HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-8-24, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR. -607.
AUGUST 24, 1899.
Highest Price
For Produce.
Highest Price
For Produce,
PR10E is the power of to -clay you
STORE NE WS buy Where you can buy the best, .All
right minded people do, 0 onnE and
see the quality of our g•oods. Then get acquainted with our prices and you will tind the
PRICE power rules here.
- ,
'Staple Pepartment.
good English. Flannellettes, 34 inch
wide, at 5e;
WRAPPERETTES. Jast the time
Of year yOU need. a warmer wrapper.
These goods embrace all the new pat-
terns and effects colors fast, 84 to 14e.
- .
SHIRTINGS in blue or brown Stripes
ellDek tailors; werranted fast at 5e„
8c., Pk. and
COrrONADES, You know these
goods. We have them Alms 121c, to
SHEETING. Inain or twill, 2 yds.
wide at from 121.c. to 20e.
Nals. wide, 1'egality:15e. quality for 20e.
42 to 40 incises; price from 121c. to 18c.
, .••••••••- r
7e., $e., Oc. and 10e.
70. and Sc.
Press goods Pept, ..rmallware Pepartment.
22e, boyes you the best plain dress Hosiery in Ladies' and vhildren's
goods ever sold at the money all this misses. This is headquarters for sen.
Se85011 ShadPs 22e. sonable Hosiery. E'etas this in mind
and mule prepartsl to get the hest
3:3e. will buy yon a 54 hush suitiog in value in the town,
Blue, Brown and Grey; replier
CORSNTS. We (awry a full line of 0c., our price a5c.
these goods and our prices are right et
$0c. This is the popular price and from aoe. to $1,00,
we eau give you the popular goods in
any or all shades in Brodecloth Covets,
hien's Furnishings.
popun and Gravenettes 30e.
23e. will secure black dress goods
that will keep its (nay and snake up
ae well 08 goods you have often paid
double for. 25e.
35e. This is the price of a Blatt
Cashmere we are sellipg. Regular
pica. was 50c, for 35e,
• New Black Crepons in dress ien,gths
• or skirt lengths. The very best goods
in the market selling at 25e, to
SILK hi waist ends, all new goods
atfront 48e. to $1.00.
1 John Smumerville and rh
Roy usborne
,,., residence of Mr, Robert Crearn
ment in Town I all, McGillivray, Aug. ' . .4P°' 'nil lew wheels --W- sis was the scene of a pleaSant and
7th. pr4,,,,„nt, N. Gaia,„, Reeve; R. J. Tufts, was ho hbeen ill is murales- int's,eastina gathering on the evening
Hutchinson; M. Alillem P. P. Harding, cings -Rev. John Rtill, 'J ''i -,!..;01.- of Saturday, the 12th inst., Islien Ins
and. AIIiodginsCouncillorsMs
man and Robert Fletcher are confined friends of earlier and more recent ac-
. . l, . in
utes of last meeting read, approved of t° their heds with a severe illness-- quaintance sissembled on the occasion
mat ai,„,,,a. minea_noagms_That Herman Prior, of Exeter, spent a few of the tiOth anniversary of his birth-
MeCtilivray Council Eirkton
Council xnet iairsstant, to adjourn- 5lesst's-
"itire are • s
Men's ties, 2 for 25e.
Men's shirts, 48e, to 75e.
Men's collars, 3 for 23e.
Men's Hose, all prices.
Men's Braces, ie. to 50e.
Men's underwear from 25e. to 1,(X)
A little later you, will feel the' need
of it Wanner garments.-Don,'t pur-
chase until you have seen onr stock.
Prices will startle yon, styles wilt
please yon and the fit will satisfy you.
'"SEIISONOBLE 111111011111E
•Poor Aocks, AIMS and &iodise.
• This season we have even a larger and better assorted
stock of locks than ever, including that new lock that is
giving so much satisfaction.
Darndoor ifangers.
We have in these goods a complete stock. Have you
seen the new ball bearing hanger. We are selling it the
same price as others. Also a full stock of Parlor Door
Building Paper, Dry Fibre, Rosin sized, 0. K. Tar and
taxboareat the lowest prices.
EAVETROUGHING. We wili be pleased to give
you prices on trough for your house or barn. We
guarantee our work and use only the best tin.
IRON ROOFING. Get our prices. Remember we
will meet any price on first lass work and material.
FURNACES. We have always made a. specialty of
this line and, can show you a large number Of our fur-
. tutees all over this vicinity that are giving the best of
• satisfaction. We can supply the following well known
makess-MeClary, Ginney, Pease, Moore, Copp and
others. - We will be pleased to lay out plans and give
you estimates on a job.
BUILDERS 111111111111f -'w
CEMENT. English and Canadian, Thorold and Port-
land at lowest. prrees. Can superintend ajob. All work
BELTING. A. full stock of English oak tanned
leather belting, also rubber and threshers belts.
ENAMEL WARE. Famous Whiteware
mede of the best. grades; of special steel and are coated
with the best material.
'cid Proof.
Preserving Kettles, sauce pans, tea pots, etc.
THRESHERS MITTS. We have a large stock of
these goods in Buckskin, Calf Horside, at lower prices
than ever. Special prices to Threshers on all supplies,
including brass fittings etc.
Sole agents for the celebrated American Wire Fenc-
Frost & Wood repairs. A full stock 012 hand.
- • ^
Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs in trade.
This Store Closes at 6:30 p.m., except
Wednesday and Saturday.
Tbeundersigned has a few good farms for
money to loan on easy te rm
Samwell's Block Exeter
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at
lovvest rates of interest.
Barristers, ete.. Exeter.
100 aeres. being Lot 28, on the South Bowls
dory of Stephen, well located., eing ac -
jacent to Mount Carmel and the school is
situated on this lot. The land is first class
in every yespeet and will be sold reasonably.
For particulars apply to the Ontario House,
Mount Carmel, or to the undersig,ned,
MO mat Carmel.
That most desirable piece of land contain-
ing about acres, being part of Farm Lot
No. 20, in the 1st Concession of the Town-
ship of p
Stehen.This tuna adjoins the Cor-
poration and is spler.ditily situated, teeing
the London Road.
Also the following Village Lots in the Vil-
lage of Exeter :-
Lots Nos. 45 and 46 on the' East side of
Main Street and immediately south of the
residence of 6.1. Follick, Eiq
P . •
art Lot No. 21 013 the West side of Main
Street, immediately South of the residence
of Charles Rowe. Esq.
Part of Let F., on the east, side ot Andrew
Street. almost opposite the Main St. Metho-
dist Parsonage, containing nearly one acre
of land and. known as the old school house
Lots Nos. 1694114(1 168, North-west corner et
Victoria and Carling streets. The land now
used as reereation grounds, the land immed-
iately North thereof an d'the land being part
of same fain: lot hut West of the .London,
Buran & Prnee R.R., containin g in all about
40 acres. This land is admirably situated
and faces on Huron, Carling and Sanders
The land on either side of the, Station
Road, being' part of farm Lot, No. 23, in the
is -12 Concession, of the Townshi p of' Stephen,
and now surveyedin to lots and s& pets, e:on7
tairi g about r7 acres. _
These two last parcels °fiend will be sold
by the lot or acre to suit purchaser.
For further Tartieulars, apply to ,
' Alerchants Barristers, Exeter.
Money to loan at from 4g to 5 per cent.
Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter
The undersigned has a number of young
pigs tor sale.
JOHN BLAY. London Road
The undersigned will receive applications
for teacher for S. 8., No. 4. Usborne, on or
before August 19. Duties to commence first
of year. Teacher will be required to light fire
and keep school clean. For particulars
apply, to the undersigned trustee.
Devon P. 0.
The undersigned is offering for sale that
desirable house and premises on Huron
street, blast, in the village of Exeter, being
part of lot 151 containing 404 acres. There is
on the premises a good frame house, stable.
a green house, hard and soft water, some
fruit trees anclether conveniences. Posses -
51.013 given this tall or next spring. For
further particulars
• apply to
Wu. S. BAK RR, Exeter.
tat.Em FOE SALE:
The undersigned is offering for sale that
.4lesirahle farm, Lot 6, Concession 8, town-
ship of 'Els born e. con taining 100 acres, with
splendid buildings thereon, located 39.i. miles
from Exeter. Will be sold reasonable If
not disposed of before 20th of August, it will
be rented to a good tenant for a tern) Of
years, with possession to • plow after the
crops are taken off For particulars apply to
Devon P. 0
Notice is hereby given that a Court will be
held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists
Act, by Elie Honor the Judge of the County
Cort of the County of Buren) ' at the Town
Crediton. on sitters ay, the second. day
of Septerd ber, A.D., 1809, at the hour of 10
o'eloek, a.m., to hear and'cletermine the sev-
eral emn plaints of errors and omissions in
the Voters' List of the Municipality of the
township of Stephen for 1809
All persons having business at the Court
are rt-questod to attend at the said time and
place. •
Clerk, Tp. Stephen.
Dated at Crediton, Aug• 11th, AD, 1880.
*ecotone's, allannatintr in days here liist week with Ines) s.- day to tender their cordial congratu-
he paids-Citrried. r' -Milka.r11--tAliorgi5n-s:-352 David HazIewood fell off his crutehea bilious on his attaining to so ripe and
That this Councill adjourn to meet la 4)11 SiarntlaY Week 1"1 fra'''W.ved his' S'etvirst'0r0118 01(1 age, and to express
Town Mill, on the thsst Mond L% in S.--Ilessrs• Nathan and SaunteV: kindlyasul sinet.re Wishes for its haps
a.ept,anher at one 0,00(at p. masons, Doupe have puss hased the stock of / 1 y return$. The venerable gentleman
3Ir. Gillfilkin, of Luca% and intend ' received his many viaitors in bib usual
Wm. FnAsEn, Clerk. COUIllleneing inz8iliess on Sept.
simple but courteous planner, and his
• P finntir did their part with credit to
1' 121 snake tile 16(434' to be of plm
easing em -
Mooresville. fl. HAY, Faaquhar, Convevat,cer, ork.s ,AfliT the munpony bad par-
gotslly number of our young men Vgtfia't,a'ia,,,„reu,.., , taen of the good titeer amply _pra-
t ,eds drawn to, MFk
oney tO
left Tuesday on the excursion train for Ont. •r Wed at the hospitable board,thettev.
Manitoba. Souse forty got on at Parks Mr -Arthur Campbell, of the Themes ),Vsn, Stout took the position of chairs
hill and thirt y -t WO a LAM% Among Rolla, and Mr. Willialn TOWers, of the , man and referring to the object of the
those at lasean we noticed the follow- Boundary, went oat on the exeursion gathering, spoke on the dignity of old
logs --WillimOlorkin, Ben Revillgton, to Manitoba till Tuesday last. They slats, and the honor esPeeiallS due tx)
Will Flynn, Ben Abbott,JailleS BOHM intend to wurk at the harvesting, for tRe evening of a long and useful life,
Mielatel Behan, Thos. Collinson, Wel- a few weeks after whirls they will vb.,- sueh as Mr. emery's bad been. Mr.
lington Hudgins, Wellington it Nelda; andaexuahaanees M*'( '0(4 followed, reeounting
;Martin Conway, Mienhael 131ake. John some ne. tilill seining t eountry-- 3;1 a bappy awl intereSthig speech Ins
L. Sullivan, Jr...10m Ryder; William Mrs. Barbara Robb, who taught the low* acquaint:met. and pleasant asso,
Dewan, Clarence -Abbott, laam Abbott Phigtown h1.11111,11 fer several years bas Mallow; of nwil• limn 30 years, ancl Mr,
been engaged to tiateb ;t selgail 114: Datj., sa, of 'maniple ;list, ;poke
she (sore of !somas. where she taught of the esteem in wInela during the
some years ass). - Mr. and Mrs. Robert vears long past, the aged gentleman is
(-home thwn, M. O'Slast, Murray Mil-
ler. I. Wilkie, John Dempsey.- -The
Stanley lirm Luean has ereeted one
of the finest oat meal and Mem mills
combined in Western Ontario, and is
certainls a credit to ',wan enterprise.
William Reid, of Lyman, ie elites to pins
ebarle any tp.ialltity Of apples, large Op
Sinai), at highest eash prieese -The
grain SD fat' :IS bre:41ell is turning out
fairly well. some wheat in feet turning
43111,a5 aS 12 ler-hobs to the aeve.
Mr. B. Howeldand. his .men com-
menced the brick work of Mr. R. Eng-
lish's blacksmith shop
A. Hooper and son, °Nyland, of Exeter,
visited their many friends here for
several days last week. -Miss S. Mac -
Laughlin, .of Parkhill, and Mr. J. Mc-
Williams, of Clandeboye, returned to
their school work Monday. -Mr, Geo.
Foster, or Carman, Man., visited a
number of his old friends here last
week. -Miss Shank, of Detroit, is vis-
iting her father and other friends here.
Mr. Geo. Sherritt preached a "very in-
teresting sermon in the Methodist
church last Sabbath hs -place of Rey.
Mr. Martin, who took the work at
Grand Bend. -Messrs. Samuel and
David English and a number of others
started. for Manitoba last. Wednesday.
-MrJ. G. .Russel of London is visit-
ing his aunt,. 'Mrs. A. M. Wilson.
Fertile Valley.
Dry weather appears to want to be
a warm friend of this vicinity for the
people IS trying hard to drive hint off
but failed as yet. -Ploughing for fal
wheat is all the rage now but it is tell
ing on horsemen and plough points. -
A number of our young enthusiastic
boys have taken advantage of the
cheap excursion westward. We wish
them a safe journey and a full pocke
of money on their return home. --R
J. Hamilton and W. W. Scott have
one to their schools again. -G. Light
not is engaged for the fall with S.
'Watson for threshing. -The Fertile
Valley blacksmith has all sorts of sup
plies in -woodwork, iron work or fox
wheels, which he promises to sell a
reasonable: prices. -John Lightfoot, Jr
Visited Orediton on Sunday. -The kis
sing bug has not reached this vicinity
yet for the boys see that the kisses do
not fly too far in the air before they
are caught. To catch anything before
it begins to fly is the best time. -W.
Hodgins, Geo. Scott, H. Hamilton and
Wm. Lewis sold pigs last week. They
are in good demand now.
•••=0.-- -•-•.••••
Pringle, of anshard, who left 11,11. boa by hi, many faienda and neigh -
four yearsasse last staring, silent Sat- , hors. Rev. .Mr. Stout closed the pro -
today nighrittal Sunday mith friend-- ,; cetalings with prayer and benediction.
on the Thames 'load. air, 1 )avid M. 31r. t're ry settled in this loealityover
Iistekney and Isis wife.. fr.( en near ,St. ;it) yeas a a.sr'o, 411111 remained still on tin.
MaryS M. Simon Campbell eriginal honsesteatl, one of the now
and spent Similar Mei e.- Mr. Ilaek- few but interes ting survivors of those
ney i doisig as an tnxtestsiVe 1111.411e4'.`,", VI, tit,. roars of pioneer liein t ha, saesion„
as fnrtnerl'Y in latYing nnd II, has twol wk. a eonsg.tent
liorses.---Very early the beginning of and pions member of the churelt of
this week the home of Mr. Bred. Ste- " England and a constant at tendmit at
COLLINS & Sr4NBUILY. B;trristers eon -
of ;t prettties girl. --;Min. Iliram Ilia' {piaiiiieS 44 htstrt and mind and gener-
wart 03.51"S 1111ade happy by the. press tit t .,..cera 55(1 111'. of (r tee Ile; (5211120211(5211120211• •
rienk.a&1151..'rlT, NS‘t'ataur,4,olvExi‘t.Aer.'(411bittieltw. latis %rt.-, y sland, one of the old. vtnttastn Motilt*r- aus 1i1a.1131ity have eadeared 111111 t 0
Carthv.i Ash r 6.- Co , Barmters. Toronto
'iVeil ball 1)IiIVPI'S of tWentY Fears ago, his fellow ehristians whilst his abil-
lour eorrespondent had SD Inall,y
talliieS to attend last week that he:
coold not find time to writc.--The two
young ladies who were here from
Exeter went benne leaving a very
lonely heart behind. -The young pen-
pof this burg picnicked at Grand
end Satorday and report having a
good timeessMr. Fred Delbridge left
on Tuesday last for the Prairie
Provinee. 'We understand that Mr.
D. Miller is also going. -Mrs. Murray,
of St. Thomas, is the guest. of Mrs.
ConehasThe harvest is once more at
an end. The weather is so dry thet
the farmers cannot get the land reads'
for fall wheat. -Mrs. Bradley, of Wit.
son, N. Y., is visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. White he. --.Miss Ed-
na Godhelt „goes to Toronto next week
to spend a. month with friendses-A
gres ussitber around here intend vis.
sting Toronto fair. -Mr. Andrew Turis-
buIrs new honse will soon be finished.
Who) completed it will be ono of thts
best its the township.
miss Ida Abbott, of Exeter, visited
friends hew on Sunday.- Mrs. J. An-
derson and daughters spent Sunday in
Exetere-Wilbur Hicks and R. Hand-
ford spent Sunday at the Bend. --A
p108 10 was given by Mrs. A. Bowslangh
and a nmober of ther ladies of the
town, in Parson's grove on Wednesday
of last week in honor of Mrs. Sabine,
of London, who has been visiting
friends here. A very pleasant time
was spent. -The Centralia framers pie-
niekedat Grand Bend last week and
report a, paid time. They are now en-
gaged ou their tenth building near Lo-
ean.--A large nomber froni here took
in the excursion to Detroit on Satur-
day. -Over thirty tickets were sold
here for the Harvest excursion to Man-
itoba Tuesday. -Mr. Foster, of Gran-
ton, spent Sunday here.-WesItsy Pym
and Mrs. &thin, of London, spent Sun-
day and Monday with friends here. -
Miss Olive Walker, of London, has
taken Op the Junior work in our pub-
lic sehool, lately manayed by Miss
Livens. School statteeMonday and
the little ones can he seen wending
their way to aud from their duties as
formerly. -Mr. Crompton, of Exeter,
occupied the pulpit here on Sunday in
the absence of our pastor, who took in
the excursion to Detroit on Saturday.
Rev. Salton will preach in Liman on
Sunda,y next while his pulpit here will
be filled by Mr. George Stanley, of
that place.
' • Friedshurg,
took part in a hase-ball mitt( h. het ween ite and fidelity ht offices of public
the Motherwell OM Boys and the St, tiaa, aaieh he has so worthily fined,
Marys Old Boys, on Ow gmunds of have, won thp eonfidence ;sod respect,
the latter. The players. 'were to be of tanan ('it 2/.0135 generally, ana
lum st nmy still he tmdy sent;
"Through the sequestere'd vale of ru-
ral life.
The rentals ble patriarch g uileless uolds
The even tenor of his way."
Si. Marys Journal.
t(i.ritcli3i.,1)11:11a;dvasis,ytt.ed :Nfili,e.stAillsitheTts:llasnill.vitl.tid 'Messrs. Adam W'lliteford and Peter
Mel'aggart left Tuesday for Virden,
hiS apprentieeship as carriage maker II1(1)11.fotrtio(t)ti,10)111 c1iugh.
here about twenty years ago. He is
now the PI'lLIl'IL'
engagsal in that busiuess in the Province Tuesdasa-Gavin Ross and
village of Cranbrook, Gray. Mr.
Arthur Passmore, a son of Mr., Henry
Passmore who left here it feW WeekS
over 44 years ot age. The game re-
sulted in an easy victory for 'Mother-
well. Mr. Borland, though nearly 60
years of age, w as one of those that
did the beia playing ou the ground.
too tato Sur last week.)
Mr. atul Mrs. John Mitehell who
were down at the funeral of Mrs. Jas.
Miller, a sister of Mr. Mitehell near
Our young people held their Civic
Holiday at the Grand Bend Park on
Thursday. -0. W. Snell spent Thus-
da- and Friday at the Bend. -Miss
Beatrice Robinson returned to her
home in Fketer 021 Friday, -The Klon-
dyke Comedy Co. are giving enter-
tainments every night in lVfoser's
here. -The Gospel Tent has moved
here and are holding services.--"Ten-
year-old Oaskia" is back again. -Miss
Sophia Guinther, of Exeter, spent Sun-
day here. -The Guenther family held
their -Picnic at Grand Bend on Wed-
nesday of last week. -Mr. and Miss
Ash, of Sebringville, .are visiting at
F. Baker's. -Miss Addie Morlock, of
Crediton, Was the wriest of Mr. Henry
Shroeders.-Mr. Lonis Miller drove to
Zurich on . Sunday last.-aMs. Pfeller
and Mrs. Grosch, of .Milverton, are
visiting friends and relatives in . town.
-Messrs. McQnbus, of Toronto, °on-
seryatory of Music, and Chas. Newel,
of New York, have engaged with Mr.
Ilse here and intend selling his medi-
cine. -Mr. Hester, of Lebannon, U.S.
A., will manage same, Prof. Stuart
having gone to-Shipka to play a week
or more there. -Miss Annie Hess Spent
Sunday with Mr. 3. E. Hoffman here.
-111r. Birlby, of Brussels, has opened.
his school here as Principal. Miss Mc-
Coughass," of Godericla returned as
second teacher, also Miss I,Cing, of
Clinton, as third teacher. -Miss Ad-
ams, of Berlin, is at present 'staying
at the Commercial Hou•ses-sOn Sunday
evening a large number from here wit-
nessed a wild Inials fire near j.
Children Cry for
Miss Hislop took in the excursion to
Detroit on Sat urday.--Albert 31 eTag-
gale. son of Mr. Peter MeTaggart, left
Darlington tp., where he
ago to take a 5121.1211",'.sat:I:thou m PrlibLY for
Sttult St. Marie securtal Wm by his huh etenne.need his tisitieS '1 01001
br0/114T .A1110/tt, 10St WS position ()wipe- teitcher.---.Mrs. 1 i tn1. 1.hIon, of St,
to Isis munloyeeS selling out their basis .MaryS, is visiting in the Case settle-
ness, lint it is expeeted that he will ments-Mr. Thos. Case has been busy
soon gt.t. a similar eitnation as Arthur far. '.02111 123211 fighting a fire in his
threatened very serious
is civil and eourteous as well as pains. bush vs
taking. His brother, Albert, who has
been out there for several years has a
good, laerative position ;IS a bank
clerk. --Miss Lizzie Smith., of Blans-
bard, formerly a teacher here for sever-
al years, was visiting friends on the
Themes Road, She has a good school
in the county of Norfolk where she
results, but after considerable work he
has it luny Well under control.
DIED Ex THE ran WEsss-Many of
our readers in thiS county will regret to
learn of the death of Mr. James Elder,
of Virden, Man., and formerly of Rod-
gerville, in this county. Mr. Elder
died at his (101120 111 Manitoba, on Wed -
has been teaching since the beginning 2105(1 4.2, Aug-, e Hhltd been a suf-of the year. ferer from an affection of the heart for
several -years, and it was that which
cut hint dowil at last. lie was in the
prime of life, having been horn on the
Oth of May, 1848. He was p. native of
the township , of Usborne4 and was
born on the oldhomestead farm on the
London road, near here, and he con-
tinued to reside here until his removal
to Manitoba 111 1884.
A. Saatrors FIRE. -For some months
a fire hae been smouldering Oil Mr.
Geo. Lowe's farm, 2nd concession of
Usborne, butnever reached serious
proportions until Saturday last when
a stiff breeze fanned the burning em-
bers into a blaze. It soon cornmun-
lea ted with the stubble in the field in.
which the oats had been eut and be-
fore anything could be done the fire,
which spread with terrible rapidity,
burned over the whole field . of fifteen
acrest together With two acreaof spring
COLLINS &STANTBURY, Barristers, Con-
veyancers, Notaries, ExeterfOrit., R. H. Col-
lins and J. G. Stanbury, B.A. (late with Mc-
Carthy, Osier & Co. Barristers, Toronto.
Miss Ada 'Weiland, of Grand Rapids,
IS visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Wolf.
-Public school opened Monday. Mr.
Bloomfield and the Misses Frazer arid
Courcey have been appointed teachers.
Miss Lydia Maxignos, of London, is
here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gottfried Mangnus.-Mr. C. Zwieker
had a number of men front London
putting a tar roof on his store. -Mrs.
Reid, Of London, is here, the guest of
Mrs. Samuel Sweitzer.-Mr. Wihliani
Lewis, jr., is giving the fence in front
of his dwelling a fresh coat of paint
which adds greatly to the appearance
of the same. -Mins. Link, Mrs. S'eott
and Mass 111101222 eller ztttended the L. wheat, destroymg the entire crops ot -
0.L. excursion to Detroit laat Saint- the seventeen acres and one hundred
day. -Mrs. Waddlon and Mass Pugs- rod of rail fence. Neighbors turned
out in large numbers to battle with
the destroying element and finally got
it under control, but it was with con-
siderable diftlealty they saved the
barn and other buildings. One man.
had hishands terribly burned while
plowing a furrow to save the barn,
whilethe hair on a team of horses was
singed Off. The loss to Mr. Lowewill
be hetween $300 and $400.
• That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you. if you us-
ed. DH: King's New Life Pills. Thous"
sands of sufferers have proved their
matchless merit for Sick and Nervous
Headaches. They make pure blood
and strong nerves and build up- your
.health. ,Easy to take. Try 'them.
Only 25 cents. Money back if not..
cured. Sold by all Druggists.
ley left for Manitoba last Monday
where they intend spending a few
months. -Mr. and Mrs. C. Either and
Mr. and Mrs. G. Morlock are, visiting
relatives in Momiston this week. -Miss
May Mast, of London, is visiting her
father, John Masts -Pasturage is all
drying up and the water in the wells
is getting very low. Some farmers
have. to drive their cattle to the river
for water.
CIVIC HOLIDAY.-Tharsday ltst, WaS
our Civic Holiday. Seven 'bus loads
with a large number of other carriages
went to Grand Bend, The weather
was grand and the lake very calm, so
that many went out for a boat ride.
After a good hearty dinner different
sports were held. The base -ball match
which was played before dinner, be-
tween the married and singlemen waS
won by the single men, the prize being
a box of cigars given by the hotel -
keepers of the village. The 100 -yard.
race was won by 11. E. Either with
Frank Smith second, prize being, lst,
a felt hat and 2nd a silk tie, given by
C. Zwicker. = The • 100 -yard farmer's
race was Wm. Mawhinney lst, and.
Thos. Mawhinney as second. Prize, a
whip for ist and a ctuTie comb for 2nd,
given by A. J. Clark. The backward
100 -yard race was won by Frank
Smith. The 100 -yard race for farmers
over 40 was won by Conrad Kuhn,
prize being a set of whiffletrees, given
by Wenzel & Fritz. The fat man's.
race was won by Wm. Fritz. • Two of
the most important Matches were
played by the olcl gents over 60. The
first was a game of horseshoes, which
was won by Geo. Holtzman and the
game of washers being also won by
G. Holtzman. In the former a 112ee1)8-
cht111/11 pipe by S. Braise and in the lat-
ter a meerschaum pipe, by H. Eilber.
After the sports most of the citizens
went in bathing. The tired but happy
crowd came home at a late hour great-
ly pleased with the day's sport.
TONES -At Zion on the lith inst., the
of .William Tories, of a, daugh-
Proszossmon-In Stephen, cm Aug. 11,
the wife of John Preszcator, of a,
STEWAB.T.-At Farquhar, on Aug.20th
inst., wife of Fred. Stewart, of a.
RoustE-Co-massaistAm---in Clinton on.
the 16th inst., at the residence of the
bride's parent'
s by Rey. W. G. Row-
son Hugh Rorke to Rosa, datighter
of ;Ir. John Ourminghani, all of Clin-
ton. 1
Pym-ROw0LIFFE.-In t7sloorne, 011
the 16th inst, at the residence of the
bride's parents, by Rey. William
IViartio, of Exeter, S. Pym, of Elim-
ville, to Miss Jennie, only daughter
• of John Rowcliffe, of the St. Marys