Exeter Advocate, 1899-6-8, Page 6ubaeribers who do not receive their papers eaguulasly will please notify us at once. Advertising gates nladeilmown on application MEE EXETER ADVOCATK THURSDAY, JUNE 8 1609. Keep Them Bright. kerosene oil will clean blackened' silver i11most instantly. To ei:ean the steel blades of knives use 1wcet oil and emery pap:r Polish with leather dipped an a little whiting. Ito not throw or m knives, n iv es forks awl d spoons together. Keep separate anti there Will bee no serat..h*lin of ateyof the articles. - To clean L-nires teat 'hare fru:: and vinegar statins on ziee:n use raw potatoes. Rade the blades. then po1:s'a on the knife hoard. aw e:3 cut gloaav ere use Frame pare soap a:...weeee end apply with :b t'• n - men :ante tack:Ida:es::LeJoh pieze she:al:1 'es S:ie - wah .a line:, t. :oL« as it is taken from the .nater. Has ; a': w ,f 1-a.^.: es wed forks elarel.]i. never eat:r. n # s •at is tt E r :,: COMP C .x earts sated r" e a a3 pee r ,t the Lore, teen hes ;,ees - ere and reeea ee rt. tV.R .oSeeele k. veeer other *eel i ple:..., e e o agertee p_.: t aria ilFr'a,._' _e .,). ne;eize _'ager to prs.v-ne their r ere .e._ 1 ser tv a ^;,3,s bees W41: au a :gene..:Rue r.. til r i '1 t -.fa:l' les eta- s me > .. a ...t.. ',z.a .3 To seessa !rear gats w'a a put die es, tumaa• , end other i- .. se artiales tt:t4 a kettle, t R .'r taere ei .trey vita :old 'Aster azia eat the ;;,ratio where it will seen n :e , 'Wiens it has boiled a fees uriawze•a set ;r a ere. au e:al close. Waen tee water :e ira,ld teat: Rae ,,rasa out, }. is e a eaver wee -i,$ :,`,t eleve t, he. ata ear a • ieia s t, t •>ne ettsefiy. for all ills ;r i 1 tle, t .tele----, leo very ratnre ee reseee aeativee b tart tae that mere the geta.. at her a ,ca w fi'ere a ly seated diseaeee atea ia sere syezeat of the gat:erl west eco :i relieve one ill ^n tura w..nei aggravate tee other. We have, i ?wever in t inniae v5 ne, wltee 1 a?b &:a iE triocha ' a e! ti .ir+ali .3 ea'ed state. ea remedy for many sAd r ttw9 he s 6 t aua,l anti jal,,•e,ou, uses the fiailese de, urs are t.;1 iate cenvdaes "it.'C sad >:re e:ata ct the itid:tent'e*Leen tlut- Iliee Naeies ort It a tire's o w n Pea l a nese, e av's :lie tc, e, spire;; of 's1::0_4` with whom to ehreeree a, a tt of nnor t=i dee- raier.e e n d leak o es r e, in • 1 c i„ • seese,•t 7, by crane:, ^ ng tee 7 et. ver. puet soand mei ret s eep-•- itn, arze vieer :or e. araehen of tae Mead. wawa. bane stirae:e :ed emirate thrau,:a-', :tut the re es, atrengt«ae..ng the Lela:thy animal fnt.er.nte of Ilio eye:ern. thereby mak:n„ activity a recess;iry result, strena,t ,en.:3g the frz int, and given;; 1:fe >`4 t..e digestive o saris. which naturally demand inerease.d substance -result, protest appetite. Northrop I.yineu of', Toronto, l,atve given to the public their' superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, rind, gauged by the ojtiuion of seientiete, this wine approaches nearest perfection of say in the market. AU druggists yell it. A Dotter Leonia /warned. In a Massachusetts town lives en tee centric old pork butcher, remarkable for his shrewdness. Solite young collegians one day entered the shop, and, for a joke. asked how ranch pork was a yard. "One dollar." promptly replied the old fellow, "Thea," said ono of the smart youths, "I'll take a yard." ''Where's your cash?" asked the botcher. The dollar was Iaid down. The old man pocketed the coin, and then produced three pig's feet, with the quiet remark: "Three feet make one yard." Tice students marched out in silence. 3liinardas Liniment Cures Distemper, Vacant Apartments in Italy. They have a novel way in Italy of ad- vertising dvertising vae;nnt apartments. In place of the placard inscribed -Rooms," "To let," or •eXo be let," which adorns the windows of English houses. a white cloth, about the size of a nsapltin. flutters from the easement, intimating to the passer-by that the rooms can be rented. By their action on the Stomach, Liv- a:r and Bowels, Millers Worm Powders correct all such troubles as lack of Ap- petite. Biliousness, Drowsiness, Sallow Complexion, etc.; nice to take An Unwelcome F-iltpiuo, One of the delights of life in the Phillip pipes is recta/led by the American Soldier. Some days ago a party of soldiers who were about relieving the guard at Manila came suddenly upon a great boa constric- ior- He was shot and found to measure 'nine feet seven inches long and ten inches around in the largest part. For Nine Years -Mr. Samuel Bryan Thedford, writes: "For nine years I eulrered with ulcerated sores on my leg; texpended over $100 to physicians, and ried every preparation I beard of or saw recommended for such disease, but could eget no relief. I at last was recommended to give Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 a trial, which has resulted, after using eight bot- tles (using it internally and externally), 'In a complete cure. I believe it is the best pediciue in the world, and I write this to let others know what it has done for nee." The Worst on Record. What is the most ungrammatical sen - fence ever spoken? The following would be hard to beat. It was enunciated by a little girl who was driving along a coun- try road with her father. Seeing a flock of sheep in a neighboring meadow, she .eked: "Is them cheeps yourn?" Four words, and all wrong! My nervousness has left me entirely as .a result of taking Miller's Compound Iron Pills. Successful Revivalist. "Biggest revival preacher we ever had here," said the country grocer, "was old Brother Jarvis. Actually when that man ;got through with 'cm the whole blamed nommunity turned in and paid all its debts." On Account. Crimeonbeak-When. I visit my old I town I always pay a visit to my old land - Yeast -Well, I suppose Ws only right you should put'h r something, old man. Healthfor the children, Mineral Worm Powders. No More Suits for Dam*gs , Engineer -There's a cow on the track, Conductor -Wait till she goes away. Thisroad can't afford to .buy anymore beef at law -eget prices. THE SUNDAY DAA. SOHO OTS LESSON XI, SECOND QUARTER, INTER- NATIONAL. SERIES,JUNE 11. !Foxe o the Lacon, John xx, Z. 20. ltremory Yeraea. 1I-14-Goldett Tex*. Cor.. xv, 10-contauentary Prepared by the Rev. D. ea Stearnia (Copyright. l 'ser. by D.:tl. Stearns.] 11. "Bat Mary stood without, at the eepuieher weeping. and as she wept the stooped down and looked into the sepul cher." The women who remained near the cross watched until they raw where His body was laid, then went away and nought sweet spices that after the bbatb, was past they might anoint His tidy (Mark xv, 4.; xvi, la It would Meda that Mary Magdalene cane to the ttenm first on that eventful meaning and saw the stone rolled away, and ran to till Peter and John that His li+.qtly had been removed. They ba=th ran to the toreb, John arriving first, and saw the linen clothes hying, perhaps „s wLen liis be iy had heer itt them, but the na?'tin from His held wrs wile ,re , to-zeiher in a plat,, by itse f, mai then t ,;- believed that He was r een..r es ye: they knew not the Serietare the. He must risen am Prone the dead. Trey thea rett,:ruset home. but Mary rt aiel *d. 1'"Aad seeth two mgt.'s• in white,. sift n'r. the elle at tate head- and the ether at the feet., v: Se to the body ef .t4 sats bad loin. There is no contradietien ter els- per an y bttwe tt this alai tI2t' ether ae- Ctt r a,:tle s tw one Angel within ;lied one without, but that only hews that 4 1 axn„el move e a v,ir. They were always =mastering. three Hiee, and they era .always n uCi tering unto us; we tuay be as stz. t+ of it as if we saw theta tHeb. 14; las. xxxiv. 7; Ex. tali!, fh.11. 18. "A,nd they a:any urge her, Woman, why weepest thou`.-" 11er answer shows that she was thinking only of a. dead Christ•, ate, iuni ` tet t\.3i1'b He bad lived, net the living Christ whom r.he bard known. We need not wonder, for to 1e not very eQ terem to see those who have lost friends clinging to the place where the body lies instead of looking up to the happy plate where our friet:ds really are if they have died in Christ? While death le in no sense a rt l,rrtrtictn , yet we lcllow a 'fleet'fleetai,.G absent from Al the body magus west -oat with the Lord; that to die is grain and to depart and he with Cariat Is very fpr better to t\ r. v, 8; Phil. 1, "1, 23). 14. "And when _regi .: st hn s said the turned herself barn and caw Jesus stand- ing, and ltnew not that it was Je,us." So in ebapt,:r eel, 4, the diselples knew not that it was Jesus; also in Luke xxly, 10, the eyes of the two who walked to Etn- naaus were holden that, they should not know Uim. Nothing blinds our eyeslilte •' unbelief and occupation with ourselves and our affairs. It is possible to be occu- pied with God as was Enoch and Elijah and Eiisha and John the Baptist and Paul. If oiled with the Spirit. we will: nee Jesus only and he increasingly occu- pied with Hint and learn to recognize His hand in all the events of life. 15. "Jesus saith unto her: Woman, why woepest thou: Whore seekest thou?" She did not recognize Ills voice, and her cry was as to the angels for the body of her dead Saviour. He often asks us, "Why aro ye troubled, and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?" (Luke xxiv, 38.) Or as to Hagar, "Inlet aileth thee?." (Bon. znl, 17.) He would bavo us without troubled thoughts or fears, for all His thoughts to us aro thoughts of peace and not of evil (,ler, xxix, 11). 18. "Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She. turned herself and saith unto Him, Rab- bonl, which is to say, Mester." Just one word from each. but it is enough; heart meets heart and there is joy. How full Mary's heart must have been! What a tumult of emotion! She thought Ilisn dead, but He is alive and talking to hen Her eyes bebold Him. Yes, it is her Lord. and Master. She bad craved Isis dead body. It was all she looked for, but here He is Himself, the same .Jesus. Some day all the deed in Christ shall as really and literally appear in their resur- rection bodies. What tears shall then be wiped away! 17. "Jesus setth unto her, Touch Me not; for I am not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say unto them, I ascend unto My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God," While His body lay in Joseph's tomb He had Himself been, I have no doubt, with the Father, but now in His resurrection body He was on His way to His Father as the risen one, our great High Priest. As such Mary was forbidden to touch Hint until He had ascended. A little later the other women met Him, held Him by the feet and worshiped Him. So that be- tween the time of these two meetings with Mary and the other women He must have ascended and returned (Math. xxviii, 9). 18. "Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that He had spoken these things unto her." These words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not (Luke xxiv, 11). Jesus afterward up- braided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart because they believed not (Mark avi, 14). What an honor He conferred upon Mary Magdalene that she should be the first to see Him and to re- ceive His first resurrection message! Lydia was, as far as we know, the first convert in Europe under Paul's teaching. Let us who are believers, whether men or women, be obedient to His command, "Gly and tell" (Isa. vi, 9; Mark xvi, 7). 19. "Then the same day at evening Dame Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith onto them, Peace be unto you." It was the first day of the week, the disciples were gathered together, and the doors were shut for fear; they must therefore have been securely fastened. But without being admitted Jesus is suddenly in their midst. This was probably the fifth ap- pearance that day. After the two already mentioned He appeared to Peter and to the two who walked. to Emmaus. He ap- peared also on five or seven other occa- sions. A week later He appeared to the disciples again, Thomas being present, with the same greeting, "Peace be unto you" (verse 26). 20. "And when He had so said, He chewed unto them His hands and His side. Then were the disciples glad when they sate the Lord." The marks of nails and spear in His hand and side are the reminders of His great love, and say unto ns among other things: s• If 1 g I so cued you, can I withhold aught from you that is good or necessary for you? Can you. ot fully and constantly trust one who so loved you and will love you to the end? Again He said, "Peace be unto you; as any Father hath sent Me so send I you (verse 21). Compare chapter xvii, 18. Let us not fail to lay to heart the teach- ing of I Cor, xv, that if Christ is not risen then preaching, and faith and bap - titan and all else are wholly la vain, and. all are perished,. THE "SNEEZE BONE. !rest ilio Nerves of the. Neste Ceases* With the ltritiu"s Nerve Ceotre- Cure Or Sneezing. Before the hay fever stetson is upon us. it array interest some sutrerere frilu the . disease to learn that Dr..James B. 13.14, pb sit'ien ie charge ot the threat dereert- naeut. Went London hospital, while investigating the sub set of sneezing has found what he elaittts do be a peruutnent euro. Dr. 13x11 calls sneezing s 'a peculiar nasal reflex, r' teed says that it is harne- less in ti mild form. but when it beeomea paroxye-tral It is Tetra' seriou,. lite has notes of One perain who sneezed 2$ titres witheus an appreciable break, $uti of anothert who :sneezed t d 2) 4 times. Th ee .people used. from 5t) to 40 band- here hie a per. welt. ].t la P.r. Bail's +°lin- ion that snee'iog is hereditary. In some of his trees he has OlnitillOd a history of • 4raiier eroulees its parents. and glands extrema In an par cent.s ot them he was able to obtain a history of paroxysmal •$ilt'e.Int; or ast t]n a or both in one or entero it:eeab;`rs of pntie Jit,' families. It le tt"t,i eht, ebat nervous ,els:tustion and E. iiilb areneat:- ealetelt and thac a pas-eatpasleat set t ring `roll.: p rax.yeius of the hater i, ueee" ;s arty a highly nervous pt -t, auteteg tieese i) 11011 morales ratans et hay levee, rn.`:. t t]2 "'helicai will not 3 ees' with lam 15tainaing that no earefeliat waist. h. r^.,ay be detiaed es hay Race rtl4Ey a !see. He thinks that the 1 e a "te n:,zs? a Sneers. a reit deal .4e.miter tt+•a es •ef r e rear besides tile hav-nutaing a as n. Everything lel the phartnaeopaeia has lean tried aa 1ttl, the dist:',Sea but Dee 13a11 states t".:ar he has• never seen. drags effete a etlrt". 'The internal reiretlies that Steve teen fol mCi most useful are - b= Laden: ta, quinine. arsenic and iodide of preadult). Sornetitues relief bas been obtained by truing the cautery to destroy eti •,!Lice ::pats on the membrane, or a super/le:al nerve. but such treatment is not' us:tally ellttieienr. Dea Ball tbinlcs oozing a durase wheat cabs for the practise of surlels, :flee septum is the - bone dividing the nostrils. The. turbinals, each consisting of a layer of thin. spongy bone, are situated ono on each side of ;he ourcr wall of the nostril. In cases of excessive kneezlztg a :Hain trouble le ebat ''spurs of bone project front the se. turn 4 against the turbinals. These mas;be sawed off," The ga,e,•ige roust be left hese for respiration anti all possible eolrtaet with turbinals be prevented. Sometimes the removal of one or bath inferior, tur- binale i; rhe only plan to adopt. Malty of Ar. Ba 1, patients. are un - walling to submit to such an operation as I3, A c to 5r'n M Pa.l Kz I ,...a Npt..., CJflt caret ase NERVE Bute, ctitMl. GANGteni Teta "sxnxia BONE." will insure a complete cure, but out of 81 cases where be carried out thin line of treatment only one was unrelieved and there were 25 absolute cures. He has other cases promising equally well, but does not include them in his statement, as a year has not yet elapsed. He Was heady to Sin;. Brignoli once agreed to sing a solo at St. Agnes' Church, low' lark City. He came in late, and after divesting himself of many coverings, ttnnbling over musio racks, and exasperating the choir by try- ing his voice, he carne to the conclusion that he was ready, says The National Review. By this time, however, the ser- mon bad commenced, but Brignoli, un- abashed, leaned over the choir railings and tried to attract the attention of the preacher by shaking his head and gesticu- lating with his bands. At last he called out in a voice which was audible for some distance: "Me ready for ze sing! Stoppa ze preach!" And the priest actu- ally cut the sermon in order to aecolumo- date the impatient tenor, whose voice now rang out with such fervor as to thrill the worshipers and justify the sacri- fice. Priests theFirst Smokers. Unquestionably smoking had already been practiced by the Indians for cen- turies when Columbus first reached these shores. It was with them to a certain extent a form of religious ceremonial. Dr. Daniel G. Brinton,the famous ethnologist, thinks that it had its begin- ning in the blowing tube of the medicine man. Ignorant savages are disposed to regard the human breath as possessing magical properties, and it may be sup- posed that burning leaves wore intro- duced into the tube for the purpose of making the • breathing visible. The Indians smoked many kinds of plants, such as sumac. red willow bark and the leaves of the kinnikinick or bear berry, and tobacco donbtless was a discovery resulting from a selection of the fittest. Prince Was Not Afraid. Nervousness is a thing with which the. Prince of Wales is but little afflicted. Once at a scientific carnival, while Dr. Playfair was showing the Prince and his party round, they came to a big vat of chemicals, which were hissing and fizzing away in a very forbidding fashion. The prince seemed much interested in this. Dr. Playfair asked the Prince to dip his fingers in the liquid. There was a titter and some dismay among those who heard, but the Prince, having looked the doctor straight in the face, put his hand into the hissing cauldron and found the liquid as cold as ice. Tbe explanation was that some chemicals when they boil give out cold instead of heat. Lectures for Artisans. Hanover is to establish a series of lec- tures and demonstrations for the instruc- tion of artisans and apprentices in all tradetradea and if they are found successful they will be instituted throughout the empire. They are to be model workshops and exhibitions of tools and machinery, together with instructions in bookkeep- ing and in making estimates. The first course of lectures will be to cabinet- anakers. locksmiths, shoemakers and tailors, other trades being taken np one after another, the intention being that higher instruction in all shall be placed within reach of every learner or operative. The i'.ie■id«.nt's. > essee... The message which President Clark sent in 1584 to his Christian Endeavor hosts is repeated by him this year, and he could not have chosen better words of counsel than those he uttered 15 years ago, when lie .said in part: a"The laste dozen years have been years of peculiar temptation to young people. The standards of many churches in re- gara to worldly amusements have been. lowered,. Many practices which a. deem vears ago would have been utterly con- demned. ore to -clay adauittod in some Christian circles. The strain put upon many young Christians by this conform - ley to the world all around them hay been almost nnbearabie, and some, alas, bave yielded to it. Look this Chatter of evorldlirtese squarely In the face Deolde what )'ou ought, to doas a young Chris- tian. Do not bo laughed or browbeaten out of your teott'eietions. leife up your banner and stand to ;your colors." We gladly give these words wider cur- rency, both beealase of their worth and bt.enase they are apialieable to a larger colltitatatlerf than that even which is coutpci-ed in the ]nighty army of Chris. tam Endeavor. ESCPE A Montreal Citizen Baffles a Dar gereua Enemy. A Severs Sufferer From Riadeer Damage - Ceuid Fled oto Relief •1'iii hie Tried Jadd ■ Itid. ax Fills -They Cured Rita. b'loNTett&.t,, May 29. ---']here are few peo- ple in Montreal who have not known the agony of biaadder trouble. This complaint attacks four out of avert' five persons, mid unless ix iz checked: irk. time it leads to more serious and danger- ous angerous conditions, snob as inflaru7nation of the b]ad:ier, stricture. eke. Weak or defective kidneysare the cause of bladder troubles. The one way to get rid, of bladder trou- bles, to cure theta for all tithe, therefore, is to strengthen and heal the kidneys, This, like everythitag oleo, le easy to da if you take the right way, far there is only way to ane do it. Use I)odd's. Kidney Pills, Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only known renat'dy that can restore the kidneys to co e. lnpleit health. Thousands bawl proved this fact by ex. perience. .All who have done so speak in the same torms as Mr. John H. Barber, of this city, who rays: 1ez suffered for two years with, bladder and kidney troubles, and could get nothing to give me relief. "I suffered more thou I can tell till I began using Dodd's Kidney Pills. I used on y a ow boxes, but they made me a strong and healthy rani "Dodd's Kidney Pills are worth their weight in gold." Dodd', Kidney Pills aro sold by all drug- gists at fifty cents a box, six boxes 45.60, or sent, on reoeipt of price, by The Dodds Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto. Death Penalty ilia Failure. A writer in The Arena contends that the death penalty has been a failure inthe united States, basing this conclusion on the increase in homicides. The figures given: are somewhat startling. In 1880 there only 4,200 homicides in the United States, but in 15 years the number went up to 10,600.. A Caro for Rheunlatisltt,-Theintrusion of uric aeid. into the Wood vie:;aels is a fruitfulcause of rheumarit: pains. This irregularity is owing to a deranged and unhealthy condition of the liver. Any one subject to this painful affection will find a remedy in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Their notion upon the kidneys is pronounced and most beneficial, and by restoring healthy action, they correct Im- purities in the blood. Emperor and 8sanastross. A German newspaper tells a nice little story about a poor seamstress of Cologne and Kaiser Wilhelm. The woman, find- ing her sewing machine out of service, addressed a petition to him, pointing out that she sorely needed a new one to help her to earn her living, and a few days later was greatly surprised to receive from the emperor a bran -new machine, Impurities in the Blood. -When the ac- tion of the kidneys becomes impaired, impurities in the blood are almost sure to follow, and general derangement of the system ensues. Parinelee's Vegetable Pills will regulate the kidneys, so that they will maintain healthy action and prevent the complications which certain- ly coma when there is derangement of these healthy organs. As a restorative these pills aro in the first rank. .4 Peculiar Place. Haggard -Johnson has a peculiar prac- tice. He writes memoranda on the walls and doors of his office. Baglet-That's nothing. I know a man who writes all day long in his shirt sleeves. I BELIEVE MINARD'S LINIMENT will ours every case of Diphtherla. Mas. REUBEN BAIt&a- I BELIEVZ MINARD'S LINIMENT will pro- duce growth . f hair. Statlley; P.E.I. MBs. CnAs. ANDERSON.' S BELIEVE MINMT.ID'S LINIMENT 1s the best bousehoid remedy on earth. Riverdale, u11(;1,y, Out. ilLorrliLas FoL>rT. An Eye to windward. "John, you must buy an ice chest before the weather gets hot." "Now, ytin just wait, Maria; maybe the folks that move in next door will have one .big enough for both families." I was pale and weakly for years. Mil- ler's Compound Iron Pills brought about a change. Bad Results. "Henry, you said before we were mar- ried that you would never lee me do any. cooking," "Yes; and 'I wish I had said that you needn't even try." Minard s Liniment Cures Colds, etc. There are 40,000 native pupils in the Snnday schools of the Fiji islands. IF Your mount is 9ENDRO FITTED WITH o flea BUCKEYE TIRES YOU'LL, NEVER HAVE TO WALK HOME. 9 THE CENDRON 'F C CO. LIMITED Toronto, ttS NA-ri o AL THE BESi POWEInl. 0E1 TLI:R. 1)11[14161 WN NO RESUSCITATES worn out Lands, IMPROVES Good Lands and makes the Fest Lands BETTER. IMPROVES the QUALITY or the Crop and increases the QUANTITY. 'AGENTS WANTED IN EVER` DISTRICT IN CANADA. NATIONAL FARMERS CO'YfO f T RONTU ONT. Vipond . ti C FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Correspondence Solicited. Adytances Made on Consignments. MONTREAL. COLD SILVER AND COPPER MINING STOCKS. I urn a member of the newly established STANDARD MINING EX. CHANGE and have some attractive Gold, Silver and Copper stocks on hand. I deal in British Columbia, Ontario and. Republic issues. My favorites just now are Mlrrison, Winnipeg, Noble Five, Derbyy! copper', Golden Star, Republic, Lone Pine, Princess Maud, Reindeer and Jumbo. 1 have recent information relative to the; last live Republic properties. Pito lelse_, E. CARTLY' PARKER, Mining Brolr•.r, 12 a heli'! le St h,. Teatime e Deli cutely Eland alaed, Eind-Hearted Visitor -And what was your error, slay friend? Convict (up for burglary) -Well, you see, some folks thought I wits a little too zealous for free silver. i:agus Saueeees. A. writer in. the London Lancetdemon- strates that sausages are made nowadays which do not contain meat at all, but only bread tinged with red oxide of iron mixed with fat, A new back for 50 cents. Miller's Sidney Fills and Plaster, Not at All Doubtful. First Sweet Thing -Do you believe he really means business? Second Sweet Thing -I'm quite sure of it, love. All bis presents are such very useful articles. There are so many cough medicines in the market, that it is sometimes difdeult to tell which to buy; but if we had a cough, a cold or any affliction of the throat or lungs, We would try Bickle's Anti - Consumptive Syrup. Those who have used it think itis far ahead of all other preparations recommended for such com- plaints. The little folks like it as it is ss pleasant as syrup. New Puuctuatloa Mark. Teacher -Can any of you children tell what an interrogative sentence is? Patsy (confidently) -Please, mum, it's one of them sentences you always pat an ear after. How's This ! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the list 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga- tions made by their firm. WEST & TBAox,Wholesale Drugglins, Toledo. 0. WILDING, FINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Drug- gists Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75o. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Maidenly Inference. Ethel -I was tiokled most to death when he kissed me. Maude -Oh, what a nice mustache he must have had. To Get (Quiet and Rest. "You need a long rest this summer," said the doctor, thoughtfully. "In no cir- cumstances it.cumstances must you attempt to go to any summer resort." I can eat well, and my digestion is good. Miller's Compound Iron Pills did it, A Little Girl's Idea. Willie -What makes that dog growl so? Winnie -Oh, I guess be's one of those ,married dogs. What Ile Wished. "It is unutterably sad," she said, ''nn. ntterably sad," and went on talking and talking and talking about it. "I wish it was," remarked her husband, when he had a chance to speak, as he laid aside his newspaper hopelessly. "Was whatP" she inquired in some as- tonishment. t.tonishment. "Unutterably sad," and there was a lull, A Difficult Problem. "What's the matter?" inquired the sym- pathetic friend. "T don't know," replied the man who was gazing' at the floor and holding his face in both hands. "Is it the toothache?" "It started that way, but I don't know now whether it's the toothache or the things my friends persuaded me to do for lk" Long -hived Ballet Dancers. A German sue letielen has dlseovered that ballet dance s. as a ruler, attain an age muck anovt• the average. Carlotta Grisi is 77 years of ago and A ndalia Fer- raris ita. Taglloni was. over 50 years old when she died, and Fanny elssler was 74, Rosita Mauri, well over 50, is still dancing at the Paris grand opera. No Place Like Hoene. Bill -And did the prisoner go to jail re- luot•ItntlyP Jill -Very. You see, bis wife had al- ready been sent there. -Yonkers States- man. Long DIstnnce Politeness'. The Bystander -What are you taking off your bat fore The Man at the Phone --I'm talking to a lady. PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS The Ile.t Mad'. hood for Catalogue. COCKS1IVTT PLOW CO.. DHANTEOitD. pas, STEELE & BRISTOL, T rt ITIc(ancee IMPORTERS Or anoov'mEs. - L.S..n li, J(xtract Write us. HAMILTON. L.$. "•t F. Spices BINDER TWINE AND ROPE. ONTARIO BENDER TA II F. CO., 11c Union Station Arcade. Toronto. PAI T Fights off the hot sun, preserves the House, beautifies it as well, and gives satisfaction if you use amsay HOUSE PAINT BARN PAINT ROOF PAINT All dealers have it. Ask for card or send to us and we will tell you where to get it. A. RAMSAY & SON, PAINT MAKERS. Montreal. NATIONAL num EVER OFFERED 80 LBS. FOR >s 2 B!ER with ver na le 1 l+fAu b•I , preminrn : 14 karat Gu1d ]datedetch, tot either lady or gentleman. Onlpp a l i nu (,'rl q gani ity lef irorder ee her se a is all sold. NA- TIONAL BINDER TWINE is made of best selected Manila Hemi', and lune over stio feet to the pound. • TWINE AND PREMIUM GUARANTEED. Money refunded if purchaser is not satisfied. Remit cassh and give full shipping directions. Address NATIONAL FARRIERS CO. TORONTO. T T. N. U. 222 GOLD PLATED. eaatacladet to us with your name. and midribs, and we will forward this watch to 7o>0 by express for examlm,tion. It Is n map-b"ck. and bozeldnst-proel. open faro, scorn wind and est, (fold plated, bandeomely en.. Oared, it cooks like o sand geld watch, 1. fitted with o 7 • jewelled American Bedell Movement that we warrant ta give.good eattefection, and in plot tate veal ch for trading pun PUN. If after condo' (sews. ii,atreh yin find this watch to bo exactly as repreaeptod, pay. the oxprees neat ,2.011 Ana cearoo, and it is your.. Terry Watch Co., Toronto, 001,