HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-7-20, Page 51
exe#.er bxro.ca#.e,
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the (Moo,
-By the----
One Dollar per annum if paid in, Advance
,1.30ifnot so paid.
3dxrert s� Rates osa .2L pU'.ca..
tiox .
No paperdiacantinuedUntil allarre rage
are paid. Advertisements without seeois •c
directions will he published till forbid and
charged accordingly, Liberal discount wade
for transoient advertisements inserted for 1
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
Band at moderate rates. Ohegnes,xnoneyord-I
erg, &c. foradvertisini ,subseripteens ete.to
be madepayebie to
()has.H. Sanders,.
Professional Cards,
H. KINS'ufAN, L D. S. & DR. A, R.
KINSMAN., L D. S., D. D. S., honor
graduate of Toronto University.
DF..,' INCT1S�',S.
Teeth extracted without any rain, or any
Min Office
in r neon's Bleck, west
honors Graduate of the Toronto Lane
reity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario, Teeth extracted without pain.
All modes of Dentistry up to date. office
over Elliot
E tee a law ofllco--Saipposlt(a
83% p. eleLAC(3RLIN. MEMBER OF
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
ohlodtA and Aoauah-
IftOntario. eIaeiwoSurgeon
i17 solicitor', Notariee, Conveyancers,
Bans ,etc. lou .y to loan at 5 endirSSso or
cent. Office Fanson's Block. Main St.,
Exeter. (A member of the firm will be at
Homan on Thursday of each week.)
I. R. Centeno. B. A.. L. R. DPcltsox.
Etc., Conveyancers, and Money to
B. V. El,l.tOT. F. W. CLATIMAx.
BROWN. Winchelsea. Licensed Anet-
tattoos tor the Counties of Perth and
giddlesoa, also for the township ofI'sborue
and terms
d at Poec.Rn-
InsurauC0 Agent,
Main St.
$neer Colds
are noted for hanging on.
They weaken your throat
and lungs, and lead to
serious trouble.. •
Don't trifle with them,
Take Scott,'s Emulsion at
once, It soothes, heals,,
and cures.
50c,.nd $1. Ail druggists.
Edouard Tremblay, a brakeman,
• night
was fatally injured on Tia esca n Tuesday g
near Mile -End station, dose to Mon-
treal, by being .eau hit between the
drawbars while coupling cars.
Rev. S. Cieavor, pastor of Grace
Methodist church, of innipeg, had a
narrow escape from death by drown-
ing with Mrs. (.'leaver and a Miss Ro-
berts at !Coney Island, Lake of the
Woods, Friday evening.
Flora McDougall probably prevented
Alex. Ross from committing murder
at Winnipeg Friday. Ross was quar-
relling with another man. 41114 pulled
a revolver; the woman knocked the
weapon upwards as he fired, and re-
ceived a bullet wound in her baud.
At Port Dalhousie Sunday inoraiug
while the Rev. R. Gardiner, Episcopal
minister was holding selrviee, a sneak
thief got into his residence by prying
open a bass. window, and stole Mr's.
(aar'tlluer s gold watch and other gold
trinklets, and made his escape without
being detected,
TO TIIE Di',:> 1,.-.1 riela lady,
cured of her ilelafness find 'Noises ala
the Head, by Dr'.:Nlelholson's Artificial
Ear Drums, has sent $1,i114) to his in-
stitute, ,o that deaf people unable to
procure the I;ar Drums may have
them free. Apply to Department
A. S. N. Tlae Institut(•, '-Lougeott,"
Oltnnerabnry, London, t\"., England.
Bugloss COIICilE
t -oat Oom d
Qook s
Cotton R
Is successfully used monthly by over
10.000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies aak
sour druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Cats -
Mad. lake no other, as aU lfixturee, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Priori, No. 1,41 pper
box,No. 5,10 degrees atronger,43 per box, No.
Zetir , mailedon receipt of price and two g.eent x.•11
scamps Tho Cook Company Windsor, Ont. >.
respousible Druggists In Q uedamelndealby ail
Nos. 1 and No. 2 sold in Exeter l,y
Lutz. Druggist.
of our Graduate+ ee.-
enred good poeitiou+
sine'. January Zitdl.
Terns begins Sept. lih.
a:.3'(iood board Scan be obtained
here for $2,5(1 per week.
Aa S. NiMMO,
Loden, Ont., Brooklyn and Cleveland
Have Each Their Troubles -The
Doings of the Day at. Each
London, Ont., July 18.-Theunion
labor organizations of the city held a
monster street demonstration last night
to show their sympathy with the strik-
ing Street Car Company's employes, The
streets were bloeked; with people, .&s all
were in very good humor, no attempt
was made to molest the street oars which
were running. A feature of the demon-
stration which created much laughter was
the parodying of the militia route
' witht
marches in connection the recent
declaration of martial law. Following a
banner inscribed, "To Defend Our CIty,"
was acom any ofunio_n.is.ts wearing xo
and green cockades, .eitrrying wooden
swords and, trailing behind them a large
ootton-built field gun. The authorities
did not deem It necessary to make a dis-
play of force, or to take any extra pre-
cautions against trouble, nor were the
street cars put under extra police protec-
Street Itaiiwar Strike in oteveland.
Cleveland, July 18. --The conductors
and motormen of the big consolidated
street railway system_, who were oil
strike last month. went out again at
4.15 o'clock yesterday morning. Eight
hundred men are affected. They claim
the company has not lived up to the
agreement which ended, the former strike.
The Strike to Brooklyn,
New York, July 18. -The strike situa-
tion in Brooklyn remain, unchanged,
The striking employes are oven more
determined than they were yesterday,
and the management of the Rapid
Transit Lino is obdurate awl unf.iaebing.
Cars were run on roost of the lines gov-
erned. by the Trnotion Company from
early morning until 7 reelook last even-
inga but after sundown there was a con-
siderable falling off in the service, and
by 9 o'clock not a ear was moving on
any of the lines affected by the striking
motormen and conductors. The roads
comprising the Nassau system were more
effectively crippled. None of the striking
employes returned to work.. and most of
them were busy during the day infiueno-
ing union and non-union leen on the
other lines to quit work. in this respect
the strikers Were partially succeeaful.
Shut All Traction Co.'s Lines Down.
At 7 o'clock last evening President
Roseitor issued instructions to shut down
all the Traction Company's linos, and.
from that hour until long after midnight
tcar was run with the exception of
et a �, , p
a atthe -
al cuttple, which were placed b eervico
of the city authorities to transport police-
men to tate outlying districts.
Metropolitans n ill Strike.
General Master Workman John M.
Parsons was in conference for several
hours last night with the executive cor-
tuittee of the employes of the Metropol-
itan Street Railway Company, Borough,
of Manhattan. .Actor the confereuco Mr.
Parsons practically announced that a
strike of the Metropolitan employesi s
now inevitable unless Proaldent Vreeland
recedes from the position he has taken.
Strikes at Chicago,
Chicago, July 181 --Sixteen hundred
members of the Boilermakers and Iron
Shipbuilders' Union streak here yester-
day. They ask for an eight-hour day, 30
cents per hour and a half -holiday on Sat-
urdays during the summer months Two
hundred and fifty men employed by tho
Chicago Furnace Company as oro shovel-
lors also struck for more pay.
Of law is no excuse, but
ignorance of....
is a misfortune.
!,,T &. B in Gilt on every
plug and package.
Highest Cash Price paid for Black
Ash, ,White Ash, Red and White
Oak, F.T.ard and Soft Maple, Hemlock,
Soft and Rock Elm. Either stumpage
ord livered in yard.
For further particulars apply to
Manager fpr the S. L Co. Exeter.
This word is our co pyrigh tea guarantee for
Purity and Strength when seen on our goods;
It marks then) the standards for their severe
t'urposes and its presence protects you from
imitations and inferior goods. Look tor it.
Plant Spray.
Porsiatic rhea Spray coutains no mineral
poison-arsonie or Paris (Green. Sure death
to all insect life fungi, etc. Harmless to
vegetation. Canada's Daly reliable spray.
Sheep Dip.
Persiatic Sheep snip is a preparation for the
cure of skin 1is'•ases and the eradication of
vermin in sheep and cattle. it is highly
medicinal and ,loss itis work with no drastir
or irritating effects. Endorsed by leading
sheep raisers.
Horse Wash.
Persiatie Horse Wash is a specially prepared
medicament for the cure of skin diseases pe-
culiar to horses and for ridding them of all
insect, pests and vermin. It has a surpass-
ingly refreshing effect, brightens the pt -1t
and puts the skin in a thoroughly healthy
condition. Price 31.00 per 31 az. can.
Pig Wash.
Persiatie Pig Wash is successfully used in all
cases of skin diseases of swine, and for des-
troying nits, nice and vermin generally.
Beeps the skin in healthy conditon and en-
sures a healtliy,appearance in the dressed
animal for market,
r� Poultry
1101180 $: iLLS��Powder•
Porsiatie Hen Ilouse Spray and Poultry 1'ow-
dcr destroy vermin pecnbar to the feather-
ed stock -on fowls or in sheds. Act a disin-
fectant, destroying germs and purifying the
atmosphere. :Used liberally they prevent
rent., and kindred diseases.
Pu chase these gentle fromour dealer or
send to us direct for them. We invite corre-
Stouffville, Ont.
Which make Plymouth Twine indis-
pensable for the Government Farm Ser-
vice -greatest strength, perfect evenness,
extreme length, freedom from tangles,
purity -are. absolutely necessary also to
-the Twine that will do perfect work in
every harvest field. The selection of
Plymouth for Government service was
not made haphazard, but after the most
careful practical test had thoroughly de-
monstrated it to be the BEST. Ply-
mouth has qualities peculiar to itself,
-which cause it to work perfectly where
other brands fail.
This Trade Nark is on
Every Tag.
See that you get it,
t°.'If your dealer does not handle our Twine, write
r1ymouch Binder Twin Agency. 54 Bay Street, Toronto
Demanded Donbio Pay When They
Thought They Could Enforce It.
San 'Franelsoo, duly 18. -Sixty-seven
members of the Chinese orew of the trans-
port Tartar have boon on a strike for
several days, having demanded double
nay for the voyage from Manila. Tho
vessel was acquired by the Government
from the Canadian Pacific Railway Com-
pany, and the notion of the men rendered
them liable to six months' imprisonment
when tho vessel reached a British port.
Through tbo intervention of tbo Chinese
consul -general here and the British con-
sul the matter has been adjusted. When
the seriousness of their offence had been
impressed upon the mutineers they gave
in, rescinded their demanas and in return
they received assurances that they would
not be prosecuted.
Dr, . Bertram, 77th, Scores a
Possible in, First Stage.
(Changed every Wednesday)
Wheat per bushel........ .......... 03 to 70
Flour per ewt L85 to 2.00
Pottatoesper bag
Hay e'er ton
Dried Apples per
Canadians Make Good Shooting in the
2 d Ranee of the Great Match
-Much Enthusiasm Attends Their
Bisecoss�,Ali the Scores Made
by Canadians in the
First Stage.
Sisley Camp, July 18. -Tho grand
event of the Risley tournament opened
here yesterday morning. when the first
stage of "Her Majesty the Queen's Prize"
was begun.
Queen's •Prize Conditions.
The Queen's prize, the blue ribbon of
the active volunteer riflemen. consists of
€250, the N.R.A. gold medal, and the
N.R,A gold badge. In addition there are
59 prizes given, ranging; from F �i1Q for
the second, to :1. the total value being
£2,420. All of these prizes. with the ex-
ception of the first, are open to retired
volunteers, but the Queen's prize itself
can only be captured by a member of a
volunteer regiment. The medals and
badges given in addition to those mons
tinned are: For the highestaggregate
scorer in the first and second stages, the
N.R.A. silver medal and badge, and for
the highest aggregate soarer in the first
Stage, the ',B,A. bronze medal and
The first of the stages, which are all
squadded competitions. consists of seven
shots at eaoh of the following distances:
200 yards, 500 yards and 000 yards The
600 and 000 yitrds shooting will he mads
to -day. The C00 wino snake the highest
aggregate Nora in. the Arse stage will be
entitled to compete in the second stage,
whioh will be shat off on Thursday. The
final etage will he deoided on Saturday,
when 100 who have made the best seores
in the second. stage will dooitto by their
total aggregate who is entitled tothe
much coveted dlstinetion,
Canadian Scores, at 200 Surds.
At 200 yards yeatortlay, in the first
stage, the scores of the Canadians were
as follows:
Bertram, Serg,Lt. L, T., 77th Batt.. 86
Cartwright, Capt. A. D„ 10th R.G..83
Huggins, Sergt.-M4 S.J., lath Batt. 33
Robertson, Lieut A., 77th Batt.. $
Crowe. Sergt. C.R., 1st BRA33
Wilson, Capt. A., 33rd Batt 32
Rennie. Capt, R., Q.O.R321
Robertson, Lout. R. A., 13th Sett31'1
Gilchrist, Lieut, .T. W., 1st B.F. A31
Wetmore, Capt. O. W., 74th Batt31
Sharpe, Corp. J. IL, 1st P.W.R 81
Blair, Lieut. R. C., 70th Batt . 30'
Graham. Sergt, A. 18th high. 30
Ogg. Lieut. John, 1st B.F.A 30
Fleming, Pte. A. R., B.T. Co 30
Simpson, Pte, J. Il., 10th. R.G20
Weatherboe. Pte. ,T., 82nd Batt 29
Brickley, Lieut. John, 82nd Batt 29
Holder, Pte. 1LD., 30th Batt 27
Ross, Major J. B., 13th Batt . 27
During tho shooting the wind and
weather wore favorable.
Tho seemed sumo 'Devon.
Tho shooting in the second stage was
at 300 and 000 yards, ten. shots at the
first and 15 shots nit the second distance.
Sharpe made 31 and Bertram 35. The
Canadians wore heartily cheered.
Brought to Toronto by False Pretences
by the T. Eaton Company, He Commit-
ted Suicide Through Despondency.
Toronto, July 1S. -Last night Coroner
Greig and a jury held an inquest touch-
ing the death of Alex. Reder, the Dian
who committed suicide by jumping into
the bay after filling his pockets with
bearing stones. Afterg rho facts, as told
in lengthy evidence, and deliberating for
a few minutes, the. jury returned • the
following verdict:
"That Alex. Reder did on July 14
deliberately commit suloide by jumping
into Toronto Bay. The cause of this act
was despondency, the result of being
brought to Toronto under false pretences
by S. Lubelski, acting for the T. Eaton
Incendiary Indians.
Denver, Col., July 18.-A special from
Price, Utah, says: "The second fire with-
in a week occurred at Fort Duchesne Sat-
urday night, when the quartermaster's
stables and contents were entirely con-
sumed. Nineteen mules were burned to
death. The loss is placed at $20,000. An
officer says both fires were incendiary
and some believe they are the work of
old Sowewio and his band of White
River Mos, who are preparing to go
bank to Colorado and are trying to de-
stroy the cavalry equipment of the sold-
iers so they .oannot follow them.
Some Guns May Be Fired.
St. John's, Nfld., July 18. -The Brit-
ish squadron, under Rear -Admiral Sir
Frederick George Denham Bedford, as-
sembled here yesterday. The French fleet
has nest yet arrived. Admiral Bedford's
confergnoe with the Colonial Ministry
will take place to -day. It is assumed
that he will outline a plan for dealing
with the French encroachments on the.
treaty ooast.
Sir Frank Smith in Biel Ay,ain.
Toronto, July 18. -Sir Frank Smith is
again confined to his bed. During the
early part of the summer he was able to
take an occasional drive. but for .the pest
two weeks he has been compelled to re-
main inside.
Battalions of the Scots Guards stud
Gronndiers Said to Bo Going.
London, July 18. -Tho Daily Graphio
this morning publishes a rumor that a
battalion of the Scots Guard and a bat'
talion of the Grenadiers have been order-
ed to the Cape.
65 t0 40
es to so
35 to 03
46 to 48
11 to 11
90 to in
4.50 te 500
18 to 14
Sltamroclr and Britannia.
Cowes. July 18. -The Shamrock. with
Sir Thomas Lipton and Mr. Fife, her
designer, on board, took another spin
yesterday atternoon. The oballonger
showed herself extremely quick in stays.
The Britannia was also out, but the
boats were cruising in different waters.
The Prince of Wales will witness to -day's
trial of the Shamrock from the Admir-
alty yacht Fire Queen.
Are the Beers Growing Afraid.
Pretoria. July 18. -Tho First and
Second Roads sat in secret session all
day yesterday. It is believed that the
Volksr'aad will adopt a seven years'
franchise, with retroactive force, and
agree to other conditions and concessions
in order to terminate the unsettled state
of public affairs in the Transvaal.
Fearful Storms in Germany.
Berlin, July 17-A heavy thunder-
storm prevailed throughout the country
yesterday afternoon. The storm was ac-
companied by a fall of hailstones, some
of which were as large as walnuts. Im-
mense damage was done. Fire horses
were injured by lightning near Berlin
and one was killed.
Triple Murder in Japan.
Yokohama, .July 1S. -A triple murder
of an American named Ward and his two
Japanese women, the supposed cause
being jealousy, brings an American
sailor named Miller under the Japanese
law as the suspeoted murderer. This is
the first case under the new treaties
which Dame into force yesterday.
An Alpine Climber Killed.
Berne, Switzerland, July 18. -Eugene
Staub of Baltimore, Md., in descending
from the Boyai Hut, near Pontresina, in
the Engadine Valley, fell over a precipice
and was killed.
sce a sew
We never did; but we have
seen the clothing at this time
of the year so covered with
dandruff that it looked as if it
hadbeen out In regular Snow-
blo'need of this snowstorm.
As the summer sun would
melt the falling snow so will
melt these flakes of dandruff in
the scalp. It goes further than
this: itprevents their formation.
It has still other properties:.
it will restore color to gray hair
in just ten times out of every
ten cases.
And it does even more; it
feeds and nourishes the roots
of the hair. Thin balr becomes
thick hair; and short hair be-
comes long hair.
We have a book on the Hair
and Scalp. It is yours, for the
If you do not obtain all tbo benefit*
Youexpectedthefromtbouteoftbo Vigor,
write the defter about !t. Probably
there Is seine amount vim your gen.
or�ste n fah may be easily re-
J, 0. dTEa, Lowell,
'Mitchell: On Sunday morning Jean
Graham(' Walker, widow of the late
James Rider, who was for Many years
a prominent resident of Stratford,dieal
at her home in Mitchell, in the Slth
year of her age. She had been ill for
some months, and her death, thele
fore, was not unexpected. Four sons
and two daughters survive her.
A Grin Ending of a Sunday Morning
Theft in Quebec.
Bay St. Paul. Que., July 18. -Coroner
Guillemate was asked yesterday morning
to hold an inquest on the body of a
tramp, killed at. Petite Riviere, St.
Francois. after a theft at the Presbytery
during the holy mass on Sunday. The
servant perceived the presence of a thief
in the house. .She gave the alarm, and
Pour parishioners started after him, and
they met him in the woods. One of the
men shot and killed him. It is said he
shot too hastily, put it is also reported he
was self -defending, the thief having
shown a revolver and poignard. Fifteen
dollars and a Watch stolen were found
on the'body.
asitCh 4 i
00 6
but don't think you can patch
clothes to look like new.
Then again it would not
pay you ou vrhen you can buy
clothing at the prices we
Pants made to order, all
wool heavy Tweeds $2.00
Suits 0.80
Overcoats 8.09
Black Worsted suits a spec-
ial, 512.00
Our $20 blacks beat all
others at 523. Como and see
for yourself.
People patronize las because
they realize that we always
sell clothing that is strictly
up=to-date. , . .
Opp -sells' 14, 4 Of ie
anc-1151r-IkAli. mem 45%..3i/E. Jar -i
STOP! T JH. �!
To read slat' icing ati te-.' a
vertisement• , .. .
For whose pie.' sue we in
the fur'nitur'e lin is a n.? For
yours and ours, If We are not
useful to you we caxuitit be use-
ful to ourselves. We have gut
to earry the goods you want at
the 'wives you want ('1' We (':trl-
not snake a ,nerd'" of our bu t-
nees But we have la'i'n fining
business right along for years,
nhieh proves that we are the
right kind of people with the
right prices. Come and tun for
o -
Furniture. Undertaking,
` '.e. .2- ,
Midsummer Health. EXETEROUUDY
The Only Medicine that
Bestowes the Blessings of True
Interesting Testimony from a Cured
If you have entered into the oppres-
sive heat of midsummer and find your-
self suffering from dyspepsia, liver and
kidney troubles, pain in back and side,
headache, insomnia and stohliat'h dis-
orders, let us urge you to give Paine's
Celery Compounds a fair and honest
trial if you would be healthy, strong
and happy. We fully realize the seri-
ousness of your condition, and with a,
desire for your physical welfare we
recommend Paine's Celery Compound,
the medicine that is now doing such
a marvelous work for thousands of
sufferers in our country. If your doc-
tor is unfettered by professional eti-
quette, he will advise you to use the
great life giver. Your friends and
neighbors will be pleased to tell you
what it has done for them in their
time of distress and agony.
Mr. Charles Comeau, of Neguac,
N. B., tells of his terrible sufferings
and his cure by Paine'$ Celery Com-'
pound as follows:
• oinmend
' ntiousl recommend
an conscientiously IC Y
Paine's Celery Compound to all who
may be suffering from dyspepsia and
liver trouble. For years, while living
in Black Brook, I suffered from a com-
plication of troubles and was so bad
with dyspepsia that I could not touch
a morsel of food. I found it difficult
to sleep, and what little I diel get was
often broken with horrid dreams. In-
tense sufferings from liver complaint
added to my load of agony; I also had
dizziness, pains in the back, and was
pale, haggard and despondent.
" I kept doctoring and dosing with-
out deriving the -slightest benefit, and
finally gave up all hope of getting well.
One day mydaughter, who had read
of a wonderful cure by Paine's Celery
Compound, begged me to try one bot-
tle of the medicine. I told her it was
no use to throw away money, but she
pleaded so hard that to please her 1
bought a bottle, and before it was used
nip I felt better. Encouraged so much,
I contiini d with the medicine and im-
proved every day.
" I am now cured, thanks to Paine's
Celery Coinpouncl.. You cannot wond-
er that I consider Paine's Celery Com,
pound the greatest medical discovery
in the world. I urge all than are sof•
tering to try the grand medicine and
test its virtues."
llanufarturer andSale ' in Plows
(sang Plows, Land Rollers, Roo:
Cutters, Straw Cutters, Saws,
Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and
Babbett Metal.
On Engines, Boilers, Mowers and
Binders promptly attended to.
Mower and Binder Knives and
GenerafRepairs kept on hand.
Tire tpsetters, Tire Platforms and
Before. After. Wood's 1?liosplioaine,
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Biz
packages guaranteed to cure all
corms of Sexual nal Weakness
all effects
of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
baceo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package 31, six, $5. One wilt please.
six wilt 're. Rhe WoolCompany,ets free to eWindsor,Ont.
Wond•s Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by
0. Lutz, druteist.
Clinton: About the 15th of next
month a new dry goods store will be-
oppenedup in the Wiseman store by
W. Newcoulhe, of the firma of Ford tts
Newcombe, of Petrolea. •
Brucefield: A pretty and interest-
inge at the
celebrated i was
wedding n
beautiful home of Mrs. J. Nevin, of
Brucefield, Tuesday afternoon,' when
her youngest daughter, Miss Emma
Florence, was united in marriage to
M. G. Simpson, of this village. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. S.
Acheson, of Kippen, in the presence
of the immediate relatives and friends
of the contracting parties, the bridal
party standing beneath a beautiful
arch of „flowers. The bride was hand-
somely attired and looked charming.
She carried a boquet of roses, and Was
attended by her cousin, Miss' Maud
McIntosh, who was costume.cis in a
beautiful gown and carried carnations.
Miss Rattenbury, also a cousin,. acted
is maid ,of honor. • She was prettily
dressed and carried a basket of flowers.
The groom was supported by his
brother, Mr. 0, D. Simpson. •
For Infants and Children,
Thi fao.
of ,.
10 01