HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-7-20, Page 10 0
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liticktitronor Jaiez
FFthe ext two weeks we clear out at greatly reduced prices, the balance of our
s of ladiessummer corsets., vests, Hose, Shirt Waists, Crash Skirts.
Crash Skirts. Shirt Waists.
5 only, Crash Skirts, nicelytrinanas la, 1
se omy, white lawn with;ts,regular
ea, regulav Pr'siee $2.°a; luitl"1"1" price 75c.r1naleunn1.Uer eale price, Gk.
each. range we are showing.
sale price, $1.2o.
2 only, ladies, nark hale Deck Skirts, 20 only, good. print waists, btill selling , Mete$ Underwear.
regular price $2,00; midsummer sale at asa each.
T....1 s silo ta and rs ilig t
priee, $1.10, 2 tloz. ladies' Blaels sateen, white '
r io.
: collar and cutfe, regular nrice 73e. and summeweght; god. value at 60eper
Ladies' Corsets. :$1,00; majsamaaar sale Flee, eat,. web. suit; our price. 30e, per snit,
iMees Summer Shirts.
5 doz. ladie stormier corsets, regu- ;
White uslins.
lar pW
pie c.; midsummer -ale time, Soft body euffs attached, collar de-
35e,tatel,lied, good dressy patterns, 75e.
° Swiss spot muslins, over check taus-
• Inns, atriped muslins ;a. inc. and 12,x.
Ladies'osiery. , -
1,41,41ifte fast Melt Cotton Hose, I Boots and Shoes.
ribbed. or plain, midsummer, sa ( sill ,
Men's Furnishings.
The Kipling is the real nobby thing
in neckwear. Come in and see the
desirable house ti,Zd premises OA .HUTOn Mortgages aod Heeds drawn up. Mouey to
The un•lersigned i- offering tor sale that D. }MY, Parq.uhar, ConveyealcPr, Wills.'
Eliza McMillan 718, Graee crawford,
" -- Farquhar
RS. No. 1 -Minnie Cenningham 067,
street, Rasa ie thesaiage ot Exeter. being loan at1OWeSt rates of interest. rarras to 1,in s.s. No, 3s-0r:int Carrick, au,
part oilot 15: containing .P.i, acres. There is rent.
on the perm -es a good frame house, stable. ....- „ . , - , - R • MCLeariSteele5s'
apply to Mr Peter McLachlan and wife, of 558, 8.S. No, 10 -Frederick Holmes
't f ,,,. t Harr'' McDonald (s)3,Lisy
a green house. hard and soft water. some -`4AS'01\1( 1.:".t t -it• lols•-p("1 fol, t MeMurchy 670, lizmnah
fruit trots atelother conveniences. Posies- the Masonic 14.1xclu.sion to Kincardine 085. S.S. N. 9 -Ethel Treleaven 662,
404 giyen this lall or next spring. For 011 August, ard. Cannon Stothers 626 J' lit Trelea.ven
urther 34rEleulars _ ,
WM.S. SAXER, Exeter. Tuckersinith, were the gaests of Mr. 632, Ernest, Sherwood 590, S.S. No. 12
-- - - ------- ------ Hay, here, on Sundava-Miss Agnes Grant S. Boyd 630, Mary Boyd 518;
OTICE TO C E TORS Ilay left, here on her wheel Tuesday Tent! Keniem 587. S.S. No.. 15 ---Neil
N It DI ' evening to attend the celebration rLt McKenzie (.108, Mary A. Hamilton 6.41,
_ St. Marys on Wednesdav.--.Mr. John ' Mary MeKenzie 543. Separate School
In the °state of Andrew Hunkin, late laielcer, while cutting wlieat with hi. i -W, Illuon O'Brien, 517, 31aanie Kenny
of the Township of Usborne, de- binder at Mr. Thomas Cameron's on i es% S.S. No. 16 -Maggie Kilpatrick
Tuesday last, had a runaway that i 692, Bert Treleaven ern,
ace is hereby. given.PUrSuant to Chap- might have resulted seriously. It ap- i
e..1 the Revised Statute of Ontario 1897. pears that he was uribitching one of!
an l'' times lia,ving. claims against the the horses, that had got its lea "el' • No. 2 -Harold Lows 690, Chester Oke
S.S. No. 1--N'ettie '1 '.n1 Cat S.S.
e s if Andrea, finulcin, deceased, late of h t . .h
5e„ 7c., 9c., 121ea 15e. alld 25e. What we told. you last weels,
tell you tigain that the J. D. King , Men's Hose.
Ladies' Vests ,shoe is the best Shoe on earth for the r
money. We have them all sizes and Men's half hose ribbed top "'clod
With. or without sleeves, regular price. '1 places. value at 15e.; our price 3 for
Vic., 121c. rind 15e.; ruid.sumnler Men's white shirts, 3 ply bosom and
sale price, 5e, 0c., lle. and 12e, Groceries I Groceries!! hands. Regular price 75ca our price
Sugar, 24 pounds for $L00. Men's collars in all the American
Men's and boy's braces again
week at zie.
SPab Net
For Ladies"Iles, 36 in, wide, 2.5e, yd. jam Jars, 50c., 65e, and 75n. a doz. I shapes; 2 for 25e.
theTot.uship of Usborne,in die County of t e rate, Is en the37 got fria'Rtehed11,360. S.S. No, .3--1-1::arl Johnston 57.„4
Huron. 1....oenian, who died on or Viola the and started off with the machine, hitt, 3naa,a Tewsley 504. 8.8. No. a_Jataes
end das- of April, A..11181".8, are requested to
deliver to the undersigned solicitors. for the f,_hrtu,s.:ately.,„ they: got:theta int0 mammals. we, Ana,* .11aajaam„ aea,
admini-tratrix of bis estate, on or before Me, it nee neon an,) more nannige I Clarence Dustow ss`'.S. No. Da -
the I. day of Angiist. A.1) 1892. their witS done tban the breaking of two ani T.,,4.. II Birdie Devine eec, Bela
Paris green
Guaranteed Pure.
Eavetroughing .
and Iron Work
Binder :Mo.
We have the genuine
Gold Medal
Plymouth Brands
Golden. Shea
Plymouth. Special.
s and addreSSes With 1-4"tleu144's or three small
, eylS
eastllgs.-- My. ta Homey 617,Jelinic- Sands iea
ClaiIS Aatrit01tS of thcir juM'aU4 Mr. No. 0-Etti Young t$0.1R be t C nWM*'.8
And notice is further given that after the
Said date the said administrtstrix will pro-
ceed to distribute the as,sets of the said der
ceased, among those entitled theretohay-
Jug regard to those claims nrilY. Of which
notice sliailhaye been received as above,
and that the said adroluiStratriX will not be
liable f..r the said assets,or any part thereof
so iliOritated to any person or persons Of
whose claim or claims llotice has not been
reCeive at the time of such distribution.
Selieitors for Elizabeth J. Abbott,
Dated hr Exeter this llth day fJuly. 1899.
English and Canadian,
at Rock Bottom Prices,
We send au experienced man
to do the job,
, . . RIAU lAtE ASK. IS COMPItliE liVITT-1 0111E1i ItINES . •
Twine is moving rapidly.
It is givincr good satisfaction
'"Be sure and buy this twine if you need any more,
Have you seen the result of the test given
Pure Manilla.
We have Twine from 8e. per lb up.
See om., new granite iron ware for preserving. They are the best.
Highest prices
This Store Closes at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday and Saturday.
MASONI' E.S.`CPRSION.-1100't forget
the'.Alasimic Excursion to Kincardine
on August 3ri1.
The 101-14.re farm of the late Wm
Dougall, on the tul concession of thi,
township. was sold by auction on Sat-
urday, the purchaser being Mr. "Wm.
Dolman, jr., and the price paid, was
$6,000. This is one of the finest farnis
In the county, and has exeellent build-
ings on it and the mice paid WAN a
good °lie.
FURNACES—All the best kinds
Fully guaranteed, We will be pleas -
to give you prices.
pal(' for Butter and Eggs in trade.
13IS140P evi SON,
. . METER.
In March last, a sum of m one3r near Dash-
wood. Loser apply to ,Tolra Smith, Sr.,
The undersigned has a few good. farm ti for
sale cheap. Money to loan on easy te rni
Samwell's Block Exeter
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at
lowest rates of interest
Barristers, etc.', Exeter.
• Money to loan at from 45i to 5 per cent,
Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter
That roost desirable piece of land contain-
ing about 27% acres, being part of Farm Lot
No. 20, in the 1st Concession of the Town-
ship of Stephen. This land adjoins the Cor-
poration and is splendidly situated, facing
the London Road.
Also the following Village Lots in the Vil-
lage of Exeter :-
Lots No 45 and 16 on the East side of
Main Street and immediately south of the
residence of E. Follick, Esq.
Part Lot No. 21 on the West side of Main
Street, immediately South of the residence
of Charles Rowe. Esq.
Part of Lot F., on the east side �f Andrew
Street. almost opposite the Main St. Itletho-
dist Parsonage, containing nearly one acre
of land and known as the old school house
Lots Nos. 162 and 163, North-west corner of
Victoria and Carling s6eets. The land now
used as recreation grounds, the land immed-
iately North thereof an d the land being part
of same farm lot but West of the London,
Hiiron & Bruee R.R.,containingin all about
40 acres. This ;and is admirably situated
and faces on Huron, Carling and Sanders
The land on either side of the Station
Road, being part of farm Lot, No. 28, in the
1st Concession, of the Township of Stephen,
and now surveyeclinto lots and stoats, cen-
ts in ing about 27 acres.
These two last parcels of land. will be sold
by the lot or acre to suit purchaser.
For further particulars, apply to
CARLING Boos, or to DroxsoN & CARLING
Mei-chants Barristers , Exeter.
A number of young ings for sale,apply to
Wm. DOWN, Centralia.
Sale Register.
TumsnAv, JULY 25. -Farm stock, the pro-
perty of Thos. Hunkin, Lot 28, Concession 9,
Usborne. Sale at one o'clock.
QEALED TENDERS,a4dressed to the Post
Li master General. will be received at Otta-
wa until Noon, on Friday, 18th August, 1899,
for the conveyanoe of her Majesty's Mails,
on a proposed Contract for four years, six
times per week each way, between Dash-
wood and Exeter Railway Station from the
1st October next.
, Printed notices containing further infor-
mation as to conditions of proposed Con-
tract may be seen and blank forms of Ten-
der may be obtained at the Post Offices on
the route and at this office.
London, 7th fu1y, 1899.
II, G. Romanic,
Post Office Inspector.
Municipality of the Township of
Stephen, County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have trans-
mitted or delivered to the personsmentioned
in Sections 8 and 9 of THE ONTARIO VOT-
ERS' LISTS ACT, the copies required by said
sections to be so transmitted, or deliverecl of
the List, made pursuant to said Act, of all
persons appearing by the last revised Assess-
ment Roll of the said Municipality: to be en-
titled to vote in the said Municipality at
Elections for Members of the Legislative
Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and
that the said List was first posted up at my
office at Crecliton on the Third day: of July,
1899, and remains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the
sad list, s,nd if any ommissions or any oth-
er errors Are found therein, to take immedi-
ate proceedings to have the said errors cor-
rected according to law.
• Clerk Township of Stephen.
Dated at Crediton July Ord, 1899.
Crediton East.
the Masonic Excursion to Kincardine
on August 3rd.
In the matter of the Estate of Andrew
Hualrin, late of the Township of Usborne, in
the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased,
and of " Devolution of Estates Act,"
there will be offered for sale by Public Auc-
tion, on
TUESDAY, JULY 25TH, A.D., 1899,
At the hour of 2 o'clock, pm., the following
Farm Land and. premises, viz
That PART of LOT 2S, in the Oth CONCES-
COUNTY OF HURON, described as follows,
viz: Commencing at the South Westerly
limit; Thence N orth 9 degrees and 80minutes
West along the Westerly limit of said Lot
18 chains and 75 links; Thence South 89 de-
grees and 42 minutes, East 47 chains arid 30
links to the North Easterly limit of said lot;
Thence South 60 degrees, East along the said.
North Easterly limit, 1 chain and 17 links;
Thence South 9 degrees and 30 minutes, East
9 chains and 48 links to the Southerly limit
of said 1.01,• Thence South 80 degrees and. 80
minutes West along the Southerly limit of
said lot, 47 chains and 50 links to the place
of beginning, save and except a roadway 1
chain and. 17 links long and 25 links wide
-alone the North Easterly limit of said lot,
containing by admeasurement 68% acres of
lard more or less.
The above is a most valuable piece of land
and splendidly situated, being convenient to
ohurches, school and market. About 58 acres
are cleared and in it good. state of cultivation
and about 10 acres n good. hardwood bush.
The lancl is twell watered and tile drained
and upon the same is ereoted a commodious
brick house P/s stories, also a barn 86x56, a
driving shed almost new and a good horse
The above sale will take place on the
The said land will be sold in one parcel
subject to a reserved bid, fixed by the official
Guardian of Infants of Ontario, Ten per
cent. of purchase money to he paid on day
of sale, the balance to be paid into the Ca-
nadian Bank of Comrnerce, Toronto, to the
Joint credit of the Administratrix and the
Official Guardian within 30 days hereafter,
Possession to do fall work after harvest this
year and full possession on the 15th day of
November, A. l).,1899. In all other respects
the terms will be the standing conditions of
the High Court of justice.
For further particulars apply to JohnBos-
kio, Q. C., ;Official Guardian, Toronto; Mrs,
Elizabeth T. Abbott, Exeter, or to
Auctioneer, Vendor's Solicitors
Farquhar, Ont. Exeter, Ont'
A large number from here attended
the Orange celebration at Exeter on
July 12th. -Mr. Will England Wispily -
chased the old shed just, west of the
"Klondike Store," from Mr. Harry
Sweitzer. He intends converting it
into a driving shed on the farm men -
led by Mr. Geo. Hirtzel.-Mrs. Chris.
Rau is spending to couple of weeks vis-
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mitchell, Exeter. -Miss Laura. Keall,
afusiroka is visiting friends ,abd rola-
tives'hei, the guest of Mr. aust.mrs4,
Geo. Mantle. -Mi'. William Erb, miller,
wears a broad. smile these days. Its.
a .giri. - There is considerable talk
here these days as to the new railway
and where the station will be huiltbut
of course it is only speculation as noth-
ing definite is known as yet Mr.
NS es. Mitchell, a. former merchant and
resident of this place, has gone to Man-
itoba to locate if the country snits him.
We wish him success.
ton from near harktons .tanntlayed at
Mr. James MeNiehortasaMiss Hassle of
Toronto, is rusticating at 31r. James
Monteith's, for the lasnefit of bet
.NtAsome EXCCRSION.-DOn't forget
the Alasonic Excursion to Kineardine
"MAisusg. of Mith.,14
the guest of Mrla D. Istrik.-Mrs, (Dr.)
Rivers has returned home from Brus-
sels where she has been speraling a few
weeks with her father, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Brown and Mr. and Mrs.
S. Brown have retorned from Schwa-
ing, Mieb., after spending a few weeks
visiting relatives there.-FlaxpaUtng
has commenced. - Mr. Simpson, of
Mooraville, spent Sunday evening here
with friends.- The masons are run-
ning up the walls of W. Clark's resi-
dence very rap.idly this week. -.Our
side -walks are In a bad state of repair.
Are our village trustees asleep? ---Some
person entered Mr. Jas. Hill's residence
last Wednesday night and stole three
dollars. Jas. thinks he has the cul-
prit -Miss A. Hill, of London, has
been visitthg her sister, Mrs.R, Baker,
the past week. - Mrs. Sambrook, of
Whitby is visiting her son, Mr. Wm.
Sambrook, this week. -Mr, and Mrs.
Rayman, of =ravine, spent Sunday
here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hirt-
zel.---Mr. and Mrs. Wro. Eilber, of
New York, and Mrs. Cawley, of De-
troit, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred-
rick Eilber.--Mr. A. Hill attended the
demonstration in St. Marys on Wed-
nesday. -Mr. 3. IL Holtzman has re-
turned from Elkton, Mich., where he
has been visiting friends.
SA No, 1 -Nettie Bell 561, Graham
Salkeld 599, KS, No. 2 -Mattie John-
St011 592; John Johnston 040. S.S. No.
5—Maggie Cox 599, Aida MeDonald699,
Alfred Potter, 657. KS, No, 9 -Luella
Stirling 670, Mabel Weston 750.
the Masonic Excursion to Kincardine
on August 3rd.
A SAD CASE. -A sad drowning ac-
cident occurred at the lake in Goder-
ich township, north of Hayfield, on
Tuesday, when Alex., the little son of
Mr. John Huston, principal of Clinton
Collegiate lost his life. He had come
over on his bicycle to join Willis church
annual picnic, and. with some other
children wandered up the beach, north
of Bayfield, to have a bath. The un-
fortunate victim was only 13 years of
age, and quite unable to swim. He
got beyond his depth, and help was
obtained. at once, but it proved to late
to be of any use. The Coroner, Dr.
Stanbury, was notified, and investi-
gated the accident, but deemed an in-
quest unnecessary., It is, however,the
wide -spread belief that immediate
steps should be taken to have the beach
north of Hayfield surveyed and the
dangerous spots marked. The south
side of the river in Bayfield is regard. -
ed as perfectly safe for the smallest
SA No, 3.-Issura Richardaon 50o,
S.S. No, 6, Maggie Robinson 511. S.S.
No. 0 -Oliver Keys (1.31, Norman Purdy
029. S.S. No. 7 -John Foster562,Agnes
Anderson 601, McAllister 6.59.
S.S. No, 10 -Jennie Rose 620,
8.8, No, 2 -Alice Dougall
No, 3 -Wm, Love VA KS, No, 0 -
Ella Rennie 620, 'Maggie Broderick 570.
8,5, No. 11- Addle Aldsworth 603, Da-
vid Regan 758, KS, No, 12 -Henry
Pfile 558. KS, No. 14 -Benjamin Smil.
lie MO, 8.8, No. 15 -Lloyd Taylor 745-
, .
S.S. No, 6---Jacoh E. Ratz 702, Mag-
gie Ba1'ry017, Clara Ratz 581, SA No.
3 -Bruce Bossenbemy 732.
8.8. No. 1 -Edward Caldwell 500,
Herbett Keddy 740, Kenneth White
572, SA. No. 2- Isabella Gardner 754;
Janet Kay 016,Nina, Monteith 017,Ger-
tie Monteith 720, Maggie Turnbull 704.
S.S. No. 3. -,Allan Doupe 714, S.S. No.
6 -Dora Delbridge 504. S.S. No. 7 -
Bertha Taylor 540. Wm. Hern 665. S.S.
No. 12 -Nettie Brooks 619, Eva Tapp
The following is the list of candidates
passed by the Board of Examiners for
West Huron, together with the marks
obtained by each. On account of the
objection raised by teachers that part
of the Physiology paper was not on
the prescribed course, the Board re-
duced the minimum in that subject to
25 instead of 83, and. the total required
to 535 instead of 550.
The names and marks of the success-
ful Public School Leaving candidates
will be given in next week's issue.
Annie Andrews 624, Christable An-
derson 784, Marjorie Ball 602, Victoria
Blackstone 632, Bessie Brimicombe 645
Grace Dickson 644, Grace Dyke 775,
Alice Garrick 668, Maggie Murray 633,
Ruby McLean 611, Laura Sharman 601,
Pearl Snell 606, Edna Strait= 564, Scott
Aitken 546, Wilbur Anderson 602, Sid-
ney Belcher 561, Leonard Cuff 657, Al-
lan Garrow, 612; Spencer Guest 650,
Wilbur Guest 616, John Hillier, 583,
Charlie Lane 651, Philip Mitchell 612,
Redmond McDonald, 591, Walter Mc-
Donald 680, Donald McNevin 777, Clar-
ence Rhynas 622, Graham Robinson
639, Chas. Saunders 637, Ralph Shep-
hard 637, Chas. Smith, 542, Allan Tuf-
forcl 743.
the Masonic Excursion to Kincardine
on August 3rd.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Edwards vis-
ited friends in Exeter, Brucefield and
Clinton last week an. returned home
last Monday. -It is reported that some
sneak thief entered Mr. Armstrong's
stable and stole to valuable new har-
ness last Monday. -County Detective
Westcott, of Exeter,:passed through
here last Monday. -G -race church con-
gregation are going to meet in the
Orange hall while their church is un-
dergoing repairs. -Miss Carrie Wilson
is camping at the Bend. -Bert. Wal-
lace is clerking, durinssr the holidays,
with Mollard & Co. -Miss Nancy Mc-
Coy, Of Fairgrove, Mich., is visiting
relatives in this vicinity. -Mrs. S. A.
Bullock speut Sunday with her son,
Thomas. -At a recent meeting of the
Epworth League,the following officers
were elected for the coming term, viz:
Hon. President, Rev. J. W. Baird,
B. A; President, Mrs. T. Fallis; 1st
Vice Pres., Miss W. Whiteside; 2nd
Vice Pres., Mrs. J. Sherritt; 3rd Vice
Pres., Hems, Sherritt; 44h Vice Pres.,
Mrs. J. W. Baird; Rec. Sec., Lillie Fos-
ter; Cor. Sec., Mrs. A. M. Wilson;
Treas., .Mrs. J. Wallis; Organist, May
"Aromatic Extract. of Blackberry"
will be found a sttfe and Pleasant cure
for Diarrlicea, Dysentary, Cholera.
Morbis, etc. This renaedy contains no
opium, is pleasant to take, and hes
proved itself the most reliable remedy
for summer complaints in the market.
Price 25c. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist,
Mabel Wright 607, Walter McIntosh
677, Dennis T. Neville, 634.
Eva Balkwill 759, Annie Brimicombe
629, Nina Carling 685, May Clark 710,
Edna Davidson 741, Jessie Dow 697,
Charlotte Drinkwater 719, Carrie Dyer
720, Evelyn Gill 633, Merle Gonld 586,
Vera Hawkshaw 651, Cora McPherson
850, Edith Rollins 712, Ruby Treble 598,
Nettie Walters 696, Shirley Bobier 673,
Percy Browning 580. Vercy Hardy 546,
Norman Hern 680, Percy Hooper 651,
Harry Huston 729, Mervin Huston 705,
Percy Rendle 682.
James Cameron 614, Wilmot G. Hol-
man 633, Willie Whiddon, 576, Eliza,
Dupee 722, Eva Woods 615, Ethel. Wat-
son 563.
Nellie Gorby 668, IVIilly Pott Y 691,
Mabel Sparks 610, Isaac Buchanan 631,
Arnold McArthur 674.
Maud. Hiles 577,Elsie Saunby 563,Ida,
Whyard 659, Lloyd Hiles 614, Arthur
Roberts 579.
Otto Braun 549, Wesley Finklaeiner.
630, Elmer Gower 567, George Hockey
617, August Kuhn 571.
Myrtle Hardy 674, Jennie Hardy 6 -
Flossie Kibler 590, Ida, Sipple 666,
Chester Steinbach 589, Laura Weida
629, Norman Kibler 639.,
Lilly Hartleib (NG, Abalone Matter
69.1, Flossie Snell 591, Effie Willert 552.
Katie Elliott 642, All Hicks 611, Al-
mena, Huxtable 663, Polly Windsor 726.
S.S. No. 1-Rtith Crirvin 676, Pearl
Taylor 571. 8,5„ No. 3 --Georgie Smith
658. S.S. No. 4 -Joseph Gaynor .500,
Pater McDonald 703, Hugh Rutherford
603, 8,8. No, , 12 -Annie ,Toynt 537,
Mary E. Martin 512, Evy L. 'Webster
602, Laura Wellwood 540.
EAST WAWA -1‘,70S13.
S,S. No, 0 -Mande Auld 634, Albert
Campbell 538. S.S. No. I6-Donaki W.
Paterson 554.
Ed. J. Hall 672, Madeline Coughlin
697, Maggie Ryan 537. :
S.S. No. 5, McGillivray-LEO:le Cough-
lin 601, Nora Coughlin 682, Clover
Short 583, Pearl Wilson 627.
S.S. No. 10, Tuckersmith-Lartra
Nichols 617, Alvan McLean 099.
Rnamato-L-Ida Whyard 46.
Ditawnso-Cheater Steinbach and
Isabella Gardiner 43.
Wnrrisso-Ohristabel Anderson and
Flossie Kibler 50.
SPELLINS,--A larfse nsimber .gots50.
LaTBRaaanim--01,iristabel Anderson
ARITHMETIG-George Hockey, Nina
Carling and Nettie Walters 197.
GRAMMER.-Oara McPherson 117.
GRoanarark-Addie Aldsw-orth 75.
Costhosiestes-Christabel ,Anderson
and. Grace Dickson 85.
HISTORY-Almena, Huxtable and
:Mabel Weston. 83.
Pisa -mamas -David Regan 77..
ToTar,Cora McPherson 850.
No. Writing Passed
Hayfield • 16 .12
23 15
Dun ,gannon 20 16
Exeter, ........ 47 42
Goderich........ ..... 51si
. 22 17
St. Helens
.1251 197 ,
Total ... . . 250 197
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona.
Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S,
C. Weak nerves had caused severe
pains hi the back of his head. On us -
mg Electric Bitters, America's great-
est Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain
soon left him. He says this grand
medicine is what his country needs.
All America knows that it cures liver
and kidney trouble, purifies the blood,
tones up the stomach, strengthens the
nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life
into every muscle, nerve and organ of
the body. If weak, tired or ailing
you need it. Every bottle guaranteed,
only 50 cents. Sold by all Druggists.
Ksaarals-In Exeter, 011 July 16th,
the wife of Robert Knight, of a son.
ELDER -In Mitchell, nu the 9th inst.'
Jeanie Graham Walker, widow of
the late James Elder, Esq., of Strat-
ford aged 83 years, 6 months and 15
KtINE-In Exeter, on July 17th, Ben-
jamin E., twin son of Mr. and Mrs.
Kunz, aged 1 year, 1 month.
Children Cry for