HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-8-24, Page 5THE
exam ti v .bxxuac rt. ,
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Otfrce,
—By the—
One Dollar $pearg0 an if not so p id.in Advance
3dzrartes sag Rates. mss aseneaanma.
No paper disoontinued until all arre rage
*reload. .Advertisements without specific
direoticns will be published till forbid and
ehargedaeoordingly. Liberal discountmade
for transoIen,t advertisements inserted for
long neriode. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques,moneyord
era, &e. for advertising, subseriptions,etc.to
be med.@ payable to
Chas. H. Sanders,
Professional Cards.
N SDSAN, L. S L D. S. & DR. A. R. .
laKINSMAN, G A. S•, D. D' S., kionor
graduate of Toronto university,
Teeth extr=acted without any pain, or any
bad effects. Office 1n Fanson'e Sleek, west
!side Main Street, Exeter.
TTR.D. ALTO:' 11NDERS01�,(D,D.S.,L.DS.+I
L honors Graduate oftlte Toronto Vui-
;situ and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
et Ontario. Teeth extra=cted without pain,
All modes of Dentistry np to elate, wilco
ova' Elliot & Elliot';; law otice—opposite
Qeutraal Hotel—Exeter.
T e e.T. P, eicLATURLI\`, MEMDER O!a'
✓ S o
s s c . ur a ns
theCollegoofPhv acaan.aral g
Ontario. Phystetan, Surgeon, and Aceouela-
eur, Office, Data:mood, out.
/ Reticitor:i, Noteriee, Couvev°aaeers,
Commissioners. Solieitore for the lti1olsoes
Dank, ate. motley to leen at 5 and 51a ppar
cent. Office P'ansan's Block, Main St.,
Exeter, to member of the firm will be at
T u s 1
on Thursday
of each
T. R. CARLING, D. A., L. H. Dlciisoa.
Ete•, Conveyances, end Money to
0, P, ET1.zoT, F. W. c`rt,Anstaaa.
4 kl l.14'S EXPECTFD RY
Liverpool, Aug.THE 22 —September wheat,
yesterday closed %d higher than Setur-
dpy; December wheat eed higher,
sneer Cobs •<
are noted for banging on.
They weaken your throat
and lungs, and. lead to
Don't trifle with them.
Take Scott's Emulsion at
once, it soothes, .heals,
and cures..
sec. and All druggists.
u ists.
;lW i ° ti
p�7 RRitow ,\linchebee LicenseeMolt
AL. fencer tor the Counties of Perth end
Middlesex, also for the township off; eborne
e term
Promptly avttenlo•l tsand
sonb4le,S:ales arra need at Poet offiee.Wins
:1 Insurance Agent,
Main St.
\Tann lat-turt'r and dealer in Plows
Gang Plows, J.4uul Rollers, Root
Cutters, Straw Cuttterx., SAWS,
Belting, Fire ];rick, Fire Clay, and.
Baabbett \Itetaal.
On Engines, Boilers, lfowetr:s and
Binders promptly attended to,
Mower and Binder Knives and
General Repairs kept on baud.
Tire ITpsetters, 'fire Platforms inl
TO TUE DEAF. :1 ric=h lady,
eared of her Deafness and Noises
the Head by Dr. \ ic'holson'e .11 tificial
Ear Drums, has sent $1,000 to his In-
stitute, so that deaf people unable* to
procure the Ear Drums may have
then' free. Apply to Department
A. S. N, The Institute, "Longeott,"
Gunnersbury, London. W., England.
. 'M To read the big stores' ad-
�. ver tiselllents ...... ..
For whose 'good are we in
41 the furniture business? For
•N ours. yours and os. If we are not
useful to you we cannot be use -
Iful to ourselves. We have got
to carry the goods you want at
the prices you want or we can-
not make a success of our busi-
ness. But we have been doing
business right along for years,
which proves that we are the
right kind of people with the
right prices. Come and see for
Furniture. Uadeetaking,
Furniture. Undertaking,
Will be found a safe and pleasant
cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera.
Moxhis, etc. This remedy contains no
opium, is pleasant to take, and has
proved itsef the most reliable remedy,
for smuttier complaints in the market.
price 25 cents.
Sold by (', Lutz, Druggist, Exeter,
'When the Stomach and Laver are
out of order, a (lose of DIX Lrrn,,l
LIVER PILLS will often ward off an
attack of D']aaahceaa, Dysentery', Cholera
'-#tort>i, ete.
0. Lutz.
� l
\o experieucenere.. ser\ Permanent posi-
tion. Liberal tern,, Pay weekly. Stook
complete with fast eellin; specialities, in.
chiding Seel Wheat, Corn, P.ot atoee. Xe.
OI'TFLT b'REl. Secure territory paw,
Write, BROWN 11RQS, GQ•, Nureer'men•
Drown'. Nareeriee P. 0 , Out.
Eglnondville: 1,1111 'aa Scott I't>ater,
sixth daughter of Mac' late J. et, Poet.
l oat -
i', was taken ill two weeks ago last.
Monday. with what appeared to he a
SI'\'ere bilicuas,attaek. 1his,for a time,
seemed to ;yield to good eare and meth
cal tie—lament, but the appearances for
improvement were deeeptiv ce,and,afteer
being miters eitels for Mullet thirteen
boors. vitt' quietly p;teetetll into the
alunal►erfrom which noun" ever ;meti, •,
'slat+ deceased, who had neatly a
The Boer President Has Qeclicled
Britain's Proposition.
ho Calanlal OMee Ia anuria, Hut Officials
There show Irritability and Believe.
Tar Must Follow -.Kruger Conducted
a Service *Mt Praa'ed 'rlt*t in Case of
war God Nao1>t kind atmglet. and Truth
on Itii Side.
London, Aug. 20,—•Thera i3 no longer
any^ doubt that Presilient Kruger as .ro.
fused s 1 �h an ,of
d to t to t demand M,
us aloin o
Joseph. Chamberlain for the appointment
of a court of inquiry. He may hays done
so dinloneaticaliy or hcdgingly, But that
his reply is regarded by the British naGov
ernment as tantamount to a. positive tiv ere•
fusel is now an eatabiisbed fact., The Duluth, No,l 11'4 0 :'iii• . -
Colonial Office is normally non -commit- hflnneuuollaa. , . , 0 70 0 GS'z 0-i0
tal, but there are other evidences which Tol.,oxro sr, I.a•av>Rl'.NCE 31.1410E'r..
a i1
justifythe bre
that President Kruger has proposed neer,'ORAl a
terms 12 somewhat verified by the guards� Wheaat. whit-. ba,......0 72 to
ed comment of the Colonial Office olfic \Sheat•. 1111 ,Au, , , . ,..., 0 7.'3
Pals, and the irritability displayed there, \\he"r, Fife, spring, 1?u. 0 et;
Wheat, good„ he.,,,.-.. 0 09
wee Lb On. iy Recourse,ey, int
1;.1'1 /41 .. . o i0
There ls . sliglat eas. bu, . , .. , .. ,... 4 •tad
they believenottva►ralae is now theteat ondoubl> \vaFkhat to CrusP. bu ... 0 30
set5le the eoneroversy, They would far ; Rye. bu 0 53
Fauber hese had a curt, defiant; answer $ucLwhrat, bra. - 0 55
than toe tsn�porizh g reply wbioh thsp HAT ANI! ST/00T.
Doer President ha;: sent, With the former 7 T�� nrly. per ;00... . , T10 T. to tl l 00
(lrelat tirltaaiu woul1d hart plain greauride ; _
for a quick sDmineuvelet';ie of htistilitie s, 5tid:S. +rat".at, per ton. , , 7 00 7 75
Under the eireumstances wide)) it is bDe k stns\ lots++'. Por tun. - 4 0+1 5 40
ltev-d now exist, alagrosefve sates swede :'fiber moot -ore
oonaiderablo explenetioU to justify ie in 1 Rtitatir. lb. lolls. , , .. , .... 18 ter 50 ;.'0
the eyes of the world and the i'1ngiish l i i ao hew laaid..., .. , . 0 13 0 15
LIVEltroOL )14.RKLT5..
Liverpool, Aug. 22. ---Yesterday's clogs;
Spot wheat, flim; California, 6s 14;
Med; r
ala 5
W 1
, s 11 d Winter, 5s 0
3 d re W _t d•
Northern s ri Gs 2d; future st d __
September, Os 103rd; December, Os f d,
Spot corn, steady; neve, Oa 4%4; old, Se
4%4; futures steady; September, 3e %4;
October; 34 4 J d, Flour, 18s 34,
LEepree NV,lils.' ')IE RRETS.
Following were the closinrt ricer at
Following �, p
imports: centre; yesterday:
Aug: Sept, Dec.
Chicago, .,,, $0 71% $0 73K
New York_ 0 cai3�' 0 ,9,z
Milweukeee Q ,3?a • -.
St. Louis, .. ., 0 i23 0 747
Toledo . Q -fie 0 7a a. ^70
Detroit,. et MO. 0 74 0 70ea'
uhN . 0 i
Du t o, '10 0 ?
1 Nor 0 As
minority, who still declare ever wouiel be part1,1r
an outrage, However, if Mie Chamber." Chie.svns, per paair e,) 4:a to `:4 80
lainn has hie way, 10 le believed that i ` urkeye, per lb, ......, u 111 0 11
President Krugeir's cennter.proposels will i DUek7, nes Pair. - 0 50 0 ti.)
elect with some attention, and unitise t en tes Aso v eetereire ei.
the Boers c9rpletely back dawn, which ie • ()mune, per ivatt . el :t') to e. , ..
not likely, the ttri51e evill quiWkly develop g Potaito.% per baat;,•... - 0 00 0 75
into war. PANT' tiUrieaL a e'ft.rrne 3141itICE:r',
It is gathered that the C;oianlal (sages.
has boon aware of the nature of thest Buffalo.a1o Aug.A g,
sTba narket
Transvaal reply for some days, and it 15 was generally active yesterday, Good
cem'nnuioated to tare War Office. hence 'toA hest stnotat11 fat export rattle,
1t le ,probable Great Britain will delay,; $5.75 to $t); export hulls. $4 PI $4415;
the denouement as little as po„,ib1e. Weil tet choice uutcher steers, $S3:15 te:
(Changed every Wednesday)
WheatPer balsheiG', to ut
Flour per cwt 155 to >.(C)
Barley 25 to 85
Oats 05 to 25
50 to 55
45 to 48
14 to t5
E 1_.
•i0 2 )
Potatoes to
e ,
Bee pee ton 4,SOto 500
Prie0 Apples per ib. 5
Wool l5 to 34
a,ruger'rtatreet for Mr(kaudort. . est fat heifers. $4 50 to $4.75;
Burlin, Aug. u_The \atlaten not.N fat cows, good to beet, 54 to $4.,,1, stook.
riehten ublialtes the following ilea tsh;. ers, choke ro exzra1 quality, $4.'15 to
ft4 50. sto>ela naafis, 9 75 to $3; fancy'
from ]fir ttorla.: " I';rea,ldent Kruger a tear enrliti^ `1..5 to $33+1; calces, ood to
Opted, beer twenty-fona'th yc':tr. ware th►ya ago personae' condaeuutl a ,church , hole' at;. a , 4; stook heifers g58 to
usually- the picture' of good health and and service prior to leading an official mop- $3 er;,;'f'cedara. ood to extra, e4 to *Lee;
perfect ]hy sieaal development. tide,
continuo with a bright, i'lteel'Rul de
position and kindle- manner render ell
her the ,joy Of the glome cezrcele and be-
loved by call who knew her. To data
sadly .tris en brothers and eleter5,
and especially to the almost heart
broken mother, wile, in less than as
year, has been deprived of husband
and daughter, the ial'ofound sympathy
of this entire community is extended
in this tin' Hilae of then' sudden h.•-
rt'uveanent and great ,chem.
tloli, In ane etat,raa of alta ert"uon• lira fresh caws, choice to extra goad beg. $48
1 nraved that if war Mere unavoidable, to ate; gond to ehnh', awe to $4S •,
A Thous ice Tongues,
'Could not eexnress the rapture Of
Annie E. Springer, of 1'125 Howard
st„ Philadelphia, Pa., when she found
that 1)r. King's New Discovery for
Consumption hail completely enrol
her of as hacking tough that formany
lupi macre life at 1>nrtltn. All
other rem ed.ies andtitle tons could give
her no help. but she says of this Royal('ure- >"it soon renewed :the pain in
Pty' vilest and 1 out now sleep soundly,
somethin1 eau seereely ri'uu'ililler
doing before. I feel like sounding its
praises throughout the 1.'niwel'se*." So
will e'tenyone who tries. I)1'. Ring's
New 1)iseovt'a'y for any trouble of time
'1'luoat lu
P':;t or bangs. Pelee .iii
e t Pts and 111,*Nl at. any Drug Store;
every bottle guaranteed.
Varna: Ob :,long week., and old
lauld mark was removed. Bayfield
road church was torn do\\•11 and will
be moved to Varna. The congrega-
tion will worehip in the town lulls at
the regular limns of service, anti Sab-
bath siehool and Christian Endeavor
meetings will ;deo be held at the sante
hoax's at \vhit�h they were held in the
old church. while the Oen- church is in
course' of erection.
ZS'ingbuni: Saturday last, Mr.
David Dillies, a farmer near Whitce-
chtu'ch, met with an accident that]night have proved fatal. He was een-
gegcd in drawing in grain, when the
load on which he 'MIS upset, In fall-
ing he struck the. ,pitch -fork, which
pierced his ineast. Fortunately in
falling, the prongs were turned from
hint. so that instead of entering his
body to any depth, their tendency was
out ward.
Cash Price paid for Black
.A.sh, White Ash, Red andWhite
Oak, Hard and Soft Maple, )le, ITexul.ock
Soft and Rock Elm. Either stumpage
or delivered in yard.
1 apply
For further particulars to
Manager for the S. 1., Co. Exeter.
of '\I e.
'n haul The weddingi i
Hugh E. Rorke and i\Iiss Rosa, Cum-
niughanle, daughter of lt1r. John Cnn-
1 iui ' tea.., )rayl at "13nun � Placa:
Laing 1, s , 1 �
the residence of the brides father, on
\','edneeday, Aug. Oth. Tho ceremony
was performed by Rev. i�'. G., How-
son. Sine way, assisted by her sister,
Miss Florence Miss Helen Colville
made ai. pretty flower girl dressed en-
tirely in white mid carrying a baguet
of sweet pews 1,1,.e. groom] wasassist-
sai t
ed by Mr. Howard N. Evely of Str'aath-
Kippen: Frank Canning, son of M1•.
Janes Canning, who at present is ly-
ing in a Very critical condition, with
little or no improvement as yet, and
is suffering very much from an abscess
in the bone of the leg. On Saturday
last, Dr. i'iustroeg, with the assis-
ssistonye of Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, per-
formed an operation on the little fel-
low's leg, between the ankle enol the
knee.- It may be that more operations
will have to follow, but at the present
we are not wise in saying what the re-
sult Slut lllaj l (
Robbed{ h Grave.
A startling incident, of which M1'.
John Oliver,of Philadelphia, was the
subject, is tiaxa.ated by hila as follows:
> • d ad ` 1 condition:
a ina �111<�t iC fin
I was
My Was C
yellow,eyes sun-
skin \\ ti almoste
ken, tongue coated, pain 'continually
in back and sides, no ,appetite—grad-
ually growing weaker daayy by day.
Three physicians had given me up.
Fortuna.telyi a fiieud advised trying
"Electric Bitters; and to ;ny great
joy and surprise, the first bottle made
a decided irprovement. I continued
theix' use for three weeks, and aan'i now
a well man. I know they saved my
life, and robbed the grave of another
victim. No one should- fail to try
them. Only 50 cents a bottle, every
bottle guaranteed, ;a any Drug Store.
Goal luight find right anti trtltli on the , spritagei"a, good to extra, $4x1 to $45.
lido of the Afrlkanders." Sheep and 1.rnmba-.-banlbs, choice
W. x tem oterterol,aaal. I extra, were quotable. $ti to 56 35; good
Cape Town, Aug. 23...-Areor0iag to.to choice, V3.75 to 55; mixed sheep,
Afri] ander reports the'1'rensraaaVe replyvlmko to extra, 54 to $445; goodto
is 15 counter-prop0tacd of a flet' -cars' ,, shouse, 53.75 to $4; wtethexs, 5.4.40
retrospective iraanchlso In the election of ' 54.15.
the I'reeiclent,and tin lnereased repro- I Hopi—Heavy hogs were quotable,
sentaation. Is is said that tho suggestion to $5.05; 'nixed, 53.10 to 55 ns; York -
la made to subject all other differences ere, 5.510 to 55.15; pigs, 54.73 to 54.$5;
to arbitration, 1 gras=sers, ;4.75 to 51.95; roughs, $3.00 to
ALL QUIET IN PARIS. (assn t: al A lt N K1.'S.
Utica, N.Y., Aug. a2 ---.Tho following
Vrom .low on ,tit the churches wwiu It. , were the sales of cheese on the Board of
Guarded and Troops \1I1'o In Trade yesterday: :4,140 boxes large e
letedtneeWitt 0U0, 13.100 do. at 10o, 250 boxes do.
at 10?ie, 530 boxes largo white at tl moo,
Paris, Aug. 22.—.The papers of this 842 boxes small colored at 9%4).180 boxes
easy, in commutating on the riots which do. at Me, 2,299 boxes do. at 10c, 160
took place Imre Sunday, aro unanimous boxes do. at Wile, 1,173 boxes small
in pronouncing the situation to be of the wbitu at 914e. 300 boxes de. at, :late, 140
moat serious aluaraotor.. The Conservative - boxes do. at 10?,o, 19 packages butter at
and Nationalist organs accuse the Gov- , 20e. 20 Luaoknges nt ;'034e, 181 lxaekuges
or.nment of provoking tho day's bloodshed at els.
by unjustfhablo arrests, Tho Menials
reproaches the Cabinet for not baying shot bra Pollcemam
taken measures to prevent the excesses, Ottawa, Aug, 32.—Constable Flynn of
The Radical press protests against the the Ottawa pollee force shot Joseph
vont a
ntareecurrence of them. disordersand hopes the police will pec Lough late Sunday night. A gang of
men WAS at the corner, and Flynn order -
A11 ()klatches Guarded. on the mon to move on. One of there
From to -clay on all the churubcs will refused and attacked the constable. Then
be guarded by pickets of Republican Lough set a fierce bulldog at the police-
Ounrds, and detachments of infantry and Pian, and us the dog jumped for the
cavalry will be held in readiness for policeman's throat Flynn shot it dial.
eventualities. hough then made for no officer, and the
The damage "lone by the rioters to the gang bucked him up. Tho roIicoaran put
Churcn of St. Joseph is estimated at three bullets into Lough and the gang
8,000 francs. It is surrounded by police, scattered. the wounded man was taken
and no ono is allowed to approach the to the station, and afterwards taken to
building. It is pointed out than most of the Protestant Hospital under guard.
the persons arrested for rioting are youths The wounds are in his legs, and are not
from 15 to 20 years a]d. dangerous. Flynn has been a.uspended
The Rue Cbarbrot is occupied by the pending investigation.
1 1st Infantrywith fixed bay -
and 3 y
11es aro ^marded
ousts. All the approac ,
and it is impossible to traverse the streets
owing to the crowds, whioh are every -
whore increasing.
Guerin Attacked at Last.
London, Aug. 23.—The Daily Chroni-
cle publishes the following from its Paris
correspondent: A. detaohment of infantry
has just commenced an attack upon B3.
Guerin's house, which is likely to lend to
morning. n fide beforeninNobody is
bio h
g. go
allowed to approach the scone, and the
cavalry charges are needlessly brutal.
NINE U. S. Soenions DROWNED.
haft Capsized and They Were Swept
.Away—Gen. Wheeler at manna.
Manila. Aug. 22.—While a reconnoiter-
ing party of the 34th Infantry, under
Captain Crane, Was crossing the Marquina
River on a raft yesterday the bawser
broke. The current was very swift at
that point. and caused the raft to capsize,
drowning nine enlisted men.
The United States transport Tartar,
from San Francisco July 24, with Gen-
eral Joseph Wheeler and his daughter,
troops of the 19th Infantry and more
than $1,300,000 in coin has arrived. Gen-
eral Wheeler, who is well, landed and
reported at the headquarters.
Russian Engineers Massacred.
Marseilles, Aug. 22.—News has arrived
here that a mission of Russian engineers
and their escorts were recently attacked
by Chinese brigands at Kirin on the
China -Russian frontier on the Manchuria
Railway. All were massacred.
2,500 Victims Buried.
Ponce, Island of Porto Rico, Aug. 22.
es of
the bodies othat
—It is now estimated
victims of the recent hurricane
have been buried, that 1,000 persons'
were injured by the storm and that 2,000
people are still missing.
Son. P. Mitchell :again Att,eciced.
Aug. 22.—Hon. Peter Mitchell
suffered another slight stroke of paralysis
yesterday afternoon. 'while standing on
the steps of the Russell House, He re-
ceived.promptmedical attention, and it
is announced that the attack was very
slight and due in large measure to the
Triple Daneine et 1)awi,av,.
Seattle. Wash., Aug. 23.—Passengers
on the steamer City of Topeka, which
arrived last night from Skagnay, Alaska,
bring news of the first legal execution
in the Klondike. A triple hanging occur-
red at Dawson on Aug. 4. The parties
hanged were two Indianss, Dawson Nan-
tuik and Jim Nantuck, and one white
roan, Edward Henderson. Henderson
r cern his partner
Was convicted
named Peterson, on the trail near Marsh
Lake, in September, 1897. The Indians
were conv
� • rt
William f xnnrdorr n
ic_rd o
Mahan and injuring his partner, James
Foss, on the McClintock River, in May,
1898. Tho execution passed off without
special incident.
Will lie Seen at the Fair. '
Toronto, Ang. 22.—A special attraction
is to be provided for all ]overs of fine
stock at the Industrial Fair, Toronto,
which is to be held Aug. 88 to Septem-
ber 9. An exhibit of Jersey cattle and
Berkshire pigs is to be made by the
famous Hood Farm. Lowell, Mass. This
bord has been built up by gathering to-
gether, at great expense of time and
looney. the best representatives of the
Combination and Tennessee strains, and
by the exercise of the best judgment in
Big Bush Fire.
Hamilton, Aug. 22. -Over on the high-
lands west of the city yesterday afternoon
dense clouds of smoke were seen ascend-
ing, indicating a bad bush fire some-
where out in Beverly Township. Inquiry
at Freelton showed teat a great fire was
raging in the swamp inthe s
cion, east of that village.
Struck by Lightning.
Wellington, Ont., Aug U.—About 11.
o'clock yesterday lightning struck and
burned T. Raynor's barn and drive -
house, with his entire crop, together
with many implements. There was an
insurance of $800 on buildings and con-
Death of Mrs. James Innes.
Guelph, Ont., Aug. 22. -Mrs. James
Innes,oife of Mr. James Innes, ex-M.P.,
died at her residence here yesterday
What does your mirror say?
Does it tell you of some little
streaks of gray? Are you
pleased? Do your friends of
the same age show this loss,
of power also?
Just remember that gray
hair never becomes darker
without help, while dark hair
rapidly becomes gray when
once the change begins.
r s
�r h
but don't think you can patch
clothes to look like new,
Then again it would
pay you when you can buy
clothing at the prices we
Pants made to order, all
wool heavy tweeds $2.00
Suits '9.80
Black. 'Worsted suits a spec-
ial, 812,00
Our $20 blacks beat all
others at 823. Come and see
for yourself.
People. patronize us because
they realize that we always
sell clothing that is strictly
up-to-date.... , M
ft G IE tE
Opposite Post Offiee
will bring back to your hair
the color of youth, It never
fails. It is just as sure ss
that heat melts snow, or that
Water quenches fire.
It cleanses the scalp also
and prevents the formation of
dandruff. It feeds and hour-
lahcs the bulbs of the hair
making them produce a luxu-
riant growth. It stops the
hair from falling out andgives
a fine soft finish to the Bair
as well.
'We hero a book on the hair and
Scalp which you may obtain :tree
Upon request.
1t Jou (lomat obtain all tho benefitn
IOU axpeeted from the use al trio
Vigor, write the Doctor stoat it.
Address, D11..1. C. AtYER.
newets glass.
of law is list exeatst, be.
ignorance nf,,.,
i .LL
is at misfortune.
a; -OOG
T.F. 13 in Gilt on every11tL1
plug and package.
Godeliell: After a brief (illness Of
� ono. Downing, u. woo
'1ithanaa \ e e i. 11 i1 1.
lees ,
R 011 E R MILLS.
known and highly esteemed residento
paid natures debt tin Wednesday
morning aalid passed peacefully away.
Thm'sdaay of last week lie*as working Always Ready.in his shoe shop and• store and 'MIS
taken with ('rlun.pe, which \\'ere thought
to indicate tbolc'ra moelme, and a phy-
sician Nesta summoned. -1 he trouble
turned out to be appendicitis and peri-
tonitis, All that was possible to Ile
donee for the patient (outside of an
operation, which was feared owing to
Mr. Downing's years) Was of no avail, —BIG STOCK ON HAND.
's spirit
r ' • l seek until lu , 11r t
!t(lial t
t a l \
ancll t
.departed ars stated above. He reteintd
consciousness until within en hour of
his death, with short spells of delirium
as his 'health failed.
Flour, Wholesale and Retail,
('hoped feed, Barley, Peas, Oats, Corn
Winghtom While Ii. A. Plourd
wast: at work in T. Bell & Solis factory
onToeallaay the index finger of • his
right hand got caught in the ]machine
and was broken in two places.—On
Tuesday the twelve-yeair-old eon of Mr,
John Elliott, East 'Wewanosh, met
with an accident white,. nearly- cost
him his right foot. Mr. Elliott was
w' asked his
driving the mower 1 nlrcl hadvet
son to get him a whip. The boy got
in front of the knives to Hand the
whip to his father • and the horses-
orsesstarted suddenly. His foot was caalight
by the knives and before the machine
could be stopped that member tv.as
frightfully mangled, a piece of the
bone being broken aaway.—On .ramlcialy
Mr. Harry Wells'
of Glenuatnan. was
driving; a pig and.when he kitkeed t,.c
animal 1t turned on hini and bit his
foot so seriously that it required a
doctor te1dress the wound
Paig's Gclerij OQllIQllR
Saues a Little Girl's Life.
Users of Paine's Celery Compound
never surfer disappointment.
The great medicine at all times ancl.
under .all circumstances brings to all
sufferers relief and permanent cure.
Mr. Maximo Martel, 180 Mitcheson
Street, Montreal, tells what Paine's
Celery Conlpoulad accomplished for
daughter, r,
whose case was
considered an incurable one; he says:
"My,cleughter, now eight years old.
was afflicted with terribe scrofula for
nearly six years and we thought her
case 88 incurable one. We had sever-
al phvsicians to attend her,' and ,she
took medicine of ail kinds, but she got
worseinsteadl of better: Having
our atteution drawn to the fact that
Paine's Celery Compound. wrought.
ones after other medicines failed, we
procured a supply, andrafter" a fait use
of the medicine we can report that the
disc:ue is oearconle, and we trust has
disappeared forever.- Qin little girl is.
now bright, strong end healthy, sleeps
and eats well, and her blood is now as
Imre as it, can possibly be. I have
great pieaasuiti ie T'ecOrllxnexlclmg
'nhie's Celery Compound as a cure for
scrofula and. blood diseases; it is the
best 'medicine in the world.
Prices Eight.
AUG, 29t1e,'RETURNING Until Oct. 2Stet, and
Sept. 12th, ' " Nov, 11th, 1899
From all points iu Ontario, Windsor.
and East.
.tor further particulars apply to the
nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to
z. F_. NO'S3vi3N'
Assistant General ,Passenger Agent
IISII8$ OaticgB
of our Graduates se-
cured good positions
since January aryl.
Term begins Sept. 4th -
i Good board can be obtained
here for $2:$0 per week.
11Ian ager.
tenseesseesee. el : ).4 .. A1C.!-
Coon's Cotton Root Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com-
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous,. Price, No; 1, $1 per
box; Nos 2,30 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -sent
stamps, The Cook Company Windsor, Ont,
laf-NoS, 1 2 sold ane recommended by ail
responsible Druggists in Canada.
Nos. 1 and No, 2 sold in l,' xeter l)y Ce
Lutz, Drat gist,