Exeter Advocate, 1899-9-28, Page 2Subscribers who do not receive their paper regularly will please notify us at once. Hall et this office for advertislug rate.., HE EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY SEPT. 28, 1899 Punished With Stetrvation, In the whole wide world there is not a class of people to be found who inflict severer punishment upon themselves than the Caribs of Central America. Their religion, which is one of :nest peculiar bind, demands self punishment for sins which they Intentionally or unintentionally conn- haitted, The punishment takes the form of starvation and close confinemeut. If the sin be in tbe form of a lie, no matter whether it is calculated to in- jure another or not, the sinner goes -without either food or drink for three days, at the end of which it is 'believed than the offender has paid the penalty for his or her sin. Bxassa: t. nl i g and using bad lan- guage is punishable by absolute star- vation saes awe days. Assault, drunk- enness and other serious sins call for four t a3V, StttrvatW U 011e week. three dais' ataavatiibn the seismal week, two :days'Starvation the third week' and one day's starv-aaion the fourth week. An sins are Banished with starva- tion. For that reason crime is very low among the Caribs, who are among, t behaved t nli st truthful he 1 bestand 0 people in the world. Tete e R'. ver was, iiia4t Haver will he, a ttnive:• tr, l.'t 'ie:r i 1.1 one remedy, for all ills to a flit re. flesh is 'sir -.-the very stature of many t t r ttivee beiug -tesh that were tbe germ•- of other and differently seated diseases routed in the syerem of the petient - .viaat would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other. We bate, however, In Quinine Wine, when obtainable in a sou;dl unadulterated state, arenmedy formally antlrrev'ionsills. By its €. attend nod judiviotte use. the frailest ststeurs are lee into Convalescence and strength, bit the influence which Qui- nine exerts on Nature's ow1 restoratives. It relieves tete droepiies spirits. of those. with whom a ci i ni c state of morbid dee- ppondeney and ;ink of it] erect. in life i5 n disease. ;told. Sar 'rant tut z ur the nerves, di:.pnse. to soiled and refreehiin sleep— imr,art vigor to the action of the blood, vreich, lee n;; eta:melted, eourees through- out the vein-. ta renal -betting the healthy animal flu:teams of the system, thereby malting, aerie ;y- a necessary result, strent tl eaitag the frame, and. giving life to the digestive organ., which naturally demand increased snbetance—result, im- provedappetitt. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, have t:iveu to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches neatest perfection of any in the mari.et. All druggists sell it. DOINGS OF THE WEEK Sage of Sawhasr Saye: Improving yourself is the sorest tray to improve your situation. The totally depraved person is one that is certain all are as bad as he. Every man to his calling—even the bell boy. All men are put out when they are taken in. Somehow it seems to be only the young man that is spoken of as model. Perhaps the son that staid at home expected to market the fatted calf. The barber is not especiiaily apt to speak. of his small boy as a • shaver. Grain speculators are pitted against each other. The father who insists on ruling the parlor is a sort of a court mar- shal. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM AROUND THE WORLD Pruned, Punctuated and. Preserved in rithy Paragraphs for the Perusal of Practical People — Personal,. Political and Pzofrtabhe, Tots LABOR. WORLD. The Cleveland street oar strike was ended on Friday. DItNecePA.L $I_ TTEsts, For abolishing the ward system and reducing the membership of the town council to one alderman to every 1,000 of population, the Sarnia by-law was carried on Thursday, 623 voting for and ISO against. THE RELIGIOUS WORLD. Rev, Armstrong Black was inducted into the pastorate of Ss. .Andrew's Chureh, Toronto, on Thursday. The cere- mony was very impressive. In the even- ing as formal reception was held in the lecture room, For Infianimation of the Eyes.—Among the many good qualities which Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills p9tisess, besides reg- ulating the digestive organs. is their effi. cacy in reducing inflammation of the eyes. It has called forth many letters • of recommendation from those who were afflicted with this complaint and found a cure in the l ills. TI,ey affect the nerve centre, and the blood iu a surprisingly active way, and the result is almost im- mediately seen. O tees No Han Anything. Sheep are unlike all other stock, if decently managed. A good sheep can never die in debt to a man. If it dies when weaned it has consumed noth- ing. If it dies the first winter the wool will pay for its keep up to that period. If it lived to be sheared once, it brings its owner in debt to it, and if the ordinary course of wool produc- tion and breeding goes on, that in- debtedness increases with great rapid- ity as long as the sheep lives. If the horse or steer dies at three or four years old or the cow before breeding, the loss is almost a total one. si.'ICIDEs.. Samuel Simpson committed suicide by hanging himself in Toronto on Thursday afternoon. Simpson was 33 years of age, and leaves a widow and one child, whom he lefts a year and a half ago, Drink is supposed to have been the cause. *POUTING. The open golf chalnptonsbip of the United States was won on Friday by Willie Smith of the Midlothian Club, Chicago, with a total for the 79 holes of Sly strokes, after two days of hard play at Baltimore. R. MEN 011'WA VOR The German cruiser Condor has arrived at Lorenzo Marquez, Delagoa Bay. The United States protected Miller Charleston began a heavy hombardment of the fort on Subig Bay Thursday. Lit- tle damage was done. THE FIRE RECORD. The Brockville corporation stables and their contents have been totally destroy- ed by fire. The horses were saved with great difficulty. The origin of tho fire is a mystery. The fruit evaporator owned by Merrier Bros., Zurloh, Ont., was totally destroy- ed by fire on Wednesday; together with storehouse and about 3,000 pounds of dried apples. MARINE MATTERS. The steamship Delta, formerly' of the Cunard Line, and the second steamer to run across the Atlantic between England and Halifax, Is wrecked off the coast of Newfoundland. If your child is pale, peevish, and does not thrive, a dose of Miller's Worm Pow- 3ers occasionally will cure. Complied with the Request. Abraham Lincoln once received a. letter asking for a sentiment and his autograph. He wrote : "When you ask a stranger for that which is of in- terest only to yourself, always inclose a stamp. There's your sentiment. Here's your autograph. A. Lincoln." New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. New Colorings in Hats. The newest colorings in hats of the season are the pastel shades. These come in a long line of tones, all of which have a peculiarly dull effect, like that from sprinkling chalk on the surface. Good appetite, good digestion, refresh ing sleep follow the use of Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. 50 doses 25 cents. A FARMER'S VICTORY. Itheumatistn hail Fastened Its 'augaUpon Dim for Teats and Caused Him Endless. Misery—Tens Row He Found a Cure. From the Acadian, Wolfville, N. S. Among the ninny in this vicinity who firmly believe in the efficacy of Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills as a cure for. rheumatism is Mr, John Stewart, of Hortonville. To a representative of the Acadian who recently interviewed him, Mr. Stewart said he had been a. victim to the pangs of rheumatism for upwards of twenty years. Two years ago Mr. Stewart was thrown from a load of hay and was injured so severely that he was obliged to take to his bed. While in this condi- tion his old enemy —rheumatism— again fastened itself upon him, the pains radiating to almost every joint in his body, making life almost a burden. He had read frequently in the Acadian of the cures effected through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decided to give them a trial.. After the use of a few boxes the pains began to diminish, and his general health began to improve. Mr. Stewart continued taking the pills until he had used eight boxes, when the pains had entirely disap- peared and another victory over dis- ease bad been won by this peerless medicine. The Aeadian can add that Mr. Stewart is worthy of every oredence, as be is a luau of intelligence and sterling qualities, whose word is nu, - hesitatingly accepted by a1l wh o know him, The public is cautioned against nnrerous pink colored imitations of these famous pills. The genuine are sold only in boxes, the wrapper around which bears the words `tDr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple." If your dealer does not have them they will be sent post paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 42.50, by ad- dressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Tho largest vessel ever built, the White Star Liner Oceanid, has arrived at New York on her first voyage. She had over 2.000 people on board, and registers 17,- 000 tons, engines 445,000 horse -power and consumes 500 tons of coal daily. THE SCIENTIFIO WORLD. The British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science has granted 1,000 toward the expense of an Antarctic ex- pedition. Mt. Chamberlain, Colonial Secretary, has appointed Dr, Hamilton K. Wright (McGill, 1895), to bo pathologist to the Straits Settlements, with instructions to especially study the diseases of Benberi. From Dover the British Association for the Advancement of Science successfully exchanged courtesies with the French Association for the Advancement of Science, now in session at Boulogne -sur - Mer, using wireless telegraphy for the purpose. THE AGRICULTURAL WORLD. The final C.P,R crop bulletin for this year was issued Thursday. It shows that the wheat in nearly every district has been out, and is free from damage by frost or other causes. Bush fires are casing damage to farms in the township of Kingston. Several farmers had to move out to save their property. The weather bas been so dry that the trees and grass burn with great vigor. The members of the Toronto Milkdeal- ers' Association are a unit in agreeing that their interests will be best served by amalgamating their businesses and form- ing a joint stock company. Preliminary steps have already been taken looking to this end. Onions for Epidemics. Onions are commended as a speciate against epidemics if sliced and kept in h it absorbany a-oom where they -will atmospheric poison. lginard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgial. PURELY PERSONAL. Mr. William Rennie, who bas for the past six years been farm superintendent at the Ontario Agricultural College, has retired. Rev. John T. Taylor of Galt. who shortly leaves for the Central India mis- sion field, was married on Thursday to Miss Hattie Copeland, daughter of Manager Copeland of the Collingwood Bank of Commerce. Hon. Edward Blake, the distinguished lawyer and parliamentarian, arrived in Toronto on Thursday afternoon from England. Mr. Blake's friends will be sorry to learn that he is at present slight- ly under the weather owing to an attack of rheumatism. He is not seriously ill. Arthur Collins, a 13 -year-old Belleville boy, eon of George Collins, left his home on May 15 last and all efforts of his par- ents to discover his whereabouts have been futile. He has red hair, is not very stout, has roundish face, a few freckles under his eyes; has fair skin and ' wore a blue cap and navy blue suit when he left home. None in Ma Line Allowed. A noted saloon keeper in Eau Claire, Wis., who had a fondness for attending funerals, received the other day the following letter from a gentle- man whose father lead been aliberal patron of the saloon: "Your absence from the funeral of my father is re- quested by the entire family, either at the house or in the procession. No saloon keepers or bartenders allow- ed." The letter caused a sensation. So rapidly does lung irritation spread and deepen, that often in a few weeks a simple cough culminates in tubercular eoneumption. Give heed to a cough, there is always danger in delay, get a bottle of Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, and cure yourself. It is a huedis cine unsurpassed for all throat and lung troubles. It is compounded from several herbs, each one of which stands at the bead of the list as exerting a wonderful influence in curing consunnptiou and all lung troubles. Ms Mother Couldn't. They were discussing the question as to whether a woman can keep a secret. Little Johnny had not appeared to be listening, but he suddenly added his contribution to the stock of gen- eral intelligence by exclaiming : "Well, I know ma can't keep a secret. Everything I do she goes and tells it to pa almost the first minute he gets in the house." THE DEAD. Prof. von Stork, the Austrian larny- gologist, is bead. John Dwell, president of the Bank of Nova Scotia, diets on Thursday. Tames W. Robertson, postmaster of Stoney Creek, Ont.. is dead from typhoid fever, ape 37 years. Mr. Jn.ias Soriver, ALF., had a stroke of paralysis on Thin sday of last week, his left silo being r feeted. Mr. Soriver is 73 years old. The well-known proprietor of the famous Dynes' hostelry. on Burlington Beach—John Dynes—is dead. The de- ceased was 8e years old, baying been born in 1817. Fifty.six years ago deceased established what became famous as Dynes' with its duck and fish dinners. CRIME AND CRIMINALS. Servia is in a ferment over the treason trials. The notorious Don McCauley of Severn Bridge is again in the cooler, this time under a charge of stabbing Edward Rutherford with a pocket knife while in a drunken brawl. He will be tried at Gravenhurst. .At St. Pierre, Man,, a boy named Lemure, aged 12. said to another Iad named Prefontaine, aged II<: "I will shoot you," and fired, tiring the lad instantly., If the children require physic none acts so nice as Miller's Worm Powders; very pleasant to take. NO SUCCESS WITHOUT LOVE OF WORK. Sound Advice For Youar Men who Are Regi n tr Their Careers, "To win success in any vocation, the present day, requires hard, per- sistent, conscientious work, the best equipment that is possiple, and the employ meat of every resource that can be commanded," writes. Barton Cheney, in a valuable article au "The Young Man and the Professions," in the Ladies' Home Journal, "Even the young man's manner, his person- ality, is a faotor that makes itself felt in his work, while ereoutive ability and good, hard common sense are elements of genius that should never be lacking. The young man should clearly understand in advance that if he does not have the capacity or love for work there is no profes- sion in which he can win success. But, having this, he will find great opportunities to make a name for him- self and to earn larger pectuziary re- wards than men have ever before been able to coin out of their brains," 3le,, s .ran -es for Women. In some parts of the island of Samoa men's names are common among the women, for, if a baby girl is born immediately after the death of a brother, it is supposed that the spirit has simply been transferred from one child to the other, and the newcomer is condemned to take the same baptismal name. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere, Couldn't 'Bring It With Him. Magistrate (to prisoner)—Why did you leave that town? Prisoner—Didn't think I was strong enough, your worship, to bring the town with me. He was sent to prison for fourteen days in order that he might guess again. No worth medicine arts so nicely as Mil- ler's Worm Powder.; no physic required. Sore Feet.—Mrs. E. .1. Neill, New Arm- agh, rn]- a h P. Q., writes: "For nearly six mouths I was troubled with burning aches and pains in my feet to such an ex- tent that I could not sleep at night, and as my feet were badly swollen I could not wear my boots for weeks. At last I gota bottle of Dr. Thomas' Ecleotric Oil and resolved to try it and to my astonish- ment I got almost instant relief, and the one bottle accomplished a perfect cure. Simpl,• Table Decoration.. A pretty table decoration can be ar- ranged with pressed ferus, The cen- ter piece should be of growing ferns, and foliage of the stone green should be strewn upon the cloth in careless but artistic profusion, Fresh ferns cannot so well be used for this pur- pose, as their leaves are apt to torn and wrinkle. The pressed variety is obtaivablo of any florist and eau, bo used tunny times if properly put away in a flat box or between the leaves of a batik. Peace. "Of course," remarked the kaiser, "I am entirey in favor of peace." "Yes, but"— "Don't interrupt. I am in favor of peace, and I shall lose no occasion to remind people that the only way to enjoy it is to let me have my own way. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. They Drove Pimples Away, --A face covered with pimples is unsightly. It tells of internal irregularities which should long since have been corrected. The liver and the kidneys are not per.. forming their functions in the healthy way they should, and these pimples are to let you know that the blood protests, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will drive diem all away, anti will leave the skin clear and clean. Try them, and there will be another witness to their excel- lence. Big English Methodist Itund. English Methodists intend to cele- brate the advent of the twentieth con- tury by raising a million -guinea fund for their church and are likely to succeed, as 700,000 guineas have been subscribed already. I used to be continually tired, now I am strong and well—Miller's Compound Iron Pills did it. Rural rhihoaophr. A self -fertilizing crop—laziness. "A stiteli in time saves nine la 1 That adage was never truer than in the killing of weeds. It is eutomary to wear ''weeds" for the dead. Tho country graveyard generally overdoes the business. A man never lmows what he can do until be tries, and he then devotes mach of his leisure to wishing he hadn't done it. We observe that most of the smaller towns are supplied with ice cream from the city factories. Name a good reason why a dairyman should not get part of this trade. 14 artier Than Diamonds. Carbide of titanium, the discovery of a French savant, is harder than the diamond. My nervousness has left me entirely as a result of taking 'Miller's Compound Iron Pills. 1 Thames May 'null Dry. Mr. McDougall, of the London county council, is afraid that the Thames will run dry, owing to the dams that are being built in the upper reaches of the river. Whereas last year 843, 000, 000 gallons of water a day passed over Teddington Weir in May, and 429, 000, 000 gallons in June, the figures for this year are 550, 000, 000 gallons in May and 230, 000, 000 gallons in June. In ono day of July only 142, 000, 000 gallons flowed over. It is feared that the result may be au epi- demic of disease, arising from the undiluted sewage of the city. 15 THESE FIGURES ARE YEARS, YEARS IN WHICH, IN SINGLE INSTANCES, PAINS AND ACHES Rheumatic, Neuralgic, Sciatic, Lumbagic, HAVE RAVAGED THE HUMAN FRAME, ST. JA('OBS OIL CURED THEM. NO BOAST; THEY ARE SOLID FACTS HELD IN PROOF. YsamstsaaamaaosaallIS 10 20 4 95 Cut tatseucaudseadittous with tpe name or�yser slat* tiltrr nitroandwewilt examination. thisVick. • with *Atilt ry express. ,ani 5 to fit,Nnatioa, lax.. amine It etyma express office. and If you find it ante t as We rep. pre,` and entirely satisfactory. p ay the express agent oar special price. fl Viand ,',, ,] r charges. eels is a nneaY finished, regular Stradivarius model violin richly colored. highly polished, p tverful. and sweet in tone. rmplote emit ens how, extra set ofstrings and resin. A soman* bargain at the price. Buy direct from es PCS ssvo the dealer's profit. Johnston & McFarlane, Box ©, Toronto, Ani', .When Coffee is Left Over - With the most careful calculation, says Mrs, Lincoln, there is frequently' coffee left over; not enough, perhaps, for another serving as a beverage, but too much. to be wasted. Do not leave it in the pot with the grounds, but pour it off or strain it carefully, and if it be used araist hot let it just come to the boiling point. This will be much nicer than to reheat it with the grounds. It may be used to dilute the egg for the nest morning's coffee, or as a flavoring in i•ustards, creams and ices; or as tile e ll ilzup1i place o f or with milk ill gingerbread, cookies„ cakes, etc.., or, when there is a su#lie- lent quantity, it eau be made into jelly. A new back for 50 cents. Miller's i>idney Pills and Plaster. 0. C. RICHARDS & Co. DEAR Silts,—Your MI1 A.RD'S LIN- IMENT is our remedy for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments. It never fails to relieve and cure promptly. CHARLES VaHoorrast. Port Mulgravo. Bacteria and Blackmail. Scientific knowledge has been per- verted to the use of blackmail by a medical student of Gratz, Austria, who endeavored to obtain 10,000 flor- ins from a rich old lady for threaten- ing to open a bottle of assorted dead- ly bacilli in her room if she refused to "pay up." When arrested bottles stolen from •a bacteriological labora- tory and containing microbes of sev- eral diseases were found in his poses- sion. Figilanee 14 e ae:try, Any crumbs from the table are val- uable for young chicks. Change of diet is requisite. Do not let the elliclts get chilled, as they are of no earthly use after that. I hear people say : "Oh, I can't bother that way. It is too much trouble." Well, I go into poultry houses where lice get on- to me in a moment. I say those peo- ple have no business to have chickens, Our chicks will show it, and it pays. Eternal vigiltuleo is the price of chicks—good ones, and I would want no others. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Curs is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country fur years. and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is : what produces such wonderful results 111 curing Catarrh. Send for testirnonials free. F. J. CHENEY fit CO., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, price 75c. To Keep Ribbons smooth. Here is a simple, home-made device ; for keeping belts, ribbons and stocks smooth and as good as new. Many department stores carry the little toy pie rollers, with handles at the ends. which children carry into the kitchen baking days and . want to help cook make the crust with. Take half a dozen of these little rollers and on; them roll 'your ties or belts, and, lo, Dept the "crnah" vanishes. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, Ititects Are Similar. Summer Girl (at popular bathing resort)—This must be salt water. I can almost float in it. Experienced Aunt --No, dear, it is not salt water. But you are so very fresh, you know. Health for the children. Miller's Worm Powders. _ _._ Art or Industry? 'tritons in India,. There are only 100,000 Britons in' India—one to every three thousand of the population. 140 _...f PLOWS, ROLLERS d`c 8 ARROWS 'rite lte-t Bade. Semi fur Catalogue, cop i;.SI'PTt' PLOW CO., RAA.NTF.OftI).. tiGA% STEELE & BRISTIOL,I.tI'OIe ill.lav Coffees impagresa e, tasnceoe.s. US, Ii. ti traeall Write us. HAMILTON. Y.'s'. N It, $picas BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTARIO HINDER TWINE CO., IAD Anion Station Arcade. Toronto. ROKCO .CEREAL (IOPPEII ITEALTU DRINK. 1'ure,1`, nnlesotno. Nuurlahin.r-15.., lb. or 2 lee. I far r5c., and is equal to i'Ic. Cafi•'e. ROKCO is used at your me tie instead of Tea and Gutieo, Far sale by all Grocers or send ifee for sample Ob. package to ROKOO MTV CO., 151 Queen E.,Toronto. Agents wanted throughout Canada. FREE! a iatwy eaih o of [ut anion¢ ed ourfaltsized. Li ten a,oyittent 10 Gents each. rifts iue't 1ya,chf'�rseuias?est. i.titat MIS Kettle -St dea: Baht at orb`T Nolloeteyatet uiredt Stud Il write and we ,and Required. Cas: t.:.. Sell them, return money. tent we teed yourwat;hirew (bit'ti,11 71.0 ndurnatea. LiNEN DOYLEY CO. sox D, TORONTO 171is beaub• REE v Saul Gold+ 1 Shc1I'Soi• t ircRl Ring ex uta• t R 9. F .. its pinsk.itned case fort Willie!. dee gold topped T.ov, er collariduttene odes. each. We send buttons postpaid. Sell them, return stoney, and wescnd you ring, all charges paid. Lever Button Co., Box D, Toronto. T. N. 0. 23$ tie 100 40. sea, ata rd. •r0 Red CO. sat be r0- a1s. the be tet - his sly tn• as- e- Ir. se-Ir. Og er- oat. time lane was u - AFREE SAMPLE OF PERFUMED Royal Lavender Blue Will 000001 to intone who will act ea agent for this entirely new household preparation, The Bluets put math (OC. wham and guar• anteed not to st mat or speck the linen fabric.. 17.eh package contains sufficient slue to do the btut,e for an 0rolnry family for abhul 1 months. It Is the cheapen most 00000eleai and perfect Blue In the market NO MONEY REQUIRED! Anyone sending 1(9147 aid address will receive the Fred Sample and a number at packages, together with our bit premium list of Watches. Rings. Musical instrument., eke,. etn, Pro. comms era given for ellinie th20 worth and un Liberal ca.1' commission it desired. When field return us our money and the premium selected . wIll be tent. no not delay. Write nt once and secure the agency for eras -class article, that will giro ei ery satisfaction, and to used in every home. When writing mention this paper W IRTZ 1VANIc A913 A l mREea VERY PLAINLY. TORONTO CHEMICAL 00., Toronto. CARL OF YOUR RANDS. There is a great knack to datnt the aur+- ' 'coL,11Y *•" the ohs Res CAMS INA 0 t holt coos fair be s sal ftri OP hire rhos at I9 Ira het Bre rho OH' el cis to dad Q Ont this out and recur, V to ue, Whit name 44 your nearest express 5000 and we will send this watch here for you to examine. It 1s an open•face, gold-plated, dust proof' case, handsomely engraved, final); with American model 7 Jewelled, stent wind and sot movement,. lady's or gent's size. his a Food time piece, equal in ap• Ponrance to a $25.00 canto turd is Just the thing for trading purposes. 1f, ma careful examinationyou aro convinced this watch is worth forswore than wo ask pay the express agent 8330, and empress charges and 11 10 Yours,_ Terry Watch Co., Box bT, Toronto, Can. "For heaven's sake, Johann, what's that awful noise'?" "It's either your wife, sir, playing a Wagner symphony, or else it's a street gang laying block pavement "—Heitere Welt. A Lofty Ambition. "My dear," said the banker to his only daughter, "I have noticed a young man attired in a dress suit in the parlor two or three evenings each week of late. What is his occupation?" "He is at present unemployed, fa- ther," replied the fair girl, a dreamy, faraway look in her big blue eyes, "but he is thinking seriously of accepting a position of life companion to a young lady of means."—Chicago News. Dull of Comprehension. Old Gent (who knows the young man's salary)—If you and my daugh- ter could live respectably and com- fortably on $20 a week, I should not object to the match. But you can't. Young Man—No; but my salary is $20 a week, and that added to the $20 a week you are talking about would make forty.—New York Weekly. A Plausible Suggestion. "How do you say 'the duel was fought to a fatal finish' in French?" Inquired the novel writer. And the man who is expert at con- cealing his ignorance replied quickly: "That isn't a reasonable question. I don't believe they ever have occasion to say such a thing as that In French." —Washington Star. GOLD PLATED O41 "" " PLATED. aha to us with your name and asena ddress, and WO will forward thle watch tooa by express. for examination. Itis a. snapback and bezel duet -proof open face, stem wind and set, gold... plated, handsomely en. graved. It looks like a 0054 gold watch, is ;shed with • 7 -Jewelled American Model' Movement that we warrant to ivo good satierfact ou al t. i , td,. ust rho wet h for iradin u a H J P 10,50 II niter this w exam. tuition you end this watch to be exactly as represented, pay the express agent 12.95 and charges, and a is yours. Terry Watch Co„ Toronto, Q. The Owen Electric Belt Trade Mark--Dr.Owea The only scientific and practical Electrio Belt made, for general use, having batteries that generate a strong current of Electricity that is, under perfect control and can bo applied to any, part of the body, for the cure of Nervous Diseases Thousands of people suffer from a variety o11 Nervous Diseases, such as Seminal Weakness Impotenoy, Lost Manhood, etc., that the old modes of treatment fail to cure. There is a loss, of nerve force or power that cannot be restored' by any medical treatment, and any doctor whoa would try to accomplish this by any kind ofi! drugs is pursuing a dangerous practice. Pro- perly treated, these diseases can bo Positively Cures Electricity, as applied by the Owen Jtlectrisi Belt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do so,. It is the only known power that will supply, what is lacking, namely nerve force or power,. impart tone and. vigor to the organs and arouse, to healthy action the whole nervous system. Itt will moat assuredly cure, WithoutMedicine,,, Varicocele Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism., Sciatica, Kidney Disease, Lumbago, Larne Bac* and Dyspepsia. - OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE 1 Contains fullest information regarding the cure of acute, chronic and nervous diseases, prices.. how to order, etc., maile (sealed) —FRE E— to any address. The Owen Electric Belt And Appliance Co.L;I. TORONTO •, ONT.