HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-8-31, Page 2`EniiDe4ilbert•. svfc. 17C Ct : e: tate Peen r r y ��ii • ' s*rolr3yveal ile sez(t'`i Gr;t'nee. Til 1111 Cante; this *Mee for :: vert:etre; rata., TUE EXETER ADVOCATE :p ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM AROUND THE WORT -0 r S t .1HjI3b`+I �.�`, .Al:'txL �' 1, .»b, n9. X"teamed, I'uaotuatRtl sad Pressrvecl is Pithy Paragraphs fee the Perusal of Practical People -- Personal. Y'eaitiaal. amd Prgfitabie. A Bunch of Old Proverbs. Rare of pride, says the peacock. i 'n �t c must r n a its own Ione. �- bell e y�J kat: re mea drink, but drenete me titer, introit& the dog. but beware et late UM, Beaate on the ceals and put out the Lett The fuller the hand, the harderto hol& betst:=eion has a key that Eta every leek. The nccrter the wit the longer she word. 3f you glee mea ];Wife, gave me a fork, too. In comes the fiddler sad cat goes: the '' Moue!. 3f sen break your bawl yen Ease your E' If you 0.30:1$ one 1'rd seu scare the whole deck. Slaw Off any brat:ciz except te.,t you are s,tt.tug on. purl the }ieece� @cWZ1. neeat se the shim ey a -.ekes. Yen mast shut yceir ewes if the dots ;, ilowi is your face. Tease Weser w3a, nasi :ever er;: be, a Waivers. ra;IRCea a : one remedy. Se all i»l .c• r iaeli deaf is t e:r -ae Yery r,atare etc money cttretives caned +t ail that were "tae peruse of other am! differently seated disee:'leb- rooted tit the system et the pataetnt—want vvouId relieve one tura wcaid aggravate. the other. We i iseve, however, in u';into Wine, when ebtaanAll",a- in a sound unadulterated state, a remedy for many stud gravitate ills. By tea ;,retinal and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into conea;escence i. sited atreegzu, ley the intluepee which Wm- atre e:terts en :tiazere'e own resteratts,:s. broth. Itre :eves the droning spirits of those Mr.ta w :out a chrome state of morbid des- pectieecy and lack of interest in lite is a ditease,and, by tranqquil zing the nerves, d.0pcse* to soiled sand rexreshine sleep— imparte rigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, courses through. out the velem. strengthening the healthy metaled tuna -ions of the system, thereby enekizig activity a necessary reetio, serengebetsint;the frame, end girtug life to tee digestive orgelts, which ravatreily densand invreaeed substance—result, irn- "xroved appetite. Northrop & I.txnn aof orontc. have riven to tae pub.ie their eurerior Qn 'P3'ae "Wine at the usual .'ate. and. ge ge,A. by the opeemn of scientists. this wsue appreacbes nearest perfection of arty in the market. ASO dr:3ggeets :sell it. l5rigkt !turners. To remove disrolorations from semi+ burners, rah with a brush dipped into ecetio acid, wash in soapy water and rub with a dry cloth, Trim wicks just et;.nve She lower lane a charred portiezt and clip the corners slightly with scissors. This WO give you a truer flame than, from wip- ing or scraping the wick. Neer fill the • :amps full; leave a small space for expan- sion and to prevent the oil from dowing over the outside of the Iamp. To avoid an lsnpleasaue odor schen the lamp is lighted always turn the wicks dawn well after trimming, so that the oaf will not rise to the top and spread to the outer sides of the burnere. •H the child is r stless at night, has coated tongue. sallow comrlesion, a dose of Miller's Worm Powders is what is re- quired; very pleasant and perfectly harm - gess. Ter Remove ,Scorched spots From. Linen. Here is a valuable ripe which every carefel hctteewife e•hould preeerve if she would have beeuti'.ui linens. Take the juice of two pecird unions and put into elf an ounce of finely cut white easttle steep and two ounce; of earth ere m the druggist; mix together and stir in one roup of Tinegar; stand over the Ore and let It boil thar•ughly. Let the mixture cool before tieing. When the linens are badly scorched spread the paste over the brown spot and leave till dry; then wash out the iinen, after which operation the scorched spot will be found to have dis- appeared. IWO RIELXGIQLS w oRLD., The total subscriptions of 195 ministers to the Presbyterian. Church century fund le 129»292, QLITICS—CANADIAN, The Conservatives of Piston County, Arca, tIae In eoaventiau ass Pi;tou on Thursday afternoon, and se -nominated Sir Charles. Hibbert Tupper and A. C. Bell for the House of Commons. TUE Ionenet WORLD. The miners .employed in the Snowshoe, in Greenwood Csnap, B.l'., leave gone Out oe strike. They deenaud 14 a day. By an almost unenintone vote the delegates of the International T'ypograph- ieai Vision on Thursday adopted a con- stitutional on-stitutional antendnuette. increasing the union'a reanlar monthly due 14313. cents per capita: '11114 EPL:CA`r ION: L WORLD. Beviseti reguletidnas for the year lean. 1900 beta bent tannest by the Education Department. Henceforth, egrieuiture is obligatory in aft rural Schools for forma T and 9 n e t Ir. , While oed a ark n w domw sties eeenomy suit manual training ratty be taken up. The High School cause ie aneended by making bookkeepleg obli- gatory and agriculture ana manual train, tn6 optional. '11:414 WEATRRR, Ogre's rain baa fallen iu. India, batt th condition of the craps is very uae;,tie - ens and two mare axe labelled "-very tuapioions." "teeters Mendoza and Vlncente, who were sent from Madrid officially to study the plague. at Oporto, Portugal. telegraph that the cases observed by thein are "very nharaeterietic a11y bubonic.'" A eolleelton of Indian relies, inoludin;; settee 1,500 Indian specimens, bels been emmed for the Provinoial. Arehaeologieal Ilfuseunx, The collection comprises artiolea of military, domestic and social~ ase.. It has been definitely nettled that Dfajor-deneral Hutton and Bishop Du- .- Menthe of Niagara will ofitaiate at the. opening of the Toronto Exhibition a Week frons Tuesday, They will attend the tattoo be she evening, Vein DEAD, Lard Dnuberine is dead at London, He was born In 1$3e The body of Willie Boswell, the 10- year-old boy who was drowned at Bow- n3anville a few weeks ago, was found eta Saturday. The body of Private Dunn of the R.C, late of Toronto, svho was drowned in the Ottawa River near Rookiiffe Camp, was found on ;Saturday.. .Lyle Stevens of Chatham, the lad shot by wallaIleus;on, a eampaulen, last 3londay, ie dead. He eteectxttibed to his wound late Thursday aftern000n. Miss Ellen McDougall of I:antwaki, 23: years ole], who was insured in the St. Polyearpe accident a week ago, is dead, This xttak.es the tenth fatality from. that tweident, John Tierney, Adolphnstowvu. Who left over re yelar ago toe the E.londike, died last ;starch on hie way borne. .Itis party endured great bardshipa. Being by the l;dutenwn route, THE ettinteies 'WORLD. The bankrupt'wy report for 1895 shows an increase of «ad in the ..number of fail - uses n great Britain, e An ed*Aare of three cones. per puna on meal: bas taken place in .New rork. It is ste,ted that the butchers aro paying 120 or 125 mere for each steer than tour months. ago. factory, especially in the Deccan district~, This has been the dryest summer on record f England. n n Flue n. Q ly 190 tans of water Per sore has fallen instead of the usual average of 010 tons. For 25 days the thermometer has registered a temper- sours of over 60 degrees. F QR Mel'( OF WAR, Lieut. -Governor Sir Frederick Walker, Rine. relieese Genets' Sir William uncia Butler as cox meador of the British {roops in South Africa, asartsd on Tht;rx- day for the Cape. The 1st Colorado Regiment of Velem beers has arrived home from the campaign in she Philippines, The regiment, cote mantled by Colonel McCoy, returns with 48 officers and 924 men, about 250 less than the number wile sailed from an Pranoisco last year. MARINE MATTERS, The new steamer India, owned by the Calvin Co. of Eingston, with a cargo of iron oro, want ashore eight miles above this place on Sunday. It Is thought the steamer will bo li;,htered off without) damage, The American throe -ton Gutter Great Western. from Gloucester, ?class., June 18,entered the Bristol channel on Fri- day, and her solitary occupant. Howard Blackburn of Gloucester; reported all Well, It is expected the small boat will reaoh Bristol shortly. 51.ORTI\G. McCormick knocked Kid MoCoy out in the first round at Chicago on Friday. nigbt. The °ha/longer Genesee arrived at Toronto on Friday morning, after a long, slow sail from Charlotte. ;she is a likely - looking craft,. The America's Cup oballenger Sham- rock passed the Sandy Hook bar bound in at 8.14 Friday morning. From the Shamrock's main truck iiew the private signal of her owner, Sir Thomas Lipton, the green shamrock in a yellow field, with green borders. The voyage across has taken about 15 days. CASUALTIES. An unknown ratan was out to pieces at Montreal on Sunday by a C.P.R. train and mangled badly. The body has not been identified. An 11 -year-old boy named 'William Hayden was run over by a heavily- oaded wagon at Montreal on Saturday nd instantly killed. Breed`s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Queer Collection of Buttons. a The wife of an English clergyman has made a collection of all the buttons pla!'ed in the offertory bags during the last two or three years and has fastened them re cardboard in various cunning shapes of animals, birds and flowers. As a bazar is shortly to take place An connection with the church work, she has had these button pictures photographed and copies will be on sale at the fair. Not a Nauseating PiII.—The excipient of a pill is the substance which enfolds the Ingredients and makes up the pill mass. That of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is so compounded as to preserve their moisture, and they can be carried into any latitude without impairing their strength. Many pills, in order to keep them from ad- hering, are rolled in powders, which prove nauseating to the taste. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills are so prepared that they are agreeable to the most delicate. The Legion of Senor. To be a knight of the Legion of Honor is not quits a barren title. The cross of the lowest grade, that of "chevalier," car- ries with it a pension for life of $50 annu- ally. An "officer," the grade above, re- solves $100 annually, a "commander" $300, a "grand officer" $300, and a "grand croix" $600. Those Unsightly Pimples can be entire- ly removed by the use of Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. 50 doses 25 cexlts. Protection for Carder Pia -ane. An odd contrivance is used in China to protect the carrier pigeon from theattacks of birds of prey. Tiny bamboo tabes are fastened under their wing, and as they fly the air, passing swiftly through the tubes, makes a shrill whistle which serves n off the other to frighten. er Uirds. Health for the children. Miller's Worea Powders. Bad egg,•. .fin immense but unsavory mess was made net long since in Loudon by smash- o pavement 850 000 condemned .Ilex on the • 3s and washing them into the solvers. I were madesickbv hes en • ny people sv t stench. The British museum has presented 38,- 900 documents relating to the French re- trolution, of which it had duplicates, to the French National library in Paris, .14. process has been invented and pates}t et in Btan1.1 for Preparing coffee in tab. ,41ij a *item 4 compression. A. carriage oontaining six persons was preolpitated into White River at Wash- ington on Thursday night as is was being driven aboard a ferryboat, and all were. drowned. A. special from Tampico, Mexico, says: By the explosion of the boiler of a loco- motive on the :Mexican Central Railroad, seven men were killed and three others fatally injured. Among the killed are four American engineers. PURELY PERSONAL. A letter received by the Secretary of the Navy from Admiral Dewey indicates definitely that he will arrive in New York between Sept. 25 and 80. Lord Pauncefote, British ambassador to the United. States, has an audience with the Queen at Osborne Saturday afternoon and kissed hands upon his elevation to the peerage. Later his lord- ship dined with Her Majesty. Hon, Sir William Bann Kennedy, Q.C., a judge of the Supreme Court of Justice, and a number of prominent B -itish lawyers. are passengers on board the Dominion Line steamer New Eng- land. They will attend the meeting of the American Iter Association, to he held at Buffalo, N.Y., before which body Justice Kennedy will read a paper Aug. 99. THE FIRE RECORD. At St. Ferdinand d'Halifax. Megantio County, Que., the fine convent of the Grey Nuns, or Sisters of Charity, at that place, was totally destroyed by fire at an early hour on Friday morning. The loss is estimated at $50,000. The factory of the Ontario Box Com pany, Hamilton, was corapietelydestroy- ed by fire early Sunday. The company had ready for. delivery 220,000 tomato boxes, and they were all destroyed. The loss amounts are as follows: 912,000 en building. $8,000 on machinery, $7,000 eta stock and $6,000 on lumber. A large proportion of northern New York, Including the Counties of Jeffer- son, St. Lawrence and Lewis, is being swept by fierce forest fires, that have already destroyed d thou yarns of dollars y of Worth w valuable timber land,. and threatens to do ' more serious damage, unless quenched by a heavy rain. UNCLASSIFIED, The Legislative Council of 'Western Australia on Friday papaed a bill en- franelsieing women. Two bridges over the Chicago River have been ordered closed to traffic, seven• ethers kayo been ooss aniteed as danger The directors of the Iloehelaga Bank have decided to add a quarter of a million to the capital smelt, 'Ilio figure was foriuorly 11,950,000, which is, by the recent deoistoa of ilio dtreceorate, In. creased to $1.500,000. It is understood that the new stock will be distributed amongst the present sbareholtlers At the rate of one share to Ave, at 18%, The stock eold yesterday at 159. A Toronto syndicate on Thursday bought oat the bizycle interests of tbs Massey -haggis Co., H. A. Lazier Co., Toronto Junction; Goold Bicycle Co., Brantford. and the Welland Vale Co„ Sc. Catharines, Application for a charter for a eatupany with 96,000,000 capital will be made at once to the Ontario Govern- ment, while the Dominieri Government will also bo asked for a speolal charter. Mr. W. E, H, Massey will bo the preen dent of the big concern. Siem AND CetteteNALS, The $400 lost in the Provincial Treas- ury Department bans not yet been found. A clerk lost $u on Thursday, There seems to be a parliamentary. thief. On Friday morning about 3 o'clock burglars blew open with .nitro•glyeorine the safe of the Moffat :hove Company at Weston. The safe sv t; empty. Senor Jose, member of the Chamber of Deputies, has been arrested as Ban'elona on a charge of e.rlt+wzling 1,500,000 pesetas from a railway company, Apartments for the reception of Pare. Holden, Roach and Mackie have been prepared in the t obour, Jail. The trial comes on at the Septsniber Assizes, Thieves effected an entrance into the G.T.R. station at Goodweod. Ont., on Thursday night by prying open a win- dow. They did not secure anything. Charles Hurt, a negro, who :attempted to assault Mrs. Stephen Battle, a widow, on Thursday was taken from the. Brant- ley, Ala., jail by a mob and shot to death. At the Stoney Mountain, Man., peni- tentiary on Friday two convicts escaped from the guards while unloading hay. sine was recaptured; the other is still at large. At Hamilton on Thursday afternoon Mrs. John Farraday or Mrs. George Van Every was arrested on a charge of big- amy. It is alleged that the woman has two husbands living. The residence of Rev. Dr. Lyle, Hamil- ton, was broken into on Thursday even- ing and ransacked. P. C. Fuller discov- ered the robbery. As the family are in Muskoka, the extent of the robbery can- not be ascertained. Jacob Fox, a Hebrew, about 35 years of age, and a pedlar, is under arrest at Hamilton on the charge of embezzlement. Sheriff Richardson of Davenport, Iowa, has charge of the ease, but the prisoner has shown no disposition to waive extra- dition proceedings. Toronto Is being flooded with counter- feit one -dollar bills, so local bankers say. The counterfeit is a very poor imitation, and is said to be manufactured by some American firm, and bears the date "June 1, 1898, C. Sens." Samples of the same dollar bills have been detected in various parts of the province. Mrs. O'Neill of Toronto on Friaay swore out a warrant for the arrest of a young girl named Alice White, who came from Peterboro, about two weeks ago. It is claimed that the girl engaged a room and attendance at the maternity home of Mrs. O'Neill, and on Thursday night made her escape, leaving a 2 - weeks' -old infant and an unpaid board bill. On Thursday five boys, who gave their residence as Toronto and their names as Harris Wortley, George Wiltman, Thomas Klaiber, Jerry Lang and Ernest Hutchin- son, and who were all runaways, formed a beggars' trust at Detroit. They were arrested by Patrolman Swink for vag- rancy. When the ten days' sentence that Judge Sellers imposed upon them expires they will endeavor to reach home. Attack on the 131shops. London, Aug. 20.—According to a despatch from Rome, The Gazetta di Venezia recent- ly attacked the morality of the bishops at- tending the Latin-American conclave. The organ of the Vatican, The Osservntore Ro- mano, replied that the bishops were above i sus cion, r The ow Gazette di Venezia responds, affirming that a majority of the bishops brought mistresses to Rome, and in somehit instteuees children. den. It offers to tits-: close the names, and demand:$ that the Pope take measures against them. A. Lay President ekesen.. Fredericton. N. B., ting. 21.—Thy Maritime Baptist Convention, which opened here on. Saturday, untit}ireonsly elected Sen. Henry R. mmerson, Pre- mier of New Brunswick, to Mts peed - 4020, a slgllal honor for a kuyaain, Queen's Vision Restored. London Truth says: The queen hasbeen. undergoing a course of treatment for telt Reeka for her eyes, as advised by Prof. Pagenstecher, of Wiesbaden, and I ani re- joiced to say with the most successful re- suit. The queen's eyesight is no longer in danger, and an operation will be unneees- se. , H majesty r7 er )e is now wears powerful glasses et unusual size and with black rime, which were ordered by Prof. Pager- stealer, and when she is obliged to use arhinias light she prefers a shaded Walt candle. $ow to Cleanse the System, Parmelee'a Vegetable Pille are the result of seientiflc study of the effects of extract& of certain roots and herbs upon the digestileorgansi. Their use has demonstrated in many in stances that they regulate the action of the Liver and ho Kidneys, purify the bleed and carry of all morbid accumu— lations from fhe system. They are easy to take, and their action is mild and Irene. ficial, Peleeanty is tee #astriau Army. Austria's pension bureau bas been obliged to recognize polygeory in the army. Sines the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina many Mohammedans have become soldiers, and each of these when he dies may leave several widows. , .Arecent order settles the pension question thus; "In cess a soldier leaves more than one legal widow, thepension assigned to the widow shall be divided equally among all his widows wile. are entitled to be pen- eioued." That tired feeling will disappear, yew .o Appetite will improve, your digestion will. be perfect, if you will take Miller's Com- poun Iron d falls. Thu aespender Glrl. One of the very latest of fells is tensa- penders for girls. They are trade of dainty colored webbing anti elastin, with real leather etraaps just as the Wren have, They reworn over a pretty Cersee Cover uses under a start waist that is thin enough to Allow them to be teen. Some of the de- signs are ba 1 ndsome em o g � braid tea and silver -mounted. Of course, they must be attracti`o to look at—else their mission L loot, Vinard's Liniment Cares Aighthorla, Tito P•rO.c; liutuau Foot. A. perfectly formed too* sbauld, accord• ing to anatoxuists, be as long as the bona in the foremrna, which eztemle from the elbow to the joint of the wrist. This seems to bo abnormally long in a tall per- son, but ix the measurement taken by artists. Of course, arms are sometimes out of proportion, being .far too obort for the general height, but it is rare that an arm is too long for the stature of a person, It your every -day duties aro a burden, If is because you are not well. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills will correct this condi- tion. Leber Creates the valve. A pound of raw cotton is worth flee cents; when made into fabrics that pound. is worth 25 cents to one dollar, Massa- chusetts bas 3,000,000 spindles, and spins 1,'50,000 bales of southern cotton to sell back to the south. Tho south lsowe the wood and draws the water; it does the drudgery of producing the rave material for the north to manufacture and get rich upon. A new back for 50 cents. Miller's Kidney Pills and Plaster. Training Berry neshes. The Germs fashion of German growing goose- berries oosesberries on standard bushes—that is to say, snipping off all but ono stent and allowing the plant to bush asst at a convenient height for picking, like standard roses— gives a great effect of neatness. The same effect is to be seen in the Scotch way of growing raspberry bushes by training two adjoining bushes into an intermingling arch, Railway Stook( nlr-Couipart mien tit. European railroads have smoking com- partments for men and women. They have now to deal with women pausongera who insist on smoking, and will. not go into the men's compartment. Belgium, where the first oases have arisen, now puts up the sign "Smoking Forbidden," on all women's compartments. There are so many cough medicines in the market, that it is sometimes difficult to tell which to buy ; but if we had a cough, a cold or any affliction of the throat or lungs, We would try Bickle's Anti - Consumptive Syrup. Those who have used it think It is far ahead of all other preparations recommended for such com- plaints. The little folks like ie as it is as pleasant as syrup. The Largest Stamp Mill. The largest stamp mill in the world, just started up at the old Treadwell gold mine on Douglas Island, .Alaska, has 60 bat- teries, each of five stamps, and each haw- iug a crushing capacity of four tons daily. The Treadwell mines now operate 880 stamps and crush 3,520 tons of ore daily, representing $14,000. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. Exhibit by a Novelist. Mauna Jokai, the Hungarian novelist, has applied for space for an individual ex- hibit at the Paris exposition. He will dis- play his novels in every edition and every translation that has been printed, and he has written over 300 books. Not Strong-8Iinded. "Your wife, I believe, is a strong-minded woman." Oh, I don't know. I should rather re- gard her as brittle -minded," "Brittle -minded?" "Yes. She's been giving me pieces of her mind for several years." ginard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Deteneracy Not Increasing. A writer in a German scientific periodi- cal denies that insanity is on the increase and that the recruiting field exhibits a lar8er amount of physical degeneracy than in former generations. Kissers Severely Punished. Burmans ono Two of whom is a lad e, ,f 17, were sentenced to, six months and four moabhs of rigorous imprisonment each by the spyook of Hmawza for attempting 110 kiss ayeung Burmese girl. U1114102 Worm Powders are awondlr- tal asedielne for the ailments of ohildrlln. The,teYerianeat of Uruguay is about to Ozpend not less than 115,000,000 ea harbor $11011KrIetaiegals at kdontevidee. ha 4e' ot414(,r 14..c.cfe5A .4,te„ ita Acz, zz-rai 44, Ai4( 116 " R,egardinti rnod. Salted fish and meats are bard on the stonsach. Apples not only are good, Int; e4nt3411 medicinal juices. Rice forms the food, of one-third of the human race. Perseus of phlegsuatio constitutions should eat onions, garlic and parsley. Eggs furnish n wholesome and simple food. The eggs of the turkey are best of all. Oatmeal is a strong fond and builds up the muscle. Is should be eaten together with bread. Pints should not ba touched unless wholly ripe, and apricots are riches than. peaches. Cheese, if partaken of sparingly, will hurt no one. If toasted it i,r rendered rather indigestible, Butter, if eaten moderately, will not prove hurtful, The cystous needs Dila and Vero butter furnishes these. Potatoes Asa food vary in vaine, *cord= ins to the way they are cooked: Roasted they are in the beat form tor eating. Peas - TS ear potatoes together with milt, and are correct in principle, as the milk fur. nishes the elements lrkin in the tubers. . Srsan or onto, Cxn OF ToLLoo,) 3,3, Lec es Corset j Feeeta J. k las iv makes oath ;hat he le the seniorartuer of tiro frsn of F. J. Ctssav 3is C4'., doing business in the cite' of To edo, County and State afores id. tend that .airi dein will pay num of ONel 111.bDitlzli DoLleene for ch ac sdevery tale f t fav tRtttt that aauns* be cu d by tine use of lit .r. s f ras,t(u aver, FRANK. J t'IiF.NEI. Sworn to before me rust a110»4'rili21 in to reeence, this ells dei^ of la.°eetwter» .t,D. Dee. y Jrti A. W. GLEASO , ]-vast I ::i..tery i'ctblie. Vele Caterrh Cure is takert lntentatly and zeta directly oa thelnloocl and neltelsesurfaces of the ryatea*. Send for t,'stint' iilaas, free. F. J C li Itis F 1 & CO., Toledo, O. =Said by Pru gists, 75 Nowop:spurs to London. Proportionately there is no Treat city in the civilized world that lute so few morn- ing paters as London. This Is due to the large expenditure involved in startini; A newspaper in the metropolis. etnyono contemplating this nsust t;o prepared to lose many thousauds of pounds a year for two or three years, and then, perhaps, to fail. Still Anotlser Tri uuiph--Mr•. Thomas S. Bullet), Suntierlttud, writes: "'or four - t een years I tette ;dinette" with Pae,; and frequently I nee use bale to wail; or sir, font fitnr years:' •, 1 wen cured at; sssing 1)r '1'homae' 1't•hrtrio Oil. 1 have also been subject to Quinsy •for over forty years, but Ecleetrie Oil cared it, and it was a permanent cure in both eases, es neither the Piles nor Quinsy leave troubled me since." ,1 Bank o6 itnOland Curiosity. Ono of the curiosities in the Bank of England is to be seen in the printing room. A man sits at a desk and every three seconds a maohino delivers to him two complete five -pound notes. If he sits there six hours he receives 470,000, and in 300 days over £20,000,000. I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bay of Islands. J.M.Ca541'BELL: I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Springhill, N.S. Was. DANIELS. I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Albert Co., N.B. GED. TIyGLEY. Latest Collecting Fad. Among the latest collecting fads is a search after old trade signs and circulars. The collectors declare there is more fun in» it than anything in the collection line yet attempted. Tortoise 511131. Tortoise shell as it comes from the West Indies is coarse, dirty and lustreless, and only the most skillful and patient manipu- lation makes it the rich and beautiful material that it eventually becomes. A dose of Miller's Worm occasionally will keep the healthy. Powders children Street of Undertakers. In every city or town in the Netherlands you will find a Rosemary street. In olden days only undertakers lived in them, the rosemary being,in the language of flowers, specially dedicated to the dead. There are 9,000 cells in a square foot of honeycomb. ARVEST EXCURSIONS WILL BE RUN ON AUG. 29111, RETURNING UNTIL OCT. 28TH, AND SEPT.` 12TH, NOV. PITH, I89@ Return Fares to Winnipeg " Regina Determine '' Moos$ aw I. Yor tt $30 Reston ! on R Estevan Prince Albert ¢ C Bfnscarth Calgary ,POJ 28 ry � Moosomin Red Deer Cowan Edmonton r# From ell poimte in Ontario, Windsor and East.' For inf tber particulars apply to the dearest Canadian Paetile Agent, or to A. H. .NOTMAN, Assistant Gpas ppgsr�tta�1tlie 1 eneral8T: iil:ta 1�,itIT; TOAgaltOla,. a'.stri:asrhal Gentleman. "1"ve always given Lot credit for one thin,.•' "'Whet's hat?'" "Wheia hit wi e bunked back he was too much cf a gentleman to say 'rubber- neck!' " I lnard's Liin iuerlf Cum Fisfemper, Ani L f , e,.ecaed Mora?, Me Itaa .n i:e ('dropped the engage- ntease ring o:er :read, and be dived €oris, Lut rovar b3.:s li�'_r—U the diaml.et d ]tad been ldveer he se. etat nave found ;c herein bis] bretath w.ss „nue! PLOWS, 3R��. RPOS 1 hItr.t :?t'rdv.. ',end for t attlo. ue. COi'teeitUlTr PLOW CO., lift:t,::tI't,13tA. Lu0AS, STEELS cot 8R STOL, i� SGS ;'cenRew �a lMF.1RTFOG.OF Qti7'.t. �,F9. I.,S,.t$ 1f, �T2ri&i Write ue i(AMU,7'oNe lest ,ti as. Sptcea BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONT'ARne itIND131t 'fifer.% CO.. I13 Ca lea btattoa Arcade. Toronto, A, taT tri tslSi"t r'.':D9 ta3aR Of • no". et Ci.ar:ac`as. CGtt,'i,telAFti ti :d't tr ass u r .p • _- ale. .S s. -,ear for i�A year's enfia fiesaear. 4, i•ic, s1 13a1,ara:aier:t T. ratley-(.arresrof io, Litaaited, ttra.ttfortt ASK YOLR GROCER FOR RQICGOHEALTH DR1l"1K. SUB- STITUTE FOR TEA Rallis? COFFSE„ Wko;ese:oeand ssu°➢r shier. Cuestecheeatien and all other ast:ueuts caused ev Tea and Cote fee, whets are a :wee:ie. Beetle;a etee ute-ly pore aol Can be used iA Ane gaantlly 't'tteeet Inlaryto your erste a. Reeve e g es twice ea bar el Tee and event and only telt the price, 1 Ilk0. Ir;tclt :,,e a 11 make :5 00, s. heti; a is used at your tnealS iessesi of Tea and t. osteo. Askf,rrit. slgersa> weatalthrau;,-bait Can. oda. ROKCO MFC. CO., Toronto. Cass. SAMPLES FREE.. It costs you nozillne to get samples ora Cat. Hogue from the store that is supplying thous- ands of homes from one end of the Dominion to the other. it is somewhat rcehless to make purchases without at least comparing what this store offers. Almost every request for samples results in an order. That shows when. people investigate this store's way of selling they're convinced we supply better goods and there's less to pay. We're coanin>e on merit alone to win, and it's w:aeini piling up the volume of our 3 1 tient }carne ; every week. THE ROBERT psoCOMPTEDAH? LIMI t'tax-toN et it 0'. t, The Nation's Holiday ! 9 EXPOSITION ND INDUSTRIAL FAIR TORO TO Aug.28 to Sept. 9,199 Canada's Great ALL UP-TO-DATE ATTRACTIONS PROGRESS OF TETE CENTURY Illustrated in the World'e Inventions—Wire- less Telegraphing, Wireless Telephoning, Improved X Rays. CRAND MILITARY AND NAVAL SPECTACLES Famous English and American Battlon Depicted. Marvellous Entertainment Features. The 15 et Fair, The Cheapest Fair. Tee Greatest Annual Fair on Earth. ENTRIES CLOS19 AUG. 5th. Excursions on All Lines of Travel.. For Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all parties, lars address J. J. WITHROW, IL J. HILL, President. ]tanager, TouontTO, T. N. U. 284 •a The Owen Electric el t Trade Mark--Dr.Owen The only gelate ids and practical Electric Bele trade, for general use, having baeteriee that} generate a strong current of Electricity that is under perfect control and can be applied any part of�the body,tfor the cure of a osease Thousands of people suffer from a variety of Nervous Diseases, such as Seminal Weaksiete Impotency, Lost Manhood, eto., tbat�the eitl. modes of treatment fail to cure. T • ore is a loth of nerve force or power that on.nnot bo restofed y any modlcal treatment, tend any doctor wile would try to accomplish this by any kind et drugs is pursuing a dangerous practice. Pro- perly treated, these diseases can be Posit t iw l Camel Electricityy, as applied by the Owen EIectric Belt and S 1s ensory, will meet assuredly dose - It is the only known power elute will supply what is lacking, namely nerve force or power. impart tone andvigor to the creeps and grog t hoalfhyr 9 y action the whole nervous system. I? SgiU moss assuredlyDore, t Tari ocelo Newgne Prostration, Itheum4 J nis tToiat op,'i idnoyDieease, Lumbago,LaiieilMOB and ySpop sin. 011e ILLUSTRATED CATIt. (l 10 U H Coite��s fuliett i nform' ati oa �e ti ,in fof ao>its, ehrtnio and nervous dise}t�pbete oed, ite oaled)r= — tt address. Tho hen Eiectric Beit And Appiiktnoa TORONTO ONT.