Exeter Advocate, 1899-6-1, Page 5THE.
eseter Atraorate
Is published every Thursday Morning,.
at the Office,
-By the -
One Dollar lr5au f1lm f paid in Advance
IS4.=rertislaaa Mateo cava, Sprls�a-
No paperdi:socntinueduntil allarre rage
are paid. ,Advertisements without apeci 10
direetions will be published till forbad and
ehargtld accordingly. Liberal discount= ode
for traneoient advertisements inserted, for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Gheelues,moneyord.
O. &e. for advertising:subscriptious,ete.to
be made parable to
Chas.II. Slanders,
14I n els.
Prt)Tc•, a ai ne ' t I
31. 1*I'*51L' L.D.F. 8, Pit. A. R.
EINTe teN. L D. S., D. l) S., Dolma
graeinate of Toronto Uitiversitr.
Tear}.. extra•'`•�t without sale train, or any
bee office in Fausen a 111oe1:, 1ve*t
si.le slain Street, Exeter.
• 3R. D. ALTO Ali DERS )Nva' 1).D S.,L.I)•S..)
honors ter:i•le:ateofthe Toronto
rsits• ani Rot's 1 College of Dente' Sargeons
of ()a:terie, Teeth extracted withont rain.
A11 mcelee of a) eettatry Up to date. It,ice
aver Elliot & l:,ti•4t'a law chic.: -(op.a•tnoite
Centred Motel -E.e•t
n.T. la. Apel 1i tl11LIN. .11E.MBER OF
the Conee.o Filvniciansan'lSurgoOns
Ontario. 1'hval''iaaa,Surgeon and Aecour'h-
our. Deice. Deans:eel. out.
4olie•itor; Notaries, t:onvet•ant't•ra,
,: '� oeo e
,,:u e• , ora i ere r la ;it 1
iai411afi1t !1 r
Ilaula, ole. Money to lean at r, (and
eclat. Ctfioo F•an' on's Bloch, Main lite
Exeter. (A member of the tirutl will be at
Iiensall on Tlaura tray of each week.)
L R. CAI: est„ 11. A.. L. ll Dleneoe.
k4 Fit ., Conveyancer", nail Aion a to
F. W. CMa.n3IA:V.
t[ H;",tl*C\,Wneheisea. IncensedAnot-
L , mutt (r t'tr tb ' Counties of 1' rth net
Aliddle,o , s.lso ftpr the township ofl'abnrne
Sales prom p fly attendee toand terms rea-
eonha)e.Salcs ,arranged at Post oflace. Win-
tootrn t3ee .
:t Insurance agent.
;lain St.
Cook'( Cotton Root Compound.
Is successfully used montbly by over
10,000 Ladies. Sate, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com"
round. Take no ocher. as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, el net
box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger, #3 per box. No,.
1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two Scent
stamps Tho Cook Company 'Windsor, Ont.
responsible and
in Can recommended by all
No... 1 and Ne. 2 sold in Exeter by t'.
Luta. Drtu gist.
afo tits°,
SO1116 Oh!i&wia
The Wise smoke
otherwise they
smoke anything which
is offered to them.
Highest Cash Price paid for Black
Ash, White Ash, Red and White
Oak, Hard and Soft Maple, Ilemlock,
:Soft and Rock Elm. Either stumpage
or delivered in yard.
For further particulars apply to
• Manager for the S. I. Co. Exeter.
"A Good Paymaster
Starts Not At
There is one good pay-
master who is around on time,
gives • full value, and never
fails in his duty.. It is your
privilege to select him, and
his name is pure, wholesome
blood. This paymaster makes
the rounds of the body, visits
brain, stomach,kidneys, liver,
heartand head alike. Hood's
Sarsaparilla acts as guaran--
tor that this paymaster will
do his duty.
If the blood is impure, it cannot do its
duty, and you are the sufho•er, - - bIlt
you gleed not lke. Hood's S;areaparilk
purifies, vitaliz('s and enriches the blood.
It near fi)!.4!ijlj(rint'.t.
Scrofflla-- Au :t;/>e c es on my hip was
lanced and never healed. Another Faro e.
out on the other hip and the next year three
mere appee trei. 1 t.,epi,. Iltm,ect's Sareaparina
and at helped nae. Sine talsin • 'ic bottles
of the medicine 1 hale.A wit been trouble el,
and preview: to this treatment tone of the
eranptione had diSehar„ed foe seven years:'
1411 �. F11414 :x,151 II. Tr: n, Freeport, N. S.
.F11t r the Grip-" Suffered from weak-
ness after the grip. Regan taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla anti found it as recommended.
It relieved my eon of rheumatism," Mns.
R. SfFliliR t
�p 1 r 1 • One
ElooC1 Polson-" Was troubled Witt)
blood�po'un anti p:lingin my heart. Tried
Hoods Sarsaparilla by advice of a friend
and it gave tate relie'f." Mn.sLely J.
Coos, ll`huICor, N. S.
Rheumatism-- Pains In my limbs
finally settled in my bait,. I was obliged
to stop work, My 1tb'od was peer and I
did notbaveany appetite. i could not sleep
nights, I tried Vulva's Sar.:ipfaritla min
Hood"s Pills and these medicines made me
a well ratan. Otbers of my fetidly have
taken Ilona': Sarsaparilla after the grip
with good results," ti. It. pars, Sounh
Waterville. N. rt.
iicod a 14114 care fever_ lila the anon irratatingwee
onaj satharil� to trace sun' Hoods Seieaparilta:
Killed at a Crossing.
.St*Thomas. \lay>;. John Johnston
Iwo sow.; well, driving over 11
er(»,int.; at West Lorne this morning.
about eevt'n ti ela('k, when a freight
titin rail into the rig. instantly pilling
the father 81141 mortally Wounding one
(If the sons. 'Th(• rig was earriod on
the cow catcher for over a quarter of a
For Infants and Children.
Tao ix:•
f� every
seen A✓, , prappa3.
The Fatal Canoe Again,
('ohourg, .illy 3O. -About half -past
llthis oto n Gordon�al11ikon
Of ex -Mayor Wilson, and 11 illie Floyd
son Of 11', 11. Floyd., slats. merchant,
went rat tit for t sail 1h1 a canoe. When
only 4 short Ilistatll e. Oat the canoe
capsized and before assistance could
reach thew Doth were drowned. The
boys were about 15 years of age.
Is one of the Largest
Colleges in Canada.
....12 6....
of our graduates were placed in posi-
tions during the past year.
Write for our latest catalogue.
This Tracle Mark is on
Every Tag.
see that you get it.
oto, If your dealer does not handle our
l`wine, write Plymouth Binder Twine
Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto.
Does. Quality Count With You ?
There is Really a La in the
G.T.R. Situation.
Trains Between Guelph and Hamilton
Sake to have Been Stopped for lexetnn-
hnation of the Traclts-4 Station
Agent Discharged - The En-
eleeees to _weep with Super-
intendent 111GGuta;aa.
Brockville, May 30. -The position of
the traekuleli s strike ie un4•hnnged,
though it would not be surprising to
hear of a wider se ike if this trouble is
not soon s. ttle3. A. meeting of the
brother:weds Neck plaee hero on Satur-
daya31( rehtnlntion 1 a, a-.`,.il 8181
. a 1 pa•
843)1., tea,the general 3313ana ca t..p1.e ag 4 ,�
sor°31n:.thy kick the react,;11th and coating
that the road Ivan not in a h.:fe.c..3ntliti'm.
working to t rovent accidents.
Toronto, :clay 30)..-,.'i:iae tr:a a;s=:e n are
endeavoring, to avoid any r'i.'t rat O'a
the line. At 33341111 planta t,114,•>"ar "iicl
lighting the halal '3 for W :, :n tt3, r re-
(' k •," 31 .tall aljt reward. °f! - 8 t:l 1 °,',.
is )Xing(, tome only to help the eeaineere
:171(i iir'ane n t;) +..:Grit' eailry :,1 tree ereee
lteed n1Ae%1a•'ry IA the Iarer'ht.". l,a.l
ern Finenee e anti There '1 have' net tie yet
inede ;.31.y t ss''.nl• . to teal:•° eens alt. l p - + err"
waiCing for i3a'vls f3'a:a,
whee•h Will g"re'rn Ifni 0:0•11VDDIgrii.
The o!lie:°..ala at teat (.: a a let nti a still
continue to take a . eine-aid view et' the
Situation, Walter White, repro-•ntin'.; -
Mr. ,Toney staid that a natn1lrrr to the old
hands had returned at, the ell seats, tat
'av8gt's, 2}11(1 at ` nue p"ihite new :cei l:1a3ten
had been a n,r titex1. Ill• WAS I3af'prant "l that
tho 108(1 W31,3 being p rop.Arly patrolled
and that "everything W.aa nit11alla);;
"•'rhe Striko Was Practically luntied."A
London. May 30. -There was a crowd( d
attendance yesterday at a special fa nce:el .
meeting of the ellarelu)dtit're of the ti'1881
'trunk Railroad of Canada, who 33na41.-
InOUSIy adopted the Central 'Vermont-
l ermontRailroad a'greeme'nt. An ialllatll$nel"a3At+rate
motto by sir Charlie( Risers-SCpleon. pre';i-
dent of the Grand Trunk. Haat the strike.'
1cz1.3 praetirally t•ntkd, culled forth mutering.
Ta'.niae Mapped.
Hamilton, May n0. -There 1e no ehangI'
In the situation luraally. A tmaveell4'r to ;,
the city y.'et'r.iay mornl18 , from. Guelph
n 13urtl'(1 that tine train was stopped at
frequent internale, while 13x111 1)18(115 x1111
ahead to 051:11111111, the tr.:c-:.'i.
Station Agent Ui,l'h$rt;ed,
Iiing:,t+)n, 1l11y a0,--Yeeter4ny nlornin ; .
a young mum named William Taeksnn of
Gaannnogtne, ono of the striking eeetien
mt'n, AVM stru.ek by the O.T.R. local:
t..aila as it pulled into the station fie 111
Broe•kville. Ile melted a severe cut on
the back of his hold, and *ran badly
brill aid.
Talo Grand Trunk authorities have dies- a
rimmed Station Agent Illekey, Mallory -
town. They accuse lain( of giving away
inforlanatton to the straying aectionanen,
.A. number of laborers sent up here ,
from Montreal to look over the tracks of
the G.T.11. Company met with a bot
reception. They took a "pumper" ar"
started east. At Young's Mills, near
Brockville, farmers and others turned out
end mode the men deeamp, leaving their
track tools behind them. Trains were
delayed between Kingston and Brockville
yesterday by a loose 11.111.
1,1 mon treat.
Montreal, May 80. -There is nothing
newreport re file Gr d Trunl: strike.
to tan t e
Thu neon appear to bo orowding tine
papers with their side of the story, while
the company's officials still decline to be
Engineers to ]loot.
Montreal, May 30. -The Grand Trunk
engineers have meeting • appointed for
to -day with Supt. McGuigan.
Toronto Petitions the Government.
Toronto, May 30. -Last night tho
Council resolved to respectfully position
the Dominion Government to take such
steps as they may deem necessary to
terminate the G.T.R. trackanen's strike
ou an equitable and fair basis.
Braun Killed His Wife.
Sing Sing, N.Y., May 30. -Adrian
Braun was put to death by electricity
here yesterday for the murder of his wife.
Braun killed his wife in Sing Sing Pri-
son on March 5, 1808. His wife visited
him in prison and she carried hien some
delicacies of which he was fond. Braun,
who was employed in the prison as a
potato peeler, went to the visitors' room
to see her with a knife secreted in bis
clothes. The two conversed together in
the most friendly terms until the prison
detective told them their time was up.
Braun stood up with a long, sharp -
pointed potato knife in his hang. Ile
brought it down with fearful force against
;he left side of his wife's neck, severing
the jugular vein and the main artery in
the neck.
Murdered Their Father.
Rapid City, S.D., May 30. -Little Lena
Boats, 14 years old, and her brother
Nicholas, 10 years old, were yesterday
brought here charged with the murder of
Frank Bouts, their father. Bouts was a
Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
contractor. The little girl admits the
erme, and the boy adds that he did what
he could to kill his father. The father is
said to have been cruel to the family, and
this appears to have been the motive of
the crime. The boy steadied a rifle while
the little girl pulled the trigger.
Dies. Maybrick Not to Be Free.
New York, May 30. -The Herald says
that Groat Britain has again refused the
request of the United States that Mrs.
Maybriok be pardoned. This is the result
of another application made for her
release by Ambassador Choate, who has
just cabled to Secretary Hay the answer
he has received from the British Foreign
Ofli .e.
Holland ?arrested.
New York, May e0. --William Holland,
the bookmaker, who on April 2 last shot
Samuel. Holler, the ticket seller for
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, inthis
city, and who escaped after the shooting,.
was arrested here yesterday, and held in.
$500 bail for June 2.
Count of Cassation Reporter"
Argues for Revi
Fixe Strong Conclusions peached and
,Forcibly Expressed by Al, Ballo. t de
Benupre in Considering the.
Troaiape4. r Case against the
e.risoner at Bevll's Tslanlll-�
Return of Dreyfus.
Paris May 30.• -.-The Court of Cassxsti la
met ye " ^Ails te} !leer tit fetal -ea in the
application for rt t inion of the Dreyfus
case. The (Fiore of the Pal.'aero of Justice
were app a 1 au 11 o'C lork. Fenteneive
precautiette were taken to iarl'atrvs3 order, I
C ,
The court mem was lllall with Parisian l
C' t' of
alt.brit t Cie „ a.n r part tho hall
having L 1 rt':+ vett for tieel;e't-holder.. r
Many .:illeletes belareeing to oth:•. courts
*ver' 8323 sig t.:'} 1:'.'i�eat and , .`alieed33t.
p .a i .t
tieteeptillta pea aile1. Thr pro* eslings
Ca3 t 3. 3 d ,.t; Local. :.I33i".rats p efonnd
silence. tee reeerree of the civil section •
of tho e ,D7:::t 41.11/1`.; has reeliort ora the
case. .1,7: 3 '•-3il333. eine eon:lidonsunder
wide!: t'e., Fru ention 4)f Ilreyftas was
ins ea'.`e i 3 1+:a., I.' 4' 4: with tit.an-
trata -•t'ers . Set, nee of tire ee±a'rrte in 11'an l-
writinr„ .a.3.1 Beware -Audi the protest of
inner.* e. bq I).•a-yfue to l+iee•1n.-t.'•a1.
(Changed .every Wedxeesday)
Wheat per bushel
Flour per clot
ei.°, to 65
1.85 to II.0O
55 to 45
tt to 30
Peas rq to 69
Corn 46 to 48
Hatter fl to 11
Eggs Peatoe. per bag' fie to tait}),i
Hay per ton 4.5oto 500
Dried Apples per ib .... 3
Turkey 0
l ".o ,ice tpa lnrereste.
_ai. 12 . e d ' Rennin. then read a t 111111a-
r 4ai " A u" r'-llvrl9 {.e:l l)a.'vx els, 'When
the lane. Atte gyp 11111111817 SCillir}t
tenter 04 t;l:U general soot', 111shomage-
tory by 1 it•ut.-Cot, I)at I':tty tie Clam, ill
which Dreyfus pia': isteai in denying hav-
ing had Martens with any foreign
cutlet -ay. and tats .a:,'iti.ltw }.rat lap: 11x41
not piv •al 311• dot'n1nt'3ats i`tl any agent
relating to twat' defane a of the c(allntay.
The revert said the tlret tea+paie tuna of
I)reyftte emanated from (:ol. Babrt•. who
was st at t. with tho sinnilarity of the
word "artillery" in the b)rdereme, and
in a tic al.Aenu written by 1)myfil•. The
rep)a's (i:.& with I tent.-f'.'i. Ilenlo.
account of his conversation with Dreyfus,
when,' the latter was transferred to the
1Ghetxelie• Midi larl+an. I)rayfnta said: "{it
is tcrl'lhte. 1 ';alt weevil of ;a frightful
plain;, •°
hare's then ti.l ' 1 1.hat he was 3seO.t1l
of, ;lamb lanavfai replied: "1 mu weasel'
of the eritu" of high treason."
"Thee ad"rili" answered henry. "But
on what ground:"
erne Death or ate Lite."
"I tech'" know." said Dreyfus. "I ant
nearly a2te 1. I would prefer to receive a
11111143 111 the head. 18131 not guilty. This
aeells:de n is the death of int life."
To tits, henry said: