HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-9-7, Page 4THE The American Bieycle Company hes completed its p.ermanent organizetion. For the purchese of the varioes pleas, ozettv. Abuorate, Chas. H. Sanders, Editor and Prop TIIIIRSDAT, SEPTEMBER 7, '99 THE EDITOR'S CORNER. SIIt RICHARD‘ $ir Richard Cartwright has spoken according to arrangement and the de- fence of himself and Colleagues is be- fore the country. He touches upon several publie questions and some he left untouched, bat we can gather from what is before us the fact that he throws in his lot with Tarte and Sifton and stands fully committed to their conduct as Ministers of the Crown. There were some who fauci- ed that Sir Richard would stand by his fornaer declarations and upon the platform at Torouto tell the listening country that his portfolio was vacant and consistency having demanded his resignation the document was now in the hands of his leader. These peolpe find their expeetations not realized, Sir Richard, the Keight of blue ruin, is no more Sir Richard the optimist reigns. Once we remember he informed the people that his shield had two sides one dark the other silver. The latter shone the oth.ee night in Toronto, Consequently we beard nothing of "business is business" or "q,uick ocean transit" "hug the machine" Or Broek- ville or West Huron. These are ad- juncts a the dark side of the shield. One Toronto paper tells us that the Old Knight is failing, the former fire is absent, the once forceful orator was not heard. Perhaps it is beceuse Sir Richard is more at home in attaek than defence, and perhaps (and this we all must regret) age is begiming to tell. Sir Richard claimed eredit for Sir 'Wilfred as a Canadian and as an Imperialist for settling the Manitoba school question, the two -cent postage, preferential trade and the Belgian and German treaties. We mast agree with him and as matters stand too inuch praise cannot, be given -it is all due on these matters. But who at- tacked the Government then? There- fore no defence was needed, especially none from Sir Riehard Cartwright. The great questious for him were the trade policy and controllable expendi- ture. And here we think he failed badly from the standpoint of Sir Rich- ard of opposition memory. He seems to forget about, the Exodus. If there Is one, he knows not of its existence, and the agents who once kept him posted have all been dismissed. Yet recently in Buffalo thirty young Ca- nadians, all promising young men, all educated men, stood up and took the oath of allegiance to the United States, and the Justice who administered it said such a number and such a promis- ing lot had never been seen at one time before. How is it Sir Richard has not heard of them? Are th old channels &eked, or is the old interest in Yankee population at the expense of Canada no more As to our increas- ing population take out the gold seek- ers -and they may quit at any time - and deduct the Doukobonrs and what is it? We hope it will realize all Sir Riehard's hopes, for his government cannot be successful without all Cana- da being benelitted, but we fear a large discount if the returns were as closely examined by as skilful examiners as once they were. The Donkobarus are a class that may suit Mr. Sifton but we question if even he wants too many of of them. People, whose women are hitched to plows as beasts of burden, are not the people to wield the franchise, man for man, as against men of our race. Besides, if we rememberrightly, ,some of them have been hanged, how many we forget, but perhaps the min- ister of Justice can tell. Therefore, let us not boast about good times which all the world shares, and our increas- ing population, until the facts are looked into. Besides, what can a goy- - ernment do to make times good or bad? Someone once said, and was it not Sir Richard about as much as the fly on the wheel, can make the wheel go around. NOTE AND COMMENT. The money which the people of On- tario will have to make tip to pay the donations voted by the Legislature to _Mackenzie & Mann for one of their railroads is $2,091.000. This is two arid a half billies as much as the value of all the milch cows and other cattle in the districts of Muskoka, Parry Sound, Nipissing, Manitoulin and Algoma. None of this money will be paid back to the province, but it will keep the names of Mackenzie & Mann before the people of Ontario long after they might otherwise be forgotten. -Strat- ford Herald. In 1790 the population of the United States was 3,929,214, and the popula- tion of cities of 10,000 and. more inhab- itants was 123,551, or only 3.14 per cent. of the whole. The population of Australia in 1891 was 8,809,895, or al- most the same as that of the United States 101 years earlier, but in Aus- tralia the population of cities of 10,000 and in ore is 1,264,283, or 33.2 per cent. of the whole. If 33 per cent of the people of the United Statea had lived in cities in 1800 they would probably have starved, as there would not have been enoeigh demaucl for manufactur- es to support them. The chatek,,ecl con- ditions of to -clay affoed a striking evi- dence of industrial development. which inclnde the oldest and most peominent bicycle concerns in the United. States, there will be issued $40,000,000 stock. Au Ansa Craig Man Loses a Foot Forest, Out., Aug. 81. -Neil Gillies, of Ailsa Craig, was stele& by the en- gine of the mixed train here this even- ing while walking on the track, to - weed the station, and shoved of to one side, injuring his foot so seriously that it had to be amputated. • • 'Drowned at Owen Sound. Owen Soiled Sept. 4. ---Last night at midnight, when the workmen quit work at the. 0.P.R. dock, John -Cole and others were walking along the docie when Vole- stumbled and fell into twenty feet of water. It being very dark eighteen minuteselapsed. before the body was reroveeed and life was • Child Was Poisoned. Norwood, Sept, 2. -Yesterday the second son a Mr. Geo. Patterson, lot 4, concession 10, Drummer, a hoe- aged. 2 years and 0inionths, foundand ate at his grandmother's liome some rolled oats that had considerable rough -on - rats mixed with it. In spite of medis cal aid the child died about S (Mock at night after liugering in agony all day. lialf a Peanut. Grand Rapids, Miela, Sept. 4.---Bur- netta, the IS -months -old child of Frank Klaiber, died very suddeely under dis- tressing circumstances. The child hod betel playing in the afternoon with some children of the neighbor- hood, and they had some peanuts. The baby ate some of them and was taken with a fit of coughing, and when brought home WaS apparently in agony, A physieian was called in and an opera- tion performed, but the child died. A post-mortem was held, and a half -Iter- ; nel of the nut was found in one of the traehel tubes. Farquhar D. HAY, rereelme, Oeieveyeeeee, Wilis moeteteees. arid weds drawn Up. Money to . min et owest veto ot interest. Penne to zeut. Mr, and .Mrs. Thomas Cameron, who were sojoerning in Dakota and Mani- toba the past Rine or five weeks, re- tained home Wednesday of last Week greatly 'benefitted in appearance and health. They report the crops good and many of the people who went from here contented and prosperous, -Mrs, Robt.. Gardiner, Jr., Who went down to Toronto last week to visit her brother, Rev,. J. A, Turnbull, and, also to attend the exhibition, returned home Wednesday, and reports a pleas- ant time. -Mrs, (Da) Nesmith, former- ly of Creclitou,but inore lately of Staffa and whose imsband has been praetis- ing smedielne in Milverton tot the past three or four years, was visiting lest week at her sister's, Mrs, - Archie Hodgert, veer hear, and also friends in the vicinity of Cromarty. -Mr, and Mrs, H, Borland passed through here on Saturday on their way to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. McNeil who died at her son's residence, Mr. John McNeil, °X. M,P.P. She was an aunt of Ales. Borland's, NEW SOLICITORS. -,0 the regular Meeting of the • Usborne and Hibbert, Fire Insurance Company held. here on Monday, theresignation of M. NV. C. MeseriP, of St. Marys, as solicitor of the C'empeeny was aecepted and the Board of Directors proeeeded with the selection of his elleneSSOrS. There was strong vonmetition foe the appoint - Went, but the choice fell on Messrs, StanburY,• Barristers, of Exeter. This Company is a strong, - progressive and liberal, orginization. and their choice of solicitors will no doubt be an additional source of strength to them. The Clomping re- port the loeses as light and consegnente ly. the eseesement is lighter than usual, being six colts on the dollar on all peennam notes. Godericht Mrs. Daniel Ferguson, one of Goderieb's oldest citizens, aassed to the world beyond on Wednesday week, aged 09 years. The deceased lady had been in poor health for some time second Stroke of paralysis about three months ago having niade her quite an invalid, but until itshort, tine me i beftwe death caelle was n f011 cam. nand. of hei- ntental powers, 'Mukha= A Very pretty weddin ook plave on MAWS ay evening a he residence of Conductor Ireland )ittrick street, when his eldest. daug. Another Bank Robbery, '3Iontrea1, Sept. 5. -To the surprise of the Molsons Bank managers a forg- $3,000, was diecovered to -day. The 'matter eame as an entire surprise to the directors tyllen they assembled at the regular session at a late hour this k morning. It seems that the party i suspeeted of the crime is employed at f the bank. The bank officials do not care to give further details at the pre- sent time, further than to verify the statements already made. They seem, f however, far more grieved at the idea 0 of one of of their einployes being un- faithful to his trust than they do at a the idea of losing the stun involved, f Coming as it does so soon after the e clearing up of the mystery of the s 'Winnipeg robbery and the clearing of e the skirts of so many of the employes 0 at the Prairie Cite -branch of the /sank r seemm s ost unfortunate, DEATH IN THE WAVES Halifax Yachting Party's Boat Wrecked by a Squall. SEVEN OF THEM WERE DROWNED The MV ast. Tern From It. ex, Punched a Kele la the Bom ttoof the Each*, -Terente scheeeer Llsgar a Cr", 44 Sere* Goes newe fts Lake Enron -Man Draw/244 et °teen Sound. Halifax* Sept, 5.-A terrible accident, resulting in the loss of seven occurred off the harbor last even- ing. "The victims were members of a penile party. The party included Robert Devideon, aged 25 his wife, 28, his eider Noble 12, Florence, 23. Alice, 24, Bkrtha, 96 and Louis, 2g, Hamilton oe the city ()Jerk's office, 29, John Hancock, 30, T. Poole and Edward Jude, officers of IL M.S. Talbot, About 5 o'clock the party started to return home. With a strong wind blow- ing from the north. When the boat. was O& one of the most dangereene parts of the eastern channel tremendous gust, of wind struck them with all eall set, and tore the mast from ite box, A seoond gust forted the heavy timber baok, and, Arising the bottom, it IL -notated a Pilling hole through the hettem, s moment the Party Were faCe to feee with deetb, and the 11 were battling for tbeir lives, Poole and Jude, wile are both excellent swimmer, caught Bertha and Letilse Davidson In their arnee and started for share, For nearly a quarter of an bour the bravo allows fought ageinst terrible odds, and were at length picked up by a passing steamer. Tile other seven of the party were drowned. THE LISCIAlt LOST. The Schooner Went Down in 1..elt• Enron and All Bands With Iter. oeeerich, Out.. Sept. 4. --The sehoOner Litegar or Tomato m lost ahe. sixey miles from here. She was In tow with the steamer Clinton bound for Depot Harbor. leaded, with eoal from Buffalo. The loss tetal. she baying gone down under strese at Weather. It is feared the crew are MI g s . Cap kreetuan of ht. CatletrInee t was In charge of the •Disgar. Tee eap- tale's wife was eook; °wee Gallegber St Catharines, Mate: rat Joke et the II" SWIM piece end Prenk. :Monett of Ring - 0 sten. tiekliande, also one from Triaalrall- - a, ."„).., Mad One !rola IMMO, nallleS un - 'mown. The Clinton and Grimsby came to Goderieh for slielter aud will proceed to Parry Sound as son as slight damage Is repaired. ery, whieh involves the sum of about 1 er Minnie, was united in sflns'y'iai t it Mr, James Day, son of Alex. andAg x les Day, of Scott street. The nuptial not new securely tied by Rev. Freed n the presence of the immediate Heeds of the contracting parties. Goderich: The death of Annie Mc - (male, beloved wife of Mr, George )erke, occurred en Saturday at the amily residenee after a painful illness f eight months duration. Although 11 and suffering so severely for so long period, it was not till eight days be ore death came that her elifiction, ropsy of the heart, developed fatal ymptoms. The deceased lady WON an seellent heighbor, and her kindness f heart won her a large number of riends who will keenly feel their lass. Mrs. Parke was born in the township of Tnekersmith and bad, reached the age of 52 years. She was married to her now bereaved husband in 1875, and has since that time been a resident of the county town. Serforth: Mr, W. E. Caldwell, near Constance, met with a painful and what might have proved a fatal acci- dent earlyWednesday morning. He was stopping at the Commercial hotel here, and was sleeping in one of the front bedrooms on the second floor. He got up in his sleep and walking to- wards the window, which was open, he fell out, striking on his heed on the boar(' platform in front of the hotel, o. distauce of about 20 feet. After the accident he got up and wakened the people in the house. He received someents in the face and a. severe shak- ing up, but no bones were broken. A.Part from the aggravating of an old internal trouble, he was not very much hurt, although it is a mystery that he was not killed. Liman: While driving into to the country 'Wednesday afternoon after a load of sheep, James Laughlin, the well known cattle drover of Lucauanet wi th what might have proved a serious accident, but luckily the injury sus- tained will he only temporary. The horse behind which he was driving be- came unmanageable, and bolted, caus- ing the buggy to swerve. Losing his balance, Mr. Laughlin fell, his left arm being caught in the wheel, giving it a wrench that dislocated the shoulder. The accident happened opposite 'Mrs. O. Harrigan's residence, and aid was summoned without delay, the injured an being conveyed to A. McFalls' tel, where Dr. Button, assisted by in. Reid, Z. McCormick and A. Mc- peilled the arm into place. The jury is a painfel one, but the patient is able to be around. Manitoba Wheat Harvest. Winnipeg, Sept 5. -Reports on the progress of the harvest elong the C. P. R. lines during the past week were received at the company's office here last night. These reports show that 90 per cent,- of the wheat crop in Man- itoba has been cut, also between 40 and 50 per cent. of the oats in every district. in the Province. There was not one station that did not report wheat all 'cut. The weather during the week was, on the whole, very favorable, and each day meant thousands of bushels of golden grain to . the farmers. The reports show also that progress is being mule with the threshing, 25 per cent. of the stations reporting Unit the threshers are now at work. A despatch from Rosenfeld says: - "The Lake of the 'Woods eleratm • has taken in over 8,000 bushels of wheat on Sattirchiv, and during the five days previous 5,000. A number of fanners have finished all their threshing and wheat is turning out from. 21 to 30 bushels per Acre. - All other crops are also good." A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken with a had cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally terminated. in Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up, saying I could live hut a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones h, above. My husband has advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I ave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. • It has cured me, and thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthy wo- man." Sold by all druggists. 50cts. and $1.00. Guaranteed. or price re- funded. Wm.:Golding, a British army pen- sioneer, was found dead in his bed at the Brunswick Hotel, Colborne. A newsboy named Williams was killed near the Exhibition grounds, Toronto, while trying to board a street car. The Sinicoe Peat Fuel Company has commenced operations at Barrie. The daily capacity of the machine is fifteen tons. The electric power house of the Ni- agara Falls Park .& :River Railway, sit - 'oaten a few rods above the Horseshoe Falls in Queen Victoria, Park, was to- tally destroyed by fire Tuesday. SUCCESS Foie SIXTY YR- RS. --This is the vecord of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. A sure cure for cliarrInea, dysentery and all bowel complaints. Avoicl sub- stitutes, there ie but one Pain -Killer, Perry Davis' 25c. and 50c. TWO men fell fifty feet by the e01 - lapse of a staging on which. they were working- in the Intercolonial elevator bxulding at St John. Herbert Harris, of 'Truro. fell On his head and his brains were clashed out. The other will re- cover. Chliciren Cry for C ST IA. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona. Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S, O. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On us- ing Electric Bitters, America's great- est Blood and Nerve Remedy,. all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts Vine, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold. by all Druggists. .Wingharn: Messrs. Grey: Young & Sparkling, salt manufacturers, have a gen g ot men at work with it boring machine on the east side of the salt block boring for salt. It is the inten- tion to go down 1,100 feet if necessary to strike salt and if the firm is success- ful the expense of pumping the brine from the well now used. two miles awayavill be materially reduced. It will take nearly six weeks to complete the work. S'TO IA For Infants and Children, Tee fat - Melia (gazettes Of 4411,14414 le on every wrapper. Drowned at Owen Sound. Owen Sound, Sept, 4.-A very satl drowning aeldent occurred here last night at midnight, when the workmen qult wore at the C.D.R. docks. Jebn Cele and others were coming along the dock, when Cole stumbled and fell into twenty feet of water. It being very dark, eighteen mite Liles elapsed before the body was recovered, and Ilfe was extinct. The deceased was unmerried. His father Is livIug in the Rainy River district. Unknown Steamer ifortudered. Lisbon, Sept. 5.-A steamer of the Clan Line, the name of which is un- known, has foundered off Sagres, as the result of a collision with a Spanish steam- er in a fog. The crew of the 'tercel:ad 'vessel were rescued by the Spanish steamer. BASEBALL. Records of the Gaines Played In Tartans Leagues on Monday. Note -The naine of the eine first given indicates where the ganae was played. The Eastern Leazue. Toronto 8, Montreal 5. Toronto 5, Montreal 2. Rochester 7, Syracuse 5. Rochester 7, Syracuse 4. Rochester 11, Syracuse 6, Providence 4, Hartford 5. Providence 11, Hartford 8. Worcester 7, Springfield 8. Worcester 4, Springfield 11. The Western League. Grand Rapids 14, Milwaukee 6. Greed Rapids 2, Milwaukee 5. Buffalo 6. Minneapolis 5. Buffalo 3. Minneapolis 2. Detroit 11, Kansas City 30. Detroit 5, Kansas City 11. Indianapolis 2, St. Paul 3. (16 In- nings) Indianapolis 9. St. Paul 7. The National League. Philadelphia 3, Washington 2. Philadelphia 17, Washington 0. Brooklyn 3, New York 2. Brooklyn 5, New York 4. Cincinnati 8, Cleveland 8. Cincinnati 8, Cleveland 1. Chicago 2, Pittsburg 7. Chicago 4. Pittsburg 4. (Called; dark.) St. Louis 2, Louisville 14. St. Louis 2, Louisville 1. Boston 4, Baltimore 1. Killed by a Trolley Car. Toronto, Sept, 5. -By falling under the wheels of a trolley car last night, a 12 -year-old lad, believed to be Jimmy Williamson of Berryman street, terminat- ed his life. He left the Exbibition Grounds with the big crown after the fireworks, and was one of the many anxious to get home quiek. Where the oars turn on the rounded track the un- fortunate lad attempted to board the motor. Citizens' Day at the Industrial.. Toronto, Sept. 5. -Yesterday was Citizens' Day at the Industrial Fair, and all day long great crowds thronged the grounds. The full program was carried out. As the day progressed tbe attend- ance increased and all the departments of the Exhibition were crowded. This is Germania Day, under the special auspices of the Germania societies of Ontario, Buffalo and Rochester. Captured a Bull Cart. Manila, Sept. 5. -Five men of Col. Bell's regiment yesterday encountered a rebel outpost near Pontos, and in. the fighting which ensued one American was killed and another wounded. The re- mainder drove the rebels from their nom - tion and captured a bull cart, in which to remove the injured. Ara erstburg's Cen term Jai. Araherstburgy Ont., Sept. 5. -One hundred years ago yesterday .Amherst - berg, the most southerly point in Cana- da, was laid out, and yesterday morning the town began a .t•mo days' celebration of the CeUten2ial eeen t, COUNTY OF HURON. TREASURER'S SLE: OF WINDS FOR TAXES, COUNTY OF HURON TO WIT; By virtue of warrant,. under the band of the Warden and Seal of the .Cor- poration of the County of Huron, dated the 21st day of August 1899, cone. mendieg we to levy upon the lands hereinafter described, for the arrears of taxes eespectfully due thereon, together with costs, notice is hereby given that unless sods taxes and. costs are sooner paid, I shell in _compliance with the Consolidated Assessment Act, chapter tSt, ILK°. 1897, proceed to sell by. ubIt euetion the said lands or $o much thereof ae may be neeeseary to dis- eliarge the same, at the Court House,. in the Towu of Goderich, on TUESDAY, THE iirsi DAY OF DECEMBER, 1899 at 2 e'clock in the afternoon. Deieription N. S. S.„ 4 Pert of Part of South part Part of TOWNSHIP No. °Icon. er No, of Lot Street. 4 4 E. D. TOWNSHIP 16 0 E. D. 10 Maitland TOWNSIII 18 13. 9 Maithma OF ASHFIELD. Wo. of Patentee or Acres. Vapatented. Taxes. Costs, etc. Total. 50 Patented $21.20 $2.78 $23.98 OF COLBORNE, 74 Patented 26,73 70 4' 12.49 OF GODERICIL 8 Patented 94 45 " 11,45 TOWNSHIP. OF WEST WAWAN.OSIL Pert of 25 0 50 Patented VILLAGE OF BLYTH. Mee° le Stu4vey 9 Block B. Patented VILLAGE 0 WROXETER. 3 Main S,& S. County:Treasurer's office, Goderich, Aug. 29, 1899. 2.07 29.40 2,31 14.80 2,23 3,19 2,30 13.75 3,14 2.50 5.04 5.48 2.21 7.08 Patented 8.70 2.25 11.01 WM, HOLMES, Co. Treasurer, Toronto London Exeter Mateo Zurich Allsa Orals Parkhill eoderich Blytll Fall Fairs, August 28 Sept. 9 Sett. 17,3-1 " 19-20 4- 20-21 "91-22 " 26-27 " 20-28 Oct. 9.10 St. Marys: A - very pleasant evtnit took place yesterday morning at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. .1. 0'(\mner, Wellington street north, it hen% the occasion of the Marriage: of their sec- ond daughter. Miss Annie, to Mr. J. Oaston, of Guelph, formerly in the em- ploy of Pickard & Fleming, grocers. The aft,* was of rather a quiet nature, only a small nember of invited guests being present. The nuireinge Cc1.'t'znony was performed by the Rev.. Mr. Tay- lor, of St. James' church. The happy eminle left on the morning train for Sarnia, Detroit and some ether points. Another very pretty wielding took place in the 171,.C. church Wednesday morning, the contracting parties being Miss Margaret Fleming and Mr. M. Dillon, an employee of the Maxwell works. The bride wus- attired in a navy blue travelling suit, and the bridesmaid, Miss Margaret Scott, was also dressed in blue. Each leaked -charming. The groom wits simported by Mr. Michael Flemings After the ceremony, which WaS peeformed by Revs Father Brennen, the numeroes guests sat deem to at sumptuous din- ner, which every person fully enjoyed. The'presents received were numerous and valuable.. After dinner Mr. and Mrs. Dillon bit for Toronto, Where they will spend their honeymoon. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you us- ed Dr. Ring's New Life Pills. Thou- sands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and. Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood. and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by all Druggists. The flour mill and shingle factory of Mills Bros., and the flour and oatmeal miliof Hiram Easter' at Merrickyille were destroyed by fire. The wooden factory of Watchorn & Co. was cOti- sidorahly damaged by fire and water. An Aphorism. This world's population resembles a homemade pie -the biggest and best part of it lies between the upper and under crusts -L. A. W. Bulletin. “Beautiful [Bong, with handkerchief accompani- ment.] Oh, the wilier tibe is the tibe for be, Whed the groud is covered with slow, Ad icicles hag frob the greedwood tree As berrily forth we go! (Atchu! Adzes!) Give the subber tibe to the lovesick swaid Who sighs to his fair ladye; With horses ad hou.ds over moudtaid ad plaid, Id the beautiful wilter for be! (Atchul) Id the beautiful wilter for be! The yachtsbad loveth the bodth of Jude, When south wide sweetly blow; The troubadour loveth the sileery hood, But I care for them dot -oh, do! (Atchu! Adzes!) The hunter's hord Id the early mord Ad a mid o'er the frosty lea; While the hills rig out with our jovial shout - Oh, the beautiful wilter for bel (Atchul) Oh, the beautiful wilter for be! ' Let the daddy glide through the brit- liadt roob Ad whisper the fair odes low; They dever cad batch the strength ad bloob The sods of old Dibrod cad shoe. (Atchu! Adzes!) Oh, subber ad spring ad autub baar brig Sobe pleasures of lad ad sea, But let who will praise their dights or their days -- The beautiful wilter for be! (Atchu!) The beautiful wilier for be! -Town Tonics. CriThdren Ory 'if or COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left atHawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable,Christie's old Stand will receive prompt at- tention Terms Reasonable .10••••g• ?Telephone Coneoction SOLE LEATHER_....m. We wish to impress on the minds of everybody that we don't sell sole leather, neither do we sell mes.t tough as sole leather. OUR MEATS----, Are of the eery best quality. Try our big brown Sirloin ltoast. It is 58 toothsome and appetizing. as the famous peacoek's roast of Kingly times. We know how to fix it up all nice for the oven. ry US once, You'll try us twiee; You'll fiud our meats Are choice and nice. . John Manning. 0.921.3,9933t3840139DOM3093% $6) il 0 NERVOUS, BLOOD q PRIVATE &SEXUAL. Dia- * SASES, MEN & WOMEN. ‘9 Vi 2 t 1, ONE 9 'AS ,..fOL.L.". . Cif L e-1) ° W $Young. Middle Aged & Oki Mon . - ..? a y P you are suffering from any compiica- 6 I tion of the Sexual System, BlacIder.v tr6 Kidneys, Blood or Nerves, consult us 0 at once. We cure all weakness, Nervous ce el, Waste, Secret Losses, Nightly Drains, Sex- io 6 nal Decline, and make marriage possible. 9 1Rich or Poor --One Dollar. NI) el';* • NO INCURABLE CASES TAKEN. 4511 tIA We guarantee to cure -Varicocele, Seas. Wm& *stens, Stricture. Gleet, Syphilis, Impotency, cie ,tis Unnatural Discharges. all Private. Nervous and 4,1 ei) Delicate Diseases of Men and Women. Con- et; msultation Free. Question List for Hoine Treat- ie? er., ment Free -Books Free. ••• .MDOTOR47 elicligytveree,AR CS, Detroit, Mich. l INIeeeelezeitereelellieeSiOfeeeeeCeeeeete.P cra,"Zet.VC.We.AVOosilet,er<Vileeitet8 Alellefiler$ sleets eti ieeeiC 4"trl t,4gi" t‘ Mei= Le eie ItbereD CF leeHe Oft (k! MO, HIT E hIA OR EXT ERNI% r7.xtra.P.M.E14EILCN WALL NOT fttle LOCK OL1T see eters:noes AND SUB-, eTere'reS. Tele: OS14'30417. BOTTLE beer'S Tele Pr.7I:2? COMM' a: ettil•eVe .1;14:4,14',19.T.11...°7-1.,,g9)ealkeq) .A man named Bergeron makes affi- davit to the effect that he borrowed $800 at tTe instance of Lieutena n 1 For- tin of the .Montreal Police Eoece to pay for his appointment to the force, deposited his money M the Banque Ville Marie and the bank suspended. He lost his money, and Fortin refused to help him. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Barn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bnck.len's Arn- ica Salve, the best in the leer's', will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Oures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all ,e/kin Erup- tions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25cts. a box. Cure guavanteed. Sold by all Druggists.