HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-9-7, Page 8ses The Western Fair, London, cora- See Grieve's change of o ad" next The surface work of the granolithic seeseeallesesseleatfiraierangalkseestaselesseaes' seisseisstiesSeagiesefeseirsatte Business Brightness Brings Snow, menses to -day (Thursday) and will issuesidewalk on the East side of Main last tiff Sept. 16th. Return tickets No paper Neat wee)" street was commenced on Wednesday. "VAG CASH ST 1 CASH OR PRODUCE. ONE PRICE ONLY. (4, ,y,C,Arair i ;., ,;,_iis;i7 will be issued between those dates ..at I single tirst-class fare, Which As 9:se. newspapers everywherethe AnvoeaTR Following the custom with eountry shionents' Mr. Barry -Willest, of Dashwood, station, witla the exeePtIP staff will take its well earaed annual shipped a, ear lambs to 13uffalo, Wed - of Sept. 12 and 14th When . a special holidays next Week, consemiently paper will be issued. The office uo nesday.--Atessrs. Prior and Armstrong STIRATFO/its, Otir ‘ rate of 85e, for the round trio will be given. Special trams will be run on ever, will be open for the transaction sfliPs a eari°ad of how- to -day (Thursday.) hogs to Mitchell, at evatalosas asses( ptive ot rheCentra1Basx" 11.1314, and returning 10.20 p.m. ban& busbies% course. The Central nusuiess tie,s Oeiteae, Stratford, Ont., la raaitea l'ree to all who are desirous of seettring a stort- Teachers" Neetiug. A 1:1/0GREs.sivE soHOOL. An elabar.. Sept. 12, 13 and U. leaving here &04 a busioess and execution of job work, reveresswessisszenumemmerogal The public. school teachers of diris- Pa C. A. Cilutoulloa cizarettas, and particularly for the reception a dollars from delioquent subscribers, PERSONAL. Cottage ea.joys a fine repurattou t'er Fareri°i" sar, No, 3, West Huron, will meet at Dr. C.,A,Clinton, of the San Francis - 47k a 4 tier - tor the Fail Term on Tues. 4°;$,1,1t 5L. is, j, :Enit is the PrincipalVarna., on Saturday, September 9th, co Board of Education, has been mids- tSmith was in Loudon Wed - gramme will be carried out: Agsacults smokirwainong the publieschool child- Af , al vs me in schools, Geo. Baird; eoulPusi' ren ancfexpresses himself in the fol- , sv...4,..ti?‘ , agues spent Labor Day, tion,Iiinir classes, Miss Mustard aud lowing forcible language; "A good, 41 Detroit. I -Miss Kennedy; composition senior deal has been said about the evils of Mrs. Thos, Oke returned from Sagi- classeA, Mr. G.W. Holmansi historY, cigarette smoking,Thursday. twstanaanaa.a.aekesaesagas 3rd classes Mr. J. E. HarnweltiPhollies, Until has never been. told. I have Miss Bell, of London, is the gest of but One Intl/ the paw, ll".. Geo, Boward; geogrephy, jumor watched this thing for some time, and Mss Edith Sanders. The public school reopened on Tues- elasses, Mr. G. W. Barnwell; decimal% I say calmly and deliberately that cig- day. Mr. W. Baird, Division No, 3 Rom- arette smoking is as bed as opium Mr. John Farmer spent a few days - Nve;thlina wises Bayfiehl, Stanley township and smoking, A. cigarette Dena will lie - in Owen Sound last Weelc. Try she Anvoes.TE tor P' Goderich township, south of the cut atiSs li Donagh of Cioderich is the andsteal just as morphine or opium - ^ ' ' stationery. Latest designe. ii fiends will lie or steal, Cigarette guest of the Mis.ses Gould., 11./r„ Chas. Moore, of Winghinn, visit- ed friends in town last week. r, W, Ross, of Clinton, spent Sun- day in taw!), with his parent. Ed, Christie left Monday to attend the Forest City Business College. Mr. Wm, Doliany, of Detroit, spent a few days here during the weeks spent sabot Day with friends in town. Chas,. Willinlns$ a neer Hamilton, Mr, and Mts. B. S. O'Neil returned Tnestitty front attending Toronto fair. 'Mrs, J. H. Grieve returned last week, from visitingin Seaforth and Bayilelcl, Miss Ethel Sweet left Isionday for OWell S01114 to taken, position as mil- liner. ' Miss Addle Morlock returned to Mitchell to resume her position as liner. Miss MCWenny has resumed her po- sition with Mr. FA J. Spackman as mil- liner. 'Miss Alice Ford, of Detroit, is visit- ing friends and relatives in and ;mound Exeter. Mr. E. Gill, of Grand Bend, was in town 'Wednesday shaking bands With old friends. Miss Ada Treble left Tuesday for Watford where she will take as post. tion as milliner, ar golutt Rriacird at 1.30 p. tn., when the X() lowing. Pro- iee a special study of the cigarette ussasy. 3 R w voinev%,-wwwwwwwwws. LOCAL _DOINGS, 30c nvo..TE to Jan. lst, 1000, Teasel's match. • tor •iti cts. Subseribe now. smoking blunts the whole moral game of Tennis was played be titre. It has an impaling effect upon Mr. Alex. Dow has started a milk on Wednesday afternoon of last week the system. It first stimulates and ssaeon on the road. This makes the between the Bewail and Exeterteams, then stupefies the nerves. It sends buys into email -option, It gives them enlargement of the heart, and it sends them into the asylum. I am physie- Lan to several boy schools and I am of- ten called in to prescribe for palpitas Uteri of the heart, In nine eases out of ten it is caused by the cigarette Lir visitors. The following persons are among those attending the Industriel Fair at can of miter, dose of LITTLE I gamea was called off on account Torouto:--Robt. Lang, Js, WeIIez1 LIVER PILLS will often ward OfX all darkness. MissDrewMrs. J. Knight, 3Irs. Wads attack of Dairluea, Dysentery, Choleral pragidstsp,,mro man, 31r. and Mrs. J. Cobbledlek, Mr, Morbis, et'. Sold, by C. Lutz. The license department of the On- and Mrs. Jas. Snell, Mr. wm rim, Mr. The Epworth League of Main streets tario Government has furnished the Jos. Senior, Miss Binnehe Clark, Mr. Methodist elmreh intends holding an license inspectorwith the following W. H. Parsons. Miss Alma. Dempsey, entertainment on the evening of lixe- eireular; 'Representations have been Mr. and Mrs. A. 11107evin. ter fair, Sept. 19th. made to this branch to the effect that Loor Ds), gxete, The recent rains appear to have been very many (.1 the druggists through- Labor Day was fittingly celebrated general over nearly the whole Pro- out the province tin not comply with here on Monday. The weather was eawe, and crops have reeeived vast the prONISIOTIS of the la.w, and are m beautiful and business in nearly all beriefit from the wetting. the habit of selling liquor as a bever- lines was suspended. The r acing events There are in the Dominion 113 daily, age' ani dire°. t'ed by the I)1"wineial on the Agricultural grounds in the af- ternoon, under the auspices of the Ex- eter Baud, were a success, Quite a large crowd Was in attendance and the raees were keenly contested, the Free - being watched with great in- terest. Following is a. summary viz; nand milk vendor in town. the home team scoring a victory. Marty firs and others prediet that p 1,1 „is sessorgs-1)r. Fergueson september will be as dry as August !.41.9 ntin_ev Ten i!k beat Rev. atuyara andIS .1: Eyck, (Exeter) nisi). heavy reins in October. [, (1-2; 3-6; 7-5, 11- C. Tremaine and There were 1243 eases Df aPteal: lis't Rev, Martin (Exeter) beat Dr. SilierY P4'sed or ;kr the ,9k1"1:.t (41,-"ev4``111 and F. C. Berry, Mensalli 0-1; 0.0, dust the vutm' fur ti4e,,Veg"1 e, Tremnint, beat Dr. Cellery, et Exeter. held in the Town stag; osh 0.2. Reis Martin heat R. C. Berry, b"ritlay last. 01; Rios Ten Eyck beat Wm. When the Stomach and Liver ;nal Ewer, 8.0; 1,0. At this juncture the 4,1 /man -ears. 57 ...oni„,,reekiy, g treasnrer to bring this matter to your votive,. and to express the hope that weekly,. 7Sti weekly newspapers. 41114 three that came ant e,emiawcasionai. yon will give the matter there are no s art(um] for eomplaint in your W, Baez has a house and lot fher n 2A lie« be intends to live in Exeter, AS district his engagement with the G. T. R. calls RanawaY Richard Treble, accompanied by Mr. his attention. there more so than in IL E. Landon, traveller, of London, Clinton. '-e-Clintim New Era. driviu e f 1.1 • 11:1' - W.; Mr. Geo. Bondman, who has been w g s t. -1"e- - " clerking for Measrs. Carling Bros., ere teams in from the North on Wed - his accepted a Siulilar positiOn with tie. J. Stewart, while Wilbur Handford will MI the vacancy at Mes,,rs. Carling Bros. The constant drop of water wears away the hardest stone; the constant gnaw Of TONVser mastleates the tough- est bone; the constant cooing lover e aTieS off the blushing maid. and the onstant advertiser is the one 'who g,ets the trade. Will be found a safe and pleasant (tre for Diarrhost, Dysentery, Cholera. Morbis, ete. This remedy contains no opium, is pleasant to take, and has proved itself the most reliable remedy, for summer complaints in the market. price 25 cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Drug - On Tuesday while Mart. Salter WAS driving on Main street the horse stum- bled arid threw him out of the cart. The shaft of the rig was broken but he escaped, unhurt. He, however, lost a gold ring, which dropped off his finger when he fell out, and he has not since found it. The recent rains have greatly stayed the swamp fires West of the town, but not before considerable damage was done. Mr. James Beer, of this place, who lost his shanty and a lot of valuable timber last year, has again suffered considerable loss, his shanty, valued at about $100, having again been burned. We understand Mr. Wm. Zinger, who has been conducting the Metro- nislitan Hotel for some years, has de- cided to leave town shortly, he having purchased the American House, Ber- lin. He will take .possession some time in October. Mr. Zingers many friends here will regret to hear of him leaving town. One of the greatest events of the au- tumn season is the announced enlarge, merit of that truly great newspaper the Family Herald and Weekly Star - of Montred. The enlargement makes the Family Herald a paper equal to a book of :384 pages each. week, making az such books in a year, The Family Herald and Weekly Star is simply earrying everything before it. the (=- ciliation jumping by leaps and bounds. lts circalation is without doubt mostmarvelloos, marvellous, and as far as we can see, every one says it deserves it. The first Dominion Christain Endea- vor Convention will be held in Mont- real, beginning Thursday evening,Oct. 5th, and closing Monday night, Oct. 9th, 1899. The meetings will be held in the elegant and commodious St. James Methodist Church, St. Cathe- rine street. Single first class fare for the round trip, from all stations in Canada, is the rate granted to dele- gates by all the railway companies. For further particulars, write to Mr. 0. J. Atkinson, secretary Canadian Council of 0.E., 26 Langley ave., To- ronto. The Anniversary and Harvest Thanksgiving services of the Trivitt Idemorial church were held on Sunday last. The church was beautifully de- corated with grain and flowers and presented a very pleasing appearance. The Rev. David Williams, M.A., rec- tor of St. James' church, Stratford, occupied the pulpit'and delivered two well directed and scholarly discourses to large and appreciative congre- gations. The singing by the choir was well received and the duet by Miss Hardy and Mr. Hemming during the taking up of the offertory was admirably rendered. On the whole it was a magnificent success. At Hensali. Monday, Sept. llth, at 1:30 p.m., in Methodist church, the financial Dis- trict Meeting of Exeter district will be held. All ministers are urged to be present. Tuesday morning, cornmen- cang at 10 a.m., the Epworth League Convention of the Exeter District will he held. A good program has been provided for the three session a and the public is cordially invited to at- tend. A silver collection at eveningsession. Session. 'JAS. DELGATY, MAY GILL, President. Secretary. 3 XINCTE CLASS Cant, Tons 2 4 1 Betsy Boy 1 *). 2Elsie Wilkes 3 3 3 nesday night last met with quite all Irish Girl 4 1 dr, FRE -FOR-ALL, unpleasant experience. They were nearing Mr. D. Rraund's blacksmith King Stanton 1 1 shop when the electric light happened Bon M. 2 2 to go out, thus making. it difficult to Satin Slippers 3 3 travel, and before going far the rig A lacrosse mateh took place in the collided with a broken down wagon, afternoon on the Lacrosse grounds be - loaded with logs. The horses made a tweets the Clinton and Exeter teams dash for liberty and, in doing so broke which proved quite interesting and ;ti- the lines, and the occupants thinking though the score WAS a little one-sided discretion the better part of valour, the gtune was a fast and exciting one. got off the rig. The horses dashed on After playing an hour and fifteen min - till they came to the bridge where utes the score stood. 1-1 in favor of the they became separated and detached visitors. While the game was a little front the rig which was upset, together rough some good playing was made with a number of trunks. One of the by both teams, horses escaped without a scratch while the 'other received severalbad bruises BAND CONCERT. and a serious ,ent, The rig and. her In the evening a large crowd gather, ness were also -damaged to some ex- ed on the Victoria Jubilee Park to lis - tent. Drowned at Detroit. The ADVOCATE received a special tele- gram on Monday from Detroitbearing the sad intelligence of the death of Miss Susanna Reed, the particulars of which are indeed sad. The deceased made her home here with her sister, Mrs. Jus. Parkinson, and was on a visit to relatives near Detroit. As she had not been laid aside from active ditties of life by illness, news of her death came startlingly sudden and unexpect- ed. The particulars are as follosys,viz. "As the GrandTrunk car ferry Great Western was backing out of the slip near the foot of Beaublen street Mon- day afternoon Miss Susanna. Reed, 45 years of age, a well-to-do lady, whose home had been with her mother and two sisters in Exeter, Ont., either fell accidentally or jumped from the gang- way of the boat and was drowned. Fireman Molt Brown saw Miss Reed floating in the river, and an effort was made to rescue her, but she soon sank from view. About six hours later the body was found floating in the current opposite the south end of the city, be- tween five and six miles from the place where she left the dock. Miss Reed was a clever business woman and the owner of four paying gas wells at Mar- thaville, in the Petrolia. oil region. She had been worried much of late about this property. She had been visiting relatives a few miles from Detroit. If she conimittect suicide it is believed that it was while .she was temporarily deranged." The remains were taken to Wilkesport for burial. Council Proceedings. Council met pursuant to adjourn - latent at Town Hall, Sept 1. All press ten to the Band -concert. A lengthy program of some of the latest airs was rendered and the mnsic was of -a high order. The song sung' by Mr. M. Vin- cent, entitled "In the Shadows of the Pines," was admirably rendered. and drew forth ..intieh merited. applause. • On the whole the affair was a. grand success and much credit is doe the Band for their efforts. Death of Thos. H. Tyndal. The notices which we append are from the Peterborough Examiner, of August 24th and 20th, and relates to the accident and later the death of Thomas H. Tindle, who resided in Ex- eter some years ago, and who at one time was head cutter for Mr. James Pickard: -"Mr. Thos. Tindle, sr., No. 3.521 Water street, agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Co., met with an ac- cident this morning, resulting in the breaking of one of his legs, and being otherwise shaken up. Mr. Tindle was driving in a vehicle, which also con- tained a sewing machine, and when going up Aylmer street near Charlotte street, the bit by some reason catne out of the horse's mouth. Mr. Tindle ini- mecliately sprang out of the wagon, but at the same instance the horse made a leap and a mix-up occurred. Whether Mr. Tindle received a kick from the horse, or how the accident occurred, the victim himself does not appear to know, but when picked up by some persons who were near by at the time it was discovered that his left leg was broken above the ankle. Dr. Pigeon was summoned and after the patient was removed to the Nicholls' Hospital the broken limb was set. Some idea can be obtained of the force of the blow that caused the accident, from the fact that the stocking was crushed in ent except Messrs. Muir and Evans. against the bone. The runaway horse Minutes of previous meetings read and was caught a short distance from confirmed. Taylor -Armstrong, that where the accident occurred with the wagon and sewing machine apparent- ly none the worse of the accident" - The death occurred last night, Aug. 23, at the Nicholls' Hospital of Mr. T. H. Tindle, of Water street, local agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Co. It will be remembered that on Thursday last Mr. Tindle had his leg broken in a runaway accident. It was latex. ascer, an order be drawn on Treasurer in fa- vor of A. B. Cosner for $100 in part payment of contract, as per agreement. Carried. A.rmstrong-Taylor, that the following accounts be passed and orders drawn on Treasurer for same:J. J. W. Creech, labor, 62e; W. West- cott, do., 50c.; Geo. Atkinson, street -watering, $1.50; Wm. Atkinson, do., $30.75; Electric Light Co., account to tabled that intesnal injuries had been Sept. 1st, less $1.50 deducted for huh received and to these he finally sue - 2 alfilment of contract $77.16; Wm. cunabed. The deceased was 62 years Ford,balance on stone contract,$10,40. of age and was born in Northumber- -Carried. Armstrong -Taylor, that land County, England, coming with his parents and the family to Canada in 1812 and taking up residence in pe- terboro. Six years later the family moved out to the fourth concession of Smith and took up farming. Thomas left the farm as he grew up and learn- ing the. cutting business was employed at various times in Mt. Forest, Exeter, St. Catharines, Palmerston, Kingston, Ottawa, and Pembroke, from which latter town he moved to Peterborough about two years ago. In Mt. Forest he was united in marriage to Isabella street commissioner ascertain if Mr. J. McDougall, who survives him with N. Howard is able to supply lumber as two children, viz: Thomas, of town, per contract. -Carried. Muir-Taylos and Mrs. Wm. Edmison of the Otlacon- that Mr. Cosner he instructed to ex- cession of Smith. Mr. James Tindle, tend pavement feetfarther north and who still lives on the homestead on the that he be paid the sum of lei cents fourth concession, is a brother of the per suPertiejal foot for same. --Carried deceased. The funeral will take place Taylor -Evans, that By -Law No. 12, when the 1899, having beet read a first time, be on Wednesday at 3 p.m. trout the fanalPrices are so astounding ily residence. The deceased was a I . .quality is considered. . . now read. a second and third time and member of the Royal Teniplars of finally passed. -Carried. Muir--Arrn-ArmTemperance and was at one time eon - strong, that council adjourn. neotecl with both the Masons and Odd- RoiAtE G. H. BISSETT, Clerk. fellows. Mr. Cosner be instructed to extend the pavement 6 feet farther south and that he be paid the sawn of 14i cts. per su- perficial foot for saane.-Carried. Tay- lor -Armstrong, that Council adjourn to Sept. 15th at 8 o'clock p.m. Council met at call of Reeve atTown Hall, Sept. 2nd. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirm- ed. Muir -Armstrong, that the street commissioner be instructed to repair water tanks as soon as possible. -Car- ried. Evans -Armstrong, that the Mr, and Mrs, Beaman, of London, visited their son, Mr, W. J. Heitman, here, on Monday. Miss Olive Hooper returned Tuesday evening after a nionth's visit with friends m London. Mrs. H. J. Glanville returned to her home in London Tuesday, after a short visit here with relatives. 'Mr. L. Hardy, who has been in Mani- tnbaJor the past three months, saa turned home on Saturday. Mr. R. Cook, of South River, Ont., visited friends in and around Exeter a few days during the past week. Mrs. A. L. Handford and danghter, of Renfrew, are visiting relatives here, the guests of Mrs, Silas Handford. Mrs, \Visler and Mrs. Burke, of Mancelona, Mich., are visiting their parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Dearing. J. Dennis, shoemaker, has accepted a. position with Messss. Sterling Bros., London, and left for that place Wed- nesday. Rev, W. AL Martin is taking a two weeks' holiday. His duties in the church are being filled by Mr. Fowler, of London. Messrs. W. Moore, C.Brown and the Misses Moore, of St. Marys, were the guests of the Misses Brown, Exeter North, Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Brooks, after spending a few days with relatives here. returned to their home in St. Thomas Tuesday. Miss Mand Willis, teacher at Khiva, spent a fewdays here during the week, the ,guest of her aunt and. uncle, Mr. and. Mrs. James Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz, acorn - pained by the former's inothdr, of Dashwood, spent the past week with relatives in Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Robt. Brownlee, of Bath, N. Y., who some years ago served an appren- ticeship as harnessinaker with Mr. P. Frayne, is renewing acquaintances in town. Urquhart, who has been spend- ing the holidays at her home in Osha- wa and elsewhere, has resumed her Position as milliner with Mr. J. A. Stewart. Miss Laura Lumley, of Detroit, and Mrs. Burgess, of London, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. John Barns. Mr. Burges also spent a few days here dur- ing the week. Percy Baker, of Rochester, N. Y., son of Mr. John Baker, who at one time conducted a furniture shop bere, visited friends here during the week and returned home Monday. • "MP Seaforth: The many friends of Mr. Robt. McMillan, son of Mr. jno. Mc- Millan, will be sorry to learn that while in the stable harnessing his horse on Wednesday morning the ani- mal kicked him, breaking his lower jaw bone, besides this Mr. McMillian is severely bruised about the neck and arms. The Attraction of All Eyes 1. . Just at present the object of attraction to the people of Exeter and surround- ing country is OUR GREAT LINES -OF- FURNITURE To see is to examine and to examine our stock is to buy. . - - " • " 1," SCHOOL NEEDS. es, school will SOCM. reopen. Girls and Boys always need 1 something new after the long va cation. TOM GIRL SHOES. Yes, we have them the best in the trade. Its an appropriate name bes Cause this kind will stand "Tom Boy " wear. Tice upper is fine soft oil grain, not the flimsy kind but the kind that wears. The sole is a solid flinty hemlock, Now's the time and here's the place to buy your dill - 4 dren's school shoea. Don't forget we keep this line for Boys and Girls both: Sizes 8 to 30t, button and lace, $1.00, Sizes 11 to 2, !Hatton and lace, $.M. Sizes 2 to 5, boys lace, $1.50. 1 1 A. STEWART. -a-sus-sass, sassassiirmarsirstecsirsirsisssossisrsosseassursursir aisr Jackets or Fall and Winter, In the past few days we have just re- ceived 75 'New York Jaekets 85 Canadian Jackets and 60 German Jackets. These are the best products from the hands of first class manufacturers. Our priees range from $4.00 to $11.00, and in ue'dinnx prices we can display to you as good values as can be purchased anywhere in Canada. A large quantity of Children's Novelty Jackets up to the style and prices correct. Ask to see our Priestley's Dress goods, they are the best in tbe world. Every yard gnaranteed and the mune stamped on every 5 yards. Our sale of these goods has trebled itself in 3 years. '70 pieces of new colored dress goode, all the latest shades and makes. Our prices in these goods run from 25 ets. a. yd. to $1.(X). See our goods before purchasing else- where. E. J. SPACKMAN Headquarters for W. E. Sandforde Cloth- ing. 711131100122111111111111MM Misty Vision Comes with advancing years, but can be cleared by properly fitted glasses, Spectacles are our specialty. When we fit them, they give satisfaction. Eyes examined free. S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, T. Fitton's Jeweiry Store NEW COOP SIIOP ST- DASIIVITOOD. Having established a new Cooper Shop in Dashwood, 1 ant prepared to do all kinds of work in that line. Apple and Flom? Bemis, :Tanks, tubs, etc. also ,reparing on shortest notice. Prfees r ea s on able . Shop 222 blocks West of Hall's store. FELIK WILD, MerlIS011. Manufacturers and Installers ACETYLENE GAS GENERATOPS. One door South Central Hotel, EXETER, HPPLES WPM New Evaporator in the old • Verity Foundry, Exeter. We will be prepared to take in next week, all kinds of applt. —peeling and cider for chopp- ing. Hcunlin/i & Shourds. COMMON SENSE MANUS that. you should call and inspect the lines of GENT'S FURNISHINGS that we have plaeed in aur store You will find in this new stock Quality and Price.... to suit you. FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL..... This is what we always aecomplish when we make a suit for you. rices that Incase. Bert. Knight.