Exeter Advocate, 1899-6-1, Page 1's
vire ask ��, ou to study these prices as every item priced in
tmost careful ° is worthy of the �� ci'1.�1 cpriee
list quality and
l 3
Ladies° Blouse Silks in all latest
shales, regular 75e., this week .>tle,
Metallic Skirts, very newest, regu-
lar price $220I, special this week, $1,50.
T_ -
White Counterpanes, large size,
fast sellers; worth $1,50; our price 91e.
PRINTS - t lot o
at 5e..
gular 7e. goods
1:5C, -AIt'C ,ll['SLINS-.fust arrived;
for this week 1Ok'.
'WAISTS .Latest
styles and. designs; avoith 10e., our
price 2;e.
FLOOR OIL CLOTH ---2 yds. aside,
regular 73e., this week 50c,
15e„ tl . r price 121e4 worth I0c„ our
price. 7e.
LA('I; CURTAINS-.\ few of those
;Ale. cur tains to Clear at 25c.
SCREEN DOORS and Windows,
different patterns and Sizes.
PARIS GREEN and Blue Stone.
Highest prices paid for Butter
Niece, left; 36 -in, wide, regular 14e,,
to sell at 8e,
worth 550e., our/ price 25c.
GENTS' SIIQES ;(tents RI3a1 and
touting , Shoes; heavy se>1t•, laxteet toe,
regular $2.(0; this week $1.50,
Men's Bieyele :,limes in tarn, worth
SLIM ; this week $1.35.
mire to see the-ae. The newest slier in
the market, very stylish; regular $:3.00,
to introduce $2.50; regular S1.00, to
introduce $3.5(1.
Grocery Dept, --
We are paying special attention to
this important department, aid can
well recommend our groceries. .•id's. Try
('hristies' Fancy Biscuits -we have a
large assortment.
See the New Brass
Labella Harvest Tools.
and Eggs in trade,
Remember -The Stand Opposite the Commercial Hotel.
This Store Closes at 0:30 p.m., except
Wednesday and Saturday.
. . . EXETER.
Sale Register.
FRIDAY. JUNE 2. ---Thera will be sold on
the li•irkton Fair Grounds, _ 2
7 milah cows,
the property of Sturgeon. & Campbell. Sale
at one o'clock. Thos. Cameron, auct.
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at
lowest rates of interest.
DxcxsoN & CARVING,
Barristers, eta., Exeter.
The undersigned has afew good farms for
sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms
Samwell's Block Exeter
Money to loan at from 41,4. to 6 per cent.
Barristers, Solicitors. etc., Main St., Exeter
and Aehievements of Admiral Dewey," the
world's greatest nasal hero. By Murat Hal-
stead the life-long friend and admirer of
the nation's idols. Biggest and best book;
over 600 pages,.Sx10 inches; nearly 100 ages
halftone illustrations_ Only $1.60. Enor-
mous demand Bi commissions. Outfit
free. Chance of a lifetime. Write quick.
Tho Dominion Company, Srd Floor Caxton
R. T. Warner, M.A., of Alma Col-
lege, St. Thomas, preached anniver-
sary sermons in the Methodist church,
on Sunday, May 21. He preached two
very clear and logical sermons. In the
morning on "Ministering"; evening,
on "Fighting the fight of Faith." The
school children will n of soon forget his
remarks on "Bearing the Yoke in Our
Youth." Many are the remarks in re-
ference to the singing services, and if
Prof. Warner comes to Woodhaxn
again he will have a hearty welcome.
Wooclhain eix•euit raised $1,800 last
year for church purposes and had au
increase of 13 members. -The wheat in
these parts is good for this time of the
year; a few spots are winter killed, but
on the whole, passable. Prospect for
hay is good. Spring crops are coming
g p
on nicely. -H. A, Switzer is making
preparations to build a house soon.
This will make the fifth house built in
Woodham in a short time. -The 24th
seas spent in a loyal way. Picnic in
A. Beaver's grove, west of the village;
when Rev. Stephen Ktiott gave an ad-
dress on "The Queen and Constitution
of Britain," John Bell on " Woman,"
and N. Monteith on "Canada." There
was a large turnout, as the day was
fine, and it was inviting.
Usborne Bayfield.
WEDDING BELLS. -Wedding bells
rang out their merry chem s on Wed-
nesday of last week at ...,: •...,,__ i
Geo. Rook, it being the marriage of,.
his eldest daughter, Miss Bernice, tor
Mr. Sweitzer, of Blanshard. The nup-'
tial knot was tied by the Rev. Salton,
in the presence of a large number of
invited guests. The bride received a
large number of useful. presents. We
hope their journey through life may
be happy and prosperous.
St, Joseph.
J. Contine met with a painful acci-
dent while running a machine in the
mill. His finger came in contact with
some part of the machine and the
point was cut oft -A quantity of stone
has been drawn to the beach to be used
in the erection of a dock and power
house. If the plans predicted are car-
ried out St. Joseph may be lighted
with electricity next winter. -Messrs.
Nelson and August Massy are building
a lime kiln andwill be ready in a few
days for business.
D. HAY, Farquhar, Commissioner and
Conveyancer, Money tO loan at lowest rates
of interest.
Mr. Donald Park, of the Boundary,
has purchased what is known as the
White cottage from Mr. Joseph Speare
for $275. Mx. Park gets possession
the first of January next. He will be
much more convenient to his work
then. -Mrs. James Gillespie and grand-
daughter, Miss Todhunter, left last
week for Manitoba, where she has two
daughters and one son. They were
accompanied with her daughter, Jessie,
to Toronto, who went to visit her
cousin, Mrs. (Dr.) Tufford at Honey -
Mr. Paul Madge, accompanied his
daughter, Myrtle, to St. Marys last
Thursday where she is attending the
Collegiate. -Mr. Arthur Passmore in-
tends -going out shortly to Sault St.
Marie, where his brother Albert has
been for several years, employed in a
good lucrative position as book-keeper
with a large mercantile firm. -Mr. A.
E. Hodgert, general agent for the.
Thorold cement Co., has been 'north
in the vicinity of Dungannon during
the past two weeks overseeing cement
contracts. -A certain person in this
vicinity has called on the township
engineer under the Ditches and Water-
courses Act. He will meet the parties
interested on Friday of this week. It
wouldbe bei ter. if parties could ar-
range about Water Courses amicably
within themselves than by resorting
to the authorities for a settlement.
r. Wm. G. Parediatelykinsonafte, tiavellerforthecere-
J, Darch & Sons, London, celebrated Queen's Birthday by takingtmto
himself a wife in the person of Miss
Mary V. Osmond, daughter of Mrs. J.
Card, of Bayfield. The happy event
took place at the bride's home, Bay-
field, Rev. E. A. Shaw, tying the nup-
tial knot. The bride was becomingly
attired in cream brocade, and was at-
tended by Miss J. Card, of Goderich,
while Master C. G. Card, also of Gode-
rich, assisted the groom, little Lucinda
•Walters, of Colborne, being maid of
honor. Innnr
mo]liny all proceeded to the Queen's
Hotel, where a most inviting dinner
was partaken of. Later the happy
couple, accompanied by several of the
guests, drove to Brucefield, and took
the L.,H. & B. train to London, where
they will reside.
Fiume -ye Yotra STGHT.-. Fraving,7ustcom-
pleted a course at the Canada Optical Insti-
tute, I am now prepared to Fib Spectacles
on thoroughly Scientific principles. Per-
sons needing spectacles are especially re-
quested to give us a call. Eyes tested tree..
G. H. Zwxciuni,
Jeweller & Optician.
Mr. Francis Adare, who has been
living in Science Hill the past year,
has moved into the dwelling lately
vacated by Mr. Charles. Drier. -Miss
Frazer:, one of our school -teachers, is
on the sick list, consequently her
room has been closed. We wish. her a
speedy recovery. -The council met in
the town hall last Friday. Gravel con-
tracts were auctioned off. -Mr. Wm.
B. Geiser and Mr. W. Heciden have
built new kitchens to their dwellings,
which adds greatly to their apperance.
-During last Sunday's storm the
lightning struck the dwelling of Mrs.
Mary Brown. It struck the chimney,
ran along -the rich ;eboard and knocked
off a bunch of shingles and• then ran
down the conductors of the eave-
trough.--Mr. George Rivers, of Vic-
toria University, Toronto, is visitin
his brother, Dr. Rivers. -Mrs. Henry
Sweitzer, who has been organist of
the German church for a number of
years, has resigned, and Miss L.
Wuerth has taken her place. The
choir gave Mrs. Sweitzer a pleasant
surprise party last Monday evening.
They report having spent aleasant
tie. -Messrs. Wenzel & Fu pz"laave
purchased a handsome driver from
Chas. Drlber, No doubt the Wills
will make things lively. -We are
pleased to see Mrs. R. E. Walker
around again,' after her long illness. -
The Sunday School of the Evangeli-
cal church are preparing for binder
Mrs. Gavin Ross, of Gowanside
farm, was taken to St, Joseph's Hospi-
tal, London, for treatment last week,
-Mr. P. Case has his barns moved
and jacked up x'eady to put the fouan-
dation, under them. Mr. Christie
Eaerett, of the 2nd of Hay, gave a
very brilliant display of fireworks ;on
the Victoria Park last Friday evening.
A member of the neighbors were on
the grounds to witness the display,
but tlu- large rockets were visible for
a number of miles, and were very
K1ir kton
SALE OF MILCR COWS -The undersigned
offer t+
all e i sale on tho,
Fair Groands , hark
ton, art bra fav, June end, et mulch oows 13
with eaves at taut and 14 due to Calve this
SWIM ROA 4 CAazrluut,x,, Tyros. Caneeets,
Traps. Acct.
Quite a number of our boys were in
Mitchell on the 24th, and report having
hada pleasant tinre.-Mr. J Creary
raised his barn on Friday, everything
passing oft successfully, ---Mr. A.. E.
Blake has engaged with W. Fletcher
to frame. ---Mr. J. L Kirk has been
]aid of with Mood poisoning for the
past week- Mr, A. Shier, who has
been seriously ill during the week is
convalescing..- Mr. Lancaster passed
throu Th our town on Sunday. -31r. A.
g 3.
Robinson spent Sunday in Mitchell,
the guest of .Ir. G, L. Money, --The
boys intend to organize a football team
herd shortly, and will be open to play
any thee. -The Iirk;toza brass band.
has been engaged to play at Cooper's
piente,--eA number of our citizens at-
tended the races at Exeter May 24th.
They all report an excellent time.
Isra B.t lar. --One of the largest barns
that Inas been erected in this locality
wee raised on Mr. Robert C'reiry's
farm, north of Sunshine on Friday:.
There were about as hundred and fifty*
men, Old. and young, and between
fifty arfd sixty of the fair sex on the
scene. 'About two o'clock the two
captains, Messrs. Thos. Cameron, of
-Farquhar, and H. Brown, of Winchel-
sea, took their places, when the men
were called one by one, until all bad
been chosen. After the timbers had
been placed ready to put together; the
word "Ile -awn -heave l" was given
and the large " beret " was seen to
raise in the air. Now for the race.
Mr. Cameron's rnen took the lead and
gave promise to win, but the detach-
/tient-headed by Mr. Brown was equal
to any. emergency, and they went at
it with at wilt c.Cbey soon overtook
thef., eteontuts, • and the reaalt was
that Me. Cameron's side received a bad
beating. There were men in attend-
ance from Biddulph, Blanshard and.
IJsborne. Mr. J: Elliott is the con-
tractor, and the planner in which the
frame went together is sufficient proof
of his ability as a framer. -We are
sorry to state that Miss Nelly White,
who has been under the doctor's ease
some time,
fax , z c e has now to undergo ) n
, n t g< a
operation for appendicitis. We trust
she may survive the trying ordeal. -
Mr. Jos. White went south on Sunday.
What do you mean, Joe?
Stephen Council,
The Council of the Municipal corpor-
ation of the township�of Stephen con-
vened at the Town Hall, Crediton, on
Friday, May 26th, at 10 a.m. All
membersbeingpresent. Minutes of
previous meeting read and approved.
It was resolved that the Council grant
$12 for the use of the grader to ditch
the first side road opposite lots 5 and
6, con. 3. Sweitzer-Hicks, that by-
law number 5, regulating the Clerk's
fees in the matter of the Ditches and
Watercourses' Act, being read the third
time, bepassed; also By-law No. 6,
authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer
to borrow money to meet current ex-
penditure until such time as the taxes
levied therefor can be collected. -
Carried. Gravel contracts to the
amount of $183.25 were let and the
following Commissioners were ap-
pointecl:-J. Bowden, Matthew Winer,
Frederick Eilber, John Keys, David
Mawhinney, B. Cunningham, Gabriel
McPhee, D. Buchanan, J. B. Hodgens,
Philip Baker, Geo. Webb, R. Hand-
ford, T. Sweet, J. Tennant, R. Essery,
Wm. Penhale, W. Sanders, J. G.
Wein, A. O'Leary, and P. Flanagan.
The following orders were granted -
Wm. Kestle, repairing culvert, 80c.;
Richard Hill, drawing lumber, $3.75;
McBloomfield repairing culvert, $1.25;
Martha Dishman, charity, $2; Henry
Willex't, lumber, 312.68; Adolph Mo-
renz, repairing culvert, 50c; J. Rhode,
plank etc. $1; Peter Kraft, repairing
culverts, $4; Robert Hodgens, work
on road, $1; Robert Sanders putting
in. Culvert, $1.75; R. Handford, gravel,
S. B. 62l; R. Hanclford, gravel, first
side road, Gate. George Orange, repair-
ing two culverts, $2.50; John Heist,
tile, $2; Express Company, $195; Muni-
cipal World, books and forms, $14.15;
Good Road Machine Co. edge for
grader, $8; Joseph Doust, Books and
forms, $19; Henry Essery, repairing
bridge, lst S. R. $3; Michael Greb, re-
pairing culverts, $5; Heist and others,
grading 2 blocks, Shipka, $8.25; Heist
and others, grading 3 blocks, 3rd S. R.
$10,50; Haist and others, grading one
block, lst, S. R. $4.25 C. Wolf, grad-
ing. $10.25;
rad-ing$10.25; James Doyle, repairiu:•-.
culvert, $3; W. B. Baker, culvert, $2;
Ab. Dearing, repairing road and cul-
vert 6.50; S. Brokenshire repairing
culvert,$2; Ws. Anderson,repairing
culvert$1.50; B. Cunningham,repairing;
ing culvert, 75c; J. Shax'rv and oters,
grading, $16.75; Henry Smith, repairs
$L50; R. Adare, culvert, $1.75; Joseph
Lawson, two., culverts, .$10; Charles
Hoffman, .repairing culvert, 75c; Chris-
tian Hoffman, tile, under award, $2.25;
Canada Company,, gravel, S. B. $8.20
Canada Company, gravel, in Town -
shire $10.0G; Mr. Carrick, charity, $8.
D, Mawhinney, covering culvert $1.50.
The Council adjourned to meet at the
Town Hall,Crediton,on Monday, July
10th, next at 10 ai,:111.
H. EILBER, Clerk.
Grand Bend
Arr. J. Archibald, of Seaforth, passed
through here on his • way home from
Medford, with about 12 or -15 horses
Which he had just purchased. The
horses were an exceptionally fine lot,
and. no doubt a good price was paid
for them. ---Mrs. \V, :Oliver and Mrs.
R. •Hamilton left here on • Monday to
spend a fete days • with friends in St,
Marys. -Mr. Gilmore, of Forest, has
rented a room from Mr. Brenner in
his new house, which be intends in a
couple of weeks to fit up es a barber
shop, and will no doubt do well. --Mies
5. MseLaehlatnd, of Greenway, visited
frie ds
n in town Friday and • Saturday.
-Rev. Carrier occupied the pulpit in
the Methodist h< dist cl c >•
h� 1la 5 Sunday
evening lie preached a very earne
and interesting (ael•rnon 11r. John
Taylor, of Brewster, received vv Orel',
that Miss E. McPheisen, of Forest,
died on Sunday. ---Mi', Arthur Mollard
and Bert Holt spent a few days with
J. W. Ica •
F It
net �5c '>• ,
rz, f(r
a t}x, during the
week,Mr. hiz ennex's nese hall is now
complete, it will afford hiiu a great •
deal More room to accent -iodate the
pleasure seekers during the camping
season. ----Miss Banes visited friends
here on. Friday and •t attu•day.-e-31r.
and Mrs. Jini Ifighstead, of London,.
were the guests of Mrs. Hamilton as
few days last week. --Iter Baird, B.A..,
Will J>reach in Jefferson Methodist
church next Sunday. ----:%1 . Harry Bos-
:senberry has just put a rig on the
road for the conveyance of Passengers
and freight to ztnc`i from Par'khi l. -
Messrs. Harris and 'May,. of Mitchell,
spent Saturday here fishing. -Mr,
Dickson and wire, of Parkhill, cazx_xpped
here over the 21th of May. --Mr. Har-
ry and George 7apfe spent _]Monday
under the prental roof. ---11r. McWil-
liams, of Greenway, paid our town a
flying visit on Friday. -Mr. Hueston,
of Exeter, spent a number of days here
last week. -\Tr, Spackman has spent
x couple of weeks improving his park,
whiclx, with his labor and nature's fol-
iage, presents a very enticing appear-
ance. He has also added a number of
new boats to his already largenumber.
Nora Sheffer, of Toronto, vieited his
Heusall friends over the 24th. -Geo.
Beacons visited friends here on Queen's
Birthday.-Mr..Jos. Ellis took a trip
to Brantford on Tuesday to spend the
24th. -Dr. SelIery was visited by his
parents and sister on the 21th.--Mr.
McPhersoxa, of Clinton, was in town
Wednesday last. 'Messrs. Geo. JOynt
and Jas. Bonthron visited friends in
Lue.an Sunday. ---Kiss McCallum visit-
ed at Mr. Harry Arnold's over the
24th. -Mr. Gibb Dick shipped a car-
load of cattle from here on 'i'hursday.
Miss Snell, of Dashwood, has been as-
sisting at Mr. John Pope's the past
week. He says business is rushing.-
Roln. Patterson, sr., reports business
rushing at his planing mill. ---Mr. ZVns.
Gilchrist is home from Woodstock.
He intends going out to British Colum-
bia next week. -Mrs. E. Ronnie left
hese on Saturday to visit friends in
London and Walker ville.-Exeter's
Dxa.nxatic Coxsmpany gave "The Vaga-
bonds." in the Opera Hall on evening
of 21•th.-Mr. Wren sent a copy hereof
the new paper started in Kewatin. It
is called the Kewatin Ministeral.-
The Misses E. Stephenson and Mr. E.
Stoneman visited at Mr. Caldwill's on
Sunday. -Mr. T. Stoneman and family
also Misses Mattie and Hattie Stone-
man, of Mitchell, visited relatives here
on Sunday. -Miss Myrtle Hodgins is
home from London where she has been
for some time.-Hensall Methodist
choir drove down to Mr. Marshall's,
Rodgerville, Friday evening fox prac-
tice and spent a very pleasant evening.
-Miss Bolton is visiting friends m
Mitchell. -Mrs. Henry Cook is visiting
friends in Detroit. -Miss Laving Koeh-
ler, of Zurich, has been visiting at Mr.
J. W. Ortwein's for the past week. -
Wm. Colwill, of British Columbia, re-
turned hone after being absent for
four year. -W. W. L. Ohipm,Assistant
Inspector of the Molsons Bank, visited
Exeter on Monday and Tuesday and
Hedsall on Thursday. -Miss Minnie
Sheffer left on Thursday for Toronto
where she intends taking a course in
vocal culture at the Conservatory of
music. -The latest in connection with
the trackmen's strike is that Delaney
and Ayer are still holding out for an
increase of pay. --The ladies of the
Methodist church held their monthly
missionary meeting at the residence
of Mr's. I.I. Rundles on Friday after-
noon. -On Wednesday Miss Annie
Northcott was tmited in the holy bonds
of matrimony to Mr. Geo. Geddes, of
Sexsinith. Rev. C. Smith, of Exeter,
performed the ceremony in the pres-
ence of some fifty invited guests. -On
Monday evening next Rev. Mr. Hen-
derson will give the descriptive address
at the Epworth League on "A night
on Mt. Hamilton at the Lick observa-
tory. -The Council met Monday night
and appointed Mr. W. McKay to the
clerkship. They also engaged the ser-
vices of an engineer to take the levels
of the main street and examine the
south drains. -Mr. Hax•barn, our 'en-
terprising flowerist is preparing to
erect another green house 14x00 feet.
Hews had a very successful year and
ends increasing his business during
the coming season. -Mr. Will Colwill
sang a solo in the Methodist church
Sunday evening. -Mr. Hugh Kennedy
visited iris cousins here over 24th.
-On Wednesday a very pleasant event
took place at the residence of Mx'.
Dan Bell, when his daughter, Miss
Alice, was united in marriage to Mr.
W. W. Cooper of Kippenn. The Rev.
Mr. Henderson performed the cere-
mony in the presence of a large num-
ber of friend.s.-During the heavy
wind -stores on Sunday.the barns of
Mr. Alex. Buchanan othe 31.d con-
cession, Tuckersmith, were unroofed.
Chiiciren Ory for
A football match took place at Dev-
on between the Centralia and Hensaall
teams on .Friday last, resulting in fee
vox of the former by 3 goals toys ---Our
town is fast improving, Mr. J. C.
Sheardown is making preparations to
erect a new blacksmith shop. Mr, G.
G Essery is laying a new eeznentfi: or
in his livery barn. Mr. Oliver has
opened his store and is now ready to
do bu; i -i
5 Hess. Ir, G. (lraftun's new
brick establishment adds xiatteh to the
,appearance of the. station street, G,
Bunt and Wm. Lewis, Jr., holidayed
withfriendsad> here
24th, ---Mr..
White, of Hensall, aeconspioned by
her brother, Mr. _31eMorren spent
Thursday here, the guest of Mr S.
McC'oy. Mrs. Richard Hicks gave the
children of her Smutty school class a
very pleasant afternoons pastime at
• the river on Saturday, The Misses
Cockwill, of Grand Rapids, are visit-
ing here, the guests of Mr. John
Brown. -Mr. Thos, Neils new brick
dwelling is finished, whiclx is a creche
table improvement to the farxn.-Mr.
W. C. Huston has again opened up his
gravel pit for the season,• -•\Zai, G. G. •
Essery has two teams and Vivo buses
in London this week. in charge t>f the
Street Railway strikers, -.-The funeral
sermon of the linty Mrs. Baker was
preached 1)y" the Rev,. Salton on Sun-
day morning to a large number of
sorrowin'' friends and relations. It
was indeed 00 very touching sermon. -
Mr. Bert Stoddard, who has .been
working for Mr. Fenn as harnessmake
ex' forsonxe time, left for his holne in
Goderich Saturday. Bert was well -
thought. of during his stay in the vil-
lage anile, master workman. ---A heavy
shower passed over this section en
Sunday afternoon, accompanied by
thunder and lightning, The rain came
down in torrents for a short time and
soon a large stream of water could be
seen running down each side of Main
street. -Rev. A. W. Sauer left on
'Wednesday morning on a trip over
the 'Western district, preaching and
collecting funds in support of theppoor-
er districts. His work • here will be
looked after by Mr. G. Brown; of Credi-
ton, in the morning and by Mr. A.
Shettler in the evening. --Messrs, 3, K,
Goetz and E. M. Brokenshire were ap--
pointed as delegates to the 5.5 Con-
vention to be held in Milverton next
week. -Mr. O. W. Snell, who has been
attending the Conservatory of Music
in Toronto for some time, returned
home last'week.-•-Our Juhior football •
team played a game at Grand Bend
Tuesday evening, resulting in favor of
our boys. Score 1 -0. -The Y. P. A.
of this place held their semi-annual
business meeting last Thursday
eaening with the following officers;
Pres., Miss Jane Hall; Vice -Pres.,
Simpson Ireland; Rec. Sec., Thos. Snell
Cor. Sec., John Greb; Trees, E. M.
Brokenshire; Organists Miss Fanny
Snell and- Miss
King; Lin <]iMissozfstei, itis
Lizzie Finkbeinc r; `Libr Librarian, an, Gc orge
Brown. The Treasurer's report shows
the society t o be in good financial
standing. Several members have
moved away, while many new names
have been added to the list. We hope
the young people will help to make
this term one of success.
A very exciting scene was witnessed
by a few on the Sauhle one day last
week. Wrn. Davis had the misfor-
tune to let his team get away from
him while at work at his house. They
took across the field eastward with a
spring tooth harrow attached to them
jumping two barbed wire fences be-
fore reaching the concession. The
harrow struck with terrific force,
drawing three or "four costs clear
from the ground, and leaving the har-
rows and part of the harness there.
By this time William was seen com-
ing in the distance, but did not stop
to observe what had befallen the fenclE
but kept his eyes southward in that
exciting direction, and soon found
himself on the ground opposite Tho-
mas Dickens, where the team awaited
his coming. Fortunately the animals
were not hurt, outside of a few scrat-
ches, but it is evident that some ma-
clline agent will have the pleasure of
placing a new harrow there.
WEDDING, -Two well-known and
popular young people of this place
were united in marriage Wednesday
morning at St. Patrick's church, when
Miss Bridget Collison, daughter . of
Mrs. Michael Collison, became the bride
of Mr. Patrick T iThelihan, of the Ro-
man line. The bridal party entered
the church at 10.15, and the ceremony
was performed by Rev. Father Noo-
nan.. The bride 'looked particularly
handsome in a gown of white cash-
mere trimmed with white satin ribbon
and chiffon, and carried it boquet of
white carnations. The bridesmaid,.
Miss Whelihan, of Detroit, a sister of
the groom, was dressed in a gown of
flowered organdy, with silk and lace
trimmings, and carried a boquet of
pink and white carnations. Mr. Mich-
ael O'Donaghuie, of London, was
groomsman. After the ceremony the
newly married couple received the
congratulations of their friends, and
after taking a drive proceeded to thein
new home where a dainty luncheon
was served. The Fvcdding march at
the church was played by Miss Mc-
Grath. There was it big crowd at the
church, many coming from London to
witness the ceremony.-Lucan Sun.
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