HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-6-21, Page 1TIIIR'T'EENTII YEAR. 607,
1 1.
We are wilting to submit this list without lengthy comment:
nit `attractive enou h to make them own appeal.
the paces are� pp
Men's Furnishipgs. Dress Goods Dept.
Yen's fine white shirts, linen bosons special nut* of Binek Dress Goods,
and bands, regular Tae, value,. now 50e. 42 -inches wide. and all new. designs,
• 12 doz, men's four in hand ties, this this weer: 25(4
f price, 2fox 25c.
Fancy Colored o '(cl Di c r Goods to 1
Afen's fast black cotton Bose, 3 pair (� 1M
fort:>e. at 20e. and 2tmc..
Alen's Braces -aa lot attic., worth 20c. We have Ladies tiuitings, all shades
and in all the fashionable cloths, froze'
Men's hem -snitched linen Hanker- stye•to 41.00.
Chiefs; Special, 3 for 2ae., ~rude they • . •
last. PRINTS ! PRINTS i 1
Men's Hats-special,in Crash for
summer wear, at clearing prices. 10 pieces American Print, good
Men's Felt Hats in :ll thenew and washing goads; cheap at 8e., now tie.
leading English and sA.rnerican shapmes;' A line of good English Prints; rev-
obb • shades at from ; L00 to $2.2e. values, this week Fc.
n � ;�lainllc � ,
Smallware Dept.
T .e
Ladies' Summer `seas at :i, S1. 1L;;
ana le.
Ladies Black Hose, while they
A.law of le dies' fast black Hose,
good value at 20e, our price 2 pairs
for tie.
Ladies' Summer Corsets, worth auk,,
this week ;lac.
Ladies' Shirt Waists, those in fancy
trimmed lawns and piques., pi h ce from
75c. to 81(1).
Don't fail to see the new Crash Skirt,
we are showing for summer wear.
Skirts from $1,00 to $1.75.
Aimee Tanen Collars, all shapes, ail A line of A•nwrieaan Percales, . (i -in.
tide; regular 121e. goods, this week8e.
prices from 10t to 20e,
Grocery Dep't.
'e handle onl • the Best
('(axis in the .nark et, and our
re aright. prices are always right .
Try our 2.55, Tea. hest Prunes, 3
lbs, for 25e. Best Pickles, 2 bottles
for 21e. We sell Christie's Celebrated
Biscuits, Tz'y them.
Boots & Shoes.
All that's new, all that's
right, both in quality and
,. arear11 .
Hardware Departinent '`camas
People who used it as yeaz hav.
already re -ordered.
REMEMBER -It pays to buy the best
�''1t! . mQu.th
Binder Twine.
---'We will meet all Prices ryon equal Quality�
Screen Doors and Windows -60c., 20e and up.
These are selling fast, and as they have advanced it will be impossible to sell again at the above
Paris Green and Hay Fork Rope, New Brass Label Harvest Tools.
bought before the
Oiled bandits, blued steel, none better. Buy
your next
fork of this make. It will pay you.
Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs in trade.
Remember—The Stand Opposite the Commercial Hotel.
11. BIs4OP SOJ4
This Store Closes at 6:30 p.m., except
Wednesday and Saturday.
A Lady's blank coat was lost between Ex-
eter and Crediton last Sunday evening.
Finder will kindly leave same at this office.
There came unto the premises of the
I Lot 5, Lake Road, Stephen, a
` ay colt, about 2 years old. Owner can have
same by ppr_.oving property and paying ex-
penses. W. DQNSFORD, Ray.
Walleye unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at
lowest rates of interest.
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
Money to loan at from d'/ to 5 per cent,
Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter
That most desirable piece of land contain-
about 273// acres, being part of Farm Lot
No. 20, in the 1st Concession of the Town-
ship of Stephen. This' land adjoins the Cor-
poration and is splendidly situated, facing
the London Road.
Also the following Village Lots in the Vil-
lage of Exeter: -
Lots Nos. 95 and 46 on the East side of
Main Street and immediately south of the
residence of E. Follick, Esq.
Part Lot No. 21 on the West side of Main.
Street, immediately South of the 'residence
of Charles Rowe. Esq.
Part of, Lot F.,'on the east side of Andrew
Street. almost opposite the Main St. Metho-
dist Parsonage, containing nearly 'one acre
of land and known as the old school house
bots Nos. 162 and 163, North-west corner of
Victoria and Carling streets. The land now
used as recreation 'grounds, the land immed-
iately North thereof and the land being part
of same far.; lot hut West of the London,.
Huron & Bruee R.R., containing in all about
40 acres. This ;and is admirably situated
and -'aces on Huron, Carling and Sanders
The land on either side of the Station
Road, being part of farm Lot, No. 23, in. thee.
1st Concession, of the Townsbi p of Stephen,
and now surveyedinto lots and st eets• c0n-
ts,ininge,hout'1e7 acres.
These two last parcels of land will be sold
by the lot or acre to suit purchaser.
For further particulars. apply to
Merchants Barristers, Exeter.
The undersigned has a few good farms for
sale cheap. Mdney to loan on easy terms
Samwell's Block Exeter
and Achievements of Admiral Dewey,' the
world's greatest naval hero. BY Murat Hal-
stead the life-long friend and admirer of
the nation's idols. Biggest and best book;
over 500 pe es, 8x10 ind i.es• nearly 100 - pages
halftone ilLustrations. Only 51.50. Enor-
mous demand • Big commissions. Outfit
free. Chance of a lifetime. Write quick.
The Dominion Company, Ord Floor Caxton
Bldg., Chicago.
D. HAY, Farquhar, Commissioner and
Conveyancer, Money to loan at lowest rates
of interest.
Mr. James McGladery and Seliaa
Dobbin, of London, wheeled here Sun-
day and spent the day with their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Brown. They also visited their
cousin, Mr. P. W. Brown, in Centralia
the same day. They were accow-
p anied by Mr. Hallie and Miss Ethel
Brown. -Between sixty and seventy
people attended the Hunter picnic at
Grand Bend on Saturday.'The day
was fine and a very pleasant time was
spent. -The 'Hunkin picnic will take
place to -morrow (Friday), Y), when the
Kirkton Band will be in attendance.-
The Heywood farm, which was sold
the other day was purchased by Hey-
wood Bros., not Hazelwood Bros. as
stated last week. -We are sorry to
say that Mrs: W. J. Roy is under the
doctor's care again, but trust that she
may soon 'recover. -Miss: Beatrice Del -
bridge is the happy possesser of a new
silent steed. --Mr. Ed. Clarke intends
taking in the excursion to. Lansing
to -day (Thursday). -Miss Della Clarke,
of. Lindon, and her sister, Mrs. Powell,
are visiting friends in this neighbor-
hood this
eighborstood.this week. -Mr. R, Delbriclge and.
son, Fred,W
lu. Coward a
Cow d d 1
and son and
Mr. Geo. Ifeywood and wife took in
the Model Farm excursion to Guelph
last week.
Dashwood 1 Zurich
The annual Children's Day festival We unclenstana Messrs. Riekbeil Z :411. Berwwcll and family of London, -
.Grand Bend
in connection with the Evangelical Durncrt intend putting in a fail line of are here camping for the summer. --
Association of this place was held on stoves and tinware. A deputation, Rev. Air, Martin, preached in the.
Presbyterian,church on Sunday last,
owing to the absence.' of Rev. •Ca1'iere.
-Peter Dlshjardine's little boy was
kicked by a colt a few days .ago and
his recovery is doubtful. --Mr. Gilmore
has opened up a barber shop here for
the summer. -Last Thursday there
was eighe picnics on 1Ir. Spaeknntns'
park, About one thousand people in
allPicnics parties are in most every
Peetnt,tster, was in the village Mon- !country through ww troch they pissed. day.- Great preparations are being
day. -Jim. A. McLaren, teacher at They spoke Very confidently as to the made for the 1st of July here, -Air
Smoky -hollow, spent Sunday under construction of the road and their Hamilton has received a number of
the parental roof near t:rolnarty presence here has macre some of our orders to furnish lumber for new cot -
Our foot -ball tectm played a match citizens see the trains running thx oui h t:tges being built. --Mrs. Page, of Exe-
here on Saturday evg,with a team sup- the town, --in their minds. tez., is running the dining hall this
posed to he from the V's est AicGfillt- G c+ summer at Grtucl Bend Park.
Sunday. In the nloring an appropri- accompanied by an engineer andhead-
ate sermon was preached. by the pas- . ed by :Mayor Wilson, • of Loudon, put a
tor, while the afternoon and everting up at the Huron hotel here, on Tues -
was taken up in the form. of an enter- i day night last. They were spying out
tainnient, several speakers being pre- ; the land and looking up a route for
sent from a distance. 011 the whole 1 the proposed new railway which is to
the day was pleasantly and profitably i run front London to ($oderich, vitt
spent. -Mr, • Walters, agent for the Lucan, Crediton, Zurich and Bayfield,
Dominion Life, was in the village ; They expressed tin »i' elves much
Alondaw.-.11l E. Christie, Fxctel's'pkaseclwith the a pt.arance of the
tray and truly some of them did come
a lens way from the said. place. They
wErt<u tine lot of fellows nevertheless
;and played a good game, When time
was called the' s(or t stood 24 in favor
of the West McGillivray boys. -Several
of ons villagers took in the County
convention at Exeter Tuesday and
Wedneselay. -Tle Public Selwl
nic on Friday promises to lie a grand
sivecess and if the day is fine
> E• for,
I }e looked #x
• t t c t
i grand m out may b 1
a 1 rn 1 ixt 1 ,
as ashvood people neverr do eythtn
tory halves.-Alr. John Wade timet with
ccidehis Wine onMonday
ana ilt at h xi y
which will put him on the shelf for
sonme. time, In eotue unateeountaablt 1
manner Mr. Wade ade fell on a chair
breaking several ribs. and otherwise
rewiring a bad shaking, up. -Mr. -1,1-
bert. Uolilbtin su tained the loss of a
linger on Tuesday while working at
the jointer in Iiof1'nnan Byes. factory,
Fertile Valley.
Mr. John Lightfoot, of this vicinity,
lost the best horse he owned, on the
15th inst. He had purchased a mate
for this horse and had a very showey
team of sorrels. -We all expect to see
much better crops from year to year.
as a number of our enthusiastic farm-
ers and farmers sons attend the Guelph
Model Farm every year. Prosperity
to them! -Mr. Geo. Lightfoot, of the
12th concession of McGillivray, has
erected a new Page wire fence across
his farm. Mr. A. Hislop, of the 7th
concession, put down all the posts one
afternoon with his pile driver. We
hope the rest of the neighbors will
wait and see whether Mr. Lightfoot's
or Mr. W. Hamilton's is , the better
fence and be profitted thereby. -The
strawberry festival held at West's
churcn on Tuesday was well attended.
The program was lengthy and a good
time was spent by all present. -Mr.' J.
Gibson is erecting a new brick house.
We all have our thon'rhts about it.
Are we right or wrong'
The weather is a little cooler.-
Quite a number of picnickers Neste],
throughhereon Thursday last,-
Messrs. W. J. Scott, A. McLaren, O.
SV, Snell. and Misses 'Tillie Kibblcr,
Flossie King and E. McCaughan held
wheeling party to Zurich. --W. J.
Scott wheeled to Clinton ou Wednes-
day evening. --Mr. Jos Elat has now
in his possession a very fans' St. Bete
nerd clog. -Quite a number front here
took in the Zurich' picnic at (hand
Bend Park on Thursday last.- -Some
snaps in Bieyele sundries,contents etc.
at the bieyeele salerooms on front
street one door west of Iiartleib'h
Block. -P. it. Hamilton, of Toronto,
called on O. W. Snell on 'Thursday.--
" Bide the Snell and swell with pride"
-Our clay ppathnntster has erected ax
new sidewalk On the street leading
from J. W. Not'swvorth's corner to F,
(•iossrnatn,-Our village Public school
intend holding their annual Picnic at.
the (;land Betel Park on June 23rd.
Our eeotbmll trams intend playing the
Bend team on June 2.3rd.' 'This will be
the final gams'. N.esSls, C. ('ook 'Intl
M. 1aa.wweun, of Ilene ell aid Hamilton
respectively called on 0. W. Snell on
Thursday. -What would be the .matter
with having at water sprinkler for the
town -Road work seems to be the
order of the day.• -M1'. Barry Sell -
metier returned from TatViStOek on
Friday last, -On Sainrdlay evening
the McGillivray township and Datell-
wood football tarns .met and played a
game, resulting in favor of the former
by 2-1, They plaayecl very good. Keep
up your courage boys. l'he game
canoe off without oue single dispute
and both teauns worked hoard. -Our
Evangelical Association, held their
annual Children's Day or (hindcrtag).
-Quite a nrunber of the Bend team
witnessed the McGillivray and Dash-
wood match here on Saturday. -Mr.
C. Fritz was in town an Tuesday last.
Strawberries are nearly all bought
up in this vicinity owing to the many
festivals. -Salem succeeded in having
a beautiful evening and a large crowd
to enjoy the prepared strawberries
along with the dainties brought by the
members of the church. A foot ball
match was played, the captains of
which were Mr. W. Nichol, of the 13th
concession of Mc(illivray, and Mr.
John Nichol, teacher in West school.
The score was ill favor of the latter.
Speeches were given by the Revds.
Ford and Hart, of Parkhill. Proceeds
were $37.05.-I'Ir. . Bennett is putting
now plates on his barn and also a new
roof. -Mr. John Godkin is ;reshingling
his shed. -The annual picnic of the
Irish jubilee visited the Grand Bend
last Saturday. The crowd proved that
this vicinity* was not the only Irish
settlement for they came from far and
near. The day was very' fine and a
good tinge was bad by all. Three
cheers for the Irish!
Dir. Thos. Bruce, ,x fornwr resident
of this place, who disposed of his fifty.
acre farm in Tuckc reenith, a, te'V weeks
ago, has purtha1(cl a hundred acre-
crefarm from Air. 1ti'zn. Heresy, in Blanch-
ard for WOO, This is an ;advance of
about. $I000 over what Mr. Jimmy pain
for it about, four
• sears ago, Mr.
. Henry
intends retiring #mnui farming ns. he
and hme.
have poor health, --Air.
Donald A1c-Kellar, formerly a resident
Cromarty, but now of Tuekcex's;mith,
sold his farm to Air.Johx) Ilay. County
Councillor for north Last Hope, for
$8000. This is $1591) more t11(111 he
paid for it - ix years ago. It is aDoul
1:,() acre farm, in a fair state, oLlm-
'movement. Aix. A1t•K(llar is looking
aronlltl fur another fanii.--31e- t .. W.
Towers, Alex. .McKellar, Allan Mc-
I)ougall and their party that went to
Grand Bend ]set week mune having
spent at good time.-- The annivax-dry
labb:etht+chaulpicnic, in connection
with the Presbyterian Church at C'ronx-'
arts, is to be held at the Mountain on
July 1st. A pleaureahlce and enjoy-
able time le looked forward tee, as the,
young people are making active 1>I•te-
LAW' OFFICE ete-Orzere,.-The office of R.
II. Collins. Barrister. Exeter. bas teen re-
armed. .1. taf. Stanbury. B.A., (late of Mc..
earthy. Osler, Hoskin & Creolzraau, Barris-
ters, i'oronto.) who is alroat to tormra a part
nersh) p with Mr. rollm,s, is in ebarge.
Pleven OF;4Ins.'i t l.NssrLL--Anuth-
er of the old pioneers passed away from
this scene, ill the person of Mrs. David
'Turnbull, on Thursday afternoon, of
last week, after an illness of atbout, two
weeks.. lire. Turnbull enjoyed excel-
lent health until about a .year ago
when she hada severe attack of pnada-
mouia, the effect, of this waw thati she
never fully regained her former health
and. strength, SO tlI•rt au Second attack
in her advanced age 'of 70 years Owed
tot) 11111(11 for her In '.pate of all that
good incePea1 skill told kind attentive
friends could do. She wee married in
the year 1411 to _'Zr. David 'Turnbull,
who predeceasedher about two years
ago. About fifteens years ago, she and
her husband retired from 'the active
duties of life and removes. to Exeter.
Since his decease she has lived with
her daughter, Mrs. John Cottle. She
was highly respected for her MOM y
good qualities of mind and. heart and
the Thigh csteenm and affeetion in which
she was held was shown by the large
x il.
number that attended • the, i n
Three sons aand four daughters survive
her. Icer three sons and three sun -in
laws'aacted as pall bearers. Her re-
mains were interred in the Exeter
cemetery. _
Saturday the Shoff property togeth-
er with the household furniture, gar-
den implements, ete., was sold by pub-
lic auction, Mr. Jas. Stanley, of Lucan
acted as auctioneer. The house and
lot in Clandeboye, was purchased by
Geo. Carter, of the first of M'IeGillivray
for the sum of $1,375. The five acres
near the school house was bought by
Mr. Jos. Collins for $215. The orchard
laying just south of Dr. Sutton's pro-
perty was bid. to $D() and then with-
drawn as they considered it worth
more than offered. -Mr. E. O. Jones,
has a complete system of waterworks
in operation on his place there even in-
cluding a fountain. The water is sup-
plied yy a strong spring coming from
back of the place which is considerab-
ly higher than the ground where the
house is situated. In this manner
good pressure is secured. Mr. Jones
intends taking further advantage of
the spring water by establishing a
fish pond. -Quite a number took ad-
vantage of the big excursion to Detroit
on Saturday. -The Methodist church
held their annual strawberry festival
on the church grounds Monday even-
ing. It was a grand success. --Air. and
Miss Grigg, the evangelists, were here
for a few claps. They took part in the
services on Sunday and also Monday
evening, -Mr. Geo. Carter put up a
fine barn one. brick founclation.-Tfie
striking trackmen returned to work
on Monday morning. -We are glad .to
see Mr. E.Hodgins home again -Mr.
T. Morley purchased ' a Cleveland
wheel from arter & Son. -Mr. Mc-
Williams brought home a handsome
new buggy the other night. -Crops
are looking good around here. Some
of our farmers are hustlers: they were
hauling in hay last Moudatiy, rushing
the season -There is a report of scarlet
fever around Mooresville. --Mr. and
Mrs. Ouellette returned home from
Hamilton, where they were visiting
their sister and brothers. -Miss Ida
Elliott is home from London. -The
lawn social and strawberry festival in
connection with the St James church
will be held on Thursday evening,
June 22, on Mr. Geo. Carter's lawn,
south of the village., A good program
will be rendered.
children Ory For
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kettle, of Lon-
don, are spending their holidays here
and at Kippen with friends Mr. John
Reed, of the Bayfield Road, treasurer
of the township, of Stanley and wife
spent Wednesday and Thursday of
last week here, the guests of Mr. A.
Nevin. -Mrs. W. J. Clark, of London,
returned home on Monday, after
spending a few clays here, the guest of
Mrs. S. McCoy. -Mr. Jesse Elston and
Miss Mary Colwill attended the con-
vention at Exeter as delegates for this
league. -Mr. A. Nevin and Mrs. S.
McCoy spent Wednesday in Hensall,
the former attending the L.O.L. semi-
annual county .meeting of South
Huron. -Mr. G. Essery has purchased
a handsome driver it is indeed a
beauty. -Mr. Thomas Elston disposed
of his young driver to Mr. John Reed,
of the Bayfield Road, at a good figure.
-Air. James Mitchell, Fairfield, called
upon his neighbors to assist in raising
his barn the other evening, when a
good number turned out and a hot
time followed. Mr. Wm. Anderson
and and Wesley Huston were chosen as
captains, and both did their duty well.
Exerything went together well and
the race wound up in a tie. After the
work was clone, all did ample justice
to a splendid supper. -Mr. A. Nevin
has purchased a fine carriage horse
from Messrs. Handford & Elliott. -
Mr. J. Wright, Thorton Baker, of
Fairfield, and Mr. Duncan, of Eden,
spent Sunday in and around Bayfield,
visiting friends. -Mr. S. Salton re-
turned home Monday evening from
the anniversary at Kirkton.-The an-
nual festival will be held on the par-
sonage grounds, July 1st. Addresses
ilma.y be expected from H. Either,
M.P.P.; V. Ratz, M.P. and Revds.
Brown, Milliard and Hussah. The
usual games and sports, for which
valuable pries will be given, will take
placo. In the evening a concert will
be given, which p>;oniises to be the
best ever given In Centralia. -Mr.
Marshall Inas returned home, . after
spending a few days et Forest. -Some
.thief stole a bicycle from Mr. Shear-
dow's shop the other night, which be-
longed to Mr. Sheardown's brother.
FIMSEEVa± i os'. Sluulr.-Having pat eona-
rletea. a coarse at thw Camera 012t1051 Insti-
tate. am;ow pre a c.to Fit Spectacles
ou thoroughlyacintisc
principles. Per-
sona needing spectacles are especially re,
quested to give ns a Will. Eyes tested tree,
G. H. Zwlcimu,
Jeweller & Optieian.
LAW QF'rxcs Rs -Qs s'.sr.--Tiie office of R.
11. Collins, Barrister Exeter, has been re -
Opened. J G Stan bury, b A., trate at McCar-
tby, aster, IioYlain K; t'roclnaan, Barristers,
Toronto) who is ateat to toren a partnership
with qtr. Capin-, is in ehaigo.
MI'. ,Incl �Ii:s, Sewer, of London,
spent Sunday here with Mr. and Airs,
Matthew Guenther. -,-Roe. M. L. Wing,.
of Berlin, held Quartle'y meeting in
the German cliureh last Saturday and
Sunday. Rev. A. W. Sauer, of Dash-
wood, preached Saturday evening.-
Mr. and Mrs. John Rietz spent last
Sunday and :Monday with their son,
Air. (ileo. Dietz, of Port litlron.-Mr.
:Wald BINAVI1 ~sunt to London, Tues-
day, on business, --A number of our
young peopl,' attended true lawn social
at lir. R,atz as Tut' day evening.. -Mr.
C. Zwieker, of I$lutlon, spent .Sunday
herr with his parents,. Alr, and Mrs, (:'.
Zwicker. -Iiev, James Husser has re-
turned from S indoor, where he has
been attending conference,-i11rs, (Dr.)
Rivers and airs. Bloomfield attended
the Sunday School convention in Ex-
eter on Tuesday and Wednesday, ac
delegates of the Methodist Sunday
Schook- The trustees of our school in-
tend giving the seholatrs a picnic next
Friday. Prize's will be given in the
different games. A good time is ex-
pected, --Mx William.. Brown spent
last Sunday at Grand ]lend. --Mr. and
Airs. Charles Mier, AI.r. ,Jacob Either
and Aliss Ella Link spent hist Sunday
and Monday with Mr. lien Either, of
Ubly, Miehigan.- Mr. 'William Lewis
gravel is putting mu a ave. walk from the
*ate to his residence, whi(h will great-
ly improve the appearance of the
same. --.-Our Stars. played a game .ofb asebaill with -]ilia Craig last Friday,
the score being 7,4 in favor of Ailsa
Craig'. Our boys will have to get a
hustle on. Andrew (,run., Craig's
catcher, had the misfortune to have
his thumb broken. We hope he will
soon 15 able to use the broken .member.
S.en 1)xaw eeixo A(' IDL\ee-A very
sacs drowning accident took .lace in
Credit= MIA on \1'edne sdaa, of last
week, when l :lmore, the youn *est son.
of Mr. Wesley Hidden, met hi death
by drowning. After supper the little
fellow wept out to play in. the yard,
as was his wonted custom, and, not
returning for some time, the mother
went in search of her inissing child, '
little dreaming of the sad catastrophe •
that had befallen hien, when to her
sad surprise she discovered the lifeless
body of her child in a tub containing
about five inches of water. He was a
bright little boy and his loss will be
keenly felt by his parents, who have
the sympathy of the whole commamity.
He wvas 16 months old, andhisremains
were interred in the Exeter cemetery
on Friday.
Working Nie'ht'and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little
thing that ever wvas made is Dr. King's
New Life Pills.' Every pill is'.a sugar-
coated globule of health, that changes
weakness 1CSs i t0 strength, listlessness
Into energy, bi'.1 -fag into n
power. :they're wonderful in building
up the health: Only 25c per box.
Sold by all Druggists.
Brave Men Fall.
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney -
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons
in the blood, backache, nervousness,
headache and tired, listless run-down
feeling. But there's no need to feel
like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner,
Idaville, Ind. He says: " Electric
Bitters are just the thing for a man
when he is all run. down, and don't
care whether he lives or dies. It did
more to give me new strength and
good appetite than anything I could
take. I eon now eat anything and
have a new lease on life. Only 50
cents, at any Drug Store. Every
bottle guaranteed.
Beats the Klondike...
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville,.
Tex., has found a more valuable dis-
covery than has yet been made in the
K.lodike. For years he suffered untold
agony from consumption, accompanied
by hemorrhages; and was absolutely
cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. He
declares that gold is of little value in
comparison with this marvellous cure.
Would have it,even if it cost ahundred
dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis
afid all throat and lung affections are
positively cured by Dr. King's New
Discover. fox' Consumption: Sold at
any Drug Store. Regular size 50 cts.
andOJAI. Guaranteed to cure br
price refunded.
TU Bt7LL.-In 'Osborne, on June 15,.
Mrs. 'Tarnbull, relict of the late
David Turnbull, aged 78 years, 6 °.
months. .
WOLr,-ln Creditone on June 20th;:
Elizabeth, relict of the late Henry
Wolf, a,gecl 80 years, 2 months and..
2$ days.
Len m'li..-On Tune 13, the wife of H.:
Luther, McGillivray, of a daughter.
tiVEsrend-r.-ln Exeter, on June 16th
the wife of W. J. Westcort, of