corn, Potatoes, &c, OUTFIT FREE. 'Secure territory PRESSED TONGUE CORNED BEEF; St�L'�' existing in Montreal to live and flour- 1,11 among Lis.' C7hrist begins his work with the in- insure your and then pro coed to work yourself to death. Don't think a woman always achieves second day of the Country and ,Hunt Club races at the Woodbine, found the weather showery and the track It Illalies ou Well and '' Enables npw. Write, BROWN BROS. Co., Nurserymen Brown's Nurseries P. O., Oat, a FRESH OR SMOKED cliriduaLl, snaking aL new man, and out, of that new creation, all other good things are to c011te for others for greatness when she gets a husband. Don't think a man dwells next to the muddy. The record : First race- j4 miles, purse 8300, You to Stay S0. Ex -Mayor E. P. Watson, of Sarnia, died Tuesday. rInglis, WI at and society with large es�'x-i alio D. n llnajzs - I3.A. in 11lqua's Herald' '[Nle of Man. , roof merely for the sake of the view. Don't expect a girl to furnish proofs of her statement ,to the effect that she 3 -year-olds and up, selling, time 1,04Y . Also Rain, J., Nicholas , Prince of Wales ,3. mile, purse X300, Whell ill health comes and the symp- toms of disease cause alarm, many consult a who, with the 'William Ellis, the old man who at- tempted to commit suicide at Belle- stile, is dead. The Family Butcher Shop. lee door North of R: Pakard's stator �y Carpet Bags. can't sin g • Don't lock the stable door after the horse is stolen. Possibly the thief may repent bring it back. 3-year-oldsd and a p, allowances, time hee1�3. Chailey 1, Guilder 2, Gala- Third race -51/ furlongs, purse physician, ,r best intenticins, prescribe, a certain medicine to -day and something entire- ly different the following week. This )find of experimenting is frequently The coroner's jury at Smith's Falls has found a verdict of wilful murder against Thomas Blake in connection with the death of his wife. LOU 1 S • 'DAY Proprietor• How to Dye Them So That They Will and Don't imagine that long hair will give you the strength of Samson, un- less, like Samson, you have a head for 4300, 2 -year-olds, allowances, time 1'13• Alapalca 1, Hendricks 2, Har- vest Queen 3. • Fourth race -11/4 miles, purse g b00, 3 -year-olds carried on for a long time, and at a cost to the patient thatisliard to bear. How vastly cliifex'ent the position of sick people who make use of Paine's ^� W���tiY'�drLi, 3 fs 33�t� �%' rt='ills its l' OZ..' :,;text ,a,,'r JamesArchambaultofCornwaillwas"v ever �Sil('• to grow on. -Chicago Neivsc and up, The Jockey Club, time 2.01. Free Lance 1, Beau Ideal Celery Compound, that marvellous tion of Prq. E. Phel s r 'a ua t;3, frowned near. St. Regis by falling out If a boat. To color Bolton or wool carpet ITEMS OF INTEREST. 2, Wenlock 3, • Fifth race -About 1 miles, purse pprescxf of f ne 1 pThe first dose of the world- fainted medicine inspires au immediate 1� es R 6 •,r • l a A lad named Dean, about fourteen so 'ears old, was killed at the South sure xrenville Fair, Prescott by the pole vhfch supports the balloon falling on colors ;is head and splitting his skull. are SUCCESS Fon ''INT YEARS. -This 3 the record of Perry Davis' Pain- colors 1'wgs they will not fade, one should be to getRifle Dyes, the. Fast Dlet and There are sonde ttt-elx e last speefa.l for: Cotton, while or wool there about thirty. 13 is impossible to get scltisfrietor on both wool n ocl cotton with The population of the Sied'an is numbered to 3,000;.000, nearly,alltwhol 1y* uneducated. The total pipe line rens o£ Pennsyl vania oil for 1898 were 31Compensation ,100;360 bar-Eiit cels and for 1897 34, 724, 084 barrels. X250, Green 7luntars' Steeplcchast.. time 5.16. Dinlnount 1., Wexford 2, Boy 3, , Sixth race -1 mile, purse 8300, 3- year-olds and up, r,llovvanees, time 1,4 r IZilee 1 2; 3. confidence and faith, because the vir- toes of the medicine produce feelin s and sensations that promise baht and new life, and the cost to the sicl, ul every case is one-tenth that of the ordinary medtcalchrlrges. There is no hgxne in Canada that a TilEdg 115 i19 MOD 17;e PAH.; Cil (i, vZO33[i ;ETERNAL 03: car ,,tit, Cc a) 3llST a l,; i• , r wall t lt'--d�� ��y�- NOT lYfc� C Hilae. t) LOOK Gu7 POR IMITATIONS AN') SUB- srirures: THE C:taat ; : Surma ks , BEARS THIS ,lame, tri Ciller. A sere cure for ctalrnc�na, the ysentery and all bowel complaints. Some Evoicl substitutes there is but one but 1 'ain-Killer, Perry Doris' `'SC. same dye, although the makers of Cheap dyes, that are able tomake , •'• fewidyes L t .t colors, s, [lair>t their will Of the present rulersEuropeani F e t of ant- Aires and kingdoms onlp one-third as - [ended the throne. by direct hereditary . The Indians' jubilee. Onondaga, Ora,, Sept. S' , rpt.G, - The first „ . , can aotfo;'ci to be without Paine's Celery it is, E,7cnlpqund, . within the reach of ee4:ry class of our peop10. It gives an Honest of health, strength.aucl x - s . - rs .. ,, i, ����� ��'b'9:� .�.� �,�,y« rel ,a , •;a sada,,,,• axes, ` �� `'�'` x,'13 h w . z+ and 50. color both cotton a d wool. i� trial rights.long day of the grand jubilee celebra- tion Ospweken, prolYzise to the rhealt t• ic neural • ]td, g The oldest resident of the County Cta,tltyaf Red got From the Gun Was the ball thin hit G. B. Stead- lou of Newark, Mich.; in the Clival tanft horrible Ulcers that Varaa3` soon shows by rained goods tile, :falsityrl of such claims. Use nothing but the Diamond Dyes that have been. used in millions of holxlrs for the Hist Ly: r.tatp years., Since the introduction of pneumatic rubber tiros on the London cabs manynations of the i axb horses R�Eai Stvi _ largess, cow bells on their necks. at Indian reserve, avais a complete success. .the canlion lareseni:ed to the six by the Government waskidueibn,d. unveiled by Salter- intendant Cameron. A detach inmit t z nt of _ the 37th Batta.lfon vvas •)casi,it year , g 3, s c tic nervous sleepless,- and y c those afflicted with blood diseases and •at y liver trg11U1e5. The testi- nwny of t Paine's in the Caws,, shows Son , shows that Paine's Celery Compound tit( Lincoln Mrs. \S ilkianl O'Connor. 5 da, li St. Catharines, aged 10.E years, n of M• Kenn°dr , the seven -year -rid of Mr. Iioslt. ea7aed . qi y y, was drowned in the river while o o treatment helped for 20 years. 1 (., 'hen BuelciPll :7 t�I'111C2L Salve cured Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Iiiilhrstgn citizens have stisr,5cifbed ,'13; a(0 tci:l)nild a summer 1 ncr hotel. To test the skill s,all of their workmen a Peach company, at their works in u 1, un - der command of Lieut. -Col. o1. \'cl]es Inspector McCrea, William 1' t , .t,.r aLkcs people well •a elft enables lite n p p t lit •inn to stay so, scowloacl play- with •a n n bar •of other boys can rx of lumber., ant. ., i )ilsi.Felons, Corns, f?.kin Il'.+ruptions^ test Pile ,cure on earth. 25 as.. a box. guigantcecl. Sold la all Drug- ists.� yti I' JI , �i.l S �fl re "t, _ �,, �,�+ It►�' i ..._, �r v .D Iy t. ,steed. 15110(1 r E�l)ernay, recently cau,,cti a kocomoLlve tC)' h°. "1170L1ntE- -' c d, ` 61' built up, piece by as soon as possible. It was fin' _., in u:G honk:' 001, Mr. T. 13�. xTeyd, William :Fi4a::uSlic)n �xerrltt, LECUt,-Col. 1V't11L 7? -i . _ talon), , an 111° n CS a5, 11,t ) Y others were lar,*- sent, t,,,• p /�0y CQ i I lI��+n �.,d tlN�s'� for - a y11 CA y �,, Children �6 0 Cry aastag8ty� % p r Nt) dd ' n . . �