HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-7-13, Page 5THE
exits tet
Ie published every Thursday Morning,
At the Office,.
—By the---.-
qne Dollar per annum if paid in Advance
91,50 if not so paid.
3eteroxt3o3zao , too ort ,Agplecce
No paperdisoontiuuedlentil Kilarre ragge
are paid. Advertisements without speeito
diraotlus will be published till forbi and
eharged accordingly. Liberaldisoountmade
for transoient advertisements inserted far.
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned actin tha finest atyle,
and at moderate rates, Cb.eques,moneyord-
ere &c. for adver isi a t .t
# t n ubso i ions e c
,s x , o
�„ t
iaemade payable to.
Chas.11. Sanders,
Prof ss o al Card
e ( u
lI. KINSMAN, L. D. S & DR. A. R.
taKINSMAN, Lt D. S., D. D. S., Honor
graduate of Toronto University.
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any
bad effects. Offiee is Fanson's Block, west
side blain Street, Exeter.
Tan. la ALTON ANDERSON,(D,I).S.,I+.D.S.,)
honors Graduate of the Toronto Cni*
rsity and R.,ral College of Dental Sargoons
of Ontario. Teeth extracted withoutwin.
All =melee of Dentistry up to date. Unice
over Elliot & Elliot's law o;0'toc--opposite
Central Hotel -Exeter.
1! the College of Physicians and Surgeon$
Ontario. Phvsioian, Surgeon aad Accouch-
eur. Office. Dashwood, Ont.
.J ia"aN & CAIir,I\(=, IlAItRISTER5,
Sohoitors, Notaries, Convoyencors,
Commissioners, Solieitars for the Mlolsoes
Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and SY, per
emit. Mee Fanson's Block, Main St.,
t era wiltbe
ter. memo of firm at
Es A
Hensen on Thursday of each week.)
I. It Cant.sso, B. A.. L. H. llicxaox.
1.4 Eto.. Oonveyancl>ri, and Money to
9, V,'J LLIOT. F. W. Ci&AP)IAs.
BROWN.W ncbetsea. laleensedAnti
. ioneertor the Counties of Perth and
Midetlesex,also for thetownehipofL'sborne
Sale, promptly attended to and terms sea-
aonbrle.Salee arranged at Post office. Win-
Insfrauce Agent,.
Main St.
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound.
10,000 sLadles. Safused mual. Ladieby s over
S t offeot al, Ladies ask
yur druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Cern-
pound. Take no other. as all Mixtures, pills and
imitationsd ro Price, No pr
aredangerous. A9. r o .1 Slper
10 degrees. strop er 8 orb x. No.
1 or . mailed on receipt of price and two 8•eent
stamps The CookCompany Windsor,
tff-Nos. 1 and 2 sold ana recommended by
responsible Druggists in Canada.
Nos. 1 tine No. 2 sold in Exeter by C.
Lutz, Drtt;;^ist.
of lave i5 no excuse, bu
SwIllier COS
are noted for hanging on,
They weaken your throat
and lungs, and lead to
serious trouble.
Don't trifle with them.
Take Scott's Emulsion at
once. It soothes, heals,
and cures,
50; a9nd $1, All druggists,
Monteith- Retains His Seat,
Toronto, Ont., July.: 'I. -The South
P rill waleeticln petitiall was dismissed
at Osgoode Hall this afternoon by the
trial judges, Street and Meredith.
They found that no corrupt practices
had been conunited with the knowl-
of either candidate.
John O'Brien, an elector, was found
guilty of corrupt practices. The court
decided that the writ of the election
was properely issued ou the authority
of the Legislature, and' dismissed the
petition with costs.
Ailsa C'r:dac : Ailsa Craig hotel -keep-
els were fined last weer; heal each and
(vets for selling liquor (luring prohibit.
ed hotels, and James Rae, who some
time ago asked to be pieced on the in.
diem list, tee! and costs for obtaining
liquor in as licensed house. Licensed
Inspector Snaith was
conklanant, a
Deputy ( 0F Attorney AItltllel,
London, conducted the prosecutions
on behalf of the C'rowu,
TO THE f I'.AF --'-.A rich lady,
cured of her Deafness and Noises in
the Head by DI', Nieholson's .tl tff ei al
Ear Drums, has sent $1,000 to his In-
stitute, so that deaf people tumble to
procure the Her J)rn us may have
thein frt'e. Apply to Department
A S. N, The Institute, ". ',enigma,"
(xlillnatsb)ily, London, W., ili,I,l.and.
.Tee weeVea.
Ni�t�o's Bosioss Oo11cge
S.t.RNI�I,, ONT.
of our Graduate:, sc-
oured goad position,
since Jatututry ,feel.
Tern begins Sept. ltli.
,;'flood board can be obtailic•d
, ,)
here for :+...,I(1 per week.
A 8a. NIMMO3
This word is our copyrighted guarantee for
Purity tinct Strength when seen on our goods;
It marks them the standards for their scn•erat
purposes and its presence protects you from
imitations and inferior goods. Look for it.
Plant Spray.
Persiatie Plant Spray contains no mineral
ignorance of.... poison -arsenic or Paris Green. Sure death
tooling,. life fangs, etc. Harmless to
vegetation. (anaeh s only reliable spray.
� �
�� Persia tie Sheep Dip is a preparation
. l p 1 1 p pparat on for Clic
cure of skin iiseases and alto eradication of
vermin in sheep and , cattle. It is highly
_._ _ _ _ ._ inedusinal and lots its work with no dem tin
or irritating
's aulisforttane,tiffe:ets Endorsed by lea,Iing.
j• � slioep raisers.
a , -coo-- Horse Wash.
Ii l E T & Ii in Gilt on every Persians Horse Wash is a ipeeially prepared
iii( plug and package. medicament for the cure of skin diseases pe-
culiar to Horses and for ridding them oe all
insect, pests and vermin. It has a surlass-
113i inglyrefreshing effect, brightens the pelt
_______ ..._, . __-T. _ ____.___-_._ _ and puts the skin in a thoroughly healthy
condition. Price 51.00 per 31 oz. can.
Highest Cash Price paid for Black
.4A.sh, White Ash, Red iuid White
'Oak, Hard and Soft Maple, Hemlock,
Soft and Rock Elul. Either stulupage
or delivered in yard.
For further particulars apply to
Manager for the S. I. 0o. Exeter.
Pig Wash.
Persiatic Pig Wash is successfully -used in all
cases of skin diseases of swine, and for des-
troying nits, iice and vermin generally.
1ieeps the slcin in healthy conditon and en-
sures a healthy appoarance in the dressed
animal for market,
Lt I1IIo fa and
Persiet ie n en IIouse Spray and Poultry Pow-
der destroy vermin peculiar to the feather-
ed stock -on fowls or in sheds. ,Acta disin-
fectant, destroying germs and purifying the
atmosphere. used liberally they prevent
roup and kindred diseases.
Pu chase these goods from your dealer or
send to us direct for them. We invite corro-
Stouff vi Tic, Ont.
This Trade Mark is
Every Tag.
See that you get it.
Will not be persuaded into purchasing the
unreliable Binder Twine which some
dealers wish to sell for the sake of the
additional profit derived thereon. Crude-
ly made from low-grade fibres,—such
twine contains but a fraction of theq ual-
ity, strength and uniform evenness of the
highly constructed Plymouth .Brands.
No Twi ie is
'If your dealer does not Handle our Twine, write
Plymouth Binder Twin '^ Agency, 54 Bay°Stiee9;, Toronto
11.r LOST 11t DALkliCE. , den ending of hisnlye. a had been
L ll 11 amongs� them many years and was. best.
known as one of the most active members
of the Senate. He was known also by his
charities and gifts of Benevolence. Ho
hardly d y knew oS a roan who would be
more missed than Senator Sanford. His
Sanford Was Drowned. business was of an enormous extent, and
be was just building new warehouses.
oder the
F clr
nsto c 5
, be did d
know that they could pay a greater mark
of respect to his inemory than to move
the adjotlrninent of the House.
Hon. David, Mills said that it was ,with
very great regret he had read the telegram
addressed to Mr. Ross Robertson from
his Toronto office, Be agreed with every
tri it
ng ,SI Mackenzie Bowel" had said,
Senator Sanford was a ]Hostuseful
member of the Senate. He Was a mum
held in the highest estooru, a man of
great patience, of broad views and wide
m ath
sy p v, and world certainly be greatly
missed be the community. His business
was continually growing. He was .a
thorough master of It aina managed it
with constant skill, fie thoroughly agreed
with Sir Mackenzie Rowell that the
Senate should adjourn out of respect to
the lite Senator.
.And the Senate then adjonrned,
The :stews at tiantntoe,
Hamilton, July 1i.. --.Feelings of great
regret are being expressed on all sides
bore at the sadden death by drowning of
Senator Sanford, The Senator had more
pereoaal friends, perhaps, than any Ivan
ins Htunilton. lits death Ineana a big loss
to .Hamilton, Over 1,000 person, are ere -
jawed, direetly or indirectly, by hit firm,
',!'ho big factory was closed down soon
after the news was TeCeived. Flags are
hent -mast on all the aseblio buildings,
`t meeting
of pit erfi.'s�
last evening a resolution of deep regret'
was passed, although the deceased was
Hat to mt'nlber of the saoioty.
Who City Gsuneil also) passed a resolu.
titin of condolence to the Senator's wife
Messrs.dlyJosepe Green and George
Sweet of the Sanford Manufacturing
Company, left yesterday afteruoon for
Windermere., to arrange for the bringing
of the remains to this city.
General rat lt,egrt,t at Winnipeg'.
Winnipeg, July 11,• -There is general
regret here over the sad drowning of
Senator Sanford.
The Boat Capsized and Senator
When, Assistance Arrived Life Had Pe.
parted -Sketch of His career -Deet,
reeling at His l amilton name-
The Senate Adjourns in Ottawa
Out of Respect to ills
Windermere, Muskeka, July 11.• -Hon,
W E,ors of
San# Hamilton was drowned
yesterday morning while out fishing near
bis own island, in company with miss
Dowry. It appears that Senator Sanford
found some difficulty in lifting
anohor of his boat, and was about to
leave it, when, turning round, he lost
his balance, upsetting the boat, precipi-
tating both himself and Miss Dowry into
tbe water. Miss Dowry caught a lifobell,
which the Senator made a practice of
carrying with him, heeling herself np,
and tried to hold the Senator. Losing
her hold, the Senator sank and only rose
twice. On hearing the cries forltelp, Ailss
Knight, a domestic in his employ, went
to tho spot, and rescued the lady, but
could see nothing of the eenatur. Taking
Dow Ails,I owly to shore, urAaut 100 yards,
she got her :Mister and returned,
'1'heey, found the Senator 17;1 .a standing
position, with his hands placed on a rock,
his head at,ttaut 18 inches under waiter,
and about six feet from shore. Thar
raised the bode and took it to sbore, and
wont to .til. Baker's, on Florence Island,
for help. All tbe men on the island were
away gathering moss for the Senator.
Mr. Baker at once rawod to Mr. T,
Eaton's. He immediately got nut his
yacht and came for Dr, Cotton.
lh'. Cotton, an arriving, found it was
too late to render any as. istaance, and bis
employes bad already worked for some
11110 trying to resuscitate hila: Thu
Senator's body was supposed not to, have
been in no welter more than batt an
Mrs. Sanford and her two daughters
are at present in Germany, and were
anent to sail for Canada and spent some
tin -aa tit their Mand. airs. Jack on San-
ftird an;2 some other friends were visiting
teats 4 enator,
yacbt has left for t"travenhurst,
wbere it will meet 411 embalmer from
Toronto. 'rbc remains will bo taken to
Hamilton to -day for burial.
The Dead.:emitter's career.
Hon. 'William Eli Sanford was born in
New York City in 1540. At the ago of
0 1ewas anor Iltall and came t Handl-
a o t
tan, where his maternal untie, the late
Edward Jackson, then the lending t 1011011
of Hamilton a1111 its most liberal pailaan-
thropi:t, took caro of hint and reared
hint as his own son. His boyhood and
school days wore spent In the Ambitious
Gity, after vv11 l1 1e entered the ubii;
house of Ftarmer, Bruce & Co., NM
York. After residing i1 New York for
six years be returned to Hamilton, mar-
ried his cousin, Miss Jackson, and enter-
ed Into partnership with Murray, Hender-
son & Edward Jaokson, in a largo
foundry business in London, Ont. On
the death of his wife, however, which
occurred a few months later, he retired
from this venture and returned to Hamil-
ton and engaged oxtees}ve]y and meows -
fully in the wool traffic, and so well
known dill he become as wool inerobant
that he earned the sobriquet of the "Wool
King of Canada. in 1801 Mr. Sanford
entered into business with Alexander Mc-
Innes in the wholesalo manufacture 04
clothing, with a capital of only $20,000.
This partnership existed for ten years,
when Air. McInnes withdrew. 11Ir. San-
ford continued as the head of the W. E.
Sanford Manufacturing Company. air.
Sanford was greatly interested in indus-
tries having for their ann the develop-
ment of Canada's resources. Ho was one
of the projectors and vice-president of
the 'Manitoba & Northwestern Railway
Company. He was a past -president of
the Hamilton Board of Trade. For years
he was vice-president of the Hamilton
Provident Bank. He owned 60,000 acres
of arable land near Portage la Prairie,
Manitoba, on which he had established a
cattle ranch. Apart from business ven-
tures, Mr. Sanford was widely known
throughout Canada in political, philan-
thropic, social and church circles. For
years he had been a staunch supporter of
the Consetvative party. In 1887 he was
made a Senator. He was a near associate
of the late Sir John Thomason. In 18:14
he was in Lonaon, and was negotiating
a trade treaty with Cecil Rhodes of Cape
Colony, when Sir .Tobn Thompson was
stricken dead at Windsor Castle. Ho ac-
companied the remains home to Canada
on H.M.S. Blenheim, and this, together
with his attentions to the body of the de-
ceased statesman, at Windsor Castle,
brought hila into 1.nuoh prominence. He
gave largely to philanthropic objects,
and education ever found in hien a sturdy
friend. He was president of the Hamil-
ton Ladies' College, when Dr. Burns
was principal. He was on the board of
regents of "Victoria University. He was
lay treasurer of the educational fund of
the Methodist body in Canada. In social
life Senator Sanford was affable in man-
ner, courteous and gentlemanly, and
was always the reigning spirit of the
company in which be was found. He was
a member of the Hamilton Club, the
Albany Club and the Rideau Club. In
religion Ito was an active member of the
Methodist Church. In all his charities
and benefactions -and they were legion
-he was heartily aided by Mrs. Sanford,
to whom be was married in 1806, and
who is the youngest daughter of tho late
Thomas Yana of the House of Commons.
Mrs. Sanford and her two daughters,
0120 recently married to Capt. Tudor, an
English officer, whose appointment
to, Halifax was but a day ago received,
are in Europe. The deceased bad but one
son, El, Jackson Sanford, B.A., who died
a few years ago. He was reputed to be a
multi -millionaire. He had $130,000 in-
surance on bis life. The policies wero but
recently taken .out.
The Senate Adjourns.
Ottawa, July 11. --In the Senate yes-
terday afternoon Sir. Mackenzie Rowell
said it was his sad duty to draw the
attention of the Senate to a telegram
wxich had been received by a member 0f
the . House of Commons containing the
news of Senator Sanford's death. In-
formation of this kinds of a 'very sad
character, "Those who have known the
Sonator as he hid waylld regret the said -
Speculations as to the 11ui,sihlhlty of ..
Alliance in D. C.
Victoria, 11.C., duly 11.-Tlae follow
- ins appeared in The Globe yesterday
^•The (,! ,t',. Is In a posltten to amtoua•ee
Chart i1.I reaemeitts have almost hetet per -
leered for a enaltIh.0 bet Ween (lee' t)ppe)i1-
Holt end tet,• (tm•t'rmue at, tt'A(t•h arrattee-
naalt wilt obviate. tis- tat cee.ltl• of a getterai
s' v .
t le.` ;di present oat (tun should be rhun;-
ed, Mrsheaths sneresseir will be II. 1).
Ilehneken, (,;.t ., :toner member for Vtetott.t
1'u0 other mnlnhrrs of the opposition
will be given (,artroltux also. tett just who
thea gelb'nu•A well he• has not yet been
tinnily melded.
••\lessors. semen tied. comet win remain
In the (internment.
"One luipe,rteut feature of the
tiot, will .% have zenelitel a slit*.warrant-
ttr1tinithis lrmaste 1 Is the rtt
Messrs nilht and ('niton have egreed to
tett' dellotials of the Opposition that one of
the emendate; of the coalition shall be it
tbun;;e of p+allt.Y. The teight•bonr law at-
feetiug the miners, and null -alien legislation
w111 lei I..laenied, and there will also be a
general change la the policy pursnetl by the
Sienna .adunnietratlon sieve It 'ttsseem ed
ANo'rnEg ir.e_strooa, Anatol.
The Newfoundland Trouble More SSurious
Than Anticipated.
St. john's, Nfld., July 11 --The
Colonial authorities are understood to
have been informed that the report of
the royal commission of inquiry into the
French shore complications Is withheld
for the present by no British Colonial
Oilloe, because it so strongly endorses the
case of Newfoundland that; its publica-
tion would provoke another Fashoda
difficulty. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, the
Imperial Seoretaly of State for the
Colonies, has, however, "determined to
force the French to abandon their arro-
gant pretensions on the coast before
another season opens."
Plague at Alexandria.
Alexandria, July 1L -Three oases of
plague were reported here yesterday. The
inhabitants are discontented with the
sanitary precautions; bavo threatened
trouble, and yesterday roughly handled
two doctors.
Dolaroa Day Award.
London, July 11. -Tho Parliamentary
Secretary of the Foreign Office, Mr. Wil-
liam St. John Broderick, announced in
the House of Commons yesterday that
the Delagoa Bay award would be hada
in October.
Laurentian's Carpenter Drowned.
Quebec, July 11. -Mr. M. Finlayson,
the carpenter of the steamship Lauren-
tian, on her way down from Montreal,
on Saturday, accidentally fell overboard
and was drowned.
Aguinaldo Will Not Give Up.
Madrid July 11.-Agnina7.do, accord-
ing to a despatch from Manila, refuses
to liberate the Spanish military prisoners
in the hands of the Filipinos
4. Negro Lynched and Afterwards Cut
Down and Resuscitated.
Alma, Kas., July 11.-Diok Williams,
a negro, charged with the murder of two
white men, was hanged Sunday after-
noon by a mob of white men. The mob
left the negro banging to a telegraph
pole and six, minutes later he was out
down by the town marshal and taken
back to the county jail, where he recov-
ered consciousness. The negro is still
alive, but cannot live. Itis feared the
murderer will be again taken from the
W innrp,eg's: Dig Shaw.
Winnipeg, Tuly 11. --Tho Industrial
Fair opened yesterday. Speeches were
delivered by 001 cruor Patterson and
Premier Greenway. There was a good
Killed by tho T.. C. It.
Montreal July 11. -Thomas Alowhnn,
win 01(1 roan, 05 years, at Point St.
Charles last night, \vas struck by the in.
coming Inial coloniail express, and
ntoi•talIy waountled.
(Changed every Wedt.ealday)
Wheat per bushel 60 t0 10
Flour per. cwt 1.85 to 2.00
55 to
Oats _ 28 to 30
Peas fi5 to 63
Corn 46 to 48
Butter 11 to 11
E 11
Potatoes per bag 50 to til
Ray per ton 4.5e to 500
Dried ,Apples per lb 5
wool 13 to 04
ala Gi'iig
How is this?
Perhaps sleepless nights
caused 0, or grief, or sick-
ness,, or perhaps it was care.
No mtht e cause
you cannotater wiswhatothbook old
at thirty.
Cray hair is starved hair.
The hair bulbs have been
deprived of proper food or
proper nerve force.
Vi or
increases the circulation in
the scalp, gives more power
to the nerves, supplies miss-
lugbulbselements to the hair
Used according to direc-
tions gray hair begins o
show clo n a few days.
Soon it has all the softness
a11(1 richness of youth and
' the color of early life returns.
Would you like our boort
on the Hair? We will gladly
send it to you.
vii I
�/ iE► tflS
If you do not obtain all the
benefits youaxpected from
the Vigor, writethe doctor
Vigr, wet
about it. He may be able to
suggest something of value
to you. Address, Dr. J. C.
Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
AI t;SONT(• HX('t'lit,tox.---Don't forget
the .liaioltie Excursion to Kincardine
on August aril.
Connell pact pursuant to -adjourn-
ment in the Town Hall, June 30, .11l
eires('ut. Minutes of last illleetiug treat,
approved of and signed. antler- Hod-
gins, that the several at(•('etlllttS,allataaant-
ing in all to $1,212.30, be pali(1. Carried.
Hutchinson -llatrding. that this('oun-
ci1 adjourn to meet in -Town Ball, on
first Monday in .tugu,t, at enc tt'elocl:
17, nt.---C'altricti,
Wm. I?ItA,r:n, Clerk.
Statfa: \Ii', and Mrs. Pilules met
with a serious neciclent on Sunday.
While seated in the tear stat of a dem-
ocrat, and just as they were entering
the woods at Jefferson's ;grove, the
seat became unfastened and fell out,
throwing the oebupants to the gereund
and seriously injuring them.
A Well bon Farmer
Of New Glasgow,, P,Q..
1f Paine's Celery Compound Saved lliy
rtIx. Dunbar .Rad been a Suf-
ferer For Fifteen Years,
Hospital Treatment And Pa-
tent Medicines Failed to Cure
Six Bottles of Paine's Celery Com-
pound Made Him a iTew .LVlan.
WELLS & RIclr.u,DSON Co., Montreal.
GENTLEMEN: -After fifteen years of
terrible sufferings from that most
of all troubles, cl.yspepsia, 1 have been
completely cured by Paine's Celery
Compound, and 1 am delighted to
make lay experience known for the
good of suffers who have not yet
found the great dyspepsia banisher.
Dosing my long years of agony,
doctors in St. Jezoine and St. Lin pre-
scribed for me and attended 1ne, and
for a time I was in the Montreal Hos-
pital, but all the best medical aid fail-
ed to meet my case. 1 had also used
a great many patent medicines, but
they failed to give the results they
A friend wbo had successfully used
your Paine's Celery Compound advis-
edtue to give it a trial, and I now
thank Heaven for my deliverance
from as slow death. After using six
bottles of your wonderful medicine I
am perfectly cured, feel younger,
stronger and more active; I can now
sleep. . eat and do aal my work
with pleaders. Paine's Celery Com-
pound, Certainly saved my life.
Yours sincerely,
New Glasgow; P.Q.
With Ye
r s
but don't think you can patch
clothes to look like new,
Then again it would not
pay you when you can buy
clothing at the prices we
Pants trade to order, all
wool heavy-
Black Worsted s
spec -
Our $20 blacks beat an
others a $23, Coale and sec-
tor yourseit.
Peoplepatronize atronize us because
realize B tl1t we always
sell clothing that is strictly
up'Eo•clate, ... ,
apps,>ite Poet Ofloee
t atiar_ai�
`1'tt l'teiltl tett' big 't''2'e•-,' a(1-.111
S 4 a'tl1t'33t *.. .
1•'e,1. i bos4' g ma are we i(1
the fu11 itvtitltlr 9,nt. For
yours and Mlle. I1' vete are nett
useful to you it c cannot be OW-
u , Z�'e • se u
i o t. s t I t t
1 1 I e .
It t i
to ('ail' til' i tto(is y.(*u 11•ailkt alt
OW 'Wires yoll waIlt or we etia(l•
11ot ulake• a sumese erf our buei-
nese.Iit1t illtVe 1111.11
e itwdlle•sS eightalong for ye at::.
�� rich lienee,. that WO :LW the
right kind of people with the
right preps. s. ('tante and see for
S. Milli
Furniture, Undertaking,
Maanufaeturer and dealer in Plows
Gang Plows, Land Roller: , Root
('utters, Straw (.'utters, Saws,
Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and
Babbett Metal,
On Engines, Boilers, Mowers and
Binders promptly- attended t(1.
Mower and Binder hnives and
General Repairs kept on hand.
Tire t psetters, Tire Platforms and
attire. Differ. Wood's Phosphodine,
The Great English Remedy/.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. .Six
*packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual weakness, all effects of abuSe
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium. or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will please,
sixwillcum Pamphlets free to any address.
'Rho Wood Company, Windsor; Ont.
le/amend s Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by
0. Lutz, druggist.
Seafos'th: An unique marriage cere-
mony was performed in Cardno's hall,
here on Wednesday- evening. The chief
actors in this drama of life were Capt.
Keeler, of Seaforth, to Capt. Ebsary,
of St. Thomas. The bride was attired
in army uuiforul with white sash, and
was supported by Lieut. Picket. of St.
Thomas, as bridesmaid; and two little
maids of honor, Misses Ellen Westcott
and Lillie Marshall. They were beauti-
fully dressed in white and pink water-
ed ribbon. The maids of honor took
from the wedding wreath, which was
suspended over the bridal couple, the
wedding ring, and placed it upon the
finger of the bride at the appointed
tune. The groom was supported by
Christopher Neff'., a faithful soldier of
the Stratford corps. 1Vheu Capt. Kee-
ler saluted his bride it could be dis-
tinctly herd at the back of the hall,
and the company fired a volley of con-
gratulations. Arecherche weddiug sup-
per Was- served at the Army barracks,
and the happy couple left ou the morn-
ing train for Windsor. They will be
followed with marching orders to St.
For Infants and Children.
Tao fen.
a vgragfor.