HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-9-7, Page 6Bubsetebers whn do net etee:ve their gazer
regr3ariy wee t lease re res ee a« %a.m.
Call t, this t f ece Ser .;c.b e..irs-r g:tees,
TIURSDA . Al:G UST $1. 1 •>9.
Heiafth Hilts.
Never go to bed wet!: cold er damp feet. 1
Never lean with the buck upon amthing
tither in teed.
Never begin a ;matey until the l;reak-
tast has leen eaten.
Never take warm drinne ata then
neediate:y go cut in the cod.
Never emit regn: liar bathing. for =less_
the akin is :n ze rive e c relitien the cold
"Ka eleve the Fires tied favor eongeetion
or ether elseeeee.
After exert:se of say ked never ride in
an cram, rerr:alce.
Never cci:tteee neepin„ the talk ez-
�es sc the teat after it leas kerer,ce cora-
ar".alay warm.
Never stares, :. r' Geld wether. especi-
ally after having talon is slight degree of
Wen bo„rse- *Teak as tithe as p;cssible
areal the tearseness is re.csered. from,
Sae the setts.. may €t eermar.ently :n;i red ✓
ter tretrtles cf tte,tare etle recti eal-
WLen Ft d>wl; :ren a were. atmeephere
;lento fa c et ler mee. keep" the notate., always
eloted sz t et the tt r may t>ewarmed ter
its patsrtrge threatere the rens ere St rendes
ACarefully Preraree wh time
end ancentme ulnar extaaded in ex•.
p,er.reeut ng tv E tee t grF1i'ente that
utter tc• tee crave ;
a tin set 1'.i rtle1e&',
tgc,.tt'. t le es, t eft re :levy were l,:o,tgalt
to the s-a,te C zs.,c,i teen- vverx, nt cf-
3ex'ed et: the esti :. \\ t Leve melee p i,
may t e, Partneleea Vegeatlee I' ;:, are !
the zee ..t c r t ':cls a ttl erementlag u»d
*nada e.t.a all treasons e .Ter. i, fr. rice -
pep` sr ci :e.ed:am; .-t..ti a.r'eeye
nay t. a ie a a=_ ;.eet neon: tt4 teeeg
swbait :tee tare ret eeeeenel to tie.
free Asked to be litssod.
.eat ammeter, s er:e was w; r :r't e at the l;
taeve e eattatt Afre;texp t smerttat k.t g s
Ceur..e. ent.y. : we ;Femme the -,. n "tees:
abate; <.-`. ytars, Wert ea ply etre re -reel ;n
the °'lavages,and at last tame s f them
said etc s;: eu,d lege ,c3 has a a swiere ezo
twee w at w wap Lae - elee p se:? tut a
Swarthy zamve ar.d tole: lire tle at R a
Wanted to he 1 ,ss •,a The tar -la of veneer. yy
retail rel rrders..e, el wirer air n.t'ant . rei
ocinteeraed to dar:.e. the yattng l.aala
sigz:ev< fee him re stop: ar.d their stepped
Jfcrrr"fete read 'Sassed hurt en moat c'bee::,
For a few mear.ents the reek ii scorned
et mek drmn wleh aetun:sheeint. ibut. re-
cover ng n rsse;f. he + a la;i:t the meting
lady stc ;nd tee wmet anti inirrented sures
a ret reeling seem3: tin her . x s that eLe ,
was glee tee snake Lcr escape. flee on.
lcok t. tre roared wesh ..t meht b ,. , er
Pruned,. Punctuated and Preserved in
Pithy Paragraphs for the iierusal et
Practical People — Personal, Political
and Profitable.
The steamer Tilley, owned by R. O.
& A. H. 3factay of Hanmilton, was
burned near Fairport, O., on Saturday
night, The vessel was valued at $47.000
and was insured for $35.000.
The edict of the Archbishops of Canter -
beep and York against the use of incense
and candles affects 269 churches. Ti*
ritualistic clergy in general are giving
their submission to the edict.
Mrs. Christopher Liddle of Romney,
four miles east et Wheatley, who had
Leen ailing for some titre, drowned her-
self on Saturday in a pond back of the
Neuse. It was evidently" a case of suicide,
caused by Insanity. Deceased was about
Gd yeere of age.
On aceetant of the bot winds the cotton
crop will not average more than a quar-
ter of a bale to the acre, or two Million
bsdee for the entire Stats of Texas.
Drought prevails over an extensive
area in the middle and south of l+.nglaud.
The east end of London has been put on
a short; supply' of water. Factories in
ritaffordshire have bean ozosed hetet' a of
lack of water,
CRIME AND Ctti'Ait1i"(,AYifi,
At Toronto Junetion thieves chloro-
formed the inmates of a boarding bouso
and got away with $163. The landlady
of the house is seriously 111 from inhaling
the fumes.
Thursday evening Freer Thonger, a
fruit -grower of Niagara Township. drove
into Niagara and tied his borse up on
tits main Street, intending to return for
it in a couple of hours. He bait act been
We to find it yet, someone baying
stolen its
Tile bylaw to raise $18,000 tor a new
central az•hool—also the bylaw" to raises
$4,000 to extend the waterworks syetera
—were both carried by slim majorities
in. Owen Sound on Friday.
A bylaw WAS passed at Vancouver.
B C., on Saturday, giving Council power
to raise a loan of $150.000 for the pair-
pose of extending and improving tho city
sewage .system. At the same time a by-
law to raise a loan of $0.000 for the
purpose of acquiring certain lands front-
ing on English Bar for a publio bathing
beach and recreation grounds was lost.
eta -
New Piga r enc:Ere rgy are soon at- Four men of tbe 28rd Regiment, sta-
4aine:: la the the cf \lilies s C'oncpeund t natives
a eves i Cebu, have been of ehed .j
1 o in the hills. 'Three of the Amori-
Ixcn Pais. GC'de-ce ta«'env cans were killed.
sow elan., rile a Minute.
rhe average deration of human life Is
about e-.:' years. Cine -fourth of the inhabit-
ants dee I efore they retti"h their seventh
year. the -half before they reach their
seventeenth year Of every 1.0(°0 persons,
only one reeebes rhe age of 100 years; of
every 'std only six reach the age of 65, and
not mere than one in ileo lives to see the
eightieth year. There are about 1.500,000,-
00C tehatitatts of the globe. Of these 50,-
'DOC,tet• tee every year. 137,736 per day, 5,595
per hoer. atom: 90 per minute, or three in
every two seconds.
flinard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
tndached Yearlings.
The Hunters' Improvement Society of
Great Britain announecd that at this year's
horse show all yearlings had to be un-
dotked. Next year the rule will be ap-
plied to yearlings and two -year-olds, the
Iasi year it will be extended to three -year -
* Ids. and so on, until all horses exhibited
are rervided with their natural caudal
7[iutt hot, dry condition of the .-kin will
dleappear la the use ref Miller's Compound
Iran P.is. :,0 do -'. .5 (t'nt .
Corn Dodgers.
To make corn dodgers. scald one quart
of wlete cornmeal ju.renongh to moisten;
leo not make it too wet Beat one egg and
add to it four tablespoonfuls of milk; add
it to the cornmeal. This should now be a
thick tatter. Drop by spoonfuls on a
greased pan and bake in an oven until a
golden brown.
Nothing looks more ugly than to see a
person whose hands are covered over with
warts. Why have these disfigurements
an your person when a sure remover of all
warts, corns, etc., can be found. in Hollo-
"Ray's Corn Cure.
Talk Won't Build Roads.
We've heard it stated "Talk is cheap!"
So while the mud is two feet deep
In many highways of the land
The people scold to beat the band.
But, very likely, by and by,
When summer's here and roads are dry,
Theones who put up a big bluff
Will say "Our roads are good enough!"
linard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
What He Thought.
"I have pleaded the cause of my sex,"
said the new woman, "in season and oat
of season."
"You have," said her husband, me
plastically; "especially out of seasons"
Health for the children. Miller's
Warne Powders.
Worse Than Ever.
Collins—I don't know how it is now,
but Rollins Used to think he had a mort-
gage on the earth.
Moliins—Yes, and since he got a wheel
'$e seems to have taken possession.
Miller's Worm Powders euro all ail -
mints of children like magic.
Cheapest Animal to Raise.
The cheapest animal to raise is the sheep,
and, with the growing appetite for tender
mutton in this
lamb and country, it is
ane of the most profitable.
Miller's . Worm Powders the medicine
for children.
It is estimated that about 8,000,000
bicycles have been made in Europe end
The transports Valencia and Zealandia,
with 790 men of the Montana Regiment,
and 400 men belouging to other organi-
sations on board, sailed en Thursday
from Manila for San Pravoisco.
Several persons suspected of being
emissaries of the Transvaal Government
have been arrested at Lorenzo Marquez,
Delagoa Bay. Excitement prevails, and
in view of a contemplates Transvaal raid
the Portuguese troops are kept in readi•
ness for an emergency-,
Mr. V. W. Powell. chief of the Grand
Trunk statistical department, has resign-
ed to accept a position in the Western
Emperor William has conferred the
Order of the Red Eagle of tbo third class
on Herr Rose, the Garman consul -general
at Apia. Samoa.
Mrs. M. J. McParland of Ottawa has
received information that she has been
left a sum in the neighborhood of $50,-
000 by the death of a relative in the Uni-
ted States.
The Berlin Lokal Anzeiger says Em-
press Augusta Victoria is again so indis-
posed that her physicians have forbidden
her to accompany Emperor William to
the autumn manoeuvres iu South Ger-
The big pulp mill at Hawkesbury,
Que., is about ready for operation.
Grand Trunk. Railway earnings Aug.
15 to 20: 1899, $539,020; 1898, $469,794;
increase, 576, 226.
The bubonic plague has appeared at
Newchwang. The outbreak is not regard-
ed as serious, but it is feared the disease
will spread to Tientsin and other planes
in North China.
Utah bas wrested from South Dakota
the record for rapid divorce. Eleven min-
utes after the filing of the complaint
Rose Silverstein was released from the
tie which bound her to Abe Silverstein.
Special precautions are being taken at
Southampton and other English ports in
regard to the bubonic plague and yellow
fever. All vessels arriving from Spanish
and Portuguese ports are rigorously ex-
amined by the medical officers.
Demetri Friedlander, treasurer of the
United Russian Church of Chicago, pri-
vate banker and agent for the Wacker &
Birk Browing Co. of Chicago, is missing,
and at the same time an amount esti-
mated at from $40,000 to $100,000 has
The new White Star steamer Oceanic,
the largest ship in the world, arrived at
Liverpool on Saturday from Belfast, Ire-
land, where she was built. She is to sail
Iroise, Liverpool for New York on her
maiden voyage on Sept. 6. Her dimen-
sions are: Length 704 feet, beam 72 feet,
draught 26 feet. She registers 17,000 tons.
Her engines are expected to develop 45,-
000 horse -power. Her keel was laid on
Marsh 12, 1897.
Gordon Andrus of London, Ont., was
drowned while bathing in Lake Huron at
Southampton, Ont., on Friday.
Four men were killed at Catskill, N.
Y., on Saturday forenoon in the Wash-
burn brink yards by 200,000 brinks fall-
ing over on them from an adjacent kiln.
Robert Cunningham, 8 years old, fell
into the Rideau Canal at Ottawa on Fri-
day at 3 p.m. and was drowned. The boy
was drowned while his brother and sister
looked on.
C. R. Greaves, newsboy, aged 14, son
of W. D. Greaves, customs officer. of
Eingsten, Ont., was drowned on Satur-
day at Clayton, N.Y. He was a newsboy
on the steamer Islander.
Mrs. W. R. Farr, widow, 92 year ola,
of Paisley, was suffocated on Saturday
night. A lamp exploded asshe was going
to bed. She overcame the flames, but
was herself overcome by the arnoke and
pain of her burns.
Joseph Benoit, eleotrioian working for
the Sherbrooke. Que., Electric Light
Company. was killed on Saturday while
attending to his duties, Simon Roy. a
fellow -workman, was also seriously in-
jured. No sue knows how the eaoident
Dr, George H. Cook, dentist of To-
ronto, was drowned on Saturday after-
noon, while bathing in the lake off Mime
Joe Beach. There were bait a• dozen, peo-
ple in the water at the time, but all
efforts to save him proved fruitless, as
the water was so rough. About 25 min-
utes after the doctor had jumped in his
body was washed ashore by the tide.
Mr. Edmund Rutledge, head of the
well-known London, Eng., publishing
Arm of Rutledge & Sons. Limited, diad
suddenly on Friday.
Barton Fitzsimmons died at P'iehlrill
Landing, N.Y., on Friday night, of
hiccoughs. The attack began last Sun-
day, and. In spits of the efforts of several
pbystcans. continued until he died of
There died at Holland Centre an
Thursday last ono of the very oldest;
residents of Ontario, in the person of
Mrs. Henderson, who had been a widow
fora long time oast, at the ripe age of
190 years. She fell asleep in death with-
out baring a single sioknesa or giving
any sign of approaching dissolution,.
Rev, Charles Campbell, ane of the old-
est Presbyterian ministers in Canada,
passed away on Sunday at hie son's resi-
dence in Toronto. Ha was 83 years old,
He waa born in Glasgow, Scotland, and
had been pastor of the St. An lrew's
Church, Niagara -on -the -Lake, from 1858
to 1878. For the peat 12 years be had
resided in Toronto and acted as assistant
at the South Side Presbyterian Churoh.
,At Chatham the jury's verdict in the
Stephens inquest was that Lyell Ste.
pbens seine to his death on the 10th Jesn
from a aback and aoute peritonitis caused
by a ball fired lata .bis body from, a
Flaubert rifle in tbe hands of William
Houston, ori else 14th gnat. The evidente
does noir in our opinion,show that there
was serious intent on the pant of the
said William ldouston, but we find that
he bad knowledge that there were persons
in the immediate vicinity of the bonfire,
opposite to where the ilring took place.
and that he recklessly and carelessly fired
tbe shot which caused the death of the
said Lyell Stephens.
The G Wilma the Canada's Mae 1■
Thrie Ilandruaalag Itaces.
Toronto, Aug. 25.—In the international
yacht race yesterday for the Canada's
Cup the Canadian boat, the Beaver,
crossed first, at 11.15.09, and the Genesee
at 11.15.21, en the leo, both boats leav-
ing the buoy to starboard, as ordered.
Going out on the port tack, they stood
off for some time, and on the first turn
the Genesee crossed the bow of the Beaver
and from then on kept the lead to the
finish, gradually increasing. The judges'
time was as follows; Genesee, 3.32.11;
Beaver, 3.42.58. This ended the race, and
left the Genesee the winner of the Can-
ada's Cup in three straights. Time wind
was very light.
A Renewal of the Street Demonstrations
fn Belgium Expected.
.Antwerp, Aug, 28. --Tho Socialists are
again uttering throats in the hope of
alarming tho Government. The moderate
Liberals no longer support the Socialists,
but will support the Premier's bill for
proportional representation in the Cham-
ber. The Socialists desire universal
suffrage pure and simple and admit that
they will not hesitate to resume their
revolutionary demonstrations in Parlia-
ment and in the streets. A fresh outbreak
is expected. M. Demtion, a Socialist
leader, made a 'violent speech on Satur-
day night, in which he reterred to the
republican forma of government, exiled
kings, eta.
Havelock -Wilson Agitates.
London, Aug. 28.—Shipping and trade
troubles are threatened both at Liverpool
and Cardiff. Agitation is active at these
places for an increase in wages, on the
ground that trade is now prosperous and
that few men are unemployed. Mr.
Joseph Havelock -Wilson, member of
Parliament for Middlesborougb, a Radi-
cal. but who was elected more particular-
ly as a labor representative, heads the
movement. Ho declares that unless the
demands are granted there will be a gen-
eral strike of sailors and fireman on both
mail and freight boats in the first week
of September.
A Warning to Threshers.
Belleville. Aug. 28.—Peter Bardy of the
Mohawk reserve had Peter and Robert
Martin and Edward Topins of Tyenden-
aga, arraigned in the Police Court on
Saturday on the charge of having run a
steam threshing machine without having a
proper spark -arrester in the smokestack,
by reason of which negligence he suffered
a loss of farm produce and household
effects. A fine of $3 with costs was im-
posed on each defendant, and Mr. W. C.
Mikel, counsel for plaintiff, is going to
issue a writ for $1,000 damages against
W. Assletine, Peter Martin and Ed.
Toping, the owners of the machine.
Fighting for Three Days.
Cape Haytien, Hayti, Aug. 28.—News
has just been received here confirming
the fighting in Santo Domingo on Friday
between the Government forces and the
revolutionists, General Pacbee, at the
head of 400 men of the revolutionary
troops, fought the Government troops for
three days, which lost 150 men in killed
and wounded. General Antoine Calderon,
one of the Government commanders, was
killed and secretly buried. The revolu-
tionists only lost 13 men killed_ and sev-
eral wounded.
Goethe Anniversary Celebrated.
Frankfort -on -the -Main, Aug. 28. ---The
one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of
the birth of Goethe was celebrated by
immense crowds here
Saturday. ay. The
Geotlie Platz and statue were beautifully
Meteorite and Earthquake,
Oporto, Aug. 26.—A meteorite grossed
the sky here at 1 a.m. yesterday. A slight
earthquake shook was felt at the same
Women With Big Rands.
The bicycle craze has lead the effect of
increasing the size of women's hands..
Glove makers say that where they former-
ly trade six as the average size of a wo-
man's glove, they are now compelled to
make theme half a size larger. Women.
who were proud of their little bands are
now showing big bands with, quite as
much pride. It must be borne in mind
that the big hand must be well groomed,
for small defects which would pass un-
noticed in the tiny hands become very
oonspicuoue in the big one,
Skepticism, -r, -This is unhappily an age
of st;epticisiu, but there is one point upon
which personsac uainted with the sub -
jeer agree, namely, that Dr. 'Phomas'
Eclectric Oil is a medicine which can be
relied upon to cure a cough, remove pain,
heat sores of various kinds, and benefit
any inflamed portion of the body to which
it is applied.
Sheep Ejected From Yosemite Park,
The secretary of the interior has received
information that epeelal torest agents have
ejected more than 65,000 sheep from the
Yosemite Park, California, and will in a
short time probably succeed in removing
ethers now on that reserve.
Miller's Worm Powders cure At. In
Merely 'reeer ter7.
",rehie, clear, did you ever levo anybody
before you met ane;"
"I thought I did, Flutie, A hundred
tithes, but I sec now I was only rehears -
If your children moan and are restless
during sleep, coupled when awake with a
Iota of appetite, pale eonnteuauce, picking
Of the nese, etc-. you may depend upon it
that the printery clothe of the trouble ie
wurine. Mother Greece Worm Exter-
minator effectually removes these pests,
at once relieving the little snLYei'ers,
"It znay be patriotic to get shot in the
Philippines," says Do 'fatigue, "but it's
more pleasant to be hell -elm at hone."
Millard's Liailuelit for sale everywhere.
A well-known colleeter once geld $500
for a single leaf with which to mako hitt
Sleet fele) of Shakespeare a perfect copy,
New life for a quarter. Iililler'a Qom -
pound Iron Pills.
The number of penniless amen in the
Klondike is placed as 3.000.
Irish stew le a dish never seen in Ire-
0. C. RICI Anns & Co.
Dear Sirs, --For some years I have bad
only partial use of my arm, caused by a
sudden strain. I have used every remedy
without effect, until I gots sample bottle
of MINARD'S LINIMENT. The benefit
I received from it canse,I me to continue
its use, and now I am happy to say my
arm is completely restored.
Glamis, Ont. R. W. HLRrisol.
Chally. In ills Biking Rig.
Ho says he rides a chainless wheel—
He must have overdrawn it;
It can't be chainless when there is
A missing link upon it.
The Proper Terni.
Bramble—They had a big audience at
the prize fight last night.
Thorne—You mean they bad a great
many spectators. You can't use the
word "audience" unless there was some-
thing to be heard.
Bramble—Well, these fellows fought
with their mouths.—New York Journal.
The In'valid's Mecca.
Traveler—Is this a healthful locality?
Native—Well, rather. We have had
but one death in nine years, and that was
the doctor.
Traveler—Indeedl And what did he
die of?
Native—Starvation.—Chicago News.
"And was no physician in attendance
on your husband in his last sickness?"
"No, he died a natural death)"—Unsere
Not So Pleasant.
Biggs—My wife writes to me every
day while she is at the seaside.
Boggs—That is very kind of her.
Biggs -1 don't know about that. She
asks for money every time she writes.—
New York Journal.
Stubb—Is old Franker an anti -lm•
Penn—Well, I should say so! He actu-
ally wouldn't accept a royalty on his in-
vention.—Chicago News.
Perhaps the worst thing about the vol-
uble talker is that he not only wants to
do all the talking, but wants to think for
you as well as for himself.-leoston
Then She Wan Mad.
She had been railing at men and tell-
ing why women shored have ve th
e manage-
ment of affairs, when the little woman
in the corner suggested casually:
"You can always tell what kind of a
husband a woman has by the opinion
she expresses of men in general, can't
And the one who had been doing the
talking before was so mad that she splut-
tered when she tried to speak.—Chicago
d��G�- 'II``
�C,.e.�ir�t8 Jd
`A/1 .44 dons/444.
There Are more Way* Than One of
Doing It..
"Gentlemen," began the fakir as he ar-
ranged bis bottles an the little table at
the street corner and got ready for busi-
ness., elms any one in this erowd gut the
No one answered him.
"Has anybody got the earache?"
No one had that sort of an ache..
"Have any of you got nerralgia ar
rheumatism; Don't Lo afraid to speak
up. 1 want to show you how quid; I can
relieve all palm"
No one spoke up.
"Very well, gentlemen, very well. Now,
then, bas anybody a lame back, a stiff
knee or a pleurisy pain? Has anybody
got a lieadaehe?'"
Not a man had anything to say.
"But some of you must have corns or
warts or balnlous?" persisted the fakir.
If so, come up, and I'll remove them for
Not a man came up.
"Very well. gentlemen, very well. Are
you troubled with dandruff? Do you suf-
fer with insomnia? Are you low spirited
at times and find yourself thiuking of sui-
The appeal was like the others—in
rain. The crowd elbowed each other,
but no one advanced,
"Gentlemen," continued the fakir in
Plaintive tout's, "is there not one man in
this crowd who is a snflerer from entarrh
or asthma or hay fever? Is there not one
person who realizes that eonsumption is
hastening him to his last sleep? One
man out of every five has a liver trouble,
and one out of every 20 bas a touch of
Bright's disease. I ask the sufferer to
step up here and be cured free, gratis."
There was no stepping up. The fakir
looked blankly around an the upturned
faces for a minute and then descended
from his box to say:
"Very well, gentlemen, very well. Now,
then, I warrant this preparation to re-
move paint, .crease, nil, tar or any other
kind of spot from elothing. It will not
fade the goods, it will not stain the
bands. I guarantee"—
There was a rush from all directions,
and for the next 15 minutes he gave
change and passed nut the bottles with
both hands,--Tit-Bits,
No Serious Quarrel.
"How did you and your friend manege
to get through a eaanpaign, each taking
an naive part, without becoming ene-
"Oh, there was no occasion for any vio-
lent jealousies or personal feeling, We
didn't belong to the same party."—Wash-
ington Star.
something wad Happened.
Mrs. Rockingham—I think Mr. Wood -
by proposed to Grace last night.
Ml'. itockinghani_Why?
Mrs. Rockingham—Two or three times
today she has not caught me up on
things that .I had started to say. She
has not acted at all as if she knew more
about the world and its ways than 1
and she hasn't been disposed to sit
around and let me wait on her.
]Sir. Rockingham—Well, you may be
wrong in your guess, but it is evident
that a great change of some kind lana
taken place in her sweet young life.—
Chicago Times -Herald.
St. Jacobs Oil
Wipes Out
Promptly and Effectually
SEPT. I2TH, " NOV. I ITH, 1899
Return Pares to
Winnipeg ' Regina.
Deloraine Moosejaw 1 $30
Estevan Pripet Albert
searthnn8 calory
Cowan Edmonton $4�
From all points in Ontario, Windsor and Esst,
For further particulars apply to the nearest
Canadian Pacific Agent, or to
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Effects' Are Slimier.
Summer Chi oaf papular bathing re.
suite—`i'h]s must be salt water, I eau
alle:vst tit,at in :t.
Experienced Aunt—No, dear, it is not
snit water. But you are so very fresh,
you know.—Chicago '1'ribene,
Theli.•.t tad-. ',end for Catalogue.
COCKSlit"Ti' PLOW CO,. ItJtA ereroltr).
'me881;e8 [;F o,. cs^•t$.
Write me HAMft-TON.
Circle 'yeas
L,s, fi l%, CotCees
L.S, 81 lie Emmet
i.e..ts li. Splcea
Lt thou Station Arcade'. Toronto,
Ant,, (riops man of
ch'1 aetertotraveland
1 p mit agents. Guar•
anted salary for a
year's eneairement. Address Irel•artment T.
/3eadley-Garretson Co, Limited, Wirantfordt
aaoa as,
we Also make
Steel 7*lai Staffs.
Grain (minders.
Iron and Wood
Pumps, nee
Send for New Cate
Tis the alacrity (titbit),
sero aid tie ability to
tulle anti-fv yon by thin
BACK mite -mere:
ui stealthierWet'oiler and
j�,, iter—a Re eheertuliy re- •
fluid tee money for any goods •
returned uninsured T as I3 the liberal policy
en which we are b nin'ng up the4 mail order
business, We nl set 1•lr ago you ; failin to please
we fail to keep you ..e a .•ustnmcr and we have
wasted our money in advertising. Our Cate- .
logue tells of Dry (loo to of all kinds. Meth..
lug for gen and i5 eau -.i.0 loves tied Re4slerye "
Boots and Shorn fiats and Capps, Drage.
Rookie, Slant ware, 'Ulna and ell answer°
Groceries and l ruvislons, Carpets and
House Furalaliiags, Furniture, Wait
Papers and Ptetures, Catalogue and
Samples free if vett we're
ROBERT s 110,0,,oprg
Wholesome and nourishing. Cures snditrestion
and all other ailments caused Dy Tea and Cof-
fee, mitten are poisonous. Rokeo t s absolutely
pure and can be used in any quantity without
injury to your system. Rokeo g es twice as
far as Tea and Coffee and only half the price.
A loc. package will make 75 cups. Rokco it.
tied at your meals instead of Tea and Coffee.
Ask for it, Agent. wanted throughout Can-
ada. ROKCO MFC. CO., Toronto, Can.
T. N. U.
7hls benutiful little
Lady, watch ter
belling Sduz of
ear fiiU',teed it ren DeyLes at
10 cents each, Fiue Enys
Watch for selling 2 den. latent
and Trot nest de,ieun: aril at sight,
No money Required. Simply
write and we rend Doylies postpaid,
ael1 them, return money, and we
Mall your watch free. Unsold Doylies
REQ This besot•
iful (let a-
a shcllSol.
ltalac EIngin exquis-
ite plash -lined case Per
selling 1 doz. gold topped Lev-
erCollarButtons atilt°. each.
We send buttons postpaid.
Sell them, return looney, and•
wesend you ring, all chargee.
paid. Lever Button Co.,.
Box Q, Toronto,.
I Trade Mark -Da Owen.
The aptly scientific and practical Electric Belt,
made, for general use, having batteries that
ffenerate a strong current of Electricity that is,
under perfect control and can be applied to any
part of the body, for the cure of
Nuevo,. } s Diseases
.housande of people coffer from a variety of
ervous Diseases, such as Seminal Weakness
.mpotenoy, Lost Manhood, etc., that the ole.
modes of treatment fail to cure. There is a lose,
Of nerve farce or power that cannot be restored
by any medical treatment, and any doctor mem
would try to accomplish this by any kind of
drugs is pursuing a dangerous practice. Pro-
perly treated, these diseases can bo
Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric
Belt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do so„
ib is the only known power that will supply -
what is lackinggs namely nerve force or power,
impart tone and vigor to the organs and arouse
to healthy action the whole nervous system. Itf. •
will most assuredly euro,
Without• trrt tr ed'choup
icdiae Rheumatismecata, Kidney Prostration,
and Dyspepsia.
Contains fullest Iee
t infermation
re do
g�•r i the em's'
0t acute,nhronio and nervous diseases, prices
to order, etc.,mailed
(sealed) any
The Owen Electric Belt
And Appliance Coo ,