HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-7-20, Page 4THE
eXtUr Abroratt,
Chas, II. Sanders, Editor and Prop
tatiowir -,,rovarsvin-winivomm
The Clinton News -Record stunutiog
up the eititation of West Huron, elecs
tion on Feb. 21st last, says:—
Mr. Robert Holmes, who has been
home this session so often that even
sapporters are beginning to pro-
test, returned front Ottawa again on
Saturday. It was easy to be seen that
he was in no jubilant mood,but rather
the reverse, and tle. rause wtts not far
to seek. The West Huron ballot
frauds are to be investigated by a Com-
mittee of the Ilottee ot Commons and
though, donialesta everything has
been fixed as far as: possible yet suffis
tient inforniatiora may be broughtto
light to show tlutt Hohnee was fraud-
ulently eteeted, anti that he is occuPY-
trig a seat in Parliament whieh is not
justly his. It is quite likely the Goy-
erneaent woldd have refused the en-
fitury asked tor by tlw ( onseryintves that pitrt les in those thmteons shall
heti not the West Eigin, South On- ' teentutute at 25 eetits, while in the oth-
tario. Rtaiekvilie anti Witte.. byPlee- ers narties may eonanutta twit the re.
thine so itroueed public. opinion that it suit te nearly all say they intend to
was tiot safe to refttee. Indeed, Sir eintonote rather than work. at 25 eents
Wilfred Laurier aeknowledges that in per dav. The Cannel' are verY
West Huron there is suiliment cause for anho do so, hut, of course, numet
for investigation. A. etatement like so teillethed most he expended as the
this by his leader wae hazel one on , conneil limy (Breen The Couneil think
Holmes and has ,etireil Mill many a bad t hey hose hit upon a splendid :whom.
hour Fillet., " for introdueing a grader, and it may
rostrair1411ITII$ 1".1, WES.Tstatuto when, a hot to.. „whom,
g" bdig Was: tiM1111124 dinditiOU
Turaing then. to the hese, it was still eau he initieted.
found that itt the eleet ilia for West
Huron on 21st of February, 1S90. Mr. *
+hues received a majerity of lin. In. The tierman earn are beeoming 8
11011e. 3 04laerieh, NV11011 tile ballots very important issue with the fisher -
were eonnted, met.ean. !he con- men in this vivinity. Tile fish are
servative teindhlate. had in v :les te 72 leveeing with a rapidity whieh is per -
far Mr. I lehntes. Lteela tone feet ly aStnnisithtg to the fishermen; and
been inatle and Were 1103V ill his puss- the question of what is going; to be
tession, ity between fifty and suety , {IOW* about it is betenning very inter-
leeetors es; thin ntiedivisien 'Who said esli101.4. The fieh ansnid by those who
tit tt they voted t i 3ha MeLeatt. If. .'11;tve tried (leen to be good letting.
then, enly hi sn..11 votes wore lomat They grow to a goonl size, averaging
in the lute it was; surely proloh'Ihr trout tire to eight- peuxels, and hare
House te eamtire what lweame of tee been takeu twavy as fifteen pounds:
other t,en or -fifteen whieh wen. thaws- .1.in they have en market value at ail,
er dul have heen deposited. When ihey ?net appeared they were
itY ret Uitiug ofiteer, but were not .1. elaesed by thedere as No,. 1 piekeral;
finuttl. pater .11, While their ehls-Iiiiinst ion was
He had ;deo a 41ele)SitiOn made by 1. marked down to No. 2; and this year
Roieert V, Clarlte. tigent fer 311 be buyere will wit have them at any
meant", a 1 t hal :ideate eat ne wht sa itl wive whatever. Though the earps
that on the afterbeen tif (+paint have been plentiful in the St. Clair for
he not ieed a ballet with tit*' eullItter- si,veva yory ltaS
fon aft:Pellet' on the Ileum This ballot fore been seen of thein in Lake Huron,
VL s properly marked for McLean, but land the lake fishermen Were vomfort-
when he iihmanded an explainat ion hat themselves with the wails that tIte
from the deploy ret arn lug effirtee .las. 1 ea rp either did not enter Lake Huron
Farr, that gentleman took the ballot at all, or that if they did they kept out
out of his hand and tore it up. Thel in the middle, of the lake in deep eye-
pieces of the ballet whieh was thus tete Bat tide season the Lake Huron
torn tie by Mr. learr had been presery- fishermen have been taking map in
ea, ant ;tn. IlnW 123poSseSSIoll of a
Illeltlihyr ill the Ilouse,
At polling subalivieion it. 4, in the
township of Collenette the deputy ne
turning oftleer, 1 unsaid, Cumming:a
A gluo trust has been formed, which Interestiog Letters from the West 1
thveateus to invade the, canadeau toter -
leen Crystal City, Man., •July eth, 1W:). sir .lianuee Edgar Ordered to Taira a Cont -
PEAR Sine—You know that when a
person leaves home for a short or a.
long trip it is quite the proper thing to
let it be known through your Valuable
Manitoba is euffering from a "gh
famine." Servants apparently cannot
be hired. The young woman who acts
315 genentl servant i11 a private house
ean easily seeure $10.00 per month at
Winnipeg; the parlor tur.ia moo, the
wok $2,1 and the lauuthass $15 to $20.
A number of Scotch. lassies were
brought to tho provinee late spring aud
already over 70 per cent. of them are
The Council for the Township of
Ettpheinia. Leonbton comity, of which
Mr. (a. A. ehnnett is reeve, has intro-
duced a new and somewhat novel meth-
od for keeping up and improving the
roads. At the beginning of the year
the pathuxasters were consulted as to
the advisability of commuting, at the
rate of 2.5 vents per day, the money cols
leeted to be used in operating a road
grader in the divisions favorable.
.About half agreed to try the change,
and so a pettier was pm -chased and put
to Work.. It eOst one doaar an hour to
rim the maelmine. Some pathmasters
SaY t hey have had font. t hues the usual
amount of wort done, while all seem
to think 25 ceats expended this way is
worth more to the roads than 75 cents
worked ant under the statute labor
system. The Connell passed by-laws
t hew lets all along shore: and the pros-
peet new is that- the tierntim anvil vtll
be ate plentiful in a feW years in Lake
Huron as they are niready itt the De-
troit River anti Lake Erie. What is
tannins' 30 halite s for MeLean, but 1 needed now is for some genius to arise
since. the tdeetion 13 men have nutde aud devise some scheme for making
deelarations that they voted for Me -
Lean at that polling sub -division,
What has lieeozne of the other 13, anti
how could they have disappeared with-
out the interveution of the deputy re- •
turning officerS This was a proper
question for the House to investigate,
quite apart from any provisions of the
Controverted Election Act,
$2.5,000 Fon, I1AND SWEEZING.
Men who erusha vietim's digits when
honored with a handshake should take
warning from the following. A state-
ment of claim has been filed in the
Court of Common Pleas.
by the attorney for Miss Edith Boone,
who declared that last spring Frede-
rick R. Farrow, a drug clerk,: who had
been visiting her, seriously injured
both her hands by squeezing them so
that one of them will have to be am-
patated and the other will be of ne use.
At the time of the squeezing Miss
Boone, who is 18 years old, was living
• at the home of her brotherein-law, 1226
South Twenty-seventh street. She asks
that the Court award her damages in
the sum of $25,000.
Robert Hohnes, M. P., writing from
Ottawa to his paper, the Clinton New
Era, under the head of Parliamentary
Sketches, says
hTlae public can form an idea of the
way a government if fleeced by the
:manner in which some of the accounts
presented to it are made up. In the
Publie. Accounts Committee the other
day it was iaecssary to evanante a bill
presented to the late government by a
lawyer, and here are :some of the chare
• ges in it:—"To one day's service, $100,
to reading- blue honk, $10." A blue
hook, naay be explained, is a goveen-
. ment report,so celled beeause the cover •
is always blue paper. Whether it contained 10 pages or 100 is not stated,
but as most people are content to read
blue books for nothing, it must be ad-
mitted that this lawyer had something
of a snap.',
the German earp worth money; and
then the fisherman might again be
At a. recent London Conference of
the Methodist church the following
statistical report was presented:—
Membership total received, 5,268; total
removed, 7,072; present total, 78,289;
number reported last year, 77,661; in-
crease, 629; official boards, members,
693; decrease, 125; connexional funds,
total $99,520; increase, $15.70; circuit
pnrposes, total, $204,137; increase,
18,745: ministerial support, paid by ch.
Quits, $123,142. increase, $446; total
paid by missionary fund, $4,391; de-
crease, $777; grand total for all pur-
purposes, $376.799; increase, $118.33.
Nine new ohurches were built, at a
cost of $42,250, and five new parson-
ages at a cost of $7,100. The Epworth
League report was presented showing
a decrease of 64 in membership, which
is now a total of 16,664 There was
• contributed $4,381 alum crease of $1,347.
A total ef $12,435 was raised, an in-
crease of $16,54. Thirty-three reading
°irides were fora:teed during the year,
end the reeommendation made that
they be, established whegever possible.
Plate 0.ot-it-23on, C. a, Geeturtee
DYIng-Nr, X.;erltle Von, Ill.
Ottawa, July 18.---Dre. Powell and
Rltddick have advised Sir Antes Edgar,
Speaker of the House of Commons, that
paper. I shall not trouble you with a it is necessary for him to tate a rest, the
detailed acc000t a incidents by the arduous work of the session having pro -
way. Rail to Owen Sound. Boat, "The (laced splenetic anaemia. No serious ra-
Mamitobte" to Fort William, The trip sults are enticipeted, tett it is considered
acmes Georgian Bay and, Lake Super- edviseble for his honor to rest for a
ior was delightful. The S.P.R. Steam- couple of months, Sir James Edgar and
er 08 whieh we sailed is elegantly fur- Lady Edgar loft for 'Toronto teat night
Welted and oflieered by kindly gentle- and during the week will go to Sir
mete Fort William boasts of the large James' country house at ItQacles Point,
est grain elevator in Catmula. Capaca where the remainder a tlie summer will
ty, one and a half million. bushels. The be passed.
Imperial, Limited, leaves Fort Wil- thee, C. 4, Gegarlon Dying,
liam daily, at 10.55 or 4,55 p.111. laid ar- The Prensier left bare at 8 o'clock yes -
rives in Winnipeg, the Chleatto ef ed Maley moraine and proceedto Vale,
eaniala, at 0.;i0 a.m. No a.m. am p.m.
ereuil. On arriving there he walked te
vai'sfentit.trel.Ifilelaiizr Fort William to wthhenreettenel iofigankleennta. ryiyAe•Cerairitehrle.
\S iunzpeg 4?..5 miles, h'xeeeedinglY last rime of the ehurch having been a(1
rock and nahre„
n. etue PIssell" ministered. Sir Wilfrid will return to
eters volunteered the statement that Ottewa by a special train,
the whole country would not feed a ,
Mr hetia0 Net ItecoYer.
goltt. objeeted ou the ground that ,
the statement was an exaggeration. Word was received yesterday morning
Well." he said at tength, "it "ill that hir. Lettuce U.P. for Nicole*, was
not feed two goats." We withdrew dangerously 111 at his home at St. Leon -
our objeetion at ()nee. ard ])'ton, and that but little hopes
Winnipeg 45,000, a city of bustle. ate , are entetteined of hie recovery.
deity, progress, mosquitoes and mud,
Thomas Ching, formerly of Hay, in .4, Eit.exx "IjoyAT 1.0030agn.
speakiug of rent, as we stootl on the ,
corner of Main street and Portage wetchman Swam 1. stream Twice and
Ave., pointed out a Iittle frame shoe Flegged. Tratue at neither,
store, that, he said, rents for a
Vancouver, 13.0., jniy. 1$,—Lato Sett -
month, A hotase, tut quite as good as
my own in Exeter, would rent,
urdoer night a spark front a freight train
over in Feat Rouge, for $40 a month, set' are te destreYed the
id taxes on tlw eame $56 a Year. Saw , railway bridge 13 miles west Of gala -
Bystander, in Weekly Sun: The
Chinese Worship their ancestors. Ora-
torical and floral (lilt of departed lead -
Hr:..;' is becmning the religion of party.
Disraeli's saint's day is celebrated by
wearing the yellow primrose; Glad.
stone's by wearing the spotless lily; to
Sir John is dedicated the-btu:A ug rose.
Assuredly, if there ever was a man
whose memory deserved party adora-
tion, it was Sir John Macdonald, than
whom a more consuxmnate leader of
paety never lived. This was his real
gift, and if there is any flower Symbol-
ical of astute management, its blos-
soms may well he heaped upon his
tomb. To compare him to Disraeli is
a mistake. There may be a slight like-
ness between the two faces, as there
sometimes is between the Highland
features and the Hebrew. Disraeli
was above all things imaginative. He
was 818822 of phrases and epigrams.
The lawyer in whose office he was for
a time said that he would have been
supreme as a writer ofadvertisements.
Macdonald was nothing of the kind;
he was an intensely practical and won-
derfully skilful manipulator of men.
He knew alt their weaknesses and how
to plhy upon them all. He coedit adapt
himself to all varieties of character;
to, the refined he could be refined; with
the unrefined he could be equally at
home. He was good tempered, per-
sonally winning, and, when his char -
actor had mellowed, seldore bitter or
discourteous towards political oppon-
ents. He might keep a fierce dog, but
he did not himself bark to bite. :
Ramon in his home over in loops, 1.1](1 3110 east Of Olierrr Creek. The
voi.t g;ma bis family are bridge speaned the man of Kamloops
1::,(1111guet1),T. figteleinauleetZtailS. fi.TilboewientrotczsnnrviiaostuArtteo
tin; ovn. ieeo miles a head of ue ed by an exhibition of pluck On the part
fore we see the Paeiiita Our neat step
he of a radwaT laborer that is nuesh oftener
will at 3Iordn
e, 31:en. scen in me °drama than in real We, But
for him tho west going express would
3Iorden, :Mane July 8, NO. probably have been precipitated into the
itlortlen is surrounded by immense water. This 0.P. R. watchman discovered
wheat fiehle. Good prairie land is held the Are just in time for hint to flag the
at gamt into par. ann. ain Lawrenee, , two trains that mere east end west
formerly of Ttwiteremitle has an jinn' bound, respectively. 11 waslate at night,
proved farm of 320 acres lying jusZ at and in order to make sure of stopping
the foot of ti, Penikina hIt's for witiett , tho eastbound train the watchman heroic).
he wilt hale. yet.). lit tie trutone sots ally swam acmes the streaut at tide June.
ing at $1111 1.„11011. tlon with the la%6 end flagged the train-
ortion boasts of seven elevators, He matic the trip back end tiaggett the
tva, gooa hotels, renistery otone, eat , westbound train. The passengers on both
or seven ehurebes, at fine hoepitid and . are warm In praise of his action.
eeveral stole:, 1 found lisal. Carley h: ,' -- - - --- - -
Co, tweenpying one. Ed. is looking well i ZLETE,N PI:Mir-B=04i LOST,
and doing well, We met our old time 1
friteel, Mane.. A. llobleirk, he does Mr. and Mrs. Mills or Vancouver Were
not 1001:, a tlay older than \Own he Among These Lmit,
WilS teaelxing in Crediton. He 'has a Chicago, July 1S.—,A, epetial to The
heatutifal home and a. gml. "ey'111- h.h.lbune from Victurian Be O., ma's:
nu poeition in the registry0- ill
ve• "Tho steanaor Tete brings maws of the
Minden has a population 412 1511". death of a party of 11 prospectors by
Aftt'y leaXing 310Ilien We grndllAY drowning near Windy Arm. Those
nseend the Peinkina Mts. and reaeh a known to haw) been lost are Mr. and
spletelid tntele of good. land well adopt- Inn mins of -tragnugeri inane
ed for situated in theenue.
mixed 'farming. 314"lite" ,b 1 d man h apt aughter and a young maned
nively vof the;
elevated table haul. Ale:1y NV* go rry Howard.
west, eross the Ptenkina river whels1 seven Aux erlcuns Drowned,
ing 10 alla Mit of the rugged eatines, Seattle, \Vrteh., July 18. --The schooner
MOW Pilld MOMIti is reached we not General Siglin, from Cook's Inlet,
dee that the .graders itte.- at work, Alaska, brings news of tbe drowning of
grading a spur of the C.P.R. which seven Amerlearts Tura:main Aran
will run in a southerly dieeetion to early in Jim°,
sottle poitit lleAr Tidelane
will give an outlet to the farms of thee
Nine. The Surveyors have run their
10e1088 Coleman Hogarth's farm,
and also through Sam. Handford's
place. This line at the southern end is
subject to change. But from all pres-
ent appearances Coleman Hogarth will
be within one mile of the new town
site. Our friend, Mr. Hobkirk, accom-
panied us to Pilot Mound, 301 attire
4md up-to-date little town, and through
to Crystal City.
Yours Truly,
II. E. linsTots.
Kaleida, Man., July 13, 1899.
To Enrron o Exerrien Aorotnaria
Wild Mustard.
A most import:eat discovery to the
farming community has recentiy been
made by Professor Doherty, of the On-
tario Agricultural College. Heretofore
the noxiods weed known as wild mus -
teed ha,s completely baflled the skill of
scientists to eradicate, despite numer-
ous experiments. Prof. Doherty has
beeu spraying with a2 per cent. solu-
tion of sulphate of copper, and on a
quarter acre patch badly infested with
the mustayd this solution proved a
sure killer. 11 is estimated that ten
cents' worth of this chemical will
spray an acre. This is a very notable
discovery if in general ase it proves as
satisfactory as in experiment, as wild
mustard is perhaps the worst weed
pest the farmer has to contend with at
present. The writer has seen nareer-
ous instances where it was left • un-
checked fora couple of years, and simp-
ly choked the crop on the land right
out of existence, spreading meanwhile
to every other field in the neighbor-
hood. As the mustard is an annual
the spraying at this season kills it fax
good, as it is at allowed to come to
seed, and there is nothing for •next
year's crop to grow from. This is a
most import:tut discovery, and we
would like to see it tried by any far-
naets in this neighborhood who are
bothered with mustard,
On Tuesday, July lith, we were vis-
ited by a very heavy storm of wind,
min and hail, the violence and sever-
ity of which the writer has ()evasion to
long remember, having been storm-
staye(1 on the way home from Mani -
tote I never in all my egeenteen years
to Manitoba experienced such a storm.
The wind was blowing from the north
and nearly all the windows in that side
of the house at which I was staying
were broken, while outside buggies,
carts, chicken coops and everything
that could possibly be blown away
were madly thrown against a wire
fence, (fortunately for the owner.) It
was a terrific gale. Shortly after mid-
night it calmed down. In Manitou
many buildings were more or less dam-
aged. We have n•ot as yet been able
to find out to what extent the crops
have been destroyed but they must be
badly damaged. Our neighborhood
fortunately escaped for which we are
very thankful. North Dakota was
visited by a similar storm, with the
exception of hail, about two weeks ago.
The wind, however, was much strong-
er, blowing down a great many bila -
togs, especially the large ones. It made
a clean sweep for about five miles. I
have not as yet heard of tiny fatalities.
bat the damage was very great. A
large livery stable, in which were a
number of horses, was blown front its
foundation and carried about twenty
feet, the horses falling through -and
blown in all directions. The builing
was a total wreck. It looks pretty
hard to see property destroyed in this
manner. The crops that escaped the
storm are looking fine, the wheat head-
ing out Very nicely. •
The 12th of July was celebrated in
Snowflake. The processiou was made
op of the Manitou, Hannah and Snow-
flake lodges. The Perokina Valley at
this period of the year looks beautify1
from the top of the hill, which every-
one admires so much. A large crowd
W85 in attendance, and the -usual
speeches on • such occasions were
livered. -
There is everyprospect of -a boom in
Snowflake as they are to have a branch
railway line from near Hannah, N.D.,
strike through some where in that
neighborhood, but no one knows just
-what course it will take yet; conse-
quently every one is More or less agis
tated over it, all wanting ib near then
It will be of great benefit to that part
of the country.
Hoping I have not taken to much of
youe valuable space, I remain
' Yours respectfolly.
John Klein, a laborer, was killed by
a freight train at Berlin Friday.
Grand Trunk Pouble.Traeklxur.
Montreal, July Orand Trunk
are now (Marrying on the following sec-
tions of double track., From St.
Lambert to St Hubert, 134 miles; from
St. Anne to Vandreuil, 4 miles, and
from Murray Hill to Trenton and
Sydney, 334 miles; the whole involving
an expenditure of $80.000,
UP. Cossitt, Brockville, /11corrn rp.
BrockvMe, Ont., July 18.—II. P. Cos -
silt, confectioner, of this place, was seri-
ously injured at 8 pon, yesterday by the
explosion of a gas cylinder, used in con-
nection with his soda water fountain. Itr.
Oossitt was taken to the hospital. The
extent of his injuries Is not yet known.
To Arrest ,Nine Men.
Kingston, Ont., July 18.—Yesterday
county constables left for Battersea to
arrest nine men against whom informa-
tion was sworn by John E. Dolan. The
charge says that the mob tore Dolan
from his bouse, beat him, coated his
body with tar and feathers and stole over
$4 from his pocket.
The Lost survivor.
Stirling, July 18.—Mr. Henry Gauen,
presumably the last survivor of the Mc-
Clure Arctic expedition, 'which discover-
ed the northwest passage and the first
definite trace of Sir John Franklin. died
at his home in West Huntingdon on Fri-
day evening, at the age a 76.
Druwuect 811 a Well.
Russell, July 18.—John Stevenson, a
prominent farmer and Forester, was acci-
dentally drowned in a well here yester-
day morning. He was raking up a can
or milk, and, Itis supposed, slipped in
head /kat.
Burglars at Morrisburg.
Morrisburg, Ont., July 18.—About 2.80
yesterday morning burglars forced an
entrance through a rear window into
Chalmers' jewellery store, and made an
attenapt to blow open the safe. Two
charges were set off, time last one being
of terrific force. Parties living in the
building were aroused, and succeeded in
searing off the robbers. The door vvas
badly damaged, but the safe was not
opened, Four men were distinctly seen
by different persons making good their
escape. They fired a number of shots at
those who were giving the alarm. This
Is the second attempt to burglarize
Chalmners' store within the lest two
NA" ,..h.hkitiotheveree
What is
eastoria, is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Faregorie, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. it c ontains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic stibstanee. It is Fleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers, Castoria destroys Worms and allays Fm-erish.
ness. Castoria ewes 1=PlarrItce8 and WinitColie. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the POOdt regulates
the Stomach. and Bowels ofInfants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
ranacea—The Mother's Raoul.
ftcaogyin is an excellent medicine for
children. Mothers hare repeatedly told me
Of its geed effect upon their children."
PR, G. C, 05GW-PD, ,Lmie11, Mos.
etsastorte, is se welt edaptvil to children
tint I recommend it as superior to any pre..
scriplion imown to rue."
21. 4. Aitertna, M. D. Ro 0,..A:s r, N.
cczevrAucx cosuo4riof.VW ..wcARAY CVQVfl. PiCS,V Y0904 CCM,
4r• on,r7ir ,..12.7,i7§tarilMI, •
That ThrobbiDg ileadaolie
-would vim,- lea"' if Yon 8'-
(11 Dr. King's Nhw Life Pala. Thou.
Far an neat. Only.
sands of sufferers have plowed their
matchless Writ fOr Slit and Nervoits 'Now is ;Iv, gi tvour liem.le taut u.
liertattelleS. They Make 'Owe lilt ot fretel r for the
and etrowe nerves and build up your :Fe. haror $1 1 win ticau. ell erei ainatt.
litelltli. 7.iasy to take. Try thion. go!„4"•;:."11-pr,"r.43.7„ni
TII''. 1.,41 a"4 "i"si
onlyscents, mow*. bail: if not aiti?t; 14/ IC.171
eared. Sold by all Druggists.
l'rtT,1tet:111;True"4110dIti‘ti,r-ahlt ele4.71. adju,i.
. p)auwol t La, triune and terk !Jack or maroon;
A great trolley strike. started in :Inhal.:,1.:lt.,A141.!,,,,,,iiroiro,,,i,,..artreut.,,a1,,oat.ilitew.,th.t.11,..,
Brookollvn ;Sii.:nt1;?;
Jos h•ty, a( 1 t Ili • of Corn. yinir tirS it
A. Word to Anglers in Nepigon.
Toronto, July 18.—The order -in -council
respecting lashing. in Nepigon Lake pro-
vides that no person shall fish in those
waters except by angling, and anglers
must pay license as follows: For people
outside of Canada $10; Canadians, not
resident in Algoma, $5; residents, $2,
License -holders are prohibited from cut-
ting tirnber, and the limit of trout is ten
fish or 16 pcmnds a day.
wall was probably L'Ilt ally Nulled I:11; , wurtb 'Isar *le I le ililt'atatautg.."';1111,igt..en-
eantei lanek or meroote trite toth whetie
d Friday by falling from el a load eeld srelies au. *hole.
hay. , :heti !tor Sie I Will dran, ks',‘
WilhitunSarhe; of Stling, w
irare vtTrettral4nfrlis efanle..rei;iir tires 11
r 117 air Oat° ail pasta ex-
, amel blaelz or mnroon, true totli
Frank. J011eS, Wel p, WaS fatally in. trim frame, forlm ami entitle.. repair tires as
ebove, meltel all parts, put ail new
j area ill a SIINVOtill at Otletea In 110th whe.0$.
Heiner of Louth was drowned in a
well on Friday.
- eetr-old son of George I, Brantford Bicycle for Sale, $40 only,
Rather alarming rumors as to the
heelth of Hon. Mr. Tarte were euvrent
in Ottawa Friday.
Hen. '‘Viiliatin Hay, formerly of Pais-
ley. Ont., and Presbyterian pastor at
Bethany, N. Y., is missing.
A small boy named Reid, of Whini-
peg, swallowed a quautity of lye Fri-
day and died from the effects Satur-
Ed. Arthur Bennetts, aged seven,
soa of Rev, Samuel Bounetts,of.Green-
ville was drowned Thursday while
Gordon Heron, of Ottawa, aged fif-
teen, gallantly rescued five ladies who
were bathing at Chelsea and who got
beyond their depth.
The remains of the late Henry T.
Shipley of Kingston have been found
in Salmon Lake, in which he was
drowned last autumn.
William Hack, aged 21, of Whit&
peg, was drowned Saturday while bandy
ing in the Red Itiver, pear Elm Park.
He is supposed to haw taken cramps -
Brothers Smashed Enc)* other.
St. Catharines. July 18.—Two brothers,
Thomas and William Brown, prominent
young mon of this city, collided while
riding their bicycles ID opposite directions
Sunday night They came together with
an awful crash. They were resting easier
yesterday, himving regained oonseiousnoss
during the night.
All kinds of Supplies on liana.
We wieli to impress on the minds ef
everelenly that we don't sell sole
leather, neither de We sell meat 413
• tough as sole leather.
Goderich: One of the prettiest wed-
dings seen in Goderich for some time
was celebrated iu SI. Georges church
on Wednesday just before noon, Miss
May Malcomson and Mr. Geo. }lender- '
son being the contracting pasties. Mr.
Arnold, of the Bank of 'Montreal, Wn8
best mato The bridesmaids were Miss
Springer, of Burlington, cousin of the
bride, and Miss Garrew, andthe maid
of honor was Miss Malcomson, of
Hamilton, also a cousin of the bride.
Taman: The severe storm whieh,
broke over the villege on Tuesday left 1,
more than one evidence of its close
proximity. The lightning struck in t
three places, at John Hodgins' farm1
hoose, on the Sauble Hill, in Mr.
Hooper's garden, and at Mr. Maws
hinney's barn, At Hodgins a num-
ber of bricks were dislodged from the
side of the chimney and came cresh-
ing down, but caused no further dam-
age. Mr. Hooper was on his verandah,
and wasatunned by the shook which
struck the tree. The storm was local,
and did not extend two miles either
direction. As fax as can be learned, it
was not of sufficient duration to do
mucli injury to the crops.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Bern,
Scald, Cut or Bruise. 13uckle,n's Arn-
ica Salve, the best in the world, will
kill the pain and promptly heal it.
Cures Olcl Sores, Foyer Sores, Incms,
Boils, Felons, Corns, all ' Skin Erup-
tions. Best Pile core me earth. Only
25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold
by all Druggists. ,
Are of the very best quallteru Try our
big brown Sirloin Iteeet. It is as
tootleuen and appetizing as the
latriedS eetweeitee roast of Single
times. IVe know lit ar to tit: it lin ail
niee tor the oven.
Try ue onee,
You'll try us twice;
You'll find our meats
etre ehoice and nice.
. . John Manning.
When the Steal -iamb and Li eer are
out of order, a dose Of Dix's Little Liv-
er Pills will often naiad off an attack
of Ditterheea, Dysentery or Cholera
Morbis, etc, Sold by O. Lutz.
Children Cry for
The seven-year-old daughter of 'Wm.
lieete of Winnipeg, eves bunted to
death Friday. Her clothing caught
the from a match which she ICUS etrik-
A. Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written writ ten by
Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. 0.
" Was taken with a badcold which
settled on my hinge; tough set in and
finally terminat oet in Consumption.
Four Doctors gave me up, saymg
could live but a short time. I gave
myself up to My Saviour, :let:nem/led 7
if I could not stay with my friends on
earth, I Woultl meet my absent ones
above. My husband • has advised to
get Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds.
gave it 31. trial, took in all eight bottles.
It has cured me, and thank God, 1 ane
saved and now a well and healthy wo-
man." Sold by all druggists. 50cts.
and $1.00,. 'Guaranteed • or price 10 -
funded. • :
L A It
troubled with nervousness despon-
dency, exhaustion, loss of' memory,
aching backs and k ' idneys painful )tion,urina-
bashfulness, sedimentin urine, losses
at night, impotency, headaches, varicocele,
phuples, ulcers, bone pains, -The results
of evil habits in youth or later excesses.
Our Vitalized Treatment cures the -worst
Emissions & Varicocele
sap the vigor and vitality and produce
weak men. Outr Dollar Treatment
0$ will Cure You.
IStricture and Cleet„
No matter how chronic, yield to our Vital-
ized Treatment. No operation, no pain,
I. Ito detention from business. All drains
cease. Our Dollar Treatment will
Cure You.
% lood & Sexual Diseases
cured forever. No return of tbe disease.
No Mercury. No Poison. Our Dollar
Treatment will Cure You. We
. Guarantee eturea.
. We treat and cure all dis- nu Mil na
(i) eases M xnen and women for WIL uuLum
Unmiliation mid %Imitation Fro. Vats far Caustial I
list for limo Trootmont.
DOLLAR DOCTORS, ' migtiNiP,f`kanhir'