HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-6-15, Page 4THE e ter btu:irate, et Chas. B. Sanders, Editor and. Peep THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1899 do,-.4ecommevozoormifir THE EDITOR'S CORNER. w.ozteazaeseeow.v..o.k::aom000 ,,sr,..1.1tra1r1ON SALAIIIES SLOW PAY. What luts le.era eidd by the St:at- . ere. Henild in the fonowing item re- eateling the st nention selaries, slew eey. /4•`.. 1-0ruiVerl hyS34143331 tvrtalerS. Maly 3.;:"Ipill.".11'P.0 to other counties. :id :het tt.o ist 0.1(.1am:tie. a 'WW1!: - , liontetee- e: .heet. etah eitetar ine7 tner tfia seen etien.`, ..ve.e. Saiously , r Tee,1 eta ne 1. j'easo Was .• . • .. S.;.,•341 The London lYfurde, Chicago, jeue 15.-1Jntil word is re-' ceired from London, Ont., concerning the confession of William Bryan, a prisoner at the Bridewell, who says he is wanted in that city for killing policeman named Toohey, the police: will hold Bryan. The man is serVing ont Lsentence at the eity prison, but to prerea him fienu gainiug his Bbt r' t'Y before the story 4•31.11 be iuvestigat- ed an extra wateb, will be kept:Quid-tn. A Yariner EiUeI Saathroy, June t2 -M. Trustram Rowe, an old resident of the tonnship of Adelaide, who lived near the rail- rOU1 teaen, about two and ;t half miles west of this plitee, was inetantly by No. express about four tetioele this afternoon. It appears the old. man. 'who was' hard Of healing, Was ahOtt" er0.r, the ti eck„ •end did not itt)ti?e, the trpin nnt"" it wils :gem hien He was. etrnek with great forte. anti threwn quite e. dietaitte. end hie body frheiit eeity lee reeled. h - n • ' I Wedneenan Brockville, June 8. -Last night the MARRIAGES. Boating Fatality. June 7, 1800, -at the residence of the bride's brother, Newgate street, hy Rev. Jas. 4, Anderson, B.A., Philip B. Crews, of Clinton, to INfitalie P. Plidbene of Goderich. Demme. Wnrentocia-In Ushornee on June 11, Isaac Whitlock, aged 78 years. Menneneesox-ein Alisa Craig, on Sim- ' day, June 4th, ism -Alacpleer- son, aged 70 ye:nee Ineniene-At Mt. Canewl, on Juni. 2,nd, Julia Lynch, agee 80 years. Ceterinio-In McGillivray, on June2nd, Lenora, wife of John Callao, aged 43 yeare. Enseren.---At Teentrvilhe gene pith, daughter of Rent Janies weed 15 Y-ealr.„ 8 months. Winehelsea body of F. M. Holmes, a wealthy far - men residing .across the river from Brockville, was found in the river be- tween here and Morristown. Mr, Hohnes left his how on May 17 to spend a few days at his cottage up the river. A. eouple of days later his boat was foiled in the channel near Poole's resort, It is supposed that while his boat upset and be was thrown into the riVer. The soutineest wind that prevailed carried the boat across and im the .Canadian ehannel.while the ty, whiele sank... was :equaled down' by the current. ES Life Was Saved Mr, J. E. Lilly. a prominent citizen o'f Hannibal,_aloe lately had a wolidor- ful deliverenee from a frightful death. In 4Alilig of it he says; I was. token with Typhoid Fever, that ran into 7.4" 1.4-. Young Pneumonia, My Innes betameharden- gentlemen wheeledelown from Ilihbert 43L1 was so weak l'eonliltit even sit on Saetlizy inel were the glutei e of Mr. .upin Led. Nothing helped nee . 1 eN- 017(1. :Ore Bereyhili.--J int SInith 1z:is soim (lip of (°04,Wiiipti0Ii. 40eW 1 33.11.1 Willtt•• n.,4,,./31 lo.4ird of Di.. ti114r.,„ to get a young hely to take to tie. 13eial eereey. One bet t le gave great rene4. on the First. If Ilk' ean^i ga1 etre:lame:4 to 11•••• it, and. 11,0W :Mt Wen ht. atys hIAill get tele wiw,t; 1 ;..triartz. 4.:t3"., .0y t,o n,,lcit ui )IP" :t` 1.•••?. 113•'.1i- ,..,11,,,t1t WM 3'31,41 133.- re:ttiv ftp. nee el:17, 3. e!-nfr the s!treSt esid githietet Nine ha 4". '' • 3. 1• ". h ; N3 'd tamigo:411as: a very ne.• ' • t. womed 1 11 r1:7,0:tt and 1...Ing tetw neek ietvale- - EA:lett-n-1e i. ext.+. 37q1/11.„j43eente sleek at anY ee ;eve. rrind ... . tee vt twiny., :h.:etre:ea eta- Ilene- eineet; evele- onereentetel. g ; n'eee N":". ilVing 111-0 • to, reeetaa , ttee 11 h tvn 71?Pet 'Olgt; ilt.331 barn rai.bigs u441.*1A 41'4". " '''''/"""‘"`“*"" 41' 114 ortii.q. of the day.. Seeite lett. 30.13/ t,b• krar •i3En3 ty ie'1 43' 403. 11741'g n hehapt.of ist111 num ( ' 413341 • 1 ' • nisr, zttpi Ina 00 atteihee 3.3.333 L,, I 111011N, 3I 3,..41 *413o14 4419! '41 Ot 3." htt ie•Va'i•41133 t ip. 4:11 way t i:M iiraloavin• was elan. .1, mid it wa. lee givhig geed se teen...ea:1. A aritiegell that the th „Nat heed coin ° elneinn 1,, the Farm in 19°, in 1411113"31* moldier 431. per farmers t ook pth i e. vent i‘nt should le. held iiittler it e ells - had a dirt ,L,‘".'",4knilltni, Prikv;11''z, '',','''vettl'osts of bee on Saterility, Joeepn Haw. t,e11,qu'e and ()Uteri.. 14:1y0 h. lind i11-si a dirt hey, „„. (1110\11 La: this year. trout WWII Met 1 lie gat144.1S • intrt 6. tinder the etiNlettV.S e. teeatee otee areee,„ ovea on fueedae . 1 e ‘N, .0. of the stui_hini. '1,,.agt1,,, was hod, in tetehitt at tl sivang .01. dinner lvith tile family of a ee "°, ten. t re 4 r ie • n ne ; ° - " I. e t tit t tithee 34.3I3''V."0 OM, 7.33 ttl lilted 33 Ail. thee - et. h ttP1, '1,101”.• io : ,-.. ;4... Li.41itning Pranka, ...,:,,rio- , , t• - ,..s.- : ;a*, t ..._ ....... '1'' ly. .°...t,' , I.. 04* „ti 4-,/r, . 4 4 A va rissntni, Juin. 's. Particulars _ :entree: a - e nee lg. 4 ;.-,•3 ,:'' r, 1;11 : • ', ' Wiel ' 1.44.14% ”il 111.141.toeley of a 3.03 133 • -7:tre tr..- try. vtet re.1,. • '. ., a r.,,a;%., 41 , !..,....‘ 14' M. iie.11 john eleni fues of let.apte ceterle reel ea -lea lee. it, tennee. en „ rowil,..11:1, !ufi. m ,,i,,,,I,..,11,13 tw lightning al laa,. ,.1.,,1 „4: 1,:sAd. '-:1'. ,.st t:zhlilltx ‘, 11411413g 310 NoVtql. S11)3'113 Wilitil ixt..-ti 1131 •IV . • •1 •! 5ir t 3 t 101.11w -tat lireenn ene tea tn 0, • 5 I "L 1• urv,.ly it i:, ei; c,,:. farmer 3141131s11 t'opisland, Mee). a flash rielt te entry like Pel It et !...) impoat , of light 'thee cakne in tile optsu door. Ton, vaibar.:1-s 411,1' 111..n '33 3333,.. him on the right side, (..,allty 33101".31"3' 11 43' • 44100311e t enquire parelysis. A noth- nee-elite ae the tt•aelittrs 01' . heir eliild., vb.it slytttoya to }neves the chair u. The rstittt 111,'11131. 1.3 eity eantait ed,tettin which Mrs. t'olwland bad Just eor thr,,,,olartyrs ail.. year. is at 1 nsen, and this sato should be --re-- ' Irina et the litegimihig poet). year. Burolarly Wiartau, With tinleg: * I. -lilt iVe grant. _ . • ts,i,211,1 ,114114,. 3131' t1'04005 o4.f the ,vem r.„ arton,„liine 1:1.-- m -This orning be- seefiens to 04013*' 31104 the Warts tkf tween 3 ani d toh.lot.le, W. G. Ames &ea In trhere at t %4 444 each gnarl er Intug *313131itinfilce win.' at taeked by the prompt paynient of their halal- burglars. The combination of the earool pitT.mees. The county should vault 'MIS' tleStrOyed, a hole drilled ..malations enough hi institute such through the door, and nitrteglyeerine Neale of stilted finante.... and, 131)t 43i133. Thf! tv:sip1OS1011, however,. trUstt•i•s to listlit• it an expressed or did not destroy 1.134'10('k,and when emulition, whisn 1•11mming '3.43011 '33 3" opined thie evening by tteteliers. that they ;Ire to wint t.11 the an t.s. -lort from (3013113. & McCullough, •-•zul of the year for their 4'341;3l11'$." of (ht t, tilt. ('31531. and securities were found intact, A full kit of blacksmith 3003S I10111 i* 3003. bliwkstillt-il 8h01) SOU:: (` 1,M )IERNT„ (layering, were found on the premises. - The burglars were evidently dieturbed, .1. meeting 4,f South Out zwio Conser. ratives at Whitby 11133131101t1341:11r. t*httries Calder for the byv-eleetion eoon to take plave in the riding. No Right to Ugliness, The: Women who is lovely fam form and teniper will always have e* friends,- but 011e '3S110'3S110WOnia be: at- trae mustctivkeep her health.. If she in the province of Ord:trio there are is weak, siekly and all run down, :She '.11l be metvoue 1331(1:neetalee. It she had constipation or kidney trouble.her impure blood will cause pimple's, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch- ed complexion. Electric Bittees is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and. kidneys and to pnrify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a geothlooki»g, chaming woman of a rim -down invalid. Only 50 cents at any Drug Store. 114131505 181 RA agl, and el Orpean- ewes, All the collate- houses ht neer_ Won are West of Toronto with the 011' exception of Leedsand Grenville. The total number of inmates is 4481) of whom 1170 are males and 3010 are females. In religion they are classifi- ed as: Wawa Catholics '2235; Protes- mat 2,171; or other religion:: are not known, 24. The nationalities are: Vanadian, 1751; English. 820;- 14450; Scotch 201; Ueited States, 72; tad other countries, 152, * TOME Mrener.-This case, tried ei the Goderich Division Coure Court som eime since, was en action to recover from mine host of the Bedford a sum money for goods said to have been taken out of saihple room at Miller's hotel. At the trial the jury awarded $30 and costs, and from this the plain- tiff through his solicitor, L. E. Dancey, appealed, asking for prohibition again- st the Division court in this town from earrying out the judgment. The ap- peal came before Mr. Justice Rose in Poronto on Monday, and the prohibi- eion was granted with costs. This de- eision is an entire reversal of the first judgment, and is in favor of Jonathan *53* By recent changes made in the Municipal .A.ct, farmers' stepsons are .,even the same rights as farmers' sons -en respect to Municipal votes, Muni- eipal candidattes declining nominations must file their resignation with the ilerk before G p.m. on the following Jay, instead of before midnight. .All .eettnicipal and county councillors must etereafter vote on every question cora- Eng before the council by open vote, balloting in council being declared il- legal. No municipal council will here- after have power to grant any exemp- tions from. taxation except with the sssent of two-thirds of the electors entitled to vote thereon. The grant- ing of teacle licenses is made &Isere O mi. taey with municipal council. Trader an amendment of the assessment act, all farming implements and vehicles, all hay, grain Ftnd other produce are exempt from taxation. Crazed by Grief. Chathaan, Ont., Sane 12. -On being eeid of the death of her son, Mrs. Francis Robinet, wife of a highly re- eaueeted farmer, of: Sandwieh, made eve° desperate attempts to commit sui- eicle yesterday. She seized a butcher knife and attempted to cut her throat, but friends inter•vened. A little time afterwards the pool: woxnan, crazed with grief, poured keroseue on her elothing, and tried to burn herself to death. This was also diseovere.d in itene to save her, but she is now in a :30.11011S condition. Suffering from ehock. Stephen Robinele her son, 20 yearsold, was a member. of No. 5 henpany, 21st Battalicm, Essex Fusi- liers, While attending London camp he was seized with hemorrhage of the limgs, and was taken to tb.e leospital. Inuring his nurses absence he tried to lea,ve the hospital, with the idea ce going home, but was detected. The fftetit was too much, and he never re- 3C,Veved. Killed While he Ran. Blenheim. June 7.-A terrible acci- cleat happened yesterday afternoon, resulting in the sudden death of John Weslart, an employe of Joseph Leth- waite, of the Ridge Road, Harwich township. While engaged in building a new foundation to the barn, the sid- ing of the barn was all eemoved, leav- ing the rafters and roof on. A sudden and violent wind and rain storm came up about 5 o'clock, causing.the men to run for shelter from the ram, towards 0 small flea house about fonr rods dis- tant. As they hastened off a load crack was heard, as though timbers were breaking, and as Sherman Griffinewho was running alongside John Weslan, turned, having suddenly thought of his smoke coat that he left hanging in the barn, and was barely missed by the flying half of the roof that had been blown from the barn. It glanced by him, striking Weslan square m the head and shoulders, breakinghis neck and shoulders, killing him instantly as it crnshed him to the earth. Robt. Tedford, Mr. Mead and Lethwaite's son have to thank their fleetness of foot for saving their lives. They were only three feet in advance of the poor victim. Mr. C. Guilin:it gaieltel on Thursday evening 4113(1. 0. a graml surcess. The it ),•t-ning 11131. ;Intl there mete it very large turnout. The ii,irkton Brass Band furnislwd some excellent mask; whieh added, much to the even- ing's entertainment. Mr. Ed. 'limit,- wood ntve 21. few elmice songs. Flit 15 West Elgin Protests Toronto, June 13. -The particulars have been filled in the case of the West Elgin petition against D. McNish. Ser- ious charges are brought against Depu- ty Returning Officer Duncan Bole, to the effect that he concealed the ballots of No. 4 Southwold, and during the night following the elections opened the ballot boxes and altered, defaced and substituted ballots. Sheriff Brown the returning officer, is also accused of mieconduct, in that being well ac- quainted in the riding he consulted with McNish and his supporters and agents concerning the appointment of deputy returning officers, and then without giving auy reliable or reason- able information to the identity, intel- ligence or integrity appointed men to these offices. It is alleged that un- known men acted in several divisions uncle'. assumed names which are given. In the case of several divisions of St. Thomas it is asserted that deputy re- turning officers were not appointed until the clay before the election and the Sheriff refused to make known their names to the agents of McDiar- mid, the Conservative candidate. It is further asserted that the returning officer received ballot boxes from di- visions No. 4, 11 and 8, of St. Thomas from persons other than deputy re- turning officers without ascertaining or endeavoring to ascertain from whom reeeived. the sueettee, of the Montreal meeting may be reeardtel alreadv assured. 05 eo for as attendanee is c•oiwornml: While a('li•gates; 113 L'('4 $14&'2211)13' 131331)- 1)mm exlmi•liml, front 811 parts of (he V01131try. .1 large vontingent ‘. down by the eva " 0. looked fm., there 15 but one C. K Couven. tion in the :Maritime Provinces, in- I-tead of the usual three a untuil events. goot 3.1331 ssinger and bat:some up-to-date emglentare rate for the round trip Viee't.4., The penmen; aweennea to has been eateared on ail milways. As eeee - mete Xellio White ie nue to he fee ttS tht: 94.1eg3tte.., Is out around again. ---The pittlunastere lelletedem the Christieu hOltri of the have ;Tenni the wade for th, wet etty; the price for these banks has two in. three mouths. "Why not do this slat ute labor in the fall? It would be well if our vouriell would pass a bee law to that (431'('t, -Mi'. R. la, Comb, was in tioderich on a law ;mit, regard- ing the burning of the evaporator here on Oet. 10113 Inet.---Mrs, .1. W. Roy is recoverieg from her reeent 03,- The feint of the late 11301333, 1141,33.00(1 Was sold by auction on Friday last, the purchasers being fiezlewood the price paid was $5,000. There was a good number at (lee side aud bidding WaS pretty ilYelY. 11. DrOWn was the „auctioneer. Farq ;Thar Comurrau Stneenne-One of the most tingle evente that eVer oceurred in this vicinit,y took place, last Sunday morning, when Lizzie, tee eldest danghter of Mr. Robert Monteith, got up out of bed about 5 o'clock, opened the hatch door leading into the cis- tern ;mit then went down through another opening, fourteen inches square, into the cistern and ended her life in about four and a half feet of water. It appears she had been a sufferer for limey two years and. yet despite good medical treatment and kind friends her health gradually be- came worse and her trouble and suffer- ing so intense that her mind became deranged. She was of a quite and re- tiring disposition, inoffeneivi. and. un- assuming in her manner, kind, gentle and friendly to all. She was a true and faithful member of the Thames Road Presbyterian church. She was 20 years of age. The high esteem and love in which she was held. and. the deep affection and strong sympathy for the parents and relatives were evidenced by the large number of people that attended the funeral to pay their last token of respect for the departed one and to console sorrow with the bereaved. Her remains were interred 111 the Exeter cemetery on Monday afternoon. The alinnal picnic in S.S. No. 2,is to be held in Mr. Hunkin's grove on June 23rd. A good time is expected as Mr. Jeckell and Miss Kirk, the teachers, are sparing no time to make it a success. -Mr. George Hackney has successfully passed his second year's examination at Toronto University. Last year he spent his vacation in Manitoba and the North 'West. This year he will remain at home. -Messrs. Allan McDoegald and William Tow- ers, Jr., intend having an excursion to Grand Bend on Saturday, the .17th inst. They have engaged a piper and a viohnst for the occasion, so a, good thne is expected. -Mr. Richard Rey - man had a dirt bee one day last week banking up the approach to his barn Mr. John Pollen had a verry harrow escape from what might have been a very serious loss. It is supposed that the little girl while pleying with matches lit one and left it burnhag • in the front room and then event into the kitchen. When noticed the Are had spread over the room, burning the wall paper, considerableof the bedding and furnature. A few more and the fire would have gainedsuch headway that the house and house- hold goods could not have been saved. -Mr. Earnest McNichol while prepar- ing his horse for a chive Sunday after- noon, met with. rather a painful mis- hap by being bit over the eye by his driver. MoRnee-Don't go out on Sunday • driving. -Mrs. D. Turnbull has been very ill with pneumonia during the past two weeks. As she is in hex. eightieth year, fears are enter- tained of her recovery. Her on, the Rev. J. A. Turnbull, of Toronto, has been at her bedside foe. upwards a week. Mr. Turnbull is one of the most p.oprdar preachers in the Queen City of the West and has a fine' Con- gregation which has increased very rapidly underhis pastorate.-Mr.Wm. Tawer's and hi$ wife spent a few days of last week at Greed Bend with their son-in-law. Mr. Archie McCurdy. Me. Towers has everything comfortable and convenient at home• an d can ev-ell offoud to enjoy life the rest of his cleys in ease. been limited by the heal eountut tee to 50 cents per day for a room, and -25 rents for eaeh ineal. Stiitnble commodation win oleo he somilrod 131 hotels and boarding housee, at sueh rates as the delegates may xvish to pay eo that all who would come are pro. mised enmfortable homes at a e0141. 1.01113131 4:11444' nueme, The Dominiou Convention will be held in the magnifieent and ceipacious 1131.4 33('11 3)4. *311 all linit's i s"1- emn, but more especially when a St. James Methodist Climate on St. Catherine Street, beginning Thursday F.'!"1.1g in'mn just euntUU'llel/Ig 11ct ,Z) 1,5h y 1.0,1 tit is calliml away. \ eduesility morn - !tie.. eletienee itenenee ' . 't .4.,'%; ti'l'AA.‘."4:43r3"00.113, What is Castoria is for Tufauts and Childreu, Castoriu, is a harmless substitute for Castor ail, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It .eoutains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance,. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. eastoria, destroys Worms and allays reverish- ness, easterly, cures Diarrhoea and Wind, Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Castoria, assimilates the Vood, regulates the Stonmelt and. Bowels tit -Infants and. Children, giving healthy and natural eleep. Castorla is tho Children's Patmeett-The 3Iother's I`riend. Castoria, "casto4a es...,•sltr.,nt tztes1Hrine, fsr chi:titan. :Moths - • n ;lc 13,1,1 ;no Vt. it'. ;341.e;a4 11111c: tr.., 7'1 V: (03:173.41:- C, , THE FAO -SIMILE 10, Casta-da. 'st*w3 : lren 41 311111..3 4 ' 44%y 14,2, :$013 r t'. n• :NI. .1•"/ '1. SIONAtURE OF •:• APPEARS ON EV TI•4- 4.• 1,1.4,31,10C.+1,P4NY Winghatut On Saturday evening last, one of the oldest resident- 0; Wingliann in the evretel of Isaat. bee laud, pieetel away to the great he, 4 Y1)1441111 his 8,2011 year. Dem.:teed had „ , reeitled in 'V't nigirao for many year-. Ile conducted a hi:wit:quit it :Amp at i 1114' hOl11.11 OW of j °sold:dui. :elute, 1411- " 1 11 a few years agl), 1010) failing i 1 1., iAMMO t'0111Pelled WM V) et.:Ist• ilis labors. lie had been in feeble health for a number of yeare. .1 widow and 1 a geown up family of sons nud dinv-lv, c. tors are iert to mourn his loss. eto r t e os mu u 411111 tlth. The programme and .generall, arrangements are in the: hands of the Canadian Council, which as 000P0F.8d of Mr. G. Tower Fergnson, Toronto, President ; Rey. 8, P. Rose, 0.1)., Ot- tawa, Viee-President; Mr. O. 1. Atkin- son; Toronto, Secretary-Treaeurer: together With the Presidents of the eight provincial unions. The follow- ing committee. appointed by Mon- treal 0.'E. 1.Tnion, has charge of the local arrangemen tee namely: James Wilson, Chairman; George Lyman, Secretary; john ('unningham, Fin - 10304'; J. H. Canford, Hotels; W. S. Leslie, Reception; .1. Ritchie Bell, Mimic: IL A. Moulton, Press; W. Palmer, Halls; Rev. Dre. 1)3331500,, Pul- pit Supply. These are all energetic and enthusiaetic Endeavorers and have .aiready appli.ed themselves to the task, before them with the deter- mination that nothing shall be left un- done on their part, to make the -Con- vention a grand. success. A Sure Reward When Paine's Celery COM - pound is Used. The Only Medicine That is Able to Call a Halt to All Wasting and Danger- ous Diseases. If sick people -young and old-acte e(1 with greater promptness and de- cision, suffering, agony and misery would be vastly reduced. To delay the work of regulating and bracing, the nerves and purifying the blood is a senotis mistake. and poiemed, when the nervous sys- When the blood is sluggish, impure tem is unbalanced, when digestion is -deranged, and the appetite poor and variable, be assured our conclibion is critical and calls for instant attention before the hot summee weather brings its many added dangers. At this time the use of Paine's Celery Compound will do a marvellous work forevery rundown, sick anti diseased man and woman. Its life-giving work first commences with the blood, which is made clean and pure; then the nerves are quickly set in order, diges- tive vigor is fully restored, the appe- tite is made natival, sleep is refreshing and the despondent heart is made light and ieyous. It is well to bear in inhad that Paine's Celery Compound owes its origin to the most distingnished physician that this North American continent ever produced, and his great and worthy prescription is publicly indorsed by our best medical experts. if ail disheartened sufferers will start proniptly with Paine's Celery Compound they will be Astonished aed delighted with the speed with which this wonderful remedy is able to call a heft to wasting and dangerous dis- eases. It is now making tens of thou- sands '304311 113131 strong 'Tor the hot and sickly summer weather. Children Cry For, CAST ing Miss Florence McKee, danghter of Mr. McKee, merchant, died front that dread disease, constimptum, 3It tile Inv Of 24. She bad been ill t.ver since they moved to Mitchell, and money,eare or Mott had been $pared to being her bock to health- Death came at last. and WnS bravely met, as she had led a beautiful life, The bereaved father and. sister have the sympathy or a large circle of friends. ifer remains were taken to Peterboro and 1011'i'(1e beside her mother, who died about five years ago. While a, load Of foot -bell players from Iroquis'Ont„ were driving to tehesteryille Satin:knee their hoeses took fright and one line broke thus drawing the team to the ditch, upset- ting the rig and throwing the men- paets Out Mac. Gibbons, of irean, was seriously hurt, having his thigh brokeu, and being otherwise badly bruised. CASTSIA For Infants and Children. o fat - 3133311 cieenura of /-4134( is; on orore mann. THE GLASS OF FASHION. Round waists and Eton jackets of fur are worn with cloth skirts. 'Fancy handkerchiefs with colored hemstitched borders and colored em- broidery are revived again. Drap de cuir is one name for the new dull finished cloth which is coming in to fill the place of faced cloths. A novelty in skating gowns is made entirely of black caracul with rosettes of rose colored velvet on the bodice to brighten the effect. Bengaline in any pretty color is very popular for separate waists, but if yon want the smartest thing get white and make it with a narrow round yolee of lace. The best dressed, most up to date women have discarded jewelry almost entirely for day wear, but gems of all kinds and grades of magnificence glitter in profusion in the evening. Street jackets for the coming season are either buttoned close down the front or turned back in revers to the waist line, or made double breasted, fastening from the shoulder down on the left side. The prevailing tendency in skirts just at the moment is to abolish seams as nearly as possible. One new model has no seam in the back and is carried out in cloth with silk introduced at each side in panels_or a sort of stole end ef- fect. A stunning muff to carry with your black cloth gown is made Of black chit fon shine(' into tucks, and white Per- sian lamb. The chiffon forms the wide band around the center, and the fur is the lining which extends over the edge in two white bands at the ends. -New York Oull. 'tP ti t APPER. 5. 'neer um es -isi-rkth,1,1 guaranies, 3.or 1,334 4 1%7.44 SteelTw1.9:4',!'),Hu -rls *33330','S.; t auntlt. theitit 1134 r:arollari., ter t lieuNeerix. pur.toont.• 8101 3 -•33, rs!•••-• 3 *40 IF , 1:441" 434 4 ift, 1.4.44, :4 r i!. 101 lant) Spray.. Persiatie ut rts nix eon lain.. 110 31 poi,ou or 1'a1: -.0r, 530'.• (4.3313 lit.lit.' *13I33), we. Intrude.. •rsk 1.i -wino to n• Cunasla's soslv roliable spray Sheep Dip. Mi.:Ninth` 1 lipi,i4 preparatian fur tj;e cure of -.lint ii.eases the v340(.1331011 ot vermin In sImess eatths. It is Isigislv ineslii:inal anti snws its work weel3 ttki drastis• or irrtt.tting lluslorsel 11; lowing Shtell raisers. Horse Wash. Persiatio Horse Watill is a. prepariA medicament for the 4.1.41 513(), tlir,egowa 310.. tU3iztu hors's 1311.1 for rishling then) Or 4t3i insect, pests and vermin • 1 t has 13 surpass- ingly reiresinsig effect, I Age tele, the pat and mats this skin in a thortsuglsly healthy condition. Price 8.1.60 vet St oz. can. Pig Wash. Persiatic Pig Was1; is successfully II:Wit all 011S4S of slon diseases of swine,,and for 11111,. trosine pits, lino anti vvrnon generally. Iti.•eps 1.138 .414(1.4 in boalthy vonsliton and 013- .433348 33 'healthy appearance 111 the dresse 1 13111131131 10r market, eIi t LIJllS III2ijp())11.1A.,titiz Hon House Spray and. Poultry Pow- der destroy vermin peculiar to the feather- ed stock -on fowls or in sheds. A et a disin- fectant, destroying germs and purifying the titmosp sere. Used lilasrally they prevent ro wo an 1 kindred. diseases. Purchase these goods from your dettler, or beud to us direct .for thorn. We iaOlte corm- spoildenee. TUE PICKilAnDT RENPREW CO., Limited, Stonfiville, Ont. 'Soldiers Have Gone. The soldiers have gone home, and Carling's Heights, the scene of great military activity for the past fort- night, once more presents its 1.1811111 appearance. But for a few canteens remaining on the grounds, there is scarcely anything to indicate that a camp has been in progress. * * The pay list of the troops has been made up by Col. Dawson, district paymas- ter, showing the total cost of the camp to have been nearly $34,00ge The sums paid. to the several &eV" were as follows: -Hussars, $4,200: Twenty-first (Essex), $2,000; Twenty- sixth (Middlesex), $2,900; Thirty-third. (Huron), $2,400; Thietie th (Wellington), ee"-- $8,700; Twenty-seventh (Lambton), $2,450; Twenty-eight (Peeth), $1,700; Thirty-secoucl (Bruce), $5,750; Tweuty- ninth (Waterloo), $1,800, a total ef $26,450. To this limst be added the amount expended for rations, $5051.86, and foe theestaff officers over $1,000, bringing tlih grand. total to nearly . $31,000. The cost of the rations: - Bread, $822.30; meat, $2,163.97, po- tatoes, $288.53; groceries $703.46 for- age, $563; fuel, $398.10; straw, $2.50. - Free Press. A ten -year-old Kingston boy, named Robert Turner was drowned Monday. The County Council of Essex has voted $14,000 towards the establish- ment of a house of eefuge. At Chatham F. G. George, while en- gaged. in pruning trees, Was struck in the face with a falling limb and one eye was completely knocked oat. The casualties of the United States troops since the oritbx.eak of hostilities in the Philippines has reache11 a total of 1,029. Diming the engagement of Saturday the United States lost two officers killed and 21 men wounded. , Ida May, the three-year-old daugh- ter of Horace Pairman, of Handlton, while playing with matches in rear of her parents' house last evening, set fire to her clothing and. was fatally burned. She died within a couple of hours, medical aid being unable to save her Children Cry for C STO 1A,