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t THURSDAY. JULY 23, ,899
liy isn't a wrinkle a nick of 1im
; Why len t a Pony of i randy a ter steeat
Why are beads of I:erspiratiott the jeweler
et toil?
Why does a lawsuit ievarieley wear out
at the pot mets first?
Why does a man like to be mistaken ter
more than he really is?
Vey are the affairs of others always re
iters -,,brig to most people?
Why shouldn't a wheel -barrow come
seder the lad of garden truck?
Why i6rl t `t superstitious to pick imp
elms at the eed of a bowling alley?
Wby would the evt"rage man rather be
"barged with. malice than with asaking a
Why does the man writs reiterates with
abs that ate will never do a thing
al,lraye de it if you give bin time enought
A Sure CureforHeadache.--Bilious
eeadsche to which women are more sub-
s Haan men, becomes so acute In some
t;b setatbaG theyare utterly
ust- t
The stomach refuses food, and there is
ss4w. aeet and distressing
a�ort to
free the
reeve from bile which
bas become stn•
tiu1yT secreted there. Perueleee Vego-
tarblo Pine are a speedy alterative. end to
itputraltzieg tit* effects of the intruding
bUe relieves the pressure on the nerves
Israel~ cause the headache. Try them,
Proverbs That Coot.ru$)at,
"4. stitch in time eavesnine." and "It's
ta*ver ine lath to mend."
" 7laere'R boner among thieves," and
"Seta thief to cstch a thie5."
"Out at r girt, out of zatnd." ;tad "Ale
tweet mean the heart prow fonder."
"A rolling se..ne gathers no moss," and
".tit netting hen gathers no feathers."
"Discretion is the better part of valor,"
and "Nothing venture, nothing win."
"Marry its haste ;Ansi repent at leisure,"
Gita"Happy Is the wooing that a not long
"be than who is his own lawyer has a
feel for A client," and "If you wants, thin;
done -well, do it yourself."
Whoa children are pale, peevish and
rest eta at uigbt they req;;ire a dose
o^ two of :Miller's Worm Powders.
nee. are please= to take; no pbyrdc
Conae.l and Client.
.Any one can sit on a jury, but it take *
la try
t it an a witness.
It is annou>aced that Retry Green's
spring suit cost 5700. It was a lawsuit.
The manly art of self•dldence consiets
largely these days of an insanity plea.
A legal light, who has won several nun
brellas on slot machine play, justifies bis
tamed by pleading that he is laying up
something fora rainy day.
"Your friend has a wonderful memory."
"Marvelous." "Never fails him." "I
don't know about than. I never haw hint
in the witnet,e mind."
lilinard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Only Ytalitrieux Daily ?anon
Canada claims to have what is believed
So be the only religious daily paper in the
World. The Montreal Daily Witness has
been in existence more than 80 years, and
an its pages no advertisements have ever
been inserted of theaters. public: houses,
for tobacco manufacturers, nor is general
"printing accepted for rhete trades. No
"dramatic criticisms ever appear, racing
iresults bane no place, and prize tights
never find mention in its pages, There is
no Sunday edition. Tho price of the Wit-
rless is one cent, and it consists of 12 to 14
'pages, the Saturday issue having some-
` times 32 pages.
increase the po\rtr of assimilation, thus
increasing weight and strength,
'What Has Snood England.
la 1848, when every throne on the con-
tinent was either seriously shaken or over-
turned, the queen of England could walk
and drive about as usual. M. Guizot, the
French statesman of that era, said to Lord
Shaftesbury: "X will tell you what bar
saved your empire. It was not your police,
It was not your army, it was not your
statesmen; it was the deep, solemn, re-
ligious atmosphere that is 'breathed over
ftbe whole people of England."
A Short Road to health was opened to
those suffering from chronic Boughs,
-asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, lumbago,
tumors, rheumatism, excoriated nipples
or inflamed breast, and kidney com-
plaints, by the introduction of the inex-
pensive and effective remedy, Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil.
Hangs of the Human Pelee.
The range of the human voice is quits
astonishing. There are about nine per -
foot tones, but 17,592,186,044,515 different
sounds; thus, 14 direct muscles, alone or
together, produce 16,883 sounds; 30 direct
muscles produce 173, 741,823, and all in co-
operation produce the number named,and
these independently of different degrees of
intensity and of the indefinable something
called expression.
New life fox a quarter. Miller's Com-
ionpound Iron Pills.
Tight Lacing in Saxony.
Saxony's minister of education has is-
faned a decree that all young girls attend-
ing publio schools and colleges shall aban-
don the Hao of corsets and stays. It is
slleaed that girls of ten and twelve years.
were addicted to tight lacing.
linard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Ne Light Drinker.
Mudge -Yes, I do take a few drinks of
Mk evening, but none during the day. I
am no daylight drinker.
Yabaley-No one ever accused you of be-
ing any kind of a light drinker.
"Miss Flo, are you fond of clams?"
In dulcet tones asked he.
The maid looked at him coyly, and
o sudden!" said she.
h s
Ne worm medicine acts so nicely as Mil-
ler's Worm Powders; no physic required.
Snodgrass -The world has a place for
Micawber-Yes; the only trouble it,
There's generally somebody else in it.
'i'ext of the Lesson, Dan. it%.. 14-80,
memory verses, to,t$-:•[olden Teat,
Dan, iii, ly-Cour nentary i'repared
by the Rev. D. M. Stearns,
[Copyright 1599. by D. M.:Stearns./
14, 15. "Who is tbat God that shall de-
liver you out of my bands," Thus said
Nebuchadnezzar to Daniel's friends as Ile
gave thele another chance, for their lives,
threateniug; thou with death in the fiery
furnace if they failed to worship the gold-
en image which he bad set up. lie had
said to .Daniel in eonneeriou with the dec-
laration and interpretation of the forgot-
ten dream, "Of a truth it is that your Gad
is a. trod of gods and a Lord of kings'.
(chapter 11, 47), but in his pride he bad
evidently forgotten this, and now there is
no one so great in hie estimation as hila.
self. The spirit zaf the plain of Dore was
Manifested on the plain of Shiner (Gen.
xi, 4), and long before it was seen in Cain
it shall be fully seen in the last days in
the anti -Christ and Itis companions tPan.
xi, 30-38; II Thes. it. 4; Rev. slit).
78 -is "Our God whorls -we serve is able
to deliver us frotu the burning fiery fur-
nace, and He will deliver us out of thine
band. (2 ktugl" So they did nos wish a
second trial, for their purpose was firm
that they would not bow down to his gods
golden i
he bad set
up, and they bad no care as to coarse -
gamic**, What splendid confidence in
Goal What grandindifference
to man or
his power/ They knew and practiced Ps.
ixil, 6; xxvii, 3. To no one but the liv-
ing God would they bow, and in Him
alone would they trust.
19-22• The fury of the king, who knew
110 one greeter bbneeif, went forth
against t hent, and the most mighty glen
in his army bound theist and cast them.
into the fiery furnace, which was heated
seven times iuore than ordinarily. The
Bing has now done his worst. and thee*
who dared to stand against hint have, as
he thinks, perished. The -nighty men
who east theta into the furnace died by a
spark (see margin) from the furnace, for it
is a terrible thing to touch a ehild of Goll..
It is like touching the apple of brit eye
(Zech. 11, 6) Then shall all perish from
before KIM Who dare to stand a nurse
Him. The beast and false prophet shall
be east alive into the lake of fire, and a
thousand years later thedevil Mao aball be
east into the arue plat's+, to be tormented
forever (Rev. Mn. 10; xx. I01.
23. "And these three men fell down
hound into the midst of the burning fiery
inmelee,' If the flame or a spark from
the furnace slew the nighty men who cast
thetu in, one would naturally expect these
three to have perished instantly, and rhe
king uni„ht have thought, or the beholders
bave a s. 3
id 'It its all over with thorn,:, but
there are powers and std agrneies of which
the mere natural )ran knows nothing
k lisho,'s servant saw only the Syrian army.
but lslisha saw tbo chariots of Gars The
angels are always ministering, and they
excel in strength. and nothing Is too hard
for Flinn whom they servo (Ps. ciii, 20; Jor.
xxxli, 17).
24, 25. t'i,o, I see four leen loose, -walk-
fug in the midst of the fir'e, and they have
no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like
the Son of clod." This the king saw, and
thus he shake to his counselors, whorl he
bad hastily called together. !Mould seem
that he bad been watching the furuace
from afar and could see into it, and he
saw what he never thought to have seen,
living men walking in that seven times
boated furnace This was something
greater than be knew anything about,
and the fourth person in tbofurnace had
something strangely Supernatural about
hint. Notice how the firm wrought upon
the three men; it only burned their bonds
and set therm free to walk with trod. That
is just what fiery trials do for believers.
26. "Yeservants of the Most High God,
come forth and cone hither." Thus said
the king to the glen against whom he had
a little before been so furious How
changed his attitude! And the power of
God had done it. What a literal fulfill.,
meat there had been of Isa. stiff, 2, "When
thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt
not be burned; neither shall the flame
kindle upon thee." He can ;bride the sea
or walk upon it, still the stormy wind or
make it His chariot. quench the power of
the burning flame or ascend up in it (Judg.
aiii, 20). What became of the fourth?
Whence He came, thither He returned.
The three never found the fourth so real
as in that fiery furnace, and many a be-
liever can testify that the Lord never
seemed so real as in deepest trial.
27. All the rulers saw these men upon
whose bodies the fire had no power, nor
was a hair of their heads singed, neither
were their coats changed, nor the smell of
fire bad passed on them. When theserulers
returned to their hones in the provinces
and told of the great image and its dedica-
tion, the music and the worship, they
would doubtless speak of these lightly in
comparison with the story of these three
and their wonderful experience, and the
unseen God whom they worshiped and
His power over the fiery furnace, and thus
the God of Israel would be magnified.
But God does not always deliver this way.
Yet in the resurreetion all shall be as free
from harm as were the bodies of these
28. "Blessed be the God of Shadrach,
Meshach and Abednego, who hath sent His
angel and delivered His servants that trust-
ed in Him." Thus byrefusing to worship
any God except their own God they had
seen His power and now see Him honored
by the king of Babylon, who could not
otherwise so have known Him. Conform-
ity to the world never honors God, but.
separation from it for Christ's sake always
does. The reason that the church has so
little power for God is because she is so
full of bowing to the world for the sake of
the world's favor, when she should be seek-
ing the favor 61 God alone,
29. "There is no other god that can de-
liver after this sort.' Thus confessed the
king, and he made a decree that if any
people, nation or language should say any-
thing amiss against the God of these three
men such should be slain. How we might
honor God, and how greatly He would be
honored in us if we would positively re-
fuse to bow to the world for the sake of
its favor! Yet people say, How could the
work go on if we had not the good will of
this one or that one, men and
woman of
means and of influence, whose favor seems
necessary? •
80. Then the kingpromoted Shadrach,
Meshaeh and Abednego in the province of
Babylon." Little dict
13 yy think k that the
stand they took against the king would
finally secure his favor. When we seek to
stand only with and for God, -He will
without any seeking on our part give us
the favor ofall whom we need and tvlte,ni
He can use. See how wondrously (-hid
works for and through suoh as are wholly
Elis. "It is God who woriecth."
D.seripti.p of tit. ,teceUt ttirthdar
1i41tartliinment at Windsor.
The Royal Opera Contpany of Covent.
Garden recently gave a performance be-
fore the Queen at Windsor, and the next'.
day, Her Majesty. with customary
thoughtfulness, seas a telegram to them,
expressing; the hope that ail the members'
of tbo company who, so delighted her
with seleotlons from "Lohengrin" en her
birthday arrived horn, safely after their
The arrangements for the musical
guests were splendidly earriett out, leak-
ing the trip to Windsor Castle an even
snore delightful honor. A special train
left Paddington at a o'clock in the after-
noon,carrying Air, Neil Forsyth and all
the members of the opera company who
were to take part with the exception of
Jean de Reszke and ?$nae. Schutnann-
1Iein1s, who, with the directors of the
company, travelled down by the train
arriving at Windsor at 6.20,
From the castle were sent carriages.
and other conveyances to meet the mem-
bers of the company, including the
orchestra, chorus, etc., and at half -pass
3. except for the principals, a full
rehearsal of the whole performance took
place. With infinite care and liberality
the guests were entertained by Si,rCoils
man, Her Majesty's inspector of the
At 7 o'clock dinner was served. the
directors dining with the household.
Afterward the entertainers prepared for
the perfarHatCe which took piece
in the
Waterloo Chamber, decorated with
rafts of Wellington, Bitleher and others.
Tiers of seats for Rer ,Majesty's house-
hold stud the directors of the Royal Opera
Company, who were invited to the per-
forntence, were arrangal around the
raised dais draped with crimson oloth,
upon which were placed chairs for the
Queen and menthere of the royal family.
The dais was beautifully decorated
with choice flowers and follego by the
queen's gardener. Mr. Owen Thomas,
who had also arranged the floral designs
;fir the whole of the chamber.
t ten minutes past 9 the Queen enter-
ed, while the orchestras played the national
anthem. The performance tnen com-
menced, and ter)nivated just 20 minutes
before midnight -
When Is was over Her Majesty sent for
the print:mai, singers of the oornpany and
hlaucheiit, the conductor, and after
expressing her thanks, presented there
with special royal gifts, bestowing ttpo,n
Jean de Reszke the Victorian Order, a
delicate white enamelled Maltese cross.
To l.douard de Re'szke the Queen gave
a silver ptteher; a silver cigarette caste to
air. Elephant; to lime. Nordica and
Alnto. SChillittirilWieillk breaches, with i
the letters V.R.I. in diamonds, and to
others various gifts.
The whole of the company then left
cast and.\vltlt the arca tion t
the le h o
Mme. Nordica, who retrained in Wind-
sor, traveled led up to London by a apeoial
train, leaving Windsor at 1.33 a.m., and
reached Paddington at :1.03 a.m.
TLe Granit Wer.. tbm Pivot to I vont
This Tye* et Beat,
The Coreans were the first to .invent
the ironclad. warship. In 1592 the hordes
of Hldeyoshi landed on the shores of
southern Corea and swept northward
through the peninsula, with the avowal
purpose of crossing the Chinese border'.
and overthrowing the cling Empire. The
Coreans could offer no adequate resist-
ance, for, while Corea had been at peace
for several cen.taries and the science of
War had received comparatively little at-
tention, tension, the islands of Japan n h ad been
one great battlefield, and the army of
160.000 -nen that landed on Corean soil
were all veterans. The Japanese were
provided with firearms, which had never
been seen In Corex-.
When, therefore, the Japanese forces
swept northlvard toward the capital, and
the King fled by night along the road
to the Chinese border, Corea came face to
face with a bard, uncompromising fact.
She must either find some new means
for holding the invaders in check, or
she must go to the wall. The stimulus
WAS sufficient, and in the person of
Admiral Yi Sunsin Corea found the
solution of the problem. The Japanese
had penetrated the country as far as
P'yeng-yang, and were there awaiting
an army of re -enforcement from Japan,
consisting of 100.000 men, before advanc-
ing to the conquest of China. Admiral
Yi perceived that It was only by destroy-
ing this auxiliary force that the Japanese
could be checked. and he realized, more-
over, that, should it once set foot on
Corean soil, all hope was gone. This
grim necessity resulted in the invention
of the kwi-sun, or "tortoise -boat," so
called because of its resemblance to that
animal. In the illustration which has
been preserved to us in the biography of
Admiral Y1, we see that the boat was
covered with a curved deck of iron
plates, and was provided with a ram.
These two things formed its defensive
and offensive equipment. With this boat,
whose speed was exceptionally great,
Admiral Yi boldly attacked the Japanese
fleet of 600 boats, ramming them right
and lett, and as he passed on he left she
struggling Japanese In the water, to be
dispatched by his followers in the a•siln-
ary boats of the Corean fleet. The
enemies deemed the tortoise -boat to he a
work of superhmnan origin, and their
"bones melted" within them.
Character lent Good.
In some rural districts of England
there are held annually hiring fairs,
where farmers and others attend to en-
gage servants At one held in Gloucester-
shire last autumn a farmer opened nego-
tiations with a lad who seemed snitebis
for his purpose. Various questions haring
been asked and answered, the farmer
inquired at last:
"Hast got a character from thy last
"No," replied the boy; "but my old
gaffer be abont somewhere. and I can get
he to write I one: "
"Very well," was the reply, "thee get
it and meet T here again at 4 o'clock."
The time came, so did the farmer and
the boy.
"Hast mot thy character?" was the
query. The answer crime short and sharp:
"No; but l: be' got thine, and I bean't
a -coming. "-Lo n don .answers.
Pulverized 3..lk for soldiers.
tore a
Accordingh I ondon Leader,the
board which has been inquiring into the
desirability of utilizing more extensively
condensed food for the army will shortly
present its report, suggesting important
e t is
r forme in cotlneot n with the provisions
for soldiers,including the more extensive
use of pulverized milk and of other eon -
devised food.
Atmospheric >ransidlty.
The wet -bulb thermometer, ler deter-
mining moisture in the air, is made and
need es follows: Provide two tbermome-
tees and tie a bit of the thinnest rnnsile
neatly around. the bulb of ono of thele
and keep it soaked with water. Lift thie
therinotneter out of the water, and whirl
it briskly through the air for two min,
utes, if the air Is very dry, and for three
or four minutes if the air ie very moist.
Bead it quickly, and it gives the temper-
ature of a thin layer of water evaporated
uflder the influence or the wind produoed
by the,,whirling. The clewpoiat of She
air in which the thermometer .is whirled
is about as far below the wet -bulb as this
is below the temperature of the dry-bulb
similarly whirled and read rapidly. The
two thermometers may be hung aide by
side on a short piece of *tring for con-
venience; and this is then called the
"sling psychronoete7. "---Mvnthly'Weashes-
Tee W.rlS's 800 lateen:mmm/,
Statistics gathered by a French gee-
logise show that 860 different languages
are used in the world now And that these
are subdivided into 5.300 dialects. Europe
has 89 langu .gas; Africa, 114; Asia,. 123;
and America, 417. The remaining I17 be-
long to the large and small islands of the
world, particularly of the with seas.
Many of those islands have their own di*
tinotive language, although they are crop
to others in matey instances.
Deafness Cannot e a a
a t 4e Cured
Wel apl
ltrotiond as they cannot remit
titseased sr roan of the ear. Tit re i1r only out
way to cure eleafpess, nuts that is isv souses*
*mai remedios• D,•afneds 1e, caused by an ta-
red comditian et tate emotes an n¢ of the
tae11Iatt Tube. When this tubs Is inflamed
you have a tumbling sound or imperfect hear.
ing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the result, and uoleis the lmffammatius assn ire
taken out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing win be destroyed forever;
nine cedes out of tett are euu?ed by catarrh.
which is nothing bet en inflamed eouditivit of
the mucoussurlae ee,
We will give One Hundred pollee! far qtly
rasa of Deafless 4eaudeit by catsrritl that cannot
be cured b e Hall a Catarrh Cure. Send for eta
cvlat'af free, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, (e.
M"Seld by Druge•iste, tee..
whet Hake* a Mott.
The longer I live the ntore certain I enc
tbat the great difference between men, the.
great and the insignificant, ie energy---in-
,invible determination -an )aonek5 pur-
pose one* Axed -and then the victory.
That quality will de anything that can be
done in the world; stud rte •talents, no cir-
ountatances, no opportunity, will masks a
two -legged creature without ir.
To Those of Sedentary Occupation. --
dem who follow sedentary occupations,
which deprive them of fresh Mr and exer-
cise, are more prone to disorders of the
liver and kidneys than those who lead
active, outdeor lives. The former will
find in ar ole s 'Vegetable Pine, a re•
storntfre a3thoitquestion r e
G h most eine
Carious OU the market, They are easily
easily taken: act expeditious.
lY, • and they are surprisiugly cheap eon-
sidering their excellence.
apectat autos.
"Do you make special rates to bridal
parties?" asked the innocent•looking bride-
"Yes." replied the honest hotel clerk,
"We always charge 'em double rates.,
.A Safer sloshed.
Biggs -There goes at man Who has made
a snug little fortune on the race Creek,
Boggs-Rnows how to pick winners, eh?
Biggs -No, he used to run a peanut
and lemonade stand.
if the children require physio none acts
so nice as Miller's Worm Powders; very
pleasant to take.
l'atafal nacelle/azimut.
Mrs. Slimdiet--•You don't seem to like
rice very well, Mr. Peck.
Henry Peck -It is associated with one
of the most distressing mistakes I ever
was guilty of.
Worms derange the whole system.
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator de-
ranges worms, and gives rest to the suffer
era It only costs 23 cents to try it and bit
cent -bleed.
Anyone Ought to Knew.
Mistress (to Norah) -What must be the
condition of a person to be buried in con-
secrated. ground?
Norah (in great surprise) -Dead, mum!
linard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cols.
Defer, 'i<:i.otiea.
First Politician -The other side has
more boodle than we have.
Second Politician -Yes; I think they'll
carry the county by $40,000 majority.
Our D.mestics.
Mistress -You have no young man, I
Maid -Oh, no, ma'am; he's 50 if he's a
I was CORSD of Bronchitis and Asthma by
Lot 5, P.E.I. Mss. A. Livusesroxs
I was CVRRD of a severe att-ek of Rheuma-
'Mahone Bay JOHN Mensa.
Ivrea hens]) of a severely sprained leg by
Bridgewater. Joanna WYNACaT.
Nothing Worth Saving.
If the various powers get all they want
in China the New York Press declares the
emperor might as well throw away the
key to the "open door."
The world is mine! And how, you ask,
Can such a wonder be?
I've won a little maiden, and
She's all the world to me.
Mental and physical activity are pro -
timed by' Miller's Compound Iron Pills.
And 1tel.aged to Her Father.
Hewitt -D you like pointed ointed toed shoes?
Jewett --Not when they are pointed to-
ward me.
0 50 . Miller's
new back for cents. A
Kidney Pills and Plaster.
"Yon' say she is a business woman.
What business is she int sted in?
"Oh, everybody's.".
On an average no less than 200 people
are killed by Realising ever; yews.
City Streets
or .Country Roads the
is without a peer.
Light Easy Running, Always Reliable.
Vipond & Co.
Correspondence Solicited.
Advances Made on Consignment*.
Cenlpr.sied A•ir fir rower.
.a gas motor car of the Dessau Gas Iia}1-
way Company was on exhibition at the
German industrial exposition in Berlin,
together with a portable engine which
furnishes compressed gas to run the ear.
Por more than a year a ear similar to this
haft been making regular daily rues on
the Cbarlottenburg-Knie street car line in
Berlin, and has rendered very satisfactory
It • is not what you eat. but what as
rtlnailates that nous:shec. elll.I.I:R'a
COMPOUND IRON N11.I,S cure faulty
Wafters Doukas/4 rips.
The waiters of Landon. England. held a
meeting recently, at which the unanimous
opinion WAN expressed that tipping show-
ed the true gentleman. and that the man
who refused to tip ought to have bis food
astddrink fired at him.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Atarquie of Sallxhnry.
The Marquis of Salisbury, who is in his
seventieth year, is one of the oldest tnen1-
bery of parliament. having entered the
House of Commune when only 23 years of
Under 11.
Hospital Nurse (to mangled victim of
accident) --I understand the derrick fell
ten stories to the payertient.
Mangled Vic -tint (weakly) -I wag under
that impression
health for the children. Miller's
Worm Powders.
"rho Downward rata.
Lord Rakeleigh-illy descent dates back
500 years.
'Mies Ciothamme--What a long timet
And it seems to have been a very steep one,
Ilii, Saphed-1'4 ill you tell me your
candid opinion of me, Miss Rene?
Miss Irene I have no opinion of you,
Mr. Saphed.
A lady writes ; "I wee enabled to remove
the corns, root and branch, by the use 01
Holloway's Corn Cure." Others who have
tried it have the sante experience.
"Dickey, how old is your sister Ethel?"
"Aw; she's been 20 ever since I was
One Pleasure Within Remelt.
"Nancy, you ought not to attempt golf.
You don't like exercise, and I know you
can't manage the dialect."
"No, but I can bare my picture taken
In my golf suit."
With the Accent on the Lie.
"Jules Verne begins to write at 6
o'clock in the morning."
"Say, he might as well lie in bed." -
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Russia has 29 women who have devoted
themselves to pharmacy, an Germany
has more than 100
flat, ew
PLATED. 48.4 1* aS
K• 08 IV etas UM% ova +1,1,11....
molar till: futatad 0. a mid' to yet
ty two.* for estop 1.0,4. ft a i
nap tat k std t.a.t Ausi-1+oat
Opit1 Imo. 310" 014u 848 .44
Fora -%ata, takG,,1'ddr on.
Fovea.. at• lox% ..ko a 4.114:
fold watch. u en.o w:tk w
• 5.501 .4 An .r .an )Last
11uw.m,rt n�aa r w,tunuL to
g:re 61.1.4 4.1... r ,. 444 IP
...31 fat1•Mtr.: rt -,taUG q„e.
jrµy, if Bart 1.47(+0 0404-
444.tA vee *ilia 144 1464.4 to.
t. para.1 ss 1t)+r44Atrd, per
no .o)Se1. ogott 4.il, roan
(tease ase a4*pen
Toil Watch te,, Toronto, deet.
Fights off the bat sun, preservrsl
the house, beautifies it as well,
and gives satisfaction if you use:
All dealers have it. Ask for card or scowl
to us and we will tell you where to get it.
MAKTh1eS. Montreal..
T. N. U.
60 Day
To the
North West
COWAN -• --
GAMY ----(
} $30
RED DEER ---} $ f 0
Coins June 27 Returning unlit Aug. alb'
tut Rau or S.S.AIberuo
Going July 13 Returning until sept. Its,
(All Rall or 6.6. Athabasca)
Comte July IS Returning until Sept, 1P
pill Ran or S.S. Alberta)
For tickets apply to say °anodise' P iso-
.R� Aa.oto 0. P. txt:P>r .aaoN, Asa.. tisas.
P Kind 6t- East, Tercet*.
0O8L,idS, FOR '
CA ,with valuable,
premum :14 karat Gold+
Plated Watch, for either
lady or gentleman. Only L.
limited quantity left -order
Tbefore it is � all sold. NAo�
beet selec edBMN �Ename, awl TWINEisover 881
feet to the pound.
Coney refunded if 'purchaser le not satisfied,
mit cash and give full shipping directions,
'Onion Station Arcade, Toronto.
We aleo make
Steel Flag Stair's.
Grain Grinders,
Iron and Wood
Pumps, fres
lend for New Cate-
Advertises Itself.
This business is conducted so that every
=stonier is an advertiser of its merits. It
is estimated that every order filled for
patrons who shopbymail brings atleast
wo other orders. his means you'll e o
well served that you'll talk about it and
show the goods to friends with satisfaction.
This store has issued a catalogue -illus-
trated tod and descriptive. It contains an
epitome of what may be seen here in the
finest store in Canada, where more goods
are sold at retail than any wholesale house
handier, and at prices lower. than whole-
sale. Send for cataltrgrie and samples to
' UttoNTO, wx.
IiESUSCITATRS worn out Lancia.
IMPROVES Good Lands and
Makes the Best Lands BETTER.
Improves the QUALITY of the Drop,
and increases the QUANTITY.
National Farmers Co., Toronto€
Binder mithis