HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-5-25, Page 5ft
bete " ;Ow:trate
I3 published at theverye OffiThce,ursday Afernitlg,
�. —By the--. -
One Dollar per antrum, it' paid i?a Advance
x)1.50 if net so paid,
21.etagreAs'-sxg SS:se t S-leeellca,
t? e?e.
No peeper,iiscont uneduntiiAlla,rre rag @
ore meld. Advertisements without s3eoiee:
directions will be published till reread and
eharga l aeoordiugly. J iberel dieement Meade
foe trauseient advertisements inserted for
WAR 'Periods, Every description of JOB
PAINTING -turned out In the finest style,
end at moderate :Mee. Cheques,ruoneymed.
ers, &o, for advert ising, stlbSeriptions,eto4 0
bawled°payable to
Chas.II. Sander,
.._ 1 Cards-
.. k. DQt'eK910naa,,..
H. KINSMAN. L.D.S. & Dl;. A. R.
KINSMAN, le D. S., D. 1). S., Honor
graduate of Toronto ruiveraity,
Teeth extracted without any rain, or arty
ball effects. Office in l:anson'a 111004, west
side slain Street, Exeter.
TO:e: 9.ti .1d, \ D- .S, L.D:S.,
D.AL D D )
lt, ,t
r ulna o .fth ion )(, nt-
h nnz� (,l a t 0 e Toronto o
rgity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth extraeteal without pans.
AU modes of Dentistry up to date. Ofiioe ,
over Elliot ; F.11iat'3 law office --opposite
Gentrel hotel --Exeter.
$,'1'. P. McLiteleGRLI:J, MEMBER OP
ese the College of Phveleta os and Surgeons
Ontario. Pleven:fo 1, Surgeon and Aeoonott-
ear. Office, Paet:mood. Ont.
Solicitors. Notaries, t'ronveyaneere,
Commieeiouere, :toliehtors for the Motions
llanit,ett•, Money to loan at 5 and 5!a leer
cent. ')Levee leaneou'a ihloel , Main St...
Exeter. to member at the firm will be at
Mansell on Thuraelay of eaob week,.)
I. R. ('ala tad. R. A.. L IL )(Hellas e.
I,1fInT & MADMAN. CciltRisTERS,'
eui Etc., Convey,auc,•rs. and honer to
11. V,Et.[.to'r, F. W. Ct SnsMAN,
II BROWN , Wineireleea. I./matted
+ iv e(errer the Counties of Pert
Mid lleee'a,ateo for the townshipnfi'alno
Bales Promptly attended to anti terans re
eoarbr,le.SaleearranRed at Post oiilee.Wian-
"Like Diamonds
Raindrops Glisten."
`L»Qps of Flo od's Sarsa. pa--
Lula are precious jewels for
the btoo. d glisten Listen - in
Mat use;. and, tike the rain,
disappear for :the good of
humanity, Rich dose when
taken is in a very short time
thoroughly mixed with the
blood and actively getting in
its work of purification.
, 3ood's never disappoints.
Running' ewe. --fly Mother was
troubled with rheumatism In her knee for
a number of years, and it broke out Into a
running sore. She took three bottles of
Eooci'a Sarsaparilla and is n(,W well,
Kood's Olive Ointment helped to heal toe
eruption." Tont FFAta, L'ioverlawnee
Aneaster, Ont.
xS easis-,
My Rife
Sn .ered Irene
rheuulatism, dyspepsia, and pains in her
stomach. 'She had medical attendance but
did not get relier. She read about iloaci's
Sarsaparilla and tried it. Three bottles
entirely eared her. She is nods a well and
hearty woman." T. W. Coverer, ('ape
Sable Island, N. S.
Eczema -4".I was rapt down with com-
plaints peenllfar to my sex. Large sores
brake out on my lea0 head and limbs. I
could not do any work on account of the
itching. My trouble was termed eczema
and 1 doctored for it fora long time. I then
tried iioocl"s Sarsaparilla and several bet.
ties effected a cure." Mas. J. O. IlgOirAt
Brantford, Ont.
Swellings -"I had a swelling on ray
chest. It caused we great pain and many
ekep1e s niihte. l'hyeiciaug advised an
Operation but my de i;;hter urged that I
take hood's Sarsaparilla instead. 1 did so
and after using six hettles, the sitvellint; went
away anti I have not i,a'1 any more pains."
Mets. T. W. C. Cno vawreenr, 432 Front at.,
Belleville, Ont.
Organs Affeatecl--" l was run dowa
In health and had spells of coughing; which.
left Me prostrate. Ivy lungs. heart and kid-
neys were affected. Toolr aloud ` Sarsapa-
rilla upon advice and salla felt better. I
continued the t;e ttnte•ilt eel now feel like a
nen' woman. Ma;G. 12'r. VU I.E., 'tet 7
asingt(,n Avenue. T,era?n.s', taint.
Inautanse agent..
Maio St.
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound.
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,(100 Ladles. Safe, effectual. Ladles ask
our druggist forCook's Collett Roan Cata-
loged. lake no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous, Rrleo, No. 1, el per
box, No, a, 20 degrees atronger,S3 per box. 1,7o.
I or'2. mailed on receipt of price and two 3•ceni
stamps. The Cook Compnny Windsor, Ont.
Fee-lies.1 and 2 r,oid dna recommouded by all
responsible Druggists In (auade.
Nos 1 wet No.:' st4.l in Feast r l•y C.
Lets. Drttei-t.
,mole 1,Y,w.-.sa.a.,,A,.:a 2,.1.7:�sJf»..11..... ........WW. /
Iiaaetre; tr rAtar,the,a„nintuttin.; and
Qlily„�r,tthA1Ce14)f tai l,(l a Kalil Ilvt :.l .stades iii,
Broke His N (:k.
St. Thome-, 'Slay let. •' Itt'rt tiiln1i13..
teuntaer, Swell known in this eity, fell
down stairs in the \'i(•tenll hltwk itt
the Wiest .•1111 .,acne time dnrintf the
night and swats killeth Ili,. Heel. being
broken, (*tinnier (1n,tiu wits notified
lett, detailed all illtlite+t \ea. i11n1aeYe-e-
tart•. Smith isahont 'ai years of rage
anti Was a heavy drinker.
" r': 1.- arra'1.een lucre of Owmoult.).ref \ III.
i11H 1'a\', of ll
err,ei•toHtend 'illtl .r'eHl('mt'e(1
t11e1, he- elutigi' ala \I p 'Yllt to he lunged lin
i'1'hut•sday. .1'i :i;-4 17. '171e ' let inl,
who Nee:. est ;teen e ilial, lived alone. :Intl
eta. la.arr'tt t i t alt with a viol1. 'Ilse
object war, re -7 .:•y.
17w.. 7.4f.. ,:wmud Oh le eii.
it' to
See 1' 6::,13 in (lilt on every plug.
Iighest Clashs Price paid for
Ash, White Ash, Red and 'White
Oak, Hard and Soft Maple; Hemlock,
sf. Soft and Rock Elam. Either stumpage
or delivered in yard.
For further particulars apply to
Manager for the S. I. Co. Exeter.
Is one of the Largest
Colleges in Canada.
of our graduates were placed in posi-
tions diving the past year.
Write for oilr latest catalogue.
‹.;:dial Mal
avrJ�uw iil16
This Trade Mark is on
Every Tag.
See that you get
'If your dealer does not handle our
Twine,. write Plymouth Binder . Twine
a. Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto.
uality Count With
You ?
1,8(Jt \1EN QUIT 1V0111(
Grand Trunk Trackman Lay
Down Their Tools.
Better ray.. Shorter )(lours anti Recogui-
tion of Their Anton Asked For,*#tee
General Manager Cousiderinr the.
Questions Submitted to trim -
The Men Are Orderly -.4U
the Cb Ludes,
quests are acceded to. They feel very
sore over their treatment and ,say they
are well backedin their strike. There is
no trouble 'whatever, as the men are not.
making any demonstltfon..
Fifteen 2utt at Hamilton.
Hamilton, May 23. --About 10 of the
seotioninen at Hamilton quit work, in
aceordane-e with the order of the Brother-
hood of Railroad Traekmen. Ahout ten
moll refused to to on strike.
COIe;Tet.ActO1t, CV\Noma AARES•1'LP,
Ha Was Charged with Importing Cana.
diau workuten,
I3uffale, N.Y., eley 2a..—.indications.
continue to point to an early settlement
of the dock troubles. Yesterday all of the
leen employed inside the elevator; who
strue� out Int of sympathy for the ;drain
Montreal, ;lay 23.. -.-It was almost .a sllovellere, returned to work and more
surprise yesteril ;Then n mike M the work was done in the elevators than on
treekmen of the :Grand Trunk Railway Any day since the strike began. The
was ordered. The men say they do not freight handlers were advised to return to.
want to put the company to trouble, but work at once by Bishop Quigley yester--
they want the sane pay as the auen day afternoon, and it is thought that the
working for the C'an,idun Pacific Coin- Bishop's Advice will he Accepted. The
Superintenden McGni ten r grain shoveller* have Again opened Bego'
luta left r St. )(earls, Alo., bus he will tiations with Contractor Connors, look -
probably return. Ing to a settlement of Their grieA'auces,
Mr. Hays, the general manager, wait fined the officers oe the anion said last
yesterday h e
r, that the o remark t lel r n a k IaE had
N 1aMean-agreement
y ni ht vada
g. G rho p p its
snake in cannaxtion with the cast.* of the are bright,
traeklnen was that he had t t -n the repre• C(uatraerer \T', IL Connors was arrested
s(uttalives of the men, and was consider- yesterday by a united States marshal on
Ing the questions at; issue, a charge of importing Canadian laborers.
What e t
h area �s He -was as once liberated -en. bail.
The fallowing Is the n'beetiele the cola ) (11 att;S'T WALK ]fA 1<,QNi)o t.
pang are iteked to adopt;
1. here ask, of cents per d; ,V on pt,cs.
ent pay,
promotion by sentorlty, where merit
and gttalitlr(ations are capilli,
;1. Additional pay a(; the rate of half ai
much again fur overtime and Suntley
4. A man to each two milts of track or
fr.tctien of main line track, got including
11. An elght.hotlr day on g:.atur:lay,
trout 7 to 1a a an., and 1 to 4 dein.
ti. Rcatonahle leave of alleenee to attend
monthly and amour titt,'etings dared a plass
to itnnt1;11 convention.
7. Tints no tra(•klnen be tlisterilninated
against far belonging to the Order of
Railway Trackmen, and leave of absence
to lie given to sermon ghee xacntivtl eum-
mime, but only when applied fur by the
chairman of the (exerutive (••ent:WO ,.
It is claimed that :setae I,+citl nnen are
ant, int titer company' clslfans that ail
trains are ranting 011 time.
The (•ttltarman Ietterviettrtk
'rite cotatantae:ee raalveeenting the leen)
teeelaaleea in the employment of the
thenad Trunk. :alai whir/4 is tet. it:vistaR
heated at, the .4. James Hotel, or h'i. ,1
0 general ret4iit4 St'ita'ra1,:y .,:tr tate whole
'fhe eh:Jr:eon Loi ti';• esttttive com-
tnittt'tt anti the ewe -rely of the latter edit
ytster(hiy tlaczt they 11111 not, want to antakt,
trouble, but tit(•y diel want ju::titst', and
the only way, it ..e'e:na d, in which they
would havo a etunuoe to get it was in tak-
ing. the .:t'i'iuua step of ordering. a Strike.
"('an the tir;ultl Trunk employ outside
"Well, that has lawn their nrF;untent,
but how would outside men do the work:'
Would, 11111 public tate safer Would the
engineers like the idea of running on a
system neglected lar the regular track -
men, whose duty it Is to SO to their re-
ept'e,tivu sections of road twice every day
—there being; three retell to every live
miles or road—ten few, in our tonnd(nl:•"
"Do you expect the leen testi hold mute”
1 "Well, tbo nteu are poor, but surely
they will have tho sympathy of the pub -
lie; they wanted a living wage, and they
are treated with neglect.,'
"Does the committee realize the rc-
sponaibility resting upon it in ordering a
"It doe,, A strike seemed the only
thing left to u-1. Our representations
were derided, our schedule flung aside,
and there was only one thing to do."
Th expecte
The Ln >•i oe e i In Toronto.
Toronto, May :28.—In this city the
strike came a15 a big surprise to the loeal
officials, who were not expecting sueh a
move. The announcement was not alto-
gether expected by the men themselves.
although it was known that something
would bo done this week. The connnittee
have been in Montreal for the past three
days endeavoring to arrive at an amicable
arrangement with General Manager
Bays, but never were the prospects
bright for a speedy settlement.
Prior to meeting lair. Bays, the com-
tl itteo some time
ago coof r
ed with Gen-
eral Superintendent McGuigan, but that
official, so the mon say, only "jollied"
then along. to g. Whot1 it was sawn that no
requests would be recognized by Mr.
McGuigan, the committee resolved to
wait on Mr. Hays. The interviews with
the general Manager were not satisfac-
tory, and the committee deemed it advis-
able to call the men out. The men in
Toronto am confident of success, and do
not express nay regret at the step they
have taken.
Strikers Nay Be Discharged.,
General Headmaster Ferguson of the
Midland division was seen yesterday
afternoon. He said that a circular had
been issued by the management at Mont-
real to the effect that if the men did not
return this morning they could consider
themselves discharged.
"We will experience no trouble in fill-
ing their places," continued Mr. p'ergu-
son, "and the strike could not have dome
at a better time for the company. The
spring repairs have been made, and new
tracks laid, and the roadbed is in an ex-
cellent condition."
Mr. Ferguson said be had received
numerous telegrams from people wanting
employment, who would take the strik-
ers' places. One person sent a communi-
cation saying he could supply all the men
the company wanted.
It was the opinion of Mr. Walter White,
representing Mr. Jones, that the company
could do without the tracktnen for at
least two mouths. In case of wrecks or
mishaps on the line, the foremen could
be sent to do the work, which they are
quite capable of doing. In Toronto only
a few trackmen could be seen working
yesterday, and they are not members of
the Brotherhood.
Ie the Situation Dangerous 7
Some of the older officials of the road-
look upon the present situation as it. dan-
gerous ono. The number of men out is
very large, and it is no telling what
action they might resort to in Dasa they
are ignored. The men aro said to have the
sympathy of the other brotherhoods.
Situation at Belleville.
Belleville, May 28.—Twenty-two G.T.
R. section hands, including three foremen,
are on strike here; two foremen are at
work and have two men with talent. The
strikers aro out to stay until their re -
street Car Men in the Western City
Again en Strneo.
Londee, Ont„ May 23, The Street
Railway Company refused 'te consider the
demands made by their employes for a
new urrengeuaept, and 05 4.30 yesterday
aftern+)'in all the ears were run rota the
hares and the nlen went out en strike.
The company has as yet given no indica•
tion of their policy itt the matter, :incl at
present everything is quiet,
Thor Burn Preporry and Fight With she
Police ;Ina a1illtary,
St. Petersburg, Alae' 13,-.-Adviees front
Riga, e-apltal of the` Deltic; Province of
x..lvonla, anaemia—at that tan:Satinet y last
tier trorlalli'n employed in a lute factory
there otruek for higher ria gee, anti, loin-
ing wish thu workmen of the Fhot'nix.
Arms factory. dt',uroyed and burliexi ;a
number of hiouse, and fought the pollee
oral allMurry. The !,atter fln.tlly irlumplasl
anti rissesets nit'asurea haw been taken
, again 5t t'iu least rs of Lias dt.rtnrbanee.
Willi 0. J. C. l:.t;[
Tares I'avuritea Chum in an the Seoond'
Dal:. at 'Toronto.
Ta1'elnrn, May 13.--Thaee favorite,
three sreond chute;r, and Harvey, at ti to
1, Won the races on the O.,f.C.'s secoed'.
Clay at. \Vootlhlne Park. The morning
lain alic'tet} the Miele but little, and by
r ;3 o'eluek in the afternoon the going was
• nail. Imlt'141, llatrvey's :,' furlongs nil
1.09tS is the fasten at the distance for
Toronto. The record:
Fleet race, 51e furlongs; pareses $50; 3.
yea►rdtltl' and up; the - Don Purse; Ilulo
1093e; betting 6 to 1—\\'. Ileendrle's liar
vey 1, Rey Salaam 2, Bon Ino•3.
Seeeond race, 4,4 ftu'lougs; for purse
Y300; *-year•old.; selling; time .5S; bet-
tIn,• v to 6--Nasse+loan W,dr's it:a Fora.
ham 1, Oweno a 3.
Third race,shor1$ mAlpile's;ca 51,0(10 a tided;
' Stanley Produce Stakes; 3 -year-olds;
tune' 13.13e, ; betting 8 to 5—W. llentlrie's
Toddy Ladle 1, Tel'ralta e, Curfew Heli 3.
Fourth race, 1 1-16 miles; purse 6U0;
Minto Handicap; bine• 1.51; betting oven
seagrlun'a Satirist 1, Duke Middleburg
.l, Marit:ultz 3.
Fifth race, 1t; I01105; putsefe3:,l); Iiur.-
ters' Flat Racer time 1:.'1; betting 3 to
IO—L. Reinhardt's Romancer 1, Hutch
Henry , Dallianceel n
,Sixth race, 1 mile; purse (3800; 3 -year -
(Ads and ulnyards; selling; time 1.46;
betting 334 to 1—.7. S 1\(tt}+wtlrth°s Lady;
Distain 1, Abingdon 2, Nearest 3.
Seventh race, 1 mile; purse $:,,,t); 3 -
year -olds and upwards; selling;; time
1.46; betting 11 to 5—Carruther &
Shields' Guilder 1, 011ie Dixon 2, Niche -
Ms 3.
i Tho Beautiful Actress, Celebrated
Throughout the World, Is Gone..
Buffalo, May 23. --Friends of Mlle.
IRhea, the well-known actress, were
shocked yesterday to receive invitations
' to attend her funeral, which was to take
place in Montmorency, France, on Friday,
May 12 last. It was known that Mlle.
Rhea had been very ill, but no word had
reached her friends in this city of her
death. It was not stated on what day the
actress died, the notice merely giving the
information that she had passed away
at her home in Montmorency In her 55th
Who Stole the Timber?
Toronto, May 23.—A man named
Shinnick, who is a Parry Sound settler,
has complained to the Crown Lands De-
partment that ho had a farm fairly well
cleared last fall. when ho left with tho
intention of returning to build a house
with the pine that was then standing on
a portion of the property. When he went
back this spring he found that the district
had been entirely stripped of timber.
Shinnick says be has walked all the way
from the north country to see if the
wrong cannot be righted.
Arrested 'Under the Charlton Act.
St. Thomas, Ont., May 23.—William
Faulds, a piano tuner, was arrested yes-
terday on two charges under the Charl-
ton Act. Faulds is a married man, and
has lived in the city for a number of
sears. Faulds was a prominent member
of the Latter Day Saints' Church. The
accused will appear before Police Magis-
trate Davidson this horning.
Napanee Jail Again Broken.
Napanee, Ont., May 28.—A second case
of jail -breaking occurred hero Saturday
night. Chief Adams had arrested and
confined a suspiciouscharacter in the
lock-up. Hearing, of some things having
been stolen down town, the chiefwent to
the poop early "Sunday morning to search
his prisoner. On entering, he discovered
that his bird had flown.
Snow in England.
London, May 23.—The weather yester•
day was much colder in England. Snow
has fallen in the north at Yorkshire, and
the Westmoreland hills are covered with
(Changed every W'edi.esday)
Wheat per bushel ea to Si
Flour per owt 1.55 to 2 0)
Barley :-.,5. to 45
Oats 22 to. 80
Peas 11) to 00
Corn 4s to 48
Butter to 50 Ai
ttatees per bag 90to'irt0
11+y _per ton 4.rie to 5o0
Pried Armies per 3) 0
Dueks 7
Geese 0
So the falling of the bair tells
of the .approach of age and
declining power.
No matter how barren the tree
nor how leafless it may seem,
you confidently expect leaves
again. And why?
Because there, is life at the
So you treed not warty about
the falling of your hair, the
t}vegetal departure of YOUtlt
and beauty. And why?
Because if there is a spark of
life remaining in the roots of
the hair
will arouse it into healthy activ-
ity. The hair ceasesto come
out: it begins to grow: and the
glory of your youth is restored
t0 0u.
We have a book on the Hair
and its Diseases. It is free.
Tho Boot Advlca brads.
It you do not obtain all tbebonrllie
ritt(der abuottbwtee; about it. Prably
there As demo dltlleIt*l1 with ions Sec-
ant system which mr.y lie airily
removed, Addreea.
Dai. J. O..' 11 R, Imrell, Mars.
Drowned at Lindsay.
Lino•0y, 11ay 21. I've,. Weeds., a1
boy au, about sic,, yeetre, et hilt• play-
ing nearthe harks. iter,• Lha-, morning.
fell lute the 1•ie'tee and when n tite heavy
eva.1•eeoy1'retla few tnita,'tee least• lilt•
etas ext Met.
Like Pare and Holden.
\a irtn •(e, May 22.
1 „'stand tetee t(i'
,)(nil breakingoeetirlee] ht•a.• S.liullLt?
111 ill'. Chief e : � ,, •• '
1 f 1111„ itll.0 t(ia d
t ale
(-splint d a sit:li a lens e h arat•it t in the
look—up. lIetarinr,r
ef some cit rt.t. bar-
ite; been teleH dolly f plea 1Iu t'hh'f
went to the temp early Sundae rntlrn-
1 1 )primmer.
1 r., i (.u•rlt 311. �(in enter-
ing he dieeoveretl that leis ll ,,l had
A Thousand Tongues
('oulel uot express the rapture of
Auni(' I. Springer. of 112.5 Howard
Philadelphia, I'a., when She found
that Dr. Is-itl;;'s New Discovery for(�t,nsllln )tiem 111(d colo1 )la°tele torrid
her of a hacking cough that for
years had unde life a 1)rtlen. All
otherremedies 111 1CtJlti e,tll give
her no help, but she says s of this Royal
Cure—" It soon removed the pain in
my chest and I ran nos, sleep soundly,
something Can srnret'ly reznelmber
doing before. I feel like sounding its
praises throughout the Universe.' So
will everyone who tries Dr. Ring's
New Discovery for tiny trouble of the.
Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50
cents and 51.00 at any Drug Stole_;
every bottle guaranteed. .
Your doctor knows all about
foods and medicines.
The next time you see him,
just ask him what he think
scotrs Emulsion
of Cod -Liver Oil with Hypo -
phosphites. We are willing
to trust in his answer.
For twenty-five years doc-
tors have prescribed our
Emulsion for paleness, weak-
ness, nervous exhaustion, and
for all diseases that cause
loess in flesh.
Its Dreamy color and its
pleasant taste make it es-
pecially useful for thin and
delicate children.
No other preparation of cod-
liver oil is like it. Don't lose
time and rick your health by
taking something unknown
and untried. Keep in mind
has stood' the test for a
quarter of a century.
5oc. and $1.0o; all druggists.
SCOTT & B WNE, Chemists, Toronto..
but don't think yourcan patch
clothes to look like new.
Then again it would ,not
pay you -when you can buy
clothing at the prices we
Paz(ts n*i,. o to order, all
wool heavy tweeds $2.00
Suits $9.8O
Overcoats S.09
Black Worsted suits a spec-
ial, 812,00
Oar $20 blacks beat .all
o theca at 823. Come and see
for yourself,
People patronize us because
they realize that we always
sell clothing that is strictly
up-to-date... ,
0 poeite Post Office
This is to ((rtify that 1 havettst'(I
English Stts'I. Fe,trt1 noun;lt'.0(-toriel
ley t', Lutz or t;fly( tu* M•It dale s.,
stela ytiting pig1: ;Llai 111' :all .
f4 Riad tt most ,(0 -fa tt+n'; .
1'dnt• entv'.11:14e j 7',ftl +: t�:;-tt l' anti
done better than t a s n ltt•fa,rt•: tilt'
'etil(l1 ("Ilns htl e`k :1113dd'&*l e•ae `111 a iatt^
al;tieH. 'lilt" flew of Htlili vials in-
creased e1 per e'ont anti a;
l'iehlte••.; the young },3;;, ha%e e1et11e
14•tter itu laugli*.h StF:nn1 than
I ever knew them 410 hr•'t0re. Mtg.
11,41 Stilele Food i. a U0I'.t t•N*(tlle'nt
:teal valuable ;Miele and :•holil(1 la•
Used by 81i stork raH t•v'. It only
.1.411141'.",t0 Ile' given a trial in ,.l'ele'n'
to i t ' 'it$ meri1.4. It is ,'114':'11 ars
('omp;u'rtl 1'.itin Lather aee•k 1481.
have Intuit pleasure itt re+•tnHt-
uending i'. t(' �f(aa•I: t.ei�,9'
Mite,eft %",1 1)1',ett1A
DBUt Ti ,
,.+ate tet, a4 tesat.4.-.else ,
1'o read the big ,teal.' ad-
vert 1. t ltlt'ilt.
STOP! r� g
JL lit,
For whose good are w(• 1n
the furniture Inlsinees? For
yew 's and ours. If We are xlot
ust'fitl to you we eanuttt 11e use-
ful to ourselves. le es. ' e have got
to carry the goods you want at
the prices t otl W*llt t)r WI' can-
not - make a1 success of ('.117r busi-
ness. But We hie'(' been doing
business right along for years,
ss Well proves that we are the
right kind of people with the
right prices. Colne and see for
Furniture. Undertaking,
M anufacturer and dealer in Plows
Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Root
Cutters, Straw Cutters, Saws,
Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and
Babbett Metal.
White Engine and Steam Thresher
complete, and Clover Mill, Straw
Cutter and Grinder, for $1250.
See our Truck and Scale combined,
weighs 800 lbs. Price $13.00.
Ater,, Wood's Phosp'hodine,
.The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by o11
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicinediscovered.Sir
packagas guaranteed to cure all
toms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
baneo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, enc package 31, six, 35. One will pdectse,
six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by
rp `� . 0. Lutz etraggist.