HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-6-15, Page 6teSbyibweirlt who pleasdea nofyreuveoxtehe,eir papers Apply at this office far advertising rates TIUE EXETER ADVOCATE, TxrRsDAY, JUNE 1C*, :See • In Various Places. There is now a small steamer cit the Deed : ea: o salute with the left hand Ise. deadly *mit to Mohatnmedaas in the ease. Experiments to reproduce dead 'hen's bemires from their senile are being trade etit Germany. Sherr is a disease peculiar to Jepen cull- Ilee rr;+::e: It as i'eheve4 to he the result if *Wing toe much rice. Japanese woriereen are oteiged to wear •n to e;r "aps and "races an iris: prion swing their l:-uelness utak their kml ,oyer *twee. Its a4 tan idert:d that jararese leen are: excang tee test ne r rite farts in the' World. their only equa s be:rig the vgan_eu letiesi if R. a s,_�:vanish for I cele- and it is said the c`+, e::{rlut WAS Thus na'i.a.d, for its re- serat:am c' to a distorteq, hzzin,n f ace. In China, which bas It -rig ten, k IKIV17 SR "the :and of oppeeiteee the dials of *larks are made to turn rimed, while tbs 'thuds etand still. 3ios.enes are forbidden to drink wines • sr spirits, but in Tunis tlhev contrive to Tench the same ends by smnkit:g prepare- tions of hemp flowers. Before a Chinese woman is zr:arriecl she fiends with great pomp and MATO to her iuturr • ]hence her entire treueeeare whielt ie ea keel i s large boxes, the keys of which albe keep-. p-. bl a..,itge in Spain. takes pace 1 y day or night, according to the fortune of the youeg people or their station in life. If we w do, the ceremony comce off in the ser,y fart of the morning. Sure Re I•ator. \rat;adral;e and dare & G n are ler a+avai re exert a pewtrful in-. fit riitW 5 ;i the -'ver mid kit:t:eye. restore iuf, tevei to lfe,el:ltful ,it trema, lneit:cieg, a' moiler ram of the teerseietie 'ctrl impart.' art. leg , t.,V to g ens complete rawer tua per. term biter functions, These t 4 .inal:le tn. Bret lite enter into tee c n.:ea...o a of 'u'vula's V egetatl•. I .il at,;i serve to render teem cue isetreee:l: mei ser' - "v nrcJir;3ey are. reeve :ire few sflee2ive u tifry in thee- cnt.it n• • The rash for 44'ife•iietate•r., 'dhe crime of wife -beating Las 1 c :ort e lo censure n of late ° hat ],reale t•xtratirdi- tsars pun elm/vett seems to 1..e- Seeded for its suppression. When garroting beam. eon:aeon in the streets of Leaden some years ago the restoration of the whipping post for those eon' Zeted of the erime roved an effectual remedy. eta New York Herald thinke perhaps a temporary resort to it here in the ease of wife Seaters vrouhl prove efficacious. Gond appetite, good digestion, refresh Ing seep follow the use t•f Miner's Com- Inaund Iron Pills. i'f1 thee* 25 cents, bloc-Worabipers. An American traveler in Persia reports ,, bean;, asked by a rl,ltee soldier ;f he knew of dog worshipers. "I told him I had beard of fire -worshipers, cow -worshipers, and the like," he sass, "but not of dog - worshipers. He said be bad seen some in Teheran. Some foreigners there had fed them, fondled them in their rags and taken them riding in carriages. Were tbey not dog -worshipers?" Yinard's Liniment Ceres Diphtheria. Insurance Agalnnt Appeals. Englisbmen, according to The Critic, a :ow insure at Lloyds against adverse judgments in lawsuits. On appeals the .rate of premium varies according to the ee▪ udge from whom the appeal is taken. The premium on Lord Chief Justice Rus- sell's cases is ten per cent.; on those of one judge, whose decisions are frequently reversed, it is U0 per cent. Miller's Worm Powders cure tits in children. Some )iarket Quotations. ' First Boarder (stabbing at the sugar that had caked in the bowl) -Do you know why this table makes me think of a stock market? It's because sugar is firm. "That isn't my reason," said his neigh- bor; "it's because coff, e is weak." Help your children to grow strong and robust by counteracting anything that causes ill-heal•h. One great cause of dis- ease in children is worms. Remove them with Mother Grave's Worm Extermin- ator. It never fails. When a Woman Faints. • To care for a person who has fainted, lay the person down, keep the head low, loosen the clothing, give plenty of fresh air, and dash cold water in the face. Smelling salts and stimulants should only be used when consciousness has returned. -Ladies' Home Journal. Miller's Worm Powders cure all ail- ments of children like magic. Her First. Adslbert-And so I am the first man that you have ever kissed? Guinevere -Yes, Adalbert; the others all took the initiative. Prepared for 1t. Mrs. Brooks -Weren't you surprised to see your husband coming out of a saloon? Mrs. Banks -No; I was prepared for it; I saw him go in. linard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Christ's Problem. How to make others serve us and lift els up is our problem. Christ's problem 'Was how to get down and lift others up, Aa help them, The quantity of Algerian iron ore im- ported dinto France during the la st ear is at tons, compared e' xaturned 68,248 mpar a with only 62,100 tons in 1897. Australian newspapers report the .com- plete disappearance of. Metis island, which as late as 1890 projected 150 feet above the • ocean. Health for the children. Miller's Worm Powders. "Yon say the popular Miss Smith eau .play the piano. I never heard her." "That's just the point. She oan, bat ,tulle doesn't," THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON XU, SECOND QUARTER, INTER- NATIONAL SERIES, JUNE 18 Text of the Lesson, Col. W, 1, :45, Memory Verses, 1 -4 -Golden Text; Cai. #ii, 10 -Commentary Prepared >kb the Rev. D. M. Stearns, ;Copyright, i 9. by p. 3i. Stearns.] 1. "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Chri: t sitteth on the right hand of God." As aeon as we receive the Lord Jesus. we become one with Him in His standing be- fore Gtnl. We are said to be crucified with u Him. buried ed with Him, quickened with Hien. ra:st'd up with Him and made to sit with Hint in the ht'aveniles (Gal. ii, 20; Eph. ii. 5, 6; CoL ii. i2). We are no longer citizens of e.;rth, but citizens of heaven, and pilgrims and strangers here (Pb , 11i. 20; I Pet. 11 11). We are still sc,;e urners on the earth for His sake, in the maid. but not of it: Ile in leaven fer e. and we here for Hint: lie the head enc] eve the mena'rttso€ His lady. feet your afiettion t'n things above. nee tin things en the earth. For ye are ale, ti. and your life is hid with Christ m (led." As a person who is lit- erally dyad is indicter r,t to all things about him, so we who are dead with Christ slaa,uld be indifferent to all things about tis which are not of (sad. We have died. with Rim and He at t=ad's right Laud is row our life, beyond all power of niete or demons or eaten himself. 4. "When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye .also appear with Him in glory." He shall appear the sec- ond time without sin unto salvation (Iieb. ix, 281. Then we shall be like Him, hav- ing seen Him as Re is (I John iii, 2). and having met Him in the air (I Thess. iv, It?, 17) we shall return with Him to the earth to deliver Israel and to establish bene His kingdom of peace (Rev. xis, 11-16). All this have we often beard, but perbaps never truly appropriated. 5-7. "Mortify therefore your naenibers which are upon the earth." They that are after the flesh mind the things of the fiesta, they mind earthly things (Rom, rill, 4; Phil, iii, 1(q. Serving divers ]casts and pleasures: they yield their mem- bers as instrutnents of unrighteousness lUlto sin (Titus. ill, 3; Rom. vi. 13). The teed in whose batt their breath is and whose are all tht.r ways they do not T ,w. ,)• c,sSv "flan. v,«e . When we a 8 t>f re con- v need of our sin and reeeive Jesus Christ as stir Saviour, wo then bave a divine nature which wants none of tbese things, bur the old sinful nature is still in usand will desire the old sinful ways. This we I nest nit.rtify by constant denial of self. To pity and p1eaee self Is not Christliko (Math. xvt ee; margin and Rom. xv, 3). S, 9. "i.e bare put off the old man with bis deeds." In Eph. iv, 22, it is written, "Put off concerning the former conversa- tion. the old man, which is corrupt, no - cording to the deceitful lusts." A11 these --auger, wrath, malice, filthy converse- tion, etc. -are dishonoring toUodand un- becoming in a child of God, The child of God must very decidedly have done with them, lest he grieve the Holy Spirit of God whereby we are sealed unto the day of re- demption (Eph. iv, 80). Many a true believer, who is troubled more or less by the desires of the old nature would fain bave victory, but constantly tries and fails. The victory is found only in Christ; a look of helplessness to Him, and the cry "Thine is the power" will never fail to be answered. 10, 11. "Put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him." In Eph. iv, 24, it is "Put en the new man which after God is created In righteousness and true holiness." Tho believer is always de- livered unto death for Jesus' sake that the life of Jesus may be made manifest in our mortal flesh (II Cor. iv, 11). This mani- festation of the new man in us will be in proportion to our realization of our posi- tion in Christ as riser with Him and com- ing with Him in His glory. 12. "Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long suffering." We were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame be- fore Him in love, To this end He by His grace has made us accepted in the Beloved and given unto us in Him redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins (Eph, i, 4, 6, 7). As Christ was God's elect to reveal the Father, so we are elect to reveal Christ, for the world cannot see Him except as they see Him in us. Hu- mility, meekness and the graces men- tioned in this verse when seen in our lives reveal Christ in us and glorify God. We do not find in Scripture that God has chosen some for heaven and some for hell, for He is not willing that any should perish (II Pet. iii, 9), but He has chosen some that through them He may bless others, and this is the doctrine of eleo- tion. 18. "Forbearing one another and for- giving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ for- gave you, so also do ye." The margin for quarrel is complaint. If all complaints were as freely forgiven as Christ forgives us, how much happier many would bel Eph. iv, 82, says, ' ue ye kind ono to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God. for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." The story of the un- forgiving servant in Math. xviii, 22-35, is too often illustrated. God has freely for- given us millions of offenses. 14. "And above all these things put on charity (love), which is the bond of per- fectness." What love is and its 'faire and how it manifests itself is fully told in I Oor. xiii, which is a photograph of our Lord Jesus Christ, and, though His name is not found in it, it is no more needed than the name of an intimate friend is needed on his photo. "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us." "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins" (I John iii, 16; iv, 10). Un- less we are willing to lay down our lives for the brethren the less we say about our love to God the better, but wo may ever talk and sing of His love .to ns, which is high as heaven above ours to Him, and as we become occupied with His love to us we will manifest more love to others in our lives, 15. "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body, and be ye thankful. The next verse says, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you: richly in all wisdom," and the next exhorts us to do all things 1n the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father by Him. :Oiliest is the peace of God (Eph, ii, 14) and Fle 'will gladly rule in the heart that is yielded to Him'. Ho taught us that if we love Him wo will. keep His word (.]oho xiv, 28), and. here" we' are taught to be Shed with it end to know its riches A HOME iADE HAPPY Mrs. Tucker, of Niagara Faris, Tells. What Did it. $er Daughter Was Afilleted With, St, Titus'' Hance autt Atari's AI AA Infant -Dr. Williams' Pink Phis Cured After Speotatittti Had Palled.. Frain the Review, Niagara Falls. It is a horrible thing to know thea you have lost all command or eontrel of your limbs depend im and ep upon your friends to wait upon and serve you the same as an. infant,, This was the condition of Miss Myrtle Tucker for nearly a year, and the Review, learning thee she had been won- derfully benefitted by the use of Dr. Wh- iteness Pink Pills for Pale People, sent a reporter ro bear her story. Wo called at the re idenee of idr. Edwin Tucker. of the village of Niagara Palle,. Mre- Tucker re- ceived as very cordially on ascertaining the ob;eet of our veer. As nearly as pos- sible these are her exact words in speak- ing of peakingof her daughters ease: -"My daughter Myrtle is in icer fifteenth year. About a year ago alarming symptoms of St, Vitus' deuce made their appearance, but for spine time we did net know what was really the matter. She lost the use et her anus, her right arm was completely para, lyzed. She had to be dressed and undress• ed, being totally unable to help herself. The best local pbysicians were culled it and prescribed for her, but they appeared to be unable to afford relief. We made e trip to I3ufl'alo last January Arida special• ist was eeusuited, who recommended that Myrtle be shut up in a dark room ter titres months, allowing no ono to see her se speak to her but the nurse. In fact the fleeter insisted upon her being sent to one of the city hospitals. Arsenio was one 01 the specflics used; it belped to quiet for • time, but no permanent relief was obtain ed. After our return front Buffalo my son urged ma to try Dr. Wilhelm' Pine Pills for Myrtle. Ile said he was sure it would do her good, as it had cured his boy of a similar complaint. I then determlie ed to try them as I Ova' conscious the treat mesas she was getting was doing her era good- I p'irebaeed a box and the efifeot of the pille was almost marvellous from the verybeginning;' before the first hoz, Was used an improvement was plainly discern, ihle. Five boxes in all have been used, and Myrtle is now able to run and enjoy h r if in a mannershe a not �c could, da foe months and months back. Two weeks ago she commenced to attend sobool after en absence of nine months. "I want it distinctly understood," said Mrs. Tucker, "that she physicians all agreed that my daughter was afflicted with St. Vitus' dance; that the treatment of the medical attendants did not benefit her and that no other medicine was taken after commencing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, so that there is no doubt her re- covery must be attributed to the use of these pills. Her state of health is now most excellent, her appetite is good, and am only too pleased to be able to certify to the above facts in order that others similarly afflicted may be encouraged to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Au impoverished condition of the blood or a disordered state of the nerves is the fruitful source of most ills that afflict mankind, and to any thus affected Dr, Williams' Pink Pills offer a speedy and certain cure, No other remedy has ever met with such great and continued suc- cess, which Is one of the strongest proofs that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills accom- plish all that is claimed for them. They cure locomotor ataxia, partial para. - lysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, palpita- tion of the heart, nervous prostration, diseases depending upon vitiated blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, eto. They are also a specific for troubles pecu- liar to females, curing all forms of 'weak- ness. eakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over- work, or excesses of any nature. Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 22.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, rockville, Ont. Ser Make Your Own Perfume. You can easily make a delicious violet perfume for yourself by putting half an ounce of orris root, broken into small pieces. in a bottle with two ounces of alcohol. Add to this a bunch of newly - picked violets, cork and bottle tightly and shake well. After it has been standing four or five days, a few drops on the hand- kerchief will leave the scent of fresh vio- lets. Apropos of perfume is the launder- ing aundering of fine linen and silk handkerchiefs. To obtain the best results wash them in salt and water and iron while damp under a thin cloth wet with perfume. Hypnotic Power. Biggs -Do you know that the most savage beasts can be subdued by the human eye? Boggs - Certainly. Why, I have known fellows who could make editors buy their staff merely by persistent and emphatic use of the "I. "-New York Journal. DEAR Seale -Within the past year I know of three fatty tumors on the head having been removed by the applica- tion el MINARD'S LINIMENT- with- out any surgical operation and there is no indication of a return. (CPT. W. A. PITT. Clinton, N.B., Dondola Ferry. Maitre d'Hotel Butter. Put about six ounces of nice butter on alate; mix well with a little P , e ohopped parsley, pepper and salt and juice of half a lemon. I used to be continually tired, now I am strong and well -.Miller's Compound Iron Pills did it. She -Did she remonstrate when you, kissed her? He -Yes; she said: "Is that all?" New life for c quarter. Miller's Co* pound Irma Pula, MATRON AND MAID. Baroness Ubriko von Levetzow, Goethe's last love, recently celebrated her ninety- fifth birthday at her /some in, Triblitz, Bo- hemia. The first woman pensioner of the Span- ish war is Mrs, S. C. Gibreath of Austin, whose husband, a major in the seventh infantry, died, in Porte Rico tat summer. Alice B. Smith of Cavendish, Vt., bus a 6 cent piece dated 1837 that is apparently as fresh as when it Issued front the mint, as it has been preserved as a souvenir and bas not been in general circulation. Lottie Fowler, who surprised many of the great leen and .crowned beads of the world 20 years ago as a clairvoyant and spiritualistic medium, is in the Manhat- tan State hospital, on Ward's island, for the insane. Miss Elizabeth Brown, the English as- tronomical observer, who bas just died, observed eeveraal total eclipses of the sun, going in 1887 to I ineshwa, near Moscow. fn lett to Trinidad and in 1890 to�,'adso, in Lapland. Because of Helen Gould's kindness to the men workfug on the Windsor ruins the worknfen decided to give her a testi- monial. be was touched by the offer, buar fused to accept anything more than a sea of resolutions. The Duchess of Marlborough bus good taste in jewels. In wearing ball gowns of soft, white, fluffy materiels she inveris ably wearsstrings of pearls as arnalneutp and reserves her diamonds for gowns of Moro serious materials, Airs. Mary Smith Lockwood, president of the Woman's International Press un- ion, was born and educated in New York, She is the author of "Historic Homes In Washington -Its Noted Mels and Wom- en." She is also one of the founders of the Daughters of the Atnerican Revolution. Miss B r Ellen e u Alert , a young American woman, is said to have purchased the Pompeii= palace en the Couru la Reim, Paris, built by Prince Jerome Bonaparte 40 years ago, with the intention of turn- ing it into a restaurant during the Paris exposition, where American visitors may find American cooking.. Mrs. Rosa B. Gates of Texas has been for three years a member of a clasp in tubi b there ra were 23 young men, They were students at a Georgia medical col- lege, where Mrs. Gates persisted in carry- ing off first honors. She did this the first year she wail there. She did it again the second year. This year she made a better record than ever and bus just beou gradu- ated at the head of the class. PERT PERSONALS. E:RSONALS. Jones not only paid the freight, but be bagged the goods. -Toledo Blade, Has anybody yet remarked tbat young MT, Vanderbilt got a pretty Fair sort of a wife? --Philadelphia North American. It will be impossible for.A.dmlralDewey to use all the swords presented to hint m - less be employs a caddie. --Washington Star. Rudyard Kipling and John Sherman can congratulate each other on obituaries that went off ahead. of time, -St. Louis Ropubile. Bob Fitzsimmons Is having bis teeth sot with diamonds. It maybe that be will withdraw from pugilism • and become a museum glass cuter. -Washington Post. After the trouble is all over General Weyler intends to make a visit to America. Plans aro being made to induce him to stop at a fireproof hotel. -St. Louis Globe - Democrat The Prince of Wales Is said to bo ac- quiring a slouchy habit in dress. Evi- dently be is qualifying for tho position ho awaits by becoming as unlike his former self as possible. THE PEACE FARCE. Europe will go into tbe peace conference confldone in tho expectation that it is not likely to have any wars on hand until after the peace arrangements aro all per- fected.-Chicago erfeeted.-Chicago Record. With an embassador, an envoy extraor- dinary, a university president, an army officer and a navy officer on it, our delega- tion to the czar's conference is admirably symmetrical and well balanced. -Hartford Courant. Captain Mahan, author of the term "sea power" and strategist in the late de- struction of Spain's navy, seems rather a unique figure to send as United Stater' delegate to a peace conference. -Kansas City Star. Let the emperor of Russia take the in- itiative by moving, very early in the ses- sion, an adoption of a definite plan, and Kipling's "Truce of the Bear" can no longer hispire distrust in England as to the czar's sincerity. That in itself would be a victory for real peace well worth gaining. -Boston Globe. THE CYNIC. A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice. Some people who are said to be crazy are simply mean. All a man can do at a neighbor's in case of siokness is to track mud into the house. When a baby is expected in a family, the church sewing society hears of it first. The only way to prevent a man making a big fool of himself in later life is to make a fool of him early. There is one good thing to be said of praying. When people are on their knees, for the time being they are out of other mischief. When a doctor boasts of a surgical oper- ation and says that no other doctor ever performed the operation, the patient al- ways dies THE COOKBOOK. Poultry should never be eaten until IS or 14 hours after it is killed. Before attempting to chop parsley scald it by pouring boiling water over and squeeze it very dry in a clean cloth. The best flour bas a slight yellowish or straw colored tint. To judge of its excel- lence squeeze a handful. If it is good, it will retain its shape as given it by your hand; if poor, it will crumble. Hard boiled eggs chopped and covered with an tt o too rich white sauce that is sea- Boned with curry, the eggs and dressing served in ,a ring of boiled rice, is an excel- lent dinner entree or luncheon dish. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. A drink of warm sage tea will often soothe a restless child. Pickles or vinegar will not keep in a Jar that has ever had any kind of grease kept in it. When using an egg beater, do not keep it in one place all the time, bait move if about the bowl. , IF Tour mount Is a DENDRON BUCKEYE TIRES YOU'LL NEVER HAVE TO WALK HOME. THE HENRRRN M'F'R HQ= LIMITED Toronto, Ont. PrM>a'x' yAf'! aete FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERSS NATIONAL FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS COMPAN Ci P ,Y COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY CCM PANYCOMPA COMPANY COMPANY NATIONA FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS C MiONAPANY N TL F RS COMPANY NATIONAL COMPANY NATIONAL COMPANY NATIONAL FARMS NCOMPANY ATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS fl S COMPANY NATIONAL COM ANY ******it*******it******************************1t***** It NATIONAL INDER TWI Frdistrength: over 75 Ibe. breaking strain, Bull length : efGA feet to the pound, Poll weight: So lbe to each bale. No el. gftIng in the binder -compact] wound; made entirely of pure elantla hemp einem adulterant of any kind, absolutely the hest ever a'ifered the Canadian fernier. SO lbs. NATIONAL I3INDE,11 wINF FOR t#11 CASH with any one of the following valuable and useful PREMIUIMI r. 14 -Karat GOLD-PLATED WATCH, stem-wind- ing and stem•settiug, guaranteed reliable cline -keep- er -•-lady's orent elnan's size --maker's guanines with eaeh watch, SOLID GOLD ICING set with genuine Garnet and Opal gems --stamped and warranted ---with maker's Trade Mark and guarantee. MUSICAL CLOCK, glass sides.in \i;At1Silver and Gilt -a handsome ornament an accurate time„piece, A never endingpleasure in the home. HOW IT DONE' ea ;h one tide Fanners c"". seals eitrect to puddle e tical bans fide I�arntcait; rail lt,va+ no middle men or agents, does busino's and for cash arab s ria. ese•9,•Aj*-,v err' dollar dors its full duty. We have a let of NATION AL HI N I)Eft TWINE on hand --sit much that the bank rate of iatere"t 'net after harvest, on the money locked up, will Amount to many th.+u..tnd defiers. 11 'e want to save that interest And give it to tiro farmer in return for cash. That is where the premium re ln. s FARMERS OATMIPANYONA FARMER AENY NATIONAL COMPANY NATIONAL COM ANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL COMPANY NATIONA4 FARMERS COMPANY NAI LONA FARMERS COMPANY NATIONA FARMER COMPANY NATIONAL COMPANY NY This Compoety reserves the rt lit to refund your money if tho price of Romp advances by reason of tile Philipppine war or ether muse*. Manila Romp comes from the Philippine Islands. ORDER Al ONCE and make certain of your season's supply before hemp advances. Remit money tons only by Postal :tote, Post Office Order, Express Order or Iteglsterett Lotter. Write your name plainly, give your post ollloo ad - dream end also the railway stettion towhtoit we are to setit the Twilit,. You pay freight on the Twine from TORONTO. ' wo semi you the premium prepaid by matt or express from Toronto. Observe, above directions caros 3. trontGeln stieWhclet`iaftunyheheyou. want make. any Lady's Wetel: i uRc ia ora * Bing if the latter. send a piece or,trtng or paper -11t, rewired. Catr'Address all letters and maim all renttttances;';cynble to * ****t ************* este ¥444* NATL NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY, TORONTO. sr'Enquirers are referred to any 21'ereantile Agency and to the Editor of this paper as to our responsibility. FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL COM PANY NATIONAL NATIONALNATIONALNATiONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONA FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMER COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY J.Vipond SCO. FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I MONTREALe� NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY i NATIONAL C FARMERS COMPANY Correspondence Solicited.. Advances Made on Consignments. j COLD SILVER AND COPPER MINNIG STOCKS. 1 I am a member of the newly established STANOARD MINING EX- CHANGE and have some attractive Gold, Silver and Copper stocks on hand.! I deal in British Columbia, Ontario and Republic issues. My favorites just now are Morrison, Winnipeg, Noble Five, Derby(copper), Golden Star Republic, Lone Pine, Princess Maud, Reineer and Jumbo. have recent information relative to the last five Republic properties. Pho,ee1842. E. CARTLY PARKER, Mining Broker. 12 Adelaide St. E., Toronto Why will you allow a cough to lacerate your throat and lungs and run the risk of filling a consumptive's grave, when, by the timely use of Bickle's Anti -Consump- tive Syrup the pain cau be allayed and the danger avoided. This syrup is pleasant to the taste, and unsurpassed for relieving, healing and curing all affections of the throat and lungs, colds, coughs, bron- chitis, etc., etc. it Really Was Two Pad. Mary had a little calf - It was so very lean That everywhere that Mary went It hardly could be seen; But Mary got a pair of pads Which she put within her hose, And new the calf is plainly seen Wherever Mary goes. Of every hundred Portuguese peasant& only 20 can read and write. PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS The Be.t )Inde. tient] for Catalogue. i COCKSHUTT I'LOW CO., BRANTFORD. VICAS, STEELE & BRISTOL, Lr& B. Cofroes IMPORTERS OF eaooniIE0. L,S.'& 13. Extract/ Write us. HAMILTON. L.S. & B. Spices BINDER TWINE AND ROPE. 1' oNTAItuo BINDER TWINE CO., 118 Union Station Arcade, Toronto. T. N. U. 228 i GOLD PLATED. Car `: a° Q to nx with your name and address. and ws will forward this watch t0 you by expra, for examination. It is q enap•be ck abd bezel dust•proa6 'open face, stem wind and soli gold plated, handsomely ea graved. It looks like a solid gold watch, 1s fitted with 7 -jewelled American Mods) Movement that we Warrant 40 give good satisfaction. and 16 Just the "rich fur trading pup ' poses. It utter careful exam, ination You find this watch to bo 0x)4067' es represented, pa the express agent 51.96 sad °bargee. and it 1s your.. Terry Watch Co„ Toronto, On&c WILL RUN Home Seekers' 60 Day Excursions To the. Canadian North West AT RETURN FARES WINNIPEG --- ELORAINE --- �y RESTGN ��II ESTEVAN - - -- BINSCARTH- - MOOSeMIN - - - COWAN REGINA YORKT MGOSEJAW- - - YORKTJ $30 ON - - - - PRINCEALBERTi $35 CALGARY - - - - f RED DEER •l /, O EDMONTON - - • (� Going June 27 Returning until Aug. 20 (All Rail or S.S. Alberta) Coing July 13 Returning until Sept. 12 (All Rail or S.S. Athabasca) Going July 18 Returning until Sept. 17' (All Rail or S.S. Alberta Por tickets :truly to any Canadian adlaa paci$o Agent, org to e)i St. Eaast. Asst. Gen. 1.'aeer. Agent, 1 Ring St. East. Toronto. Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS We also m- ake Steel Plan; Staffs, Grain Grinders, Iron and, Woad Pumps, Bee Supplies. Send for New Oat- lio2utl, Fights off the hot sun, preserves the house, beautifies it as well, and gives satisfaction if you use Ramsay's HOUSE PAINT BARN PAINT ROOF PAINT L. All dealers 'have it. `Asir for card or send to us and we will tell you where to get it. A. RAMSAY. & SON, A>i Montrcai ha.