HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-8-31, Page 5THE Outer .neat , Xs published every Thursday Morning, et the oe, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. ---ley the-- ' U8 ,AOYCGAYg PUBLISH' NG COMPANY TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION, OneDetlar61.50 axi supaid in Advance 33 a xtr= =.eaer Rata= one .FLeseio - No paper discontinued until all arra rage are paid. Advert is without seeoiee directions will be published till forbid and ehargeda000rdingly. Liberal discountmade tor gtranseientadvertiaementeiuserted for. PRIl TINGdr turned ontiu the tfioestistyle and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord. ere, &o, for advertising, subscript -toes ,eto.to hemade pay Chas.1. Sanders, EDITOR assn PROP ,professional Cards. H, KINSMAN, L.D.S. & DR. A.R. atEIIZSMAN, I. D. S,, D. A. S„ Flonor a graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted wi t heat any pain, or 449 bad effects. Office in 1?'aitSOn'a kllepk, west side Main Street, Exeter. R.D. ALTON AhrDERSON,(D.D.S,,L.D,S. ) .teener.- Graduate ofthe Toronto Uni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Teeth extracted without pain, All modes of Dentistry up to dater Oflioe overt t l otel l sekora law oTioe—opposite ]!(etliea1. x,T. P. 3ICLAT?(4RLTN. MEMBER a s the College of Physicians ari Sorge r Ontario. Ph:cstoian, Surgeon and accolade, e, enc. Office, .Dashwood, Ont. 1lie�ai. l IOSOSr - CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitots, Notaries, Oonveyaneers, Commissioners. Solisitore for the Alolsons iiaulc, etc. Monet: to loan at 5 and 5}i per cent. Oifioo Fanaon's Block, Mein St., Exeter. (ee member of the firm will be at gensall ou Thursday of each week.) I• R, Ceuta:on B. A., L. R. Itzeseotr. LLIOT & (FLAT1atA\, BARRISTERS, Ere„ Qouveye;9ceze, and Money to Loan. tf, T. Er.t.SOT. F. W. tirt,A.DAIA:S. skoetloneers -n BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Aunt- . ioneertor the Counties of Porth and ?tiddlesex,also for thetownshdp afGsborne !eel"prom a Sale l rrangednat Postoffi terms ohalsea. lnsurunee. ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Excite St. EXETER FO!JNDR sa1nmer Cope are noted for hanging on. They weaken. your throat and lungs, and lead to serious trouble, Don't trifle with them.. Take .Scott's Emulsion at once.. It soothes, heals, and cures.. 50c. end Si. All druggists, AGENTS WANTED? ITHERE MAY BE CLkSIi No experiepce neeessary. Permanent posi- tion, Liberal terms,, Pay weekly. Stook, complete with fast selling speoialities, in- cluding Seed Wheat, Corn, Potatoes, &e OLtTPIT FREE. Secure territory now Write, BROWN 1180$• CO-, Nurserymen Brown's Nurseries P.O., Ont. II 111131110N0_fOli 1111011111 A Limited Special Offer Which for Ten Days Duty. it Last GENUINE POMONA DIAMONDS bevel a worldwide reputation. It is elmQSt im ro .- sible to distinguish them from genuine ilia. =ones costing hundreds of dollars eaeb. Thoyare worn by tbe best people. We will forward a assniss I'4MoNA DIAllovn mounted in a heavy ring. lain, or stud to any Address upon receipt of price, SIM each. Earrings screws or drops, $. per pair. R}ng settings are made of ono oontauuous piece of thiel, shelled gold, and are warreutrd not to ternieli. Special canibinatioht offer tar ton days only! ding and stud bent to arty addreseupon receipt of $t.4' Send for catalogue. In ordering ring give Singer measurement by using a piece of etriu„-- also full particulars. Address plasm}:, THE POM& NA CU., ,The—nee InotnwaY, Ni,.w YORK. tJ, Mi V RRA Y,,,, Manufacturer nil dealer in Plows Gang Plows, Laud Rollers, Root Cutters, Straw (.'titters, Saws, Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and I3;thbett ketal. REPAIRS On 1•',ngines, Boiler;, ilfowers and Binders promptly attended to, Mower and Binder Knives and General Repairs kept on hand. Tire ispsetters, Tire Platforms and Pt1{`uches. R V J MURRA ■ TO THE DEAF.—A rich lady,. cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicbolson's Artificial Ear Druins,.haa sen $1,000 to his In- stitute, so that deaf people unable : to procure the. Ear I)ruhlhs alae^ have thele free. Apply to Department A. S. N, The Institute. "Longcott," •Gunnersbury, London, W., England. Killpc'n: Mr, Canninl's Milo ahoy, of whose illness we made mention last week, liar not inipiovc'cl any, and two more operations lt8vt' been pi'ifl)rlil£'tl on the little Nath ret, St..:1i,11ys: James ?h'(xinnis who was injured some titin' ago by fabling from a rig on this 'tray to tit. :Marys, passed away Friday mo1•hling.rt, Dt'£etts- ed was an old resident of West, Nis- sonr', where he was universally' re- spected ars a. good neighbor and an honorable roan. He leaves one sister, Mrs, Carscadenr Two Governments Making On- tario Fishery Regulations. SUBJECT OF NEGOTIATION* iaemiuion AIWA). Claimed the Right,, Bat Now Ontario Has Construed the • a Prir<y Couuei i'a Jadgmelat t 1►ia. . That the ProRince. Heaths Iiia/o% ...Rayresentativea of the Clevernmenta t Center Toronto, ,Aug 29. --Soma disc/melon bas taken plaee between the Fisheries Department at Ottawa an the recently- organized Fisheries Department of On- tario. The question has arisen in commo- tion witb the right to frame regulations governing the fisheries of Ontario. The Federal authority heads that it le the proper body to make regulations of this kind, while the Ontario officials take the ground that the power was vested. in the province to make It3 owe, regulations under the judgment delivered by the Privy Council last •year, Some corre- spondence has already taken place between the two Governments: on the matter, and it is stated that a conference will Shortly take place at Ottawa. between Mr, Minibus Irving, Q.C„ acting for Onterto, and 31r, Newcombe. Deputy. Minister of Justice, for cite Tlontiuiou. when an efl*er6 will be made :to reach at better understanding as to the powers of eagh 3ovorntuent as +leRned by the Privy Calmed judgment, Irominioa .t,lwars Claimed ,tight. rho Tlorninieo Government bas always Claimed the right to melte regulatiOna for the inland as well air the seacoast fisheries, and the Dominion Fisheries Mt of 1880 coutatns the following provision relating to the subject; "The Governor - in -Council may, from time to time, snake regulations for the better inanaueineut and regulation of,the seacoast aha inland tiaheries—to prevent or reinedy the obstruotion and pollution of streams --to regulate and prevent lashing, to prohibit the destruction of Ash, and to forbid fish- ing except under authority of leases or licenses—which, regulations shall have the same force and etteet as it herein enacted, notwithstanding that such regu- �'�oP� 0 � Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form. of slavery, George D. Williams, of ?Lanchester, Hirai., tells how such a " says: My slave was made free. . is as 1 s sat o f 1 wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone, ,lifter using tiro bottles of Electrie Bitters she is wonderfully im- proved and able to do her own work." flits supreme remedy for female die - eases quicklycares nervousness, sic e 1- lessness, i 'litncboly, headache, ba e1 - ache, fainting and dizzy spells.. This miracle working medicine Is a godsend to weak, sickly, run. down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c. Sold by all Druggists. rgar......„,...3,2„,..,e.,....411,-.11k-,14, 1 I PAYS 4�I 11 To read the big stores' ae -+i vertiselnents 1 STOP! TI4INJ . For whose -goer? are we in 1 5 the furniture business? For yours and ours. If we are not i juseful to you we cannot be use- ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we can- not make a success of our busi- aess. But we havebeen doing 6 business right along for years, which proves that we are the right kind of people with the right prices. Conte and see for yourself.... 1 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. gi Furniture, Undertaking, TIMBER WANTED Mitchell: Messrs. Carson & McKee have given up business in Mitchell, and are busy this week packing and moving their goods to Listowel. Goderich: On Thnrsday a writ was issued against the town by E. Campion Q.C., acting on behalf of JohnMehean claiming damages of $2,500 01) account of the drowning of Mr. McLean's daughter, Oathehane, in one of the cor- poration fire -tanks. Woodbane The trustees of 'Wood- ham school have been succesfnl n1 se- (:tlr.ing the services of Mr. Williams, from near Mitchell. Mr. Williams holds a first class certificate. Bayfield Mr. James Thompson hes been appointed Clerk of the Division Court here, in place of the late Jno. Morgan. The position is not a very lucrative one, nor are the duties very onerous. Highest Casal Price paid for Black. Ash, White Ash, Red. and White Oak, Hard and Soft Maple, Iemlock Soft and Rock Eh% Either stumpage. p b or delivered in yar5. For furtherparticulars apply to o pp '.Y GUS. WAGNER, Manager. for the 5. L Co. Exeter. Bienaark's Iron Nerve. Was the result of his splendid health. Limitable will and #remendeus en- ergy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at any Drug Store. lotions extend, vary or alter am of the provisions of this act respecting tho places or modes of fishing or the times 30 Per pound. Calves sold at $3 to $10, according to size. Sheep brought from 3Uo to *ao per pound. Lambs ware sold from 4 to ?4o per pound. Sols brought from 4,ye to 50 per pound. East Banal* Cattle lliarket. l?;ast Buffalo, Aug. 89--Cattle—Tho reeoipts yesterday were surprisingly largo, 240 loads, including 19 loads ut Canadian Stockers. Good to best aulooth fat export cattle, 10.60 to 15,85; export r to choice butch- ers' .4 good4 1to .au: bulls, 14S steers, $3.10 to $5.40; feeder bulls, $3 to 12,00; good to best fat heifers, 14: 25 to $4.05; fat sows, good to best, 14 to Acting under the authority given is 14.25; >;tookers, choice to extra, quality, the judgment, the Dominion Government $4.16 to 14.23; stook bulls, 12.75 to $3 10; on the lith of June last re-enacted seotion fanny yearlings, 13.25 to 14.85; stock 7 of the Fisheries Act in the following heifers, 12 to $3,23; feeders, good to amended form: "Fishing by }neaps of extrr. 14 to 1425; fresh tops, choice to nets or other apparatus without leases or extra good bag, $42 to 150; epringera, licenses from the Minister of Merine and good to extra, 142 to $4S; valves, choice Fisheries under the provisions of chapter to extra, 10'75 to $7; heavy calves, $b to 95, Revised Statutes of Canada, and aeo- $8.30• tion 4 thereof, or from some duly author - extra, and Lambs—lambs, choice to izod officer of the ; Clovernmont of the extra, were quotable 15.50 to $5.75; good Province of Ontario, is prohibited in the claire, $6.20 to :5.50, :sheep, choice to Province of Ontario." The amendment made to the section consisted of the svorda "or from some 14 95 to IS; 14.95 to 15; pigs, duly authorized officer of the Government $4.65 to In; r Yorkers,s.%5 to 14.75; of the Province of Ontario, thus reoog- roughs, 14 t0 14.10.g nizing that the Privy Counoil s judg- nlent conferred upon the province the Cheese Markets. right to issue fishery licenses. At the Utica, N.Y., Aug, 29.—On the Utica same time, however, the re-enaetmeut of Board of Trade yesterday, the following the seotion was a declaration by the Dom- were the official sales of cheese: Large inion Government that it considered the colored, 260 boxes at 10c, 2,250 boxes at making of regulations with respect to Ontario fisheries within its own compet- ence. MARKET REPORTS, wht:tt Is Down tµ 70 Cente—Cables. Caused High OPeplRE, But It Soon D.eltned-,-Latest: *'rices, Liverpool, Aug. 29.—September wheat yesterday closed unebanged from Satan. day. December 3'd higher, 1.1verpoot; Markets, • Liverpool, Aug, 29.—Yesterday's close: Wheat futures steady; September 0s 10%ti, December 6s ;e'd. Spot cern quiet; new 3s 54d, old 3+ 0y*; futures quiet; September $s 5d, October $s 51d, Nov- ember 3s 6%4, December 3s 5eed, Flour,. 18s 94, Leading'Wheat Meeketi, Following Were she eiesing prices at important centre? yesterday: Aug, Sept, Dec. c hicazo $ • 10 70 40 79 New. York.,.,.- 0 74% 0 77?,'i ¥fiiwaubee 0 St I�ouig 0 7034 0 69? Q ii Toledo.. Q MS 0 lox 0 74i Detroit. 0 714 0 72 0 75 Dnluth.. \ o,1 Nor .... 0 6S.% Q 69?4; D loth No,1 d 1,a 7 ehid 0 ,1 Minneapolis0 69 0 07li 0 6'd?, Te re!1tet St, Lawrence Markets dl tax, vte:�� while, B let ... $0 it �[e 0 72 Wheat. reit, 0 71 0 71?'s 11 heat, Fife, spriug. hu, 0 33 Wheat, goose, be 0 70 . 4 7 3n Parley. bu... , ....... „ 0 40 0 41 Peas.. bu ... .. ., 0 1fl Oaw, bu ...•.,... ,., 0 26 Q $oi: . EXETER YAR (ETS. (Changed every Wedt,eeday) 1.85 to 2<-00 Barley... 25 to S'' Oats ., 25 to r8 Peas Corn, 40 to 44 Batter t4 to 15 5 Eggs SO Potatoes per bag ......... ........ . .... 20 to ay per ton 4 5e to SO .B Wool5 Dried Apples per in 19 to 14 Wheat per bushel Flour per cwt 50 to 55 Rye. bel Q 33 Iue1C4411111t, let 0 55 fl1Y AND STI,AW. Rey, flew. per ton.... 1I0 00 to €11: Q Straw, sheaf. per tort.., 0 0 7 Straw, loose, per con 4 00 5 140 UAU Y rnoDPCTs. Flutter lb. roils 11.) 20 to 10 23 Tilggs, new lard. 0 14 4 16 POVLTIOn -Chicken?, per pair 1+1 4: to 40 00 Turkeys, per lb. , , , , 0 10 0 12 Dueks, per pair......, , 0 lid 0 VD PRL'J'SS A;1A enet1F.'1411i, .. Onions, ler bag 11 00 to $1 50 Apples, per bre...., .,0 75 1 50 Potatoes, per bag 0 60 0 70 ;Montreal Lime Stools, Montreal, Aug. 29.—'The receipts at the East End Abattoir yesterday were 500 head at cattle, 200 calves, 790 ?beep' and laiubs. The demand was quiet and prices unchanged, Cattle: --Choice sold at from 4e to 4;io per pound. Good sold at from 2/e to 4c per pound Lower grades from 2c to specified as prohibited or, close seasons, and may six such other modes, thues or places as aro deemed by the Governor -In• Counoil adapted to different localities, or otherwise expedient." Privy enmesh'. Judenteat. The judgment of talo Privy Connell gave the province the power to issue licenses for the inland fisheries, but the torahs of its deoisfon in rosneot to the right to snake regulations are regarded as somewhat ambiguous. Regulations Authorized. Mitchell: Mise Ada Dore suet with a painful accident while out driving on Thursday evening. While the young lady was turning round the horse took fright and made a sudden bound, upsetting the carriage . and throwing the occupant to the ground. Miss Dore received a bad cut right above the temple. Brussels: Wednesday of last week a a .s J. J. Gilpin was driving in the coun- try, a sheep jumped up from the road- ,rbreaking thehorse, . the lyes, startling o e, harness and causing him to kick. Mr. Gilpin received two blows on the left leg making an 'ugly cut which necessi taned the doctor putting in a dozen stitches to bind it together. The hone was laid bare but fortunately was not broken. Mr. G. will be compelled to take enforced holidays for a few weeks. FRemarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, Ill., makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she w as,treated for a month by her fancily physician, but grew Worse. He told her she Was a a' hopeless victim of Gon- simaption and that no medicine could cure her.Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New :Discovery for Consump- tion; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first dose. She continnecl its use and after Lakin .si' bottles, found herself Sound, and well; now does her, own, _housework, and is as well as she ever was. Sold by all Druggists, large. bottles 50 cents and $1.00. 1 Leaves QYe extra, $4,25 to 14.50; good to choice, 14 to 14.25. Bees—Heavy, 14,90 to 14.95; nixed, Children Ori for C i mar T a A Ontario Makes Regulations. On the 10th of June the Ontario Gov- ernment promulgated a set of regulations the curb a few lots of very fancy large regarding the fisheries of the province, and small colored sold at 10%a to Ile. the first clause of which reads as follows: The sales of butter were: 19 packages at "Fishing by means of any kind of net, seine, snare, rack, trap, weir. night -line, set -line, spear, grapnel, negog or nishgau, or by any other means or apparatus without a fishing lease, license 1031o, 9,345 boxes at 10?4e, 250 boxes .targe white at 10o x, 1,030 boxes small colored at 1034o, 9 boxes do. at 10%o, 1,670 boxes do. at I0e.to. 410 boxes small white at 10o, 530 boxes do. at 10,etc. On whatever, or permit from the Commissioner of Fish- eries having been first obtained, is pro- hibited; but ,lothing in this section shall prevent angling without a license for any flsh, except sturgeon. But no sturgeon shall be caught, taken or killed by any means whatever without a license first had and obtained." The rest of the regu• lations had reference to the number, size and weight of different varieties of fish which any person might take, catch or kill. A Clash May Occur. With the two Governments issuing regulations relating to the same matter it is considered that a plash might ocour at any time between them, and probably much confusion and uncertainty. It was stated yesterday that on receipt of a Dopy of the Ontario regulations the Dominion Department of Fisheries addressed a communication to the Ontario t Govern- ment complaining that be latter was exceeding its authority. No confirmation of the statement could, however, be obtained, as Hon. A. S. Hardy is out of town, and Mr. S. T. Bastedo. the Deputy Commissioner of Fisheries, is also away from the city. An attempt was made to see Mr. Aemilius Irving in order to ascertain in what position the matter stands at present. but the reporter was informed that Mr. Irving was attending the meeting of the Bar Association at Buffalo. SIX DER MET QUICK DE:tTrr. Twelve Steel Arches of Coliiseum Build- ing at Chicago fell. Chicago, Aug. 29. -Twelve steel arches, each weighing 83 tons, which were to have supported the superstructure of the Colliseum Building in course of erection on Wabash avenue, fell to the ground late yesterday afternoon. It is known that six lives were crushed out. The bodies of these' men are supposed to be under the wreckage. Several are in the hospital with injuries received, and of these two will surely the, ono may pos- sibly recover and the restaro for the greater part seriopsly iniurod. Nearly all the a nem who were killed were at wort: on top of the arches, 40 feet above the ground. 20eec, 10 packages at 213eo, 16 packages at 220. b r T. R.Ir..R 111.L+' ;tIAolils. 01 winter So the falling of the hairtells of the approach of ago and declining power. No platter how barren the tree nor how leafless it may seem, you; confidently expect leaves again. And why? Because there is life at rite roots, So you need not worry about the falling of your hair, tbe threatened departure of youth and beauty. And why? Because if there is a spark of lire remaining in the roots of the hair VER'S HAIR RIGOR wilt arouse it into healthy activ- ity, The hair ceases to come out: it begins to grow: and the glory of your youth is restored toa have a hook on the Hair and its Diseases. It is free.. The Bra( Adria. FM, If yea do not obtain niltha benefits yoa expected from the use of the vigor, Trite the doctor about It. Probably Mote is Moine dllmaulty with your sere era ryetam which may be easily retnored. Addrees. DR. J. C. A1Eiir, Lowell, Man. Rom Nur. Woods Phospteine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six ckages guaranteed to cure all • meet Sexes Weakness, all effects of abase or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Malted on receipt of price, ono ppackage et, six, $5. Onpe Witt phase. six wiu Tito Pamphlets ood Confree ono any Ont. Company. > • 2rWoed's Phospho dine is sold in Exeter by C. Lute, druggist._ :Wean: About noon on Tuesday a freight train passed Mr. W1u, Reid's farm at the edge of the village, and a • fete -moments later, a fire started in a ten -acre field of stubble next the track. As fast elnnast as one could walk, the dangerous flames sped across the field, and for a short time the big barn on the farm seemed in serious danger of destruction. The alarm was given in the village and in a few minutes twen- ty or thirty men were on hand to fight back the flanges, Fortunately the wind blew the fire away. from the barn by a few feet, and rapid plough- ing speedily confined the blaze, which soon spent itself in the field. r�e wfthProverbs but don't think you eau patch, clothes to look like new. 'lien again it would not pay you when you can burr clothing at the prices we sell, BARGAIN Pants made to order, all wool heavy greeds Suits Overcoats Slack Worate sal Qnr $20 blacks beat alt others at $23. Comte and se; for yourself, $2.O0 it;9.80 8.09 its a spec - $12,00 PATRONIZE OR. People patronize us because they realize that we always sell clothing that is strictly up-to-date, . . , . J.ti. GRIEVE Opposite fist (iiiei The 32nd Annual Sleeting Begins With 450 Competitors Entered. Ottawa, Aug. 29.—The 32na annual meeting cf the Dominion Rifle Associa- tion opened yesterday morning at 9 o'clock in grand weather. The whole ranges are completed and give this year 55 targets and a full range for all targets of 1.000 yards. There are over 450 entries, the largest on record. i`io possibles were made in tho first day's shooting in the Ahearn and Soper extra series, Sven shots at 600 yards. The Tyro Match, open to members who have not at any previous meting of the N.R.A. or D.B.A. won an individual prize, was divided between Sap. F. F. Urge, Charlottetown Engineers, and Sergt. Maros, 69th, who were equal. with a score of 33. They won 117.60. The Bankers' Match -Open to members and associate members of the association. Range e 600yards, dsa rounds r . Sergt.t. W. Agias, R.C.A., made the •highest score, and won $20. MacDougall Challenge Cup—The match for the MacDougall Challenge. Cup and 1532, presented by the D.B.A., was shot for all afternoon. The weather was per- fect, a light, steady rear wind blowing all day. The cup and 125 were won by Sergt A. Wilson, 48rd, with, a score of 67. .Parkhill: Mrs. Joseph Nrblock, died early on Thursday morning, 18th inst., after at lon°' and severe illness, and the funeral tonsk place on Friday after- noon, Mrs. Niblock was one of the oldest residents of this section, having come here with her husband before the construction of the G.T.R. She was much respected and was au exem- plary , Member of the Presbyterian church. Her husband died a number of years ago. She leaves three child- ren. • Woll .Devioped a Mu -soles, 1 Mr. Tarte Will BeMoine Soon. . Montreal, Aug. 29.—Hon. J. I. Tarte, in a letter from Paris to bis son, received yesterday. announces that he will sail from Bristol on the Arawa of the Eider - Dempster Line, on Sept. 11. Mr. Tarte states that he is improving daily, and hopes that he will entirely' recover. He bad been out during the day before and had received a visit from M. Deloaasse, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mr. `carte is expected home by Sent. 23 or • thereabouts. Dropped to Elie Death. Toronto; Aug. 29,•—Another victim was yesterday added to the long list of persons drowned this season in Toronto Bay. William Burt White of 193 Duchess etreet fell from a ladder on the city's 'dredge about 5 O'clock and .was drowsed before assistance arrived. White was 24 years of age and unrnarrle. STRONG NERVES AND PURE BLOOD MARK THE STRONG AND HEALTHY Pane's ll1ij ioound Bestowes all these Blessings. IGNORANCE., ti£ liter ie nt+ i•xistista bl *imams. ate..._ MYRTLE NAVY it a ltri :f0111I W. 0e10 -. T,S;11 in Gilt on ever plug and package. EXErTE R ROLLER MiL1S. Always Ready. Flout', ZV httles;tlt• and Retail, ('hoped feed, Barley, Peas. Oats, ('etre: ---BIR STOCK ON HAND.— Prices tri„ art. JO8EP.D COBBLIDICB, CANADIAN:n '. PACIFIC' Y. Harvest Excursions8 WILL BE RUN ON AUG. 29th, 1SETtlilNING 1lntit Oct. 28th, aitch Sept. 12th, s, " Nov, 1.1th, 1890 RETURN FARES TO WINNIPEG ' RG INA DELORAINE I MOOSEJAW RESTON ('fie YORKTON ESTEVANLAh, PRINCE ALBERT 8IN3CARTH CALGARY tQ�i MOOSOMiN ,' RED DEER S r7t740 COWAN .. DMONTON s E77 t- t:rom all i fnts in Ontario, Windsor. and East. Per further particulatrs apply to .the nearest'iCau4diau Pacific Agent,or to Well developed muscles and strong nerves belong only to healthy people . -.1vigorousandwolnen. as .. Dien P ne's Celery Compound will give the weak and sickly full muscular power, strong nerves, pure blood and full digestive visor. It will do more ill - health, of I to counteract Elie o 1 g health, sickness and disease than any other medicine in the world. In an untold number of cases where other remedies have failed, Paine's Celery Compound has brought about the wished -for results, making old and young happy and joyous in the pos- session of sound health. It is crinli- tial for intelligent ennan or wonhan to continue suffering from disease that Paine's Celery Compound is able to banish. Honest and able physical's, the trusted family druggist, clergy- men members ofparliament and the best people in Canada, recommend Paines.Celery Compound with pleas- ure.and satisfaction. tjy3L r e� . xeronas.axs ' Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 1i.Ie G ST. Lease TORotSTo Basioess Collou SAP�T ,1 IA ONT. 50 of our Graduates se- cured good positions since January 3rd. FALL. Term begins Sept. 4th. r:o" Good board can be obtained here for $2.50 per week. A. S. N MO Manager. Cook's Cotton Boot Compound. Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask yotir druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous, Priee No. 1, $1 per box, No. 5,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8•eent stampps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont, "Nos.1 and 2 sold tine recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. Nos. 1 and No, 2 sold in Exeter 1,5- eve Lttt2, Druggist,'