HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-6-29, Page 5THE Ts published every Thursday Morning, at theomoo, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. _-----By the ----- A DVO ATE PUBL. I Set NG COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Atedvanee $1.50 if note° paid, esasarsarteseeiz matoa O. aeasseisca.. tea= No paper discontinued until all erre rage are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and ahargedacoordingly. Liberal discountmade for trauseeent advertisements inserted for longsperods. Every desorption of JOB PRINTING turned out in the anest style, and. at moderate rates. Ohegnes,anoney or& ars , &c. for advertising, subscriptions ,ete.t o be maae payable to Chas.II. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP Professional Cards. R. KI MAN L.D. S. & A. It, KINSMAN, L D. $., D. D. S. Honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted. without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Fauson's Block, west side Main Steeet, Exter. flR.D A.LTON ANDERSON,(D.D.Seli.D.S.,) honors Graduate ofthe Toronto Vol- rsitv and Royal College of Dontel Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth oxtraoted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Wilco aver Elliot & Elliot's law oface-oppoeite oreutvkl Rotel-Exeter. 3Tediesti DT. P. eIcLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF the College of physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Plieetelan, Surgeon and Atseuelt- eur. Office, Debwood, Ont. • --- DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Masons Bank, ate. Money to loan at 5 and 511 per cent. Moe Fanson's Block, Mein- St., Feceter. IA member of tlit. then will be at Rensall on Thursday of each week.) T. R. IIS.11.LING, ThA L. R. Menses, OLLTOT & MADMAN. BARRISTERS, les Etc.. Oonvoyaneere, and Money to Loan. B. V. Enta0T. P. W. GLADMAII. Anet to a ears An BROWN, Winelielsea. Licen& sed wa- lla /mica for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the town ehip of tesborne Sales promptly attewled to and terms rea. onbele.Sales arrangea itt Posteface.Win- altelsea. Insuranee. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent. Main St. Exeter Cook's Cotton Root Compound, Is succesMully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladles. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- ets:ad, Take no ether, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1e?, box, No. 2,10 degrees s tronger, $e per box. No. 1 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 13.eent stamps The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. Me -Nos. 1 and. 2 sold ana recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canado. Nose t and No. 2 bola in Exeter by te. Druggiet. RD A MAJORITY OF26 MENACE TO BRITAIN 54,ffivitivverwwwwitwardt, • SUNIIIIer Colds ''. 1 are noted for hanging on. They weaken your throat and lungs, and lead to - serious trouble. Don't trifle ivith them. Take Scott's Emulsion at .14 once. It soothes, heals, 1,4 and cures. upilE 50e. end $1. An druggists. ea< .1.415.5AMAAMINAIIARAR19& li.pulv.vyviuvayvyliv.iy.)yugv FREE LT Fine German= Give 1C0X4eSs WatChrguarinteed for 5 years, with Chain: era "Snap -Shur" Comm With 41 at- triehmenuready to take puturbs elven nee ror Lenin.," Mr It. ahuainura Thimbles at 1.0 eaen, SELLS & EVEItY HOUK Send name and address. welt turwant pada 'without moerr. Can. supply co., woroutu. Wanted -An IdeaNtgenshtt thir4; to pewee' Protect your i(eas: thou bring you wealth Write JOHN WROOCRBOHN 8; CO.. Patent Atter- Mei WasnIncfon, 1), Q., for their tuft prize taro sae Ist of two bundre4 inventions wauccil TO THE DEAF ---A rieh lady, cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr, isTicholson's Artifieial Ear -Drums, lifts sent $1,00() to his In- stitnte, so that deaf people unable to proeure the Ear Drums may have them free. Apply to Department A. S. N, The Institute, " Longrott," G onnersbnry, LOndOn, W., England. AGENTS WANTED -FOR "TLE LIFE and Acb levemente of Admiral Dewey," ebe world's greatest naval hero. By Murat Hal- stead, the lifelong friend anti admirer of the nation's idol. Biggest and beet hook; Over 5e0 pages, Sxift inches; nearly pages halftone illustrations. Only 61.511. Enor- '"us demand. J3ig eorneuesions, outfit free. Chance of a lifetime. Write quick. The Derninien Company, 11r1 Floor Caxton Bldg, Chicago. zazzatememlizammnazimalies fiiffillin illiSillOSS 1iOH00.0 chour......Inestaaceusmaalalp•Mit9.4.1., IGNORANCE.. IVIYRTLE NAVY of law is no excuse, 1)11 ignorance ; I ! iea misfort une. -000- T S:13 in Gilt on every ping and package. easeeseaseeseestereerettete. TIMBER ANTED Highest Cash Price paid. for Black Ash, White Ash, Red and White 'alt, Hard and Soft Maple, Hemlock, Soft and Rock Elm. Either stinnpage or delivered in yard. For ftirther particulars apply to GUS. WAGNER, Manager for the S. 1. Co. Exeter. 071.4.a. Of ou' Graduates se- cured good 1)( >sit lims since January :rd. PALA, Term begins Sept. 4th. irls'N'Ve will mail free to any address our beautiful new eatalogue. aineap r. 3RFese- ,-2.16EIFErbs.. This wora is our copyrighted guarantee for Purity and Strength when seen on our goods; It marks them t he btkl, n d anis for their severe purposes and its presence protects you from imitations and inferior goods. Look Jur it. Plant Spray. Persia tic Plant 51 ray contains no mineral poieon-arsenic or Paris Green. Sure death to all ineect life fungi, etc, harmless to vegetation. Canada's only reliable spray. Sheep Dip. Persiatic Sheep Dip is a preparation for the ettre of skin diniliSOS and the eradication of vermin in sheer anti cattle. it is highly medicinal and does its work with no etrastie or irritating effects. Endorsed. by leading sheep raisers. Horse Wash. Pereiatie Horse Wash is a specially propered medieament for the cure of skin diseases pe- culiar to horses and for ridding them of till insect, pests and vermin. It has a surpass- ingly refreshing effect, brightens the pelt and puts the shin in a thoroughly healthy -condition. Price $1.00 per 34 oz. cam. Pio' Wash. The New French Cabinet Scores in Both Houses. THE PREMIER'S STATEMENT. M. Waldeck -Rousseau Refers to Certain Delusions That Must Re Effaced. and the Necessity for the Co- Q1Seratista at Parliament With the Ministry -Text of the Persia tic Pig Wash is successfully need in all eases of skin diseases of swine, and for des- troying nits, iiee and vermin generally. Keeps the skin in healthy conditon and en- sures a healthy a ppearance in the dressed anirn al for market. Speech. Paris, June 27. -The new Cabinet Ministry presented themselves to the Chambers yesterday afternoon, The Chamber was thronged and there was great animation at the opening of the session when it became known tbat two alleged hostile groups, the Socialist - Radicals and the Demoeratic Left, bad decided to vote in favor of the Govern- ment, and that M. Paul de Cassagnac had withdrawn his interpellation. The Premier's Statement. Identical statements were reau in the Chamber of Deputies by the Premier, M. Waldeek-Rousseau, and, in the Senate by the Minister of Justice, M. Mani. They were as follows: "The Cbamber of Deputies, in expressing itself resolved not to support any Government but one determined to defend energetically Re- publican institutions and as3nre public ovine, has defined the task imposed upon the new Cabinet. The Ministry has no other ambition than to aecomplfsh it. "Then, te aceetunlish iu, in order to bring about the paonication of the come. try, and to maintain intact our common inheritance, it seemed to us that existing delusions should be effaced, and that the work we are about to undertake re(111Ire1 the co-operation of ell Republicans, 1,1 -hen the abn is (Wilma+, though v:trying according to the luethooe of different schoole, accord becomes melon and con- troversies are lost in the presence of the one duty to perform. TO end the agitation pursued under disguiseeasy to pereciat.... against the regime which has been sem:- Omni, and will be upheld by universal suffrage. and to require front all tbe services loyal assistance and courage:me assumption of responsibility, suet) is necessarily the, first duty of the Govern- ment. It is reselved to have all judieloi devisions respected. and if the first wish of the country le to listen to the voice of justice it will maintain silence and re- speet while its decisions are prepared. "In the front rank of the Important interests of the country, bound up with the conservation of the dignity of the nation, we place the interests of the army, which the republic bat constructed on a stronger basis, and which is syn- onymous with the republic's severity, and is the pride of ffranee. We think, with the army's most illustrious and surest guides, that inviolable attachment of discipline is the first and essential guarantee of the army's owe greatness. 'We intend to defend it with tho stunt energy against the attacks and solicit°, tone which constitute the most undeserv- eil of insults. Wu desire, above all, that appeasement may be accomplished, and it will come quickly, if everyone will give up being a law untc himself, and bow to the law of the land. "To accosnplish the work wbich her devolved upon us, we have need of the co-operation of Parliament, and its whole confidence. We ask the widest mandate. Wu take the fullest responsibility. We ask for a truce of tbe irritating discustion, hurtful to the interests of the country, and that you will vote without delay n law necessary to the good working of the public service. If our efforts aro not sterile, disunion among Republicans will vanish, and the republic will soon re- sume the path of economics and social progress." At the opening of the session the ex- treme Leftists shouted, "Vire la Com- mune," and the Socialists frequently in- terrupted the proceedings, but M. Waideck-Routseau's statement was much applauded by the Leftists and Centrists. M. Ernest Roche, Socialist, interpellat- ed the Government regarding the policy and composition of the Ministry. He de- clared it was a Government of war and defiance, and. violently attacked the Min- ister of War. General the Marquis de Gallifet. Other speakers followed in a similar vein, and eight orders of the day were moved, only two of them approv- ing the Ministerial statement. M. Waldook-Rousseau accepted an order of the day moved by M. Jules Perillier, Radical Socialist, reading as follows: "The Chamber, (approving the declara- tions and acts of the Government, passes the order of the day." Approved by Both Rouses. The Chamber adopted M. Perillier's motion by a vote of 263 to 237. An in- describable scene of excitement followed in the lobbies. The Senate by a vote of 187 to 25 ap- proved the declaration of the Government. M. Waldeck.Rosseau replied to the various interpellations, explaining the motives animating the formation of a Cabinet of somewhat divergent views, one of the main objects being to re -unite all Republicans. He added that the Min- isters had already assumed some respon- sibility, but he thought the backing of the Chamber was necessary for further steps, and asked what Ministry could for a moment tolerate acts seeming to create the belief that the arrny desired to con- stitute itself the judge of its policy. He further expressed the hope that it would not be necesssary to take more •severe measures, and said he thought it easy to demonstrate whence came the attacks upon the courts. Explaining the inclusion of General the Margin: de Gallifet in the Cabinet as Minister of War, he said it was because no other general had so spontaneously supported the constitution, and it was thought the necessary punish- ment of .certain military men could be somewhat relaxed if emarating from Buella trusted authority as Gen. Gallifet. In conclusion the Premier said: "Our task is heavy.. Whatever course the Chamber may pursue. I have done nty duty." The speech of M. Waldeck -Rousseau was much interrupted. The noise at times was deafening, and several mem- bers were called to order. llitgOlISB 30110 Forel a tie Hen House Spray and Poultry Pow- der destroy vermin peculiar to the feather- ed stock -on fowls or in sheds. Act a disin- fectant, clestrovin g germs and purifying the atmosphere. Used. liberally they prevent roup and kindred diseases. Pu niinSe these goods iron your, dealer or send to us direct for thein. We invite corre- spondenc.e. THE PICKHARDT RENFREW CO., Limited, Stoullville, Ont. IT PAYS TO BUY FAR1VIERS 17.1y72 WISE TRB BEST ' ''''vieeerelfaerieSrile This Trate Mark is 0 1) very Teg. See that yuu get ie.' Will not be persuaded into purchasing the unreliable Binder Twine which some , dealers wish to sell for the sake of the additional profit derivEd thereon. Crude- ly made from low-grade fibres, -such twine contains but a fraction of the qual- ty, strength and uniform evenness of the highly constructed Plymouth Brands. No TWille is JUST ASGOOD AS PLYMOUTH, ta-If your dealer does not handle our Twine, write lymouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street,, Toronto. :„,eAsee Four Times on the Verga of War With the Trancvaal, MR. CHAMBERLAIN'S SPEECH. sopee That Efrorts Now Laing Made W111 Lead to an Amicable Arrange- ment, Rut when Rural Pressure Becomes a Farce ilritotol Will Easel other Means to it. settlement, EXETER. MARKETS (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per busbel. ... .. . '.‘• 69 to 70 Flour per met 1.85 to 2.00 Bitrloy 35 to 40 Oats ' 28 to 30 Peas 55 to OS Corn es to 48 Butter 11 to 11 Eggs 11 Potatoes per bag 90 to 90 Raper ton 4.5000 500 Dried Apples per lb . 5 Wool 13 to 14 Rirmingbate, Eng., June 27. -Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, Secretary of Satte for the Colonies, addressing the Unionists of this pity yesterday afternoon, review- ed carefully the Transvaal question. After deneuneing In the stronest terms the atittade awl melons or ow Boers, mr, chaseherlain, with great ilidibee :nu and emphasis. added : -rite Tralisrd4n1 veer - Melte seeret St.rilet, fund bus pieenreil It friends and advocates in every country. The way the British subject there is treated is not only a menuee to them, Ina Ititerferas with our prestige amoug the nativee, who now regard the Beers, aud not the Witten, tut the paramentst newer. Besides the breaehes of the Lention Convention. the Transvaal is tiagranity violating the equal- ity that COIErolltIoll Wag 1110440Pa to bemire, its misgovernment Is a festering sore, poi- soning the wlesie atmosphere of South Airline The Duteh In Cope Colony ned Natal would be In the hippie yen:lido% but so long as 1114' 411e1a14e of butral and suspiebui prevails lit the Tsai:Areal, it Is im- possible to stop the aseitugam. “Fritir 212110 sawlitilepeirleuce WAS gri110,- 141 illiVe heist lito Verge of war win) the Tram:rico. 11 is crottelles to say tile 110111811 Goveratiteut tvante war • but It Is equally erroneous to say that tile tiovern- rtIseigauw:Plte111111,": e1111.1,?.. Itel.1:11! ilieluttegrotrdist that are 12020 behig Made will lead to an andeable arraugement, far Great Brisain only desires je a lee: but thee.. eamee 12ihno when patilitre letelly IlLitillgi11141"11 from wealtuesq. and wieqt teeral eeesenre Weenies a fare... that eentunt V.Intinneti WiII141211 12184 et e.sneez. 0 tree: that tine. may never :sone In title inetanee: but, 11 it 4(1(.4, 1211(4.115 Meat anion iludthe the mean,: to steere a reeult tir Ike pearo of South Afreet." The speeds ww.. warmly upplateled. Dreyfus Is Not There Yet. Brost, France, June 07. -The French firsieflass cruiser Tage, which put to sea Sunday evening, the belief being that the was going to meet the Sfax, having. Captain Allred Dreyfus on board, re- turned here at 7 o'clock last evening., Some .sellors of the Tage, who landed later, said she had nob met the bfax. - Glsetetee a wita. NOT 1;0 IN. stemless mow to the Ituesian Idea et insurmentent. The Hague. June -The first emu- mittee examined yesterday the Rue:elan propoealfi relating to itillitely effertivei and budgets. OA. Gross von Sabarzhoff of the German legation deelared that Germany could not enter into any en. gagement net to inerease her naval and military effecticee. ' A Smashing 111021. Londor, dune 27. -Tho correspondent of The Daily Neva at The lingua says: "Tho German delegates yesterday priv- ately informed their eolleagues that they had received instrnetione to accept the principle of a permanent tribunal of arbitration, as outlined in the Anglo- American plans. This and the speech at Col. Gross von bichwarzhar. plainly in- timates that Germany had maths up her mind n',Vtinel 31111 1(1011. 0? disarmament. NEWS F11.011 RE SLUT. Good Venetic° by the .Argowarits and a limit -Out by Goldman. Henlay-on-Thainee, June 07. - The Argonauts have engaged Frea. Plaisted, the American oarsman, who comes from Maine, ro train them. Ned Hanlan rowed Plaisted on the Toronto BAT some years ago. Yesterday morning the eight °coupled their time in sprinting. In the eight's trial tbey did the distance to Fawley Court in 3 minutes mid 14 seconds, and finished the course in 7 minutes and 35 seconds. feeling frosh. Tho strokes averaged 34 to the ininute. Goltbnan did half of the course in u trial yesterday morning in 4 minutes and 14 seconds, boating out Oox. 0710 of his competitors in the Diamond Senlls. A head wind was unfavorable to a good practice. In the Diamond. Sculls, Ashe of the Thames Rowing Club, 13lackstaffe of the Vesta Rowing Club. Fox of Pem- broke College, Gaudin of the Thames Rowing Club Goldman of the Toronto Argonauts. Heramerdi of the Leander Rowing Club, and Howell of the Thames Rowing' Club, are entered Pray de Clain Wants to Die. Paris, Juno 26. -It is reported Lieut. - Col. Pate" de Clain, a prisoner in the City Prison, charged with forgery in connection with the Dreyfus case, has several times attempted to commit sui- cide. Tho watchfulness of Ids gruards prevented him from being succeesful. Every instrument or means whereby the man could take his life have been re- moved. Do Clain is kept in strict solitary confinement and neither bis wife nor his lawyer is allowed to see him. The Flower of Britain's Army. London, June 27. -Her Majesty the Queen, the Duke of Cambridge, the Prince of Wales. the Doke of York, Grand Duke Michael of Russia, the Duke of Connaught, General Lord Weisel:eat commander-in-chief of the army, and many princes anct princesses Were present on the famous plains of Aldershot yesterday to witness a review of over 18,000 of the best troops in the Kingdom. Canada's Money Received, London, June 27. -General Lord Kitchener of Khartonm, Governor- General of the Soudan. has received 41,640 from the Earl of Mink:, Governor- General of Canada, on behalf of the Can- adians, for the endowment fund of the Gordon memorial college at Khartoum. Vatican Party on Top. BOTE10, June 27. -For the first time since 1870 the Vatican party bas obtain- ed a majority in Roine in the municipal elections, and the fronts of the churches aro fantastically illuminated nightly in honor of the success. IFTY YEARS OLD Why let your neighbors know It? And why give them chance to guess you are even five or ten years mare? Better give them good reasons for guessing the other way. It is very easy; far nothing tells of see so quickly as gray hair. The Lords Mined st• London, June 27. -The House of Lords yesterday defeated the bill legaliz- ing the election of women as councillors and aldermen in London County. The vote stood 132 against the, measure and 68 in favor of it. A New Ittriodito Princess, St. Petersburg, June 27. -Tho Czarina gavo.birth to a daughter, bore yesterday afternoon. She was named Maria. a ene-seso er ir Vigor is a youth -renewer. It bides the age under a luxuriant growth of hair the color of youth. It never fails to restore color to gray hair. It will stop the hair from coming out also. It feeds the hair bulbs. Thin hair, becomes thick hair, and short hair becomes long hair. It cleanses the scalp; re- moves all dandruff, and prevents its formation. We have a book on the Hair whicto we will gladly send you. It you do not obtain all the bene. 0t you expected from t he use of the 'Vigor. write the doctor about 12. Probably there Is some difficulty With your general system widen may bo easily remeveti. Address, Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mese. 'T H Luean; The death ()marred on Sun- day of Mrs. 3Iarshall, a daughter of. Mr, John Roberts. The deceased Was WidoW, her husband having died a year ago in Manitoba. She was the last surviving member of her fmnily, alt Of whom died of eonsumption, she also falling at victim to the dread mal- ady. She leaves two little ones to fight the battle of life alone. a boy and. a about twelve years old. She was about 40 years of age. WedlleSday last the peo- ple of Parkhill crowded into St. jetties clearell to witness the marriage of .AI- dernum J. W. Simpson, to Miss Emma Elizabeth Holt, daughter of Mrs). Ben- ham. The event wet; 21 Most fashion- able one and had been the talk of the town for weeks past. leotb the bride and groom are popubtr and well known as the large attendance at the church testified. The church was handsomely decorated. Rev. C. Gunn, M. A., per- formed the ceremony. The brides- maids were Miss J. Watson, of Park- hill, and Miss Bannerman, of Toronto. Mr. T. R. Perkins, M. A., of Gorrie, assisted the groom. The bride was given away by 'Mr. A. E. Benham. Illi. BEETS Opirtio of Paine' Geier" Compollog ater4 061, 6 6 witkfroverbs but don't think you can patch clothes to look like new. Then again it would not pay you when you can bay clothing at the prices we sell. BAROAINS•'-'imat- Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds S2.00 Suits t 9.80 Overcoats 8.09 Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, $12.00 Our $20 blacks boat alt others at $23. Come and set for yourselt. PATRONIZE USI, • • People patronize us because they realize that we always sell clothing that is strictly up -to -date - J. J4. GRIEVE Opposite Post, Oakes ENRISH STOCK FOOD. This is 04) erytify thot I have ustd English StAirk instal usvitufactured by Lutz fot valves. lunch cows, mid young itig•.; and in all eases Imre Annul it 1,l2)1 c fit The calves have g: wait la -ter and done better than ever boron); the mileh rows have improv,41 in eon- olition. The ilow milk has he. tevased 21 per eon and is of greater riehnessi the young pigs have done better English Stook Food than I ever knew them tin before. Eng - 112412 Stock Food is at inost excellent and valuable article and should be • used by all. 14001,. rakers. It only requires to be given a triol in order to prove its merits. It is cheap as eompared wit It other stock food. I have much pleasure in recom- mending it to sloe!: raisers. C.. LUTZ. mmArcxx Dmuuni. Dritiewst nilirstimiEr.n5i. =la difSCAtic..Zx.OIL 'OM' 3 co IT PW?S To read the big stores' ad- vertisement,: sToPT. MINK T. AFor whose good are we in the furniture business? For n A yours and ours. If we are ot 'useful 00 1,001 we cannot be use- ful to ourselves. We have got to carry- the goods yon want at the prices you want or we can- not make a success of our busi- ness. But we have been doing business right along for years, 4 -which roves thlft we are the right kind of people with the 4 right prices. Come and see for el yourself.... 1 S. GIDLEY & SON. I 1 Furniture. Undertaking, OPERA HOUSE BLOCKJ, IT RESTORED HIM TO NEW HEALTH WHEN ALL OTHER MEDICINES FAILED. It is everywhere admitted that the people who testify to the health giv- ing and restoring virtues of Paine's Celery Compound are me21 a-ncl women who are requested and well known in the towns and cities where they re- side. The high standing of Paine's Celery Compound with the most prominent medical men, and its world wide popu- larity, is due to the fact that the great medicine accomplishes just what it promises. It saves life after all other Medicines fail; it cures when doctors pronounce the patient incurable. Mr. John H. Brown, Truro, N. S., writes as follows. I am truly thankful for the good results I have obtained from the use of your Paine's Celery Compound. For a long time I have been a sufferer from general debility and indigestion and have made use 'of many medicines but none have given use the grand re- sults, as far as improved health is con- cerned, as your wonderftil Paine's Celery Compound. It has done won- ders for me, and though I am 65 years old I have been able to do li„,,e•ht work for the past six Months, and have not lost a day. I give your medicine all the credit for my restoration." Children Ci"y for CASTOR IA, 4 44 1st EXETER FOUNDRY J. MURRAY..„ Manufacturer and dealer in Plows Gang, Plows, Land Rollers, Root Cutters, Straw Cutters, Saws, Belting, Fire Brick, Pire Clay, and Babbett Metal. REPAIRS On Engines, Boilers, Mowers and. Binders promptly attended 00. Mower and Binder Knives and General Repairs kept on hand. See our Truck and Seale combine& weighs SOO lbs. Price $18.00. J. MURRAY. Beare. After, 'Wood's Phosphodino, The Great Engtith, Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Se) packages guaranteed to cure all forms o Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. Ow wag pirase, sizwitt cure. -Pamphlets free to any address. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. tO"Wood'sPhosphodine is sold in Ext. ter by C. Lutz, druggist.