HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-7-13, Page 8Business Brightness Brings Success.
Central ,
$TAT•FO13b, ONT,
PALL TEti t tens SEPT. I5th. Central
Business College, Stratford, Ont. write to-
day for our,ae:t• eat.alogne. It the finest
business college catalogue in Canada and
represents the roost progressive and best
W. J. rattet:t, Prineipal
avvyaw 3t ``► va1t 11ereii i
• Try the ..kovoCAT] •fur 'Wedding
stationery. Latest designs,
Mr, J. A. Stewart has commeneed
the enlargement of his store.' • -
(?linton is to have a Sawyer -Massey
stone eruashen at a coat of $900.
:�i)1 tle A'r! ta) Jan. 1st,
0�':. firs• 40 Cts, S I)scriis: nolo,
Remember the Masonic excursion to
l inel1(ine on August 3)--('ivie
The results of Bishop & Son's binder
twine tests • were very satisfactory,
(a11 and see them,
When a ebild snatchea its head, its
mother wants to know avhont it has
been playing with of late. -
In the list of })rannote'd pupils from
Sr. Ill to Jr.. I\ last week, the name
of Vera Rowe should have read Vera
".Farmer urns.,of;Exeter, have pnr-
•ehaased the Grant property, on 1,ousia
st., comprising residence and hand,
Seaforth Snti,
Mr, C. Snell has removed the Ex.
office to one door north of Mr.
13aagshaw's bakery.
A 1)l.aneh of the Merchants' Bank of
Canada has been established at Luc au,
Messrs. R. H. U'Neit & Son having re.
tired front the banking arena.
Farmers tire now in the midst of
haying; and the fall wheat, harvest
whieh promises a good yield in this
Ioeaity has also been eouutieneed.
The Exete*r hand gill give an open
air eoneert from the Centel Hotel bah
esmy:to-morrow• IFriday) night, when
a number of choke selections will be
The ratepayers of Lucan will be
asked to vote on a by-law Friday to
bonow money for the purchase of an
e leetic light 'plant. The by-law will
likely carry.
The Reeve has proclaimed Thursday.
August 3rd, as Civic Holiday, conse-
quentially all places of business willjbe
that clay. Farmers will kindly bear
this fact in mind.
A baseball snatch between Crediton
and a picked tenni here was played on
the Recreation grounds on Wednes-
day afternoon, July 12, resulting in
favor of the former.
A. meeting of the directors of Step-
hen & Vsborne Agricultural Society
was held at the Commercial House,
here, on Saturday afternoon last for
the purpose of electing officers, and
making arrangements for special con-
tests, ete.
Mrs. Albert Ford, Iluron street, had
the misfortune the other day of step-
ping on a rusty nail,. protruding from
a. board, that ran some distance into
her foot and eaused an ugly wound.
It is feared it may yet turn to blood
Mr. Geo. Baird, Sr., on the 2nd con-
cession of Stanley, has a record such
as few nien can boast of. He is still
teaching in the school in whieh he
taught continuously* for 39 years, and
he is as efficient as he was 30 years ago
or perhaps even more so.
"The Exeter Masons will raw an ex-
cursion on August 3rd, from London
up to Kincardine, at cheap rates; Con-
ductor Quirk of the L.H. & B., has
been energetic about this excursion for
which all arrangements have been
made and particulars will shortly be
given."-Olinton New Era.
It may not be generally known that
persons, who from carelessness or any
other cause, take mail from the post
• office thatbelona;s to another, and fail
to return the same, are liable to a fine
or imprisonment. This applies to news-
papers thus taken from a post office as
well as any other mail matter.
The Voters' List for the Village of
Exeter has been issued. There are 628
names on the list, 435 of whom are en-
titled to .vote at Municipal elections
and elections to the Legislative Assem-
bly; 148 at il'Junicipal elections only,
and 45 at elections to the Legislative
Assembly only. 300 are eligible to
serve as jurors. •
The Voters' Lists for the township
of Stephen has been issued. There are
in all 1348 on the list; 1140 of whom are
entitled to vote at Municipal elections
and elections to the Legislative Assem-
bly;108 at Municipal elections only,
and 100 at elections to the Legislative
Assembly only. There are 575 eligible
to serve as jurors.
Messrs. Melville & Morrison, of
Mitchell, have leased from Mr. W. G.
Bishop the upper part of his carriage
ware rooms where they have Com-
menced the manufacture of ascetylene
gasmnachines. Their out -put is claimed
to be one of the best gas •machines on
the market, being thoroughly reliable
in every particular. The field for the
sale of these machinesshould be a good
one, and we wish the venture every
• Mr. A. G..Ardagh, C. E., writes, the
Advance from Brunner, • stating that
work for the manufacture of Peat for
fuel has been, commenced in the Ellice
marsh, between Listowel and Strat-
ford. A gangof •men is working
steadily and. the equivalent of 600 tons
of dry peat is now drying, and this
tluantityis. increasingdaily by about.
50 toes. He is w aiting'far the G.'.1'.R.
to put in a siding so that machinery
for manufactitre and lumber for sheds
may be taken in. •Great interest will
be. taken in the success • of • this initial
effort to manufacture the coming fuel
in this section ofOntario Mr. Ardagh
is perseveringly working and has faith
in the ultimate success of the work.—
Winghain Advance.
An Apprentice Wanted.:
A smart ley wanted to learn print-
ing, • Apply at this office..
Mr. Alex. Purclon, hayfork agent,
had rather an unpleasant experience
in a runaway accident on. Thursday
evening last. He was driving home
front Seaforth and when near Rodger -
Ville a piece of the harness broke. The
started horse , tamed to kick and made for
the ditch, The buggy was upset with
Me. Purdon under it, but luckily the
horse broke front the rig, consequenti-
ally he escaped with a few slight in-
Iuries, Miss Annie Case, who wasrid-
mng on a bicycle, beard the horse Com-
ing and fearing the brute would run.
into her tried to make her escape by
climbing a barbed wire fence and her
clothes became so entangled that she
had to remain there until assistance
The Exeter Band, which is noted. for
its many excellencies,. performed a
thoughtful act of kindness on Friday
night. About $ o'clock they assembled
on the ]awn of Mr. R. H. Collins and
dispersed several beautiful selections,
. which was listened to with much sat-
isfaction and appreciation by Mr. Col-
lins, who is still confined to his bed in
- an almost helpless condition. He
spends the bigger part of the day on a
comfortable stretcher on the veranda
from where he listened to the music,
About nine o'clock a heavy shower of
rain cause up and the band was obliged
to repair to the house where they ren-
dered several elarionet and cornet solos
with splendid effect,
The Autumn Assizes.
Tile dates of the man= sittings of
the Assize Court have been annonueed.
Chancellor Boyd will try t he jury eases
at Goclerieh on Tuesday, September
26, and Judge Street the non jury
eases on Tuesday, November 21,
Well played.
The popular drama,"The Noble Out -
east" or "Jerry the Tramp," was )re-
sented at Gidley's Opera blouse. hast
evening (Wed,) by the Exeter •Gar riek
Club, and was a splendid success, both
in attendance and excellence of- per-
formance, Every part was well put on
and the audience manifested a deep
and appreciative interest from the
start to finish. As a whole the play is
above the average and the coaupany is
to be congratulated on the success of
their efforts.
Now Base Balt Started.
Tlw devil was the first coacher. He
coached Eve when she stolefir'st. lel-
am stole second, When Isaac met Re-
becca at the we'll,she wasw;alkingwith
a pitcher. Samson struck out a good
many times when he beat the Philis-
tines. Moses made his fist rim when
he slew the Egyptians, Cain Made a
base bit when he killed Abel. Abra-
ham lnade a sacrifice. The prodigal
Son made a home run. David was a.
long distance thrower and Moses shut
out the Egyptians at the Red Sea.
Card of Thanks.
Permit tie throuah the medium of
Your paper to thank the members of
Court Harmony, No. 61, Canadian Or-
der of Foresters, for the prompt man-
ner in which the $1,000 insurance due
me on the death of my dear husband,
the late William Bah will, has been
paid; also the amount of $30 for funer-
al expenses. I also desire to heartily
thank the members for the many kind
acts shown during his illness and since
his death. I am,
Yours sincerely,
House of Refuge Notes.
Messrs. Miller and Torrance, of the
House of Refuge •Committee, • have dis-
posed of the team lately employed
there and purchased a more suitable
span better adapted for farm work.
Lately. one of the inmates named Mar-
garet`Nichol, was placed in the county
jail on committal by Mayor Shaw as
an insane and dangerous person. The
unfortunate woman had been in the
House for some time, but she had des-
troyed so much property and had be-
come such a danger to the inmates that
she had to bh sent to au asylum.
Lacrosse Match.
The game of Lacrosse billed. to - take
place here on Wednesday between the
Clinton and Exeter teams failed to ma-
terialise, the Clinton team • having
backed out. However, a game was ar-
ranged between the St. Marys andEx-
eter Junior teams which was one of
the best exhibitions of the game we
have witnessed for some time, being
entirely void of rough playing and the
teams were very evenly matched. At
the end of the game the score stood in
favor of St. Marys by 4 to 2, St. Marys
scoring the first three goals, Exeter
two and St. Marys one. -
Council Procoedings.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at Town Hall, July 7th. Allpres-
ent except Mr. Evans. Minutes of
previous meeting read and °confimed.
Tenders for breaking stone were re-
ceived as follows: Thos. Horn, $3 per
cord, Patterson & Ellis, $4.50 per cord.
Muir—Taylor, that Thos. Horn's ten-
der, being lowest, be accepted.—Car-
ried. Armstrong—Muir, that the fol-
lowing accounts be passed and orders
drawn on Treasurer for same:—Exeter
Salt Works Co., 75c.; ,Geo. Orr, $2, la-
bor; S. Handford, do., $6; Geo. Atkin-
son, street watering $25.50; Electric
Light and Power Co., $75.16, to July 1;
Waterous Engine Works Co., $67.50,
hose; W. Trevethick, pump, $6. Tay-
lor—Muir, that the street commission-
er be instructed to water Main street
from. Presbyterian church to south
boundary and station street from sta-
tion to Main street on July 12.—Car•-
xied. Armstrong—Taylor,. that Coun-
cil adjourn to July 21, at 8 o'clock,p.m.
G.. H. BISSETT, Clerk.
Death of Mrs. Senior.
The many friends of the family. will
hear with deep regret of the death of
Mrs. Charles Senior, of Blenheim, which
sad event: occurred at the residence of
her son, Joseph, Andrew street, on
Sundaylast, in her 63 year. The de
ceased for many • years resided here,
previous to moving to Blenheim some
ten or twelve years ego, and was high •
ly respected by all. She - has been in •
failing health, for .some time and
drinking • a change would benefit her
she -was brought here • some few •weeks
ago, but despite the , best `medical as-
sistance and tender offerings of Sympa-
thizing friends. the hand of death could
not he averted. She leaves to.' mourn
her demise four sons and two daugh-
ters-Thontas,of Hamilton, William and
Charles, Toronto and Joseph, Exeter;
Mrs. Simpson, Port Alma, and Mrs.
Wilt. Appleford, of Chatham. The
funeral took place to the Exeter ceme-
tery on Tuesday. The sympathy of a
large circle of friends i.s extended to
the bereaved family,
To Farmers.
The undersigned wishes to inform
the farmers who have logs lying at
the mill yard of the Sutherland -Innis
Co., that they carr have them cut at
once by applying at the mill.
Shooting Accident.
On Wednesday evening last Miss
Ainey Johns net with a very painful
shooting accident at the home of her
mother, Mrs, D. Johns, which might
yet remit seriously. She was hand-
ling a loaded revolver and in some
manner the weapon exploded, the bul-
let passing through her dress and en-
tering her leg just above tate knee.
Surgical aid was at once summoned
and an effort was made to extract the
ball but at the time of writing they
were unable to locate it,
Masonic Excursion.
Final arrangements have been com-
pleted for the Masonic Excursion to
Kincardine on Thursday, August 3rd,
The committee are sparing no pains to
make this the most enjoyable outing
of the season and no more favorable
or desirable point could have been se-
lected. The leading business men of
Kincardine are taking a deep interest
in the matter and ereeythiug possible
will be provided by them to nuke it
pleasauxt for the excursionists. The
fare from this point will be $1.00 in-
stead of 05c, as statedlast week, Don't
forget the elate, August 3rd, For par,
Hollers see hills later. The Kincardine
Reporter, speaking of the Excursion
ways:—On Thursday, August Aver, a
very large party of excursionists front
London and other stations between
that city and here will visit Kincardine,
MesSrS, C. 11, Sanders and W. H. Lev.
et t, of Exeter, were here the other day
making arrangements. Kincardine
will give the visitors a royal reception
and will do everything in its prover to
make their stay happy an pleaa:atilt.
\\-e have the prettiest lake taeaeh in
Canada, a nice lakeside park, steps
are being taken to secure a pleasure'
steanaerfor the day, and the above.
coupled with a host of hospitable Citi..
tens will make the excursion. of the,
3rd one long to be ren)elaabere'd by',
those who take part in it, The free-
dom of the town in offered the party.
Doubtless our merchants and citizens
generally will hang out flags i b
i g in profusion. Letall Join in
ing a cordial welcome,
Orangemen Attend Church.
The members of L.O.L., No. 024, ac.
copanied by a number of visiting
brethren attended divine worshipat
the Trivitt Memorial church on un -
clay morning last. The Orangemen
formed at the hall 1 merited tn
church in a body headed by the Exeter
Band. A large number of the general
public were also in attendance and at
the time service contnieuccci the sacred
edifice was comfortably filled. The
Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins, of Seaforth,
filled the pulpit and took for his text.
Exodus 9-10, XIII—"And it shall. be
for a sign unto thee upon thine hand,
and for a memorial between thine
eyes, that the Lord's law may be in.
thy mouth: for with as strong hand
hath the LCRI) brought thee' out of
Egypt. Thou. shalt; therefore keep this
ordinance in his season from year to
year." The reverend get nLelnanhalid-
ed his subject with splendid effect,
bringing out in his discotuse many
brilliant points, which was listened to
with rapt attention. It was acknow-
ledged to be one of the best sermons
the fraternity has ever had the pleas-
ure of hearing.
Presented with Alt Address.
The following address of welcome,
which appeared iu the Forest Standard
on taking charge of his new pastorate
in that town:
Dear Brother,— Wo weloome you to this
field of labor; we believe God has sentyou to
minister unto us, in holy thins, and we de-
sire to give you the right hand of fellowship
and as we meet you and your estimable wife
for the first time yourself as our pastor and
Mrs. Willoughby as your valued helpmate,
we wish to greet you in the Name of the
We hope that you will feel at home
am oust ns and although you are a stranger
to us, yet we have heard many good things
said of you. and we wish to extend to you
and your wife and ponrfriend, Miss Harrison
a most hearty welcome to the town of For-
Yon are surrounded to -night by Methodists
but there are others present, and among
them we have several Ministers of other
churches to welcome you and grasp your
We trust therefore that under the Divine
blessing your sojourn and labors in Forest
will not only be productive of prosperity in
our church, but will be conducive to a per-
petuation of the fraternal feeling which has
existed for years amongst the Ministers and
people in the town.
We pledgeourselves to assist you in your
work and will pray for the cause of God here
and throughout the world at large.
Signed on behalf of the church.
Forest, Ont., June s7th,1899.
Dr. Willoughby rising, said. This
is the first time in my history that I
have ever received a formal address of
welcome, and could hardly be expected
on so short a notice to reply to it. He
had been the recipient of an address
from the Ladies' Aid, of the James St.
Methodist church, Exeter, last Friday
night. The Rev. Dr. then made a
short address, giving an outline of the
manner he proposed to work in his
field and a short sketch of his own
family. He • hoped that his people
would recognize him wherever they
met him until he had time to get 'bet-
ter acquainted with them.
was ten creel the Rev. Dr. Willoughby
W. J. Heaman wheeled to London
on Sunday.
AL. Westcott, of Seaforth, is visit-
ing friends in town.
Mr. John A. Zinger is visiting under
the parental roof here.
Miss Taylor,of Brewester,is spending
a few days with friends in town.
L. L. Follicle, dentist, .of St. Marys,
spent Sunday with his parents here.
Mrs. H. Buckingham and son, Jack,
spent a few days in Clinton last week.
Master Charlie Grafton, of Centralia
is visiting his aunt, Mrs. W. N. Levitt.
Mrs. Walter Evans, of Ailsa Craig,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Quance.
Miss Jennie Drew, of Ontario, Cal.,
is visiting her sister, Mrs.F. J. Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. William Zinger have
returned from visiting friends in Strat-
Miss N. McNabb, of Seaforth, is the
guest of the Misses Brown, Exeter
Master Wendell Holmes is spending
a few days with his aunt, Mrs. (Dr.)
?air, and Mrs. Richard Hoskins, of
Kirktou, spent Sunday in town with
Mr, Jno,. Skinner, .and wife and
daughter, Elsie, is the guest of Mr,
Alex. Dyer,
Mrs, Roger Crocker, of Toronto, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Treble here,
Mrs, Matt, Moody, of Blyth, is here
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Crocker.
John, eldest son of Mr, Eli Snell,
Huron street, is confined to his bed
with a severe illness,
11tr. John Crooks, after a pleasant
visit of a few days with friends here,
returned to Clinton Friday,
Mrs. J. Abell, of Seaforth, is spend-
ing a few clays with friends in town,
the guest of Mrs, S. Powell,
Miss Addie Morlock, after eoinplete
ing the millinery season at Mitchell,
returned to her home here last week,
Mrs. Ed. Dyer, of Brantford, is vis-
iting friends in town, the guest of her
parents, ;lir and Mrs, Alex, Dyer,
Mrs, Reginald Elliot, of Norwich
accompanied by her family, is visiting
her nmotlher, Mrs. Isaac Carling here.
Mrs. Hubble, accompanied by her
little daughter, is spending a few
weeks with her sister, Mrs, J. Parkin.
Mr, Jos. Davis, teller at O'Neil's
Bank. leaves to -day (Thursday) • to
spend his holidays with friends in De.
ilii, Jaynes \Vanless, of Duluth. a
former resident of Exeter, shook hands
with many of his old friends here dar-
ing the week,
Miss Laidlaw, after a pleasant visit
with Meals here, the guest of Miss
Vern IIatwkshaw, returned to her home
in Seaforth Tuesday,
C. W. Sanders, who has been at-
tending Seaforth Collegiate Institute,
has returned to his home in Stephen
to spend the holidays,
Mr. H. Bishop, of the firm of H. Bis.
hop & Son, has been confined to his
home during the past week through
many friendsnds will hopele
for his speedy recovery.
Wilbur Cnclnnore, who bas been
clerking for Messrs, Straith & ;Mea-
ning at Harrow, for some time, re-
turned home Wednesday and will re-
tain for at least a time.
Mr. Bellpurse, of -Windsor, and Mr.
Will Moetz, M. A., and editor of the
Berlin Journal, Mr, Frank Anstell and
Mr. Philip Lischnrt, of Detroit, are
guests at the Metropolitan.
iliiss Millie McTavish, who has been
visiting relatives here, returned to,hex•
home in Detroit Wednesday, accom-
panied by Miss Vera. Haawkshaw, who
will visit that city* for a few weeks.
Mrs. Nelson Peterson, accompanied
by her family. left Wednesday of hist
week to join her husband at Barwick,
at which place they intend making
their future home, The well wishes
of their many friends here accompany
St. Marys: What might result-
ed in a serious conflagration happened
Wednesday in the rear of John Mc-
Lean's drugstore, where several bar-
rels containing coal oil were kept in
stock. It appears that some children
who had been playing in the yard ac-
cidentally set fire to the Inose, inflam-
mable material, which had become
well saturated with oil; but before the
flames could make any headway the
fire was discovered and extinguished.
Clinton: The many friends will be
very much pleased to learn of the
wedding nuptials of Miss Harriet A.
White, formerly of Clinton, daughter
of Mrs. Ralph White, Philadelphia.
The ceremony took place at the Em=
mannel Reformed Episcopal church,
East York and Sepviva streets, Phila-
delphia, on Thursday evening, July
6th, and was a very fashionable affair.
Miss. White becomes the wife of Rev.
Frank V. C. Cloak.
Wingham: On Monday, Geo. Fret-
well was assisting to remove furniture
which was stored in a stable. He was
standing on a box on the dray, when
the horse stepped forward, and Fret-
well fell off, falling on his head and
ahnost dislocating his neck. As it
was, he was completely paralyzed un-
til he received medical attention. Mr.
Pattison placed him on the dray and
he was soon under the care of Dr.
Chisholm. As he is advanced in
years, he is likely to feel the effects of
the fall for some time.
Clinton: Mrs. Hartwell met with a
painfnl accident Monday, breaking her
right shoulder bone. Miss Molly Oluff
also met with a misfortune; she sus-
tain a simple fracture of.the left wrist
by falling out of a hammock Saturday
while at play at A. Cook's.—While on
the way out to camp at Bayfield on
Saturday Mrs. J. E. Hovey met with
an accident which might have been ser-
ious; the horses becoming frightened
she jumped out, but happily escaped
unhurt, beyond' a bad shaking up,
which laid her up for a couple of days.
glitilin YIIUR RIGHT
He who has
lost his sight
best knows its value.
Hundreds suffer loss of sight.
Timely attention might have
prevented it.
Examination free.
S. Fitton,
Q ,
T. Fitton's Jewelry Store
ancancatia.41cAcasc�dc actcxtcaec.aDkrSc Affe-ntaalikatie
$1 for 65c.
have purchased a big stock of these Corsets at a very low
"pedal value in the Celebrated Featherbone Corsets. We
price and wehave now o sale the regular One Dollar
pt n n al h n1
Featherbone Corset for 63e. Now is your chance to save money
on Corsets.
'We have fifteen doz. Ladies' short sleeve
Ladles ►Tests, vests the besty: rale in the trade at 10e.
, a
Ladies' long and short sleeve vests in natural wool, summer weights
special, 50c,
Wash Goods, Our stook of liuslins, Ginghatus and Piques
is complete.. HandsomeMuslinsand Brody
Linen at 10c. Choice Ginghanas at 10, 121, and Inc.
Skirting inen We are offering this week. good
duality skirting, Linen; regular puce
150,; special, IOe.
• .:1.11 size—s in Ladies' Linen awl Pique skirts
Stores close 6:30 pan., except 1Vednesday and Saturday.
'M+F'Dr ' ass,v'r3sF ' C"4c',at'r
Sale of the Season�
undreds of Ladies' Stylish Shirt Waists at 50
cents each, l • values$1.25
@ G Regular 11I , Xand
„ .04
e have made a clearing ptu'chase of some hundreds of shirt
waists beingthe over induction of one of the foremost nratux-
p Celebrated ,;,
r t c
f tet xrex, of America, the T : as ' ► , -
Griffon of New York.
x It.
These goods have been secured by us at a very great sacrifice of
price and are now ready for the purchase. of all who desire cool
goods for hot weather. This is a splendid opportunity to secure a
stylish waist for the holidays. The assortment of colorings and de-
signs is very comprehensive and all sizes are represented from33to 42.
Try one of our Shirt Waist Distendera every lady using Shirt
Waists should buy, one of these necessaries.
500 yds. of American Lattice (.loth, newest out for house dresses.
We sell 12 yds. for $1.00. Fast colors,
Headquarters for W. E. Sanford's Ready-to-wear Clothing.
Bismark's Iron Nervo,
Was the result of his splendid health.
Limitable will and tremendous en-
ergy are not found where Stomach,
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of
order. If you want these qualities
and the success they bring, use Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They develop
every power of brain and body. Only
23c at any Drug Store.
Hensall: As Bernard Thompson was
grinding a scythe at Welsh's planing
mill, the belt caught the blade, causing
it to cut the side of his hand so badly
that Dr.:\Iacdiarmid had to put in some
McGillivray: Lot 15, con. 15, McGil-
livray, was sold recently to T. W.
Harding, for $3,550. It contains 98
acres. Mr. Harding will start a brick
and tile yarcl on the premises. Pat
Bolan purchased Mr. Harcling's farm,
which adjoins his own, also on the lath
Hensel': The dwelling of M•r. F.
Grigg, during the severe electric storm
of Monday evening, was struck by
lightning, but fortunately beyond the
knocking down of part of the chimney
and some of the plaster on the upstair
ceiling, no further injury was done to
the building. The family, however, re-'
ceived quite a shock, but feel thankful
that they escaped as well as they did.
Mr. Grigg was away from home at the
time being in the old country.
Lumley: A sad event took place last.
week at the residence. of Mr. John Mc-
Queen, when his father,- -Mr. P. Mc-
Queen, one of the aged pioneers of this
country, died rather suddenly. He was
eating his breakfast when he arose
and went out and dropped down and
died in a few minutes. The funeral
took place the next day, Wednesday,
when a lame concourse followed the
remains to`MVlcTaggart's cemetery. He
had not been in very good health for a
year past.
Varna: While Mr. J. Stevenson was
drawing in hay Monday the horses be
came frightened at the very heavy
clap of thunder and ran away, throw-
ing Mr. S. off the load and the wagon
passing over his lea, broke both bones
above the ankle. It will be some time
before he will be able to resume his
duties on the farm.—While Mr. O.
Keyes was driving nails Monday, he
accidentally drove one into his knee
causing a nasty wound, though possibly
not serious as wasfirst thought. He
is able to get around again.
Gzaviw—In Stephen, South Boundary,
on July 10, the wife of Patrick Glav-
in, of a daughter.
SLNIoii.-Jit Exeter, on July 9, Char-
lotte, beloved wife of I%fr. Charles
Senior, in her 63rd year.
Children Cry for
Call at
The Family Butcher Shop.
One door North of E. Pickard's store.
The ttraction
of All Eyes
1 e 1
Just at present the object of attraction
to the people of Exeter and surround-
ing country is • • +o:^ -
To see is to examine and to exainin
Our stock is to buy.
Prices are so astounding when th
...quality is considered.. .
The Morton Bank
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855...)
Paid up Capital • $2,000,000
Rest Fund 1,500,000
Head office Montreal
Money advanced to good Farmers 0
their own notes with one or more andorsei
at 7 per bent. per annum.
Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to
p m; Saturdays 10 a.ni. to 1 p.m.
A general banking business transacts
CURRENT RATES allowed for money
Debosit Receipts. Savings Bank at 84.
DIOnSon & Oantiso, N.D. HuIDON;
Solicitors. Manog