HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-7-20, Page 2L ubseribere wbe de sot receive ;heir p¢per
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TlB[tRSDAY, JULY 20,1S99,
%ever -Too Late tp Learn.
C•ato.. at 60 years 1*f age, learned the
Benet :angnage.
Secretes. at en eetrenle}y old age, learn-
earn-t+x2to play os. musical isa,trusnente.
P.ntereh. when hetr.een :0 and SQ, bee
le the study of I .alit*.
Dr. Julius= tophi est himself to the
:rarsh prig: age but a fare. years tenors his
Franklin did. not fully commence his
girl osopleieal pursu:ts till he had reached
b.S fiftieth year.
,,f,ov co wionasdeeco, at the age of 115,
we re, dine memoir's of ills life.
1 mien, in his es t year. r'oneutenced the
triAus'a:in cif the Lied. his most pleasing
• 't.'ie"„tr- the trarieletor of Homer And
Setegis, wets unaeat:a nted with Latin and.
fsreek tilt be was hast ee.
Baecaeelo was Sett rear-. old when he cent
tienced his studies of diger literature, yet
• l e hearse one of the three greatest =esters
• et the- Tasean lissom, Dante tend Petrarch
2e;n the ethertwo,
Sir:HenrylerS t
man neglected, ect
ed he
ae,trices in his youth, but eoenneenced tire'
*Indy of them when he was between. 6111
A.Re1 tOyeara of age. After tbie time he
became a most learned antiquarian And.
2 arvyer.
TheuF.andrs tet examples could be cited, et
XACD who commenced a new study, either
Xor a livliitood or allruement, ani an ad-
steaced age. But every one familiar' with
ttht biography of dietingui,hed open will
rt otleet individual c:it;t' enough to con.
Yiece him that none but the sick and in -
ac cut will ray. "lam too old to learn: t
"..'bete never was, and clever will be, *
universal pauat;eet in one centedy, for all
1. to whicb flesh i+ue,r--:he vary uature
of many curatives Tieing eueh time were
the germs of other xud differently seated
diseases rooted dr the ey tent of the
patient --what .would relieve oue ilR ,a
tarn would Aggravate the other, We
bate. however, .is. Quinine Wine, whoa.
t b:xinable in a soiled nut dulterated
gxarome. x remedy for many anti grevi;ous Lag.
By its gradual and judivious use. d .
frailest systems ate °eti into convalescence
Ar d tltreureth, by tree titilttetice .vl eb Qu-
• eerts on :sinews'; own restoratives.
ltrelieve•• the d <e;I.tt;; spirits of those
w.:h whom a chrome ',rase of morbid des-
, t,dency and lack o' lute est in Hfe i$ s
teniae, deli, by -rattnuishinee the nerves,
11.epases to sound anti refreshing sleep—
inap:arts rigor to the ac•r,oit of the blood,
wn:ch, being !trim's:wad. euur'Seithrough.
cue the veins. street:site:nun the bealtny
unreal functions of the se -tern, thereby
*eking activity a tier e;,ary result,
strengtheningthe frame. and giving lite
to the digest:se ',Naive which naturally
demand tucrea'ed 'ub.t:tnee—result,
peeved appetite.. Northrop & Lyman of
!termite, have green to the public their
at:peeler Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
ea.d, gamed by tiro upiu.on of scientists,
e tas wine :ter:roadies t,eareet perfection of
hi,y 1n the market. ,111 druggists sail it.
L'attalli• the Cu,e.
There was once a poor boy who while
walking along saw a pin on the pavement
'before bis,. Quickly the little lad staid
hih steps and picking up the pin stuck it
carefully and secur,;ly in his coat.
A rich man eh:seeing to pass at that
Lillie taw the action, and was much int -
greased by it, so luueit ,o that he took the
Loy into his bank and finally adopted him,
Thirty ;ears have passed and the erst-
while poor boy is a South African million-
aire. The other day he drew a cheque for
£:.'.000 and gave it to a former schoolmate
who had not prospered in the race ot life.
"A11 that I am now I owe to you, John,"
said the millionaire.
"But I don't understand," stammered
the beneficiary,
"Simple enough. If I hadn't hated you
so at school, I should never have pinked
np that pin to put on your seat."
IS the child is r •sties; at night, has
s n
Treated tongue. sallow rot , i pTe m a dose
s f Miller's Worm Powdere i, what is re-
quired; very pleasant sued perfectly harm-
The Color of the British Flee.
Let the British listen to this story,
which is an old but true one, says a writer
in the London Post. Two young Boers
were arguing ahoy rhe color of the British
flag. One said it was the union jack, but
the other declared it was the ensign. An
old Boer listening quietly settled theques-
tion. "I've seen," he said, "the British
Sag three tunes -once at. Laing's Nek,
once at Majuba, and lastly at Doornkop—
srd each time it was white."
People who are debilitated and who lack
energy as a result of overwork, care and
anxiety will recover quickly by taking
Miller's Compound Iron Pills.
The Poet's Loves. ..
I sang a song unto my only love.
Of love renewed for us in heaven above;
.And Doris heard, and sadly heaved a sigh,
And Margaret said: "For my sake he
would die;"
But Betty, who my plaintive song in-
Just laughed and murmured: "0, he
makes me tired.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Don't Blaine tiro Waves.
"What did Clara say, the second day
out, when she was so seasick?"
"She said the man who was rocking the
boat that way was no gentleman and she
•arouid like to tell him so." •
It Knew Its Business.
"Three is a crowd," and they were three,
The parlor lamp, the maid and he;
But "two is company;" no doubt
• That's why the lnorvi.ng lamp went out.
Health for the children. Miller's
Worm Powders.
Convinced. of it..
Mee. Gotrex—Mabel, dear, aro you sure
Mr. Woodby loves yon for yourself alone?
Mabel -Yes, I am sure, mamma. He is
always so restless when you are fn the
A Champi on.
"Women talk so much, Miss Emeline,"
"I don't know; do you think they talk
numb more tbac the men who aro always
yelling them how much they talk?"
retied, Peoetuateat and preserved In
1"ithy neva trephs" for the Peruser •t
$Tactical temple — Beroonal, Political
Anal Breath/de.
The Ontario. Department of Crown
Lands has been asked to grant a license
for a frog suanufaetory to be located near
Napanee. It is the inte'ntron of the pro -
meters to breed all kinds of frogs for
table use on an extensive scale,
The starters in the big double -scull race
at Sydney. N.S., will be Duman and
Alward. Toronto; Brennan brothers and
Lynch brothers, Halifax.
Kaiser bas plena to give his
crack: yacht Meteor for the trial races
with the abamrock in order to tune her
up for her races read the Columbia.
'rum rum 1teneouD.
Firs ott Sunday started fn C. Lang's
eider and fruit eeily taetory, spreading to
a storehouse owned by F. W. Grief at
Clifford, oontpletely destroyed both build-
ings. /Losse$: O. Lang, g2,QOQ; limey,
nth hz istrrance.
0 os.
t Chicago n Thursday .Are d tro ad
ft y y
the Illinois Canreentry, which employs
ibout 400 bands, 'Thscoolnees and expert
,precision of the firemen, aided by the
police, prevented a panic. 7.'he men and
women were taken from the banning
structure fey ladders and fire esoapes, anti
ago Oett was injured. The loos was $i50, -
•0O; insurance $125,000.
Tri PEA re,
nfonsigneur Jose Perae'alt, Bishop of
Panama, died sit Colon, Colombia, after
,a few days' illness.
Robert Bonner, publisher of The New
'reek hedger and °weer of famous horses,
died at his home in New York City an
Thursday nigh 41r, eifonner was born
Le. Ireland in 1...24,
Sr, 0, Norsworthy of the firm of Noes
tfcrtlty & Company. St. Thornes, dropped
dead on Thursday night about 9.50, The
deceased was 6S years of age, and went to
that town 2$ years ago, and was the
founder of the. Red Foundry. He leaves
Wen sons and one daughter.
On the trail to Teslin were recently
round three scurvy vietims, two 3:lison
brothers of Kent, England. and S. Kesler
of .Karawangl, Auckland, N.Z. The bodies
were badly decomposed when found, mak-
beg interment a nasty jab. Nine hundred
dollars in cash and firat•olass outfits were
an them,
Rudyard Kipling has now 23 suits in
process against as many different pubs
Ushers and booksellers in the United
Col, Frank Rhodes bas joined his
brother Cecil in the work of "Empire
making in South Africa," baying just
been appointed managing director of the
Afrieen Trans -Continental Telegraph
The birth of a third daughter to the
Ocarina has resurrected the story that at
the time of her marriage a gypsy woman
prophesied that she would give birth to
•exon daughters betters a son and heir
would come.
President Loubtt has given orders for
four portraits of himself, which will be
painted this summer. He has also ordered
portraits of all the Prime !Sinisters who
have served since 1871. These pictures
will be hung in the Elyse°.
Oleg Bosheri, the Benin chief, has been
captured and execrated by Lieutenant
Gabbet at Bonny, Africa.
An ofllcial despatch from Manila to
Madrid says that '?0 Spanish military
prisoners and 17 civilians who were held
by the Filipinos have been. released.
A meeting to protest against the war
in the Philippines was held at Cincinnati.
Resolutions were adopted. denouncing the
war as unholy and demanding its dis-
After applyin„M the closure to the de-
bate on the military works bill the Im-
perial House passed the second reading
of the treasure by a vote of 159 in favor
to 53 against on Thursday night.
Admiral Cervera and lbs other com-
manders of the Spanish fleet destroyed in
the battle of Santiago, ago, whose conduct
bas been the subject of inquiry by special.
court-martial, have been acquitted and
formally liberated.
Sixty-one Chicago cadets from the
Armour Institute, Chicago, debarked at
Parkdale station at 8 o'ciook Thursday
morning, where they were .received with
cheers by hundreds of Toronto citizens
and where they were presented with a
handsome silk Union Jack prior to
marching to High Park, where their
camp is pitched under Dominion Govern-
ment tents. The boys are a good-looking
lob, and will spend ten days in Toronto
and vicinity.
The flood damages to railroad property
in Texas are now conservatively estimated
at $8,000,000.
Three men were killed in an explosion
in the Hurd mines at Port Oram, near
Dover, N.J., on Friday. The men were
reconstructing an old abaft when a tank
of oil exploded.
George Montgomery, a St. Thomas
harnessmaker, fell from a bridge on the
Wabash Railroad sustaining injuries from
which he died on Saturday,. Deceased
leaves a wife and two daughters. He was
about 50 years of age.
On Saturday morning, in the L.E. Le
D.R.R. yards et Chatham, Isaao Ions,
fireman on the yard engine, while
attempting to couple the engine to a car,
got kis foot fastened in a frog. The
engine passed over thebody, almost cut-
ting it in two.
A destructive cyclone passed dines-
worth, Neb., two miles to the north
Thursday afternoon, killing one woman
and tearing houses, barns, fences and
bridges into kindling wood. All the crops
on sone farms were completely destroyed'
and much stook killed in the storm:
Thewater is new receding in the flood
district of Texas, but the country has
been swept of everything and the people
lett alive are in danger of starving before
relief can possibly roach them. A number
•of negroes, who had clung to tree tops for
three days and nights, became exhausted,
fell and were drowned,
A northbound passenger train ori the
Burlington road went through a culvert -
ulvertspearWaldron, Mo , 17 miles noltn of
Kansas City, an Friday night. Fireinan
kflleo, and flus, or six passenger, are re
ported to have been seriously injured. A.
heavy rain washed out 120 feet of lead-
On Frivay evening Bert Fletcher and
Albers Green of Newmarket were both
seriously injured by the accidental dis-
charge of a gun. "percher was getting
through a fence. 411 William Lansley's
farm, and dragged the gun after hire,
when the trigger caught against a rail,
The Angers, of Fieteher s right hand were
blown ori and the buckshot lodged, in
Greer'e legs above and below the, knees.
The doctorsconsider rho -wounds serious.
The British Government announces
shag it will eourribute 545,000 to the
Antarctic expedition fund,.
Advices front Dawson stat& that the
steatuer" Robert Kerr left there, June 29
with over $3,000.000 worth of gold dust
far St. Michael's.
The Rolland Miners' Union has passed
a resolution of support in Hon. Joseph
Martin, and says that be was grossly in-
sulted by the at isvoeraey en the occasion
of thebanquet there because he favored
the miners' eight -hoar law.
The new permanent lighthouse pier at
the upper end of the Quebec Traverse
was successfully sunk in position on a
perfectly level bottom on Thursday night
This new aid to St. Lawrence navigation
will be a great boon to mariners.
Rhe committee of Grand 'Trunk~ en-
gineers itad a conference With the railway
on Tlursda rst Montreal,1,and
were P
r ee tod with au arneuded schedule
to the one they tendered the Grand Trunk
a few weeks ago, The engineers will give
* reply in a 'week.
Comptroller W. J. Aforgan charges
awful cruelty upon the Jnanagers of
refornatories for women in New York
Store, end Feys int bis Indictment that
girls confined in. State House of Refuge
were stripped et their olothing and
whipped with heavy leather straps.
The /louse of Commons en Thursday
evening ,rejected the amendment to the
London Government hill, permitting the
election of women as councillors, by a
vote of 240 against the amendment to 177
in its favor- The house ot Lords amend.
mens providing for the exclusion at
women from the office of cowed/14r was
then formally Agreed to,
August Becker, the Chicago etoolt
yards bomber, was found guilty of the
murder of his first wife on Friday. Bit'
punishment was fixed at death,
A tramp has been arrested at Tress
Bank, near Brandon. Man., on suspiolon
of having cotntultted the murder. of Mrs,
Lane. A revolver, with two empty cart-
ridges, was found in a lane near the spot,
and a cartridge belt was found on the
Frank Elliott„ a Toronto City Hall'.
clerk, is lying in Sr. Michael's Hospital
suffering from a gash in his head which
required 16 stitches.. Elliott says be re-
ceived the injury from Charles Sanderson.
of le Ontario street, who useda pen-
knife. He is in a precarious condition.
Former Xing Milan, father of Xing
Alexander of Servia, narrowly escaped
assassination thereon Thursday evening.
The would-be murderer, who is about 23
years old. is under arrest. He has not yet
been identified. He. Sired four revolver
shots, one ot which slightly grazed His
Majesty, another wounding the hand of
Adjutant Lukitcb, who was with him.
Joseph Ponessa, a laborer of Fort Erie,
Ont., piled several ties on the Grand
Trunk tracks near the curve end fixed
them so that any train that struck ahem
would surely be derailed, The obstruction
was discovered just in time to prevent a
train carrying a bit crowd from the race
track at Fort Erie to Buffalo being
wreaked. Ponessa was arrested and sen-
tenced to two years in penitentiary.
'reroute Eight Beaten by Half at Length
In Their Heat With the Landon
Rowing Club at Henley.
Henley-sn•Thames, July 7.—In their
second heat ot the races for the Grand
Challenge Cup, the Toronto eight were
defeated by the crew of the London Row-
ing Club by just half a length yesterday.
It was a splendid race from the start.
and admitted by all to have been the
best contest of the regatta. The London-
ers had a little the best of it at the start,
and led to the finish, but the Canadians
never permitted over half a length day-
light between the boats.
At Fawley Court the Argonauts were
a length and a half behind, but they cut
this down by a length before the finish.
Everyone admired the gameness that only
just failed to win, and the defeated
received with cheer after
There was a general feeling of disap-
pointment at the result, as the spectators
generally expressed the desire to see the
Canadians tackle the Leanders in the
The time at the half was 3.28, and the
full course was covered is 7.15. In their
heat yesterday the Londoners' time was
7.25, while the Canadians' was recorded
as 7.06.
The applause for the Canadians as they
rowed to their boathouse amounted to
an ovation, and was accentuated by the
fact that when Ashe, who claimed the
beat from "Bush" Thompson on Wednes-
day on a foul, came out for hisheatyes-
terday he was received with rounds of
hisses and uncomplimentary remarks
from either bank of the river. His defeat
by Blackstaffe was decidedly popular,
and the recollection of his unsportsman-
like behavior brought a renewal of the
The London crew acknowledge that the
slow water in the latter part of the course
favored their chances and won them the
Ones Mere They Are Behind Prison Bare.
at Reponse.
Napanee, Ont., July 7. — Detective
Greer of Toronto arrived at 3.4.0 yester-
day morning with the . prisoners, Pare
and Holden, from' Campbelltoa, N.B.
Both prisoners seein to be in their usual
Constable Duncan of Campbellton, N.
B., who is now with Inspector Greer, is
just $1,000 richer through the Pare and
Holden escape. Heit was~ who apprehend-
ed the prisoners, and he will get the re-
ward offered by the Ontario Government.
The jailer of-Napanee bas informed Dr.
Oba,rnberlain at Toronto that the jun is
perfectly fit to accommodate Pare, Bolden
and Roach. Dr. Chamberlain merle some
recommendations to a special; committee,
of the County Council a couple of weeks
ago, which have been carried out to the
letter. Extra men will be planed in the
ilbsries Welty of S$, Joseph, 31o., was prison as guards,
l:au s nom Inman.
The fairest joys limn where the titter.
Est tears have fallen.
Even in private we are overheard 17
Carmel faith leads to earmei victory.
It does not change the truth to look at it
with covered glasses.
The man cannot help being an optimist
who is looking To God all the time,
It is the goodness you are looking for la
others that will fill eater own life.
Instead of loving; only these who love
usweAre to love ;also the unloving and
the unlovable.
1'o help our fellow-nnet requires tact and
Every men that will not allow God W
regenerate him is lie;oau;;ng degetterato,
•The Fla=s, u;; r-uet +es ltt yr ed.—Con.,
scant epplieatiun ts, l,usiness is sa .tax up-
on the etreta1es, awl it there be not relax-
Aliotl, lassitude and depression are sure to
iuterveue. These uoiire front stotnachic
troubles. The Waal of exercise brings an
nervous Irregularities. and the ?nontaek
cease++ to assimilate fond properly, In
this condition i.'ar tue;ee's Vegetable fills
will he found a recuperative of rare power,
restoring, this organs to 'he t thf l ;union,
ai cfirliiog depression, at,d reviving bre:
flagging emergres.
Noble .User 4.outu rtersefter,
There is a long standing dispute whether.
"got" or "gotten" • ze ties preferable par ti-
elple, and tae recent experience of a col-
leneproteseer may threw some light on
the subject, Ise telegraphed to his wife:
have gOTtell tickets s y r
#anl ht. ldeat me there. telegrapha
operator rendered this tato "Revs got ten
;Wrote." etc, hire. Professor was. delight-
ed with the opportunity of entertaining
her friends, end accordingly spade up $
party of right beside herself, and they all
met the professor in front of the °peri
house that evening. We may inasgine
the feolioge of the unfortunate man, and
no one knows how he explained matters,.
but we may be sure that he will not ute
"gotten" ague in a etlegrent.
BADDEC73 , June 11, l 897•
Dear Sirs,...\IIX!.RD'S LINI-
MENT is my remedy for NEU-
It relieves at once.
A Creel for Living.
The following, which may be termed
the creed of Robert Louis Stevenson, is a
creed that does not declare Christ, but
contains the spirit of Christ's teachings:
"To be honest; to bo kind; to earn a
little and spend a little less; to make,upon
the whole, a family happier for his pre-
sence; to renounce when that shallbe
necessary, and not be embittered; to keep
a few friends, but these without capirela.
tion; above all, on the enme grim condi-
tion, to keep friends with himself; here is
a task for all that a man has of fortitude
and delicacy."
Increased vigor told vivacity follow the
use of Miller's Compound Iron Pills.
Animals That Change Their Diet.
Instances of carnivorous animals turn-
ing to a vegetable diet are rare, One
noted. instance is a Sentrh deerhound,
which is so fond of boucles that is will
stand on its bind legs to reads them on
the trees. In New Zealand a parrot took
to sheep -killing andeating, and some pigs
evinced a preference for a diet of young
lamb, while some Australian sheep be-
came not only carnivorous but cannibal.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applwations as they cannot reach the
diseased pi rtlon of the ear. Th' -re is only one
way to cure deafness, anti that is by constitu-
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in-
flamed condition of the mucous lin ng of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bear-
ing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
b• result,'unless the I flim ation eau be
the e m m
taken oat and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing ..ill be destroyed forever •
nine cases out of ten ere caused by catarrh
which is nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
ease of Deafness (tansed by catarrle that cannot
be Cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send for kir
cularsf free.
>a & C
ti'Sold by Druggists,
fY me.
Careless of the Truth.
"She says she can play the !Ilene."
If you heard herour you
would think
e , u
she handles the truth Ver;: carelessly f>.
making such a Staten', nr."
What He sled 01s reed.
"In those fashionable eit"irehes," said
Uncle Alien Sparks, "I have noticed that
if a man hasa good sitting he needn't
bother himself much about his standing."
Sleeplessness.—When the nerves are un-
strung and the whole body given up to
wretchedness, when the ntittd is filled
with gloom and dismal forebodings, the
result of derangement of the digestive
organs, sleeplessness comes to add- to the
distress. If only the subject could sleep
there would be oblivion for a While and
temporary relief, Parnselee's 'Vegetable.
Pills will not only induce sleep, but will
act so beneficially that tee subject will
wake refreshed and restated tehappiness.
Dodging the Conteibutiou Ilex.
A boy accompanied his father to church
and when the collection was taken up the
youngster closely watched the perform-
ance. When the colieetors made their re-
turns the boy said to his father: "Half of
them got in for nothing."
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Lifting Load.
Mrs. Benham—I made this cake with
my own hands. '
Benham—It's a wonder you didn't break
your arm.,
Consoling Tit ought.
Geraldine—Life will be one grand sweet
songafter we are married.
Gerald—I don't care as long as it isn't.
-a piano solo.
The pneumatic tube between Paris and
Berlin carries a letter 11:0 U1 one city to the
other in 36 minutes.
A new back for 50 cents. Miller's.'
Kidney Pills and Plaster.
"We are responsible for the evils' we can
Berlin laborers get 6Q dente a day.
City Streets
or Country Roads the
is without a peer.
Light, Easy Bwining, Always Reliable,
Vipond & Co.,
Correspondence Solicited.
Advances Made on Consignments,
tttuy tiller10 $umtdltr. I Temperance Railway Car.
The wet -bulb thermotneter, for deter- t There is one privste railway car inside
of which there never is any liquor. That
le the ear of General Manager Stevens, of
the. Chesapeake & Ohio. ktr. Stevens is
not what is usually ealled a temperance
Wan, but he is so opposed to drinkingthat
he will not approve a hill for supplies pure
chased at A store that handles liquor in.
tinny form.
ruining 'moisture in the air, is tenth and
used as follows: Provide two thermome-
ters and tie a bit of the thlnne+t muslin
neatly around the bulb of one of these
and keep it soaked with water. Lift this
thertuometer out of the water. and whirl
it briskly through the air for two min-
utes, if the air is very dry, and for three
or four minutes if the air is very moist,
.Read it quickly, and it gives the temper-
ature of .a thin layer of water evaporated
under the intlttenee or the wind produced
by the whirling. The dewpuiut of rhe
air in 'which the thermometer ie whirled
is a.bonv Ate fee below the wet -bulb ue tills
is below the temperature of the thy -bulb
elttnilarly whirled aunt mud rapidly. The
teew thermometers limy be hung side by
side on a short piece of string for con-
venience; and this is then called the
"sling Aye ltrouletes."--31enthiy Weather
Thu. But Tough.
Frog's skin. Though one of the thin-
nest, is also one of the toughest leathers
Morta m:es int Nebraska.
Nebraska in J&U; added t8,h50.00Q to
its snortseget debt-, in Iti'ee that debt was
reduced by $6,000,000,
Tit l'or 'rut.
In the good old days .Then there Weill
stitch things as horse ears and polite con-
ductors the following repartee was ovete
heard 4Dn down town ear:
Conductor—Reg pardon, sir, but this
nickel bas a plug in it,
Passenger—That's all right, conductor;
so has the car.
A Fancily Secret.
Carl (after sapper, to his father, who is
so fond of going out for the evening)—
Say, pa, if you'll help me on my suras
I77 tell you something.
Father—Well, what will you tell me?
Curl --I'll tell you where ma has hid
four boots.
I'esxa Would Rave to Invent a New
Teacher—What would happen if the
sun mere suddenly to drop out of the
I upil—I s'pose the coal trust'd own us,
then, far fair.
The Invited and the Uninvited.
First Fair One -1 wouldn't be seen at
the Newrich ball.
Second Fair One -Oh. you're not so in-
significant as that, dear.
No Chance Icor Criticism.
"Owls are said to be most devoted as
"Yes; they never see each other in day-
Trade Mark -Dr. Owen
The onlyscientific and practical Electric Melt
made, for general ase, having batteries that
generate a strong current of Electricity that is
under perfeot control and can ire applied to any
part of the body, for the pure of
Nervous DISC2SCS
Thousands of people suffer from a variety of
Nervous Diseases, such as Seminal Weakness.
Impotency, Lost Manhood, etc., that the old
modes of treatment fail to cure. There is a Ines
eS nerve force or power that cannot he restored
by any medical treatment, and any doctor who
would try to accomplish this by any kind of
bugs is pursuing a dangerous practice. Pro-
perly treated, these diseases can bo
Posit ®vely Cured
Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric
Belt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do so.
It is the only known power that will supply
what is lacking, namely nerve force or power,
Impart tone and vigor to the organs and arouse
to healthy action the whole nervous system. Ib
will most assuredly cure,
Without Medicine;
Varicocele, Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism,
Sciatica, Kidney Disease, Lumbago, Lame Back
and Dyspepsia.
Contains fullest information regarding the euro
of acute, chronic and nervous diseases, prices,
how to order, etc., mailed
e , (seaiod)-FREE—to any
ray address.
The e Qwcn Electric Belt
And Appliance Co. • _
A dose of flipper's Woru% Powder's
oecasioually will keep the children
Careful estimates show that cath year
there are interred within the limit, of
Greater London about 130,000 human
Briggs—I've got a splendid story to
tell at the club dinner tonight.
Griggs --Which one is it't—Detroit Fr'eel
ltinard's Liniment Cures Garget in Carrs.
Whales' teeth fortis the currency of the
Fiji Islands.
"SVhat are e r,1t glees talking about?"
"Nothing; aro your sari bitrniugr"
The Re. t puede. sapid for t"atutot•.s.
COCKb1IUTr PT.Ort<- co., ItrtANrFOftD.
UCAS, STEELE & BRISTOL, z;gag er.n.. e
raeoRStRS or OR80tRitt L.S, & 18. Extraes
Write us, NAMJLTON. Z.S. a If. 8ploos
Union Station Arcade. Toronto.
It costs you nothing to get samples ora Cat.
Bogue from the store that is supplying thous
ands of homes from one end of the Dominiom
to the other. It is somewhat reckless to make
purchases without at least comparing what
this store offers. Almost every request for,
samples results in an order. That shows when',
people investigate this store's way of sellin
they're convinced we supply better goods an:
there's less to pay. We're counting on merit
alone to win, and it's winning—piling up the
volume of our m,il order businew every week.
casae s
Fights off the hot sun., preserves
the house, beautifies it as welly
and gives satisfaction if you us®
All dealers have it. Ask for card or sea
to us and we will tell you where to get itu
)(AKlETRS, Montreal.i
to se with your ...roe and add""' PLATEDt ind ned
and we w111 forward this watch to yen
by exprosa for examination.. It 1■ pp
snap back andbereldutt-prod
open face, dem -wind and wt,
gold plated, handsomely mo
graved. It look. -like a sail
goldwatch, fa nista with -e
7 -jewelled American Mode!
Movement that we warrant to
give good eatlsfaction, and IP
)Hist the watch for trading pun
poses, I oafter careful oxen
ination you end this watch 05
hcharo.exagee, ctlyaid ias rtopresontodityour.
, pagi
the express agent 12.95 sell
Terry Watch Co„ Toronto, O*.