HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-6-15, Page 8PERSONAL.
CiLlaC. rEMrr .tx,EMeEWISAt •t
Mr, Levitt and daughter, Verda,
spent Friday last in Granton.
Miss I. Sutton, of Landon, isvisiting
her mother here for a a.few days.
Miss Lida Quante is spending a few
days with friends in Ailsa Craig.
Frank Willis, who left last 'week far
Blenheim, returned home Tuesday.
Airs.. Geo. Anderson and family left
last week to w isit relatives in Fingal.
Mrs. Win. '\Vestcott, of Seaforth,
spent a few drays here visiting friends
this week.
Mr. John Dilling, of . Cranbrook
visited his'sisters, Mrs. Phair and Mrs,
Piper last week.
Ala John Bissett, who visited friends
here for several days, returned to Lon-
don last week and has again reamed
Mrs. Simpson and daughter intend
taking charge of Mr. Jno. Spackmau's
dining hall at Grand Bend Park in a
short time.
Wilbur Fulton, after spending a few
days with relatives, left Tuesday to
spend a few days in Seaforth, after
which he will return to Walton.
Mr. J. R. Inksater, of Paris, is here
spending a few days with his wife,
who has been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welsh, for the
past few weeks for the good of her
Dusiaess Brightaess Brings Success,
sTr ATFo>t b, O$T.
Properly prenares young men and women
for business, rife. 44 at our recent students
have aecepted good situations. Business
m®n appreciate oar work and apply to ua
for our gra lua tes.
Bitter now if you can. Prospectus free.
W, J. Bliliott, Principal
Try the AltvoE` � , for Wedding
st atiouery, Latest deeigns.
The arty. fan well being sunk for the
Gntherland-Innis Co, is now down
Zia feet.
The electric- light by-law to raise
MOO: will be voted on in Lucan on
July 14th.
Conservative Association • hes
fae4'li formed in Luean, with a largo
Stratford races will be held this;
year on Time ? w, Z), 30, and July lst.
44 200 in purses will be at,wardee,
The traeknlf'n on the London, Huron
& Bruce all quit work Taesday morn-
ing, so a despatch from •Centralia
Mrs. Billings sang. a very pretty
solo in the • Trivia Memorial church
E Sunday evening., fT
*almawith splenod
• The Clinton SSZewa.liecord, has again.
enb rged its border and is now an
lux paper.
Tbe News Re-
cord isfresh also newsy- and a model
paper in men respects,
Qne day last week while ,lir. John
Welsh was working at some wood, he
aaceidentally slipped and fc'Jl,spraining
his arm badly and as a result is now
in a s •
i it
Mcls•aac, of Dashwood, in-
auds running his bus from here to
Grand Bend lurk an Monday, Wed-
nesday anti Satnrdxy of each week,
oomntencing on the '28th inst.
The exeux'siun ander the auspices of
the South • Huron' Farmers'. Institute
to Guelph en Tuesday was well pat-
ronized, there being a large attend -
route. 218 tickets were sold at this
• Messrs. Colinas- a Stanbury's law am-
vea have been passing under the artist's.
brush during : the week. They have
been thoroughly renovated, re --p. aper -
e d repainted and kalsoiniued mid pre-
nt quite a comfortable appearance.
The funeral of the late Jeff Essery,
who was killed at Fort Macleod, wad,
one of the • largest that ever passed
through the town. The deceased was
a meinlser of the Canadian Order
Foresters, unser which :auspices he
was buried.
The June session of the Peace for
the-, county opened Tuesday at Gode-
before Has Honor, Judge Masson. Two
criminal cases were in the daeket,Isnac
Yauug,the Indian,ehar'red with house-
breaking and theft, and Rich. Chiun-
bers, charged with assault. There
will be even or fight civil actions to be
tried so that it is possible the court
laity last till Friday.
While. Mr. Thomas May was drivi-
ing Mr. A. Hooper's pony down the
London Road on Thursday last the
ixor Se took fright and ran away, - up-
setting the rig and throwing Mr. May
out with terrible force. The buggy
was badly broken and Mr. May sus-
tained a bad shaking up and has been
compelled to remain in doors ever
Bros. H. Spackman, C. H. Sanders,
W. H. Levett, • J. A. Stewart, Wm.
Sweet, P. Gowan and E. Christie, offi-
eers of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133,
& A.II., attended an emergent
meeting of Zurich Lodge, held at Hen-
tetill on Thursday night last, and assist-
ed in the work of conferring degrees.
.Ac number of the Seaforth brethren
were also in attendance.
Messrs. McComb & Stanley .whose
oatmeal. mill was recently destroyed
by fire, and who proposed building
here, have evidently given up the no,
tion and have decided to rebuild in
Lucan on a much larger scale, 'rand
have already commenced operations
to that end. The new mill will be a
solid stone and brick structure, fire
proof, and a business of both oatmeal
and.fiour milling will be carried. an.
The Grand Trunk authorities have
a number of non-union men at work
on linesor
west of London. A f ce of
men at work at Strathroy were un-
able to obtain even a pail of water at
or near the town, and bread was also,
refused them. At Kingscourt Junc-
tion Monday night the gang of work-
men were attacked. by the farmers and
strike sympathizers in the neighbor-
hood and were able to obtain little or
no sleep the night long for fear of
serious trouble. No one was injured.
An exchange says Keep a sharp
look -out on any silver money that
comes into your hands these days. A
number of U. S. trade dollars are in
Circulation in Ontario, the value of the
coin being only 40 cents. Also the
Attorney General's department has
given notice that a counterfeiting
/Rant has been located somewhere in
the county of Essex, which is doing
astute a business in turning out Canad-
ian. 50 -cent pieces. The counterfeiting
is excellently done, the milling on the
edges being perfect and the color is
good. The piece is part silver and is
a bit heavier than the genuine coin.
Servant (girt Wanted.
Dining room girl wanted. at once.
Apply at the Central Hotel, Exeter.
Flirt wanted.
Aservantgirl who understands cook-
ing.. Apply to H. BUCKINGHAM, Exe-
Money Lost,
Ist Exeter, ten five -dollar bills. Fin-
der will be suitably rewarded by leav-
ing, same at this office.
Wool Wanted.
A large gnantity of wool wanted at
the Exeter Woollen Mills --particular-
ly the finer quality, for which we will
pay a higher price than any person
else on the market.
Jona MUIR.
To Farmers.
The undersigned wishes to inform
the farmers who have logs lying at
the mill yard of the Sutherland -Innis
Co., that they can have them cut at
once by applying at the mill.
For One Day Only.
31r.. John Spackman will charge for
entering the Park, • July 1st, single
horse 10e, team 15e. This small fee is.
for expenses of cleaning grounds and
damage done to trees:
Remove the Stones.
Would it not be well for the Wheel,
men of town to take the matter in
hand of having the loose stones re-
moved from the main street, They
are not only an eyesore to visitors and
others, but are dangerous to cyclists,
A heavy Load•
Mr, Colarod Wolper of neau' Dash-
wood, the w
w00n iE, rest
t a
loads of wheat at lIr. W. G Bissett �
storehouse Ph0114e I t week that was ever
brought to the town, it containing 103
bushels. s The price paid was 70c per
Per Sale or Rent.
That beautiful one and a half story
brick house, ' situated on William
Streetcontaining seven rooms; s; in
first -lass condition
and .has every
convenience. This is aspleudid oppor-
amity to procure a good time on easy
ter'1us. Apply to B. Fuke, Exeter,
In Aid at S.S. Library.
The teachers, officers and scholars of
th2 Trivia Memorial Church Sunday
School 'will hold their annual festival
in the way of a Lawn Social on Friday
evening, June 2 rd, on the chtn'ch
lawn. Proceeds in aid of the Sunday
School Illi ary.' The band will furnish
music, datission 10e. Be there at
7 o'clock..
Pat ed itt
45 W a . Honours.
Among the number 0f siteeeseful
didaates Wella wrote on the recent rne(li.
cal exauxinations University,
weithe namen �`
notice W. E Brown-
r �• .
f aw rs
in , son of Dr, Browning of this place,
who passed with honors, We con -
annulate Will on his deserved success
and may his career its a practitioner be
equally successful,
Fishing Privileges.
Any person wishing to fish with
hookando " ] ,
linen the a cl rive i
1 1 s e
tween Lot u, Lake Road West, Bosan-
gnet, and Port Frank, will apply to
Mr, John Spaekrau, Crand Bend, or
the undersigned lessee, Charges
s184l, Boats supplied reasonably.
Lessee, andeanxeWaarden, Port Faulk.
Cut ate Weeds.
Soxne people are again allowing the
noxious weeds to grow in front of
their premises. There are weeds on
sore streets growing away up above
the sidewalks. It should not he neces-
sary for the parties to be notified to
cut them dawn, as ]post people take
enough pride in the ai pearaauce of
their homes to keep them in, nice
shape, and there is nothing that de-
tracts so much from the appearance
of the streets as floes noxious weeds
growing high above the sidewalk,
Mr, W. D. Weekes s'eceived word
Saturday from Messrs. Milne, Coutts
& Co., one of the largest granite con-
cerns in New Brnuswiek, requesting
hila to design a montuneut to be sent
to the Paris Exhibition, the sane to
represent the national features of our
country. Mr. Weekes' aptitude for
designing has marked him out as an
artist of recognized ability, and we
are not surprised that he confidently
anticipates to supply a design accept-
cceptable to the firm and a credit to him-
illicit Still..
"Inland Revenue inspector Floody
was in town on Monday, and with
Chief Wheatley paid a visit to a Hill -
lett farm, where they had been in-
formed „swamp" was being made.
A visit to a Hohnesville residence and
a farm in Goderich township on the
Maitland were also made. Excite-
ment was high in these localities and
we were informed that these two -
Inspector Floody and Chief Wheatley
-ha,ve something in their " thinking
caps" that they will not divulge, and
the matter is not thoroughly sifted
yet. Find the worm they cannot, but
the end has not come." -New Era.
C• C. E. and S. S.
The coming County Christian. En-
deavor and Sunday School Conven-
tion promises to be a most interesting
and enjoyable gathering. It requires
but a casual glance at the names and
topics given xn the program to assure
one that the convention at Exeter
will be a meeting par excellence in the
history of these county organizations.
and for arrangement of topics, choice
of subjects, character and reputation
of the speakers, this convention is
easily the leader of thein all. The
usual reduced railway rates on the
certificate plan have been securedfrom
both railwvay companies, particulars
of which may be secured from the
local agents. All who can should at-
Rules For Hotel Visitors.
Board, 50c. per square foot. Meals
extra. Guests are requested not to
speak to dumb waiter. Guests wish-
ing to get up without being called can
have self rising flour for supper. Guests
wishing to do a little driving will find
hammer and nails in the closet. If the
room gets too warm; open the window
and see the fire escape. If you're fond
of athletics and like good jumping lift
the mattress and see the bed spring.
Bass-ballists desiring a little practice
will find a pitcher on the stand. If the
lamp goes out take a feather out of
the pillow; that's light enough for any
room. Any one troubled with night-
mare will find a halter on the bed post.
Don't worry about paying your .bill;
the house is supported by its founda-
A Large Barn.
Mr. FVin. Penhale, a prosperous
farmer a little west of town, raised
the timbers for the erection of a large
and modern barn, on Thursday even -
in gg last. Messrs. F. Triebner and
Wm. Anderson were singled out as
captains to preside over the large
number who hacl gathered to do
Sampson service in putting the tim-
bers in their proper places. Sides
were chosen, and, after the large
" bents" were set in places, the race
commenced, and a lively time ensued.
The detachment headed by Mr. Trieb-
ner, however, proved to be the victors,
vanquishing their opponents by great
odds. After the whole thing had been
completed, the company repaired to
the house where ample justice was
done the inner/man. When completed
this will be one of the largest and best
barns in the neighborhood, being
50x75 feet. Mr. Geo, Holtzman;, of
Crediton, is the contractor, and the
way 'the timbers went together reflects
credit on Mr.. Holtzman as aframer.
Apprentice Wanted,
Wanted, an apprentice to learn
dress -making, Apply to Miss Tons,
over Carling Bros': store.
Obituary. •
Word was received het* from LaaSal-
ette of the death of Miss Ella Kestle,
daughter of the Rev. Jams Kestle,..of
Teeter vilhe, who diedan Saturday last
at the age of 15 years, 3 months.. Her
remains were brought here by train
and the funeral took place from the
depot at 6.07 pili. Monday, to the
Exeter cemetery.
An Interesting dame, •
The citizens of Exeter responded
to t
largely he invitation f nl
0 o r'x cx ,
Boyd of the public school to attend
the basket -ball game on the school
grounds Friday evening. - The gauge
was played 1>y the girls of the school
and is quite unique and interesting.
The gauze is played by any even uum-
ber of players divided into two .oppos:.
m artles, A ball .similarfoot-
to. o
ball, with a very soft cover, is used.
Two poles about ten feet long are
erected, one at each end of the limit,
to which is fastened a ring about four-
teen inches in diameter, :and a netting
attached thereto, forming the so-
called basket:- The object is to throw
the ball into the basket, and each time
this is accomplished two paints are
scored, except when a free throw,
which is occasioned by a foul, is taken,
then it only counts one,. No player is
allowed to .hold or carry the ball, but
it must be instantly thrown when one
gets it in her hands. The opposing
sides were entitled. "The Oxford "
and.ie Rugby," the
by 12points to 7. Both teams worked
hard, end there are eon* partiealllly
Clever lalt 4 among them, Miss
Nettie Walters seorea
the first foal'
points for the Oxford in two and. six
minutes respectively; Miss Robinson,
two for Rugby in 2 lulus„ Miss L.
Hooper, two for Rugby in 1 Min„
Miss 1, Gill, two for Oxford, in 0
isiiass., and one again in 4 mins.; Miss
Robinson, twa fat' Rugby in ',s. mins,;
Miss L. Hooper,. six for Rugby in 4,
1 and 4 nxitns. x espeetively, The Band
was iu attendance, and rendered some
very choice and highly appreciated'
selections, and oil the whole as very
pleasant evening was spent. A foot-.
ball match will be played by the bays
of the school to-nxovrow (Friday-) night,
which promises to be equally- interest-
ing. Every person welcome; no ad-
nussiou charged.
Blyth,- Qxt -Monday the Are alarm
was sounded, word having been re.
ceived that Principal Plummer's barn
at the north end of the village was on
fire, but the building was about gone
by the time the conxpauy was in posi-
tion to fight; however they stopped
the thanes front doing further damage
to his other property. It is only a
short time ago he�ppurchased the pro-
perty from Ax's, Ooloton, The cause
of the fire was his own little boy and
another xuaking a fire at the end of the
barn,it having got a good headway
before being discovered by any grown
up persons. Quite a number of articles
and lxyeStOek
were„consumed. a
neighbors had just time euougb to get
the pony out,
Seaforth, Dr.. Bethume net with a.
very unpleasant:adventure• on Wearies -
day afternoon. He was coaxing into
town from the south, and, in .erossing-
the railway track, hisholsa ti got fright-
eixed at a shouting
engine, There
were two box ears standing on the
track, and, in endeavoring to pass be-
tween thein, the horse swerved to one
side, runniug,Rp against one of the
ears and the shafts of the buggy
catching in the coupling link of the
can The horse was thrown down and
the buggy considerably- injured: The
doctor was thrown from his seat, bat
did not fall from the buggy , and was
not injured. He had, however,. a
close call,
Seaforthei The residence of Mrs.
Jolie Murray was the scene of a pretty
June wedding on Wednesday, when
her eldestdaughter, Miss
Maggie r
to C
was united in marriage to Mr.
A. Gray:, of McKillop,. The ceremony
was performed at noon, by Rev: Well
Shaw, of Bguxoudville, end was wit-
nessed by a number of relatives and
friends of the bride and groom. Mr
Anderson, of near Ottawa, acted as
grooxnsxx'xan, and the bride was assist-
ed by her sister, Miss Ilaattie 'Murray,
Mi'. and Mrs. Gray left on the three
oeloek twain. They will visit at Lon-
don, Chicago aud other points of in-
terest on thein way to Manitoba, where
they expect to snake their home in
Goderieb; Last Friday night .fire
destroyed Major Beck's tannery in
Saltford, taagether with the machinery
and stock. The tannery comprises
two buildings,. ane frame. the other
stone. and the fare started in the frame
building on the side next the rivet',
There is aii strong -suspicion of incen-
diarism, as there had been no. Aire on
since the Saturdayprevious. The
alarm: was rung in town, and the fire
engine was taken over and used for a
short time, but the flames bard gained
mit headway that Warts to stay theta
were hopeless. Air: Beek places his
total loss at something like $4;,500,
wvitals is partly covered by insruanee
of $2,500. .illnang the stock destroyed
was $800 Worth of hides, .which Mr.
Beek intended to ship the next morn-
ing, having come home from London
camp for that purpose. On all sieges
sympathy is expressed for Mr. Beck in
the loss he has sustained.
Harpurhey: Mrs. Margaret John-
son, has just finished a quilt which
contains 3,641 pieces. This is a pretty
good recprd for a lady who is verging
on 70 years of age.
Varna: Mr. L. Beaty had the mis-
fortune to lose his fine driver. It
took sick, on Wednesday of last week,
and died on Saturday, caused by gas
on the stomach. This is aserious loss
to Mr. Beaty, as it was a valuable
Lucan; Detective Ward, of London,
appeared before Reeve Braithwaste
last Thursday morning on a charge of
using profane and improper language
in the Bell Telephone office in this
town on the occasion of the arrest of
Wesley P. McKenna a few days ago.
Ward pleaded guilty and the Reeve
imposed a fine of $10 and costs, or 15
days. As Ward was unable to pay he
had to go to jail. He had appealed
against the decision of the magistrate,
and the appeal will be heard at the
December sessions.
Wingham: What might have been
a fatal accident occurred at the Jos-
ephine street crossing of the G.T.R.
on Friday evening between six aid
seven o'clock. Mr. M. Beckwith had
been delivering bread in the northern
part of the town and was returning to
his shop; when near the crossing, a
gravel train was backing up at a rapid
rate: Mr. Beckwith did not notice
the clanger until the train was onto
him; the horse made a quick turn, up-
set the waggon and Mr. Beckwith
was thrown heavily to the ground.
He wasretty badly shaken up, but
we are pleased to say no bones were
broken and that he will soon be him-
self again.
Brucefield : Another old and r, well-
known resident of this vicinity has
departed this life. Mr. James Baird
passed peacefully away on Friday at
the residence of Mr. Alexander Thomp-
son, on the :Bayfield Road, west of
this village. Mr. Baird. has not . en-
joyed robust health for some time.
About two years ago he had a slight
attack of paralysis, and from ,,the ef-
fects of this he, had never recovered.
He has been laid up during most of
the past winter and his death was not
unhooked for. He had been staying
with has daughter-in-law, Mrs. George;
Baird, in this village, but desiring a
change and feeling somewhat better
a few days before his death, he went
to visit at Mr. Thompson's and while.
there became worse and was unable to
return to Brucefield. He was aged 75
years and 6 months.
He who has
lost his sight
best knows its value.
Hundreds suffer loss of sight.
Timely attention might have
prevented it.
Examination free.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
S. Fitton,
T. Fitton's Jewelry Store
r 30 Days s0
Now is the time to get your bicycle put in
good'order for the season.
No. 1. -For. $1 I will clean, oil and adjust
all the bearings.
No. 2. -For $2l will clean, oil and adjust
all bearings, polish all nickeled parts, and
brighten frame and forks.
No. 3. -For $4.50I will clean, oil, adjust,
enamel the frame and fork black or maroon
and polish nickel parts.
No. 4. -For $6 I will clean, oil, adjust, en-
amel black or maroon, true both wheels
true frame, forks and pranks, repair tires if
worth repairing, and polish nickel parts.
No. 5. -For $8 I will clean, oil, adjust, en-
amel black or maroon, true both wheels
true frame,, forks and cranks, repair tires if
worth repairing,nickel plate all parts ex-
cept spokes and ubs.
No. 6-For$10I will clean, oil, adjust, en-
amel black or maroon, true both wheels,
trueframe, forks and cranks, repair tires as
above, nickel all parts, put all new spokes
in both wheels.
Brantford Bicycle for Sale, $40 only.
All kinds of Supplies on hand.
Having purchased the Exeter mil],
we are now prepared to do
general gristing and chopping
Flour at Reduced Prices.
Grain delivered at first, elevator paid
for at Mill office.
delivered to all parts of town free of
Seed Wheat, Oats, Peas and Baxley
for sale at First Elevator. •
clic#?rbc , -28CAKAr.20ia&a 4k -Ac 01.-_r .. ? .ass w� s�,lSc,i
This G
Enl . r: Sale
e. Er�1
s Booming --Crowds of Satisfied Customers every day.
y �
Every Day
briugs oat
Ii Bare -
HIS week we .atter some very startling values in Black Dress
Goods -Values that willastonish
you, Black
k Di
f�s Ends,o
dress onlof each pattern.�1.r1.501( 30 3.50 4,50, 5.00
6,00, 6,50 and 7,00 for the incest lot of Black Dresses that
we have shown
for a long time,
New White Dress Muslins-the correct thing for hot weather, 8, 10,
1`21, 14, 15, 17 and 20e.; all new, up. -to -date effects.
New Piques -the new black pattern pique is the latest sensation; we
have it; it's a beauty; 25e. is hire price.
New Swiss Spot Muslins, white grounds with colored spots are very
popular, We have them in white and straw, white and pink, white and
hello, white and blue, white and black, They are the prettiest cool
goods on the market. -15e,
Ladies' Ready-made Linen Skirts at $1.25 and $1J0 each, They're
all right. Ladies' Ready-to-wear White. Pique Skirts -81,25, $1.75 and
$x,00 each,
A fall rouge of New Shirt Waists all at Clearing Priees, Ladies'
> ,
Cool Ventilated Sumner Corsets, 35e. and 4:1+r
Men's Linen hats -'25e. and 45e. Boys Linen hate -25e. ,and 45e,.
Mens Cool Sallower Coats and Coats .& Vests all at Eularl ing Sale
REMEMBER -This Great Enlarging Sale offers a gavaud opportunity
for Special Values in Su unet Goods,
A. }
Stares close 0:30 pan,, except Wednesday and Saturday,
✓ ansannearans a+F,sr-rr �,
500 New York Sb rt Waists,
,glade by Gri#Yon, the biggest and lest manufacturer of ladies`
goods in America. These goods were bought by us at a big
I'eduetian nif regul;n' prices; and in styles they are exaetly to
the date. They range from V2. to 42 shies,
1000 Yards of
far Blouses and Trimming. We closed out every var'd a firux
had, from half a yard up to 1O yiuds, and can sell yea Silks
that were 75e, to $1.25 for 50e. a yard. Aricstlrer lot made up
of Silks that ranged from X1.25 to $2,30 can be pnr•ehased by
you for 75e. and $1.00 as yid. 1Iu town west of Toronto earn
give you suelr great, big, immense bargains in. Silks as we eau.
.American Meslins and Organdies, that were 2.0e. a yard, elearing at
12 yards for $1,00. Fancy Piques in platin. fancy* and colored
that have wast been obtained by us front the ,Megrim u- mins.
Clearing out all our Mllfil�ery.a.
After a. most sneeessful season we will, for the few remaining
days of this season, sell you all our residue of this department
at big reductions in graces on all made-up and untrimmed
In a few days we will place in stock a large number of l!i'i ..tly's
Black Dress Fabrics,
Headquarters for W. E. Sanford Ready-to-wear Ciathinip
that you should call and inspect;
the lines of
that we have placed in our store.
You will find in this new stock
Quality and Price....
to suit you.
This is what we always accomplish
when we make a suit far you.
Prices that Please.
Bert. Knight.
We wish to impress on the minds of
everybody that we don't sell sole
leather, neither do we sell meat as
tough as sole leather.
OUR MEATS_______..„
Are of the very best quality. Try our
big brown Sirloin Roast. It is as
toothsome and appetizing as the
famous peanock's roast of Kingly
times. We know how to fix it up all
nice for the oven.
Try us once,
You'll try us twice;
You'll find our meats
Are choice and nice.
, , John Manning,
Rigs Ri.. s and Horses
Orders left atHawkshaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery
Stable, Christie's old Staid
will receive prompt at-
terms Reasonable,.'
Call at
The Family Butcher Shop,
One door North of ft. Pickard's store.
The Attraction
of Ade Eyes .. ,
Just at present the object of attraction
to the people of Exeter and surround -1,
ing country is
To see is to examine and to examine
our stock is to buy.
Prices are so astounding when the
...quality is considered..
1 O1tE .
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital.; $2,000,000.
Rest Fund .1,500,000
Head office Montreal,
Money advanced to good Farmers on
their own notes with one or more endorsers
at 7 per cent. per anunm.
Open every lawful day from 10 aim. to
p.na; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
A general banking busi n ess transacted.
CURRENT BATES allowed for money on
Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at V..
Solicitors. Manager.