HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-8-3, Page 277, Subscribers who do not receive their paper Iearly will please notify us at once, e. "ell at this *thea for advertising ratan iv.. !TEE: EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1899,. Painted Paragraphs, Fools begin a lot oG things that wise Men finish, Hope is a dream a man has when, he is awake. She beauty of a tattooed picture is nmly elaia deep. It is ai great misfortune not to be able Se bear mi;fortuue. The truth that prevails err l.. horse trade is indeed tni;geity. Always gent t aTess of people than you expectgive you. Every time a i d e is fought another scrap of hies ,ry is made.. Don't jt ig.. a magi ley the fit of his coat; It may he ;a barruwed one. A small l:oy's idea of greatness is to play base a:l an a uniform. The darkest cloud, fin:meitily speaking, Li one that la;,s no silver lining. 1he worn/ doesn't sl end much rime in watehinr :} titan's geed ;tete. When a Juan is out of ai job dee eau keep himself L us; loob.iug for work. 4ny (sealer in tlreernis will furnish you an empty gun free of suers e. Laugh a little more at your own troub- les anti as little les, at your neighbor's, When a nein lose,; e20 gold pieee it n't a ease of "out of eight one of mind," t€ a Telae roan who has no little vices map ivake up for nt b; having one big one, Tisete tower was, and ewer will be, tR Universap sea tees its une remedy, for ft,P ills to Whits itehh inheir—the very nature of many ( tar hires brings suet than were the genus o: other and differently seated disease, meted. in the system of the Wang—wt.:ix would rebeve one in in tura would aggravate the other. We ;nave, haweser, sn tasted:se Wine, when ,obt.aali tie a an a :,ontad uaadudtereeed bete. a remedy for ata;talc and grevious nine Iia its eneteal Said jitaidcauttk use. the Ifninkesz eyemule, are lett into cainvate eeuee a eked ;;neem, by the iaitlttenee *hien (,Zine pipe exert, a a Nature's own restoratives. acre:e('v . the droopitso spirits of those with wheat a claroute state arf morbid des- ppondeuey asci leek. of lutereet iu life is as iseastr. ;apsd, by tr.ataquilazita,a; the :nerves, idispesee to -ouud alai :edreenitia ;deep— timpars meter to the ,let;ou of the blood, which, n luted, Mamma thr ugh- out tin;Teats. etreta;;theurn;: the healthy 'animal fusee -none of the system, thereby betaking tietivity a nereesary result, letrengtheuiasg the frame, end giving life •to the di;:e,tive organs. which naturally demand increased sub,taueeeeresult, aun- proved alwp rite. Northrop & Lyman of ioronao, have given to the public their superior Qslinane Wine at the usual rete. sed, gauged by the opinion of scientists. tilde wino approaches nearest perfection of .any in the market. All druggists sell ic. A Lady. A. lady is simply the highest type of woman. Site will be gentle* and modest, ga)istrees of temper and curiosity. She will know and honor her own. plaeo in the social order as the divinely appointed molder, teacher and refiner of men, and ant of this noble and beautiful place she will not seek to move. '1'•a lit herself for the place she will cultivate body and wind; the body in health and vigor and that she may take her ;hare of burdens and be dieerful under them, and that her work in the world may be as fairly done us h •r hands can do ir. and the mind in knowledge. areompliehment and taste, that she may be a delight and a help In her house. --John Boyle O'Reilly. liinard's Liniment Cures target in Cows. Stone and Oil. D. C. French, the sculptor, says that there is more ehvuee for young Americans in sculpture than in painting. •'I believe," be adds, "that our natural character is more adapted to working in stone than in oil." Mark Twain, hearing this, replied: "Well, give me the ail well and the Frenchman can take the quarty every time." Rich, red blood is prodateed by Miller's Corrapeuad Iron Pills. They possess the great eitaiizing principle upon which de- pend health and strength. .>, Handy Memory. • "It's a great thing to have a memory Abet you can rely on," said the friend. "It is," mid S enatcr Sorghum, compla- cently. "and I may say with ut boasting that my meanory never yet played me• any tricks by obtruding embarrassing facts when one was asking questions." .A. Life nave -.—Mr. Janes Bryson, Cameron, states: "I was confined to my bed with Inflammation of the lungs, and was given up by the physicians. .A. neigh- bor advised me to try Dr. Thomas' Belem tric Oil, stating that his wife had used it for athroat trouble with the best results. Acting on his advice, I procured the medi- cine, and less than a half bottle cured me; I certainly believe it saved my life. It was with reluctance that I consented to a trial, as I was reduced to such a state that I doubted the power of any remedy to do me any good." A Diplomnt. The Tramp—Excuse me, maim, but ez I waz passin' by I noticed de odor of apple pie, an' it smelt so much like de kind me =udder used ter make dat I couldn't re- sist de temptation of comin' in an' askin' ler a taste of it. The best remedy for scrofula in Mil- ler's Compound Iron Pills. 50 doses 23 cents. Then and Now. He used to say that she was plump, And she was pleased at that; But they were married years ago, And now he fills her days with woe By telling her she's fat. There are cases of consumption so far advanced that Bickle's Anti Consumptive Syrup will not cure, but tone so bad that it will not give relief. For coughs, colds and all affections o f the throat, lungs and chest, it is a specific which has never been :known to fail. It promotes a free and easy expectoration, thereby removing the phlegm, and gives the diseased parts a chance to heal. Sigh of Appreciation. "Old Grabber ought to bo satisfied with the motley he has." "He is satisfied—so much so that he .wants a lot more of exactly the same kind:" Wealth for' ' the children. Killer's t1Worin To'wdera,. , a DO1NGS;OF THE (SEEK iT.EMS OF INTEREST FROM AROUND THE WORLD I('runed, Punctuated and Fre■errsd is Pith_r Paragraphs for the Perusal. of Practical People — rersonai, Poiitlel►t snd Prolltable. 'I'REi EDUCA.TIONAL WORLD, The Ontario Governrneut has made ap- pointments to the new =formal School at London. Ont. The principal will be F W. Merchant M.A., science plaster of the. London Collegiate Institute. The vice-principal is ,John Dearness, inspector of public schools in London, TUE DEAD, Mrs. William Barry died on Friday in the #longe of the Friendless, aged 104 years. Deceased was a slave in Virginia. She has resided in Chatham for over 49 years, According to The San Premised Chron- icle of a week ago, there appease little doube of the death of ex -Mayor A. D. Stewart of Hamilton. A. special despatoh to that paper from Victoria says that he died of scurvy at Peel River, %'3O n ItMAGNI:a WORLD, The date for the induction of Rev. Armstrong Slack, of Rirltenhead, F,ngf., into the pastorate of St..edrw's. Church, Tearontto, has bean fixed for Thursday, Sept. 7, at 3 ololoelt in the afternoon. Governor James A. Mount welcomed the Epworth League convention on ties bait' of India pxo Indiana.liea on h u r s - day. Rev, A. Carman, DX., Toronto, and Rev. G. 3, Bond of Halifax, r'.S„ responded for CA130414r4 Methodism. 't•HU VIRE RECORD. The town of Dobejhi, in the Govern- meat of Volhynia, Russia, has been de- stroyed by tire. Seven persons lost thele lives in the conflagration, and the survey- ing inhabitants have been rendered desti- tute.. `rbc Ckneiuuati, Batnidton & Dayton elevator at Toledo was totally destroyed by Are on Sunday night. which seeuling- ly started from an internal explosion. The building and contents were valued at $1.000.000. About midnight Samerdny ilea broke. out in the engine room of Burr Bros.' furulture factory at Guelph. The firemen sueeeeded in confining the Ore to the englno and bending rooms, wbieb were completely gutted: probable a .bout 1500; insured, MARISE MATTERS. The new steamer Germanic was launoh- ad at Collingwood on Thursday and formally entered as ono of the fleet of the Northern Navigation Company. The tug George Dean, owned by Paul Leeonlpt. Philadelphia, foundered at sea off the Highlands on Thursday. The cap - tux and crew of seven rowed to Lona Br;lnels in a yawl. The remainder of the shipwrecked orew of the schooner Hattie E. Worcester of Gloucester, numbering 14 leen, arrived at Jeddore, N.S., on Friday morning, havingrowed from ;able Island, All the crew are now accounted for. The Canadian Liner Gaspesia, which was adrift in the Guh1' of tit. Lawvrenee, surrounded by ice Mos, all winter, was sold on Friday by order of the Supreme Court to pay the salvage awarded the Kite. She was bought by Captain Fergus, Maur of Halifax foe $117,000. CASLiALTIEs. A halfbreed, Fred Bulletin, was fatal- ly injured by a street car at Winnipeg on. Saturday. Robert Hozaok. 14 years, was killed by the C.P.R. at the Dufferin street crossing on Saturday in Toronto. Ha was out in two, and died instantly. Robert Royce, a member of the Toron- to Junction Gun Club, who went to. the Daupbtn district, 'Manitoba, recently, had bis hand crushed a few days ago, and had to have it amputated.. One of the boilers of the Austrian tor- pedo boat Adler exploded on Sundayhile the vessel was off the Island of Torcole, in the Adriatio Sea, killing a lieutenant and four members of the crew. The accident to the Empress of Ger- manywas more serious than at first stated. One of the bones in the lower part . of Her Majesty's leg was broken. Complete recovery can scarcely be expect- ed before six weeks. Donald Graham, 13 years of age, whilst playing in Robert MoDevitt's barn on con. 9. King, got his feet entangled in a pulley. He fell 17 feet to the ground, broke his forearm and dislocated the elbow joint. The joints ozone through the flesh. CRIME AND CRIMINALS. Detective Richards of the Montreal police foroe lies at the point of death at bis home in that city as a result of a stab he received from Francis Lafleur. Humphrey Guest was sentenced at Belleville on Friday to three years in the penitentiary for stealing a horse and buggy and harness belonging to S. A. Lazier. Guest is the most notorious horse thief in Canada. He is 78 years old and has served 42 years in the penitentiary A negro, captured near Iron City on Saturday night, and who was identified as one of the assaulters of Mrs. J. E. Ogletree last Thursday night, was lynch- ed at daylight Sunday morning near Saffold, Ga. Two other negroes who were arrested at Troy on suspicion of being implicated in the outrage were found dead on Sunday. On Thursday night, July 20, the barber shop of Charles Bond, in Aurora. was entered and razors and other arti tiles were stolen. On Friday Constables Savage and Somerville arrested two strangers at Newmarket on gnipioion of being the thieves. The men gave their names as Joseph Long and Frank Stark. Goods were found on them corresponding to the articles stolen, and, being tried before Squires Woodcock and Millard, they were found guilty andsent down for three months each. PURELY PERSONA.L. Don Carlos, the Spanish pretender, has left Venice, ostensibly for Austria. Glasgow University on Thursday ' con- ferred the honorary degree' of dootor of laws upon Sir Henry Irving. Archbishop John Ireland of Minnesota bas sailed. from Ireland for the Uufted States on board the steamer Britannia. The Sultan of Turkey has had four officers of his Imperial Guard arrested. lie cbarged them with hatching a plot to kidnap him, Admiral Dewey while at Trieste said his impression was that no practical. re - 'mite would be attained at the pesos, oon-, le ane. at The Hazen The condition of Sir 'Mimes 0, Edgar was somewhat improved on Supday night. Ile was confined to his bed all day, but expects soon tobe out again. Harry Plunkett Greene, the well-known baritone, and Gwendoline, daughter of Sir Hubert Parry, director of the Rotal College of Music, were married at Eon - don on Thursday, A. G. Peek of Cohoe's Rails, N,y., has bought the Muckross este tee of she Lakes of laillerney, about which there has been so much talk. The price paid was £37,000. Mr. Peels made a fortune in the 'United States in the manufacture of axes. He is now residing in London, arteCI ASSIk IEO. The returns for the month of June show that 1,900 Englishmen have end- grated to Canada. The tussock moth bas made its appears since on the trees around St. James' Cathedral, Toronto. Sunday Guars were run for the Arse time in Ottawa on Sunday. Many people took advantage of tete service,. The National Iron Moulders, In con- vention at Indianapolis on Friday. select- ed Toronto as tho place of next meeting, Several deaths were reported at Lon- don. Bug., on Thursday, due to the beat, Tho temperature was 86, the highest reached this year. Ali Europe is parched with the beat. The storm At Santiago de Chin, glen,. tioned in a despatch on .Tilly 18, still. centimes. Tb' damage to rnilwaya and bridges le estimated at 6.060,000 pesos. The wheat crop, it is believed, bas been completely destroyed. Notwithstanding the fever epidemic only 16 deaths from all causes were -re- ported. last week in Santiago de Cuba. This is viae lowest mortality record the city bee ever ltnowe. No naw cases of yellow fever lava beenreported in five 31aY9. Thomas Southworth, clerk of forestry, bas written to the Imperial Institnt°, London, Eng., to ascertain the possibility of building up a trade for Canadian tamarack tutu, There is an abundancix of the gena in Canada, but the demand here ie ellgbt, The amendments to the Onterie fishery laws provide that bass less tban ten inches rn length cannot be caught, that) epetk1ed trout of dimensions less than six inchesin length shall reruain in the water. that pickerel less than 12 inches long shall be left, and that masklnonfie that do not scale 15 inches must not he caught. The total value of the mineral proauot of the Province of Ontario for tho year 1893 in round figures will be $7,201,891, as against $5,235.003 in 1896; the wagosl paid in 189$ atuounted to 11,456,786,. wyhilo in 1896 theamount was 11,591,796. The nien employed in' the former year numbered 5,070, and in 1898 those em- ployed numbered 7.478. J, II. MALL. stitetnes.S. Prosperous farmer of Paa;Crays Go.s t. Georgotowu to De tit. Deed. Georgetown, Out, July t33.—Yesterday morning about 8.30 the body of a young man was found on Mr. U. Barnes' farm, near Georgetown, with a terrible gun 'round in his head, the empty gun lying Across his body. A small memorandum book found In his Pocket contemned his name, J. H Hall, Palgrave, and also a number of messages to his mother and other members of the family. The case is evidently one of deliberate suicide. Advices front Palgrave state that the young man is a prosperous farmer, and no reason can be given for his rash act. The coroner has decided that an inquest is unnecessary.. NTN]t KILLED, POUR INJURED. Terrible Accident on the British To.rp.d. Boat Bullfinch. London, July 29. --An explosion on board the torpedo destroyer Bullfinch in the Solent, during her trial yesterday, killed nine and injured four of those on board, While the Bullfinch was running at her full speed of 30 knots, the connecting engine rod of the starboardbroke, ]: e and. striking the cylinder, knocked off its end. The engine room presented a terrible sight. The injured wore groaning in agony. One man who had apparently been struck by some flying metal, bad his head nearly torn off. BRIDEGROOM KILLED TWO MEN. Fatal Result of a Charivari to Newly - Wedded Couple in Quebec. Montreal, July 21.—A rather tragic affair is reported from St. Eustache, where a party had gathered around to serenade Mr. and Mrs. Neal Guilard, who had just been married. During the serenade the groom discharged a gun, with the effect that Isaac Larnoureaux was killed and his nephew badly wound- ed. It is said Guilard had married aeainst the wishes of his first wife's relations, hence the trouble. No arrests have yet been made. Admiral Dewey Sues for Prize Money. Washington, July 22.—Admiral George Dewey yesterday filed suit as a libellant in the District Court of the District of Columbia to hecover the prize money due him and the officers and crow of his fleet for the vessels sunk in the battle of Manila, and the property. subsequently • recovered by the navaleforce under his command. Upon the ships and equip- ments which have already been apprais- ed and inventoried by the board of ap- praisers appointed by the Secretary of the Navy, Admiral Dewey demands the sum of $325,141, and, in addition, the amount due upon the three cruisers sunk in the engagement, but subsequently raised, and upon which he places a value of 1425,000. Jury Says Murder. Windsor, Ont., July 24.—The inquest on the death of James Rosa, .the colored man who died Thursday night from the effects of blows on his head, was held on Saturday in Denis, St. Louis Grove, in Sandwich South. After hearing the evi- dence the coroner's jury brought in the following verdict: "That Levi Stewart did wilful1y, felonious) and with malice y aforethouht kill and murder Ja g mei Ross." Yanked Interteronce Again. London,J ulv 24.—A question will be asked in the House of Commons to -day with regard to Mrs. Maybrick, under- going sentence of life imprisonment for the poisoning of her husband, and whether, seeing her conduct has been uniformly good, Sir Matthew White Ridley. the Horne Secretary, will not re- commend the exercise of royal clemency in her case. ' bildren as Verse Writers.. A ladr who makes songs for children, and makes them well, -arses the Rttltivr- tion of the verse -writing Moray in little ones, and says: "A mother who kept the most characteristic lines written by her children would have something much more precious than photographs, by which the could bring to nand in later years the days of their childhood, and she would have glimpses into their little souls when those souls were most innocent and full of hope" Be There a Will, Wisdom Points the Way.—sick loran pines for relief but be dislikes sending for the doctor, which meant bottles of drugs never consumed He has not the resolution to load grit stomach with compounds whieb sine): villianously and owe worse. But if be have the will to deal lairself with his Ailanent, wisdom will direct his attention to Parntelee's Vegetable Pills. which, as a speeifie for indigestion and disorders of the digestive organs, have no equal. Apple Sauce WiLh Cleves, Pare one dozenapples, eut intoquarters.', and remove the cores. To them add about'. a dozen cloves and a ellsi of boiling water.. Cook over as hot fire until the quarters be gin to break in pieces, theca remove the'I cores and press the apples' through a sieve. Return the pulp to the lire with one cup of sugar and a teaspoonful of butter and stir and coal$ until the eeneeboils throng;la- out, Exquisite ,uebet Terfnxn(•. Leveuder flowers, one ounce; pulverizes orris, two drtehms; bruised 1st/Ronnie leaves, one-half ounce; Musk. live ,.a zits: attar of roses, five drape. Mix well, hew up in small, slut Muslin hags and cover them with t4lney silk or tinted aewvu, Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper, What li)a.1 She Mean? Miss Riehly—When one is ae wealthy ne I am. it is hard to deride whether a leve-: wishes to marry for the motley or ter urtt self. Miss Castique—In your ease, dear, kbit is no Loom for doubt. Mental nd l,heeival vigor follow ile• use of Miller's Compound Item Ilene. Not Ready 'lel. "But you surely want to go to Heaves; don't you, Tommy!'" "Yee'm, but not till I've li'1wd Btul11- Ginnis fur ehentin' ale wn. tl we Sheath' crape the itlter daffy... stele ee One,, et re. (r Tem:t e a FR Itt(iAt('(.rs, F1tdah .I. 'Stw tu'tivkes frith tthat iso is Op settler tamer at the erns t'f 1 I. l7at:w t w Y t •. doing bu'1iw s in the telt)' et T • .do t , t,., andbtltiaf,nA Id. and tltelas,u.t+1 rt:;awwtil lo: the sum of (NF. HUNDRED I t Id \1(, f. • esi'h a,id every essse t ('Al Anne lint e s i':• i be cured by the usa of 1i• Gt.. t vlM(un (Tin kJt %NF J. VW NF:L Sworn to before me and etals-trii•e , to rn- presence, this telt day of D. cumber. A.P. flick;. ti58&Z,.f \,. vary is, u" Raft a Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and sets directly on the blood and mucous surfaet•as of the system. Bend for u-stinnmiels, free. F. J. CIlENEY Si CU., Toledo, (t, tarSeld by Druggists, 750. More Trouble. "It isn't my wife's new ,clothes than worry mo." "Well, wbat is it?" "As soon as she gets all togged out new sho wants her photograph. taken." Miller's Worm Powders the medicine for children. These- Lovina (:iris. Ella—Jack proposed to me last week. Hattie—Why. he )proposed to me also! Ella—I suspeeted as much. SVhen I re- fused him he threatened to do something desperate. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. D EAu St ns, —I have usedIMINA RD'S LINIMENT in my stable for over a year and consider it the very best for horse flesh I can get and strongly re- commend it. Guo. HOUGH, Livery Stables, Quebec. A Patent Cigar. Two Virginians have patented a oigar in which a leaf stern is inserted in the centre to impart fragrance to the filler. the stem being withdrawn when the cigar is light- ed, thus forming a passage for the smoke. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, No Doubt Sho \will. Old Bachelor—Do you :expect to marry, or do you prefer to keep your liberty, Miss Van Sand? Miss Van Sand—What a funny ques- tion. I intend to do both. ' . A new back for 50 cents. Miller'ai Kidney Pills and Plaster. How Oho Encouraged Ring. Dick—I told May I would have a kiss if I swung for it. Jack—What did she do? • Dick—Started the hammock, and I car- ried my point. A Clear, Healthy Skin.—Eruptions of the skin and the blotches which blemish beauty are the •result of impure blood caused by unhealthy action of the Liver and Kidneys. In correcting this un- healthy action and restoring the organs ns to their normal condition, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will at the same time cleanse the blood, and the blotches and eruptions will disappear without leaving any trace. Going Without Drink. Many animals in desert regions never have any water except the dew on vegeta tion.- A. parrot in the London zoo is known to have lived 52 years without a drop p of water. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound :Iron Pills.. "Everything Pusher puts his hand to turns into money." ('Yea Why he could write poetry and make it pay." Paderewski denies the rumor that he will marry. The Chicago Record suggests that probably he cannot afford to take ohances on losing bis. hair. FOR City Streets or Country. Roads the OENDRON is without a peer: Light, Easy Running, Always Reliable, THE OENDRON M'F'C 00. LIMITED Toronto, Ont. r IF ANY MEMT3E OF1'QUIi FA hill,\ 1altlNli +, C thetaeteforliquor crux removed permanently by WIVESSISTER ■R! a EV steel Herm •, tln.r 'f(•Ir a .al•('re(Iw In tying • t o »x t 1're, ot p t (re 1 foodordrink, Failure impassible, d'atnphler, ti•sti• moulage ate onlarsiree 4orr;apnndetaceanntidentlal. ( u BOTHERS De e S a ,1U REMi1L)'x CO.. Toronto, glut. BRQTHEna Write Tu A 1, !t e Vipond Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE ODU : COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Correspondence Solicited, ( ig MONTREAL. Advances Made on Consignments. Tlac Old htatrt's Alrat, Materfaluilias ifl p. m.)—What's the matter You look distressed. Paterfamilias -1 thought It about time to give that young fellow iu the parlor a vigorous hint Haat it was nearing mid- night, so I walked right lute the room. and, giving buts ltim and our daughter a severe look, 1 deliberet('ly turned (Jut the gas. "Mercy; Didn't he get at„r•:" "No: he said 'Thar* you.' "—New York Meekly. Eta Verslon. "Haven't you and your friend got through that argument yet')" "It isn't any argument." answered the opiniouated man resentfully. "1 am merely telling him the facts in the ease, and he is so obtuse that he can't under - eta ud," nderetaud," A. Mint. Madge -1 wished on every new moon last year, and all my wishes were realiz- ed. George—What did you wish for? \Midge--WelI, the first time I wished for a diamond ring, nud tee other times I wished that I'd get my wish. --Brooklyn Life. A Base Canard. The Interviewer—There is a report started, senator, that you are intending to retire from politics. Senator Makerox—Young man, I am not the first man whose wealth has been overestimated, A Coining Disease. DrSquills—What was the matter with that cab driver you were called to see last night? Dr. Isallomell—As nearly as I can de- scribe what ails him it is automobilions- ness, "Are these goods pure and unadulterat- ed?" inquired the customer. "To the pure all things are Plied tho grocer av aC ivelJ. pure," re- hiinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Traveler—The houses in some of the ancient cities had walls three feet thick. Mr. Brickrow (enviously)—I presume some of the neighbors were musical. PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS The Beat Stade. fiend Cur tJutalo_ne. COCltSJIUTT PLOW CO., Rrt3"TFORD. UCAS, STEELE &BRISTOL, t'} ?t B. Coffees IMPORTERS OF OROOERlES, L.S..S'. D. htxtract Write us. HAMILTON. L.s..tl.3. Spices BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTARIO BINDER TWINE CO., 113 Union Station Arcade, Toronto. ECHANIC tNanted. Boiler Makers, Fitters, Lathe Hands. We eau give good =armies steady work. Good wage:. Cool, well- 'glued, well - heated shop; best modern conernieuces. Brant - for 1 is a healthy, progressive ei.y — living cheap. Waterous, Brantford, Canada. CLOTHING For glen and Women. Fashionable, perfect -fitting Clpthing is supplied by this store at such reasonablr prices everybody should be well dressed. You ran have a catalogue free, also samples of the material for any garment you want. For Women there areBioveleSuitgandSkirts, Street and f ravelling Costumes, White Goods, Undergarments of all kinds, also Shirt Waists Skirts, ililli'iery ani Footwear. For Men Collars, Cuffs, Wool U ute'rciothi ,g all weights, Shirts (lawn bled and un- haundried), Tweed Suits, Dress Sets Work, g Clothes for Minors, Mechanics and F,trm're complete wardrobes for 13este ess Mat and Pr ,- fessionai iden. No one knows what their money is really worth till they see what it will bring from THEIM NCOMPANY SO ROBERT LIh41TED S T. N. U. 230 CENTRAL PRISON BINDE'. All a. his Sea,s TWI E ale PURE MANILLA I Ie. LB. CASH WITH ORDER. CENTRAL, PRISON TORONTO. t i True Caurteer ie Chltarecs, The trend of the: hone trainiug shows itee1( early iu the yield s life, and often by single en tell net; it is mule evident that the larineiples of courtesy aro inculcated, The expreeeion of thoughtfulness on ;he Part of aYoung nu•tulser of the family= for the comfort of a ewr k alwaysa pleasant) sight, and than mere honor to the mother than costly feria- :ung. 4 ?aikller's Worm Powder, for sallow skin; old or,'oung. Tree Twency centuries. old. The oldest tree on earth with an anthem , de history Is the great. Mimi tree of Bur-; mak. For twenty ee':tturies it bas been held sacred til 13nddh;t. and no person is allowed to much the trunk. When the' leaves fall they are earria'd away as relies by pilgrims. Bf111cr'n \\'ortn P,nvdt'rt Mahe thee' children heattkty. An .A. ne(rnt ,vet an` "Imperial Kntna-, began the professor, "sat on ]ler seven hills and ruled the world anal—until when" "Until." replied the thorough. student, "the rest of the world sat on imperial Rome."' , ANTED.—\feu sed women everywhere to distribute samples and advertise Call- fornix Orange:eyrie); e per day and expenses paid; cash every week; I'artieulai's for a cent stamp. CALTFc)RNIAOItANGE SYRUP CO., , San. Francisco, Cal. PAINT Fights off the hot sun, preserves the house, beautifies it as well, and gives satisfaction if you use Ramsay's HOUSE PAINT BARN PAINT ROOF PAINT1 Alt dealers have it. Ask for card or send, to us and we will tell you where to get it., A. RAMSAY & SON, PAINT MAKERS. 1Viontredla' The Owen Electric Belt Trade Mark-Dr.Owen The only scienti lc wed practical Electric; Bele , made, for general use, having batteries that' generate a strong current of Electricity that is under perfect control and can be applied to any part of the body, for the cure of 1 New us Diseases` Thousands of people suffer from a variety of Nervous Diseases, such as Seminal Weakness Impotency, Lost Manhood, etc., that the old modes of treatment fail to cure. There is a lose' Da nerve force or power that cannot bo restored by any medical treatment, and any doctor who, wont try to accomplish this by any kind of drug; is pursuing a dangerous practice. Pro- perly treated, these diseases can be PDS itCure'01 Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric Belt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do so. It is the only known power that will supply, what is lacking, namely nerve force or power, impart tong and vigor to the organs and arouse to healthy action the whole nervous system. It, will most assuredly cure, With ut Medicine Variooce le Ne rvous Pr ostration, Rheumatism,' ,' Sciatica, Disease,Lumbago,LameBack- end Dyspepsia. OUR ILLUSTRATED CATiILOCUE Contains fullest information regarding the cure of acute chronic , c ado rf nervous vu s diseases,tics howtoorder et . Prices,: e I / <ad ed)—FREE' to anyi l f i NNE Electric Belt'. And Appliance Ca TORONTO ONT.