Exeter Advocate, 1899-7-27, Page 8Rusini#ss Br gbtness Brings Success.
ecctral 7
.,STitt,'.TFQ,?t, ONE,
FALL TERU treats SHPT. abtli. Centr;
Business Ceilege, $tratfor,l, Out: Write tc
dar *or our 3>er: eat4Qgue. Itx s the finest
business eeliege ,,a.xslo„uein_ Cz na,ds, matrepresents the 11.2S; 1rooress,:ve and best
W. J. 41ULoit, Priueipal
LO �
}T� A i
Try the Arevotaaral for Wedding
etationery, Latest. designs.
404. for 40
to Jan 1st, 1000,
tl vts, Subscribe now.
Mr. IL Willem of Dashwood, ship-
peel a ear hogs from here to Toronto
Workmen are busily engaged put-
lug in the sewer on the East side of
Main street,
:lir, G. F. Robbins, who was one
time Editor end proprietor of the St,
'Jaaarys Journal, has purchased the
\'r'inghani Journal, -
The people of St. Marys have carried
0w1 �'<
V. b . • w nraise100U far a . , te.
l,a t
b ,
;works system for the town,
('rap fatecosts which have begun to
appear in `i ;nitob,a show that wheat
is heeding eget well and eoualitions
generally are favorable.
Two thousand dollaars is the account
feir bringing' and maintaining the iznil-
itiaa, in Loudon to protect that eity
from the street tally -ay strikers,
Miss Muer Johns, who suet with an
unfortunate sbooriug accident a few
slays sinciale improving nicely and will
goon have the use of tlae iujureai. lineal
Mrs. E J. Specl,;znan on lionday last
received. the aid news of the death. of
her brother, Geo. Latta, who died near
Fort McLeod, N.W.T. an Suudaay
The spur now in comae of cozastrue=
Crawl ConConizfromthe. C,,,,
and Trunk tnilway to
the stave= mill of the Sutherl,•anr3-Innis
CO, is fast hearing completion :and
will he ready for use shortly.
Mr. john H. Reid, of Seaaforth, was
worthily elected District Deputy
Grand Master of South Huron, Ilis-
trict No. 4, A. F, & A:. AI„ at the Grand
Lodge meeting field in Ottawa last
Kincardine is ours for Aug, 3rd,
Civic Holiday, Masonic Excursion,
Round trip $L
• To Feasters.
• Farmers should beat' in mind that •
Thursday, August 3rt1, has been pro,
claimed ela l etet' s 'tyle Holiday, con-
seqtzeutly all plaees of businees°will l e
closed that day,
The game of lacrosse played here
on Friday night last beetweetr the
Mitchell and k`x:eter junior -teems res-
ulted ,%favor of the Aiiteliell team
by a score of 2.0. Both tennis played
good lacrosse and the game through-
proved quite interesting: — he
teen), E-etet � a
axe played again at Seaforth
with the team of that place on Tues
day, resulting in favor of Seaforth by
la• score 4
icycte nun.
A. number of the cyclists of town
were socially entertained at the home
of Mr -and Mrs, Frank Knight Aionday
evening last, the occasion, being in
honor of 'Miss Jennie Drew, :of Ontario,
California, who is spending a few
weeks here, the guest of her aister, Mrs.
Knight, On .assembliug early iu the
evening the party too a five -mile
jaunt in the country and although the
evenaug was quite warns it was ra most
enjoyable outing. Ou returning a
luncheon was served, after which the
eoznpary repaired to the parlor where
their attention was telteti izp in sing.
ing and utheranausements.
Feel Thirty Feet -
Laura, slaughter of M. IL. Towle,
xaiea with an aaeeidenton Thursday last
which h h nil Int have resulted. seriously,
She,togeter with a number of others,
weeplaylugontheaagricultural grounds
and while endeavoring to secure the
eggs from o. bird's ,teat at the top of
the "Crystal Palace." accidentally
topped ora as loot,e stick,caus'itlgaeer to
all to the floor below, a ciistaauce of
about thirty feet. In the fall she was
z'endered uncorseious and sustained a
severe'cut in one Ieg which necessita,
ted several stitebesand she was other-
wise badly shaken up.
etoatreaxers Buy a Hotel.
The Montreal Gazette of v t as ti Monday , ;►ir. C. Vallee, of the Queen's
Hotel, has returned from a, fortnight's
trip in the Muskoka district, during
which he eontpletecl the pnrehase o
the Hotel St, Joseph, on Lake Huron,
and wine 3 miles from Gcalerich, Ont.
The purchase also includes a, large
traactof hand, wild and improved. The
price paid for the whole is $4000. A.
new wharf is in process of construc-
tion at St. Joseph, and railway coni.
urication is contemplated. When
lase are completed, St. Joseph, it is
a anticipated, will be a very popular re.
Another P. 0. climate.
et circular has been issued by the P.
O. Department which sets forth that
owing to the reduction in the domestic
letter rate of postage the issue of the
three -cent letter card, the three -cent
stamped envelope, and the three -cent
post stamp from the department has
Ceased. Existing supplies of these de.
nominations will be surcharged down
to two cents by the department and
ti by postmasters at that value.
u the 20th Inst, the issue of the
ordinary two -cent purple -coloured
stamps will be discontinued, and when
the surcharged threes are all used, the
issue of a new two -cent stamp in reel
will begin. The change to red is the
outcome of a decision of the Universal
Postal Union, which stipulates that
the colour of the domestic rate of post-
age stamp in all countries of the union
trust be in red.
A Close can.
Mr. Ed. Howard, of the firm of Dyer
& Howard, met with an accident on
Tuesday morning which resulted in
him nearly losing his life. It appears
he had loaded a large water tank on
the light wagon at the factory and'
lust as he drove around the corner a
little East, the horse became frighten-
ed at the rattling of the tank and
started to run and kick. Mr. Howard
hung unto the lines the best he could
for some distance, but realising the
imminence of his daazger,jumped from
the rig. Just as he did so the heavy
tank at the same time rolled off and Mr
Howard was caught with terrible force
as he lay prone, rendering him almost
unconscious and nearly crushing his
life out. He was at once removed to
his home and surgical aid. summoned
when it was discovered that one arm
and shoulder had been badly crushed
andhe was otherwise internallyinj ured,
He is now confined to his bed suffer-
ing considerable pain and it is expect-
ed he will have to remain there for
several days. It is wonderful how he
escaped from instant death.
Who is He?
A correspondent writing the Park.
hill Gazette Review, says:—At Grand
Bend the other day I saw the holiday
pleasure and health seeker. Re was
in the sun and he stood upon the sand
—near the waters of Old Huron. The
sun shone brightly but he apparently
heeded not in blinding rays. As he
walked he sank in the sand but no
murmur escaped him. The prespir-
ation rolled from. his face but he heed-
ed not. his face was tanned, his vis-
age woeful to behold. He had a
martyr -like look which evoked my
pity. His clothes were in keeping
with his looks. Tattered pants, ;a
shabby shirt which refused to close at
the front, and a torn straw hat made
uphis costume, Who.was this poorcrature ? By what fate -weds he driven
to these inhospitable shores ? Why
look so intently on these glaring
waters?," To be or not to be," was
that the question ? Did this forlorn
creature, deserted by his fellows and
pursued by some cruel fate,betake
himself, to these solitary, dreary sands
in order to " hake arms against a sea
of troubles and opposing end them " ?
'Such were the queries which came to
zny mind; and almost before. I was.
aware l asked the question: " Whence
came youand what are you doing
here ?" The man had evidently not
seen me up to this time and with a
startled look he turned round and in
mournful accents said " I am from
Exeter and I am here enjoying my
holidays," With a sickly smile, he.
turned his face lake -wards and though
days have passed since then I imagine
I can see this Exeter man wearily
trudging along in the sand in the full
blaze of the July sun.
Are youwith us? Masonic Excursion
to Kincardine Aug, 3rd, Civic Holiday.
Round trip $1.
workmen are busily engaged part,- it
ting the new plate glass front in lir. tl
J. A. Stewart's store, "eNhen com-
pleted this will be one of the largest
end most handsome plate glass fronts
in Western Ontario,
T. P. Smith, Eye Specialist, will be
in Exeter, Friday and Saturday, A.ug-
ust 11th and 12th, at the Commercial
Hotel, side street entrance. If you
have env defect in your sight it will
rt -oto and early.
him, Exam-
na f c. Call
Any amount of annoyance,and great
danger as well, is the habit many have
of .
c throwing wastepaper on tzar streets;
serious runaways have happened ow-
ing to as small piece ofpaper flying
about; let all take heed and refrain
from so doing in future.
Inspector Howe, of the leire Under-
wr'iter's Association was in town on
Wednesday evening of last week and
gave the fireman an unexpected coil.
However, they were equal to the
occasion and quickly responded. The
engine was taken to the tank north of
Parson's blacksmith shop and in nine
and three quarter minutes the engine
was throwing a good stream of water.
The Tri-State Band .Association will
hold their annual meet at Detroit on
Wednesday and Thursday, .August
16th and 17th. This will be one of the
grandest demonstrations of the kind
ever held in the United States and
many of the largest and best bands of
the Union will be in attendance. It
will indeed be a rare treat and doubt-
less will be largely attended. Single
fare tickets for the round trip will be
It is a well established principle of
kw that in crossing streets or high-
ways the,person on foot has the right
of way. Drivers aucl bicycle riders
should always bear this fact in mind.
It is law and if you injure pedestrians
by careless driving or riding you are
responsible for it. .A. person is not re-
quired by law to ran across the street
to keep out of the way of vehicles and
bicycles. The drivers and riders are
the ones to look out for a clear track.
There appears to be quite a number
of counterfeit $1 bills in circulation,
and several have been detected at the
banksinToronto. Merchants and others
should watch carefully all the $1 bills
they handle, and a 'short description
of the counterfeit is : as follows: A
fair counterfeit is dated June 1, 1878,
series"A." A most noticeable defect
is the portrait of Lord Dufferin,which
lacks a life like appearance, and is
poorly engraved. In the counterfeit
the position of the head hides the right
eye. The lathe work is very poorly
imitated, and the paper is of inferior
On Wednesday morning last while
the Lacrosse team were journeying
home from Seaforth they met with a
rather unpleasant experience, whereby
they were compelled to walk part of
the way home. When within a few
miles of town the bolt in one of the
piffle r
t res gave way, causing one of
the horses to kiek, when both broke
from the rig and ran away. The boys
were now in a quandry what to do,
hat finally decided to walk home and
about two o'clock in morning they
d have been seen trudging down
the London road, battling the rig after
J. A. C. Casselle, of Berlin, gave an
exhibitionof tight rope walking on
Main street Thursday evening which,
was a source of attracting an exceed-
ingly large crowd of people. The cable
was fastened to the top of Messrs. H.
Bishop & Son's dry goods store and
across to the Commercial 73ouse. .The
feats performed by him were indeed
daring and me rvelIous. The most dif-
ficult of his performances were those
of making a bed on the cable, getting
into it and lying down as if retiring;
wheeling a wheelbarrow across, and
standing on his head, all of which
were done with ease and were vigor
ensly applauded.
To Farmers,
The undersigned wishes to inform
the farness who have logs lying at
the Ynill yard of the Sutherland -Innis
Co., that they ea, t have them cut at
once by applying at the mill.
Gus W..crs
Were T*rowu Out.
While Mrs. George Lingard, of the
8th concession of lisborne, and. Mrs,
Henry Squires,of the South Boundary
of Usborne, were driving on Main et.
yesterday (Wed.) and when in frontof
Messrs, Doss Rc Taylor's planing mills„
the wheel came off the buggy and
the two occupants were thrown ont
with terrible force,
'Mrs. 3ingard
sustaining apatnfale t axone1e«
and was rendered unconscious, wing
Airs. Squires received it painful black
eye, and both women were badlyshalt.
en up- Mrs, I,ingar4 was removed to
the residence of lir. John Taylor
where e
the wound were re dr
Seductive bunco games were success
fullrworted again in .Detroit Saatur*
day on a C'auadiaxi farmer, who came
to the city to see the sights, William
Newell, of Springfield, Ont„ being the
victim, Ile was approached by a gen-
teel -looking stranger at one of the boat
landings, and the two soon got into
eonversetion. The stran er explained
that he was also a Canadian, and had
just conte to the eity, and was a little
short of funds to get a trunk from the
express office. Newell obligingly loan-
ed faint;
$ .1�' and the strtanger deputed,
pro wising to return itt a few aninutt>s,
The too-conflding Canadian Might be.
stili watching for his new.foand
had a policeman not enquired his bazsi-
ns., and informed him that be had
been swindled.
+f Sttisezniga Yankee,
A couple of Mullett fawners wore
imposed upon a short time since by a
sharp Yankee who pretended he was
in quest of thoraabie:d stack, With
one breeder be 'made a. deal for the
purchase of six head for sixteen hur-
atreddollars. but no deposit was put
up, the breeder thought he bad cor-
ralled a rich eustozner and drove
hies here, there and elsewhere
throughout the country. They visit
ed .•a number of farms. and at another
homestead as thorolared Dur-
ham batt was
as a . a . bought for z 1 lit fa seven i sl • .
I stn ned
dollars, a big price. indeed, but it
seems to have aaroased no suspicion in
the tininds of the sellers as to the bona
fides of the put elueser Aeeordinl to
arrangements the stock had to be in-
spected. by a veterinary before pay-
ment was made, but when the vet,
put in an appearance on the first -
mentioned farmer's premises he was
refused permission to examine the
stock until the price agreed upon was
in sight. In the meantime the sup-
posed purebaser had gone to Goderich
and after running up a hotel bill
there, which be failed to pay, dis-
appeared and bas not been heard from
since, The high priced Durhams still
remain with'the original owners, who
have kept mum about the whole tran-
Council proceedings,
Council met 'pursuant to addourn-
meat in Town Bala, July 21. All ppres-
ent. Minutes of last meeting reedited,
coufirnxed. Muir --Taylor, that Mes-
srs. Armstrong and Evans be a com-
mittee to wait on Mr. Eli Snell, re
drainage for the Sutherland -Innis Co.
Carrie Arrnstroug—Evane, sliest thefollowing accounts be passed and or.
ders drawn on Treasurer for sane, viz:
D. Dyer, stationery, 55c,; T. W. Hawk.
shaw, board for Heist while grading
streets, $1; F,•1v. Farncombe, survey
for pavement and drain, $18; J. W..
Creech, contract for tank $A; Antes
Willis, lumber, $11.23; Silas Handford,
labor, $5.75; Geo. Smallacoznbe, street
watering, $ 7.50; Samuel. Baskerville,
street watering, $7.50; S. Baskerville,
mowingark, $2.25; Geo. H. Bissett,
postage, $2: J. W. Creech, street wat-
ering $9.45 and labor $0.25. --Carried.
Muir --Armstrong, that the clerk ad-
vertise for tenders for the construc-
tion of granolithic walk. --Carried.
Taylor—Armstrong, that the Reeve
be added to the committee to superin-
tend the construction of pavement.—
Carried. Evans—Muir, that the clerk
wire D. Ferguson, London, regarding
cedar lumber, and if not shipped to
cancel order for same.—Carried. Muir
Armstrong, that the council adjourn
till August nth, at 8 o'clock.
G. H. BISSETT, Clerk.
Ed. Goetz, of Hensall, is a guest at
the Metropolitan.
Miss Rutherford, of Orono,' is the
guest of Miss B. Dodds.
Mrs. Chas. Abbott, of London, isvis-
iting relatives and friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoskin, of
Brantford, are visiting friends in town.
Mrs. (Rev:) Millyard returned. Satur-
day from a visit with friends inToron-
Miss Adelaide Jeckell, of Exeter, is
visiting friends in town.—Goderich
Nelson Cobbledick left Tuesday for
Toronto axid other places to spend bis
Mr. Geo. Smith, of 'arrow, spent
Tuesday in town, the guest of the
Misses Jeckell.
Messrs J. Stephens and W. Cline, ry of
Seaforth, spent a couple of days with
friends in town.
Miss Edith Sanders, milliner, re-
turned. home Friday after spending the
season at Tilbury.
Mr: and Mrs. G. W. Holman. of Hay-
field, are spending a few days with
friends in Exeter.
Vale, of Detroit, is spending
a few days with friends and relatives
in and around Exeter.
Mr. John Heywood and Mrs. H. Par-
sons are visiting Mrs. H. Finkbiner a,t
Crediton for a few days.
Wilbur Cudmore is visiting friends
and relatives in Kirkton, the guest of
his uncle, Rev. John Ball.
Mr. John Snell, of St. Thomas, ac-
companied by his wife, is spending a
few days with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bailey, after a
pleasant visit with friends here, m -
turned to theirhome in London Fri-
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. 13awclen, of
London, are spending a couple of
weeks at the Turkish Baths in Mont-
Mrs. Frank Rae, of Rdy's Mills, ar-
here Thursday last and she and
her husband have taken up their res,-
clenee in W. II. Levett's residence on
Sanders street.
Mrs. George Mawson, accompanied
by her little daughter, Greeta,>is visit-
ing her parents, Air, and Mrs. Danny,
Miss Emily Wood has returned home
after spending a month on a pleasent
visit with friends in London, Deralleld
and Port Stanley,
Airs, . Sceli, and grandson, Wilbur
Bryan,. of Lucknow, are visiting zelr
atives here, the guest of air. and Mrs,
VW, Hawkslatev,
Mils Jessie Robertson, who resigned
her school here last year to attend the
Normal, bas passed as very successful
examination at that institution, Otte -
R1 rs Tlio2azas Barw:aoia, of I3u#fal>,.
and Mas, Jabnt Harwood, of Toronto,
have returned to their homes .after a
visit c
ta friends here.
Miss Smyth and Mrr. Gerd, of Lon-
don, who visited iu town, a few days
during the week, the guests of Miss.
Polly Baarden, returned home Wed.
Geo, A, Ferguson, son of Rev, Geo,
Ferguson, Dereham Centre, and F. L.
Collins, son of Rev. .l. IL Collins, of
Aueaster wheeled from Dereham Cen.
tre to Exeter on Monday. They are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs: F. W. Col.
First-class Rigs ant Horses
Orders left atflawkshaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery
Stable, O.hristie's old Stand
will receive prompt at-
cans Reasonable
The Molsons Bank.
( freeze
ed it i'a
Y rlifam t
877 , OW.)
Paid up Oapitnl .......... —$2,900.000.
$ 000.0003
Rest Fund ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,ia00,000
.tin oeIcontreal,
GEsn enex. MANAO E.
Money adva>aoed to good Farmers ora
their own notes with one or scare endorsers
at;: percent, per annum.
Openevery lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m; Saturdays 10a.na. to 1 p.m.
Ageneral banking business transected,
ctntrtENT RATES allowed for money on
Denositlioecipts, Savings Bank at 3 N.
DicRsoxa .C- 0A71r.x110, N.D. BURnON;
Solicitors. Manager,
Always Beady.
Flout', Wholesale and Retail.
Choped feed, Barley, Peas, Oats, Co rn
Prices Right.
Call at
The Family Butcher Shop.
One door North of S. Pickard's store.
lira& alkeleraffreerkeeke0reeeeamai, alle -ea ea eite
we are into e> work
hoftearing t .arxzxg dawat walls and enlarging our
store, but we still have everything y „thing in present resent star
shape, and we are offering summer goods at priees thatgwil
efa fect a quiek clearance.
muslins and Organdies, 1 We have on hand, about25 doz.
•es for 10c o of those Ladies' wonderful Black
lea — } , y u ea» take f Ribbed Hose. Theyare without
your choice of all our colored haus- I doaibt, the best value i thou.
lins and :organdies. Our prices "at 10e, la n the trade
were 12Ae., lac„ 17e., 20e. and 25e, I,
For quiek clearance you take your '' Ladre s ¢mauler corsets, 35e. and
pick for 1Oc, 145e. the pair.
.ladies' nen Skirts, 1 gats for quick Jelling.
e have a few left far uiek sell ...Mens and Boss Crash Linen
ing; made of good heavy linen.- - '
Special 51.00.
Ladies' White Pique Skirts, well
to • z
n d and good duality—Special
ofreeing, $1,00.
Ladies' Aletallic skirts, in Black
and white, and fancy eolors, $1.35.
Bath towels, Our stork as cow.
plate rat 1,-3c,, 20c.. 25c., 40C, and zflC.
ts, all sizes; a'decided bargain,
Silk Nett; the comet thing for
Ladies' Ties, ., 2,e. yd.
Linen Crash, for quick selling,
just two pieces left, 10c. yd.
A jab line of cottouacles, ttilll
ends, the 23e. kind for 20e,
(''ups and saucers, best quality,
wheatp attern
Are you going traveling ? We have the necessary-
Trunk. Travelling Bags aid Telescopes. All ry ,
all sizes and all rias' kinds,
He who has
lost his sight
best knows its value.
Hundreds suffer loss of sight.
Timely attention might have
prevented it.
Examination free.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
S. Fitton,
T. Fitton's Jewelry Store
JgJfyffJ foOffiSOIL
Manufacturers and Installers
One door South Central Hotel,
The Attraction
of Alt Eyes ..
Just at present the objector aittreetien
to the people of Exeter and surround-
ing country is
To see is to examine and to exaandse'
our stock is to buy.
Prices afire so astounding when the
, ..quality is considered.. .
that you should call and inspect
the lines of
that we have placed in our stor e
You will find in this new stock
Quality and Price....
to suit you.
This is what we always accomplish'
when we make a snit for you.
Prices that Please.
Bert. knight.
; tte
Eudora1ti.! Cloth
�Il 4v�
is softer, richer,
with greater width and weight than any Henrietta.
Ideal in therichness of its surface glow and drap-
ing qualities. It is the perfection of a
Black Dress. Fabric'
It will not grow rusty—its dust -shedding qualities
are absolute. Matchless in delicacy of texture—
unsurpassed in its. wearing service. Silk warp.
Wrapped on the varnished board, " Priestley "
stamped on every fifth yard.
The Improved Henrietta
i ti
ii ��