HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-9-28, Page 4THE
exam Ab11Q1.XL#.,
C+fia33, II. Sanders, Editor and Prop
THURSDAY) SEPT 2.8, 1899
S ury.in Famous IsTapa lee Robbery
AG uts the Popular Bank
� P
Calming, Sept 22.—\i'illiarll Hunan -
ten Ponton. was declared innocent of
complicity in the' robbery of the Do.
Eaini.on Bank zit Natpanee by the jury
this morning. The twelve hien who
I tired at 11.40 ann., occupied but one
hour in coining to their verdict, and
when they filed into the court shortly
before one o'clock and rendered, their
ending of "Not guilty" as ,great shout
went up, and the cheering was eoutin-
eead for several minutes, while a genet...
al rush was made • for the dock. The
• s:aerriic shouted for order, but scarcely
a iy clue paid any attention to him.
Pontan's ulothet•,who, sat in front of
the dock, juin eel to her • feet,'and he
• caught her m ils aline and kissed her
repeatedly, Then Mr. Porter walked
around the table and slttaok bands with
them both, anti Pointon gas then led
ntit uniting a throng of people. When
he r;'eat•hed the street be was again
eheertatl, and reeeived an ovation in his
hotel, the Dunhami
address of Mr, Osler, on behalf
to the t'h'own, was tt very ry nlaste rly ef-
ffort, hitt brief. His argulntant Wats tbttt
a convincing cease bad been made out
a Buie fteinr the evidence of aeconlplie es.
His Lortlship's elutrge was also brief
and, if anything, was sligblty against
the prisoner.
rent; AND HOLDEN PI,7r1,1a GVILT .
While the jury was deliberating On
the ran' ;MI Heiden were
trculglat into etaurt. Holden pleaded
gouty to the chalre,llinPare. incensed
at heath$ left Out of the Ponton case,
still he would not plead guilty unless
he was promised consideration for the
time he .had spent in jail as a Crown
Ater some belay the court appointed
F. M. Field. of Cabotrr;, as lawyer -for
Pare, and the two left the court for a.
ea,anxerence. Pare, after the conference
pleaded guilty,
Pare was sentenced to three years
and Holden to four pears.
Ro.1el1 was arraigned, pleaded guilty
and was allowed to go on suspended
sentence. Mr. Osier said that had
Roach been. tried he could not have
been 'convicted,
Upon the acceptance by Pare of a
plea of not guilty, Mr. Osier rose unci •
stated the position of the crown in re-
gard to the two When. He said that
Pare hied gained the right to someclellleney, for it Was he who first con
f esseti and who became an approver of
the crown. Ile lhientioned. the (iter
that buth meu had hurt themselves by
breaking jail.
Then his Lordship ordered both men
t'l stand up, and sentenced Pare to
three years end Holden to four years
iu the penitentiary.
The two bank burglars were hugely
delighted with their short sentences,
and as Pare walked out of the room. he
turned to one of the detectives and
said, "I'm satisfied."
When John Roach was brought in
the crown prosecutor • explained. that
there was Tittle: evidence outside of his
own story to connect him with the
His Lordship thereupon ordered the
release of Roach upon suspended sen-
tepee. Feeling was running so high in
the court roonh that all the sentences
were cheered..
Pare and Holden will be taken to
penitentiary Monday.
As soon as the news of Ponton's ac-
quittal became known, a public sub-
scription was started to provide funds
for a procession and brass band,. but
Ponton objected and asked his friends'
permission to leave town on the after-
noon train. The office of the Great',
North-western Telegraph Company'I
was swamped with telegrams from all
parts of the country to Ponton, con-
gratulating him on his vindication.
Amity of thexu were from. strangers to
him. -
Kingston, Sept. 23. -This afternoon
the prisoner Mackie returned to the
penitentiary. On several occasions the
guards have asked Mackie if Ponton
was guilty. Each time he smiled and
held his peace. It is said that every
effort will be made to obtain a new
trial or a remission of sentence for
Oobourg, Sept. 24.—To the tune of
" For He's a Jolly Good Fellow," play-
ed. by C'•obourg's brass band, Ponton
was last night escorted from the Dun-
ham House to the depot, where he took
the train for Iiellvtlle. Ponton was
seated in a carriage with his coup ;el,
E. Gus Porter, and some of Oobourg's
leading citizens. Numerous bouquets
of flowersr presented him e p ese ed to by
the fair sex, among whom he is so
popular. Fully 1,500 people were at
the depot to give him a rousing send
•oft. Ponton and Porter were carried
about on the shoulders of the enthusi-
astic crowd, and were both obliged to
. make short speeches. The news of the
'verdict had not left the telegraph of-
fice twenty minutes before telegrams
of congratulations began pouring in to
both Ponton and his elated counsel.
These messages came from many
points of the Province and speak col-
uacnesfor the popularity of the verdict.
Belleville, Sept. 23. --The arrival
home of Ponton was made the
ion for a great welcome. Bellville's
streets were thronged with people.
'The I.O O.Ia..bandheaded the proces-
sion, which escorted him from the G.
T.R. to the market square, where
Mayor Johnston publicly welcomed
him berne and congratulated hire on
hisdischarge. E. Gus Porter, Col.
Ponton and Wzn.•Ponton made short
speeches of thanks.. The latter tried
hard to express his feelings, but was
:completely overcome, and could say
but =.,tiv wards - -�c1 before be sat down,
v ,
esti burst into teases. The people all
went wild with euthusittsm, and for
the time being the pop.alau youn; 'e'.
bank teller yVal:s the idol of the hoer.'
Onr attention has been drawn to then
following corrections and OrihnILSsious
in the prizes awarded at the Exeter
Flux, viz;
Puhnps, John 3I00re,1 and 2. Lincoln
sheep.—Sherling rain, Thos. SImapton
lst;, ewes, T. Shapton, '2. Potatoes.--;
American 'Wonder, Josh, Heywood 1;
Beauty of Hebron, J. Heywood, 2nd;
Pearl Savor v, J, Heywood, 1st. Poul-
try. C'1i14ns,--Bali' Cochins, (x, Irwin
J. Morgan; Ligbt Bralietrts, Carling
Bros.; Dark Brthma% er. irt: dal, Carling
Bros.; Barred Plymouth Roc1.s,Wiison
Breis. 1 and 2; White Plyinonth Rocks,
W. Carter, Wilson Bro., Buff Rocks,
J. C. Lyon,.11ead Bros; Partridge Coclh-
iris, G. Irwin,Mead Bros.; White Coeh-
iris, J. C. Ly eoiy L':tngs1m: mmm , W. Carter,
Wilson Bros.; Silver Grey Doxkins, G,
Irwin 1 and 2; Red Gaines, A. Bissett;
Briayvn Bantauas, Carling Jai .; any
other variety, G. Irwiih, J. C. Lyon;
Spangled 1hnnhurgs, W. Carter; Pen-
eiled hainbtirggs, \i . Carter: G Peneiled
Ilahnburgs, \'I. Carter; Black Ham -
burgs, W. Carter, J. H. Greive; Iiottd-
ans, J. Jenior, W. Carter; White Cres-
ted blit Polends, W. Carter; iGolden
Behinds, W. Carter, J. Senior: any
'other variety, W. Carter; White Leg.
horns, W. Carter, J. C. Lyon; Brown
A eghorns, Mead Bros., W. 11. Trott;
BOY Legbovns, J. C. Lyon; 1, E. Puke
Black Spanish, J. C, Lyon, G. Irwin;
Bleck tilhnoreas,R.I-Iicks.\\ il•on'Bros;
White Silver -
laced \\ ,Minoreas, Ati'n Beteg Silver-
lacevathclottes,J, L`. Lyon, (.Irwin;
White \Vyanc1ottcs, Meati Bros., J.
Senior: Buff 1\ yandottes; Head Bros.,
C. Lyon; Red Gaps, C. Dyer; Bronze
Talley., G. Irwin White Turkcaywe,
Carter; nut' other variety, G. J .
Will; Bremen Chinese, G. Irwin; Pekin
duels, G. Irwin, 1 and 2; Rouen ducks
Cr. Irwin; Aylm'hnr'y.diodes, W. Caister;
a,., r•.•
• t
any other variety. U. Irwin; Bial letti
rabbits, A. J. Snell 1 dull,.'
:ars. Francis Robinson cried on 'Wed.
nesd.ay morning, after a short illness,
at the home of her daughter, Airs.
Alox'phe+t, Blnnsbard, Mn, Robinson,
in cornpans with her husband. blahs
among the very first settlers on the
4th line of Blenslnut1, when it con-
sisted of about a half-dozen houses.
Mr. Robinson died inApril of'91.
tii within a few menthe of her death..
Deceased resided with \\ in, J. Robin-
son, her son, on the homestead. She
was the mother of seven children, two
of whona are dead ---Mrs. Frauei Mont-
gowery, ICirkton, and Mrs, W. J.
Smith, Clinton. The sons and (laugh -
tem, who are left in mourning for n
kind and affectionate mother, are W.
J. Robinson, Blanshard; J. B. Rubin-
son, Bathgate, N.D.; Mrs. Morphet,
I3lainshard; Mrs. Blackier, I irkton,
and. Miss Emma Robinson. Mvs.
R;abinsoli's maiden name was Mary
Burns, and her exactage wits 80 years,
( months and 3 days. The funeral will.
leave the residence of john Morphet,
con. ,, 131anshnrd, on Friday, �at 2.30
pp.m. for St. Paul's church, I�ir'lton.
Interruent in Rirkton cemetery.
Rev. J. G. Litt is attending the Y.P.
A. convention ention at Chesley this week.—
Our City Fathers have let the contract
of putting clown plank sidewalk in the
village to H. F, Either at 33 cents per
rod.—Nearly dill the bt'ic>k air
ds have
finislhed the season's work. This year
has been an exceptional one. lir.
Mantle's last kiln had 42 arches, no
doubt the largest ever built here. --S..
Brown is building an addition to his
stable. --Mr. and Mrs. C' Zwicker mov-
ed to London on •Wednesday, where
they have bought at fine residence on
Queens Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Zwick-
er have been living here the past 35
years and will be greatly missed;
nevertheless we trust they will enjoy
their new home.—Miss Wurlla, of De-
troit, has been visiting friends here the
past week.—Mr. Louis Bertrand has
given his shop a new coat of paint,
thus adding greatly to its appearance.
L. adding
of Exeter, passed
through the village last Tuesday.
cold hand of death has again visited
our midst incl taken away one of our
znost respected citizens, in the person
of John Trevethick, Sr., at the ripe old
age of 77 years, 4 months and -8 days.
Mr. Trevethick has been ailing for
some time, hence his death was not in
the least unexpected and he passed
away on Thursday afteruoon. Mr.
Trevethick came to this place in its
infancy and has lived to see it become
a prosperous and thriving village.
Since settling here he has been engag--
ed in the wagon business and has won
a large number of friends through
honest dealings. ' He was interred in
the Exeter cemetery on. Saturday, Rev.
Rosser officiating. He leaves to
mourn his demise a wife and family,
who have the sympathy of the com-
Horse's Fatal Kick.
Lindsay, Sept. 22.—John Robertson,
son of Mrs. T. Robertson, concession 6,
Southops township, was kicked above
the heart by a fractious horse while
unhitehing his team after returning
from tbe•ploughing field last evening,
and died within a few minutes. The
young man was highly respected and
was the main support of his widowed
BraveMen Fall.
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in Loss of appetite, poisons
in the blood, backache, nervousness,
headache and tired, listless run-down
feeling. But there's no need to feel
like that. Listen to S. W. Gardner,
Idaville, Ind. He says: " Electric
Bitters are just the thin
for ariha
when he is ll run down, and don't
care whether he lives or dies. It did
more togive g' ve me new strength and
good appetite than 'anything I could
take. I can now eat anything and
have a new lease on life." Only 50
cents, at any Drug Store. Every
bottle guaranteed.
For Infants and Children,
Mr. Rudrard I►il,lina-, Intends #o Re
1 ixit ►ustralia, and Aiu3• Stay
f:,stile in south mecca,
Grand Trunk Railway System earn=
lugs, 15th to 21st September, 1899,
$358,310; 1898, $520,915; increase,
liudyard Kipling intends to re-
visit Australia. and will possibly
stay a short time in South Africa
while en route.
Emperor William bade adieu on
Monday afternoon to the Crown
Prince of Sweden, Prince Oscar (Gust
tavus, and eutberked upon the Intpe.
rial yacht Hohenzollern.
Jack Bennett arrived in Toronto
Monday - ready for his 20-roiund bat- 1
tee with Rufus McNab Wednesday
night in the Mutual Street rink. Al-
bert McGrady 0nd ,him Thomas box
8 rounds the same night for the 105
pound championship of Canada.
jEL41- - $25,040 ILEI IND THEN.
Strike or Journe3men Tailors ang
Tatloresseat in, Toronto.
Toronto, Sept. 26. ---At 1G o'clock
yesterday morning about 200 tailors
and teiloresses, members of the Jour-
neymen Tailors' Union, went out on
strike, Nearly all the shops in the
city are concerned except a few on
Xing strut and the establislunents
at Kennedy 4 Douglas. A. Maelion-.
old, Coulter 4 Douglas, Hunter s
Sorel, and 13. A,lyward. who elute-
incethe Strike Colt mittee began to work,
be.ve sent in letters to the directors
of the union. stating that they will
give the desired raise. The new
scale which the union demands shall
be paid is 20e per hour. The union
now has $15,000 to back theist up.
In the afternoon a meeting was
held about 430 o'clock. Letters of
cepit lila titan were read front four
more iirhns. J. A. White. Window &
on and .1. Williamson. lin; street.
and Mack, Y onge street. ilesides
this the majority of stores on King
street that have been visited have
signified their willingness to accept
the new scale.
teat In the C.1', R. Elevaa(eein
Winnipeg. Sept. 26. --. Wheat in
store at t'.I'.R. elevators along
branch lines in the province and on
the main lie as far west as Sinta(-
luta. aggregates 1,98.2,000 bushels.
This is nearly all No. 1 hard, and re-
presents to farmers, calculating at
an average price of :,tic per bushel.
$1,060„ h10. On Saturday the mar-
keting azzzounted to 247,700 bushels.
The top price paid on Saturday was
59e, lowest -4r per bushel, and the
average price was about 561,_c,
Atex, Stopellhen Stole Await'.
Aleauford, Sept. 26. --On Tuesday
morning last about 3 o'clock AIrs.
Stopellben, wife of the station agent
at Klock's Mills. who hind been stay-
iug with her father, Mr. Thomas
Harris of this place, and for some
time of unsound mind, stole away
from the family residetlee, and has
not yet been found, although a vig-
ii,=orous search has been made for utiles
around. She is the mother of three
ca•1 Iczi
td ,
Chargees With Manslaughter.
Stratford, Ont., Sept. 2(i. --e:, nduc-
for William Bright of Stratford, -loo
was censured by the corone'r's teary
in connection with the late atccident
near St. Mary's, by which two Brant-
ford boys lost their lives, has been
arrested on a charge of manslaugh-
ter. On being arraigned at the Po-
lice Court yesterday he was ad.atitted
to bail and the preliminary bearing
was fixed for next Friday.
Conductor Brenks an Arm,
Toronto, Sept. 26.—Conductor A1 -
ton of the Canadian Pacific Railway,
while at Mimico, last night, was
climbing down the ladder of the bag-
gage car, when he lost his footing
and fell. His right arm got caught
in one of the rungs of the ladder,
and in falling it was fractured just
below the elbow. He came on to the
city where the arm was attended to.
Barna Burnt at Elgin Mills.
Elgin Mills, Sept. 26.—The large
barns on the farm of Messrs. New-
ton Bros. here, were entirely de-
stroyed by fire on Sunday afternoon.
The farm threshing had just been
completed, and the seasc:•a's grain all
went up with the buildings, as did,
likewise, a !number of pigs, the farm
implements, wagons and harness. The
loss will be fully ,$8000,
Mather Chapman's tVi11,
London, Ont., Sept. 2(3.—,T. Chap-
man of Norwich has received a letter
from Toronto stating that. the will
of the late Mather Chapman had been
registered in the Registry Office,
north riding of the County of York,
leaving him a fortune of $500,000.
The writer of the letter offers to send
a copy of the will for the usual fee.
Dominion Cigar Alen Met,
Toronto, Sept. 26,—The Dominion
Cigar Manufacturers' Association
opened their third annual convention,
in the • Council Chamber of the To-
ronto Board of
Trade yesterday.
There were 20 representatives pre-
sent. Technical and trade papers
were read and discussed.
Bear Has 13 Prisoners.
Seattle, Wash,, Sept, 26. — The
steamers City of Seattle and Cottage
City, which have arrived from Lynn
Canal, bad a combined gold cargo. of
$500,000. The revenue cutter. Bear,
arriving at Sitka, is reported to have
had 15 prisoners from St. Michael's
and Cape Nome.
Writs Against the C. P. R.
Toronto, Sept. 26. -The widow of
Roadnlaster Giles of the C.P.R. is
$25,000 damages for the
death of her husband in an accident
at. Bull's Head, B.C. Robert Higgins
is applying for $10,000 for injuries
e at the same time
Reception to Mr. Blake,
Toronto, Septa 26.-A public re-
ception is to be tendered to Hon.'
Edwvard 131a1,e,M .P., in the Pavilion,
a llaon,
.�• is on on Oct.: 18. Senator O'Donoghue is
every chairman of the connui
,��• vnappo4 P.
tree in Charge,
and Mr. 1,I+':..Cronin secretary.
Several New Indian Treaties
Have Been Signed,
31r, L. J. DIoic Bina, One o the Cont-
w,irsiouerr, Arrives at the Capt.,
tar, and Tell* the *tor,- of the
Late*t Canadian feted*.
tion, a 1e-ith (ke Conn#ry'r.
Ottawa, Sept. 226.—Air. L. J. Afc-
Kenna..of the Indian Treaty Commis-
sion, which has spent the summer in
the northwest. returned to Ottawa
yesterday. The cozrtntission consisted
of lion. David J aird, lion. J. H.
Ross and Mr. 3lolienua. The Indian
and Ila1f-breed Commissions went in
together as far as the Lesser Slave
Lake. where they were delayed for
two weeks owing to bad weather
and a lack of boatmen. On June 19,
however, the contingent arrived at
Great Slave Lake, and on the 21st a
treaty with the Indiaus was signed.
Filter this it was 'decided that the
eomltrission should divide, and
:Messrs. Ross and Afcluenna, with n
mounted police escort. started for
Fort St. John, where it was found
that the Indians had left some time
before for their hunting grounds, and
that it was impossible to get into
comatiunieatiott with theme for treaty
purposes. ;Messrs. Ross and
iiieer ►1ol returned to Dunn eaten.
in the Peace River district, and made
a treaty With the Deaver Indians.
After this they repaired to Fort Clti-
pewayen, where auiather treaty was
negotfat fel with the ( hipevvaeans
and C'ree:5. In the meantiute
Laird went to the Great Slave Lake,
where he negotiated treaties with
the heavers and Wood C'reos. The In-
dians with whom the ceatnnussioner,(
pact tea decal. lair. AleKenna says. tit°eria
ou stint a ,11,11 •paz4It.vla-Iauaa ,Cl t5v.lul
paint and feathers, but the abori-
gines all wore civilized clothing.
thanks probably to the intlua'nce of
the Hudson Day Company. Mr. Mc-
Kenna. states that the potent lout les
of the Peace River district are im-
mense. Mixed farming can he well',
carried on. and the climate is by no
gleans austere.
nuon>lees a :Probable Earl, Settle-
ment or Alaskans Bonndnry,
London, Sept. 211. —Lidice Lions
point to ii speedy and successful ter-
mination of the negotiations concern-
ing the .Alaskan boundary. Sir Louis
Davies, discussing; the subject. yester-
day. ttinetounceti that, the negotiations
were proceeding hi a way that pro-
mises an early and satisfactory ad-
justment of the dispute.
Death of Airs. James Brown,
Belleville, Sept. 26.-- \irs. .zanies
Brown of .Hamilton died yesterday
at the residence
of her sou, Mr. Ca -
literati Brown, publisher of The Sun,
with whom she had been visiting.
Deceased was the eldest daughter of
the late William Cameron of London•
Mr. L. IC. Cameron, Queen's Printer,
Toronto, and Mr. John Ctuzit'ron of
The London Advertiser are brothers
of the deceased, and Mrs, C. Blackett
Robinson of Toronto and Mrs. Blount
of Loudon are sisters, She leaves her
hueband, two sons and two daugit
ters. They are : Messrs. Cameron
and Redfern Brown of Belleville, Mrs.
Rev. Dr. Booth and Mrs. J. E. heed
of Erie, Pa.
Rains of Another Aztec City.
Guadalajara, Mex., Sept. 26.—The
ruins of an Aztec city have been dis-
covered near here. A number of
archaeologists hate left to make 'ex
The area covered by the ruins indi-
cates that the city held a population
of not less than .100,000. There are
no records establishing the identity
of the city, and its discovery has
caused much surprise,
Mr. T. H. Preston Sick.
Brantford, Sept. 26.—T. H. Pres -
tan, proprietor and editor of The
Brantford Expositor, while sitting
at his desk Saturday afternoon was
taken seriously i11, and he had to he
conveyed home. Yesterday he still
continued in a critical condition, but
was somewhat better than on Sun-
A Northwest Regiment,
Ottawa, Sept. 26,—His Excellency
Lord Minto has returned to Ottawa
for a brief stay.
Major-General Button leaves for
the west to -day. He is going out
chiefly in connection with the plan
referred to in his report of organiz-
ing a Northevest regiment.
Suicide at Regina.
,Winnipeg, Sept. 26.—A C.P.R. spe-
cial announces the death, probably
by suicide, at Regina, of Miss Evans,
daughter of
a G
onal Church
minister in 'Wales. Despondency is
the probable Cause.
To Buy a Patrol Boat.
Toronto, Sept. 26.—The Fishery
Department of the Ontario Govern-
ment has decided to purchase the
yacht Gillespie from J. IC. Bowman
of Southampton. It will patrol Geor-
gian Bay.
Dreyfus' Health is Inmproving.
Paris, Sept. 26.—The Petit 131eu
morning denies es th
e reports
orfsin circulation regarding the health
of Dreyfus, which, the paper says,
despite rumors to the contrary, is
Summer hotel in Kingston.
Kingston, Ont., Sept. 26, •— At a
meeting 1 Bet ng• of citizensnl
si, a � night bht .",a12,-,
500 gas subscribed towards building
a summer hotel in this city.
Ailmonte Knoelzed Out the Bylaw.
Alm .ontc., Sept.26 . --The VO Ling on
the b3' -law for municipal ownership
pi electric light plant here was de-
feated by 38.
munnnluuinuucauu,nG, +einin10fee enawtuoudda„-
9 oo DROPS
AVegetable PreparationforAs-
sitnitating iheToodalldRegat-
the Ste thia1°;dHowelsof
nessandRest:Containss neither
lnt ,
OpnMorphine nor, fulcral.
a.inSwta .
.iii .tctTata
Wairpourr Flaw:
AperfecfRemedy forConstipa-
tit n, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
ness and Loss of Sum,.
FacS'ale Signature
At, months old
3j DOSES =3 5CENrS
Criteria is pet up in ode-stso bottles only. It
Is not dela to bulk, Don't allow anyone to dell
you anything else on the plea or promise that 11
is "just as goad" and "will answer every par.
pose," Bee that you get
:'ao ?so•
By virtue of warrant, under the band of the Warden and Seal of the Cor-
poration of the County of Huron, dated the 21st day of August, 18941, cont.
intending me to levy upon the lands hereinafter described, for the arrears of
taxes respectfully due thereon, together with costs, notice is hereby given
that unless such taxes and Costs are sooner paid, I shall in compliance with
the Consolidated Assessment Act, chapter : 4, R.S.O. 1897,proceed to sell by
public auction the said lands or so much thereof as may be necessary to dis-
charge the sande,, at the Court House, in the Town of Goderich, on
'i THE
vrii DAY OF DE • .
rI'y 1809
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
No. of Con. or
Deseription No. of Lot Street.
N. S. ?• 4 4 4 E. D.
Part of
Part of
No. of Patented or
Acres. unpatented. Taxes. Costs, etc, Total.
50 Patented $211.20 $2.78 $23.95'
16• 6 E. D. 74
10 Maitland 70
B. 8 Patented 94
Maitland 45 " 11.45
Part of 25 6 50 Patented 3.14
McConnele Survey 9 Block B. 1 Patented
South part 18
'Part of 9
Patented 20.73 2.07 29,40
12,49 2.31 14.811
25 3.19
2.30 13.73
2.50 5.04•
5.43 .2.23 7.08
Patented 8.76 2.25 11.01
Co. Treasurer.
3 Main S.& S.
County Treasurer's office,
Goderich, Aug. 20, 1890.
First-class Rigs and Horses
Orders left at Hawkshaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery
Stable, Christie's old Staled
will receive prompt at-
tention. • . .
L Cophnneotone
A . Election Rumor.
Montreal, Sept. 24.—(Mail
pire special.)—As a result of the con-
ference between Sits' Wilfrid Laurier.
Mr, Tarte, and other prominent Liber-
als here, it is learned to -night that it
has been practicatlly decided to hold
the general elections some time in
January, and that there is not likely
to be another session of Parliament.
The information was obtained to -night
from one of the leading Quebec -Liber-
als, als, who is in the inner secrets of the
party, and who assl
assisted at
the con-
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