HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-7-13, Page 1THIRTEENTH
YEAR. -607.
iUloit lc*
ail".&:r :'r.,2.6' -^:':. y. :.,'$..?;.`-:rFer.i:c :'•y..;y .....,+:: �'
our attention is again called to our bargain list for this week, and we ask your care-
ful perusal of prices quoted.
Men's Furnishings.
lllen'a soft hotlze shirts, cuffs attaelr-
etl separate collar, open front gust.
The thing for the hot weather. 5eU-
int; at 75e.
Men's four in hand ties, in good
tlressyyaatterns, worth 20e; our price.,
2 for 2ue,
25 floz, braces, at 5c. a. pair. A chance
to brace up at a small cost,
Let us tell you again, that our 30•.
shirt with linen bosom and bands are
the best in the world, at the price, 30e.
,Hen's collars, that arc• all linen at
2 for 23e; any price!, any style,
Men's fast 131;nck half hose; our
price this week, 3 pr, for 25,
Jem Jars.
Crown cfttfuav'ts, 50'. a. doz.
'superb* " (15e. 4'
gallons at 75e, doz.
Groceries ! Groceries ! !
.A11 that's right in Aplenty, price and
standard, +are found here.
Ready -Made Clothing
Coal Oil Stoves.
Washing Machines.
Men's oddpants, at OSe,
Wash, Goods,.
We have a few pieces of that cant -
brie finished print, in Blue,. Black.
and Pink, with the 4 inch even strip;
selling at 121e.
A good line of print, in light and
dark colors, at 5e.
10 piece;; English print, 30 inch wide,
fast. calors worth 10.; our price Sc'.
(labra best English. goods, Standard
dyes, new patterans 121e.
White swiss spot nnislins, gut,d width,
Special in white lawn, at .---12;e, 13e,
18e, and 20e.
Shirt Waists.
A few bauble's Waists left, are still
- selling at, 25e each,
We are clearing out the balance, of
our white waists at a great reduction.
Come in ,and see them.
Ladle's Summer corsets, worth 30e;
selling at 333.
Laaiies' vests, 5e., Oe., 10e., 12Ae.
Ladies' fast- Black Cotton Hose, alli
size, at 5t 10e., 12;e., and '2= e.
Crash Skirts, at ti1.25, worth $2.00;
nicely trimmed.
Ladies' Belts, from 10 to 25e.
We, can give yon anything you want
in snraalllvau s at small. prices.
Boots h
s Shoes.,
ti\'e lrandle the Celebrated J. D.
Iial>gsgt)tids: You know where. to
come when you need axon, and bring
your feet with you.
,e „ „ .' $1.48
lien's suits at$4.08
.' ,« '. $5.48
41 Si 'c
The price fits the pocket as well as
Jthe suit fits the man.
Harvest Tools.
Lawn Mowers.
Hay Fork Pullys.
Preserving Kettles..
A. large assort-
ment at low prices.
Binder Twineac a Ib. Binder Twine.
MO .member we will not be undersold. The Plymouth Binder Twine is too well
known to need any recommendation. Be sure and
see us before buying
,we will
make it well worth. you trouble.
CEMENTS. English and Canadian.
Paris Green and Hay Fork Rope,
bought before the advance.
New Brass Label Harvest Tools.
Oiled handles, blued. steel, none better. Buy your next
fork of this snake. It will pay you.
Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs in trade.
$ISj10P & SON,
This Store Closes ` at 6:30 p.m., except
Wednesday and Saturday.
In March last, a sum am oney near Dash-
wood. Loser apply to John Smith, Sr.,
The undersigned has a few good farms for
sale cheap. Money to loan on easy to rm
Samwell's'Block Exeter
Wehave unlimited private funds for in-
vestment -upon farm or village property, at
lowest rates of interest.
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
Money to loan at from •414 to 5 per tient,
Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter
A. number of young pigs for sale, apply to
vY M. DOwN, Centralia.
Strayed from Olandeboye a setter -bitch -
about 14 months old name, Nellie, color,
liver and white and ticked: last seen at Ex-
eter. Person returning same or giving in-
formation will be suitably rewarded. Par-
ties retaining her will be prosecuted.
E. Sso>••e', Clandeboye
e of the superstitions of the natives
pictures of street scenes a.nd river
es. jungles and the interiors of rill -
homes es and a great deal of matter
loularly interesting on account of
That most desirable piece of land contain-
ing about 2714 acres, being part of Farm Lot
No. 20, in the let Concession of the Town-
ship of Stephen. This land adjoins the Cor-
poration and is splendidly situated, facing
the London Roach.
Also the following Village Lots in the Vil-
lage of Exeter:
Lute Nos. 45 and 46 on the • East side of
Main Street and immediately south of the
residence of. E. k'ollick, Esq.
Part Lot No, 21 on the West side of Main
Street, immediately South of the residence
of Charles Rowe. Esq.
Part of Lot F., on the east side, of Andrew
Street. almost opposite the Main St. Metho-
dist Parsonage, containing n iarly one here
of land and known as the old school house
Lots Nos. 162 and -163, North=west corner of
Victoria and Carling streets.'aTh a land n o W
used as recreation grounds, the land immed-
iately North thereof an d the land being part
of same farm lot but West of the London,
Huron & Brueo R.R., containing in all about
40 acres. This land is admirably situated
and faces on Huron, Carling and Sanders
She land on either side of the Station
Road, being part' of farm Lot, N o. 52, in the
1st Concession, of the Township of Stephen,
and now surveyedinto lots and st:,eets, con-
taining about 17 acres.
These two last parcels of land will he sold
by the lot or acre to suit purchaser.
• For further particulars, apply to
Merchants Barristers, Exeter.
Sale Register.
TUESDAY, JULY 26. -Farm stock, the pro-
perty of Thos. Dunkin, Lot 23, Concession 9,
Us borne. Sale at one o'clock.
In the estate of Andrew Hunkin, late
of the Township of Usborne, de-
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chan-
ter 129, of' the Revised Statute ofOntario 1897,
that all persons having claims against the
estate of Andrew H,unkin, deceased, late of
the Township of tsborne in the County of
Huron, I'oeman, Who died on or about the
2nd day of April, A.D., 1868, are requested to
deliver to the undersigned solicitors, for the
administratrix of his estate, on or before
the 1st, day of August, AD. 1899, their
names and addresses with full particulars
of their claims and statements of their ac-
And notice is further given that after the
said date the said admmastratrix will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the said de-
ceased, among diose entitled thereto hay-
ingg regard to those claims only, of to,
notice shall Kaye been received as above,
and that the said administratrix will not be
liable for the said assets, or any part thereof
so distributed to any person or persons of
whose claim or claims notice has not been
received at the time of such distribution.
Dtoicsos & CARLING,
Solicitors for Elizabeth J'. Abbott,
Dated at Exeter this 11th day of July, 1899.
In the matter of the Estate of Andrew
Hunkin, late of the Township of Us borne, in
the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased,
and of " The Devolution of Estates Act,"
there will be offered for sale by Public Auc-
tion, on •
TUESDAY, JULY 25T11A,D, 1899
1 3 i
At the hour of 2 o'clock, pin., tho following
Warm Land and premises, viz :
That PART of LOT 23 in the 9th CONOES-
COUNTY OF HURON, described as follows,
viz: Commencing at the South Westerly
limit; Thence N orth 0 degrees and 30 minutes
West along the Westerly limit of said Lo t
18 ohains and 75 link's. Thence South 89 de-
grees and 42 minutes, East 47 chains and 30
links to the North Easterly limit of said lot;.
Thence South 60 degrees, East along the said
Narth Easterly limit, 1 chain and 17 links;
Thence South 9 degrees and 90 minutes, East
9 chains and 48 links to the Southerly limit
of said. lot; Thence South 80 degrees and 80.
minutes West along the Southerly limit of
said lot, 47 chains and 80 links to the place
of beginning, save and exoept a roadway 1
chain. and 17 links long and 25 links wide
alone the North Easterly limit of said lot,
containing by admeasurement 6834 acres of
land more or less.
The above is a most valuable piece of land
and splendidly situated, beingoonvenient to
churches, school and market. About58 acres
are cleared and in a good state ofoultivaDion
and about 1.0 acres in good hardwood bush.
The land is tweil'watered and tile drained
and upon the same is erected a commodious
brick house 114 stories, also a barn 96x6(3, a
driving shed almost new and a good horse
The above sale will take place on the
The said land will bo sold in one parcel
subject, to a reserved bid, fixed by the official
Guardian of Infants of Ontario. Ten per
cont. of purchase money to be paid on day
of sale, the balance to be paid into the Ca-
nadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto, to the
joint credit of the Aclniinistratrix and the
Official Guardian within 30 days hereafter.
Possession to do fall work after harvest this
year and full possession on the 15th clay of
November, A. 0,1899. In all other respects
the terms will be the standing conditions of
the High Court of justice,
For further particulars apply to John Bos
kit, Q.0., ,Official Guardian, Toronto; Mrs.
Elizabeth J. Abbott, Exeter, or to
Auctioneer, Vendor's Solicitors,
Farquhar, Ont. Exeter, Ont.
Clandeboye -
-\lAsoaue Exct'RSION.-Don't forget
the Masonic Excursion to Kincardine
on August 3rd,
M1!►}1{� /f `T 1/Y' )/Y�`fTl1' It is reported that Artinnts Bice 11 ns'
lib 11,. f' fp U ! t 13911 111 :.r`il, taie15t'-lt(.rr� lit' !.ltd rite 11'1(
iii iLLi111 1J l outskirts of Luean just opposite thea.
High salon'.
Distoca .D II z 0 W i
QEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post
master General. will be received at Otte,- •
wa until Noon, on Fri,lay,18th,August, 189',
for til, cor.itvance of her Majesty's Jfails.
on at prop o , d Contract for four years, six
times per week each way, between Dash-
wood and Exeter Railway Station from the
1st Oetol,er nest.
Printed notices containing further infer
matiott a, to conditions of proposed Con-
tract was to seen and blank tern's of .Ten-
der may le obtained at tite Post ORices on
the route an'1 at this office.
ran OPTICS INSFECTOtt'it Ox"kIC8,2
Loix'lon. 7th July, r890. f
II. G. 'li,alxlrtic,
---- --.-Post Oldie Jattapeeter.
\ltinieipaIity of the Township of
Stephen, County of Huron.
h;otle is hereby given that I have trans
(fitted or di•liveret to the_ personsme•ntioned
In N het er.a 41 8 x,1 t! or THE ON TAlbitt VOT-
15115 LISTS ACT, the copies required by said
sOetin)!a to It so transmitted or delivered of
the List, made ,i.ur;uant to said Act. of 1111
parsons appearing 1;y the last revised Assess -
moist troll "t the said Munieiptalitz to been-,
titled to vote i" the' said btnnieipalityat
Meet/0i,, for Members of the LegislatiVe
.Assemble.eud at Municipal Elections, seri
tltn,t th•• said List was first posted up at mw
°Ride a(t ('rediton on the !'bird day of ',folio,
1899, at. a r, mains there for inch, .tion.
Electors are caneti upon to examine the
said list- eu,.1 if any on,1uissions or any oth-
er error are fount, therein, to take lmtnetli-
•ate pr. .' fatal+, to have the stalk errors cor-
raetld *moiling to law.
Cleric Townshti' of Stephen.
7)atf,d eat ('r ::diton, Jukt ird, n491
i'ree away
k11FUCir J X('t'RiaxuN.--ml)m"t forget
the Masonie Excursion to 1>ineardine
on August 3rd.
Mr. Parkinson, of Toronto, Invalided
in the Roston .W0;10dlst church to the
Presbyterian congregation of Corbett,
last Sabbath, His .discourse was
and i
ute,a ion in Unice thumb
in the afternoon to listen to an inter-
esting sermon to the Orangemen by
Rev. Mn Winne. The front pew$- were
reserved for the Orangemen, who tnrlt-
ed out in large ntunbersfrom Parkhill,
Moray and tartenway. Iris subject
was an interesting oute and was listen-
ed to with marked attention. --lir.
Thomas Stinson, of Bayfield, plaid his
friends here a flying visit Monday._ -
Mrs, l3ticer, of Whitechurch, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. James Wallace.
n rig ie r: - n ec nes-
day of last Week _blaster Victor r San-
der. , while attempting to climb a tree,
iteeidentally fell to the ground and dis-
located his right arm, and as a result
he now carries it in a Sling.
MtsoNze I xc c•rtsxos.---Don't forget
the Masonic Excursion to Kincardine
on August 3rd.
t of \c1I.. --('t,ern011 met July h. U1
present. Minute, of June meeting were 1,44141 anal approved. -The assessor '
made as report of the equalization of
the assessillent. of Virion S.S. No% h,
12 and 13, and was paid $3 for his ser-
visci% in seine rtit,n t herewith. Orders
amounting to $113.85 were granted
and council adjourned to meet Sept.
2nd, at 1 o'ebnrk.
P. $, Sr'huui trustee.; will please'.
comply with St•etlnn 02 (ill, 14uldie•
stoltouls' Amt., Itennelttbev ;li" date' is
August 1t.
Stephen Council.
'iLtgoviet Ex('1 12sn)i'.--Ik>In't forget
the Masonic Excursion to Kitleardiul'
on August, 3rd.
The Council of tole..Munic ipaal Corpor-
ation of the township of Stephen, con-
vened at the Town Hall, Crediton,
July 10. All present. Minutes of prey -
is meeting read and ap
isnneetingreadandap )roved. Hicks
-Willert, that By -Law No. 7, for the
protection of cenletries,graves, tombs,
tombstones or vaults, where the dead
are interred, being read the third time
be passed. -Carried. Willert-Hicks,
that a By -Law be passed levying the
following', rates against the assessable
property in the township for 1809 be
passed, viz: -County rate, 13.10 mills;
Township Rate, 1' mills, and the sums
assessable and to be charged against
the lands in the township, under the
Ditches and Watercourses' Act; and
the amounts required by the Trustees
of the respective school sections. -Car -
vied. Hieks-Willert, that Messrs.
Sweitzer and Yearly inspect the first
side road, opposite Lots 5 and 6, Con-
cession 13, and have the same repaired
if necessary:. -Carried. The following
orders were granted by resolutions of
the Board:--Goderich Lumber Co.,
lumber, $19.38; J. Fahner, drawing
posts, 50c.; Albert Brown, grading 3r 1
side roacl, $2.50; Frank Allan, drain,
$3; .Municipal World, books, etc., $2.50;
L. Ravelle, nails, 50e.; Win. Baker, tile
70e.; Oliver Allister, grading S. B., $5;
Webb & Sharrow, grading S. B., $3.50;
Pollock and others, grading, $3.75;
Webb and others, contracts, 3rd side
road, $22.50; R. Webb, repairing cut -
vert, 50c.; R. Hayter, re drains S. C.,
$1; C. H. Wilson, culvert and ditch, $7;
J. W. Wilson, spikes, 70c.; P. Baker,
culvert and commissioner, $ 7.30; J.
Holt, culvert, $5; P. Disjardine, con-
tract L. R., $15.50; W. Huston, gravel,
$49.60; P. Disjardine, contract Gore
road, $67.62; R. Handford, contract 1,
2 S. B., $37.50; Wm. Down, contract
L. R., $52; H. Willert, lumber, $12.86;
R. Handford, coal. L. R., $10; F. W.
Farncombe; awards, Con. 22, S. R.,
$30.50; ADVOCATE, printing $45.73
0. Wolf, teaming anti. express, 60c.;
White & Son, printing 1898, $24.50; H.
Sweitzer, flour for Appleton, $8; Mr.
Dalziel, gravel $86.30; J. Ziler, culvert
and covering. bridge, $4; N. McLellan,
culverts and gravel, $10.50; Arthur
O'Leary, com. 1st sicle road, two blocks,
$8.75; F. Eilber, Coln. work on C. R.,
$6.25; M. Ziler, gravel, $25.60; J. Barry,
gravel contracts, $180.67; T. Lynch,
gravel contract 0. R., $13; J'. Lawson,
sundry grading and bridges, $67.40; F.
Sims, gravel contracts, 1st side road,
$48.75; S. Pollock, contract B. 9,821.50
Da Buchanan, com. C. R., $2.50; 0.
Willert, repairing culvert, con. 16.50c.
G. Keys, repairing culvert '1st side
road, $1.50; J. Lawson, gravel contract
B 1, $14; Rhode and others, punting in
boxes, $1.50; S. Brokenshire, putting,
in culverts $2. T. Neil lumber and cal -
vert, $1.90; Wm. Dearing, Jr., culvert
con. 2, $3.50, S. Pollock, gravel con-
tracts, B. 10, $19.25; J. B. Hodgins,
coin., $2,80; J. Keys, com., $4,25; D.
Mawhinney, com., $5.00; Geo. Orange,
gravel, $1.1.66. Resolved the Council
clo now adjourn to meet again at Credi-
tors, on August 7th, at 1 o'clock, p.m.
During the first six months of 1800,
there were 46 births, 33 deaths and 16
marriages registered. Pathmasters
110 requested to return their lists, and
school trustees to send their estimates.
H. EILBER, Clerk.
ZU lcll
:11Asoxie Exe risios Don't forget
the Masonic. Excursion to Kincardine
on August 3rd.
Mr. Trott, photographer, of Hensall,
has opened a gallery next to Dr. Camp-
bell's office, and will be here for a coup-
le of week. -Quite a, nuurberfrem here
attended the celebration at .Exeter on
July 12tH, ---Mr. Alfred Mellick had two
of his fiuge r:. badly bruised 1411 Thu1•s-
clay week., at the raising of their barn.
-Mr. George J S4bloellig, formerly of
this piir'', his passed, Iris final examin-
ation in dentistry at the Detroit Col-
lege of Medicine,
D. RAN, Farquhar. e'omens+uaner and I
Convc+a at�cer, Monty to loau at lowest rates
of interest.
M:asos;zc Excri±SzoN.-Don't forget
the »1lasonie Exettl inn to .[ lncatrdiine
on :lugnst'r'tL
COLLIN3;LS1'a'i.NBi'RV. Bs ise:la •Con•
ass -ewers, ;rotaries Exeter, one E. 11. Cols
Has ss, J.ar. smuts -try 71.4. elate with ate-
Cartiss O leri(: no , Barristers, Tamen o.
Mrs, Eneehtel, of llibverton, spent a
few clays here last week, the guest of
Mr. and !Mrs. Joint !,"tuba --Mr. Henry
Sweitzer is tearing dosvu the old bedd-
ing, which ha:Owen situated west of
the "Klondike Store" the _past 20
veal., --Mr. and 11rs, 1,%'jjt J et'x', of
Chicago. ars' visiting their pa1't•Itts
ht•le'. --Mr. Albert ''.wicker, vhu has
been attending, the Convention held is
Det rx,it durin r the est week. Inas r•e-
turnc<l, lIr Nornnatu. hill, of 13russi':fi
spent- Sunday here with his sister. Mrs.
tar.) Rivers, ---The raspberry festival,
which was held in the Methodist
church grounds last Monday was a
ane cr5,. .after alae supper an inu'resc-
int; prtigI:un as;as givt'n,tlae, Revds. Sa1-
toll, of Centralia, ilusser and Litt tak-
ing part. -Our boys played a game of
baseball with as pbei:etl team front Ex-
t'ter•at that place on the 12t1, result-
ing in favor (if our boys. TIw nnateh
was to have been between Crediton
and St. Marys. but owing to that team
being unable' to cense the Exeter buy
took their Ohne. and put up a very good •
genre. --Ras. hem picking is now
the run of the day. ---Most of the farm-
ers in this vieinity have begun cutting
their wheat.- At the Connell meeting,
held in the Town Hall last. '31onday,
Hieks WAS 1)1'('0011 e(1 with a boquet
in remembrance of his 56th birthday.
We hope Mr. • Hieks may live to see
rrraey more of thein. ;Most of the gra-
vel contracts were paid, --Mr.. C. H.
Sunders and Dr. Hollins, of Exeter,
were in the village oe Tuesday even-
ing. -The Rev. S. Salton, of Centralia,
and Iles. James Husser exchanged pul-
pits Sunday,
Masome Ex c i'1lSION.-.-Don't forget •
the Masons(' Excursion to Kine;u•dine
on August. 3rd,
Mr. Lachlan MeL"an. the veteran
fence builder, has i!e'en vert brew this
summer seining, up Page wire fences.
Mr'. MCLean'n good Page taste and bung ex-
perience insures as ill st-clatss fob for
tlit>5e employing hint -Mia Arehbe Me
Cindy and wife, Who are rusticating at
the Bend tuba summer passed through
Isere on their Italy horn. to their farm
on Monday teat. -Mr. Albert Mt'P1rer-
son, teacher in 110r21's seined, will at-
tend the High Court meeting of Fortis -
tors at Niagara Falls, on August .8th,
;aS the representative of Court. Star
MasoNxe EXCURSION. ---Don't: forget
the Masonie Excursion to Kincardine
on August 3rd.
The Carmel elm- eh Sunday sehonl
picnic was held Tuesday afternoon in
Mr. Malcolm's grove. The day was.
all that could be wished for aside. good
time was spent. --Miss Carling has re-
turned to her home in Clinton. ---Rev.
J. S. Henderson attended the conven-
tion in Detroit last week and We be-
giruting of this. ---bliss Eilbt) ,>f %anieh ,
is visiting friends in town. Miss Mag-
gie Mullin of node r i b, is spending as
feel* days with Miss Te .sic Elder, ---Miss
Soviet, of 1 uc ker'srnitlr, is visiting ing at
Mr. W. 13. McLeean's.--.-\Liss Ethel Col -
will spent Friday in Seaforth.-Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Wood, of London, are
visiting Mrs. Wood's parents, Mr. mid
Mrs Shepherd. -Mx. Higgins., of Exe-
ter, spent Sunday evening with Hen-
sall friends. -Mr. Fred Lrersch treated
his Sunday school class to a picnic at
Bayfield Tuesday, The Misses Nellie
and Marie Moir, of Toronto, visited
their grandfather, Mr. Moir, Saturday.
McAllister, of \Vingilarn, visited
his sister, Mrs. Wm. Buchanan Sun -
MASONIC Exc.i sxox.-Dorx't forget
the Masonic Excursion to Kincardine
on August3rd.
Miss Maud Hodgins returned home
from Berlin where she has been spend-
ing her holidays with her mother,
Mis. Robert McFalls.-firs: A. Camp-
bell has returned to her home at
Varna, after spending the summer
here, the guest of Mrs.Martha Evans.
-Mr. W. J. Clark, of London, is visit-
ing friends and relatives here this
week. -The Exeter Masons are busily
engaged in the erection of a new brick
house for Mr. Wm. Elliott, which will
be a handsome dwelling. -The staff of
officers for the Creamery and Butter
Association of this town have, during
the past week, experienced a very
busy time. The patrons and milk
drawers, along with other creditors,
have all been paid, thus lighteningthe
treasury of some $4000. -Thee Maple
Leaf L.0.L., of this town, along with
the- HensaU, Exeter and Crediton
lodges, headed by the Exeter Brass
Band, attended divine worship in the
Trivitt Memorial church, Exeter, on
Sunday morning last, when the Rev.
Mr. Hodgins, of Seaforth, delivered a
very appropriate and interesting ser-
mon. In the evening the members
assembled at the Centralia IVlethodist
church; and the Rev. Mr. Hussar, of
Orediton, preached from the 13th
chapter of John, an able and interest-
ing sermon.
SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is
a correct report of the Centralia Pub-
lic school for the month of June. The
report is based on examinations, (test
and promotion.) Names are in order
of merit. V -Melville Mitchell and
Cedric Hicks even, Laura Baynham,
.Ida, Windsor, Wesley Luker. Sr. IV-
Alrnena Huxtable, Polly Windsor,
Katie Elliott, Alla Hicks, Annie Boyle.
Promoted from Jr. IV to 'Sr. IV -
Edith Bunt, Alvino Wilson, Jennie
Haggith, Fleida Baker, Earl Mitchell,
Aggie Hepburn, Perry Windsor. Jr.
Department: -Sr. III -C. Fairhall, M.
Bayuhanl, Meno Callfas. Jr. III -F.
Cottrill, F. Boyle, A. Haggith, Rosy
Wilson, H. Mitchell, Hector Mitchell,
W. Mitchell, A. Baker. Sr. II -Cecil
Veil, Elva Windsor, C. Haeinan, R.
Bloomfield, Jr. II -V. Sheardown, R.
McCoy, Verne Wilson, N. Cottrill,: F.
Hepbtu'n, W. Essery. Part II -N.
Hearnan, M. Elliott, C. Wilson, M.
04 -alias, M. Callfas, W. Hodgins, J.
Haemau, E. Windsor, G. Essay. Pt.
I. -O. Grafton, S. McCoy, F. Mitchell.
W. B. B.ABsHHAw, Teachers.
Masons: Exc'1. OSloN.-= Dh'n't forget
the Masome Excursion to I1;hreardine
oil August 3rd.
Mr. Donald McKellar, who n -short.
.time afro sold hie farm to lir, John
Eay, of North last .Trope, for $8,508,
is nolo looking around for another
farm Mx. Peter Me'lettughlirr and wife
paid a Visit to friends here on Sunday. -
ROA. Iioggaarth's cllild,who has
been very i:1 all spring, is still in apre-
caxious condition. -Did you ever see
•arty one get "left": If notyotnshould
have seen thaat young instil from Fau-
tluhax' Friday night. --Mrs. William
Harris, fornrer'ly as resident of here is
visiting friends and acquintanc>es in
this vicinity. She has been residing
in the village of Walton for several •
years. Her son, Willie, who was work-
ing at the cheese making for several
years is now an extensive cheese buy-
er. ---Mr. Neil :McKellar, who fell
from an apple tree one day last week
while endeavoring to secure a swarm
of bees, and was severely hurt, is we•
arerecovering. pleased learn m
DE1TFz OF JOHN C'I7RRIE. This week
it becomes our said duty to chronicle
the death of Mr. John Currie, which
sad event took place on Thursday
morning, the 6th inst., at his residence
about two miles east of here. He had
been declining in health several
years hut about two years ago paraly-
sis weakened and affected him so that
he lost nearly all his mental and phy-
sieial powers and during the past eight
months he was confined to his bed and
was completely helpless and appeared
to have very little knowledge of what
was going on. Mr. Currie was born in
North Sherebrooke, in the County of
Lanark, in the year 1831 and would
have been 68 years old had he lived
one day snore. He moved from there
in the year 1.867 on Lot 4, Con. 11, in
the township of Hibbert, where he has
resided ever since. Hewers arllan pos-
sessed of good abilities and exception-
ally well read on the past and current
events of the tinges and being a good
conversationalist his company was
very desirable. He was a good and
conststant inlember of the Presbyter-
ian church here .and a staunch Liberal
in politics, gainedfi'om study, observa-
tion and education. He was married.
to Miss Agnes McDougall, and the un-
ion was blessed with four sons -Archie
Neil, John and Hugh, all of whonx sur-
vive him. Neil is a machinist and en
gineer and is now employed in the
Waterous Co.,�
Brantford with whom..
he learned hisbusiness.' He is now in
South America looking after the inter-
ests of that company. John, the third
son, is doing a prosperous veterinary
business in one of the towns in the
state of New York. Archie and Hugh -
are on the homestead. Deceased was
a kind and affectionate father, a gen-
tle and•loving husband, an honoxal.le
and obliging nei,hbor, fair andcolxsid-
-ate in all his dealings, and will be
Mach missed in the community. The
high esteem in which he was- "held
was evidenced: by the large nem-
ber of :friends. and acquaintances that
followed his remains on Saturday of
ternoon to their last resting place at
the cemetery here. .
Children Cry .rod'
CA T 1