Exeter Advocate, 1899-8-24, Page 2Sebserieers wbe do not reeve thei; Pa
iregelarly win please notify us at Qnve.
Cau et this 'face fer advtrtising
lately 100.000. inhebitants of Loudon ere
etight wethers. • t
To Pley football.was i. crime in England •
steeepig tele roma 0 Henry VIII.
Ap Australian sporting paper records a
steuety-fooe jump by a kangaroo.
he arst coffee house in Lonaon Was
opened ie te52 by the Greek servant of
Turkish merchant.
Minv heutes in Berlin. Germ:atty. are
inumtered, with luininons agures, which
ere easily visible at night
Tbe C.,rand -cane:. China, is the largeet
tiattAeiai wetereourse in the world.
650 Midas iemt and counects the citie$ cf
me:sae and•liatigehow.
Eaferea Chitieae -women is tee.rried be
iteedet,,,reat pomp and state to la.r.
tatt:re borne her entire trousseace.which
as esseeed in large tozes. the keys of whiele
*Le k.
at 1Qrat n witzerlami, has the
cure eis seoperty Of rat..reng red every te-
aeare. awing to the peesenee of eertain
aquiele plants whieh aro uot known to
Any ester lake in tite world.
'Lae only man in Great Britein who bee
the erivaege •of wearing his hat in the pre-
ieuee.ef Queee Vietoria is Lora Forester,
else treiecirf Wenlisek. •rhis privilege ,
ws ecrrferred on his aucestor by a geent
front King Henry VIIL
lois City. Idaho, 400 feee below
surfeee. tLre is subterraueau
akelea water of S70 desrees
aas *r '4n enough to ascend to
e (ip Coo r t.f niest of the houses, ad
eetla Le piped to them for heating pus-
A. Small Pi la bet e.ern.-'-Tey t ha
ereelee et the pee cee pa: by its siZe,
Act' u.41 eov,s:itur P,,rniteetes -Vegeta:tie
te :aeliit.g. It :s little weeder
emcee; pais. Wee: a itteass in wee it
matteaup M pieeney. The remeaess
wieei. it earriee are eet:up u these sliaata
eust they .are So _powerful that
cu.yemall the es :ire required. Tite full
etresigtti of ne rier,4 :4 !secured ie. tuts
Ural and do ;twir were thertingaly,
How to Prepare Whitewash.
Take half a tIntslaelzed. lime,
'lack it with isoiline waxer, cover during
the preeess to keep in the steam, strain
the liquid through a tine sieve or strainer
and mid. to it a peek tet salt previously die.
eolved in warm water. three pounds of
vetted rice beilea iro a thin paste and
aimed in while hot, heat a pound of
elpanish whiting and one pound clean
glue preeieuely d by seat:lug in
cold water and then hanging over a clew
lire in a small pot hung in a larger one
fille&t with water. Add live gallons of hot
water to the mixture, atir well and let it
stand a few days. rover from dirt. It
should be applied hie. for which purpose
it can be kept in it kettle or portable fur-
nace. A. pint of ibis wash mixture, if
preperty applied. will Cover one bquisre
yard. wed will be almost as serviceable as
eiaint fur wood, jsrli r stone.
By their action on the Stomach, Liv-
er and Bowele, Miller's Worm Powders
correct all such troubles as leek of Ap-
petite. Biliousness, Drowslneee, Sallow
Complexion, vbs.; iiiee to take.
Expressed in His Own Way.
A certain Sunday S'ehool teacher who
had a ',lass of boys of "associated sizes"
establithed the mato= in her class of re-
peating each Sunday a Scripture passage
in unison until it was firmly implanted in
the "vagrant minds." The etneetion for
the Sunday in question was "'Tis I; be
=Cot afraid," and. after the usual mental
gymnastics had been gone through, after
sin expectant hush, one promising youth
volunteered the information that he knew.
"Well, what is it?" asked the teacher.
"It's me; don't get skeered," was the ren-
dition of the verse.
Einard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows.
The Difference.
It is in composition, whether dealing
with history or mere essay subjects that
some of the most entertaining finds are
imbedded. A sixth -grade English youth,
writing upon the difference between town
and country life, observed that "country
people are very simple and are held in
contempt by the higher class of London-
ers London people are rarely s) healthy
:as country people, but it is not thought
genteel if a person hes a red face."
Broken down systems, shattered nerves,
-and emaciated forms are rapidly res.ored
by Miller's Compound Iron Pills.
Electric Road Tip Mont Blanc.
Frenchman named. Faber proposes to
build an electric road up Mont Blanc. In
order to avoid the glaciers he suggests
tunneling just below a ridge which ex-
tends along the side of the mountain. The
upper station will be located upon a rocky
promontory some 800 feet below the top,
which is simply a mass of ice. The road
will be of the rack and pinion type and.
about six miles long. Power will be de-
rived from a waterfall. T veo million dol-
lars is the estimated cost.
Tees, SABIN, of Eglington, says: "1
have removed ten corns from my feet with
Holloway's Corn Cure." Reader, go thou
end do likewise.
Alpine Ice Quarry.
An Alpine glacier near Briancon is
now regularly oper ted as an ice quarry,
the blocks cut and conveyed over an over -
bead cableway to a con-venient place for
shipment by rail to Paris, there to be used
In the cafes and hotels of the metropolis.
New life for a quarter. Miller's Com-
pound Iron Pills
Police Captain—Why didn't you help
that woman across the street?
Officer Casey (surprisedly)—Why, sir,
'that's only my wife!
Pruned, Panctuate4 a4 rreserved in
rimy r aragraphe for the Perusatet
PraMical People — Personal. r °Matte
aL4 Profitable.
Tbe Ontario 1.0,0.F. Grand Lodge
eloeed on Friday in Toronto. It reduced
toe age limn to 18 years, and decided to
nteee eeet yolu. in Hainiltnn<
The aladriti Gazette says it is ordered
that there be held an additional inquiry
o discover the responsibility for the lack
of newts of defence whath necessitated
the capitulation of'Santiago de Cuba.
The Toronto union of the Brotherbood
ot Railway Traeltmen have been notided
that the executive coramittee will make
era, more effort to Wait on the manage-
„ient and if possible adjust their differ-
The Detroie Common Collucil at
leveed session yesterday of ternoeon
atlopred. by a Tote of 24k to 10 the amend -
:ileum to the ordinances of the Citizen
and Fort Wayne Imes thannint: the rate
ot fare from live cents to eight tickets for
querter. There will be a het legal fight
over the plan to reduce the rate.
The half -yearly report of the Grand
Trunk Railway Corapituy Announces that
burplus of al125,40O has been added to
the halal -ice of eetaaiti carried forward
from leine malting available a payment
a full dividend of four per cent. on
araaneed stock, and one per cent. on
first preference for the half year, leaving
a balance of -41,00a to coma' 'leeward.
pot MY reallsONAL,
Emperor William on Friday attended
tbe *Felling of the Dem:mud-Ems Canal.
Sir Richard Carwv1ghv tha flntstee
of Tratle and Commerce. will address a
meeting in Toronto on the evening of
Thurslay, Aug. 24.
.A.dutiral Dewey, in response to an in-
quiry nuide by Tim Daily mon, sends
the following; "Regret Millet visit Eng.
land. Unit arrive New 'Work OM 1,”
Harold Muoklestene, son of Canon
Mucklestone, Perth, takes an instructor-
ship in Leland Steeford Univemity,
California. He is a gratitiete of Trinity,
The Frenth Government has issued a
prohibition of any further fights between
butte and wild 'beasts, owing to the
brutal exhibition recently given between
a bull and a lion,
London spectate from Bombay report
rain In Allahabad. Madras, the Demi
and Bengal, and showers in Bomber.
Tne Government's anxiete, in regard to
the possibility of a famine is therefore
Mr. G. Nelson. Napanee, toned a baby
boy at his doorstep the other morning.
A note asked that the cbild be cared for
and brought up "a good Protestant"
No elue of the mother was seamed, and
Mrs. Nelson will adopt Me boy.
Henry M. Rector, seventh Governor of
Arkansas, died an Saturday, aged. se, at
Little Rook, Ark.
The Persian Minister of Foreign
Affairs, alushir-ed Dowleh, died sudden-
ly on Friday while passim; throuleb
Paris, France.
Mrs. Gibson, aged 74 years, one of the
oldest residents of Pickering, died sud-
denly on Saturday afteenoon from •a
pandytio stroke.
lloyed° Nelson Slitter, the millionaire
manufacturer of Roston, died at his sum-
mer home at Magnolia, Mass., on Satur-
day afternoon, after a short illness.
Sir Edward Frankland, K.C:B., hon-
orary secretary of the Royal Society. is
dead. He was born in 1825, and was
formerly a professor in the Royal School
of Mines.
Joseph Benoist, a French-Canadian,
who had lived in Kansas City for :30
years, is dead. He leaves an estate of
$201000, nearly all of which is willed to
local charities.
Anson Phelps Stokes, the multi -mil-
lionaire jf New York, was thrown from
his horse on Saturday and probably
fatally injured.
A street oar ran off the Prairie street
bridge at Merrill, Wis., on Friday, drop-
ping into the river 20 feet below. The
oar was completely wrecked. Five of the
passengers were injured, but none fatally.
A triple drowning accident occurred at
Bremen, Me., on Saturday afternoon, in
whioh Lizzie Weston and Mabel Weston,
aged 16 and 1.8 years, respeotively, and
Lizzie Dodge, aged 14, lost their lives.
On Saturday night about 7 &dock a
young emigrant named William Davis
undressed on Cedar Mill dock at Deser-
onto and jumped into the bay. He did
not reappear, and a rescue party recov-
ered the body in about 10 minutes.
On Saturday morning John A. Mairs,
0118 of the best known and highly re-
spected citizens of Brougham, Ont., was
struck by lightning and instantly killed.
Mr. Mairs was on his way to work, and
took shelter under a tree during the
Tommi Piece, an Italian, working on
the line of the G. T.R. as a track repedrer,
was struck by the westbound passenger
train at Mimic() on Sunday morning at
7.50 and instantly killed. Deceased leaves
a wife and four children in Buffalo. He
was 36 years of age.
The Guild Minding at Dallas, Texas,
Worth a quarter of a million dollars, was
destroyed by fire on Friday.
On Saturday the Delhi House, Delhi,
was completely destroyed by fire. Loss
on -building e3,000; on contents $500.
Lightning struck the C. Beck Manu-
facturing Company's new lumber yard
at Peuetanguishene on Saturday, setting
fire to the lumber and consuming about
125,000 feet.
At Oshawa on Sunday the tannery
owned by Mr. James Robson & Sons was
burned to the ground along with all the
stook. Estimated loss about $45,000; in-
surance covering about $20,001
George Ruttiven's barns and outbuild-
ings, situate about three miles from Alli-
ston, Ont., were destroyed by lightning
On. Saturday morning. They contained
this and last season's entire crops, '
No Pro,,ross Made.
Lover (bravely).— ir, I want to marry
your daughter.
Father (coldly)—W1, I'm not surprised
at that. If I were in your place I think I
should want to marry her myself.
The residence and soda water works of
K. 0., McCrolian, Whitby. were burned
On Friday. Only the wane of the house
proper are left etauding. Everything in
the barn, including a valuable horse and.
SWO pigs. was burned, and very little with
saved from the house. Mrs, alfaCrohae
and the five children nariviwly escaped in
their night clothes, Mr. MeCrolian was
away from tome.
mimic AND oitaMINAlies
Serauel le, Harkness, who is wanted in
Petroleit on a charge of embezzlemera,
bee been extradited from Toledo,
James Gallagher was on Friday sen-
tenced at Cobourg to one year in the
Cameral Prison, on a charge ot bigamy,
In June, 1895, he married Ellen Clancey
of Oshawa, and in November, 1898, he
married miss Crew, dauginer efObief
Crow of the Indian reserve at Rosneath.
G. W. Cline, sent down from Ramat=
last March to serve A six years' sentence
in the Kingston penitentiary for shoot.
ing at his wife and son, was on Friday
pardoned and conveyed from the peni-
tentiary to the General Hospital He is
suffering front heart dieeese and rheema.
It has been estimt ted that steamers are
yer cent. safer than eailing vessels. '
Proceedings Durinif the Past Weeir-...The
Prorogation on Friday—The Speech
ensent tbe Throne,
Oetewa,7Ang. 7.—.In the House to (ley
tbe only ineident out cif the regular
routine en the railway subildiee was the
defeat of the following resoletion moved
by Mr. W. F. Maclean as an addition to
the railway bill: "In ease it aPpezies to
the railway committee or the Privy
Council to be expedient or ueeeseary for
the public convenience tbat a station
Shall be loeated at any point on the iine
of any railway the emi1Mittee mey make
an order requiring the vompany to place,
maintein and operate a station at the
place named and deseribea therein and
may aellue the act:Mime:lath= to he pro-
vided in connection therewith and may
order and require traeks to be laid down
front and in connection with the com-
pany's main line to and front such sta-
tion and for sidings wherever deemed
neeessary by the committee. and 10 shall
be the duty of the compute* owning or
operating the line of railway to earry
ma the order within the time mentioned
Ottawa, Aug. S.—Half a dozen bills
were cleared. off the order paper to -day.
A great 1 art of the day was taken up
with a discussion of the FitzpatriCk's
Laurier interview and of the binder
twine question. Shortly before midnight
the Home went into supply on the pub-
lic works supplementary estimates. In
reply to Mr. Devin. the Premier said
that dr. Fitzpatrick had put words into
his mouth for which he cad not bold
himself responsible. air. Taylor's resolve
tion stated that the methods of the Gov.
ernment in disposing of tbe product of
the binder twine faetory at Kingston
were not in the interests of the farmers,
but it was defeated by 20 to 51 The
House then went into supply and sat till
Ottawa, ,Aug. 9.--eThut was "harbor
dat'" in the House, the morning session
being Phased in surely, considering the
vote for harbors and rivers in Quebec).
The afternoon session was taken up tvith
votes for harbors and rivers in the Mari-
time Provinces and the greater part of
the evening session being devoted. to har-
bor and river votes in tho 'Maritime Prov-
inces mad Ontario. The other items in the
supplementaries were also run through,
and sopply was praetically finished before
tbe House rose,
Ottawa, Aug. 10.—At 11 o'clock this
=mine, tbe House went into supply
again, and the voting of supplies went on
until about 9 o'clock, where the last dol-
lar having been voted, the proceedings
were sligbtly varied by the Speaker tak-
ing the their mid the "House" then
began to "concur" in the votes, which it
had been voting in committee. This went
on until 12.15, when the last Rent was
concurred in, and the last two measures
were read a third time.
Ottawa, Aug. 11.—At 11 o'clock this
morning Hon. George E. Foster reviewed
the session in arraignment of the Govern-
ment, but before adjourmnent for noon
the supply bill was passotL At 3 o'clock
Mr. Fielding replied, and before be fin-
ished his speech the Commons was sum-
xnoned to the Senate Chamber, where His
Excellency prorogued Parliament In the
Speech Front the Throne.
His Excellency Lord Minto proceeded
in state to the Senate Chamber shortly
after 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon and
prorogued Parliament. His Excellency
having taken bis seat on the throne, and
the Commons having been summoned,
delivered the speech from the throne,
which was as follows:
"Hon. Gentlemen of the Senate, Gen-
tlement ot the House of Commons: In
relieving you of your duties during this
protracted session, I desire to thank you
for the diligent attention you have given
to the many important measures -which
have •been submitted for your considera-
"I am glad to observe that the action
of Canada in deciding to -unite with the
mother country and the Australian col-
onies in the construction of a Pacific
cable has met with general approval.
"I congratulate you on the evidence of
oontinued prosperity that prevails in all
parts of the Dominion, and which bag
stinmlated the formation of so many
companies baying for their object the
development of enterprises thee mast
tend to increase the wealth of the coun-
"Gentlemen of the House of Commons:
I thank you in Her Majesty's name for
the supplies you have granted for the
public service.
"Hon. Gentlemen of the Senate, Gen-
tlemen of the House of Commons: In
bidding you farewell I desire to express
the hope that Canada may long continue
to enjoy the prosperity that at present
Tbe Royal Regiment of Canadian In-
fantry furnished the guard of honor.
.1.11g Nesieiea neneae.
Toronto's elehibition this year will un-
doubtedly be held on d greater scale than
ever, that is, if 411 ;increased expenditure
of money and a ransacking of the corners
of the earth for novelties eau, make it so.
The dittoa. chosen are from the 28th of the
present month to September etb, The
entries for live stook, dairy oduets,
ladies' work, reamtfectures, grain, field
roots and hortieultural prodeets olose this
week, but eutriee of dogs and poultry will
be receivedup to August. I01h, The indi-
cations fever the grandest exhibition in-
eyeey department that Calmat* has . ever
seen, malty novelties in manufacture and
tite latest inventions laing shown, A large
Amount of money has been expended in
the ereetien of new buildings and the ha -
prevenient of others, while to shoe that.
the Exhibitian exists fee practicel as well
as amusement purposes, tbe prizes for cat
tie end horses have been netterielly
ereased, and classes added for butter -
making competitions and export bacon
hogs. But tbe amusement programme
this year will be a wonderful one
tent as well as in variety. Sever$ bigh-
priced acts never before seen in this coun-
try, and that will nos be seen elsewhere,
have been secured, entitle a. comprehensive
demonstration of electrical development,
irieludang. Wireless Telegraphy, Wireless
Telephomug, and the. Improved X Rays
will be presented, as well as Explosions et
Sea, ritaneged by Royal Engineers, and
an eNbibition of Life -Saving from wrecked
eteamere by Professional Life -Saving
Corps. The Evening Speetacles will be
on an exceptionally brilliant scale, retiree
senting the Battles of Omdurman in
Egypt, with the Sirdar in command, and
of Iloilo in the Philippines, the whole cons
eluding with the Greetest Fireworks Diss
play yet wituesaed, and a Grand Tebleieu
illustratieg Anglo-Saxon unity, On all
lines • of travel exceptionally low rates
kayo, Neu arranged for.
Deleasse at Home Again.
Paris, Aug. 12.—M, Theophile Del.
oasse, the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
arrived in Paris last evening from St.,
Petersburg. He was immediately received
by the Premier, M. Waldeek-Rousseau.
To -day he will lunch with President
One More Is Dead.
Ottawa, Aug. 14, --Ellen Ryan of
Maniwaki, the ninth victim of the Can-
ada Atlantic Italitvay wreck at St. Poly
carpe last Wednesday, died on Saturday
night. Ellen Ryan's sister was killed
outright, and their niece, Ellen MoDou-
galL who was travelling with them,
may clie.
Cbleits Must nave Grass.
The custom of feeding grain only to
poultry is One which is cllicult to alter.
Grass in sweatier is desirable for young
birds. If a small plot is wired ea for a
large flock of chicks that aro able to care
for themselves it will be found. that they
will pick ar the grass so eleee as to leave
the ground bare, and ill a tow days, Gress
Is the cheapest food that can be Allowed, in
summers end where adult fowls And cbicks
have an =limited mug° they peed no
other toed, except a light naeal of grain at
night to induce them to come to the farm
yard regularly.
Sulu OP 01110. CITY or Toreme,
Lynes Censer. se
FRANK J. Quiver trinket' oath 1 tat he Is the
senior partner of the firm of E. 3, Cutuisr SG Co.,
tieing bleiness in the eity of To edo, County
and State Mores Pl. and Met said -firm will pay
die sum of ONE IlleNDRED DOLLARS for
each and every ease f teareiiiin that cannot
be cm edby the use Of Ileeres OserAnnit Cram.
Sworn to before rue and eubscribeil In my
presence, thiefkli day of December, A ,D.18$0.
{seer.) A. W. GLEASON.
Catarrh Cure is Won internally and.
ems directly on the blood and MUCOUS surfeces
of the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. 3. ORE:INV& CO., Toledo, 0.
tei*Sold by Druggists. tee,
Trials ot Hegintiers.
The story is told of a young German
'who always carried a dictionary in one
tail of his coat—the other tail held a note
book and a grammar. He wanted to pay
a young lady a compliment durin,e a walk
oia the esplanade and got as far as: "You
—are—" Then he hesitated. "Vait von
meenit," he said, excitedly, "I vill zee."
He hastily extricated the volume and
after five minutes' muttering trimuphant-
ly pronoun eed—"sharin Mee "
No worm inedicime itets so nicely as Mil-
ler's Woe= Powders: no physic regaired.
dulluS Describes 14 Gown.
"Dorothy, I saw a beautiful gown in a
shop window to -day."
"What was it, Julius?"
"Well—it was that zigzaggy kind of
cloth—and it had those braided things
across the front and. down the back; and
some awful stylish pointed things on the
skirt—I wish you would get one jnet liko
I was enred of Acute Bronchitis by
Bay of Islands. J.M.OASIPI3ELL.
I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by
I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by
Albert Co., N.B. GEO. TINGLEY.
How to Press Flowers.
Place them before they have time to
wither between sheets of writing paper.
Spread the flowers out in as natural a
way as possible, with neither leaves nor
petals crumpled. Lay on the top of them
several sheets of drying paper, then more
flowers, putting a stout board. over all and
heavy weights. The paper must be changed
several times each day.
ilinard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Modern surgery is carrying antisepsis
to such a point of refinement that the
Medical Press mad Circular, published in
London, now says that an operating sur-
geon not only should be clean shaven, lest
dust from the mustache (why not hair?)
should infect the patient, but should use a
mask, operate itt rubber gloves, and be
clad from head to foot in a clustproof over-
Health for the children. Miller's
Worm Powders.
Boothe of Bank Notes.
The Bank of England destroys about
360,000 of its notes every week to replaSe
them with freshly printed ones. One
evening in each week is set apart for the
making of this expensive bonfire.
To remove fiy specks from gilt frames
moisten them with the white of an egg;
let it remain about fifteen minutes and
then wipe it off with a silk cloth.
That tired leen/1'g will disappear and
you will be able to eat well and sleep well
by using Miller's Compound Iron Pills.
In St Petersburg is the largest bronee
statue in existence—that of Peter like
Great—which weighs 1,000 tons.
4 5,7444.44i-
et,14471,10.4- 445 efeiaten,
cio-ft14/ 41:74/
Lines From Shakespeare.
As merry as the clay is long.
A very valiant treneber-man.
Dressed in a little brief authority.
How US0 doth breed a babit in a man.
It is a WiSO father that knew$ hie own
The devil can cite Sitriptere for his
God made him, therefore let hien pass
for a man.
Virtue is bold, and goodness never
The course of tree love never did run
The fashion wears ant more apparel
than the man.
Rome-aseeping y040115 have ever home-
ly wits,
Misery acquaints a =all With etreasge
bed fellows,
A Unit On She Use of clinrch-Oolne.
Tlie editor of the Ladies'Efoule Journal
has been asking bishop, priest, rabbi tied
other clergymen to answer the question
so often asked, "Wbat is ;he good or going
to church?" and publishes their replies in.
the Juue number. These are extremely
interesting, and are made doubly so by
the fact that all the eoutributors to the
symposium, repreaentiug a wide range of
religious belief, express exactly the same
polut out the wane beuellt
thet is derived from church -going.
Tbe Brightest Flowers must fade, but
Tonne; lives endangered by severe coughs
and colds may be preserved by Dr.
Thomas' Eclectrie 011. Croup, whooping
cough, bronchitis-, in face all affections of
the throat and lungs, are relieved by this
sterling preparation, which also reniedie$
rheumatic pains, sores, bruises, piles,
kidney difticsilty, and is most economic.
Assured Victory.
Most victories are assurect in advance.
Ile who has absolutely decided goes easily
through the unsettling voices of earth,
and because of a private covenant with
his God is safeguarded against sinful at-
tractions or distraetions. JeSus said: "1
have finished the twirl: Thou gavest me to
do," though the death of the cross was
waiting. The story of Calvary was won
in Gethsemane.
An Evening. Pp.
Yeast—I saw a man throw a banana
skin on the sidewalk to -day.
Orimsonbeak—Well, that evens things
up; I saw a banana skin throw a man
on the sidewalk yesterday. ---Yonkers
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, ate.
How to Cleanbe Leather.
To freshen old leather covers of books
wipe clean, then rub lightly with the well
beaten yolk of an egg applied with a soft
sponge, and lastly pass a hot iron over u
piece of thin paper laid on the surface of
the cover.
To Clean Plaster mists.
Plaster busts and statuettes may be
cleaned. by dipping them into thick liquid
starch and drying. When the starch is
brushed off the dirt comes 'with it.
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator
has no equal for destroying worms in
children and adults. See that you get the
genuine when purchasing.
A Sure Sign.
Jenks—That baby of yours ought to be
a good tennis player later on.
Janes—What makes you think so?
Jenks—Oh, the way he keeps up his
Waste at Imperial Table.
The chef of Emperor Francis Joseph of
Austria estimates that of $250,000 expend-
ed on the imperial tables every year the
"unused" represents about $100,000.
Many persons suffering from rheuma-
tism have been permanently cured by
Miller's Compound Iron Pills.
Amorously Ambitious.
"I wish I'd. been the last census of the
Tfnited States."
"Here's an article that says the last
csensus embraced 40,000,000 women."
Dogs That Never Bark.
There are three varieties of the dog
that never bark—the Australian dog, the
Egyptian shepherd dog and the "lion -
headed" dog of Tibet.
Father—How is it that you're such a
dunce at your lessons, Tommy?
Tommy—I expect its hereditary.
Progenitor of All Royalty.
If the subject eanal be accurately fol.
lowed up it might be possible to prove
that meet of ne are of royal descent in
some More or lea.; remete degree. It is
said that all the sovensigns of Europe.
the Sultan of Turkey :done excepted,
have deseituded from ono of the Ova
daughters of Make Ludwig Rudolf a
Brunswiek-Wolleabuttel, who flourished
a century and a half ago.
The Nation's Holiday !
From stations
in Ontario,
Toronto and
East of
Will be run
and alt stations
Northwest, West
and Southwest to
. .
AT 24 COVVA • • •
Every passenger will be given a certificate,
which must be deposited with Agent immed-
iately on arrival at station where passenger
finally leaves the train. Providing conditions
of certificate are complied with, and on surren-
der of same properly filled out and signed and
payment of II1S, the original holder will re-
ceive a ticket back to starting point. East-
bound journey must be commenced on or be-
fore Nov. 22, 1809.
Choice of routes :—,A.11 Rail vim North Bay; or s
Lake and Rail via Owen Sound.
Stop -over will be allowed at Winnipeg and
points beyond.
Special Train leaves Toronto at 130 p.m. Aug.
22 and 24, via North Bay. Through Colonist,
Bleepers Will be run Toronto to Winnipeg.
Ask your nearest Agent for pamphlet giving
A. H NOTMAN, A.G.P.A., Toronto.
'ate, = • V
Aug. 28 to Sept. 9, '99
ritoGitiiss OP THE OISN'allitY
Illustrated in lise Worls;'i utions-7Wire•
lens Teiegr.+
inipruv,d X If.4y4.
Foulons English anti Anterieltu ilatt let
UsU'Vellnus Enterai umnt Features.
TTheI1.si Fair. 'raho elleajwst P -r.
Tin. Orem. st Annuli Fair on Earth.
ExTitins ci.osv, AUG. roth,
EXCI11$110114 en All Lines of TraTei.
Prize Lists, Enee. Penns end all wilco,
lars atidre4s
Presiamt. ° Manager, TenoNro.
The rie.t made. -wed for Vatalovic.
IMPORTRN9 Of a'uxE'as L,$ t 41: Vrtre„,.:t
erne us. HAMILTON. AIN II. Spices
ONTARIO itiNOEit TWINE, CO., 1.13,
Onion, Station Areatio, Toronto.
11 heesome and IL -meshing. Cures indigestien
stud ail other ailments elitists! ny Tem. and Coe
fee, which are Poisonous. 'Oka° Is aliEdsitely
pure stud ean be used in any en entity
injury to your system. Rolceo g es twice as
tar as Tem and Cull' -'e and only half the price,
A me. packsge will make 75 cups. Rolten te
used at your meals instead of Tea and Coffee.
Ask for it. Agent. wanted throughout Can.
ada. ROKCO M0. CO., Toronto, Cana.
Wr also make
steel Flag Staffs.
Grain Grinders,
iron and Wood
runnel, nee
Send for Now Cat-
Advertises Itself.
This business is conducted so that every,
customer is an advertiser of its merits. 11
is estimated that every order filled foe
patrons who shop by nutil brings at least
two other orders. This means you'll be so
well served that you'll talk about it and
show the goods to friends with satisfaction,
This store has issued a catalogue—illus.
trated and descriptive. It contains an.
epitome of what may be seen here in the
finest store in Canada, where more goods:.
are sold at retail than any wholesale house,
handles, and at prices lower than whole-
sale. Send for catalogue and samples to
0 it0NT0, osT.
T. N. U.
Trade Mark.-Dr.Owes,
The only scientific and practical Electric Belp
made, for general use, leaving batteries thap,
generate a strong current of Electricity that E.
under perfect control aud can be applied to ant -
part of the body, for the cure of
Nervous Diseases-,
Thousands of people suffer from a variety ol
Nervous Diseases, such as Seminal Weaknese
Impotency, Lost Manhood, etc., that the old`
modes of treatment fail to cure. There is a lose
of nerve force or power that cannot be restored
by any medical treatment, and any doctor wile
would try to accomplish this by any kind
drugs is pursuing a dangerous practice. Pro
perly treated, these diseases can be
Positively Cured
Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electris
Belt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do so
It is the only known power that will supple
what is lacking, namely nerve force or power,
impart tone and vigor to the organs and aroustp
to healthy action the whole nervous system. ir
will most assuredly cure,
Without Medicinee,
Varicocel ,e Nervous Prostration, Rheumatisne
Sciatica, Kidney Disease, Lumbago, Lame Baal,
and DysPeirlisiali
Contains fullest information regarding the cure
of acute, chronic and nervous diseases, prices
how to order, etc., mailed
(sealed)—F E E— to anz
4% address.
I '?;
And Appliance Co. e