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THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1899.
The wages of an isthe inability to keep
from sinning,
To believe only what you like to believe
isthe surest sign of youth.
All the world's a school and all the
pupils who don't calculate have a history.
The haalpiest man is he who, like the
coral insect, builds himself into his work.
Some I,eople get credit for holding their
ground when they are simply too scared
to run.
The penalty of having It sense of humor
Is that our sincerest grief has a laughable
When a man won't let a woman brag
*bout him to his face he is indeed disen-
1 he tient becoming expression a woman
can wear is that of unmitigated bane*
In the house of life, euere seems to do
all the work, but patience doee the real
the only thoughts tS to which our doors
ere alwete, open are those we don't with,
to nate ',e.t.a.
'le ,is are as superficial as laughter,
The great movementt of the mind are
etra,lager, to levity and grief.
The gleet trouble with life seems to be
Thar a vasa wants so many things before
leo \vents to go to his own funeral.
`3e:autifId stupidity should be careful to
remain =lung; it is only the airy -minded
Uglltie�a that laughs at age.
They A.lvertihe Then tselves.-Immed-
1,iteeiy t,.r: were offered to the public,
Pare. hirk.-'s Vegetable Pille became pop
tiler Lee:else of the good report they Made
for teen, -elves. Teat, reputation hiss
grime, aaad they now rank among the
tirsr an, t; e•hnes for use in attacks of dys-
pe,p-::a.a,,ti tailtoalsitese, complaints of the
liver a.u4 kidneys, rheumatism, fever and
%tee tint] the innumerable complication,
to whirl: these a-:Ianertsgive rise,
Blots to gousekeepers,
All broiled meats should be served the
nomenr they are cooked.
In cooking new flour is not as good as
a1d. It does not thicken as well and as
Cultivate cheerfulness during meals;
never eat when angry, sad or worried, or
'rely tired.
Warm applications for the spine and
stomach and between the shoulders are
valuable and aid digestion,
For removing the brown from earthen-
ware, after being in the oven, rub well
with salt, which will take it off almoat
When frying anything in boiling fat, if
a piece of bread is put in the pan it pre-
vents its burning and keeps the fat at the
lame heat.
Linen will have a beautiful gloss and be
very stiff if half a teaspoonful of white
gum arable be dissolved in boiling water
snd when cool added to the starch sail -
tient for a pint.
Paint stains may bo removed by apply.
Ing turpentine at once. Turpentine is
also good for all kinds of cuts and bruises
on the human flesh, but will cause dumb
animals intense pain.
Bread crumbs which may be in the
bread jar can be utilized to good advan-
tage if dried, rolled fine and placed in a
Sar or can ready to use in escalloping
bleats, fish, oysters, vegetables, or as
linard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
"" Broke 1"
4. sheep, a frog, a duck, a skunk, to mar-
ket went one day,
To buy some food, and all but one had
means wherewith to pay.
The sheep possessed tour quarters, while
the frog a greenback had,
]Che duck a bill, but the only (s)cent the
poor skunk owned was bad.
That tired feeling will disappear, your
appetite will improve, your digestion will
be perfect, if you will take Ariller's Conn
pound Iron Pills.
For Early Spring Freckles.
Take one teaspoonful of powdered borax
snd uissolve it in one pint of rain water.
Add one gill of buttermilk. Bathe the
{ace end hands at night before retiring.
Use clear cold water next morning and
15 our complexion will be like satin. This
to be used at once, as the mixture will
not keep. It is just enough for ono appli-
cation, end is excellent for removing
freckles caused by the spring sun.
Every Facility.
"Is he a person of much refinement?"
-asked the young woman.
"Necessarily," replied Senator. Sorghum;
"his family is in the sugar business and
- owns at least half a dozen refineries."
New life for a quarter. Miller's Com-
pound Iron Pills.
London's. Smoke Problem.
The London county council has pro-
posed that a reward of $5,000 be offered for
the discovery of a Solution of the London
smoke question.
Grounds for Apprehension.
Brown -I think there will be litigation
ever my uncle's estate.
Jones -Why do you think so?
Brown -He left a lot of money,
Miller's Worm Powders for sallow skin;
end or young.
Bible Verse An 242 Languages.
The American Bible Society issues a
pamphlet giving a verse from the Bible in
the 249 languages in which the society cir-
aulates the Bible.
Miller's Worm Powders cure fever in
Relics from the Maine wreck and Cuban
'dungeons are now manufactured "w'hile
you wait" by a number of Havana curio
hlinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
"Paw, who was the moat patient man?"
was littlo Tommy's eighteenth ; uestion.
"Job used to be,'' sald Mx. I7'igg---In-
adianapolia Journal.
Text of the Leeson. John xviii, 15, 27,
Memory Verses, 23-23-1Golden Text,
John t. 11 -Coil nteutury Prepared
Ivy the Rev, D. M. Stearns,
[Copyright, 1M. by D. 11I. Stearns.]
15. "And Simon Peter fbilowed Jesus."
In Math. xxvi, 58, It is said that Peter
followed Him afar off, and when any fah
low Hina that way instead of fallowing
fully we may expect to see some work of
saran in such a one, The dogs do not need
to run after the sheep which keep close by
the shepherd. It is only the wanderers_
which need to be barked in, Matthew also
says that Peter went in and sat with the
servants. He put himself in bad company.
He is in great danger.
16. "Peter stood at the door without."
John went out and spoke unto her that
kept the door and had Peter corse in a
little nearer. Before this and immediately
after His arrest all the disciples forsook
Hina and fled, even as Jesus had said,
"Ye shall be scattered, every man to his
own and shall leave me alone" (John xvl,
32), But Peter and John mast have soon
returned. Peter in his great weakness
and John in his great love seemed fn
many ways the nearest to Christ of all the
17. "Art notthoualso one of this manias
disciples? He with, I ant not." Thus
spoke the damsel that kept the door, and
thus Peter replied. Peter, who had said;
"Although all shall bo offended, yet will
Au L,'luvky Move..
"No, I can't think of going In there,•'
mid the young roan with a shudder,
when his friend proposed going in the
cafe. "It's too warm in there, I would
have to unbutton nay overcoat,"
"Got the grip?" asked the friend,
"No, 1 haven't the grip, it is worse
than that. See here," ho cried, hoarsely,
"I've got tounburden myself tosome
one and get a little sympathy or I'll ex-
plode! You know that. girt I've been go -
Ing with? Well, I've been trying for the
past year to make myself solid there, and
I iaave alwaysbeen in doubt just how I
stood in that quarter. So the other day
when it dawned upon mo that I had a
birthday coming, I thought it would be a
good plan to let the girl know it and use
it as a feeler to find out how much she
cared for me. I was puzzled for some
time just how to convey the information
to her, and finally bit upon the plan of
giving her small brother a dollar to tell
his sister in a casual way that I had a
birthday coming in the near future,"
",And he kept the dollar and said noth-
ing about it," put in the sympathetio
"I wish he bad," sighed the young
man. "No, ho kept his part of tho bar-
gain and the result was that I received
from her on my birthday a hand -painted
necktie. You never heard of such a thing?
I'm blessed if I ever did, either, but the
girl says they are all the style and bound
to be the rage. The one she gave me is a
deep red with white daisies painted on it
by her own fair hand,. I've got it on. uow;
having been up to her house going into
raptures over it. I'd show it to you only
I Sear the polies would arrest me for
not I. If I should die with Thee, I will creating a disturbance. So long, I must
not deny Theo in any wise" (Mark siv, hurry bonze and get It off before I have
29, 31). How little we know our own an attack of nervous prostration. Say,
hearts or realize how weak we aro and you don't know of any ablebodied crook,
what wo might do if left to ourselves, do you, that I can get to break into my
18, 'Teter stood with theta andwatrmei room and steal that tie?"
himself." He stood with the scrvauta
and oftleers who had made a fire of coals
to warm themselves, for it was cold,.
The expression "it was cold" seems to
nae to go along with that in chapter xifi,
80, "It was night." If they call to mind
any time in your own life when with you,
either literally or figuratively, or both, it
was night ---so curl and cold and lonely
-you will better understand, To our
Lord it was front the earthly side so dark
and lonely, but His comfort was His
le'ather's presence and approval.
19. "The high priest then asked Jesus
of His disciples and of His doctrine," .As
if it had been some friendly call that Jesus
bad made upon him, while all the time
there was murder in his heart and ho was
probably rejoicing that at last be had this
roan in his power who had set aside their
traditions, broken their Sabbath days, de -
fled their power and plainly told tbpm
that they were hypocrites, blind guides,
whited sepulchres. Our Lord Jesus had
proved that He was Israel's Messiah, sent
of God, and that God was with Him, and
tho high priestknew, as. Nicodemus know,
that no one could do what Jesus did un-
less God was with him (chapter 111, 2).
20. "Jesus answered him, I spake open-
ly to tho world; I ever taught in the syna-
gogue and in the temple, whither the Jews
always resort; and in secret have I said
nothing." Even the people had said:
"Le, He speaketh boldly, and they say
nothing unto Him. Do the rulers know
indeed that this is the very Christ?" (John
, 26.) The officers also said to the chief
priests and Pharisees, "Never man spake
like this man" (John vii, 46).
31. "Why askest thou Me? Ask them
which heard Mo what I bave said unto
them; behold they know what I said."
Yes, and the high priest himself knew Isis T.e„tahe,•'s influence.
enough of what Jesus had said, for many
a time had he and the other priests and
the Pharisees talked of the sayings of
Jesus, but the teaching was too holy for
them; the light was too strong for their
eyes; they could not bear it. They
taught tho commandments of men, but
Jesus taught the word of Go& They pre-
ferred their traditions to the word of God,
22. "One of the officers which stood by
struck Jesus with, the palm of bis hand."
The margin says "with a rod." How
difficult it is to understand all this, and
to seethe true High Priest standing as a
criminal before the legal high priest, who
was in reality no priest of God at all, and
then to see this officer of the law lift his
hand and smite his Creator! But they
did not know what they were doing.
23. "Jesus answered bim, If I have
spoken evil, bear witness of the evil; but
if well, why smitest thou Me?" It was a
mild protest to a great wrong and to most
unjust treatment. Even a great criminal
is by' the law and tho officers of the law
protected till his case is heard, and no
one dare touch him. Against our Lord
nothing was proved yet; He was not even
properly on trial.
24. "Now Annas bad sent Him bound
unto Caiaphas, the high priest" John
does not dwell longer upon His ill treat-
ment before Caiaphas, the false witnesses,
the blindfolding and spitting and buffet-
ing. Perhaps, like the agony in Geth-
semane, it was more than ho could write
about. Matthew, Mark and Luke saw it
not; they only heard it from others; but
John saw it all, it was very real to him,
he could not forget it, and to write it
would he to live it all over again. He
could not stand it; it was not required of
him, else he would have done it. Do not
fail to notice what Jesus said to tho high
Priest about His second coming, for it will
surely come to pass (Math. xxvi, 64;
Mark xiv, 62; Luke xxii69).
25. As Peter warmed himself at the ser-
vants' fire one said unto him, "Art not
thou also one of His disciples?" And the
second time he denied and said, "I am
not." The steps in Peter's downfall
teem to be self confidence and boasting,
following afar off, keeping the company
of the ungodly and enjoying the warmth
of their fire. They are written for our
warning that we may avoid them all.
They are partly summed up in Ps. 1, 1.
26, 27. A relative of the man whose car
Peter cut off said, "Did not I see thee in
the garden with Him?" And for the third
time Peter denied, and immediately the
cock crew. The Lord had told Peter .that
he would deny Him thrice ere cook crow
(Luke xxii, 34), and so it came to pass.
It was satan sifting Simon, but with
God's permission for Simon's good, for
satan had to ask for it, but Jesus' prayer
prevailed for him (Luke xxii, 81, 32).
Matthew says that Peter's second denial
was with an oath, and his third with curs-
ing and swearing (Math. xxvi, 72{ 74).
At the third denial the Lord turned and
looked upon Peter, and Peter remembered
the word of the Lord, how He had said
nlsto him, "Before the cock crow thou
shalt deny Me thrice," And Peter Kent
out and wept bitterly (Luke xxli, 61 eiw)
No word had our Lord for Peter, and a ry
message had Ir etex from Him till that
kind word after the resurrection furan the
angel by the women, "Go your .' wee, , toil
His disciples and Peter (Intrk 'eve 7),
Peter being the only one meiitieetel by
Told in Figures.
The world's navies employ 1,696,000
The negro race embraces about one-
tenth of the world's population. 450.000,-
000 persons.
Tbere are 9,000 eons in a square foot or
The yearly output of cigars from the
Philippines is 440,000,000.
The highest masts of sailing vessels are
from 160 to 180 feet high, and spretal
from 60.000 to 100,000 square feet of
The record of the greatest number of
notes struck by a musician in 12 hours Is
said to have been made by Paderewskl,
who struck 1,030,300 notes.
During the year 1898 25 officers of the
army were killed in battle or died of
wounds received in battle, and 49 others
on the active list died from other causes.
There were 26 deaths among the retired
The amount of powder required to pro-
pel cannon projectiles is about half the
weight of the projectile. A projectile four
inches in diameter weighs 83 pounds; five
incites, 60 pounds; six inches, 100 pounds;
eight inoses. 250 pounds: ten inches, 600
pound; 12 inches, 850 pounds; 18 inches,
1,100 pounds; 16 inches, 2,378 pounds.
Turkey hd9 been engaged in war 38
years of the present century, considerably
more than one-third of the time; Spain
comes next, with 31 years of war; Franco
has had 27 yeters; Russia, 24; Italy, 93;
England, 21; Austria, 17; Holland, 14;
Germany, 18; Sweden, 10; Portugal, 10;
Denmark, 9. Much of this is for reckon-
ing of the first Napoleon.
Not many years ago a boy was sent
from his home in the west to a New Eng-
land fatting school. He was the only son
of rich and influential parents, says The
Youth's Companion, and had, unfortun-
ately, been little restrained or controlled.
The four years he spent in the fitting
school were apparently worse than
wasted. Again and again the headmaster
called this unruly boy to his study. and
gravely and gently reproved and admon-
ished bim. Sometimes he prayed with the
wayward boy. All was to no purpose.
Then the lad went to college and con-
tinued his thoughtless career for more
than a year.
Suddenly a great change came. Some
one noted the fact that this change was
coincident with the death of the head
master in the school where the boy had
fitted for college.
After about a year, of self -training the
young man timidly asked to be allowed
to prepare himself for joining the churoh.
Strangely enough he insisted upon going
back to his old school, the scone of his
boyish extravagances and folly, and there
joining the church he had once openly
When asked why ho did so, he answer-
ed with unsteady lips and swimming
"'There was a good man. I knew him,
and ho is dead. He has helped many a
wayward soul, and he has helped me."
rudYard tiipling's Error.
I wrote to Kipling soon after, telling
him that a mate who could write as he
could should go home to England, to
London, where fame could be won; but
he.replied, in a characteristic letter which
may be published some day:
"You ought to know better at your
time o' life than to knock a youngster
off his legs in this way. How do you ex-
pect anyone will be able to hold me after
your letter?
"Would you be astonished if I told you
that I look forward to nothing but an
Indian journalist's career? Why should I?
My home's here; my people are out here;
all the friends I know are out here; and
all the interests I have are out here.
Why should I go home? Any fool can
put up rhymes, and the market is full of
boys who could undersell me as soon as
I put my foot in ft. "-15. Kay Robinson,
in Literature:
Bicycle Drawn by a Bate.
A bicycle drawn by a paper kite bas
just been manipulated with a certain
amount of success by an enthusiastic
wheelman, who lives near, the Roman
road, in Yorkshire.. The kite, a very
large and powerful one. was put up when
a strong wind was blowing almost
straight along the road, and the bicycle
was then connected with the loose end of
the tow -rope by means of a book on a
swivel. For nearly a dozen miles the
machine was drawn at a terrine speed
along the smooth reel taairly level road;
then, suddenly, it nwurveal or was pu11ee1.
completely over, the "rider, of course,
sustaining a terrible fall. When picked
up, about 15 minutes later, the man was
still insensible. He then quickly recover-
ed consciousness, however, and in com-
mon with most enthusiasts, immediately
declared that, far from being hurt, he
would repeat the attempt on the follow-
bag morning,. ,
1 guess I'll be a hermit,.
Fur tuffs world is built so queer
That there isn't any reusou
In believin what you hear.
A politician told, ale,"
",'You n;ntst rally to my clan,,
Ilia' the feller that's ag'in' isle
is a bold,
An, the opposition leader
Says one day, "It's plain to ee*.
That the way to be respeotod
Is to east your vote fur tae,"
Then through an explanation,
most glib and gay he ran
To prove my first informant
Was a bolsi,
bad .man.
There isn't any gnessin
At the truth, it seems to me,
By B.'s remarks con,'ernin A.
Nor A.'s concernin B.,
Fur always, t ough you listen
As fair minded as you eau.
You find, the other feller
Is a bold,
-Washington Star.
A Conclusion,
"Mother, is that Mr, Doodenna' photos
graph on the table?"
"Yes, dear."
"An did he div it to Auntie Edna?"
"Yes, my child,"
"Au is he going to marry Auntie Edna,
"Yes, love."
".An will I harry a man like Mr. Deo-
dams when I dro lip?"
"Yes, darling, perhaps, if you are good,"
"Mother, It's a rough world for as weeb
men, isn't it?"-Punola.
Very Amusing,
The late Dr. .A.. H. H, Boyd of Scotland
once visited a woman who bad last her
husband. By way of comforting her he
proceeded to set forth with great earnest-
ness and beauty of language the joys of
the state to which the departed one had
The bereaved woman, with a vivid rec-
ollection of her husband's defects, found
it hard to share in the minister's hopes,
although she wished to show her sense of
his kindness: She unburdened herself thus;
"Weel, Dr. Boyd, you're maybe no vers
instructive. but you're aye amusing."
Author Is Paid in ,advance..
The London publishers are ago confident
of the success of John Morley's life of
Gladstone that they hare pail'! hint R10,-
000 in advance for the work. The family
requested. Mr. Morley to undertake the
task, and have turned over to him all
oorrespondence and papers bearing on the
Accumulation and illetrlbutlon.
The bappiness of the lean who lives for
mere self-interest here is in accumulation.
The blessedness of the man who livee for
God is in distribution.
Spurgeon Stopped the Coughs.
Hero is a good anecdote of tho late Mr.
Spurgeon: Otto day, many years ago, the
service at the Tabernacle was disturbed by
a perfect hurricane of coughing: Spurgeon
stopped in his discourse and said: "My
dear friends, I have a cough. You have
coughs. But I think wo can stop them if
we try, So let us have a cough, a good
cough and a cough all together. Now" -
The result, says one who was present, was
terrific, but after half a minute's uproar
Spurgeon concluded his sermon in perfect
silence. -London Truth.
Supplied the Deficiency.
"I want you to make a statue of Maria,
my wife that wuz," said the rural visitor
to the sculptor, "but I haven't got a pio-
tur' of her, can't fin' one nowhar's, an
she's dead an gone!"
"Thunder and lightning!" exclaimed
the sculptor. "How can you expect me
"That's it!" was the triumphant inter-
ruption, "that's it I Jest make it like
thunder an lightinln, an you won't miss
her very fart" -Atlanta Constitution.
Feminine [features.
"While woman may have her face on
the dollar, " said the cornfed philoso-
pher, looking thoughtfully at the coin,
"yet, to tell the truth, she is more apt
to have her eye on the 38 cents "-In-
dianapolis Journal
In the Imperial library at Calcutta
more than 100,000 volumes on Indian
affairs are brought together and classi-
Most Rapid -Firing Guns.
TheVienna Reichswehr states that, al-
though the secret has hitherto been well
kept, the "M 1818" rifie, which has until
now been in use in the German army, is
being rapidly replaced by a new rifle of
improved type. The new weapon is of
somewhat smaller caliber, is slightly
lighter, and, being easier to handle, can
be fired more rapidly than the rifle at pre-
sent in use. The whole German army is
expected to be armed with the new ride,
which surpasses any at present in service
in Europe, by the end of this year.
They Cleanse tine System Thoroughly.-
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills clear the stom-
ach and bowels of bilious shatter, cause
the excretory vessels to throw off impuri-
ties front the blood into the bowels and
expel the deleterious mass from the body.
They do this without pain or inconven-
ience to.the patient, who speedily realizes
their good offices as soon as they begin to
take effect. They have strong recom-
mendations fronn all kinds of people.
Leaves Fifty Feet by Twelve.
The largest leaves in the world aro said
to be those of the Inaj palm, which. grows
on the banks of the Amazon. They reach
a length of from 20 to 50 feet and are 10 to
12 feet in breadth.
Health for the children. Miller's
Worm Powders.
Chinese Morgue,
In the Chinese morgue in San Francisco
one of the strange sights is a number of
life-size dolls, which are burned, to accom-
pany the corpses as their servants to the
next world.
Is the Wheel that
Ask any disinterested, rider about it
and see what he says.
Gendron Art's' Co., Limited
J.Vipond & Co.,
Correspondence Solicited.
Advances Made on Consignments,
T am a member of the newly established STANUABD 1Y1INlNG EX.
CHANCE and have some attractive Gold, Silver and Cuplselr stocics oil, hand.
I deal in British Columbia, Ontario and Republic issues. My favorites
just now are Fa err+slip, Winnipeg, Noble Five, Derby(copper), Golden
Star, Republic, Lone Pine, Princess MAO, Reindeer and Jumbo,
1 have recent information relative to the last five Republic properties.
Mate Me. E, CARTLY PARKER, Mining Broker, le Adelaide St. E., l'ort.ntt.
Waste of Time.
"You must have a good deal of time to
waste, ' said the debtor
-Why so?' demanded the creditor.
`l judge merely by the regularity with
which you call on lie. "-Chicago Post,.
Sure Death.
Biggs --I've got a worthless dog that I
want to get rid of
Boggs -Why don't you lend him to some
amateur sportsman who is going on a
hunting tripY-New York Journal.
Ventured No Opinion.
"What's the matter with you?" asked
the friend.
"I haven't the least idea," answered the
very cynical invalid, The surgeons are
going to operate for appendicitis."
rinard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
Persiatic Sheep
�Ip'fl and Animal
The only remedy that will positively
cure Soul) 1n Sheep.
It destroys the patches of living bac-
teria, relieves the pair and irritation, heals
the sores, and makes the skin who o and
invaluable for relieving the animal of all
vermin, Asa', bee, ticks, insects, etc., and.
for the cure of all skin diseases. Do not be
put off with an inferior article -get the
hos°. PEitSIATIC SHEEP DIP is the
most highly medicated and reliable Dip in
the market. At your dealers or direct from
The Pickhardt Renfrew Co.,
Box A. Stoufrvtile, Ont.
Parties possessed of funds from
which they wish to secure a
liberal return of interest should
invest with
The Investors Guar-
antee Company
Room 14, Stock Exchange Building, St. Sacra-
ment St.. MONTREAL
By their system of investment
they can guarantee to investors
a monthly profit on funds
placed with them, of
Not Less Than Three
Per Cent.
This company offers the most
complete guarantee for both
principal and profit, and any
investor can withdraw funds
and profits to date upon
Tho -e Unsightly 1'iniplee can be entiree-
ly removed by the use of Miller's Com.
t pound Iron Pills. n0 tloees 25 cents.
Giving 30 Days' Notice.
Sums from $25 upwards re-
ceived and invested.
to with your name and address
and we will forward this watch to you
by ,;prem for examination. 1t L a
ssap-back utd be&clduat-proof
open face, Mena wind and sat,
gold plated, handsomely en.
grayed. 1/ looks like a solid
gold watch, le fatted with a
7 -jewelled American Model
Movement that we warrant to
glue `ood ,at foaregoa, and V
Jvat toe este. fortradlne pun
p1su,ree. If ti An careful exam.
Motion w And MI5rase watch a
be merle u represented, pay
the express agent KIM .ri
charges, sod 11 L your
Terry Watch Ce., Toronto, Ord.
T. N. Cr.
kYnt.seer:,for soiling 1 dor. (Minty pea ofIIeiotropo, hone and Violet
Qlme, No bran oraawauat, bell
05 lac. each. ltetura us 11.20 and
reeotn lens THEE by return
mall. Ubera ammndaioa, Irpry.
bim,t Thuoidgood. retire
D f.f4
It Lucked Internet.
Buswick-Old Stubbies bad a very alien
Iran Brunt -Yes; the will was read the
day before.
Hollowayfl s Cora CCureowill remove any o!
them. Call on your druggist and gat is
bottle at once,
Australia is said to be the one place isa
the world where the town is more besautt-
ful than the country.
That Red Nose will soon become rte
epectable in appearance by taking Miller's
Compound Iron Pills. 50 doses 26 coats.
Australia is the only country in the
world where no native pipes and no native
smokers have been found.
Fights off the hot stip, preservaa
the house, beautifies it as well.
and gives satisfaction if you use
All dealers have it. Ask for card or send
to us and we will tell you where to get it.
CRS. Montreal,
The 1te't Marie. Send for Catalogue.
IMPORT.R. OR OROOERa., I,.S. d, U. Extract*
Write us. HAMILTON. L.S. & 71. Splcee
Union Station Arcade, Toronto.
We also make
Steel Flag Staffs.
Grain Grinders,
Iron and Wood
Pumps, Ilee
Send for New Cat-
8O LBS. FOR 8 �2t
CASH, with vain/
tole : Id knrat Ged4
T 1 Plated Watch, for either
F lady or gentleman. Onlp •
[]mired gnan its left -order
l so�inaade of
best selecte Manila liemp, and 1 ane ever GOB
feet to the pound.
Money refunded if purchaser is not satisfied
Remit cash and give full s„1pJaing directions.
We giro this fine watch
FREE for selling 2
dozen Gold Plated
( Lever Collar Buttons.
Lady's Watch for 3i
dozen, at 10e. each.
�• Sedd your address and
we forward the But-
tons post paid. N o
money required
Sell the Buttons to your
( friendt, return the money'
,a{ and we send the Watch
I/ Iu•epa,td,-A genuiiae. Aan-
erican Watch, guaran-
teed for :a few hours work,
11.t' R. O. Smitho
e .
Orilliaa, Ont.