HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-8-3, Page 4ism THE A new use bas been found fol. rasp- berries. It La said that no logwood, nor figt r A eireTiv+ 0 mallow, nor beet root, nor any other X e brt'a"-a'aara-aa, vegetable red, furnishes so perfect a Ones. EL Sanders, Editor and Prop crimson and so delicate a pink as the juice of the raspberry. Speculators have bought up the entire crop of one district in England at $325 per ton for aaavaexaaevempanyelioneataveaavan4 conversion into dyebag material. This 0 shoald afford another opportanity for THE EDITOR'S CORNER. , Canadian fruit growers. * st .esivesseeateeetaftaatafteitteaMagain It is proposed to increase Premier Laurier's salary to 15,000 yearly. He `rets $9 000 at present, while the Gayer - 0 , . nor-Cteneral costs us about $100,000 per annum. The Premier is the real ruler and earns his salary, while the Gover- nor-Oeneral draws his income and ex- peuses for the benefit of uppertendum. There should be decreases in the many salaries that are not earned before any increases are seriously considered.— THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1899 THE DOMINION EXPENDITURE "We cannot but view with alarm the large hal ease of the public debt and of the controllable annual expenditure of the Dominion and the continent un- due taxation of the people under the Governments that have been confirm - Citizen and Country, ously in power since 1S78, and WO de- *** wand the strictest economy in the ad- ministratin of the government of the UOTte.B. Doeitixo. country." So reads the "economy , An amendment to the Criminal Code plank of the Ottawa platform. Mr.! of considerable interest to the farming Geo. C. (Milieus. of London, in moving ; ezzantitinnitohas te‘erttpassed at this qualified e n offence tteor.r its adoption, eaid;—"You. do not need any other tin:ill': d'ush! to he concerned with regard to this inary surgrean to dock, nick, or prick a„„aaaaa. you have „hams been a horse or mare. It is also provided qtrat every veterinary surgeon who onvint-ed of the truth of the principles performs sueb an operation shall keep %Iv -mama' by the Liberal party and a record thereof, and shall give the about this one there is no dispute." owner of the animal a certificate to the Hon. Clififora Sifton, duel Attorney. Attest that such operation has been General of Manitoba, in seconding the. Pue.Ne„i()..11.111...lte*ktini:Y a duly wailifled veterin. resolut boa sable-- I wish to call This enuetatent will effect all those tention to the fail that, as Lihvrair., who at present practice horse snrgery while not being duly qualified by the we have the right tri eay that we are Veterninary College to do so The the eapenente of ei•micany." In tne .et is of great importance to the farm - Liberal eainpaign Wok we are told:— ing community, in that it makes the "'The large reduetion which would owner of theanimal equallyresponsible ale- alare. ander a Liberal adminiatra. wi.th the man who Perform* the °Per- .iszit of itself to hist ifv any mau 7iit-; anDth e a Lon. in the pt 1O expenalt ure snme. MAW DACE THE CrETAM. ing for a reilnetion cif the tariff." On . the .tit phalges swat as these t The intense anxiety to observe red a ie and extreme formality Which the prior to the Dominion eleet ion of aerate. are miluifesting its the West' ehe Liberade. reeeived large measure Huron election case, recalls sintflar .4 support thaniehout the menet,. . iamiluct that enabled the Conservative ' majority a few years ago to bulk a tuti ere !dared in onitev. thowtigh investigation Of charges. 114. The Liberals have now been in calices volving a member of the then Govern - aline* yeare and have establiehed re- !Mena, re•uliting in whet the LiberAls by whieb y may fatly terzued a 'whitewash., The red tape florsnix thk perim the rt'- and obstruction nada, bloeked a full enquiry' then are quite as wrong now, cants have so largely inereased, that. and the I.ilwrak omelet consistently had the Liberal Government made object now to the freedom they de- -natal this prediction tif Hon. David Tanstieti 1""" the party in power in tile It is most unfair to keep opposition witnesses kicking their heels on the curb in Ottawa for ten days, while Lib. 4lootion of the do,t. But Instead Of twat witnesses', are called on only a few mitts and out down the annual expenda ore by $1,01Kisin. substantial surpins- t.s. hal:n.11141.11 available tile pe- bPPD itrtr notice it"tigi7n a bearing with mom than ena design of forestalling reve- and luereeses whit+ have '1, ti ne which the Conservatives &- kept pave with an advancing revenue, elan'. OR'S can make. Sir Louis Davies In l07 the exetas if expenditimsiwer surely has something more adequatis reveipts was $5,112,01.7.19; 1898 tho thaiw n to practice !lefleit was $1,777,771, and foe the ifit'vN.:VIttfilila•ISVI.,14;igilii.114 bulking a 1, II T. the people want is the truth; listed year ending last. month the de - what this Liberal powers seem to want ticit wts. in round figures, $1,000.000. is a whitewash. But the Liberals ean For the fisted year endingaTimetaine0o, no more enara, to toy with whitPWaSli the original fedimates amounted t() than eotihl the t onseryatives who 4d,244i1,3:11, but these were inereased Wen' turned 4tuk -of Power ItartlY he - Mists they anted in suppressing the linst WiteE ity !iniipleinentary estimates truth about some Of their misguided and corrupt supporters. Let us have the truth, even if red tape has to be dispensed with.—Toronto Star, Re- form. .1intionting 85,197,315. Making the total estimates for the current fiscal year $51,788,895. width is the largest inunal expenditures ever made by the Dominion Parliament. What the re- venue for this year will be is, of emu's's, not yet known, but if the large ap- propriations of the present session • ehonld lead some of the presee. sup- porters of the Government to with- draw their support they wonld find many to endorse their course. --Sun. .NO TE AL' COMMENT. Fifteen hundred sectiomnen work- ing on the heavy main traffic lines liperated bv the `Grand Trunk Rail - A Bayfield Sunday Sensation. WRECK ON THE ERIE i e • Four visitors from Seaforth named Patrick McCaliey, Thos. Murray, Maaa tin McPhee and John Sutherland year- ly met a watery grave at Hayfield on Sunday, during a foolhardy boating adventure. A stiff Noe Wester was blowing and the waves rolled high. The men took a small rowboat from the River Hotel and left the harbor to breast the billows. They had sonic difficulty iu leaving the shelter of the north pier, which curves southward in spoon fashion, on account of the heavy swell, but once in the open, the dory on the Erie road near Lackawanna on began to pitch in the most alarming Saturday night. The first news of the minutes, new balanced upon the crest d lit of aco. ident, which reached here after mid - a, wave, anaost to the night. was to the effect that probably 100 of those on shore gain in the trough. sigAt people had been killed. Owing to the .fit.st the experience, which seemed 130- faot that the telegraph wires had been torn down no details could be learnea until after daylight. Then it was learned that but two lives had been lost, and that between 25 and 30 had been injured. The killed were Stephen Outwater, Port Jervis, engineer, and Fred. Sells. Port Jervis, fireman, The wreck, which, occurred shortly be- fore midnight, was preceded by a cloud- burst and storm which lasted, two hoar& A section of the bank fell on the east- bound tracks directly in front of the freight train. Several trees went down with the rocks and the earth and the freight cars and engine were turned over directly across the westbound traoks. Sixty freight cars constituted tbe train, Waugh only 28 were derailed and the debris piled up on the westbound traoks just as the No. 7 Chicago express from New York for Buffalo put in an appear - axle°, running at the rate of 50 miles an hour. The engine of the express train crashed into the wreck, and the baggage ear, combination and buffet car and two Pullman sleepers wore piled •up on the tracks immediately in front of the wreck. ed freight oars. The first sleeper was split. into two parts, and the passengers were thrown 30 feet down a bank. Fire at once Crops 11). Hum A careful enquiry made in various parts of Perth, Huron and lifiddlesex comities regarding the condition of the Props and the farmers' prospects meets with the most encouraging an- swers. Whatever may be the state of affairs in other parts of Ontario, ow- ing to adverse weather either in winter or summer, there is no disco uragemen t here, and the farmers have unusually bright prospects. There bas not been the same period of drouth as elsewhere, and as a consequence everything is In fair condition. There may be a good deal in the method of farming. The way Company will receive an increase farmers here ore progressive, am, are in wages of ten cents a day. It is un- ready to admit it on being <Ines- derstood that this step . was decided tioned. On the whole, the conditions LAzDSL1DE DERAILS AN EASTBOUND FREIGHT TRAIN. TW Were Killed and Twenty -Five Were Illjured--Eartleulars of the Disaster-. litery of the Plight of the Passengers, Who Were Thrown Down a Bank. Port Jervis, N.Y, July 31.—A freight and a fast passenger train were wrecked upon by the company without a con- ference with the men or their repres- entatives. *** Mr. A. W. Wright has been appoint- ed Conservative organizerfor \Vesteen Ontario. Mr. Samuel Barker, of Ham- ilton, retains the honorary position as general director of organization work there, and the success of the crop for the whole of Ontario. Mr. Wright means a good deal. There was an who at different times has been a prom - abundance of blossoms in spring, but Inent labor man, at one time being a the cool weather at that time prevent- theanember of the general executive of ed fertilization and there was in conse- to Knights of Labor, is well-known quence a poor setting. The crop, while the Conservative party throughout ' by no means a failure, will be a short Canada as a successful stump speaker, one and probably little better than having. gone through several. cam - half. Fall apples are conning up very paigns in the interest of that party. well, but the winter varieties will be As a journalist and writer of consider - short. Thousands and thousands of able ability, Mr. Wright has taken an barrels of apples are exported when active part in Conservative politics for the crop is heavy, but not much can be many years, and should therefore be expected this year for other than home well qualified for the position of which consumption. The smaller fruits are lee has been appointed. all bearing heavily and above the aver- *** age. The raspberry bushes are in - Says the Stratford Herald:—It is an- aired considerably by the winter, riounced that Mr. 'William Caven which was the coldest in this section, Moscrip, ex -M. P. P., barrister, of St. for twenty seven years, but the re - Marys, has been appointed Local Reg- maining plants have yielded richly, istrar, Clerk of the County Court and and especially so in the new patches. Surrogate Registrar of the County of Currents, gooseberries, cherries and Perth, in place of Mr. James Made& plums are all bearing more than they Ilan, sr., who has held that position usually do. The fruit of these counties for the last forty years. Mr. W. 0. is said to he very free frominsect pests Moscrip was the Liberal candidate in this season, the comment, being made in the provincial general election of that last winter's frost killed them out. 1st March 1899, in the riding of South These remarks, while perhaps fairly Perth, his opponents being Messrs. accurate on the whole, are open to .Nelson, Monteith, the Conservative, some criticism. We are informed, and George Frame,' the Independent with good authority, that in this clis- amedidate. In. this contest Mr. Mon- trict there will be a considerable surp- eeitla was declared by returning Offi- lus of winter apples for export this aser, P. Welihan, elected, but a recount year. That splendid apple, the North- anas demanded, and His Honor judge ern Spy, in particular, is making a Barron, increased his majority to good showing. True it is an "off" year eigbt. On carrying the ease to the for apples, but still the yield will put a ..00tirt of Appeals Mr. MosCrip, how- good many dollars in the farmers pock - ever, was gi vela the seat by a majority ets. Whether it is the result of last ad four. It was in this contest that winter's frost or not, in killing off in- ..eertein badly printed ballots played SO important a part. A protest im- mediately followed and the seat, was eleclated vacant. Mr. 1VIoscrip was •-nat the Liberal candidate this time. Instead' Mr. Valentine Stock, of •Ta,vi- :,..thocra, was expected to retrieve the .• Idiatteved. fortunes of the party, but the sympathy of the riding was with Me, Monteith and Mr. Stock was sig- R I „bay ,defeated. • of the crops in these counties, which are largely devoted to the stock and dairy industries, is somewhat better than in those to the east. The apple lands of Western Ontario lie on the elope toward Lake Huron, and have their hest Crops in Huron county. This is perhaps the most important item in the calendar of the farmers vel to the Seaforth boatmen, was en- joyed with great relish. One of them sitting. in the stern would throw up his arms and. shout hilariously.. He was the "tenderfoot" of the party, mid was promised on setting out that whatever happened he would be looked after. All he bad to do was to "catch hold of Jack." end he would be borne to land by a "strong swimmer." He now says be vein trust no more such promises. He has had enough of the water. . A nuniberof the ladygaests of the Queen's Hotel were on the wharf and beach ns the men passed out of the barbor, and all agreed that they were courtiug death. Hut the • men kept on, and rounding the diets set straight for the open lake. The result predicted was realized before they proceeded twenty yards beyond the pier. The little boat was swamped by a foam -ores -tad wave, and themen were in a 'moment strug- Ong for their lives. Patrick McCall ey, who mild not 'swim, and relied upon Itis friend to save him, found no help ready, and sank twice. How he waggled the end of the pier wither hanor any one else can tell, but he was probably dashed in by the rollers, and was in a very exhausted condition. The lathes broke out, and tour cars of No. 7 and who were looking on the scene, inelud- nine of the freight cars were burned. ing Mrs. Bremner,. Misses Henwood, Bayley and Hastings, of Toronto; Mrs, Frank Glass, of Londoa, and Miss 8 t f ilt Tiled but had presebee of mind to do all that was possible. Mrs. Glass mounted a pile of lumber that WWI at the wharf head, mid threw down as CIOZ011 0).• More Wards, which were thrown by her companions in the water. There was nothing else movable at hand. and, the men were fortunately able to reach these "life savers," MeCithey mid an- other were drawn up by meami of a shawl, which Miss Henwood lowered to them in lieu of a rope. The ladies named were the noirest spectators of the mishap, but iu a short time the news smasad, and men, women and children ran to tbe scene from all di- rections. The beach of Hayfield is shallow and very safe for bathers,who may wade out rm. a long distance; but this capsize took place out in the ship's ebannel. It•is noteworthy that the harbor has no life saving facilities, such as ropes along the pieras in other ports. This should be seen to, as in the summer season boating is one of the most attracting diversions of visi- tors. The defect, was seen in the case of Sunday, when not a rope nor serap of anything fiaataltle WA* to-hiebtl, Save the small cargo of lumber whieh had been landed a few days before. sects, certainly the fruit is very clean this year. Very little injury was donel to raspberries along the lake front by the cold last winter, although farther inland more damage may have been done. ohliciren Cry for tatva on, o um la were bo •••.•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• Kissing Bug at Luoan. Luettu, July 29.—Miss Marguerite Ward, of this village, was badly bitten by the prevalent kissing - brig on Friday night on the right side of her face, and it is swollen so badly that the eye is completely closed, and the pain was intense during the early hours of Sat- urday. This is the second case of the kind Within a week. t -43.•••• -- Working Nie'ht and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. Ring's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar- coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain -fag into mental power.. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by all Druggists. Advance in Freight Rates. Chicago, Aug. 1.—Itlitst bound freight rates will be advanced to -day from 11i. to 5 cents per hundred pounds. The latter advance is on provisions and the smaller on grain products. The ex- port and domestic provision rates will be on the basis of 25 cents, Chicago to New York. Wheat and corn rates will go up from 9a to 11 cents, and export oat rates from 11 to 18 cents. The domestic rate on all kinds of grain (except corn) and grain products, will be 17 cents instead of 15 cents. Domes- tic rates on corn will be put up from 11 to 15 cents. Gasoline Mistaken for Kerosene. Miss Jennie Sutherland, of London. formerly of -Port Huron, through her attorney, J. H. Cole, started suit by summons in Detroit ou Saturday morn- ing, against Michael Bogan, in which $5,000 damages are asked. The com plainant alleges that in September, 1898, she went into Bogan's drug store in Port Huron and asked for two quarts of kerosene oil. She claims she was given gasoline. She poured it into a lamp, there was an explosion, and her right hand was so badly injured that she will probably be crippled for life. Miss Sutherland is a daughter of Mr. Thos. Sutherland,. 'United States customs officer, London. Since the accident Bogen has moved to Detroit. 4. SATTYGDAY'S 111111,RIOANE, Considerable Damara Deus at iturailtou --Results of the storm iu Toronto —The 0411adu Dismasted. Hamilton, July 81.—A severe electrical and wind storm struok the city about 3 o'clock on Saturday and did considerable damage. besides tying up the electric railways for some time. Lightning struck Downe's bakery, South Locke street, tearing the plaster from the ceilings and setting fire to the place. Tho fire depart- ment was caned out. A large plate glass window in Ennis' piano warerooms, King street, was blown in and pianos were damaged. A window in Heintz- naan's piano store was also blown in. The steamer Mazeppa had a close call In the bay, being nearly blown against Mo- Ilwreath's (look. At the Beach the only damage done was to boats, a large num bar of whioh were at anchor. They were overturned and blown on the shore. Later in the day there was another hard blow and several upsets were reported. Police Magistrate Jelf's yacht was upset and he and his wife and another person ware thrown into the water. The crow of the yacht Myrtle *went to the resoue. The Sterna at 'Forest°. Toronto, July 31.—The windstorm which struok Toronto on Saturday after- noon was the worst that has ever visited this port, so local marine men say. Numerous yaohte and row boats were up- set and their occupants were rescued at great danger. The crew of the lifeboat station manned the Grace Darlhan and put out to tho yacht Canada, which was battling with the storm in the middle of the bay. The wind broke her mast and the large amount of canvas she carried was thrown into the water. Her crew, however, was able to manage her and the Grace Darling went to the aid of others. The ferryboats could not land for some considerable time. Swept Off the Wharf to Death. Thoughtlessness cost William Scott his life on Saturday afternoon. He spent the day at the water front and during the big storm was swept into the bay and drowned. He was last seen walking along the oribwork west of Sitncoe street and a short Limo afterwards his body was seen floating close to the wharf at the foot of John street. All efforts to revive him failed. The deceased was 73 years of are. He came to Canada from his birth- place in .Ireland in 1847, and settled in Toronto. Anthrax In. Ontario. Toronto, August 1. --Dr. Dryce, Sec- retary of the Provincial 'Board of Health, received word this morning that several cases of anthrax existed in Listowel. Four deaths have al- ready resulted front it and fears ate entertained that unless proper pre- secautions are taken the disease may spread. The disease is well known in European countries, where, in past ages, its ravages have caused innumer- able deaths. but in Canada it has al: - ways bu.n kept well uncIei conti. 1. It occurs usually in the neighborhood of wool factories or tanneries, and is supposed to be due to the gems from diseased. wool or hides. :rt was from CATTLE THIEVES. Within a Few Weeks Farmers Near Lon- don Have Lost 100 Cattle. London, July 29.—Detectives have been for over a week investigating the cattle stealing cases reported recently in Middlesex. Data:dive Ward, who has been the principal worker in the case, has found that within a few weeks fully 100 fat cattle ready for the butcher have been stolen from farmers in Middlesex and adjoining counties. The thieves are evidently well organized and work sys- tematically. Adelaide Township farmers have been among the heaviest sufferers, seven of them having reported the loss of from five to fifteen cattle each. The stolen cattle have been driven into a large swamp in Caradoo Township and secreted there until they could ba slaughtered and disposed of safely. The detectives believe they can put their hands on the right parties and are only waiting to noun ample evidence. The Sante Dumbly., Revolution. Kingston, Jamaica, July 31.—A priv- ate despatch received here by way of Cape Hayden reports that the revolution in Santo Domingo is progressing favorably. In the event of the revolution snowed- ing, it is probable that Jiminez and Jitonez, the reputed leaders of the revolu- tion, will agree to retire, offering the Presidency to General Maximo Gomez, who would prove acceptable to all parties. A deputation, it is reported, is going to Ouba to confer with Gomez. .•••••••••• Taken With Cramps and Drovrned. Point Edward, July 31.—About 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon a young man named Leslie Wagg of Downington, Mich., was drowned in the river near the Grand Trunk freight sheds here. He was employed as fireman on the steamer 'United Empire of the Northwest Trans- portation Line, wkdoh is lying at tbe ' .aa'n• ••.: • Bee sea.. re t ommittel Wet ins s woe, Milt! mutt it 1.•• .1.11 fl 1 •..•ffl litItt 11 t •••it lllll • ,,,,, • •• .1.1i1 itqa t I .1 ,,,,,, • • 11 Ila • I . . t1 AVegetablePreparationforAs- simitating the -Food andRegula- ling the Stomachs andBowets of PtornotesDigestion,Cheerful- nessandRe,st.Contains neither OpiuntMorpliine nor /lateral. NOT NATI C °TIC, -AkCi70 a f Xr.5i/WELP/ZrEL2 m Seed- dilxSenner Roalslts &fir - Ain Sear • Aremiza- t - arrhizattatio • zleed goaha Sugar , Hadayrcen, nanin A perfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms,Convulsions,Feverish- ness andLoss OF SLEEP. Tee Simile Signelare of aW, 'KEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE Ateg IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY 13OTTLE IA 41111MONOIMMINIOMONI Castoria is put up ill elle-sire 1,040 Oar. It is not sold iu hulk, Don't allow aneone to sell via withr, elm on tho plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose." .J'a8co that you. get (1..114-T-04144, rat int- gleilaitte Ot • 4::e44, oa esapyst, The Molsons Bank., (Chartered by Parliaraent,1855.) Paid up Capital $2,000,000. Rest Fund 1 iitXtOtH) Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GIF,NEMAL MANAO ER. Money advanced to good Farmers on their own notes with ono or more endorsers at? per cent. per annum. --EXETER BRANCH— Opon every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 pm. A general banking business transacted. CURRENT RATES allowed for money on Deneatt Receipts. Savings Bank at 8 DiCusoN & CARL INa N. D. ETEDON: Solicitors. 81anager. EXETER ROLLER MILLS. Always Ready. Flour, Wholesale and Retail. Moped, feed, Barley, Peas, Oats, Corn —BIG STOCK ON HAND.— Prices Right. JO iEPH COBBLEDICK, 13ICYCLE .1101:1AGFLIAIS For 30 Days Only. Now is tbe time to get your Idevele put in good order for the season. No.1.—For $1 willeleau, ail and adjust all the bearings. will clean. oil and adjust all hearings, polizai an nickeled arts, and brighten frame and forks, No. s.—Por $4.501 will clean. oil, adjust. enamel the frame and fork Wadi (1r aroon and polish nickel parrs, No. 4. --For $6 I will clean, oil. adjust, en- amel black or maroon. true both wheels, true frame, forks and cranks, repair tires it worth repairing. and polish nickel parts. No S.—For :E8 will elean, ail, atljt,t, en- amel black or maroon, true both wbeols. true freme, forks and cranks, repair tires it worth repairing, nickel plate all parts ex- co_p_t spokes and hul•s. No. 6—Por$10 I will clean. oil, adjust, en- amel black or maroon, true both wheels. true frame, forks and cranks, repair tiros as above, nickel all parts, put all new spoke, in both wheels. Brantford Bicycle for Sate, $40 only, All kinds of Supplies on band. ISRAEL SMITH SOLE LEATHER tve wisb to impress on tbe minds of everybody that we don't sell sole leader, neither do wo sell meat a, tough as sole leather. OUR MEATS—, Are of the very best quality.1 Try our big brown Sirloin Roast. It is as toothsome and appetizing as the famous peaeook's roast of Kingly tiro es. We know how to it up all nice for tho oven. Try us once, You'll try us twice: 'You'll find our meats Are choice and nice. John Manning. Contractor Grant of Toronto has se- Snail S a...eaagirtir cured the contract to build the Lan. don waterworks dam at a cost of $44,000. COMMERCIAL LIVERY. The body of Duncan MCA.fartin, for 25 years turnkey of the jail at Corn- First-class Rigs and Horses wallwas found in the Black River Orders left at Hawksh aw's monthly. Hotel, or at the Livery 4 Cuthbert Olivier, who is awaiting trial at Sorel on a charge of wife nnue Stable Christie's old Staled der, on Friday made a desperate at- tempt to escape. Henry Christie, a farmer residing will receive prompt at- tention near Tyneside, was thrown out of a r rig and killed near the Grand Trunk rerms Reasonable crossing at Caledonia. Red Hot From the Gun Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead- man of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible 'Ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 years. - Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, 4 Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. f, Best Pie cure ou earth: 25 cts. a box. Cnre guaranteed. Sold by all Drug- gists. ailelephon Connection raeaFsooises,osesesasseierroaN C T Harry Neivman, of North Vernlam, was accidentally shot by Spencer De- vit, Saturday evening. The two boys were playing with a loaded gun, .which young Devit accidentally discharged. the contents entering Newina.n's side killing him itstantly. The boys were about fifteen years of age. Thursday Mrs. I. Brown of the nth concession of Dover, and a neighbor drove to an orchard to get some apples. The horse was tied to -a tree and the sevenenonthe-old baby of Mrs. Brown was left, in the rig. The horse, stand- ing uneasilyfrom the flies. threw the baby over the dashboard, and it fell beneath the horse's feet. Before the horrow stalken moth er could reach her baby she saw the horse plant one of its feet cm the infant's head, crushing its brains and life out. The mother ' was completely oVerconic by the aw- dock, He went in bathing with some , ful occurrence. companions. It is supposed he took 1 cramps, as helves a good swimmer. WinniRog by taking carbolic acid. Ls47A ST the study of this plague tlatit Pastern., T. Kee, Graften, Dakota. suicided at evolved the beginnings of modern laacteriollogical science': Children Cry for R1A, to P. THOUSANDS OF YOUNG MEN are :, 1 troubled with nervousness, despon- Ni dency, exhaustion, loss of memory, p aching backs and kidneys, painful urine - 6 tion, bashfulness, sedimentin urine, losses ti)at night, impotency, headaches, varicocele, W pimples, ulcers, bone pains, ---The results 16°1 evil habits in youth or later excesses. W 1 Our Vitalized Treatment cures the worst , cases. 0 Emissions & Varicocele 1 v sap the vigor and vitality and produce freen. :tkur)Dollar TruStsont cgwgizuro. koi Soloture and Cleet, \..f. No matter how chronic, yield to our Vital - 0 tied Treatment. No operation, no pain, 0 no detention from business. Ail drains ,34 cease. Our Dollar Treatment will geutre You. &Blood 81. Senna Disease (fj aired. forever. No return of thedisease.,p No Mercury. No Poisonb1 . Our oilar ' g. Treatment win Cure: You. We ci Guaretutee Cure. 4 We treat and cure all dis- eases of men and winnen for gni Examination and Consultation Si,,. Write for agostioa List for Boum Treatment. a.. a. .1.RTR47'AUAvenue, DOLLADOCOS T, Mich. etisiS4seereaseasaaaeseeeerseeeseoed Hattie Stuart, aged nine daughter of R. Stuart of NorWood, was drowned at her father's' summer resi- dence et Stoney Lake.