HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-5-25, Page 6'Rubs risers vireo do n t receive their paper xegelaa:1 : w.11 please nn.1:y t1. :it once. Apply at thls office for advertising rues. THE EXETER ADVOCATE.. THURSDA.Y, MAY 25, 1899 Orchard and Garden. &ive the young orchard; good eultivatiea, lentil the tree comes into bearing, In pruning the gooseberry and currant prune to secure a spreading, open head. Powdered hellebore, either dry or in solution, is a sure remedy for the currant worm. Por all lea' -eaters. the spray may be used as soon as the first leaves appear on the :trees. Newly set strawberry plants should not be allowed to bear fruit; pinch off the '.blossoms. To propagate blackberries cut the roots into pieces two or three inches long and dant then]. There is no advantage in planting the tender varieties of vegetables until all danger of frost is past. A little wood ashes around each straw- berry plant will help in securing more and batter fruit. One of the best ways of destroying weeds en rhe lawn is by cutting off close And applyin_ turpentine. in nearly all eases it is best to leave the muleh on the strawberry bed until after b harvested. the fruithaseon h t 'With blackberries and raspberries it is -s good plan to give thorough cultivation during the early part of the season. While clover cannot be excelled for seed- Mg eed= downlugan ,it sold not should be orchard, hand done until the trees are in bearing. By planting all small fruits in long 'rows the work of giving clean cultivation can be done Hauch snore eeonomlcally. Curled leaf in the peach is a disease of a fougus character. It develops usually after a cold spell, followed by a period of warm weather. It is ouly in exceptional cases that it Is advisable to keep trees or plants mulched all the time. _n Inthe epring ,ringit is oftenbeet rev to eve the mulch and ettltivare. Quo geed remedy for mildew on goose berries is to spray with potassium sulphide at intervals of ten days or two weeks dur- ing the Selsun. There never was, and never will be, a universal panacea, in oue remedy, for all .its to wla:cil flesh isitr r—the very nature of many curatives being cunt that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient --what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, in Quinine Wine, when obtainable in a sound unadulterated. state, a remedy for many and grevious ills. By its gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convalescence stud strength, by the infinence which Qin- tattle exerts on Nature's own restoratives. itrelieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondeucy and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing sleep— imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being, stimulated, courses through- out the veins, strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary result, strengthening the trams, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand increased substance—result, im- proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfection of stny in the market. All druggists sell it. A California Dessert. Beat thoroughly the yolks of two eggs with one-half cupful of sugar; add one largo tablespoonful of flour, one small tablespoonful of cornstarch dissolved in milk; pour into ono pint of boiling' milk and let cook about three minutes; flavor with half a cupful of sweet orange juice and pour into baked crust; beat the whites to a stiff froth, add one-half cupful of auger, favor with extract of orange,spread on top, put in oven and let slightly brown. ilinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. To window Polishers. To clean chamois polishing cloths pour six tablespoonfuls of ammonia into a quart of tepid water and soak the chamois :akin for about an hour. With a spoon work and press it to free as much of the dirt as possible; lift into a basin of tepid water and rub well with the hands. Rinse 1n fresh water until clean; dry in the shade and when dry rub between the bands. New Vigour and Energy are soon at- tained by th.. use of Miller's Compound Iron Pills. 50 doses 25 cents. Quicksilver Mine. There is a quicksilver mine in Peru 170 fathoms in circumference and 480 feet deep. In this profound abyss are streets, squares and a chapel, where religions worship is held. Health for the children. Miller's Worm Powders. No Longer Fashionable. Chrysanthemums are going out of fashion in England. One society for rais- ing the flowers, after having had ten pros- perous years, has been obliged to wind up its affairs owing to the bad business of the last two years. Had La Grippe.—Mr. A. Nickerson, Farmer, Dutton, writes: "Last winter I had La Grippe and it left me with a severe pain in the small of my back and hip that used' to catch me whenever I tried to climb a fence. This lasted for about two months when I bought a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil and used it both internally and externally, morning and evening, for three days, at the expira- tion of which time I was completely cured." .11 -IE . SUNDAY S0110011. LESSON IX, SECOND QUARTER, INTER- NATIONAL SERIES, MAX 28, Pest of the Lesson. John xviii, 28, 40.. Memory Verses. 3S-40—Golden Text, John six. 4--,Conunentnry Prepared by the Rev. D. M.. Stearns. [Copyright. 1599, by D. M. Stearns.] 28. "Then led they Jesus from Caiap- bas unto the hall of judgment." In Math. xxvii, 2. it is written that they led Hina away and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate, the governor. Some of these self righteous people, with murder in their hearts, would not enter Pilate's house lest they should be defiled, for they desired to eat the Passover. They did not know that the true Passover Lamb was being put to death by them and that their Pass- over, like their Sabbaths and all their feasts, was a mere form—a husk without a kernel, chaff to be burned up. What is your religion? In what do you trust? Is it 41 sone ehureh or creed or ceremony, or is it in Jesus only and His precious blood? 29, 30. "If He were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered Him up auto thee." This from theta in reply to Pilate's question, "What accusation bring ye against this man?" It is easy to call Him an evildoer, but impossible to prove it. They must, however, say some- thing, and having yielded themselves to the devil he will suggest many a lie to them. In all Ilis life Ho never said or did a wrong thing except in the eyes of those who hated Him. He knew no sin. ,- 31. x7.al.ea a ]till] and a 'udgo Him c.. y cording to your lav," Titus said Pilate, to which they replied, "It is not lawful for us to put any num to death." So they confess that they have determined that He must die, and they only desire that Pilate will attend to it for them It would oat do for them to say bow long ago they had made up their minds to kill Hien as soon as possible. It night show their hearts toward Him too plainly, If it was unlawful for them to put any ono to death, how was it that only a little later they found no difficulty in stoning Stephen? 82. "That the saying of Jesus might be 1 J fuliillcd, which He spake, peke, sig lifyingwhat death He should die. Tho Jewish anode, seconding to their law, was stoning, but Jesus had said that Tie should be crucified (Math. xx, 19), This was typified by the serpent of brass lifted up on a pole (Nunn. xxi, 9; John Ili, 14) and was plainly de- scribed in Ps. xxii, 16, "They pierced My hands and My feet." The law said, "Cursed is every one that bangeth on a tree," ;and Christ ]lath redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us (I)eut. xxi, 23; Gal, Ili, 13). 33. •' Art Thou the King of the Jews?" Pilate's question to Jesus when He en- tered the judgment hall again. The wise men from the east came with the inquiry, "Where is He that is born King of the Jews?" The prophets had foretold a Mes- elah who would sit on David's throne as King of Israel (Math. ii, 2; Ism. ix, 0, 7; Jer. xxiii, 5, 6; I'.zek. xxxvii, 22), but what did Pilate know of these things and why did he ask this question? Were not the Jews subjects of Cresat? 34. "Jesus answered him, Shyest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of Me:" Of course Jesus know why he asked it, for He knew what is in Iran. Ho knows the things that come into our minds, every one of them (John ii, 25; Ezek, xi, 5). Ho had a reason for asking Pilate, for He does nothing without a pause (Ezell. xiv, 23). 35. "Pilate answered: Am I a Jew? Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered Thee unto inc. What hast Thou done?" It is unusual to have a prisoner and have no charge against hien, and unusual also to see the judges, as in the case of Caiapbas and Pilate, asking the prisoner to tell what he has done. Was ever seen on earth such a travesty on justice as in this case? 36. "Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world." How often this word of Chrlst is used to try to prove that our Lord shall never have a kingdom on this earth except that which He is now said to have in the hearts of men—a very poor sample of a kingdom truly, judging from the lack of subjection to Him everywhere manifest! But one might as well say that the believer has no business on earth be- cause he is not of this world. That is the very reason that he is here—in the world, but not of it, that ho may glorify God in it. His origin is not earthly, for he is not a child of God until born from above, and Christ is here speaking of the origin of His kingdom, as He Himself explains in the last clause of this verse, "Now is My kingdom not front hence." It will be as truly a kingdom on this earth as was Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece or Rome, but it will not be set up by force of arms, but by the mighty power of God, the same that brought Israel out of Egypt, di- vided the Red sea and the Jordan and sub- dued Canaan before them. 37. "To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth My voice." Thus Jesus replied to Pilate's question, "Art Thou a king, then?" Ho was the truth, sent by the God of truth, filled with the spirit of truth. Yet we are called upon to spend three weeks in this eighteenth chapter of John, full of a record of the works of the devil through Judas and the rulers Caiaphas and Pilate and even Simon Peter, and the wonderful words of truth in chapters 16 and 17, some of the most wonderful words on record, we are asked wholly to omit. 38, 39. "I find in Him no fault at all." Such was Pilate's testiniony again and again. Judas also confessed that he had betrayed innocent blood (Math. xsvii, 4). Pilate's wife called Him a just man and urged her husband to have nothing to do with condemning Hina. But Pilate had Him on his hands and must either con- demn Him or release Him. The latter ho wished to do, but had not the courage to do it. He hopes for a way out of his diffi- culty by suggesting that as it was his cus- tom to release unto them a prisoner at Passover he should now release unto them Jesus. As an alternative ho men- tions a notable prisoner named Barabbas, probably thinking that, he being so wicked, the people will not ask to bave him released, but will at once choose Jesus. He knows not the destroyer who was behind the scene that day, nor did he know that he himself was making choice between God and satan. 40. "Not this man, but Barabbas." Thus they deliberately chose a murderer and rejected the Prince of Life. They preferred darkness to light and satan to Gocl. They did what they always hid been doing as a nation since they were brought out of Egypt—turned their backs upon. their Redeemer and leaned upon au am of flesh, for when Pilate si£icl, "De - tan d le-hole( your king!" they cried, "Nee have no king, but Caesar l" (John mix, 14, 15,) Turkeys. The turkey was first discovered in America and was taken to England in the early part of the sixteenth century. Since then it has been acclimated in nearly all parts of the world. A dose of Miller's Worm Powders occa- aionally will keep the cbildren healthy. Yeast -They say Toodles' baby has her mother's chin. Crimsonbeak—Indeed l I didn't know the little thing had begun to talk yet. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. The average gas jet ooneames five feet of gas per hour. GIRLS AS YOUNG MEN'S ENEMIES. How Whey Puncture Holes in a young Man's Business Prospects. "Girls are by far too apt to thought- lessly punch hales in the business pros- pects of the young men of their acquaint- ance," writes Edward Bok in Tho Lathes' Home Journal. "They work this mischief in various ways. They consider it `great fun' to step to a telephone. for example, and 'ring up.' some young man while he Is at his office, only to send him some unnecessary message or indulge in some flippant talk, They are forgetful of the fact that what may be rare sport at their end of the line may cause serious embarrassment or worse to the young man at the other end. Even if the young man enjoys it, his employer does not. Sending unnecessary, or even fancied necessary- notes to young men at their offices during business hours is another favorite 'pastime' of girls, Sometimes the 'fun' is carried farther by meeting a young man at his luncheon hour, or by even calling at his office. Again, even a more dangerous element is introduced by girls urging young men to leave their offices before closing hours to escort them to some place of amusement, some game, or to a train. "The danger in, these acts is not in themselves, but In the injurious distress - dons which they mean. Business hours, though doubtless they seem inexplicably long to girls. are, in reality, all too short for the accomplishment of things neces- sary to a young; man's success. Renee every moment when be is at business should be precious to him, and it is mightily precious to the right sort of a i should young loan His mind she be focused on the problems before him, which mean either his success or his failure," Europe's Consular r S stem. In The Century, Mr. George MoAneny summarizes the results of the State De- partment's inquiry into the consular Fys tens of other countries, and compares that system with our own—not at all to our advantage. The system I have outlined, says Mr. hi'oAneny, is common to every nation of Europe except, possibly, Turkey. Outside of Europe it is established in Brazil and 4 e ttale, and, among the Independent states of Asia, in Japan. It ie lacking in the minor South American republics, in Persia and China, in Morocco, Mexico and tbo United States. in each European organizationas in our own, there Is the division into sal- aried and unsalaried classes, and into grades of consul -general, consul, vice or deputy consul, and commercial or consular agents. The salaried officers (consules missi) are usually subjects of the Government by which they are com- missioned, and are not permitted to en- gage in private business. The unsalaried (consules electi), who aro compensated wholly by fees or by allowances, are relieved from those restrictions, and are very frequently local merchants. The latter class, as well as agents, are selected generally by the superior consul in the district, who is responsible for their acts, and who virtually controls their tenure. It is the permanent class only—those in the "consular career")—that this article need consider. Though there is undoubt- edly room for reform in other particu. Lars, it is the question of correct methods of organization in the corresponding branch of our own service that calls for first solution. Canterbury Cathedral. The external beauties of Canterbury can best be seen from a distance The old town nestles under its walls, and beyond is a ring of bills encircling the city, from which you look down the rich, peaceful valley of the Stour, where cattle stand knee-deep in clover, and see the mighty church towering over the red -tiled roofs of the houses, the mother building of English-speaking men's religious life. The cathedral is constructed in the form of a cross, 540 feet long by 156 feet in breadth. There are several enriched entrances of various dates, distinguished for beauty and plentitude of ornament. The western front is the work of Friar Chillenden, a skillful architect of the reign of Richard II. The nave consists of a series of clustered columns on each side. from which rise the light and grace- ful arches peculiar to the pointed style. Trinity Chapel, situated to the east of the choir, contains the most authentic memorial now remaining of the first of a long line of English heroes—the tomb o1 the Black Prince. So dearly was ho loved that he was allowed a resting -place in the most sacred spot of that time. His effigy is of brass, and one can trace the resemblance in the features with the effigy of his father and his grandfather, the one in Westminster Abbey, the latter in Gloucester Cathedral. Noble Sign Writer.. The Marchioness of Lorne, who drew out the plans for the. Ferry inn at Rose- neath and occupies a portion of the house when visiting in the locality, is at present engaged in painting a signboard for the hotel, after a quaint design which will further, ie is alleged, distinguish Rose neath's old hostelry from all other hotels in the country. That hot, dry condition of the skin will disappear by the use of Miller's Compound Iron Pills. 50 doses 25 cents. \whoa, the Nose Bleeds, To stop a bleeding nose, keep the pa- tient's head thrown back and his arms raised, Hold a cold cloth or sponge to re- ceive the blood. Press the fingers firmly on each side of the nose where it joins the upper lip. A piece of ice or a cloth wrung out of ice water may, be placed at the back o1 the head. CONDUCTOR (1. lIOGG Th. Lolling Tongue. A curious relic of bygone days may be seen on a house in Berlin. Two black- smiths lived opposite each other in that city, whose trade rivalry became the talk of the neighborhood. One day the Em- peror, William I., who was fond of going about the city disguised as a farmer, in order to "feel the pulse of the people," rode up to the door of one of the black- smiths to have his horse's shoe fastened. A daughter of the rival blacksmith, to show her contempt for this customer, put out her tongue and distorted her fees with a horrible grin. The Emperor called together the wood -carvers of the city and offered a prize for the most hideous face of a woman they could devise, and when he bad selected the most ugly specimen produced—one with a tongue lolling out of its wooden mouth—he rode over with it to the blacksmith's shop. There, to the consternation of the young woman, bo ordered that fury's head nailed over the door as a warning against petty spite. And His Deadly Struggle With a Vicious Enemy. Diabetes Was Getting the Victory Over Him When He Began to Use Dodd's 13tdney rills—Then th. Tide Turned and Ile Was Saved. Toronto, '.stay 15. --Still another member of the staff of the Toronto Street Railway comes forward to testify to the unequalled efficacy o1 Dodd's Kidneyay Pills in cases o1 Diabetes. This time it is Mr. H. Hogg, conductor No. 207, residing at No. 81 Puller street, who tells his story. Here is what he says: "Diabetes kept me in continual misery and nightly agony for three years. My blood got so impure that I thought I could never get it restored to its natural purity. I was tortured by dizziness, which grew to such an extent that I had to quit work. I lost flesh and strength rapidly, and, in short, I thought it was 'all up with me.' "I used different remedies, but got no good from any of them, until a friend r.- cominended Dodd's Kidney Pills.. "I had no idea they would help me, as Z had bean ditjappointed so often, but I de- cided to try them. The first box gave me wonderful relief. The dizz-iness vanished and my head became as steady as ever it was. Three boxes completed my cure, and to -day I am sound and well, thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pills." The best way to ascertain the real merit of Dodd's Kidney Pills is to test thorn. There can be no deceit then. They either will cure or they will not. A trial costs very little and it will settle all doubts for all time. Dodd's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists, at fifty cents a box, six boxes $2.50, or sent, on receipt of price, by The Dodds Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. A Question of Heads. "How can you beat and scratch your husband in this terrible way?" said a judge to a woman of spirit and independ- ence. "Don't you know that he is the head of the family and ought to be re- spected as such? Delft you know that he is your head, too, and ought to be obeyed?" This is pretty severe doctrine to preach to a distracted family, but every man in the world will say that it is 'strictly true and ought to bo enforced. This woman, however, was unterrifled and in very pert tones said, "Judge, is that man my head?" "Most assuredly he is," was the reply. "Well, judge," said the stern disciple of a logical system, "is there any good reason why I shouldn't scratch my head if I wish to?" Catnaps for Italie .etchers, Soldiers in the Italien,army are allow- ed two hears in the middle of the day for a nap. A Sound Stomach Moans a Clear Head. —The high pressure of a nervous life which business men of the present day aro constrained to live makes draughts upon their vitality highly detrimental to their health. 1t is only by the most cares ful treatment that they are able to keep themselves alert and active in their var- ious callings, many of them know the value of Parmi•ke's Vegetable Pills iu regulating the stomach and consequently keeping the bend clear. Ile Was Posted. "Now, Harry," asked the teacher of the juvenile class, "what is the coral we eat in the morning called?" "Oatmeal," was the little fellow's prompt reply. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. A Chaage of Business. De Broker (sadly)—You seem to have dropped out of speculation lately. De Loser—Yaas, butting on hose races now. It's safer.. If your child is pale, peevish, and does not thrive, a dose of Miller's Worm Pow- ders occasionally will cure. STRATFORD, dth Aug., Ma. Mmeas. C. C. ItacuARD8 & Co. Gentlemen,—My nrighbor's boy 4 years old fell into a tub of boiling water anal go' scalTedd tearfully. A few days later his legs swelled to three times their natur.+l size an : broke out in running sores. Ills parents could {rpt nothingQ to help him till I recommended MINARD'3 LINIMENT, which, after using two bottles completely cured him, and I know of several other cases around here almost as remarkable, cured by the saane Li iment and I can truly say I never handled a medicine which has had as good a sale or given suet, universal satisfac- tion. M. Hanan r, General Merchant. Miller's Worm Powders are the best Iaxative medicine for children; as nice as sugar. Natural Query. "My illusions," said she, "are all gone." "How long have you been married?" he inquired, sympathetically. Known to Thonsands.—Parmelee's Veg- table Pills regulate the action of ,the secretions, purify the blood and keep the stomach and bowels free from deleterious matter. Taken according to direction they will overcome dyspepsia. eradicate biliousness. and leave the digestive organs healthy and strong to perform their functions. Their merits are well-known to thousands who arrow by experience how beneficial they are in giving tone to the system. "Have you noticed, pa, how often ma says `and so on, and so on'?" "Yes, my son; but it never applies to buttons." Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Fully 100,000 inhabitants of London are night workers. THE DENDRON Is the Wheel that SELLS ITSELF. Ask any disinterested rider about it and see what he says. Gendron At'fg Co., Limited TORONTO, ONT. NATIONAL E oo las. felt BEST VER OFFERED, $>,2 Cash With valuable premium : 14 karat ,Gold Plated Wats for e' d org gentlemen. Only a limited Watch ether lay en BINDERNational left—order before is &]sold. Binder Twine is made of best selected Manila THemp, and runs over 600 feet to the pound. w E L Twine and Premium Guaranteed, Money refunded if purchaser is not satisfied, Remit Cash and give full shipping directions, Address NATIONAL FARMERS CO. TORONTO. J.Vipond & Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Correspondence Solicited. Advances Made on. Consignments. MONTREAL. COLD SILVER AND COPPER MINING STOCKS. I am a member of the newly established STANDARD MINING EX.. CHANGE and have some attractive Gold, Silver and Copper stocks on hand. I deal in British Columbia, Ontario and Republic issues. My favorites just now are M 9rrison, Winnipeg, Noble Five, Derby (copper), Golden Star,. Republic, Lone Pine, Princess Maud, Reindeer and Jumbo. 1 have recent information relative to the last five Republic properties, Phone 1842. E. GARTLY PARKER, Mining Broker, 12 Adelaide St. a, Toronto, The largest tree in the eastern hemis- phere, if not in the world, is a monster chestnut standing at the foot of Mount Elba. The circumference of the main trunk at 60 feet from the ground is 21:3 feet. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere, Observatory on ]Tont ]Blanc. The observatory on Mont Blanc has had to be transferred to another side of the summit, as in its former place it was al- most Impossible to keep it above the snow. A new back for 50 cents. Miller's Kidney Pills and Plaster. A Sure Sign. Fanny—I think it will interest her to hear of Jack. Amy—Decidedly! I've heard her say that she never wanted his name mentioned in her presence again. There is danger i0 neglecting a cold. Many who have died of consumption dated their troubles from exposure followed by a cold which settled on their lungs, and in a short time they were beyond the skill of the best physician. Had they usedBickle'a Anti -Consumptive Syrup, before it was too late, their lives would have been spared. This medicine has no equal for curing coughs, colds and all affections of the throat and lungs. The Result of Accident. It is said Arabs first made butter. They were carrying milk in skins on the backs of camels, and the steady jogging churn- ed the fluid into butter. Yes, it is true, I was very weak and Miller's Compound Iron Pills made me strong. They're Churns No Longer. Hewitt—I don't see you with thatpr tty girl so often as I used to. Jowett—No; I'm married to hep. PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS The Bost ltIad o, need for Catalogue. COCKSHtTTT PLOW CO., Stas .rFORD. UCAS, STEELE &BRISTOL, L..S. 33. Goffen IMPORTana OF GROCERIES. L.S. £t B. Extract Write us. HAMILTON; L.S. dr 1B. Spices BINDER TWINE AND ROPE. ONTARIO BINDER TWINE CO., 113 Union Station Arcade. Toronto. . Boys AND f �>• R'eare giv- ing away Stem Wit ding jiratohos, genuine Ameri- can movemeuts ; Sol id Gold Rings with real stlnte e.•t- tin gs, Musical Ill sty u - monts and many other val- uable premiums for selling 24 packages of our genuine IM- PERIAL ENGLISH INK POWDER at ten cents per package. Each package makes So cents worth of fine ink. Send your name and address and we will forward you, prepaid, the Ink Powder and catalogue of premiums with full instructions. When sold send us our money and we will send you the premium you select. Don't lose this grand opportunity. Write for the outfit to -day. Mention this paper. IMPERIAL INK CO., TORONTO, ONT. T. N. U. 220 Known by the sign GOLD PLATE®s ee' a ane lona 18 It to us with yens name and address, and woo will forward We watch to you by express for examination. 0 is a snapback and be:ddust-proof open face, atom wind and at, gold plated, handsomely en- graved. It looks like a solid gold watch, is fitted with a 7 -jewelled American Model Movement that we warrant to gtvo good satisfaction, and is snot the watch for trading puss pones. If after panful exam. Snatton you and this watch to is exactly no represented, pay the ospreys agent 85.85 sad charges, and it to yours. Terry Watch O.., Toronto, Oot.< Cures RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, SPRAINS, BRUISES,,` SORENESS, STIFFNESS. They Store Up Air. To a certain extent all animals that live in the sea, such as whales, dolphins and porpoises, have the power to store up air, as they breathe only at intervals, when they come to the surface for that purpose. PAINT Fights off the hot sun, preserves the house, beautifies it as well, and gives satisfaction if you use Ramsay's HOUSE PAINT BARN PAINT ROOF PAINT Ali dealers have it. Ask for card or sends to us and we will tell you where to get ib A. RAIVISAY & SON, Y'Aizt.RS. Montreal. T`Investors Parties possessed of funds from which they wish to secure a liberal return of interest should invest with The Investors Guar- antee Company BANKERS AND BROKERS, Room 14, Stock Exchange Building, St. Sacre. ment St., MONTREAL. By their system of investment they can guarantee to investors a monthly profit on funds placed with them, of Not Less Than Three Per Cent. This company offers the most complete guarantee for both principal and profit, and any investor can withdraw funds and profits to date upon Giving 30 Days' Notice. Sums from $25 upwards re- I ceived and invested. Sa Si,mT, Tlila Lenutltyp a 6?�ntr9,i3helIl Sol train'o ttlin 9uelte dtane1 ease.of selling i dog. dainty_packets tropo, and iolet jor.fume,Ao bran nalloRogo> aatathane.Heft at 10n, each. Iteturn nn 51.90 Had receive ring b'nsm by return mail. Liberal commission, :flee. furred. Unooldgoods returnable, 41®11315 Sli&' L a v Cel". YDepde D Toronto. Gab I't