Exeter Advocate, 1899-6-8, Page 8Basins Brigbluess Brings.SRecess,„
7-2; cen/tvralt,,,:ired7,
Properly prepares -young men and women
for bo.siness lite. .14 ot our recent students
bave aceeried good situations. Busiuosa
men appreciate our work aud apply to us
tor our graduates.
Enter now if you eau. l'rospectus free.,
w. J. Priuoinal
- 'Three Weeks from Saturday will be
Dominion Date •
Try the ADVocterE foe Wedding
stationery. Latest designs. ,•
Codetich,Conecil hits voted $1e5 to
a Dominion day Celebration.
The grape growth in this locality
will be rather slim this $easen.
The pupila of S.S. No. 2, Hays pic-
nicked at Grand Bold ou oatureao
Mt. IL WIWI% of Dashwood,
thipped 1.I1f hogs this station
A partial eclipse of the Sun took
pa' e veetextley k" ed woe
- Mr. Thos. Aeheette• has diepostel of
his fine driver and purehesed another
Douse 0 Deftlge•
Solomon Quick left last Monday far
Ottawa, IiL U. S., to make his home
with his daughter, Mrs. A. M. Smiths
who resides ui that city; Mr. Quick
was formerly of Seaforth.
Wool -Wanted.
A large quantity of wool wanted at
the Exeter Woollen
the Mier quality, for whieh we will
pay a higher price than auy person
else on the market.
To Oaretete..
The undersigned wishes to inform
the farmers who have lege lyloeo
the mill yard of the Satherlanddimis
Co., that theytearx have them cut at
nee by applymg at the
SuccesSful Students,
AnaOlig the successfal students who
vacate on the recent examinations
Triuity CollegetToronto, we notice the
neenes.of E. T„ Bishop, $00. a me. IL
Bishop, hardware merchant, andT,
Rues: ell, son of Mr. Thomas Russell,
rsborne, having completed the course
for the degree of Bachelor of Arts and
both attaining tumors u Political
Science. We congratulate our young
friends on their success.
Price of Wool.
A circular sent out by hlessrs Long
Betheet of Hamilton reads as follows:
"There is yet no demand for /combing
wool from the U. Se nothing having
been exported since July, ISM. The
prices paid the farmer on this market
t Hamilton) et tka for unwashed and 13e,
eo take ite olaee. for washed merehautable gem's. As
The propeeed race meet in Luean fir
,, I tub washed wool cannot be exported
Ads' lst htzs liven deelared off untulunder any cireumstences (the ditty be -
some time in the fall. hag ihle, per pomul) local buyers shonld
Seaford; defeated St. Marys in a Iladvise ;of farmers to wash the wool on
pulse of lavrosse on Friday last by the slieeit's biwk,"
four goat,', Itt tlirvt.., Trustees' Attentient.
Sir John Meech maid, one td the, In the eport a the Minister of Ede -
greatest etetesmen Camila ever am, cation for Ontario, regret is expressed
died eight years ago last Tuesday. that SO little atteution is paid to the ••
The J LaOrtr.se team joerneyed
to Clinton on Thursday and crossed
sticks with the team a that place.
The result was 5-0 in favor of Cliutou,
.hlr. A. Hooper pieesched in the
,teaneeee. eletleeliet elturelt Suutlay
Morning, and Ur. T. Hartnoll in the
In another colninn will be found an
interesting letter from one of the Pre.
vates, who left here last week with the
A farnier'e recently found sone
" harralese " butter color and cirank
some. It a couple of hours after
from poisoning.
Dr. Rollin- and Mr. Melnuess left
Tuesday for Goderieh in their official
eapaeity ae County Councillors, which
body meets there this week.
Word was received here yesterday
cl,'Vednesdaye that Nelson Horney,
son of Mr. Jaa Hornctet formerhy of
rsborne, was drowned in Goilerich
that morning.
A deputation from the London, Ont.
City Council has one to Ottawa to in-
terview the Government regarding
the proposed. London, Lucau & Lake
Huron Railway.
The premises recently vacated. by
Mr. D. Dyer on Main street is under-
going repairs and when finished will
be oceupied liy "Ob. C. Snell its a Divis-
ion Court and express office.
„au authority on such matters says
that young ladies who wish to regain
their health should take a vapor bath
each week, just like their good old
mothers used to do -over the wash
Workmen are engaged in sinking
an artesian well for the Sutherland -
Innis Co. The company last week put
in five large steel steam boxes and
they expect soon to commence mak-
ing staves.
Mr. A. G. Dyer narrowly escaped.
losing all the fingers on one hand
while working around a planing ma. -
chine in the factory on Monday last,
As it was the points of three fingers
were taken off.
The officers and members of the
Isaac Walton Fishing Club spent a
very enjoyable afternoon's fishing at
Grand Bend on Saturday. They had
an excellent catch and all returned
with well filled baskets.
improvement of school nrenuses, par-
ticularly in the rural thstricts, where
there is ample. room for shaderree$ and
flowers. It is ;eh -metal that school
premises, where the and is available,
should be greatly enlarged and. ample
room given to ehildren to engage in
such athletic sports, or the usual chile
dreit's games as would help to develop
their physical strength and increase
their interest in attending scliool.
'Wlsile and Mite John OW were
driving on the 2n1 concession of Step-
hen on, Saturday last they narrowly
escaped serious injury. It appears the
horse took fright when in front of Mte
Geo. Walrond's and rau away upset-
ting the buggy and throwing the oc-
cupants out with considerable force.
Luckily, however, both escaped with
only shgla injuries, but the buggy did
not are so well, it being badly de-
molished. The horse ran for con-
siderable distonce but was finally cap-
tswed west on the Lake Roachnone the
Farmers excursion.
The North Middlesex Farmers' In-
stitute has made arrangements with
the Grand Trunk Railway to run an
excursion to the State Agricultural
College, Lansing. Mich., on Thorsday,
June 22. For those desiring to go
front this section the most convenient
place to take the train would be Lu -
Can, thetrain leaving there at5:55 eon,
reaching Lansing at 10:15, and return-
ing same day will lettve Lansing at
615 and arrive at LOCUM about 11
o'clock. The fare from Luton will be
$2.00; children half -fare. The fare
being low and the trip a good one, no
doubt it will be largely patronized by
farmers and others.
Third Notice.
Every editor has received them. The
postmaster semis them to the editor.
The postmaster is not to blame. For
instance there was a MAU by the name
of -well, say Tim Short, who sent us
three notices to stop his paper; he did
not want it any longer. Upon investi-
gating our subscription book we found
that Tim was sbort $2.50 He never
paid a cent and yet he stopped his pa -
as a matter of economy to us. A
teve evenings ago we stepped into a
church and Tim's melodious tenor rang
out loud and clear in that old soul-
stirrin song, "Jesus Paid it AIL" He
might have beeu mistaken, but his
Mr. Jos. Cobblediek, who was a dee- oirt Wanted.
gate to the London Methodist con- Aservantgirl who understands cook-
ference, at Windsor, 'returned home ing. Apply to IL 13tTeltINGEIASO Foa-
l\ ednesday evening,
atatentee. Here.
The final draft of changes made by
the Loudon Methodist Coufereoce,
held. at Windsor, resulted in Rev. R.
J. Broevu, beteg app.ohtte4 as pastor
of James Street Methodist clatirelx and
Rev, Robta'Aillltira, Main street. Rev.
Dr. Wiliceigh,by has been stationed at
Forest. .-
New 1.auk
The lew ofdee of Mr. R. H. Collins
which was recently closedhas been
re-opetted aud hfr.. Collies bee talteu,
into partnership with him, Mr. . J. G.
Stanbury, of Toronto, who will in
Daman emitted tbe business. Mr,
Stanbury, is late of the firm of Messrs.
McCarthy, Osier, :Hoskin & .Creelman,
of Toronto, and a sou of Dr. Steamy
of Bayfie1t3.. hte. Stanley:es career AS
a student was a most sueeeSsfal One.,
thus his abilities as. .a lawyer are un-
questionable. We 'welcome Mr. •
Staubury to our midst, and wish him
every euccess,
West Duran Exentinationa
The. IL'S. Entrance and P.S. Leaving
examinations evill be held on June 28,
20 and 30, In West Huron about 2e0
will write on the entraoce and about
100 on P.S. leaving, The oreeitling
examiners oeve-theyaeld, PriheiPal
Hagan, of Ouricb; Crediton. Prinental
Jolieston of No. 2, Hay; Dungannon,
Principal Martin,. of St. Helens; Nhet
tete Principal McKay. of Henson; Goilt
erich, Inspector Toni, of Goderieln
Hensall, Femeipol Holumn, of Deerfield
Priumpal BroSon of No. 5
Ashfield; St, Helens, Brincitial Allell,
of Dungennou; Zurich, Peinemal Harm.
well, of Varna. Tile High School ea..
mutilations begin on July 3, and eon-
tlitile mail July la At Exeter there
aro11 candidates for Form II. At
Goderich, fer Form I, 32; Form IL CtIt
Form III, 33; Form IV 10. Several of
the candidates,. at Gmferich write tm
the papers of two forms. Prinelpal
Anderson, of Huronslale, will preside
at Exeter, and Inspector Tom at Cind-
HallS Will assist at the
eXatainations at Godericlo
Sudden Death.
The hearts of numy were saddened
s the strikingly sudden and startling
news was passed around of the death
Mrs. George Davis, who died on
Saturday mortaug last at the ago of
5,3 years 11 months and 18 dept. Death
came like a thief in the night without
seemly a moment's warning. The
deceased enjoyed bee usual good
health up to Saturday morning and as
was her wouted custom got up that
moruing to getbreakfast. - 'While thus
engaged she was maidenly taken with
an epileptic fit whichlasted only a sliort
time after which she continued her
bouSehold duties feeling very little the
worse, but it was not long before she
was seized with paralysis whicb lapsed
iutO lITICODSetOUSIleSS, out of which
Ate never came, dying a few hours
later. The deceased. was a kind neigh-
bor and was highly esteemed by all
tvho had the pleasure of her act -main -
tame. She was a. faithfie and. con-
sistent Member of the English church,
always having the 'welfare of the
-church at heart. By her friends, as
well as by the husband, and one
daughter, her death is deeply mourn-
ed. Her remains were taken to the
Trivitt Memorial church on Monday
where serrice was conducted by Rev.
Ten Eyck, after whith the faneral
took piece to the Exeter cemetery.
Mill Burned.
Word was received here that the
grist mill of Messrs. Rollins .& Stewart
at Cataract, was totally destroyed by
fire yesterday (Wednesday.) The loss
evill be st netwO one.. The stock, Was
lbbinugt!Isere Was no iusurance 08
Fishing privileges.
Any person wishing to fish with
book atra line= the old river, be-
tween Lot 5, Lake Road West, Boson-
quet, and Port Frank, will apply to
Mr. John Snaekinan, Graud. Booth or
the unaersometi lessee. Charges
small.. Boats supplied reasonably.
Seett'Ex, BURLEY,
Lessee,aosiGameWarden, Port Fret*,
°putt* 0 Wm. Balkwill.
An old and well-known resident has
been removed from our midst by the •
death of Mr, 'William Balkwill, who
died on Mouday last, at the age of 00.
years aed21 clays. Deeeased had, heel].
M failing health for several years,
hence his death was not in the leAst
unexpeeted, He was widely knowa
throughout this section of the country,
he havingat one dine conducted a
hotel business here and afterwards
followed the oust* of cattle drover,
Tbe deceased was a member of the
auspices the ftmeral was eonclucted,as-
sisted by a number of the brethren
from Heim% He was also a member
of the Methodist elven% and, a Con-
servativts in polities. His remains
were laid to wet m the Exeter vemee
Wry yesterday (Wednesday). Besides
o sorrowiug, Widow be leavesto mourn
his demise, 8 son and dangliter.
Exeter Scioto Revert. • t
Class A,-Auue Martie, Fred Sweet,
Lilian Robinson and :Eva Browning
equal; Cress Br-RuSsell Frayue, Polly
Risher, Edna Mecham and Russel
Southcott; Maas Ch -,Florence Bissett,
Herbert' OreOciert: Samuel Thoirms..
Sr. IVe-Neua, Carling, Carrie Dyer,
Eva Balkwill, Cont Meitherson, Edna
Davidson, Evelyn GM; Ste IVAltillie
z.117a, tBeiet,ie
Ruby Davidson. No. on roll, 40; aver-
age atteudance 42,
Sr. Cammem, Mary Par-
sons, LOiliSe Carling, Ethel Veneer,
Alvin Itrietnell, Della Treble; Jr- III
--Gertie Trevethiek, John Gardiner,
Gertie Smith. Roy Farmer, Edna
Dow, Milton Hicks. .No.. on roll, .54;
average attendance.43.
• Sr, Ili -Clara Ross, Harold Collins,
Willie Murry, -Georgie .Hyndrotto,'
Ethel ArmstrouO, •Vora Cobblediek;
Jr, III-Anuie Reid, 011ie Qualm,
Gerty Elsie 'Sutton, Martha
Carling, Lily Acheson, Ida Armstrouto
No. on roll, 55; average attendance 42.
• Sr. II -Dyer Hurdont Roy. Ford,
Wesley Phair, Stella Spackman, Beat-
tie Marti% Berta Snell; Jr. 11 -Lillian
Towle, Schlott RolUns, Winnie Huston,
Frank Howard, Maurice &bier, Case
Howard. No, on roll, 03; average at-
teedance, 50. •
Sr, Florence It_rydd, Jennie
Weleb, Alice Howard, Etema Heide-
man, Nellie Frayne, Evit McPherson;
Jr. II-Wellingtori Herm john Kydd,
Charlie Drinkwater, Eddie Zinger,
Emma. Halls, Fred Smith. No, on
roll, 04; average attendance, 55.
Sr. Il -Irene O'Neil, Dorothy Dam-
hisou, Harvey Gardiner;Viola Sutton,
Elsie Wilcox, Arthur Cane; Mid. II -
Etta Powell, Harry Rendle, Mabel
Piper, Hoary Ford, Irene Handford„
'Willie Moore. No. oil roll, 02; . aver-
age attendance, 49.
'Killed at Fort Macloed,
Many Mends will learn with pro-
found regret of the sad and enfortun-
ate accident that befel Mr. jeff Basery,
son of Mr. Thomas Essery, near Cen-
tralia and well kuown to many of
our readers, who was killed at Fort
Macleod, on Saturday last. while coup-
ling cars on the O.P.B. The deceased
was a young /mina good principles,
a general favorite and was possessed
of more than tentage tack, energy
and ability. • He eommeneed railroad-
ing on the G.T.R. at Palmerston
some few years ago, but when General
Manager .Hays took charge of the
road, he, like tnany others, was dis-
charged. not because of his unfaith-
fulness to duty, but simply cutting
down the service. Hearing that pros-
pects were bright for railroad men iu
the West he left for Calgary and was
soon filling e position on the C.P.R.
witb which company he remained up
to the time of his untimely death.It
seems he was rather unfortunate in
the way of accidents, but it was little
thought his life would be snapped off
as above stated. Shortly before leav-
ing Palmerston he sustained a painful
accident by getting One of his hands
jammed while coupling cars and while
siniularly engaged in Calgary he lost
several tingers7 but the third proved
fatal and the young man with bright
prospects ahead of him has been cut
off without e : moment's warning.
Such circumstances are indeed sad for
when death comes in this way the
shock is always the more severe and
its grimness all the more terrible.
The contrast throws out its black col-
ors in hoerid relief. On all sides the
keenest sympathy will be felt for the
bereaved family. The remains are
expected to arrive in London on the
8 p.m. train Thursday evenieg and
will be brought to Centralia Friday
and taken to his father's residence,
whence the funeral will take p1ae
that day.
A strawberry festival will be held earnestness impressed us. The next
on Mondale June 26th, under the aus-
pices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the
James-st. Methodist church. Straw-
berries and cream will be served, and
also a good program will be provided.
The Independent Order of Foresters,
of Wingham, have made arrange-
ments with the G.T.R. to run an ex-
cursion tn Sarnia on Saturday, June
17th, good for three days. The train ing the disposition and language of
tvillleave this station at 8.12 and the men who make our streets a place for
fare will be $1.15. the use of vile language andconduct
unbecoming any respectable class of
The invitation which was extended men. That the air of a public high -
by -the Meaford Methodist church to
way shoald reek with bad. language is
Rev. Charles Snaith, of this town, to
become their pastor, has been honored. evil enough and it is time that steps
by the Toronto Conference. We see
by the Globe that Mr. Smith's name
appears for Meaford on their first
draft of stations.
day wo sent hire a receipt in full, and
begged. his pardon for not knowing
that he had made an assignment of
his liabilities to the Lord. -Ex.
The disgraceful scene on Main street
Tuesday night, lasting for several
hours, is another illustration, if any
were needed, of the necessity of curb -
were taken to prevent a repetition of
the occurrence. • Free speech and the
right of every man to express himself
publicly and privately is clearly limi-
ted by the proprieties of social mter-
Queen Esther, that beautiful drama course and the amenites of public life,
in song which was put onin the Opera
House on Wednesday night of last
week by Mr. Henry Trott, assisted. by
Exeter's best local talent, was a suc-
cess. The performance was good and
ranch appreciated by th.ose in attend-
ance. The performance was repeated
on Mondaynight but the eveningibeing
extremely warm, it was very slimly
Basket Ball,
Arrangements have been made to
have the girls of the Public School play
a match on Friday night, 9th inst., at
730, on the schoolgrounds. The band
has kindly consented to be present to
give a musical proFam. All are cor-
dially invited to witness the contest.
Stock Sale.
Mr. Thos. Cameron will sell by pub-
lic auction on his premises, Usborne,
on Friday, June 16, at one o'clock
a, choice lot of live stock, consisting of
milch cows, steers and horses -37 in
all. This is a, splendid lot of anintals,and
persons in need of good. stock should
attend this sale.
Gates for Sale.
Having in stock about 1800 feet of
well seasoned white ash lumber the
undersigned wishes to state that he
will make sale.° up into gates and
which. he ,will dispose of reasonably.
Farmers and others would do well to
call and see them. Prices range from
St .50 lrnwar4ls.
hut such blasphemy as was resorted to
Tuesday night is entirely out of the
question. We withhold names this
time, but if the like occurs again we
certainly shall expose the guilty
Council Proceedings.
Council met pursmint to adjourn-
ment at Town Hall, June 2nd. All
present. Minutes of previous meet-
ing read and confirmed, Muir -Arm-
strong, that the Cotuicil put in a tank
12x12tt and 10ft deep, near the Suther-
land -Innis Co's mill providing the said
Company furnish all the thither and
lumber necessary for the. tomPletion
of said tank -Carried. Evaus---that
Harry ParSOUS be. appointed night -
watch at seventy five cents per night.
Not seconded. Mair -In ameadinent
that Wes. Bissett be appointed" night -
watch. Not seconded, Teylor-Arm-
strong, that the Council do not ap-
point a night -watch but in lieu thereof
we grant the business men the sum of
$14 per month for each and every
month they engage a night -watch. --
Carried. Arnastronge-Muir, that By-
law No. 10, 1899, prohibiting.thefilling
ha of any watercourse, or the piling of
brick or other material on any high-
way in the village,q inaking any con-
nections with any drain or sewer with-
out the consent of the Council or
street commissioner, as read a first
time, be now read a second and third
time and finally passed. --Carried.
Muir --Armstrong, that the following
accounts be passed and orders drawn
on Treasurer for same. -Electric Light
& Power Co. $81.76; A. E. Fake salary
as Assessor, $40; postage, $1.80 and
preparing truant book, $5; W. G. Bis-
sett, street watering, 81112; Drs. Rol-
lins & Amos, (Medical Certificate re
Fulton) $10; F. W. Gladnaan, advice
re Mill Road, .$5; Silas Handford,
labor, $9; Geo. Atkinson, do., $6; Jno.
Parsons, do. $6; James Parsons, do.,
$1.56; W. do.,
do., $2.37; James
Creech, charity. to Mrs. Sutton, $6;
Wellington Neil, fencing Park, $9.E4;
Dyer Sz Howard, seats for park, $7.20
-Carried. 'Evans -Taylor, that the
Clerk ask for tenders for the excavat-
ing and ,puddling for a tank 14x11 feet
and 11.feet deep on Huron street near
park. --Carried. Taylor -Evans, that
the Council adjourn to June 16th at
o'clock p.m.
The Court of Revision of assessment
Roll fox. 1899 was held pursuant to
advertisement at Town Hall, Exeter,
Friday; June 2nd, at 7.30 p.m. The
following members were present and
dilly sworn by the Clerk. The Reeve
and Councillors, Taylor, VKtmstrong
and. Muir. The Reeve 'teas appointed
chairman on motion of J. Muir, second-
ed by J. W. Taylor. Taylor -Arm-
strong, that the following persons
having killed or otherwise disposed of
their dogs that the dogs of said paeties
be struck from roll, Harry Parshns,
Nelson Petterson, Mrs. Minnie Sam -
well, Mrs. E. Elliott. -Carried. Muir
-Armstrong, that James Murray be
assessed as owner of Lot Pt. F An-
drew streetformerly assessed to D. A.
Ross, ancl that Chas. Birney be assess -
as tenant of Lots 22-23, Huron Mo,
formerly assessed to N. Petterson as
tenant. -Carried. Taylor -Muir, that
the assessment Roll be passed as
amended arid the court closed. -Car-
The Road Hog.
The road hog still liveset We have
in this community, as in all others, a
class of people who think they have
vested. rights to all the roAd or the
greater part of it. For their benefit
we here reproduce the following from
the statutes : • "In ease a person
travelling on a bicycle or tricycle, the
vehicle shall, where practicable, allow
the person travelling upon the bicycle
or tricycle sufficient zoom on the tra-
velled portion of the highway to pass
to the right. And in case a person
travelling upon the highway on a bi-
cycle or tricycle is overtaken by p., vehi-
cle travelling at a greater speed, the
person so overtaken must quietly turn
out to the right, and allow the person
to .pass, and the person desiring to
pass must turn out to the left as far
as necessary to avoid collision. And
where a person travelling upon a high-
way on a bicycle or tricycle overtakes
a vehicle travelling at a less speed, the
person travelling upon the bicycle or
tricycle must give to the other audible
warning of his approach before at-
tempting to pass, and the person in
charge of the vehicle should then turn
out to the right and allow the bicycle
T. DEARING, Exeter to pass."
IDo You Know,
atteeflooietEstelfreetiteatertiersceefSe ettrelrethottettle."eletes- tosetheneot- ALI
1310- C ASH 8210
GEO. H. BissErr, Clerk.
large stock must be reduced -prices will. do It.
nt size'? The builders take possession in Jahr, and until /
then we are holding a Great Enlarging Sale. Our present
That the Big Cash Store is to be enlargea to nearly double its
10e.. each for Ladies' Sbott Sleeve
Vests. The hest value we ever of-
ferred you.
10e, per pair for Ladies' Black
Ribb Caton Hose, soda as yule us-
ually pay lac, for,
18e. the yd, for Sea Silk, enfeeble
for LailleO' Blouses or Wrappers;
blne, hello and green shades, in
fancy effects. .
10e. the yd. for the new • bias'
.cbeektprinted organdies. They are
very oew and stylish. • •
8, 10, 12 and 1.5c. for new white
Organdies and Muslins. They are
very fashionable this season -we
have a large assortment, .
15e, for 'Mite Pique, the view
Orut cord,the kind that wears, ,
15e. for Linen Crash fon ladle&
skirts -Good, elose stock.
74c for your choice -of a big lot of
plias, regular priee 1.0e. to Vic.
10e, for your ehoiee of a job lot of
Dress Goods; regularvalues Me. to
20c., now /0a.
2 for Sc.-Xew Beauty Pins for
Blouse Fronts; very stylish.
32e, the yard for Jute Tapestry
Chepet, the best wearing goods for
the mone,y in the trade; regular 40e„
now 32e.
25e. for Men's or Bove Cool Linen
Hats; correct for hot days.
82.95 for 10 -piece gold decorated -
Toilet set -8 great bargain.
:38e. the doz. for White \Meat
Cups And Saucers; the best quality,
strong, block handles.
A full assortment of Thinks and
Yalices; all at sale priees.
75e. and $1,00 for 2 of the best
White Shirt bargains in the trade.
Ask to see, them,
82.25 for Biesers (hood Rapids
Carpet Sweeper, It's a good one.
toree close 0:30 pate, except 'Wednesday and Settirday,
'2'14"‘PrillrAir "AZIKAV'SF00"Drilr'NFIGFI'llrIV oar.
• &DfiraisaiNNINDitaDDADGKKAN,Vreu'•
M ‘.1
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gould spent Sun-
day in Birr.
A FEw" I fun will increase the demand for summer
hoeierv. We have closed tan a line Of
Cotton Stockings in blacks that are sure and fast in colour, and
are Worth 15e, a pair, and we deal them to you at 3 pairs for 25e.
A few days since we bought 50 doz. of the famous Kingston
stockings that are usually disposed of at 20e. a pair: our priee
for ours is 2 pairs for 25e. We have secured the ageney for the
" Everfast Black." Cotton Hose, the best prodawtion of cotton
goods in the world.
we have bundreds of light Cotton rudervests
IN OUR STOCK for ladies. Our prices range from 5e. to 50e,
for the best. We bave a big lot of samples that we ean sell you
at just half the former price, mid in these we have the beautifill
hlaco Cottons" that are lust as good as silk to wear for
REDUCED PRWE8have been 011010 011 80810 1.1'00(1 goods. In
Pillow Cottons we sell any width at The. a
yard. In White Sheetings we sell you any width at M. a reed.
Ferguson's Perealine Linings at 121e. Lisle :tilts at 10e. a, pair.
Shepherd Check Dress Goods, doulilefold, at 15e. a yd,
Headquarters for W. E. Sanford's Beady -to -wear Clothing.
Mrs. George Beewlen and two little
Joseph Bewden's.
F. W. Collies has returned from his
visit to Dereluun Centre and in slightly
improved in nealth.
Mrs. Williern Parsons has returned
home after spending a few weeks with
friends in Acton.
Melville Martin, who has - been at-
tending the Normal College, Hamilton
is home spending the holidays.
. Miss Lizzie •Taylor, Who has been
residing in Manitoba, for the past few
years, returned. home last week.
Mr. E. H. Hender, of St. Thomas,
has accepted the. inanogement of
Messrs. Bishop & Son's dry goods
Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson, accompanied
by her child, of Caledonia, Minn., is
spending a few weeks with her moth-
er, Mrs. john
sow, of London, are visiting at Mrs.
Mr. Gladdery, of Parkhill, was in
town Wednesday.
"Mrs. Lee is visiting friends in Exe-
ter."-Luca,n Sun.
Mrs. Brewer left last week to visit
relatives in Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Claristie visited
friends in Clinton this week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Collins visited
friends near Hensel]. this we'ek.
Mrs. D. Spicer, of rahtford, is
spending a few weeks with friends in
town. .
Mrs, T. W. Hawkshaw ed daughter
Myrta, spent Sunday witli friends in
Mrs. E. Treble and SOD, Leon, have
returned from visiting friends in Mc-
Mr. John Wein, Sr., of Stephen,
left here on Saturday last to visit bis
native home in Germany. He expects
to be absent several we.eks.
Mr. Robert Delve, who has been re-
siding near Brandon, Man.. for several
years returned here on Saturday and
will make this his futare home.
Mrs. Daniel Davis is in a very low
state of health, and it was feared on
Tuesday that she wonld not recover,
but at the time of writing she is rest-
ing easier.
Miss Lillie May, who has been on
the public school teaching staff here for
over a year has resigned her position,
and will attend the Normal School at
Mr. 0. Essery, of Palmerston, was
in town Wednesday making arrange-
ments for the burial of his brother
Jeff, who was killed at Fort Macleod
last week.
Mr. Sohn H. Gay, wife and daughter,
of Dungannon, Mr. and Mrs. j. 0.
Abell and son and. Mrs. Abell, of Sea -
forth, spent Sunday in town, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell.
Mr. Frank Willis, who has been en-
gaged as photographer with Mr. Jos.
Senior left Tuesday to take charge of
Mr. Chas. Setiior's business in Bien -
beim. Mr. Senior's wife being very
ill and mot expected to recover. Frank
is a clever artist And will be much
missed in sporting circles here.
Sneirs,par //
First-class Rigs and Horses
Orders left at Hawkshaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery
Stable, Christie's old Stand
will receive prompt at-
tention. . . . .
"Arms Reasonable
Cell at
The Family Butcher Shop.
One door North of R.Pickard's store.
The Attraction
of Ail Eyes..
Just at present the object of attraction
to the people of Exeter and surround-
ing country is ,
To see is to examine and to examine
our stock is to bay.
Prices are so astoundieg When the
. . .quality is considered. .
. Rovite
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliam e nt 4 UM. )
Paid up Capita $2,000,000.
Rest Fund 1,500,000
Head oft ce Montreal.
Money advanced to good Farmers on
their own notes with one or more endorsers
at 7 per cent. per annum.
Owen every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3
pxn; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
A general ban kie g business transacted.
CURRENT BATES allowed for money on
Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at sz.
rrelephone 1
Solicitors. Mena ger.