HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-8-24, Page 8A slick -tongued patentmedicine, lot 11ad wlftm Miss Vera Rawkshavr, wbo has been B48iness Drightness Brings suouss, struck, N.Vingliam a couple of weeks Torontobasbeen made the dump- spending the past montlo, visiting ago and hassince that, time been coins ing-ground for another consignineut. friendsin Detroit, returned home, ont c QCent. al 01 ifigitioney llemadehisIleaolol,narter- of counterfeit olle-dollar bills, the Afouday. /1 I of one of th*e hotels,- but. did most. of manufacturer of some, Axoterican firm. Nortuall Bissett, wbo. has been visit, C-ALS11 On el Itisbusilless. among the fartuers. Ili The bill, -according t uk officials, i-ag his, arentsilere, returned to De - Z! X-44 K41e o the ba the worning he manufactured his ol;ly's isa poor Imitation, but a f6 w Inserted trolt Sagurday to resume his position supply at the hotel pump and then hia bundle passed one of the local -is tailor. STP,ATIF01it), 00T. bor� proc4decl to CIO, u t anyone who was teller$L this week" The counterfeit is Miss. Oulmette,after spending a few .A, PROGRE�.;SIVE qCROQT4� Au ela foolish enough to uy and they were of the issue of 'Time 11 1898, 0� series, days here, the guest of Miss Ramsay, CASH OR PRODUCE. ONE PRICE ONLY� ate "talogq�e tiesoriptive, ot the Nixtral Bust, nume The other evening , one of and is printed on Poor paper, tI e Ii o- ONKY� rous. - to tu returned to ber howe in Loudesboro, collt-g-v'. Stratford, 00., is wAilled free his letims cinne to town and oil find- graph work being, especially noticeable Eo all wbQaro desirous of sevitzin(z A, vhort- Tuesday., hand btuaness course- The CeiitrA . I Basilless Ing Mr. Ftkkir denia lided his Monev" on "Count of its indistlactuess, It is college eiijoys 4 line reputatioR or Tile moneywas paid back -,And t4efak- believed a, large amount has been put f6r tup.erZ Messrs. Thos. Oke and Judson David� w.oxk and opeu� lor tile Fall Term on Tue$� it- immediately made biluself searce� out, in the leading cities of Ontario, son, who have been attending the Fair �M 1450. A ianuber of �-Ictims were around the and i at, Saginaw, Nich., rettArned home � t is understood the agents of the W. J. JE1110tt. PrincirAl other evening look.ing for the inedicine counterfeiters worked successfulkN_ in Monday. ere are a few money -savers that Man, but they were disappointed, It the Lower Province. .11tirrav Miller, of the, 2nd concession 14 issaid that lie took- nearly $M away gssay.,Da A 001cGillivrav, left on the harvest exw may interestyou. Some every - n EdIfQLr, V with him. We look into the cradleand beliold c"I'$Ion on 'ftiesday for the 11r�airie, LOCAL WIN( from a male child. At the age of 10 lie is a Province- y,sp i ices. Z One who stiffers " writes Miss T_.� McLeo i GI ol, dmv needs at ver ecial pri London townsbip the following sen- noisy kid, -.40a half the buttons oft his a I J.'INliss 13� ee Voice �f the Pants and au eye. for ineamie$s. At of London, are visiting friends Ili sible letter.-, 'Now the. Labor Day a week- fromMonday. -thresber'Isheardin the land, and the age of 15 lie is % devil Ili a print town., the guests of Xrs, D. Richards, the dread of the hirmWs wife, the shop; at 24 tbe'Pliblisher of a country London, Road, White quilts, yes we havo the Ladies' Linen Crash and white '%foil snap of the season, Large heavy Pique skirts, just, & few left, out Rural selloolsowned on . day. inonstrous dinner to be prepared is on, Xlewspaper, tit the head of every busi. 31r. J3bn J, Crocker, manager o Goderieb is agitating for it glass hernlind, One of those %v'bo knows uess calculated to hitprove, the town or the Double f doubled size, some slightly soiled, they go at 95c� each. works. r� bow it Is herself raises her voice in ourich the bushiess thereof-, at 35 lie is T�-uss Brake Co. was in reg-jilar $1,123 quality for 75c. Boyscrashbats.. Wallavellfew -A, Valuable milch cow belonging W behalf other kind to Propose same, re-. an exilaclated and worn Out, loan with town this week visiting his mother, _Ifrs� J� V. Ctoo'ker. 2000, yds. standard quality, best left but they must be cleared. The Airs. John Umild died the other ol;lr' lief, it Possible, which is for the rian- holes, in his I?oekets and a, bald head; Gerwaii-prints, indigo olve guar�, balance to cletir at 15c. it Cook at the age of tK) be is a corpse In a. cof� �Vr. and Mrs. Jas. Bissett, who have �kl) oc.A.Tl� to jan. 1, anteed fast colors, I12U1. a yd. 'We have, about 3 doz. ladies'para- . t, Iq v 10, agerofamachine to employ I been visiting friends here, for the past, 4-0- c. ;Wilo, will furnish, prepare lind serve fin and his only resottrce�s left behi"i -1 for4l) ets. Subscribe nou. the tlireshers7 dintier7at lo rea-011able aretwocases& hing Primer type, a few'We`6k"sreturned to their home in 10 doz. Ladies! cottori vests, short, SOIS at Clearing Price' 8- Y()Il C, 11 a -Ing it Parasol Toronto E xhibition, will open 'text rate, furnishing di­,bes and table,;4. Washington baud press and lo, sul� London Tuesday. by bit-) _11onday, August 284b, and 06sessept. servinw it out under the trees, so tat- seriptio, I a book wlthwodeliriqueutsub� � d daugh c. *goods. now. Mr. aud"Mrs, T. Coushis an Ity, regular 12.1c. and 15 Ing ox;rt, of the fartiler'-N wifes, life one seribers who line tip and march, past ter, Mary, of London,, spent. SunifIl- inants of Vottonade from very special 10j. each, 0XI 3 f(4- '25e. gill rell to 10 Vd$. eaelli ISO. quality foi- Exe- the coffln. sit-* Ing-. "Ho wits it public% with relatives lit town, the guests (;f The balance of out, itolislills -,And - t rer dep6t for Ole Sarnia Exeurslou (in MIA 11ifford to have thivsbing done -eall ted follAr, but lie couldn't, save Nlr,;. John Pursous. organdles 10e., l8c., 20e. itud, 25e. 14c.; 240e. quality for l5e., 4e. 'qual- afford to pay fox- a "N-bolesolue, Plain !Pix * �11 Saturday Iast. PolLiber. -iss Hannall. Blateliford, who bas quality for 10e. It-,% ror20e. IfyouNralitcottoolades Mt. A-lex. Purdoll 11.18 '(44 hit; hit dinner ro� tile met) for tllesake of.StIv, we'oo SCU001 Rogulations, been -visiting ber parent,,4, Mr, and Mrs, we y Ing t1le housewife that added burden The ole )utV '.\fin!ster of Education Richard. BlatchfoO, returned to Sterl, for)- -!lie to bits NIr, John Charlton. .1 copy of the amendments ing volorada, lastweex, ENeterXortb. of whicli tbere, is need of relief Instead has L'sue(li' , r, (if addition, Let it,, Patronize 'the to tile public t4cbool re 1,1r. �N. 1). Illirdon, of the Ifolsons thresher who includes it cook in Ills 10) gulations for MISS NOW(% Penhale, left oli.Nloudity TRAVELLERS - Ban],, and Mr. Jaines JeOwIl toget her 4 Theyare of considerable inter- last for Yedicine Hat-, Assn" - where, With Olvir faillilles will picille at (Irraild ol , Iflit est, , lid, are based oil the legislation sile Purposes remaining forsome time ainatioll. (if the bicycle lit- introatwed by Ron. VT, AV. Ross lit the for fil, altIl. Rend to'day kThur-solay.) Ali awalg, v good of ber he, Tranks, Travelling Bags, Telescopes. Large terest-i (it thf* Masev-llarri�-, Coln- la'st lses�lioin 'tit tho Ontario House. DoWt iniss the Lavrw-.so Matell on Nessr.s. IT. Giffloov, ;\., Coffiti, Otio. pany, Toronto; the H. A. Lozier COM- Agricultural is 111,14e it eoll)PUlSory Racrett, stock. Prices Right. Quality- the best. _J�Jld C. Heywood took lit the Friday evelling, ;kug 25th, betweell anv, Toronto Jimetion; the Goold stii(IN-forthe fourth and fifth forl0s 1-34tud tournainetif at Detrolt Thurs- This f, onipany, of Brantford, and t1le"iVel- ofall rural school,.,,. 'a c1tv schot)ls dayand report everything of a highl will be tile gitule of theseason. land -Yale Company, of -St. Catliar- it IS optional. The lustructian in tile 6rller. Rev. David Williams, .11. A7., (if ines, has been finally effeeted. A.syn- fourth forlits is to be br couv ersatioll e Central Stratford, will preach the Anniver- (licilti. -,V111cl, bas- lieen arranging, 'for and ill therifth fox'itl-, tv text I 'ks, "Mr. Jaffrav, Bursar at tit - SM11V servives in tit(- Trivitt Memorial tbepurebasi, (it theinterests of illose v for 'girls is )ootdo Pi. itson,Toroiiito,and W�W. Tboillpson S T _'BAYART. Donlestie ecolloill. 11, . kI of th e Campbellford I 'elitirell oll Sunday, Sept. 3rd. The firms for some time concluded negoti- dependent ill theapproval of ti-tistees. PrIncip" hool, left town oil Saturday foil Antrell. will specially decorated for ations at a ineeting held in Toronto In the Rig s0wols bookeeping be- s V Tbursday, August l7th. Till- syndi- vonies gin ob gatory study. and agri- respective home";. cat'L. is e6l"posed of Senator 31114411 Parming optional, )It-. Bovd, Prineipal of tile R�Xvtvr 7EY Vision We understand that Mr. T. NN 04). A. vulturealid i " Mis' 11awkshaw, tit*, Popular Lost of tit(- 0ox, Ron, Lyman M. Jone-% of the The regulations with regard to coll. Plibliesellool, will) )Ill.., beell. llolklav- sever his con- 'Nassev-11arriq Company. Walter 1". tinualloill Qlasse" Ivissed 4al House, will. last se.�sioll Ing lit his home Ili Belfast, rotnruo�� I The Attraction nectiou therewith about "Kept, Ist, I -I. .\Itiksey. Warren T. Super, of Ot- arealso issued. to town, Avedne.'Zolily. Th, Purposes his father, Mr. John Hawk.sba-w ta-wa, allot H. R. Thomas, of the Lover September Nutaber. 11101%ling his family liere A161-th- 4,114 lip Ills W, will agaill take Pos wsslon. Company, The various. forms will will take sideure in ;$ltv of The of the Do- Whileworking Ili the flax mill at ave adzlitional representation upon '31r. A. R. Puloe*s house im lVillialn 11, of 'Nil Eyes directoratv. Avtuatfigures have ,(it lineator I,; ealled the Fairy Autuinu CrOditon on T`u6iday, Thomas Ifatter be(xu given out a,- Vet, ",)ut the capital -Number, and eollibloes an essentially Among others the following were got one (it his flllge�s pauglit in. at 1,1111- hion's li. -IV e. stoek will be bev��Peii six and sovell authoritative. vIlopsis of fag tieketed tit the Exeter depot for the ning beltand narrov, 4eaped losing t� ations,umun. milliondoillars. Thoproinotersofthis tes and mostakistic, ere, the finger. As it was 6e nall was torn anialgalliation illost emphatically de. ber of literary features of singular X0rthW4.1$t Ilal-VPSt E.'cllr.4011 on Molt- JUstat Present t It(- objeet of attraction 01r, inaking it painful wound. 0 , day: -James Smith, Chas. Johns and M clare that it is not it combine or it At 011gtI1 and Ix-Ailtv anda Val-lety of !0 the I)eople ofBxeter mid surround - We Sta It is silliply it union of Inter- ori'vilial discussiol Will. 011111, Norman nins(n), Cofnes with advancing yeam 1119 coull"T is ted in our loval column last trust. t4onperdnent.S46al Frank Coates, (1:-,iborue) lituniota; 1-1, week that Mr. R�. J. Spackinau had ests. Each of the, fotir firms will, it is aii�llollsehold t1lemps, In this until- (Exeterl been electeol Graud'Marshall of the In- �i��ied retain their iudividualjt)?�as fill. ber appears it delightful story, A Wo- Sbapton, Ray Fan, 11 hiev Ki 'xeter) Kil' but can be cleared OURGREAT LINES dependent Order of 0dolfellaws. It istent with. the interests of 1111111"' Re"011, b"' Elle 0 rk Estevau; Aidagli Rollins, (L " its is cons larney;Jacob and Miq,-, Mavy Kraft, 6bould have read Grand Junior Ward- ill. There ion of central. a sprightly roinuince denionsfrating is no intent masixwood) Gretua, Win, Nelson and by properly fitted glasses, incidentalfy, how satishictorih? afll� t,n, a muell higher PoAdon, izing the eonecrns. The syndleate -eadjusted. Th� New Joint Taylor, (Exeter North) Portagv Tit(* seholars of the Trivett .110lit0ri- propose to manufacture antolljobil,, lit Prairlil; T. C Spectacles are our specialty. .; nitiesmay be i olellian, and It. Hig- al church Sunday -w-hool, together in addition to bleveles. This will be Kinderguirtell Papi's, by $,;ftra, '.Nliller giliq, (R'xeter) Carberry, Mrs. Treble, with the teachers and it number (if the began at till early ilato. They will al- Icilliv, ftre takell 111) agaill Ill till$ 11sut, C. Treble and Jos. ;,�ellow, (Bxvtvr When we fit them, FURN I URE avent, -ked -adejuvenile bicycle. the topic foi- the illonth being Rome 'ol Nlr e, 1). q, plenio lit ("rrand Bend so inake it high-gi 'file (N -tit) Virden; � & Henry 01dillor Ittook sey- Very 1'eNv of these, it is said, tm� bo- Wol�k lind Play for September. E Iler- they give satisfaction. en doublt� rigs to c.'trr-y the inerry ing inade Ili Canada. nowest Books.*ete. a treasury, Ili fact, R"Ilinvillo) Crystal 0ity; F. ()f eilt(,rtainink and 11111)1,ovillg bonve- ington, (Usboi*ne) Mod Jaw. To See is to examille and to exanliM, pleasure seekers. Lacrosse Uatch. Rves examined free. ourstock is to bolN fler, attract- Arrangements have beva made for hold itiformation. Subscription $1.(X) 21r. Payton bad the inis- ,Nrorall, tht so-ealledjugg Address Dowtde� 3 vdalarge crowd oil the corner of another lacrosse inatch betweell tile TboxDelini%tor Publlsb?,�ng Co. Tor- f(Irt"ne to fall ov lAs wheel ()It Satur- PAN's are so astounding when the Main , James stroots Thursday Beaver.Maph, Leafs of Seaforth and oiito,,'�rJRi,,hiiioiiiISt.\i7est. evellingaild fractured Ills arill. and day S. Fitton, ... evening. ;out(- of the performance the Exeter National Juniors to take Llromarty: Oil Saturday last Mr. vntstioibadbut-outhe it was place to -morrow (Friday) evening. . , . 'a, Hugh Currie, jr., fell from it scaffold GRADUATE: OPTiCIAN, C0111's (Aalne called lit 6 o7clock. I C. r, . in it barn, striking his bead against it R. r4. powr=. stale class of ainu.,eineut. Of 0 . Jud-lu- iT� : . AT ... he usual collection was taken lip. tile clever playing of both teams a t the PERSONAL. beaniatiolstistailiffig serious Injuries. Mr. *W. D Weeles, secretary Pill)- ]list Match OIL,, will be an interesting lie Library reveived word Wkfllp�zolll contest. Let the game bi* well Pat.roll. 5 e WAA, W -A's W_� Corbett: A very pleasant event T. Fitton's Jewelry Store ized. A. Kemp spent Sunday at Port t011k- place at the r4idoilce of Mr. Jas, �Illot S. k. Max, supvrintendent J S. Mathers, when Ili's eldest daughter, ublic Libraries, Torouto, has approp- 51tivnicuts. Stailley. -A 11 10MMON SENSE riated tbesuin of $200 for the Exeter W.snell and IT. Willert, of Dash- 'Mr. Nelson Slievre returned to Pe- "rvolla was united in Illarrillge to) J -ary. The present grant is 'I'llch wood each shipped it car load of cattle trolia, Tuesday. NV. Jones, the ceremony being er- forilled bV the Rev. S. of Libi A. Carricieil in exeessof that appropriated ]list to Toronto on'Yonday.-Xessrs. Prior Ed. Harness, of London, 1.4 visiting Grand B end. year. - Arnis -;hip it car load Of 110gs bi,% laother here. Varna. & tromg . -o-daS- (Thursd Mr. Thos. Bissett left Tuesday for who teaches its all assistant of Our Z� IV, e gleen the following very timely to Mitchell 1. av-)--,Messrs- 2 1 thal'you should vall and hispevt. advice to correspondents froi�i all ex- NV eeks Bros. shipped it largl� and Cost- Deloraine, Man. school mitil Januar,,*, has boom engaged the lines of oihftljf,�e: in your items wbile ly moriument to Pretilier Greenwiry, I I - �1, they tire fresh. We don't like t - , Man., oil Tuesday, to be, Wilbur Hatiolfokil lilts returned by the trustees of T -No. 7, Stanley, as ill Cit) their to- - n ext vear at a sidar-N, ub- Cryst' acher foi o p erected to the memory of bis son, who home. from Toronto. lish a birthafter the child is weanedii, of $275. The people. of Ni o. 7, will lut-6e M- �4i after the honeymoon is over, died some inonths hgo. W. R. Hodgins, of Hensall, was in ar 5` liss McGuire. GENT'S FURNISHMS an excellent teacher in 3 'T rit o a, husband's death aftl-r the widow Fire. town on Wednesday. Miss Levice Westcott, of Seaforth, I'Zippen .0 has married agam. A big fire has been raging in Thomas I : T. Iffellis, while engaged in the repairing of it, hay press, on that, we have placed in out- store Mrs. Richard Davis met witha paiii- Case's`(iusli, London Road, for the past spLnt Sunday Ili town. - I accident onStinday night last. It Couple of days. The neighbors spent Afr.Nrelsom Cobbledick spent Mon- Saturday last, SlIffered a Very severe Yon will find lu this new stock n stroke (in the head front it heavy bar appears she Nvas milking the cowwhen all Tuesday night lighting it with t1le day Ili Lucan on business. aid of it. thieshing engine tank' yes- vs. G. Wagner is visiting friends of iron, which lie -will not likelv for- theaninialkicked her most viciousl , M ad the bar' been Quality and Price..... injuring one arm badly and bruisilig terday morning they borrolved one of got for it tinio.. 1-1 t� in Detroit for a few weeks. a arp edged the result would have e other considerably. She was ren- Hensall's fire prot�ctioii tanks, , 11d. sh, &-tred unconscious and is at present are doing good work, but it will take Mr. Gus Wagner spent a few days in been hard to fore tell. to suit you. h the. fir,� -iness.1 suffering from her injuries. time to entirely extinquis . Chatham on bus Nfouday. Lucan: As Mr. Sidney Hodgins The work of putting down the gran- Much of the bush is bt��Ily injured.- Miss P. Bawden returned &-iturday was driving through one of his fields FICIAITIM st MOM. olithic walk on the Dist side of Main Reusall Observer. from visiting friends in London. recently uncoiling wire for it. fence, the street was commenced by the con- To be Printed Differently. PercvBi.,o�,NrniiigaudRiissc�lI South- horses took fright and tit -a titile Manufacturers and Insta -WELL FIT tractor, 51 -Jr. A. B. Cosner, of Gocler- The results of the departmental ex- cott spent Friday last Ili London. when."Ur. Hodgms wits not watching, -OF- ich, on Tuesday. The. work will be ftluivatd011s,,vill not I)& published en Miss DidliaBattley, of Stratford, is they gave it sudden start which threw FEELWELL ass UP i1r. 'r Of the guest ofMiss Olive Westcott. him out. He alightpol on his head and prosecuted as speedily as possible and in, e a r this ye, A nntubL when completed it -will -add intich to protests have been inade by Hi A C E T VIA EZ gh KE LOOK WELL..... .1 Mr. W. Hollwav, of Clinton is visi shoulders, and the doctors fear that the appearance ofINfaill street. School masters, who say that coinpaii- . tingfriendsandro�latives inGZ. - the brain hits received serious injury. The fire brigade was called out F ri- 6onsaro madb between schools, and Stephens, of London, is Orornarty: Another of the old set- This is What WO, all'%'ayl; ACCOXXIP]icb� �velling' abolut 8.16, but luckily some schools -use the iiuniber of stu- Miss Rose f GAS whou we i nake it suit for you. -in advertiqem(�,ut. visiting friends here for it few days. tiers has passed away, in the person day e dents who pass its the alarm proved to be a false one, a This leads to the belief that theend of Mr. G. W. Holman, wife and family, of Mrs. James Miller,'Who died at her burning brush pile at the rear of E. A. GE_T4F_t?RT0RS. education is the passing of examina, live visiting friends in and around Ex- late home, halfLmlle east of this vil- Follicks bakery being the cause. it tions. In the future the results of eter. lage, on the evening of the 12th inst. h -4d. however, every appearance of a Mrs. Miller had been. a, sufferer for a each school will be sealeditud sent out 31essrs. Luther , nd Edward Bissett Prices that Please. burning bi-d1ding, as large sparks could I some yea s and bore her trials with One door South Central Hotel, be seen flying Ili all directions and a 'o the headmasters of the schools. wheeled here from London on Sunday christiaurortitude. She leaves a hus- distinct -&re was visible in the hea- Fat Stock Club. last. baind and ii, family of six sons and two vens. A meeting of a, slit) coulmittee of Johnnie Leathorn, dfter it short visit daughters to mourn an irreparable _Uert. Knight E,sc A drygoods establishment in Chica- the Fat, Stock Club was held Thu lay here, returned to his home in London loss. EXETER, ON dof last year to a, sing -le daily news- evening in Malone's hot 'I to revise Friday. L go Pk the pri e list. There Were present pappr -in that city, $97,,P)6i for advOr- z Mr., 0. E. Isaac, dentist, of Cincin- James Millar, John McCorkindale, tising. Three drygoods houses in New secretary, A. W. Tyson and John 1. nati, Ohio, spent Sunday with friends York each paid last year to a single town. Hobson. They did a considerable in New York daily paper over $100,000 amount of w6rk, but it will take John Salter, of London, spent a few and the achnissi(M is made by all th� d another meeting before the list is in days under the parental roof. during dry goods houses that they will excee shape. A prize of $25 is offered by the week. these fignres this year. Mr. Robert Cunningham for the best Mrs. McTavish, who has been. visit - Miss Ida Long, of Witigham, enjoys bullock- in the counties of Bruce and ing her father� Mr. John Hawkshaw, the distinction of being the prettiest Huron. This liberal prize should returned to her home in Detroit On looking girl ou the Excursion train to draw competitors froin. these coun- Saturday, Sarma on Saturday Jast, the award ties. -Guelph Mercury. Mr. Robt. Dinney, who has been on 0 being made by three competent Ili da - Council Proceedings� the sick list, is a bi(- to attend to his cs�Nlessm R. V.McKenzie, Lucknow-; Piz Wm.Tama,13, Blyth; and:W.J. Car- . Councilillet purstiant to adjourn� duties again. ling, Exeter, all whom are credited ment at Town Hall, Aug. 18. All pres- Miss E.dith Gidley, after a pleasant ent. Evans-Arinst-rong, , that the visit with friends in London, returned A % with having a great eye for the I'D *` "'Eudora"' CeIVIVIA-uth Reeve and Clerk be ins Ito sig 0 - "bextitifol." tructec _n home Tuesda.y� A ri contract and agreeirient with A. B. A V. Miss Dottie Cowniln. and Miss Meta t.� . q) is softer, richer, The young inan who carries,a revol- Cosner for payment on being satisfied Clarke of Toronto, are visi A ting their vatli. greater -%vidth and weight than any Henrietta. ithout.a good and safficient rea- with the security- furnished. -Carried. Ver w son known to his friends', 'and, cousin, May Clarke. Ideal in the richness of its surface glow and drap- we TaylOr-Minir, that, the foil ac- ing qualities. It is the perfection of a %yf to the public authorities, Miss Amy Johns, who met with a, A 11T miglit & owing counts be passed and orders draw. is a dangerous person. There is no Treasurer for:same:-J. W. Creech, shootingaccidentyecen�ly is.able to telling when possession will tempt labor. $9. be out, avoui--id agam.. Black Dress Fabric in Yo g men 38; Walter Westcott, do., $6; Xk , t, 1 0 bi to usethe weapon. , I un Geo.,Cudmore,,doi, $1.88; John Vall Mr. H. L. Kerr, of Ingersoll, was the 4% It willnot grow rnsty-its dust -shedding qualities carrying revolvels will do well to n do.,, $4.63; C. Smith, do., $5; Tbos. Hat' guest of his cousin, Messrs. Weekes throw theniAn the river and avoid �w wee -s. are absolute.' . Matchless ill delicacy of textur�- ter do., $4; 1). Russell do., $5.25;' E. Bros. the past fe k danger. -Stratford Herald. unsurpassed' in its wearing service. Silk warp. -rosse you want 0nt, do., $2.20; S. Handford, do., $9. Fred Hawkshaw, who has been lit- Wrapped on the varnished board, I.' Priestley If it is a garne of Lae, W(-tbster.,do., $5; J. Heywood, do., tending Forest City Business Colie- stamped on every fifth yard. to see take in the match to -mol -row -$3; T. W( --Lst week. 4sh, do., $3.87; Samuel Bas-' retitrued home 1, A ay) niglit between the SeafOrth kerville, street watering, $1.50; Geo. (Frid, Mi.. W. J. Clarke, of Torolit(,), is The Improved Henrietta, and Exeter teauls. Band ill atten- Smallacorube, do., ft :F W. Creech, spending �t few days in town this wcck via (lance. do., $29�70; Gr o. Atkinson, d6., $q.75; with his brother, Mr. J P. Clarke. To FatTxerS, Thos. Brock,elabor, $,3.75; The Morti.- The. lindorSl­ned wishes -to inform more Publishing Co., advertising for Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Bobier rettivned tile faxiners wF io bave logs Tying at tenders, $5-, Will, Ford, $50, part pay- frOul New York'Thul-solay vvliere tbey 't foi leasut rXLii(!Jnn!s men - stone.-'�Ca.i.,ried.'Mtilt--Arryt- had been on a 1), -e trip. They re - the mill yard of the Stltbe it [strong, th;i ')rt a, lnost,p)ea Co. that they can have, them cut t Coujiciladjourn. to Sept. P( sant trip, -the weather atthe mill. I Ist, at 8 O'clock P,nl.-CaITied. Cool and baluiy, notwitlistaild- e r S P one by � I vpplying (x�JTS WAGNER H. BisSETT, Clerk. Jug he extreme heat here. Qo1d by E. J. SPACKMANi.