Exeter Advocate, 1899-6-15, Page 5THE
ezete1 vac ate)
Is published every. Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
---By the -----
One Dollar per annum if paid its. Advance
s1.50 if not so paid.
Scut est srRa Gz:.tp: em. eliz4p:.teta.
:Top?aperdiscontinued until allarre rage
without si
d irections will be published till forbid
e barged accordingly. Liberal discountmade
for transeient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every desoription of JOB
PRINTING turned: out in the finest style;
and at moderate rates. Clieques,moneyord.
erase. for advertising, subsoriptions.atc.to
be made payable to
Oliaa! fi. T. Saud4'r S,
Profces.nori ail Cards
Kicked by a gorse.
Burlington, June 12. ---While Mile feeding,
a horse this afternoon, Cleveland, the
eleven -year' -old son of Thos. S1lepltr 1.
was kicked in the head and badly cut;.
Several stitches. were reeluirecl. The
little fellow was unconscious fol* sets-
Suicide at Bothwell*
Bothwell, June 11.—.A. young man
named, Flank Currie connnitted sui-
cide by hanging himself in idle brother-
in-law's barn this afternoon. He was
just r et o e r ing nom an illness caused
by in jus tee receive( l in a gnsoln1e ex-
plosion t:0gite time ago. His wife and
family are in liosland.
:Kicked to Leath.
(=:=it, .rtane•ta.----lir. _Andres Harvie,
Kirkwall. a well-i;no\vn 11at1:=elms,
was kicked to 4leutli this afl...2.mrun by
as a i'•iC.t19♦ -'genion. 1vhieh h rs\' 314•ll a)t
i.tr;i4)t1 ,tat
1',IIIfrom lh)(•!v•s•6.}.. .'
I). c 1;. iJ.ti., ironer'd t ':ti
ut 1 rent , E'river>ay. °'`- a y -o- 1` 1tt seat",', O1 ;• 01U1
Teeth t"'(ta'•1 s wk'hout ans. n, ox aanv
bt41 ° ia- 'rC .., r. tea l.ini;•311',t. 1.9.044.. west
ai-1e Mein ;etre . w, lata•. te•r.
R -1).,3:d' Oi.
tto s of ads t e of 4110 Tor.Ant.. i'ni-
li.'a 1 r 4,41 .5 4
rillsand Ttes it t'ts"t-of Ile t
of Ontario.1 eta t,va tie 1 trite>u 1 to a:
Ali 3rm,,T.-s oe' ut, r,,stap t s T:tt;_ + endo
over Elliot . Hrl4C ., ,,,(\\ tttete: ,4 , • tt•:+
Cttm al Mote 1 1IPw.Cete*r.
.arsw,10...„,.v;,?x,s,em.r-s-•,-,.a:v..ra mw* „ ia: .s.rt,aaswn,
T11at:1'.P. '1@ I,.11 (rill rti,xI flet 1'' r4F,
0,-F the Ct,114 •r)I'11ta:tial a:01.;ars.:f(St
Onfa4ria, 1'da\ '4'.a,tzt,*.t.r„•<nrl and ' #a, Ot,t'ia^
aur. t;:,1st(,, 1),tillwo°71. d#4)t•
10Est) d
• Solkitor,.
€".ttramis,ie , ri. Solicitor, 1or the 141.e1,o.'s
Bank, este. 'Money to loan :at ., stn`s F,+, per
et,izt. ')tftce Faeson'a hissers, :Mtn St.,
Exeter. z.l. meatier of flys Sian hitt i:. at
lien...1all on Th rr, icay. o*.'each
I. CartLING. ]+
. A. I.
0.fei.Tt)1' he, tI•GATiFS1.N. r naT^'TERs,
Oete\a:yaacer.s, and Money to
Ii. Y. ELI -10T. F. W. t .an3tax.
.tuetiont eras
ili1O' . S1`in lz• Isea. i,iet(r/sell 1nr1t
i'Dn(1t'ri.erthe Countirx of Perth ane
Stidelesee, also for tht'tov, 4)e}ilii. oll'oshorne
Sales pr21eIt
attended to in 1 terms r
at Post office. Win-
1111 at-.•aane't A. m
Insurance Age
Main St.
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com-
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pilin and
imitations are dangerous, Price, No. 1, $ier
box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger, 59 per box. No.
1 ora. mailed on receipt of price and two 3•eent
stamps The Cook Company Windsor, one
Wiles. 1 and 2 bold ano recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
Nos, t and No. 3 sold in E.veter by ('
Lutz. Druggist.
c)f lilw is n0 esc•ttse, but
ignorance of....
is a Misfortune.
—00O ---
T R B in Gilt on every
ping and package.
Highest Cash Price paid for Black
Ash, White' Ash, Recl and White
Oak, Hard and Soft i'tlaple, Hemlock,
Stift and Rock Ehn. Either stumpage
or delivered in yard.
--e}-' For further particulars apply to
Manager for the S. I. Co. Exeter.
:elec.--; a l"id•)av and goal a -on nattily.
.151,',1Earit's Iron i`dt. :3
,e t'Ne neaten of klieipaneel'u '.. ;;tit,
1..,1-1,.iat.Tata” wt. . ,'@rill 114 1Pni;:..,a. a•I:
k 1 ' .,ate :s e1:.1 Y 1. C. °°•i w: ➢«!a•la,
$ t
n.nl ., It ck,"•1• :4191 t1-' ,7" :.' anal
^, ilk': 1,r 1itl. , F'< • 11 be ...•
~i, t4'+ip '^. 1 , „ 1 et \'
pone:. „1 ;,Stain , tel l+: el . Dale'.>}
(•C•'I'..:at stns* Drag Same.
rir3 at .t*al'a au,
Inman, Sat:, Oasts„'s tine 11. '1'it . hint anti
s1;1 "f lg >dt,tt'iz .•; in the 1't . itt.nee jntl'tian
Jolla i':>ti i lent4ing e l}11511€!lt"Ills
et' 1 In, 1°"1'3 a \": a,. ti.*..1«I-,n'.l li\” itt• Sale
lural:lV a tat•1Iu1,11, The of ,:;:91 of the
ilia wee le'e;;tetl in OW aGtth* 19.d k un-
atect 11I9trtl for.. The to lsa felly 1 0\•(1 -
ed by ill:-.u194191m hi the '11'1:e:111, (if To.
- VtilGallie ErupKlattS.
tI4' gratia, lint Skin i'rrtl.i:,911pt 9(111
lift- of jut, llueklelg"s Arenet Salve,
ceures theenl: 01,40 Orli. Iton11111p4 al2ltl
Fever Shave, 1'I4*ee:e. la (ile, 1''t'lults,
Comte Wert-,, Cuts Ilrui ., Darns,
St•;tlah(, ('hatpp('d 1'f;lntls, t'laiibialitts,
Melt Pik clue on earth. Drive,: all
la It 1 .t s"ti t.) , t
t,i ,1 11 1 }, •
('u1e' (i9l,tratt.eetl. 51)111 lel all ...tg
TO TI1b DES.i:, .1. licit lady,
cured of her 1)e,lllles and ;l;uises in
the 'lead by 1)r, Nit'b(lsull'e Artificial
Pew Drums, has sent $1,0110 to his In-
itt12e', so flint deaf people nimble to
procure the Ear I)rulus may have
111(111 free. Apply to U('partlnent
A. S.:\ The Institute, 'e LOugcott,"
Gunnersbury, London, Ak"., England..
and At:Wet: meets of Admiral ',ewer," the
world's greatest naval hero. By Murat Rel.
stead, the lifeelong friend and admirer of
the nation's idol. Biggest and ht•;,t book;
over 511) pages, 8x1O in01tes; nearly lett pages
halftone illnntraatious, (.sulk &era suer.
mous demand. ilig commissiuus, outfit
free. ("bailee of a lifetime. Write Quick.
The Dominion Company, 9r,1 Floor Caxton
Bldg , Chicago.
wereTamous years age -their fame
grows every year -es the seeds
most to Lo rotted on -as always
flat} best. For sure by leading
dealers everywhere. Five cents
per paper and always worth it.
insist On having them. stun
410 risk -buy Ferry's.
Sb 1999 Seed Annual is free.
D. id. P'1:1tintitCo
f9tt 9' 'o ?a
Is one of the Largest
Colleges in Canada.
....12 6....
of our graduates were placed in posi-
tions dtuing the past year.
Write for oto latest catalogue.
Want GOOD Binder T wine, and are
willing to pay a fair price for it.
Sensible farmers known GOOD twine
is the cheapest; and poor twine is
dear at any price. It is not what
you pay, but what you get, that con-
stitutes a bargain. "Plymouth "
make aiicl sell GOOD twine as low as
good twine can be sold. a4 Plymouth:”
does not make
s POOR twine at
any price.
Twine is
This Trade Mark is o,1
Every Tag.
S co thud sill got it
ar If your dealer does not haalciie, our Twine, writ ;
P13 mouth Binder Tw1n Agency, 54 By Street Toi i nit. .
• Beard of Directors Acted
on Monday
Why the Changes Were Made -What
Sir W. Van Horne Said.
Its Resignation. Montreal. June 12, --At the regular
g monthly meeting of the board of direc-
tors of the Canadian Paoifio Railway
Company, held yesterday, Sir William
board and Ms Thomas G. Shaugbuessy
was elected president* The following
The Dupuy Ministry Sends in
Tlee. Cause Was .an Adverse Vote in the
Chamber of Deputies- Ministers Will
natant Their i'ortfolios, Until Their
$ucceesors Are ?saluted -- The ,
""l:'o11ce Outrages" the Snb-
joot of the Vote,
Paris, June 13. --The Chamber of
Deputies eves crowded yesterday, and
there was considerable suppressed excite-
ment when M. Valliant, Socialist, intel•-
pelluted the Government en Sunday's
"police outl,•tges" as the Pavilion
ct'Arirenovill:•, and 41 mantled to know
the instructions the 0.)v.antinient gave the
- pu1I a 131 regard to the Sovialisit, who, lei
id, taefL .(ferl the ,.' a',ta4 (gainst the
2 (..ietien.4ries.
The I'reutier, ?4. 1) a -,n , r..'$1,11, say -
113.,. 1114}. Gevernueen eincereeneneel the
1'9 e tt'e 9 of the, l,r l.i'E a .1,1,.*", 1:1;11 the
21 n1.".nte'nFatie4% of tlt,e 0ax(a. te-e1t was
iznito44bie \villi /mid: • ,ic== l 1 (An-
a cs K' f. . g1 T. ./ i.'•'4)€1'a ,t,1.,x: dx.. a.•; fr 4),`f
Tito tt Sr, ,ti a1. i 11:11 ,. 9a, : >41 1:17.4 9(5
1)41, 1+vs: 4''1"19; 4..1^a9r.1;. 0 '(o('. ,,4),.994"'1 $1;
(t ley t ( 3•,t'ltil *3G "'AA
411-ir'UK. .11. 41.111,.,1;, repot it, :tit ,.,- (.,.".:11105'
19(nt1 r.1 :Y`i'ork1 ]'tl.`ll;e ar.. .,,^.,1'S
111(4 earl... of 9.11.^ Qr:S'.'•.
1110 e ha:1911 W101,0"..a .., 1.90,0,1:1
VOW Of :;•:1 90 1:,4,
'1 110 :n111149:0', it;ra11wlt:t 1, f', 111e' IT=::'sat
81111(1 71111114'114•' ,';,,'41 •+a:e'nt, tele ;^+Ir'i,ttiF,Gi
shouting "Vive la 111111111II1ea
The Ministry-Iao.ieson.
Premie.' D3apn' has 1 '114erc(l his re:4
it Itiall to the Pr snient.
President Loabes lets aree pied the
3 si'tnation of the Cabinet dill t e, rt and
has requested them to r.°rain tin le 011;e :;
untilStir their 1 ,tee , ;;
are gamed, le 19
presumed, they i et)h(•t will summer( the
presidents of the et1.11ul:er9 to -(lay in
order to 01)1,0191 with thein the formation
of a 110W Cabinet.
On 1ealving, the Chamber, Iii. Dupuy
observed to a group of Deputies in the
lobby.; "We haul over the busirees to
suckler but not to mow eoura4geeus men."
the genera] itupr('.sien is that" the
cru la 1v111 not a, last beyond Wednesday; dllesdag, bt.
Loubet having foreseen, 1t it said, the
fall of I)npny at an early date, saving
1. 4., the eOMP csitiOn of the
new Cabinet.
1`'ieked Ne\s 99 al, u'' (TOS GI..Ilford of
lfa"uu o
Jtafereuca Secrete,
The Hague. Tune 13.—Tho drafting
committee of the arbitration committee
of the peace conference met yesterday and
continued the discission of the arbitra-
tion schemes. The delegates, not having
received additional instructions from their
reepectivo Governments, the eolnrnittee
adjourned until Friday without further
Tho discussion as to furnisbina the
newspapers with abstracts of the proceed-
ings developed. a remarkable scene, M.
Bornaort, head of the Belgian delegation,
on rising to speak, addressed M. do Staaan,
and in the most, pointed manner said that
publicity might as well be granted, as
certain doetunents bad been published in
the newspapers. "Some of these docu-
ments," he said, looking 11I. de Steal full
in the face, ('were stolon, I have heard,
from M. de Steal, but I cannot believe
this, feeling sure that the visitors to the
Anddolen Hotel are all far too honest to
stoop to theft."
113. de Steal received these remarks in
They Will Give Out the NetVs._
The Hague, Jeune 13.—At an adjourned
meeting of delegates to the peace confer-
ence, under the presidency of 113.. de Steal
yesterday morning, it was resolved to
furnish the newspapers with statements
of the proceedings of the committees, as
well as of the plenary sittings.
It 11111 Cost Lipton twee:400.
London, June 13. — It is said the
America's oup challenger Shamrock will
not bo launched until thebeginning of
July, the progress of work on her being
retarded by the fact that the designer, W.
Fife, jr., is suffering from influenza.
According to estimate, the contest, from
first to last, will cost Sir Thomas Lipton
about $400,000. Sir Thomas Liptoh has
invited Lady Russell of Kiliowen, wife
of the Lord Chief Justice of England, to
christen the Shamrook.
Gone to Seek the Pole.
Christiania, June 13.-Tbo Stella Poi -
are, with the Pike of Abbruzi, nephew
of the ging of Italy, and his Polar ex-
pedition on board, sailed at 11.30 yester-
day morning from this port.
Records of the Games Played in various
Leagues on Monday.
Note—Tho name of the club first given
indicates where the game was played.
The Canadian League.
St. Thomas 10, Guelph 12. (11 in.)
Chatham 14, Hamilton 4.
London S, Woodstock 3.
The Eastern League.
Toronto 8, Montreal 7.
Springfield 5, Worcester 3.
Hartford 4, Providence 8,
Rochester 19, Syracuse 9.
The National League.
New York 2, Boston 11.
Cleveland 3, Pittsburg 5.
The Western League.
Buffalo 4. Kansas City 6.
Columbus 4, Milwaukee 1.
Indianapolis.'S, St. Paul 3.
Detroit 6, Minneapolis 7.
Suicide of Albert Fisher of Galt.
Galt, Ont., June 13.—Albert Fisher,
aged 17 years, and who was employed in
the country as a farm hand, committed.
suicide here Sunday evening by
himself in his mother's barn. Young
Fisher had corse to town to spend Sun-
day with his mother, anti complained all
day of very severe pain in the head, Do-
ceased's father committed suicide about
eight years ago, by stabbing himself.
The. won;:u, Is Free.'..
Montreal, Tune 13.—The WOPI91n a .lice
MoNeall, charged with doing aa'i,:y with
her child, has been acquitted.,
directors were present: Sir Syillieln 'Car
Herne, ;fir, Thomas G. Shaughnessy, and
M1'. R. B. Angus, B. I3. Osler, Sir San-
ford Fleming, cleolge 1i. Harris and W.
D. Mathews.
'When the meeting was over, Mr.
Shaughnessy authorized the statement
that Mr. 1) AleNieoll bad been appointed
assistant general manager. but be added
that the question of providing a vice
president had not yet been dealt with. It
is believed, how(rl'r, that the next vice-
president of the Canadian P,acifle will be
no other than Ale. 11. 13. Angus. who is
already on the board of (limners,
Sir 15 ii:itl'.11 Van Herne mane the fol-
! lowing a'.;it(:air '
n n,;:
"The ...ulna for tite enema.. .. front a
railway ..861'.3+1t:eine, wee the 911(491 of l:rt)-
vi(litet fer t, . (r".:sr. '1 : 4)t of the e'xi:')1-
tiro urtrenifaltlen of t: (4 11411:. the
'Fase °111 tit d r ne eyea- ,nil tab wick
extent e having.i..:;. , yl
in an et :mutt of t 3 • '. ve! war':
bye nay :0 1.. :it.- >s i a . 3f. 4 1114,
t 1t110e „ • t no t
., 14
its ail . ,- i 1 ...Vv.' :' 4111, t1'at 1 s'tail 9,(1.'
be free ft mt eveevel,e (111, • 194(1 lir' ;air.
to S"0 s::: ta.i,., Af t .0 World. sa(stultl 1
ice! 1 " 1 i : ie 345,•• y6':4r of fea-
tiniJtl.•, 4,-. :,.: wars.. and Inc.' it With
the (asn ....:a1 1'itrilIe. (491(1 in 911 t'50
year, 1 14ivu ball but two 5144411 hr• ita:ly ,
911.91 1 3r1\••.' felt for 11 meal while i ,n'.,
drat I omen to fro myeelf from the de
domande e;i i4. 9t;sea, awl (1 the' same
time 11adl:ee way 101 the younger :atm.
The pr.'^••.Y e'I'1,; ;4 flea: t•.i\••1r.:ole' 11 1.c•.
for euel9 •1. emenee, for the company is in
a splendid position in uveir way. anti it;
prosperous future Teems (suito assured.
• t.
Ill continued
li A l t o
..13 a1 1,u 1. *go of
1 t askin; my 011 f r.es-ells for a sting aur directors
to permit Sin 112 relinquish the duties of
the odic,+ of president was to starve the
well.e:rnett promotion of .MIr. $hough
nessy, wl:oie Services to the cm:'.pany
have boon beyond estimation, and whom
1 look upon us all that could be wished
for as the ehief executive officer of a great
corporation* Ile is henorabin, eap• 11
enol et1:anti fair -dealing, and,
I hove ianown hint intimately for many
years, I have never yet dl,t'uverctl A"fault
in him, uulese it be injustice 10 hilitsclf.
The warmth of my feelings towards 19121
0421 only be imagined by those who know
bine well. The shareholders of the Cana-
dian Pacific Company- are to bo congratu-
on;ratu-lated on having such a man in com-
DAVIS SUor i reniICL1:.
A We11.11nown Resident of Niagara -on.
' the -Luke .lttelnpts Suicide.
Niagara -on -the -Lake, Tune 18.—Wil-
11am Davis, a well-known resilient of
this town, attempted suicide last night
by shooting himself. Iso placed a 32
calibre revolver behind his ear and fired
the bullet into his head. It cleared the
baso of the brain and fractured the jaw-
bone, mei (laused other serious injuries,
which may prove fatal. The act was
committed at the borne of his sister, Mrs,
Hartley. Davis is a single man and is
about 40 years of age. He is fairly well
oil, and is said to have suffered a flnan-
eial reverse lately, but this is not ccn-
'firmed. Ho has been unwell for a month
or more, but his relatives can assign no
cause for his rash act.
Crops In ,Manitoba.
Winnipeg, 11Ian., Juno 13:—In the
Provincial Government's prop bulletins
issued yesterday the acreage is as follows:
Wheat, 1.620,005; oats, 575,136; barley,
182,912; flax, 2,178; rye, 3,217; pea,,
1,366; corn, 3,480; buckwheat, 32;
brome, 1,930. The total acreage in 189)7
was 1.053,025 acres; 1808. 2,210,042, and
this year it is 2,449,078. The wheat acre -
ago is increased almost 200,000 acres,
with 2,500 more farmers in the province
this year.
Crowe Did Not 3Turder His Son.
Peterboro, June 13.—Information has
been received here that Herman Crowe,
whose father. Thomas Crowe. of the
township of Demmer, is now in custody
suspected of murdering hire, is alive and
well )Ind working for a fanner, Sidney
Bailey of Emily. He arrived there on the
Saturday following Thursday, May 5,
when he disappeared.
Roller Boat Came to Grief.
Bowmanville, Ont., June 18.—The big
roller boat from Toronto came to grief
near this port on Saturday night. Oit
Port Bowenanville Harbor the anchor line
snapped in two, and the big, unwieldy
craft drifted ashore and was considerably
damaged. Being in shallow water it will
be somewhat difficult to reach her with
a tug.
Did the Boy Eat Poison'?
Brantford, Ont., June 13.—Richard
Holterman, a 6 -year-old son of A1d.
Holterman, died yesterday afternoon with
about half an hour's illness. It is sup-
posed the little fellow had eaten some
poisonous weed while playing. Two phy-
sicians were called, but could not save
Sacrificed an Indian Girl.
Victoria, B.C., June 13.—Miners who
have just reached hero from the head-
waters of the Stewart River tell of a
number of deaths from starvation among
the Indians. Chief Oaros sacrificed an
Indian girl, and the troops have gone
from Selkirk. barracks to arrest him.
A Big Cannery Buined.
Vancouver, B.C., Tune 13.—D. J.
Munn's splendidly -equipped cannery at
Terra Nova, Lulu ,Island, was burned to
the ground .yesterday afternoon. Loss
$50,000; fully insured.
Elijah Miles Is Dead.
Belleville. Ont., June 13.—Mr. Elijah
' • s aged $1 years,who was for many
years publisher of Tho Chronicle here,
died in the hospital on Sunday evening,
ti -iter a long illness.
Took an Overdose.
Vancouver Tune 13,—T. J. Gallagher,
a pro nino1119 barrister of \Cn0dstec)>, Ont.,
111di(90)1 to drugs, took an overdose on
U.tu dna?.911491 1low 1:"7,3 in 0 serious con -
di, seal'
(Ohanged every Wednesday)
Wheat per bushel ........................... se to 70
Flour per cwt
Peas.. 55 to 60
Corte 40 to 49
nutter 11 to 11
Ego atoesper hag t,,. to P e:
$y per ton Ore to zee
Dried Apples per ib 5
Wool 19 to 241
•1.8-' to .2.t4;
to 40
to :U)
Are your nerves 1'1 !1
Can't yo a sleep v: ell?
in your• bs,cli? Leek et erect?
Appetite poor? Lie s:iosl
bad? Boils or r 1pleS?
These ,ar^e sure sten of
From ll:saa0:lr 38' v.ra el-
14-ALTZ3 111
c Renta
t' t :,:y CM `,1 d.y, , w" J
. f•
4 t ne
S is 1 0omr.—.:e991 .;....r".
They daily insure an easy
and natural movement of
the bowels.
You will find tbattbe use of
A.e gg
dorsa , ariii
with the pills will hasten
recovery. It cleanses the
blood from all Impurities and
is a great tonic to the nerves,
Write Dm Doctor.
Onr SLedical Dopartment hen nee
at the roost eminent physicians in
the United States. Toll the doctor
lust how you aro. suffering.You
V111 receive the best medical dvice
without cost* Address
a, d. AYEP.
Lowell, Mass.
1 1 1 - J. 1 ,.,,,_ A_
Fatal Accident,
I'ielh•ille,. Judie 8e—Willie Careen. .st
fifteen -year-old boy, 119(414 r)Ltvillg 011
the cars tut the down -town (1,'I',11,
ing t0-de.y. when au jolt from theslulnt-
ing engine threw 11i119 011', He was
daagged'sevt'ral. feet and his lt'ft leg
11',4s Shingled from heel to 110(17. He
W918 taken to the hospital but 110 hopes
are entertained for his rscovery.
i)Ut don't think vouZcan patch
clothes to lock 'like new.
Theis w„a'atin it would not
pay you when you can buy
clothing at the *prices 's
i ell.
Pltliti l ..,
(alt) F:,,.. ,,r
as" y_t9•t;t 823. i
..e P1 r.:
Fiati ti
fd:tr lti
(,`l.:l'.t ":14..P4,'I
This i • to certify if 911:11 1 \ 0 t( t1
I u;,lish stew!: Food 1;, 4 0a.:.retusrd
117 C`. Lutz for a ant,•:. i1.:lr•h enw,..,
1101 young lla>;s ;11.1 49 all 'ruses
have Paula it te-(.•s
The calve!, 'l li .111(. hay.. 11, at'
t . :tI•r and
doll(' Meter Matt # t•, I, a:•'effete; 11;e
Ini14'h ('(.n;119(0.(• 19911)9. 0.,.i Fat coli-
(litiuil. True flow of t z,lk 14.w in-
creased :314 lu'1 (•elgt and is t4rly ata+s*
e ie hnt'ss: t h(' young pigs have 4;4)110
bet ter (111 English St* r•i: '1"40411 tban
I ever knew them do boron.. E131;-
HAI stook hood kat rile -t (•seelit•11t
4114(1 valuable article and should be
used by all stcxk raiser:,, It .only
requires to be given ;t trial in (,voter
to prove its merits. 11 is elo'a(p as
eo((lparr(l with other koek. loud.
I jutvle notch pleasure 111 r0('on1-
n1e101i11g it to 9(tae•k
Si1121.111.9)x l.)I•..\I:1Nt;.
C. LUTZvanammzesommE 4l!..S
Caterpillars Stop a Train. 1
'Walkerton, June 10. -The train 011
its way down from Paisley, when it
reached a point near Dunkeld, en-
countered so many caterpillars that it
had0 t'
t o cin t0 a dead halt. Station
Agent Goodier vouches for 1 h c•or rec t-
ness 0f the story. Before the obstruc-
tion could be overcome it was neces-
sary to back the engine: up two or
three times.
Children Cry for
A Logan Farmer Kiliedby Light-
Mitchell, Ont., Jiii)e t).—Daniel Mc-
Carthy, a prosperous 'farmer of Logan
township, was killed by lightning in
his stable yard Wednesday evening.
McCarthy and a hired man were load-
ing manure on ,a wagon, when a
terrific storm came u1'). McCarthy re-
e-lnalrked: " We had better get away
from hc1•e but the t the words were scarce-
c u•cc-
ly uttered before he received the fatal
stroke. The hired man was stunned,
but recovered.
The Burglars Foiled.
Barrie lune 8.—Soon after midnight
an attempt was made to enter the Bank
of Commerce, from a rear door. The
effort failed through the movements
of clerks in their sleeping apartments,
The clerks then acquainted Night
Watchman Malvin of what had occur-
red, and he prepared for what he
thought would be another attempt by
getting four G. T.R. constables, on strike
duty at the station, to be ready to give
help if required. Two hours after-
wards the door was again tried by a
key. The alarm was given at once,
and Watchman Mar'rin and Constable
Reid headed the burglars off in the
lane; Reid got hold of one of them, but
in a scuffle which followed, Reid fell
into a cellar, which had just been .pre-
pared fora building, and the burglars
made good their escape. Reid's head
was cut badly.
never stops because the weather
is warm.
ig Then why stop taking
ele simply b..n
cause it's summer? a.
V Keep taking it. It will heal your *t
lungs, and make these strong- for a
'i' another whiter.
' sec and ,4r m) all druggists, A'
le a r
To dead the l$g stoles' ad-
STOP! T li ic I 0
the furniture business? For For whose good, are we in t
yours and ours. If we are not
useful to you we canTnot be use-
ful to ourselves. 'S ' e have got 1
to carry the goods you lvalit at
the prices you walit o1' 'we carr- M'
not make a success of our busi- fr
ness. But we have been doing
business right along for years, 0
which proves that we are the
right kind of people with the
right prices. Come and see for
Furniture. Undertaking,
Manufacturer and dealer in Plows
Gang Plows, -Land Rollers, Root
Cutters, Straw Cutters, Saws,
Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and
Babbett Metal.
On Engines, Boilers, Mowers aanrt
Binders promptly attended to.
Mower• and Binder Knives anti
General Repairs kept on hand.
See our Truck and Scale combined,
weighs SOO lbs. Price $16.00.
Before. After. 'Woods Phosp'haditae,
The Great English. Rema lv.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. ;
•- 1 spaelcages guaranteed to cure
forms of Sexual weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of Vo-
baeco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, S. One sill pltsrsa.
sin: will cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood company, Windsor, Ont.
Wood's Phosoho diue is soldl in Ex*. ter by
0. Lutz, druggist.