HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-6-29, Page 1p THIRTEENTH YEAR. -607. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JUNE 29, 1899. C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. H. BISHOP & ds you want something Tight airy anti n,obby for this season of the year. Come to us, we can furnish the want for you. Wash Goods. in rill th' new tones and material used tide season; prices 5 to 11,,. Pique for waists, seats, or both, in different width, stripes. Stripes either wvas, 'White nxusdins in ewes barn stripes and cheeks sat 10 and 1".4e. Ladies' Hosiery. Fast Black Cotton idose, all sizes, at -i, 10, 12 to' -,,ie, Ladies' "Vests without sleeves just thee thing for now, at 5, ti, and tile. The newest thing in ladies 'ries are here at from 25 to Sar. Grocery Dep't. orivt+ us a call in taxie department, itnything whandle dlc isstrictly ri ht in r quality and prier, Shirt 'Waists. o our sto • is •e The balance ltr . t eI. r marked d '1 h f i I. so as to ivake etaiek selling, ("comae, early for first choiet; Men's Furnishings. { ,\[fen's fast Week, hose, regular price l et this week :3 for '«:oe. 31eu's crash hats at td(tx• g prices. s. 20 dug, Hen's braces -again this week at 15e. Spe'e•ial in ;lien's ties at 2 for 23ee. Special sae of 31eri's Shirts, at 50 stud 7.1e., Mill on this week. e (?<•' Ott+ 1 ply linen collars, all shapes! ;and sizes, from 10 tea :oil(•. Again this week. Genu large size Baily Handkerchiefs; Special ial 3 for 25. Ready made snits for Men and [Boys, at prices that will bring you hem for your next .flit. Gera jars. eronsal quarts, 50e. doz, 1 e-ipx•rial " tl;xr, ;;alum 7:,' per doz. Try tier:Vie. teat, the best in theater- - t heinter-•t. ,Special in eanne'd goods • Ladies' Crash Skirts. Nicely trammel ;mil well made, alt frown Oke to ;glia.. I . special line of Shirt Waists 'mortal i.ie. while they last :pie. Don't fel get that Stuauuer ('uiwPt we are selling at 35e, worth 5tle, Ladies* Iaineea D'ollar's. ail sizes, lOe or 3 for so.;o,•, Spt'eial in ladies benastitehed Hand- kembie fs a elliug regular at 5ie., while they last', 7 for 25e, Hardware D e artment People who n:ed it last year, haveThe GOLD IVIED.[ .L already1•c'-ordered. Celebrated REMEMBER -.,It pays to buy the best. GOLDEN SHEAF, Plymouth PLYMOUTH SPECIAL Binder Twine. •---'We will meet all Prices on equal Quality CEMENTS En, lish and Canadian, Screen Doors and Windows 60c., 20c. and up. These are selling fast, and as they have advanced it will be Ixnpossible to sell again at the above Paris Green and Hay Fork Rope, bought before the advance. prices, New Brass abel Harvest Tools. Oiled handles, blued steel, none better. Buy your next fork of this make. It will pay yon. Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs in trade. Remember—The Stand Opposite the Commercial Hotel. J4. 818740P SOJ\4, This Store Closes at 6:30 pan., except �+ Wednesday and Saturday. . . . EXETER. ER.. COAT LOST. _— A. Lady's blank coat was lost between Ex- eter and Crediton last Sunday evening, Finder will kindly leave same at this office. ESTRAY COLT. There came unto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 5, Lake timed, Stephen, a bay oolt. about 2 years old. Owner can have -same by proving property and paying ex- penses. Wt. DUNSFORD, Hay, }MONEY TO LOAN. We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon farm or yillage property, at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON & CABLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at from VA to 5 per cent; ELLIO'T & GLADMAN, Barristers, Solicitors, eta., Main St., Exeter FOR SALE. That most desirable piece of land contain- ing about 2Z/s acres, being part of Farm Lot No. 20, in the 1st Concession of the Town- ship of Stephen. This land adjoins the Cor- poration and is splendidly situated, facing the London Road. Also the following Village Lots in the Vil- lage of Exeter:— Luts Nos. 95 and 90 en the East side of Main Street and immediately south of the residence of E. rollick, Esq. Part Lot No. 21 on the West side of Main Street, immediately South of the residence of Charles Rowe. Esq. Part of Lot F., on the east side of Andrew Street. almost opposite the Maim. Metho- distParsonage, containing nearly one aore of laud and known as the old school house Property. , Lets Nos. 152 and 163, North-west corner of Vi'44t1oria and Carling streets. The land now us5d as recreation grounds, the land burned - iaSelyNorth thereof andtheland being part of ,same farm lot hut West of the London, Huron &'Bruen 11.1t;eontainingin all about 9.0 acres. This and is admirably situated toad faces on .Baron, Carling and Sanders )itreets. Pio land on either side of the Station Road, being part offarm Lot, No. 23, in the 1st Concession, of the Township of Stephen, and now surveyed into lots and st,eets. eon - twin Mg on-tainMg about 17 acres. These two last parcels of land will be sold by the lot or. acre to suit purchaser. For further partieulars, apply to •t;iARLl•NO 13110S, Or t0 DICKSON & CARLIN(I' Merchants Barristers, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE, MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good £arms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms JOHN SrACnMAN, Samwell's Block Exeter AGENTS WANTED—FOR "THE I.TFE and Achievements of Admiral Dewey," the world's greatest naval hero. By Murat Hal- stead the Life-long friend and admirer of the nation's idols. Biggest and best .book; over 500 pages, 8x10 inches; nearly 100 pages halftone illustrations. Only $1 50. Enor- mous demand Big commissions. Outfit free. Chance of a lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion Company, 3rd Floor Caxton Bldg., Chicago. Farquhar Several of the young people attend- ed the Union C. E. Oonvention at Ex- eter xeter last week. These meetings are helpful in stimulating the members of the society to great activity. -Rev. Mr. Acheson, of Kippeu, conducted the services in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath. -The Rev. Dr. Fletcher, of Hamilton, will occupy y the pulpit during the month of July. -Mrs. Jas. Vance visited her daughter, Mrs. Neil near Lucan, for a few days last week. She is now the guest of Mrs. D, Mc- Nicol. She will visit her sons and daughters in this neighborhood for a short time, after which. She will re- turn to Craubrook where she has been residing the last few years. The teach- ers of S.S. Nos. 2 and 3 have been working hard and faithfully, prepar- paring pupils for the Entrance and P. S. Leaving examinations. -The an- nual picnic in S.S. No. 2, was held in Mr. Thomas Hankins' grove on Friday June 23rd. It was a decided success in point of numbers, enjoyment, eat- ables and sport. The amusements were quoit throwing, racing, football, and music from the bagpipes. -The Rev. C. Fletcher landed safely in the Old Country and had a pleasant voy- age and we are pleased to learn that his health is steadily iinprovieg.- Messrs: Robt. McDonald and D. Cottle were recruiting at the Bendfor a few days last week. Friedsbiirg, Mr. John Gill, Exeter, was in town last Tuesday: \Ir. Peter Lamont, of Zurich, was in town on Tuesday last. -Several of our villagers , are cons- plaining of the large St. Bernard dog owned by J. Eidt. Such a dog should be muzzled after being condemned at Exeter, London, Crediton and other places. -Mr. Fred Shettler was laid off duty as stage. driver a few days last week.-Strawberring is the order of the day here. a good crop is reported. -Mr. John Zimmer has returned after a few days visit in St. Agatha. -Our boys are enjoying Rugby at present.- °alnpers are passing through here daily. -See the " Snell " $85 wheel guaranteed. -Mr. Ezra Tiernan is able to get around again after spending a few weeks arouuul the house. -Mr. Julius Adams, who is in the employ of Kelly Cigar Co., London, is visiting at J. Snell's and other friends in town. - A number of Exeter picnickers passed through here on Thursday' last. - Major Colosky is at present nursing a sore finger. -Mr. Dennis Brintnell was visitiug friends in town on Saturday. -Our football team played the Bend team on Friday evening, resulting in favor of 1-0, in favor of the Bend. Our team was in very poor condition, but will play them again on Wednes- day evening. -Mr. Arthur Kibler and his another were in town. on Mon- day last. --Mr. 'Wes Snell, of Exeter, was in town on Monday. -Bicycle locks very cheap at cycle rooms on Main street, one door west of Hart- leibs Block. -Mr. Sam Willert, Pro- duce merchant of Shipka, was in town Monday, -Dr. Routledge was in Us - borne township, Monday on business. Swum -Mr. Alex Ziri neer,while at church in Zurich, left his wheel stand outside of church, and when he returned, found his wheel gone. De- tective Sipple was at once called, and niiadee chase after a lad who he saw in town the day previous, and who had pawned a wheel with C. Fritz. He was seen go through Shipka and Park Hill, around by London, and has not been captured asyet, Jlibbert Mr. John Stacey, Sa, drove down to Mr. John Mc (''trdy's, near Parkhill, last Saturday and spent a few days 1I there. Mr. McCurdy was formerly a resident of ['shot'. A few days ago. he disposed of his farm here, ally pur- chased a 100 farm where he is non'. Air- Stacey says his crops look good, and he appears to be (loin; worn. -Mr. Richard Speen-, fon•meily a millet in Messrs. 1'.ce[lmn & Williams mill, axe- tt+I. tnlid lately in the Lncean 111111 which v; as burned down a short time lig+I, is now on the roaad gathering er•eaalla fun anis brother Joseph -ea -Mr. John Mc- Lean, Jr.. a yon of the late :Alan 31e - Lean, paid his friends a flying visit as week, He has been in a flour mill in Orangeville for the last three years. John is in good spirits and looking well. C'utting,•haver bay is the order id the day. Mr. J. i3..ilc)cl Pins is almost finished. lhe(erop 15 Very light,-\tt. 4. 3.el.in'lie v is improving ikk rt'si- denee by erecting borne Page wire fence, • several from our bang took in the extension u1.siou to the Model Paan at Lansing, 31ieh„ on Thursday last and report having; had it goal" time, but that the farmer will not compare with tliie Media await at Guelph. -.\Ir, David English has been din thesuek list for 1110 past two wveel:s, but under thecae of 1)r. Caw is itml)ra)vieg. Mr. JxiU. Sher- ritt hastweeted two wind ndlls, one un hie stack hire% lath con,, and tate other at home ; both giving good sat- sfaetion.- Robt. Ridley, aeeomaluupied by his three boys, has taken his depai•- ttire to parte. unknown, leaving his wife mid remainder of Isis family be- hind.- lfa titer Roy Sherr•itt is home for his ltnlielays. C>!ectiton East, Crediton. C1)LLINe&.fiPANBr1t.r. Barristers Con. Miss Clara Dune an, who has been , vevareer+, Notaries Exeter,Ont, E. 1L. Cot- tealn cng school in Minnesota for the lin-: ez.5. (r St _nt.,ury B.A. +.late with Mc - past two years, b visiting friends here, tartnw,Oaler & Co , Barristers, Toronto. the guest of her sister, Mrs.G. Mantle, !' Y'InESE1:1 E TOC ItS1G11T,-Flavieg3usteQm- ---Mt" Westcott, of Exeter,is spending tate.[ stn o r prev#aare3uz¢t IptS maga a ti few gangs hers' the guest (1f 31ra. "\e, r vu thoroughly Se1eotatia principles. I'er- n(lerson. airs. C. Rau, who has .be .been a sons neediug spectacles are especially re- ill, is, ave are pleased to say, (onvales- citiested to give us a eall. Eyes tested tree.. cin r \ lxrllliber of our' young eo le Je• . . er&. O $a r,^ n 1) p e a to r& Opttoisi?i. intend going to Gx'and Bend on July Mr. and Mrs. Conrad. Kuhn have re- Ist, While others intend taking in the turned from Buffalo where tht'v have sports at Centralia. -Mies Laura Clark been visiting during the past week. -- daughter of J. 1L (lark, who has been ' The school picnic held last Friday in ceontinecl to lana heel thro)ngll ilince,,, is tlaws?, e fiai; rill sagas wars a B runel sue- iunproving. .,dr, 11 arry SW(ritzer, ottr : claw.; Snnie Very goer! races tclnk plaee entieprising nlilter, ship ped it carload 1 among thein the laughable "Bun Eat - flour to Quelaee on 1010.av, ing Reece" which was won by FJlmund wR -- -- 1I uer.th. Our brass bead was also in Wltltch4'lSe a : ;Iltendancre and played sou iefine pieces. COXA jamas; s; STANBI"P' ,3srri;tera,c,u.,-:\ir, J:1111Ps (`1xek is laid rap with scia- teyancer=, N°carie=.1 ceter,t(t.t. R1. H. fejt- ilea. \\ a tt•eq-t lac- w ensi coon Ipe:• ab1e. tea ages and.1.±6 ',ta1.t. rr Il•A• ( late with .'.sic.i ane.alonnd again, -Messrs. J, (L Young k•r"t44,Ua1er & Co. iiarr1 -1.•ra, i uronto. fM , ;,)n parse p tilated the front of their W. Saul. Iladt,will Visited friends hardware store, which adds greatly to hem on Sunday. llaying has started the appearanee of the sande.--.\1r. John Once more and the -sound of the mower; Fimkbrinc x and dao htsr, May, are can again be heard. The crop is not 5 visiting relatives in Cleveland. --Mr. :;o heavy this year a8 sorra: ;veers. The J.tt•nl> ltattz, of New il;rtipurg, visas in hall wheat is flllin • lI a fine and ro11 - e.village 1 ► es no , >4 p n the on T i dtt`".^;11r', I3I 111 ises to be ,t good peal- Sev er ii of the 3 #tell, principal al of (1166• reined, has been pupils of our sehoul ere in Exeter this appointed lexalnineer at the Entrance week trying for the Entranrteant S ,l. Pl a. S. , €. 11'. ,and l , :s, 1.e:tw illi, 1:'x:mtiilatiuns in Leaving ing lBeanlination . We wish them A En.t•t/'r.-Mr. Henry Finkbeiuer has (ane(.e S,, Scbooleto.es ons Friday for given hie honut•. a nt'tc c,i,tt 44 aisiattase eight weeks holidays.__ --Mr. A. Turn- Rev. J. P. \1'estlnan,of \\ att'ord. hull, has the slate reef cur his . neve :.pawl 1:eituf h the' village last- Neels house. roma of our %harts are going , on het •In eyelt. enlinntt' 1'u (Imo l outl. to take in the races at Stratford this b -311:s. Matthew Ginter is visiting week, -Sir, George Ea son drove to friends in London - thris Week. --31r. Stratford on Tee,dty.- Mi.Jos. (awry Q ('has., \Vialf was in London last Mon - had a large (dirt bee en Wednesday and , day on bu..inees,---Me. W. \\'('gteott, ' in the evening treated the boys to a of 1•;Setcr,.. ao-. itt til' village Sunday soviet hop. i evening. \Ve must have some aurae. rt ('utrio% Ri:.ol'I NIN11. --Tit' ehtivPh tion than lin•t. the Exeter boys tai our .reopening. at 1,Uuaville on :Sunday was � binge- 311•, auto Mrs. John Litt, of Se. very largely attended. The Rev. 1''. i he'r'ingvilh•, spent Sunday here, the Roberts (ueeuph d the pulpit both l geu'ste of Rev, and 31rs, Litt. litenrningand evening a661(1 delivered 1)0tTIIa._-'ria baud of death has aA e) abteand interesting; sermons. On again inradtvi lair naidet, this time re- • e. he ,a , ,,.,•. ,\Iantcl;ty'v'nlnrve llicete•l,rate+! . nt(Evin[, twvo more faun 111i;! transitory I'e'tIII1 art his trip ;acro 5 the Atlantic 1 existence. We refer to the death Of ' . Mirabelli . , and what: he saw in England. whieh Mrs. Wolf, relict of tic' late }3eux'y WOIf, and Mr. Charles IKingn:- north. Mrs. '4\'olf t)asse(1 to the great beyond on Tneeetlaye f:af last wvsek at the ripe age of 89 pare, 2 months and 3 dais. Sags, Wolf has been rut invalid - with drop.w- for a number of years and had beet) hliud for 12 years. She leaves to mourn her d'lnise one son, three daughters, a number, of grandchildren and a huge number of "'friends,. who have the sympathy of the eOrilnunrity. The I'e1.I1,'tlns were interred in the Ger- man' cemetery last- Friday, the Be'. Litt nflhriat ng. -11r. ('leas. Kingsnorth who has been living in London, carne here a few weeks ago for the benefit of his health, being a siding of that dreaded disease consumption.. but be passe=d away last Wednesday afters IMOD, 8t .the ag,v of Si years. Ile leaves to mourn his demise a young wife, a. brother and a tuunber of sorrowing friends. His remains were interred in Laudon last Thursday. Grand Fend Miss Aggie Yule, who has been on an extended visit at Rev. Carriere's, left for her home in Carman, Man., on - Wednesday. ---Mi'. and Mrs, T. Rallis left here on Friday to visit friends in • ('I.anbrooke,"''area and Hensail.-Mise M1u1411u'hlin, of Greenway, was the guest of Miss Annie liol]ax'd on Friday and Saturday. --Rev. 5. A. C'arriere and family left here on Wednesday to visit friends in Montreal. -Lawyer Dent and family have proved here to their sunnier house for the camping season. -air and Mrs. Page visited at the home of 31r. J. Br'ophey at Shipka on Sunday. -31r. Arthur Mollard, accom- panied m- panied 1 'Hiss Lou Cunningham spent Sunday at Mr. Isaac Mollard's.- Parkhill and Exeter will play a game of Iacrosse on the grounds here, July lst. Game will coininence at 2 re no. Don't miss it. -Grand Bencl and Dash- wood played their final ganle of foot- ball on Friday last. The score was one to nothing in favor of. the Bend. RosiT; ery ail c DnATII (1F MRS, (1, ROSS,-- Another horn has been bereft of its mainstay :and another good wife sago kind moth- er has passed to the silent majority. We refer to the death of Mrs. Gavin Ross, who died on Satulxlay last, ;it the age of ill: years, 8 months and days. The Deceusec1had been in poor health about six months previous to her death and from the first fuer (else assumed as serious nature. About three weeks ago she was taken to St. Josrpb's hospital, London, where an operation was performed on her, after which she was again IIrought home, but she grew gradually worm' and the vital spark fled atthe time a llbove:datt'ti. ")'ceased had been n resident of this neighbor- hnod for ;dealt 85 wears, wa.S kind and ol)ril;ing, and highly respected by at I:u'he , irele c,!' friends. Besides a. sor- rowful husband, she leaves •a grown-up family of four moms, all of whom were with her at the time of her death. The funeral took place to the Exeter cemetery Teesday and was Largely at- tended, Whalen., P. 1IASi, Farelubar, commissioner and Conveyancer, Moues' to loan at lowest rates of interest. The Hisses Katie Toohey, Eva Tapp and Nettie Brooks are \eating on the High School Ent.ratnce examinations this week, the former at Divan and rile iWO latter at Exeter.- .-Mrs. R. ,lvckel.l, nee Miss 31. J. Morley, of Hamilton, is visiting under the parent- al et of..• --Miss Ada Piteher,a Marlette, Mich., is visiting et Joseph _\Iorley's.- Mr. P. McGee is putting a celler un- der his house. -3Ir. Dennis McGee is wearing a senile these days. It's a girl. -The North :Middlesex Farmers' Insti- tute excursion to the Michigan Agri- cultural College and Experimental Fern' at Lansing was patronized by quite a number from here. Some re- turned the sane day and others took the opportunity of visiting friends and returned on Friday. All seemed to be well pleased with the trip and if they learned nothing else, they learned to appreciate their own country. -Quite a number have commenced haying. - Owing to the dry weather which pre- vents the gravel from packing the roads are in a rough state, and driving or wheeling is not very pleasant. Dash -wood The Union school picnic at the Bend last Friday was a grand success. The day was fine and the people turned out in great numbers to coo honor to this great event. The clay was vent in games and amusements such as is wont to gladden the hearts of the ' children and too much cannot be said in favor of the several teachers who had charge of the affair and who, no doubt, felt responsible in regards to leaking it interesting and amusing. We axe glad, however, that our teachers are well able to cope with difficulties which usually arise on such occasions and proved themselves masters' of the situ- ation. -Several of the pupils of our school are writing on the examinations this week at Zurich public school. We wish the children every success. -On Sunday last, rev. M. L. Wing, P. E., of the West D strict, conducted quar- terly service in the Evangelical church here; also on the 14th con. --Next Sun day being Children's day in the neigh- boring church, our Stulday school is an- nounced to be conducted at 9 o'clock instead of at the usual.hour, so as to permit any who wish to visit the Children's day festival of doin so. - 'Some smart Aleck. who had lots of cheek and little respect for himself, or anyone else, and no regard for the law stole a bicycle from the Catholic church at Zurich last Sunday morning belong- ing to Mr. A. Zimmer, of Dashwood. The thief was supposed to have been seen going through Shipka, at break- neck. speed, evidently pursued by a re buking conscience. At Parkhill ib is siaicl he had dinuer et theta , Hastings House, after which • he enquired the way to .London. At time of writing no furthe✓e trace has beets found of llixn. wart amusing as welt as interesting. The Rev. gentleman has not lost any Of his Old tinge vigor, and his oratorical powers 'rave been well preserved. The Blintvillee choir furnished 1166xsie for Sunday evening while on Monday ev- ening the lawan choir furnisbea the music, 31cG•iili\'ray,. WEnl)ING.,--A very happy event took place at the resitlence of 31r. John Hatmlton, of the 12th cont essien, on Tuesday, June 270, waren his daugh- ter, Maggie A,' was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Rey. A, J. Lanford. The ceremony was per- formed at :i o'clock by the Rev. 31.. Sher f', of Port Burwell. assisted by the Rev. NV. Deihl, of Ailsa Craig, in the Iprosenea' of a large number of invited guests. The bride was attended by her sister, 31iss Emilia lanliltnn, while the groom was ably support- ed by his brother, 3Ir, Norman Lang- ford. The bride and bridesmaid were very becomingly attired in cream bangle -cord, trimmed -with pearls and lace. The 14151(1 a11d gentle expression of the bride harluonii ed well with her bridal veil and beautiful wreath of Creaxrh roses. The ceremony over, the happy couple received the congratula— tions from all present. The courses which were served by faithful waiters were composed of the choicest of dain- ties. \Irs. (Rev.) Deihl, favored the guests; with some of the sweetest music ever listened to. The arch under which the bridal couple stood was a full un- broken one and we feel assured that lIr 661d\ Is Langfordfnrd s awcentered up - 011 an occupation which will lead man` to escape the pitfalls of a broken bridge and be able to• lead them under the true arches of life. Truly andsincerly will they perforin their work. The bride was the recipient of a. large num- ber of beautiful and costly presents, which go to show the high esteem and love in which she is held by her many friends at home and abroad. The young couple left on their honeymoon tour, followed by the well wishes of thofeilifr many friends in their noble work e. Greenway 31r. Shank received the s1u1 news of the death of his son, Joseph, who left here several years ago and was working 14 aline in Kellogg, Idaho. There was an explosion and he and another man were killed and several wounded. -A very successful straw- berry festival was held last week in aid of the Boston Methodist church. The music was furnished by the choir of the church and gave general satis- faction. The entertainment was held in the church, Rev. J. W. Baird acting as chairman. Rev. James Husser, of Orediton, and Rev. Mr. Martin, of Melbourne, wvere the speakers and their addresses were interesting and instructive. The recitation by Miss Millie Foster and the singing by Mr. and Mrs. Husser was loudly applauded and heartily encihored.-At a business. meeting of the officials of grace church they decided to re -shingle and other- wise repair the church. -Messrs. Phip- pen & Thoxnpson's wagon passed through here last week with a big load of furniture for Mr. J. Brenner, Grand Bend. -Mrs, Jas. M. Wilson is visiting her son T. M. at Pt. Edward. -A num- ber from this vicinity took in the ex- cursion to Lansing, Mich., last week. They report a pleasant trip, bat were not as well pleased with the college and farm surroundings as they expect- ed. They all claim our own college and farm at Guelph is lnilch superior in many ways. -.Mr. Jas. Brophey has givenup the fish business and is hauling milk for the Corbett cheese factory.-. 3Ir. John Brown has moved his barn and home out nearer the road ;wt'hich. will improve the appearance incl value of his property. -Messrs. . Wilson & Sennett put clown another rock well for Mr. Ed. Mason, last week. . They have moved to Tedford, where they have several wells to put down. Centralia Miss Carry Hicks has returned home from her visit to Chieago.-Mr. Tho- mas Neil's dwelling is nearing com- pletion. We have our thoughts about it -are we right or wrong ? Mr. Oli- ver spent a few days of last week at Whitechurch visiting his brother. He brought home with him a hand- some steed. A. valuable watch dog belonging to Mr. E. Stewart, Eden, was kicked by a colt the other day and received a broken leg. -Brick bees are the order of the clay. Hourly teams can be seen passing through towel on their way to Lucien and other places. -Mr. Samuel Hicks has just completed the task of hauling 45 cords of gravel on the townline between Us - borne and Biddulph. It is a great im- provement to that road. -A Seventh - day Adventist has of late been trying to introduce his doctrine around here, but he met with very poor success.- Some thief stole $8 from. Mr. Wan, Hodgert bast week. This is the second theft that has occured here of late and our citizens should be on the alert.- 3Ir. W. Elliott has purchased a hand- some pacer from Mr. A. Nevin and will fit it for the track. MP RRIAriE'S, tANGFa Ria—HAMILTON-At the resi- dence of the bride's father, Lot 7, Concession 12, McGillivray, on Tues- day, June 27th, by the Rev; M. Short of Port Barwell, assisted by Rev. W. Deihl, of Ailsa Craig, Bev Albert J. Langford, to Miss MaggieA., daugh- ter of Mr. John Hamilton. Sn itDsole-HoLT--On June 21st,, at St. James Church, Parkhill, by the Rev. 0. R. Guunne, 31. A., Jas. W. Simp- son, to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Mrs. S. J. Benham, all of Parkhill. ' of -•On June 21st,b Cxxh��c-1:L� L 1i by tale Rev. John. Hurt, assisted by ev. Ferguson, W. A. Chant, 13. A., of Toronto, to Miss Leila Mend daugh- ter of W. H. Taylor:, M.P.P., McGil- livray.