Exeter Advocate, 1899-7-27, Page 2eel:dailybwilsl p easemo e mettle us at reedynce heir pap Malt at this office for advertising rates• '711E EXETER ADVOCATE, t THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1$99, Nutrition In Fruits. rears are uot as nutritious as many Sher fruits. Le the ehspter on fruit the apple is Accorded first place. The cherry' to tough and is considered A bad fruit, Tions are delicious and wholesome, *at the skin must not be swallowed. Strawberries are excellent as a taxa - Um, but care must be taken that they are net tainted. 1'eat•hes are a source of disease unless iratteu a few hours after being plucked, for they soon become tainted. 3.asp:'aerries, blackberries, dewber- ries, elderberries and blue berries dif, ter fretn other fruit in that they are astringent, serapes are of great value be some dis- eases. but the statement that they con- tain the sante elenient as the blood is stonerise. The gooseberry has nothing to ree- rcwzreerti it. On the other hand, the mut- be;ry is exeeedingly wheiteseme, because Of thee retests it contains, They Drove Pimples Away"---.lL fuels covered with Mutates is unsightly. IA sells of ipterual Irregularities which h culd long chave e slom eorrected. �lsa liver an dtbe kidneys are nat pe r• formingtheir fuucttonsin the healthy way thy should. and these pimples ars let you know that the blood pretests, ttrnielee'a 'Vegetable Pills will drive them all away, and will leave the skiu clear and clean. Try theta, and there will be tanothcr wituess to their excel - Dance. Tarsus shod It a Rorie. liiuste caused the death of a beauti.- ful three-year-old tiUy at 1"loreuee, Ata., the other clay. .i tamer drove the valuable young 'Snare into fawn, ASA as be was erseene. up tee prim:Ival street a brass baud eu4\iculy struck up Sts el;t`'?at reuslt'. 'Alae vette bad never tear :my eoutid !tee zlaat before, aud so venial was she teat she drupi el dead hi the eletfts of 'the ;rap. 1 'cetera). - ac: v e;lrgean wee Peanmietl tete a ateass deo lerzel that the trlare had died. of heart tint' til eeeitetlattil't e'atteed by the sautes of the unareaatv7ined music of as tastes fraud. Minai 's Liniment Cures Darget In Cow, Name* Uneven et Old.. instruments now known as the telephone and microphone are of..cona- para3tively recent tuventiou, but the origin of the names dates back many Sears. In 1ST Wheatstone gave the i$tTne of mierophnne to an apparatus Invented by !tint to render weak sounds audible, and in. 1`i4.' a steam whistle or Warmer giving relating signals in • tome weather was called telephone by taut. John Taylor. elute Sudre used the same name in lane for a system of ,musical telephony. DOINGS OF TIIE WEEK ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM AROUi'4D, THE WORLD Pruned, Pitisctuated and: Preserved in Pithy Paragraphs for the Perusal of Practical Peoples — Personal, Political end Profitable, TIM RELIGIOUS WORLD. The Baptist Young People's Union of. America Met eV Richmond, Va., on Thursday in ins ninth annual convention. The Exposition Building is elaborately decorated, and in honor of the. Canadian pzevinoes the British flag is: eouspatuous- lv displayed, There were 4,000 persons at the opening session. SPORTING. The result of the professional double scull race as the Sydney regatra Thurs- day was a great surprise to the talent.. The Lynch brothers of Halifax were beaten by the Toronto pair, Duman and Aylward, who pushed ro the front and won by two lengths, while the Lynebes only succeeded in defeating the Brea- sians, the other Halifax pair, by tbree feet. Three miles; time 19.26. Are you not well ? Are you pale, weak- ly, depressed in spirits, melancholy. tired, nervous and irritable" ? Then try Miller's Compound Iron Pills. They will build you up, tone up your nervous system, give you energy. An ld,•:a ir, t"tet«,elKtorr. A white -enameled chair with seat up- holstered in forest green eret"an, put on without braid and with tiny brass teeke played very close together, is to attrac- tive that it forme the lteynote for a whole set of delight fel furniture evolved from a much beeeratehed and shabby bedroom state. If forest green is used to paint old furniture et shows its best effects when oak is the wood, the hand- some grain showing to perfection under 'the green color, and giving to the piece a richness and beauty that are most sat- isfactory. RAU.ROAD Raeln doves. The bill anittigaxnating the Canto a Atlantic and the Qttewa, Arnprinr Parry Selena railway passed the raillva; committee on friday. Superintendent Chamberlain .of th C.A.R. at Ottawa gave a deputation of the Brotherhood of Railway Trahnuen s sot' Friday, i is seated, t i. i ton an F ids t lit le tat , and they will report at once to the Brotherhood.. The meni ask inoreased wages and a ten-hour day. Cet.Ietal .AND CltlolxH.#li,S. At Woodstock en Saturday Magistrate Field gave bis decision in the diseased woe case against James Bennett of East Oxford, finding the farmer guilty and fining hlrn $100. It Is escheated. that the thett of George M. Valentine, the defaulting cashier of the Middlesex County Bank at Perth Amboy, N.J., will amount to about 8I40.0e0 or more. Si Smith, a Ilobershalu County farmer, Who killed W. Bell. a eotnmerc a1 travel - lee froth Atlanta, several months ago, woe shot to death in the jail at Gains- vllie, tis-, en Saturday morning by a mob et leashed then. SCeCiatieS, Joseph Tt ,,bins, the Hamilton printer who eat leas throat a few nights ago, ,rye he doesn't want to live and refuses to take noarishnla•nt or medicine at the hospital. An unknown man, believed to be ono. Weitis of New Fork from a pawn ticket in leis pocket, deliberately filled his pockets with about 2$ pounds oe stones on Friday about 5 p.m. and as delibera- tely* jumped into Toronto Bay at the foot of Trinity street. David Johnston of uooderheen de Worts' distillery saw hila from the top of the company's elevator. and although he eanle down at once and gave the alarm Life had fledbefore the body was recovered from the water. POL'ITIC'S—CAN altleete The registrar of the Court of Appeal at (Sammie Hall Was notified on Thurs- day of thefiling of cross -particulars in the North Waterloo ele^tion trial. The petition is against Dr. Lackner, the de- feated Conservative candidate. The investigation of the cage of Mr. R. J. MoL,augblin of Lindsay. charged by Col, Hughes, M.P., with having ex- tracted 20 per cent. out of the farmers :around Balsam Lake for' damages from the Trent Canal, was begun by the Pub - Do accounts committee on Thursday. Mr. McLaughlin was on the stand. He said all he got out of 18 claims was $365, which if he had billed his clients in a regtilar way would nave amounted to 86,000. He denied getting 20 per cent. from fanners and also reactivity pay from the Government for the same work. For Inflammation of the Eyes.—Among the many good qualities which Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills possess, besides reg- ulating the digestive organs, is their effi- cacy in reducing -nfiammation of the eyes. It has called forth many letters of recommendation from those who were afflicted with this complaint and found a sure in the pills. They .atfect the nerve centres and the blood in a surprisingly active way, and the result es almost im- snediately seen. Forts-tvdo Tons Pressure. An experiment was recently made in eVienna to test the resistance under pressure of steel and the hardest stone. email tubes of corundum and of the i finest steel were tested. The corundum i broke under six tons, but the steel re - listed up to 42 tons.. The steel split with noise like the report of a gun, break= iI Ing into powder, and sending sparks in every direction, which bored their way into the machine like shot. , Salt rheum and all eczematous coa- 1 osl editions of the skin are cured by the use ' of 'Miller's Compound Iron Pills. The Armour Cadets, vbo have been in. Toronto for ten days, left for home this (Saturday) morning. Prier to leaving each of the boys was presented with a souvenir pamphlet of the city, Mayor Shaw also presented Se the corps a bust of Queen Victoria. Capt. McCreary on bebalt of the Cadent suitably acknowl- edged the gift, THliii, DEAR. William M. Peake of Niles, Mioh., the original. Swiss bell ringer and harp player, is dead at Belvidere, Ili. Silncoe Kerr Loft, a full-bloo(1ed Indian, and nephew of txronbyatekha,, is dead at Watertown• aged 34 years. Jeanette: Sobewerin, the shoat premia. ant representative of the woman's rights movement in Gterniany, ip dead at uer- lin. Pour ikoloolads and a iotilis of torpedo boats have started for Bantam to convey the remains of the Ozarewitch to Sebas- topol, James Todd of Stirling, Scotland, a schoolmaster, aged about 50 years, died on the Allan Liner Sarmatian of heart failure while coming to Canada for a holiday trip. A middle-aged man named Nelson Tryon dropped dead near Yorker, Ont,, en Thursday morning, Re was leaning a fence, looking at a passing train, When he fell back and expired, PURELY PERSONAL, George Yote has returned tie his bonze n A'Saellasburg, Sint„ with 421,000, the stilt of a six Weeks' clean up iu the londike, whither he will return, Archbishop G. II Gauthier at King- sten, Ont., is in New York for the treat- anent by a speoialist for a trouble of the throat that has been annoying him a deal d l of late. At thep bills private its committals on Thursday morning Abraham !ironsberg appeared and gave eridenoe in the divorce ease. The oomtnittee reported the hill on a rote of 0 Le 1l. The trial of Clifford Peteri,ou, the /smug lad from Arden. charged with at. tempted criminal assault, took place la Chambers at Kingston on Thursday. Peterson was allowed out on suspended. sentence, It was *hewn that he bad. done nothing prang. Joseph :1L Hall, late of lot 31, con, 12, King Township, is missing. Ile left borne. sister and widowed mother early Monday morning, leaving a note, whiob said they could have the farm, stock, etc, The young xnan was prosperous and bad a good farm. No motive is given for hit strange disappearance. leliCLA$SU'iED. Two citizens of Quincy, Ill., by Barry Leitch, have sent $aa to the Burns monument fund in Toronto. The anniversary of the "taking of the Beattie" was celebrated at Montreal on Friday. The banquet in the evening was a feature, The French bounties) on sugar, accord- ing to the Peals gerrespondent of The Deily Mail, will probably be abolished In. October of next veer. Tho Government is sending a circular to educators and members of college faculties throughout France, instruot- ing teem to stop ale Dreyfus agitation. A Wav Ont. Irate Customer—See here, young man, bought this hair tonic from you and It is absolutely worthless. Clerk—We can't help that, sir. j Irate Customer—But you • guaranteed each bottle? va Clerk—klxactly, sir, but we didn't guarantee the tonte,.—Chicago Daily. "No," saidthe married lady to her fmother, "I have no idea where or how he spends his evenings. In fact, he is like the lamp; his goings out leave me in s the dark." Health for the children. Miller's ?Dorm Powders. Lions Are Left -TI ande,d. f A lion hunter who has made a study of that - s peculiarities, says that all lions left-handed. When one strikes a forcible blow it always uses Its left paw. THE BUSINESS WORLD. A rumor is on foot that a big combine of the soap manufacturing industries of Canada is taking shape. The Middlesex County Bank closed its doors at Perth. Amboy, N.J., and the bank funds are short, possibly 5100.000, and the cashier, Edward M. Valentine, is missing. The organization of the United Ameri- can Glue Company, with a capital of $35,000,000, was completed on Thursday at a meeting in New York City. The company announces that it will invade Canada and endeavor to get a monopoly of the glue business in British America. T. P. Byrne, manager of the E. O. Stearns Company at Toronto, received a telegram from New York on Friday, in • forming him that the banks there refused to underwrite the stock of the American Bicycle Company. Limited, and, accord- ingly, the trust, which was to have in- cluded 47 of the largest American com- panies, with a capital of $80,000,000, will not be formed. THE LABOR WORLD. The dispute with the tin plate workers in the United States has been settled. It is a straight increase of 15 per cent., which goes into effect on July 1. The strike of the plasterers' laborers in Toronto is at an end. All the em- ployers m-ployers have agreed to pay 24o an hour until further notice, and the strikers will resume work. Only an imitation. "Isabel, your new hat is absurd; it just looks like a huge flower; bed," "Well, you needn't get so excited, -Eldgari you don't have to get up "before daylight and pull the weeds out of it. f�ne of the greatest blessings to parents aMather Graves Worm Exterminator. t'. effectually expels worms and gives stealth in a marvellous manner to the lit- tde one. Shanghai's Rapid Growth. Hinee the war of 1894 the .()hineee population of Shanghai has, grown from ..),(100 to 700,000. The attraction lies ha the many new indh strlal establish- ments, Red t;tas,eK for `e:weknew A new remedy for sea -sickness comes. from Germany, Tile discoverer says that sen-stekness is due to lack of bleed el the brain,. and wearing red glasses will send the blood to the brain with a rush, and so relieve the coadittiee, vitt aseribes suet: benefit as may follow the use of ehalnpague and other stimulants, Zee well, as the relief given I. down, to the congestion of the braip produced, and asserts that red glasses act more quickly and efficiently, There is not as more dangerous class of disorders. than 'those which affect the breathing organs. Nullify this danger with 12r, Thomas' Eclectrio Oil—a, tail - wade of aoknowletlged efficacy, It cures lameness and soreness when applied ex, ternally, as well as swelled neck and crack in the hack; and, as AR inward specitic, poes-esses most substantial dlainta ro pub- lie confidence. A hood A eta r,,,,t,oa,. • "I declare, Maria, this is too irritat- ing' to be endured, 1 told you 1 didn't Want to he disturbed, and* here some- body has suddenly sprung a most .m- fernal clatter en me. What does it mean?"' ""There wasn't any clatter„ my dear." "What was it, then?" "'Why I just happened to pass through the room in niy new red and yellow shirt walst. that's all, "Well, don't do it again." New life for a quarter. Miller's Com, potted Iron Pills, Ilene linea "Our old neighbor leukins le the meienest man 1 know." "What bas he done?" "' Vhv, you lsnow, when we broke up tto sell all CP 11 d0 Oo1� nn lee n and rn r h . >a P our household good at auction he. got to e house n theplea that be wept - ea to huy and then produced a writ of replevin and tools away everything we had borrowed from him in the three years we have been neighbors." Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. The Last Straw. It's bad enough to have the little German band break loose, And pile the misery on you Without the least excuse, 13m what is infinitely worse,. Than all the tunes they play Is to have them come round with the bat. Suggesting that you pay. The crew liv.irre of Sleep. The little that Is definitely known as to the rause of sleep is decidedly curi- oas. says the Medical Record. Sleep -- perhaps the most marvelous Phenomen- on in the world—may bo rightly termed n mystery, Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the dleeasod p, rtion of the ear. There is only oue way to curt: deafness, ane that is by constitu- tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in- flamed cnnditie,n of the mucous lin ng of the 1susteehtan Tube. When this tube is inflamed you ltavb a rumbling sound or imperfect hear- ing, and when it is entirely) closed, Deafness is the result, and unleee the imfiamanatton eau bo taken out and MIN tube restored to its normal condition. healing will be destroyed forever; nine eases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition off the mucous saartaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that eamiot be cured by Bales Catarrh Cure. bend for sir- cusses free. Ir. J. CHIENEY a CO., Toledo, O. £ Sold by Druggists, 750. Germanys exports to the United States for the quarter ended with June last were $21,000,000, us compared with $24,-- 500.000 24;500.000 for the corresponding quarter last year. An Imperial edict bas been issued denouncing tho universal peculation in the collection of Chinese revenue, and appealing for a cessation of malpractices which aro increasing the country's financial straits. John D. Davis and hes wife, Mrs. Louise Hltchcook Davis, at 11 o'clock Thursday morning started from Tho New York Herald building for a trip to San Francisco on an automobile. The trip will be the longest, if completed, ever made by an automobile. CASUALTIES. Walter Currie, a farm hand working for James Dennis, near Weston fell off a load of hay and broke two ribs. John Klein attemped to oross the Grand Trunk Railway tracks in the yard at Berlin on Friday morning between two oars that were being shunted, and was crushed to death. Henry Weldon Dutrgan, the 7 year-old son of Cornelius Duggan, messenger in the postoffice, slipped off the rocks near the foot of Bank street, Ottawa, on Fri • day, and was drowned. Thomas Burvill of Tilsonburg fell from the roof of an addition to the Tilson Company's grain warehouse at Vienna, a distance of 20 feet, to the ground, breaking two of his ribs. While waiting for services to begin in the Mennonite Church at Welseport, Pa.. on Thursday night Miss Florenoe Oswald, aged 15 years, was struck by lightning and instantly killed. William Series, an old and respected resident of Stirling, Ont., was instantly killed on Friday evening by falling off a load of hay. He leaves a widow and one son and two daughters to mourn his loss. On Friday afternoon the 2 -year-old son of George Hainer, who lives on Mr. R. W. Gregory's farm in Louth, fell into the well. His mother heard bis screams. but could not get into the well, and by. the time she got help the little fellow was dead. The Rhonania Silk Mills at \7o11ege Pelee, L.Z., shut down on, Saturday for an indefinite period. More .than 300 hands aro thrown out of employment. The condition of the industry is deplor- able. The arrival of 15 non-union glass- blowers at Bridgeport, N.J., on. Thurs- day was the cause of an outbreak on the part of strikers, and the residents are apprehensive of more .serious trouble. The strangers were met atthe station by a large crowdof strikers, who immedi- ately stormed the train and captured the non-union men., • iron 1ssrir' Ol0 WAR.' The bursting; of a Hotobkiss shell for is field gun on the proving grounds at Sandy Hook, ''l J., on Thursday disabled two men. Lieut. -Col. Kitson, commandant of the Royal Military Sohool at Kingston, Ont„ and Lieut. -Col. A. R. Lee, military attache of the British embassy at Wash- ington, are in the west investigating everything of a military and naval nature. No represonbations have been made to the Washington State Department, as re- ported . from Pretoria, touchinctthe re ported intention of American citipene in the Transvaal to become British`.oitizene, le order to avoid impreeentent into ,the Boer error. RIG '$DOST FOR JAPAN. Now Recognized as the Equal, of the World's Commercial N•atlone. Washington, e7u1y 17.--A new treaty between the United States and Japan goes into effect to -day, at which time also new treaties between Japan and nearly all of the countries of Europe and some South American republics, also go into effect. It is an event of farreaohing im- portance in the relations beween Japan and the United. States, as it does away with the treaty methods which have been in rogue for nearly. 50 years, and sub- stitutes an entirely new method of pro- cedure. The same is true in the relations of Japan with other .countries. Taken as a whole, the many new treaties which go into effect to day plane Japan on an entirely new footing with the world at large, as she is recognized for the first time asan equal in every respect. Had a Struggle, for Life. Rat Portage, Ont., July 17.—On Fri- day night -about' 9.15 Rev. Solomon Cleaver of Grace Church, Winnipeg, ac- companied by his wife and Miss Roberts, unset in a canoe behind Coney Island. After many attempts; Mr. Cleaver man- aged to get his wife a hold on the canoe., He found Miss. Roberts Doming up .for the emend time and caught her under fide canoe and got her to hold on. This situa- tion lasted over an hour. In ' the %mean- time they wore drifting into Barrettt'f Bao, `where their cries for help were heard s1Rd they were rescued. Why- Net Add Sugar Cane? A Michigan huckster is trying the ex- periment of creating a new vegetuble by by grafting tomato and potato vines; but a Kansas man discounts this, says the St. Louis Globe -Democrat, by graft- ing the milkweed and strawberry plant, in the expectation of producing straw- betries and Cream. A.s Thing. Are vow.. "Which is Mrs. Maramduke Smith's youngest daughter?" "That blonde girl in the pink frock." "How do you know she's the young- est'"" "Her mother and sisters all seem to look up to her." I was CURED of a severe cold by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Oxford, N.S. R. F. HEWs0N. MI was CURED of a INARD'SS LINIMEN Terrible sprain by Palm COULSON, Yarmouth, N.S, • Y.A.A.C. I was CUnBD of black erysipelas by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Inglesville. J. W. Riasaels. Walks When Other* Sleep. "Does your husband walk much dur- ing the day?" "No. I think not; he does most of his walking at night." "Is he a policeman'!" "Oh, no; but we've got a year-old baby at the house, you know." FOR City Streets or Country Roads the 0 is without a peer, Light, Easy Running, Always Reliable. THE CENDRON M'F'C CO. LIMO Toronto, ant. ?rr IF ANY MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY Iilil\l S, SISTERS she taste for leiter can be removed perivancntiv by WIVESgiriniS S,s,n.url:a i'r.-,.art pt,o„ (turf �,t ul aeett tit In food or drink. Failure impossible. l tlnphlet, tcnti• [�c m,inl cls puettculamfree. Corr�spontieuacconftdentipl. BROTHS MOTHERS tl'tito AheSAMAltll,. REMED? CU., Toronto, 0 t. • a 4Co FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MONTREAL.MERCHANTS, Correspondence Solicited, Advances I1lade on Consignments - And the /eerie. Boy Wondered. Lester--COna;a'atflations, dear boys I hear you've got ,carried. Potter—No. Only engaged. Lester—Humph; Again 1 congratulate Tout—Town Topics, A Hatter Graft. Jimmie—My paw's men to take ins to the seaside this summer. Tommy—Huh! `l'ilat:'s uothin. Mlypaw's gain to take me to all the ball games,— New York Journal. Iron tioatse' for Atriea, A British firm has just completed the last shipment to Mombassa of 1010 all - iron houses, amounting to over $75,000 in value, and required for protection to the workmen employed in the formation of the Uganda lt:tiiway. whiter will ultimately ennnect with the ntucli-tttlketi of railway line from Cams to the Cape. ' Minard s Liniment Cures Colds, etc. �lanrk ' l:,tfn Are Queer. A shark's egg is one of the oddest - looking things tnutginaltl0. it is un- providedwith shell; but the contents are protected by a thiel, leathery covering altnc'et as elastic as India rubber. The average size is two :inches by two and. three-quarter inches, and the color is almost pure black. Swallows Live U,•molested. In Palestine the swallows are allowed the freedom not only of the houses and living rooms, but of the mosques and sacred tombs. where they build their nests and rear their young. Weak constitutions are built up by Miller's Compound Iron Pills. gemetin,es rl.e ease. Mrs. Newbritle A , woman never snows what she can do with a man un- til she tries, does she? Old Aunt Broadhead -Neo; And then she is often sorry she found out. She—Why haven't you told me that you hada been. married Re --Who said I was married? way can tell, by the tis y you take all the umbrella for yourself. Only those who have had experience can tell the torture corns cause: Pain with your boots ell, pain with them off—pain :night and day; but relief is sure to those who use Holloway's Corn Cure. Natural Query,. Frans:—Hello. old man, how's busi- ness with you these days 1 Tom—Oh, I'm so busy I don't have a minute to .myself, night or day. lerank—What's her name? Both Agreed. Re—When a man't single he's— His Wife--Ile's a fool. He—Just so. 'When 1 was single 1 wanted to get innrried. ain't 1t ea r•, of It. Mr. Wabash -1)o you think the North pole will ever be found, Miss Olive? Miss Olive (of St. Louis)—Why, 1 didn't know it was lost. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper,. Miller's Worm Powders': cure tits in children. No Tip 'rltere. Waiter -Haven't you forgotten 110010 - thing, sir? Guest ---'.Chat's so. My wife gave me a letter to post. Thanks! Iris Ardor 1:Xplained. Jack—Why did you kiss Mamie so fervently? Are you engaged to her? Charlie—No; but I was. and she has consented to break off the engagement. A 'Foto. ,•o n n were. Friend—What became of that young man you were engaged to last summer? Miss Catcbem (innocently)—'Which one? Ode to a Cannon. Cracker. There's many 41 pitriot in this land 'Who cuts, like yon, 0 caper, With very little powder and A monstrous lot of paper. "Our old book-keeper says he is mak- ing 200 a month at his new place." "Yes -900 mistakes." Miller's Worm Powders cure all ail- nemts of children like magic. A t.aneaeltite tlenghlndl unilertalter lately full dead at a funeral be ;was eendueting. The only newspaper man in England who is a peer is .Lord Glenesk, propri- etor of the London Morning Yost. A NT Fights off the hot sun, preserves the house, beautifies it as well, and gives satisfaction g you use Ramsay's HOUSE PAINT BARN PAINT ROOF PAINT Alt dealers have it. Ask for card or send to us and we will tell you where to get it. A. RAMSAY & SON, PAINT Montreal. SirliiERS. Miller's Worm Powders are a wonder- ful medicine for the ailments of children. The finest, purest and most nutritious animal jelly known is that made from elephants' tusks. The Owen Electric Belt WANTED.-1den. and women everywhere to distribute samples and advertise Cali- fornia Orange Syrup; per day and expenses paid; each every week, Parti,eula'rs for 2 cent star/In.' CALIFORNIA ORANGE SYRUP CO., San Francisco, Cal. PLOWS, 'ROLLERS & litk'1;liWS The Bet Mad',. fiend for COCKstIUTT PLOW co., n3 \ 'rf•`f)a'.11,. LUCAS, STEELE & BRISTOL, IMPORTERS OK QHOOERIE.. Write us. HAMILTON,: Circle 'Fe•to L.S. .1e B. Coffee, L.S. Sc E. (Extract Y.S. Bi lis. Spices BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTARIO 'BINDER TWINE CO., 113 • -Caton Station Arcade. Toronto: �Na: M Boiler akers, Fitters, Lathe Hands. We can give good mechanics steady work. Good wages, Codl, well -lighted, well - .heated shop; best modern conveniences. Brant- ford is a healthy, progressive eity -r• living cheap. Canada. Waterous Brantford, Can a Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS We also make Steel Flag Staffs. Grain Grinders, Iron and Wood. pumps, )See Supplies. Send for New Cate elegise. Trade Mark -Dr. Owen Tho only scientific and practical Electric Belt made, for general use, having batteries that generate a strong current of 1Llectricity that io under perfect control and can be appliod to any part of the body, for the euro of Nervous Diseases Thousands of people suffer from a variety of Nervous Diseases, such as Seminal Weakness, Impotency , Lost Manhood, etc., that the old modes of treatment fail to cure. There is a lose of nerve force or power that cannot be restored by any medical treatment, and any doctor who would try to accomplish this by any kind of drugs is pursuing a dangerous ppractice. Pro- perly treated, these diseases can bo Pos i t iveiy Cured Electricity, as applied by the Owen elleotrier Belt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do so. It is the only known power that will supply what is lacking, namely nerve force or power, impart tone andvigor to the organa and arouse to healthy action tho whole nervous system. Ib will most assuredly cure, Without Medicine, Varicoceles Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Kidney Disease, Lumbago, Lame Batik and Dyspepsia. OUR ILLUSTRATED CATiltLOCUE Contains fullest information regarding the cure of acute, chronio and nervous diseases, prices how to order, etc-, mans (sealed)-FREE—to an address. The Owen Electric Belt And Appliance Co. TORONTO J a' ONT. T. N. U. 229 Mor'' 'Pest the sincerity of thio l�/1 j fJ store and its ability to fully satisfy you by this BACKcIter—a standing offer and guarantee: We dheerfully mo - fund the money for any goods returneduninjnred. This is the liberal policy on which. we are building up the mail order business. We must please you ; failing ro please we fail to keep you as a customer and we have wasted our money in advertising. Our Co.ta- Iigito tells of Dry Goods of all kinds. Cloth.. ioi. feu•Nienand \ATomnn•Glovesand Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caans. Drugs.. iBooks, Bardwa em Glassware) Groceries awl t'to\ asio iv Carpets and House Fu,rniolli,a;;s, Yuen More, Wall ' Tapers and Pictures. U.atalo;u,e and Samples t, o if von writ' - THE COh1PAiT � ;,ted 1 IW5t1 ROBERT � , TO1tON'i'O, ONT. CENTRAL 3R SON hitt Season's LB.' PURE MANILLA 11 10. CASH WM' N ORDER. .A -L PRISON, SON, TORONTO.