HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-6-15, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR. -606. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, TUNE 15, 1899. C, H. SANDERS, EDITOR. is P& s Had King Solomon Lived 1n our day, he would have endorsed the fact that Bishop & Son are giving you better Value, better treatment and better goods to choose from than any other house 111 the trade. , , O Dress Gods Dept. We aresole agents ;for the dle rte1 ( Exeter. ';` i[O a# e. a, (xdloai xlx idMedlDr These gnosis arc, every sores warranted not to Arirlk or discolor. 42 -roes* Covet Suttings, blue, brow - and black; honest values at 75e., this week 50e, P 48 -incl? Coating Serge in this season's shades; Special at 50e. .tA big line of Fancy Dress Goods bought from the market at half price, 42-inehs wide, yours for 20e. A few douses left in that Bicycle Suiting We told you about last week. .Again this week while they last for 18e. Tine Satin Finished Goods seem to meet with great favor this season, We have them in all the newest tones at :Arc, and 75e. Special line Brocaded Lustre, good values at 25e„ Our price 25e. SILKS ; SILKS I3laek Taffeta, 25 -inch wide, Speeiai at 09e. and rte. The kind you get 4l t'wher•e for we, ands $1,00, 10 only Fancy Waist Ends worth 75e., this week 50e. 8 only Fancy Waist Ends, regular ; LOO kind, Our price 75e. ,All shades in Satins for trimmings, from 50e. up. SII 1 R'T WAISTS. A full line of Shirt Waists in white and bhtek and fancy patterns. Special from 73e. to $1.25. SxaatUware Depit, R Ready -Made ,Clothing. Ladies' Summerer \c5 a> Special at s ,}< , f►e.e armac. and l }c'. Limit-. and Children's Fast Meek C'ottora Hose in robbed or plain, speeial at 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 126e. and upwards. Ladies' Linen Collates, 8 -ply solid. linen, newest shapes and styles, 3 for Ladies' Silk Mitts in Wen:, brown and light fawn; Special at 1.a, 20, 2„ se. Ladies' Silk Glove,, auty simile, any price. LININS, LINENS, Glass towelling, warranted pure linen; Spiegel at 5e. A gond, heavy, all linen absorbent ('rash for handtowel,; slaec•ia1, 8 & 10e, Special 60 -inch, ; bleached Table Laren; regular price:3:ie„ this week 2SSc. Special 61 -trach, bleached, Table Linen, goods honest value at 50e„ our price 33e, 2::,doz. ,Towels just anrivetl; a bar- ' gam at 25e. per pair, Table Napkins -sae, per doz., worth $1.B0; $1,00 per doz„ worth $L2,5; $L25 per doz., worth $1.30. Cottons -white cotton, 5, 0, 7, 8 and 9e.; Factory, 4, 3, 6, 7 and 8e. 25 doz, Men's Braces, regular 25e. kind; while they last, 5c. as pair White Bed Spreads -20 doz.1iite (luilts. large size, very special at 98e. Men's. Single Breasted Snits,well- tailored and best of workmanship, special at $4.50, 5.00, 5.75, 0,25, 0.75, :Hen's Odd Pants, special at 98e., $1,25 and $L50. lion'•: -Niece suits, well made, goods bowel linings and workmanship, specie l at $2,00 and $2.30. Lace Curtains -Special at res tape„ 73e., $L00 and $1.23. Boots & Shoes. We are handling the J. I),, King Boots & Shoes. Every pair is war- ranted, and the wearer protected by the trade unvk "J. 0. King." Ladies' Doug, Oxford at $1.25, regular $1,73; ditto. $L10, regular $L23; ditto with cloth tops, $1,30, regular $1.75. Ladies' Extension Soles, $1.33, regu- lar $1.75. Ladies' Buttoned. $2.00 and $2,23; ditto, $1.00, regular $2.00. Ladies' Prenella Buskin, 00e. and 83e.; Ladies' Prenelha lamg Buskin, 73e. told 00e. ( I)onlola C'ong'ress, $1.23 to $1.73. • A full range of Boys' Running Shoes, ` all sizes, special snap at 30e. Hardware Department --....i.... BINDER TWINE that gave sueb good satisfaetion last year ti.tat, as large number of our .cus toxnet% re -ordered Iast winter. The Celebrated Plymouth Binder Twine. Hay Fork Rope, Pulleys, Forks, Slings, Lawn Mowers, Paris Green. BINDER TWINE GOLD MEDAL, GOLDEN SHEAF, PLYMOUTH SPECIAL Scyths, Snaths, Remember -We will not be unersold. We do not lower the quality by lowering prices. Quality First - then down go the prices. We are Sole Agents for the celebrated Diamond Hay Carrier for Cabe, Steel or Wood Track. We can make it well worth your trouble seeing it. • Centralia, Mr. Donald Campbell, of Varna., who recently disposed of his . blaek-' smith shop in that Mace, was in town Saturday with a view to securing the vacant silos here, lately oeeupied by James Mel' ' ills. -Rev. S. Salton - and W. C. Huston returned hoose last day from Conference and are well pleased with their visit to 'Windsor-. The services of last Sunday were both interesting and instructive. The morn- ing service was (•oncl#ieted by the as - tor and six. William Walden, of Lon- don township, while in the evening Mr. Sam. (irigg and his daughter, , Grasse, held an ('van relistie service, the church being packed to its utmost ea- pa#city,--1#iss A. Campbell, of Varna, is spending her vacation here with rel- atives and • friends. -Another sale of butter has been made and the business of our factory is progressing more than expected. -The Rev. John Ball, ofi xleto ,wil r achhere ectSun- day n1s in the absence of our l 4 0te-7l . JuioxLeague will hold a picnic an Saturday afternoon in Mr. Parson's bush, west e'f the town. A goods time is expectedde Our New Wickless Blue Flame Coal Oil Stoves are giving splendid satisfaction. See them before buying. Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs in trade. Remember—The Stand Opposite the Commercial Hotel. BISH0P & So1, ...EXETER This Store Closes at 6:30 p.m., except Wednesday and Saturday. (COAT LOST. A ' dy's black coat was lost between Ex- eternd Crediton last Sunday evening. Finer will kindly leave same at this office. Sale Register. "TIVIDAY,JUNE 16.—Clearing sale of Farm Stock, the property of Sturgeon, Campbell & Co.. on Lot 17, South Thames Road, Us - borne. Taos. CAMERON, EsTRAT COLT. - There came ,pato the premises of the undersigned, Lot 5, Lake Road, Stephen, a bay eolt. about 2 years old. Owner can have same by proving property and paying ex- penses, Wii. DUNSFORD, Say. ANONEY TO LOAN_ WW We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment uponfarm or village property, at lowest rates of interest. DIC&SON & CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. FARMS FUR SALE( MONEY TO LOAN. • The undersigned has a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms ;TORN SPAOKTIAN, Samwell'a Block Exeter 1VIONEY TO LOAN. lltoney, to loan at from 414 to 5 per cent, ELLIOT & (LADMAN, Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter AGENTS WANTED—FOR "THE LIFE and Achievements of Admiral Dewey," the world'sreatest naval. hero, By Murat Hal- stead the life-long friend and admirer of she nations idols. Biggest and best book; over. 500 pagges, 8x10 inches• nearly 100pages 'halftone i1lusuratinn.s. Only $150.. nor - mous demand. Big commission Outfit free. Chance of a lifetime. Write quick. Tho Dominion Company, Ord Floor Caxton Bldg,, Chicago. FOR SALE. That most desirable piece of land contain- ing about 271/ acres, being part of Farm Lot No. 20, in the 1st Concession of the Town- ship of Stephen. This land adjoins the Cor- poration and is splendidly situated, facing the London Road. Also the following Village Lots in the Vil- lage of Exeter :— Lots Nos. 45 and 46 on the East side of Main Street and immediately south of the residence of Ti. Follick, Esq. Part Lot No. 21 on the West side of Main Street, immediately South of the residence of Charles Rowe. Esq Part of Lot F., on the east side of Andrew Street. almost opposite the Main St. Metho- dist Parsonage, containing nearly one acre of land and known as the old school house property. Lots Nos. 162 and 168, North-west oorner of Victoria and Carling streets. The land now used as recreation grounds, the land immed- iately North thereof andthe land being part of same farm lot but West of the London, Huron & Bruee R.R.; containing in all about 40 acres. This land is admirably situated and !aces on Huron, Carling and Sanders Streets. The land on either side of the Station Road, being part of farm Lot, No. 28, in the 1st Concession, of the Township of Stephen, and now surveyed into lots and sheets, con- taining about 27 acres. These two last parcels of land will be sold by the lot or acre to suit purchaser. For further particulars, apply to ,DARLING BROS, or to CARLXNG & DICIis0N Merchants Barristers, Exeter. McGillivray: An interesting wed- ding ceremony took place Wednesday at the residence of Dr. Hossack, when Miss Priscilla Martin, who has been a member of the household for the past five years, was married to . Wnn. Mor- gan, of 16th concession, near Lieuly. liss Gerrie Sprott' actedted as bridesmaid while Walter Bloomfield assisted the groom. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. F. McL.Smith, and after- wards the newly married couple drove to their new house in 1VIcGillivray. The wedding march was played by Miss Ina. Stanley. Grand Bend Jim Crownan is all smiles this week -Its a girl. -Wm. Welsh re- turned home Monday after spending a few days with friends in Forest. -Mr. Chester and wife of Sarnia, are spend- ing a few days at the Brenner house. —'The Maccabees of Park -Hill and Dashwood held their annual picnic here on Monday. -The Bend football team played the Dashwood team on Saturdays resulting 1-0 in favor of the Bend. -There was a picnic here front Kirkton on Tuesday, from Arkona Wednesday, and from Shipka and Khiva Friday. ' Mooresville.. The residence of lit. John Fix, banker, Sateen, had a narrow escape front being destroyed by fire on Sat- urday afternoon last. It is said his son had a labatory up stairs, and it was there the fire originated. The furniture -entered severely from the drenching. -The Mooresville people purpose having at strawberry festival at the Nursery church ou the Nth inst.-The residence of the late Daniel Shoff, of (9andeboye, was sold by auction on Saturday last, Mr, George Carter, of t'lantit'boye, being the pur- chaser. $1,315 was the price paid, whish is considered a good figure, - Mr. W. Giveaway, of I,Umdon, was the guest Of 1Ir. W. W. Revingtun on Tuesday, -•®Mr, Raycr•oft, of Morning - ton, was the guest of Mr. Richard Raycroft, Bi:leittlph, last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sifton, of Area, is the guest of Rev. Rice, l,lteatn.---Air. James Anderent has purchased a nice driver, -Mrs. (1».) Abbott, of Albion,. Mich., is visiting friends near Lncan, -Mr. Josephltusser, of Ailsa Craig, is arranging fo: the excursion. to Len- sing, mach., June 22, iVIcGiilivray Council Council met pursuant to adjourn'. ment in Town Hall, McGillivray, June 5th. Present N. Grieve, Reeve; R. Hutchinson, N. Miller, P. P. Harding and H. Hodgins, Councillors. Minutes of last meeting read, approved of and signed. Hodgins -Hutchinson, that the Reeve is hereby instructed to sign agreement for the construction of ditch, per Ditches and Watercourses Act, Re William Lewis requisition. -- Carried. Harding -Hutchinson, that $12 be expended on the east end of East Williams townline, provided the Council of East Williams make a simi- lar grant. -Carried. Miller -Hodgins, that R. Hutchinson is hereby authoriz- ed to obtain the services of a surveyor to have the 29th concession surveyed. -Carried. Miller -Hodgins, that the Council pay accounts amounting in all to $957,50. -Carried: Hutchinson - Harding, that the council adjourn to meet in the Town Hall, ou Friday the 30th of June at one o'clock P.M., when the Court of Revision will hold its last sitting. Carried. Wm. FRASER, Clerk. Usborneensall D. UA.Y, Farquhar, Commissioner And Vonveganeer, Money to scan adtloweat rates La.* Orrzcs RE-OrENEo.—The ofceof $. of interest, H. Collins, Barrister, Exeter, has been r. There died at his late residence. caul- opened. J. G. Stant•urg,B.A ,(late of Tactor. tear, Osier, Hoskin. Cr. t:reelmasn, Barrister:. cession 7, Usbolne, oil Tuesday, ,lone Terost0.. who is about totem apartnerahiti with Air. Collins, fs In charge. 13t11, one of the oldest and most res- pected residents of the township in the person of Isaac Whitlock, aged 78 years. The deceased had been 111 about two weeks from as complica- tion of diseases, and, from the first, his ease seemed hopeless. Ile was never married and come froni Eng- land, when tisis minim- wag a com- plete wilderness. The funeral took place on Tuesday to the E liriiville centetery.--The property known as the old. Oke property was sohi last week b} Mr. 'Thomas Cameron, of. 1`s- borne, to Mr. Win. C. Day'nian, of the 2nd concession, for $5,250. Zurich '! n 's; e\ Mr. Jacob Roeder, who i e4tde .# few .g ' .S d othis village, t and who ! e smith f Ill. .Ill h nail r, has won lux enviable reputation as a breeder of thoroughbred cantle, reeent- ly sold to lir. Il, -Smith, the well-. known breeder and prize winner of Hay, a very superior young bull, sev- en months old, This line animal was purchased for use in Mr. Smith's' own herd. lir. Roeder also sold to Mr. Sanitll a sixteen months' old bull, which he lnureha-t•4 for the Interior department for shipment to Manitoba. 1Ix. henry Tr•uefnuer, a neighbor of Mr. Roeder, also sold to 11r. Smith ea very nice two vena' ohs bull also for shipment, to the Northwest, and for which he received the handsome stun of $1'.'.3, Mr. Henry C'r'oft, of the.same neighborhood, sold to the same gentle. roan, for shipment to the Northwest, a. two-vrux-e'td bull for $100. These were all good animals and a email to their breeder's, and show that' the farmers of this distriet ILFt' coining to the front as breeders of good short horns, -Mr, Jacob Waltz, one of the pioneer residents, of slay township, was buried in the Lutheran cemetery on Wednesday. He was 75 years of age. Mr;, Jacob Worm was also in- terred in the same cemetery on Wed- nesday. She leaves a husband and one child to mourn her demise. Dasli ood LAW Orrlcs 1E-0essED.--The office of R. H. Collins, Ba:raster, Exeter. has been re- opened. J. 6}. btanbury. B.A., (late of Mc- Carthy, Osler, Uoskin & Creolmau, Barris- ters, toronto) who is about to form a part- nership with Mr. Collins, is in charge. Rev. A. 'W. Sauer and Mr. Sins Ire- land returned from the Convention. on Friday; also Mr. J. Kellerman and 111rs. Wurtz.-.Messrs. 0 Fritz, E. Bos- senbeery, H. Weber and others from Zurich were hi the village Saturday - evening and witnessed the football match. between the Bend team and the home boys. The score stood 1-0, in favor of the Bend boys, the goal be- ing made within the last few minutes of the game. -MI's. E. M. Brokenshire, who has been under the doctor's care during the past week, is able to be out again. -Mr. Ezra Teeman has been laid up the past week with blood. poi- soning in one of his legs. We hope he may soon be able to attend to his busi- ness again. -Mr. E. H, Fish,. of Exeter, was in the village Sunday. A UOEltECTION.-Iii our correspon- dence some two weeks ago there ap- peared an item referring to the foot- ball team of this place and their play with the Bend. team. We disclaim having anything to do with the said article, and even do not know the team had been to the Bend. till we saw it in print. The Bend correspondent made some capital out of the article last week, stating that they had chal- lenged the senior team, but the juniors came. That cuts no ice, whether they wished to call themselves juniors or seniors. Why did. they not send in the score for publication and take their medicine like men ? Hay Connue.---The Council met on Mon- day, the 5th day of June as Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll for 1899, when the following appeals were disposed of :---Conrad Wagner, appeal not sustained; Ezz'n. Heist, as- sessed for north half lot 4, con. 0, in- stead of Canada Co.; V. Eisenhofer, assessed for east half lot 10, con 8, in- stead of Canada Co.; Ed. Miller, as- sessed E. pt. S. lot 7, 1+:. g N. L lot 7, S. 1. lot 8, con, 13, instead of Cana- da Co.; Hy. Voiland, assessed on W. pt. lot 20, con. 11, instead of Conrad 'Volland: Ed. Axe, assessed on lot. 133, Vols. sur. Zurich, instead of Conrad Volland. On Motion, the Court of Revision was closed and the assess- ment confirmed. After Corot of Revision, council re- sumed. Arequisitiou of police trustees of the village of Zurich, requesting Council to levy a special tax of $150 on the assessment of said police village, was on motion granted. J. 0. Kalb- fleisch was awarded the contract for the construction of a guard fence on the south side of lot 21, con. 8, Centre Road, for the stun of $150. Orders for the following amounts were issued: - H. Magel, working grader S.B., $15.62; Hy. Li pbardt, equalizing U. sehools, $4.00; Joseph Oesch, culvert con. 10 and 11, $2.50; Hy. Rupp, team for grader, $2.50; A. McCormick, 2 bridges on con. 14, $30.50; White & Sons, printing, $13.80; Wm. Snell, culvert, S. B. $5.25; Wm. Snell, culvert, Dash- wood, $2.75; J. McDonald, 2 culverts and spikes, con. 6, $2.25; Thomas Pal- mer, cleaning ditch H.S.D., $48.00; Ed. Middleton, cleaning H.S.D., $5.50; J. C. Kalbfieisch, lumber, $14.48; Eliz- abeth Witzei, relief, $10.00; J. Snell, rant to Dashwood. $17.00; Geo. Thiel, fir., culvert C. R., $2.00; Wm. Jarrot, work on sideroad, $2.00; W. B. Battler, inspecting ditch H.S.D., $2.00; A. G. Ehnes, inspecting ditch H.S.D., $2.00; A. G. Ehnes, storing grader, $2.50; Fred Hoist, work on road, con. 4 and 5, $10.00. Friedsburg. Mr. Ezra Brenner and sister, of Grand Bend, were in town Thursday evening Mr. Sid.. Bossenberry, of Grand Bend, was here on Thursday. - Mr. W. J. Scott and Miss Tillie Kibler wheeled to Grancl Bend Thursday even- ing. Be careful Walter. -•Our path - master, of Stephen, is having the old sidewalks torn up for the erection of the new brick one. This will be an improvement as the old ones are in a very poor condition. -O. W. Snell wheeled to Grand Bend Tuesday. -Mr. Jonathan Merner and Miss Laura Kib- ler, of Zurich, were in town Thursday. A number of our sports are fishing at Port Blake daily. -Friday evening our boys had a game in Rugby football. - 0. W. Snell, after finishing a teacher's course at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, member of the Olympic Dramatic Club and Better Than Gold. Company, is in a position to give in- structions in piano, voice and Reed organ. Any one interested in. this line will please call at office on Main street, Dashwood. -Have yyour pnnc- tured and porous tires vulcanized at the repair shop, one door west of Hart- leib's block.-Mrss Beatrice Robinson, of Exeter, was visiting at J. W. Nors- worthy's on Saturday. -A number of young folks wheeled to Port Blake on' a fishing expedition, returning empty haancled.-C. Fritz, of Zurich, was in town Monday. -Mr. 0. Hartleib, of Zurich, was visiting his brother, Jonas here on Sa nday.--•The Lady Maccabees held their annual picnic on Monday. - The Grancl Bend and Dashwood foot- ball teams met here on Saturday night and played it game, resulting in favor of the former by I,-0. Our team take their defeat gracefully, • but neverthe- less the game was far from being fair, and notevithstandingthe threats of one of the visitors and other unfair con- duct our wee, wee boys put up an ex- cellent game. We trust the final {Hatch may prove a better game. A. grand celebration on Dominion Day, July let. -Miss (iertie Lloyd, esu Tuckerslnith, visited Miss E. Stone- man for a few days last week. -Hiss Robb, of Seafortll, visited Miss E. Steinbach over Sunday. -Tile League= of Ill fisail and 'Rcthesda are holding lila it uenie Thiir d ty to Grand Bend, Miss B. Steinbach visited friends here last week. --Mie G. Trott went to T -ie ronto Tuesday morning, -A large num- ber went from this station to Gue1p1 Tuesday. -Miss E. Stoneman visited at Mr. D. Steinleech's, Zurich, Thurs day. -Mr. and Miss Moir, of Colorado; are Boole for the surnxner.-Mr, Will Elder, has returned house for the boli - days. event i' I•.ilxik l �, happy� t (1( , Mr. James •xv a t {. home. of<. nil T< pl, c at h it it t tor, oil \\ cdneeday t' eninee \\'e here rerer to the nxax•rial;e of his eldest daughter, Miss Eliza Jane, to Mr. John Shepherd, the eldest son of Ur- John hlrJoiln Slu•pherd, of Tucl ersmith. The Inaxrialge eerenrony was performed by Rev, d. 5. Henderson, of Caging: church, assisted by Rev. W. J. Wads t' ( was witnessed a dl 1, and ,fby large nuntlier of t he relatives of the coS- traeting parties end, a few intimate friend,. The bride looked charming, dressed in cream. brocaded duehea'r satire, with silver trimmings and a bridal veil, andearrying a baguet of. (-ream roses, The hridesnitaid, Misr Annie Bell Taylor, sister of the' brides was very bermmngly attired in crews cashmere. trimmed with pearls, ribba, and chiffon, and also earned a boquet of cream roses. The grucszisluan W(I$ Mr. John S. Wren, B.A. Tito bride: wa:, given away by her father, surd the wedding man•eit was played by Miss Dora Kinney, of Leaadbury-. Aftee the ceremony was over and the hoop couple had been warmly congratulated: as move was made for the dining room., where a more than usually sumptuous repast was in waiting, and after a. had partaken heartily of the appetiz- ing viands the rest of the evening was very pleasantly spent in social inter. course, together with games, MUSIC and all that goes to make glad on an occasion of that kind. The brides popularity eves evidenced by the very large number of costly and handsome presents which she received. The happy couple will at once take {an ths'ir abode at the groom's farm, neat Chiselhurst. We unite with their many friends in wishing thein long and cautioned snappiness through life FRED HESS, Clerk. Crediton PRESERVE YOUR SIGIUT..-Having just cog.: pleted a course at the Canada 'Optical Inst tutu, 1 am now prepared to Fit Spectaoler on thoroughly Scientific principles. Per- sons ersons needing spectacles aro especially re- quested to give us a call. Eyes tested free, G. 11. ZwzexER, Jeweller & Optician: Mr. and Mrs. John Pretter, of Zuriel: spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Brown. -Mr. Conrad Kuhn has pur- chased a Mikado from Wenzel & Fritz; Mr. Robert Margerson, who has been working for B. Brown for some time has left and is at present working for Mr. Geo. Mantle. -Miss Annie Sanders, of Exeter, spent a few days last week with friends in Crediton East. -Misr Brill, of Zurich, was the guest of Miss Lizzie Eilber on Sunday. -Mrs. Chris, Rau, is, we are sorry to learn, confined' to her bed though illness. -.A number of our farmers took in the excursion to the Model Farm Tuesday. -Miss Lillie Kent, of Brinsley, is spending a, few days here with her cousin, Miss Evelyn Kern -Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, of Elimville, spent a few days here last week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gea Mantle. -Mr. Mart. Salter and Miss Emily Gould spent Sunday withfriende here. -Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mitchell, of Exeter, spent Sunday here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson. -Henry Eilber, M.P.P.,leftfor Sault Ste. Marie and Port Arthur last Wednesday or the Members' excursion. -The roar' leading to the cemetery has been gra- yelled and a wire fence has been built, on the east side, thus greatly improv- ing mproving the appearance of the same. -Mr„ Hill, of Toronto, is visiting his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers. -Mr. Fred Seigner, of Zurich, was in the village last week on business. -Mrs. Wolf is very low and not expected to recover. -Mr. Chas. Zwicker was in London Tuesday on business. -Mrs. Wuerth has beaus'- fled her residence with a coat of paint. The farmers on the 6th and 7th coag- cessions have built aagravel sidewaalk4foe about a half a utile north of Crediton. Mr. Wilson Anderson is erecting afine verandah which will add much to the appearance of the place. -Rev. Litt and Mr. G. Brown returned home from Milverton Saturday where they have been attending the Sunday School Convention of the Western district sof the Evangelical Association. -Mr. L Hartuoll, of Exeter, occupied the pul- pit in the Methodist church on Sun- day evening last. -The Crediton base ball players drove over to Ailsa Craig Sattuday and played a game with the boys of that place, bat returned borne: with sad countenances, having been defeated by a large majority. Take courage boys. -Mr. James Kilpatrick, who is engaged. as framer in Exeter, spent Sunday under the parental roof, Mr. J. Abrehatrt and Miss Ella Morlock sent Sunday with friends in town.-, The Crediton band played out on Sat- urday evening, giving some choice: se- lections which was mucin, appreciated by the citizens. Communication Kalida, Man., June 3, 1899. To EDITOR ADVOCATE. We have at last atrrived to green fields and flowers and appreciate .it very much after our long cold winter. We have had a cold spring with quite a lot of rain' and by the date of my present writing nature looks lovely. The grain all over the eountry is near- ly all up, except barley and indicates a good crop, and there is alot under cultivation. Fruit too promises good; Saskitoon cherry and wild cherry are one mass of blossoms. The Indians payed us their annual visit, camping a little over a mile away, on the banks of a ravine where the men engage dur- ing the day in hunting wolves. They killed 22 in about two or three days, for which the government gives a bounty. The farmers are pleased to have them killed as they do a great deal. of harm to our fowl, especially in the fall. The Indian women make baskets which they sell to the farmers. They are very peaceable and -good natured.' There is every prospect of having a now town six miles from us, by the name of Darlingford. Work- men are busy erecting buildings and there is every indication of a boom on. a small scale. The Queen's birthday passed off very quietly with' us. Farm- ers were busy and the weather quite cool. If your readers wore to see our country at this time of the year they would be delighted with it. We have had no prairie fires this spring and no dust storms for which we are truly thankful. Yours truly, Wingham: Isabella Simpson, an old resident of this vicinity, died at the residence Mr. Samuel 'Young, on Friday last. Deceased was in her 77th year and 'WEas a sister of Mrs. E, Robertson, of Marnoch and has resid- ed with relatives in Wingham and Marnoch for many Years.