Exeter Advocate, 1899-5-18, Page 5WiI P Il\1MA!\!\l\1�\\\�`
zzt ' .4buoratel
Is published every Thursday /Corning,
ut the Otfeco,
—By the---
• One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance
$1,50 if not SO paid"
No paper discontinued until all arse rage
ere paid. Advortisemeuts without eyeoia3,o
direotiou.swill be published till forbid and
ehargedaccordingly. Liberal disoountmade
for, transoient advertisements inserted for
long periods, Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the ,finest style,
and at moderate rates Olxegnes,money ord.
ere, Bre, for advertiai;ng, subsoriptions,eto.to
be male tsaraable to
Chas. II. Sanders,
$ zofesszonai emcee.
lI. I';INS)S I.N. T,. D S. et DR. A. R.
SInSbIA,N. L D. S., D. D. S., Honor
grtiduate of Toronto I;fiversity.
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any
bad etii', ets, Office in Fanson's Block, west
side Mato etreetsBaetear.
• honors Oraduate of the Toronto i z-
rsity and Royal (olle„e of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth oxtraoted without maid,
All modes of Dentistry up to date. Ofnce
ever Elliot &. Elliot's law office -opposite
Genual 110 tel -Exeter.
.V the Ootlegeot'PbvsioleueendSurgeon s
Ontario. Physieiau, Surgeon and Aeeouoh-
eur. °face. Dashwood. Ont.
Polieitor3, Notaries. Conveyancers,
Commis ioner7(, Solicitor$ for the Molaons
Bank. oto. Money to loan at and er
cent. )(Gee Fanson'a Block, Math St.,
Exeter. (A member of the firm will be at
Iiimeall on Thursday of each week.)
I. It. CAri, r. 13 A. 14. D. DICKSON.
T'LLJOr .4, tilsAlltfAtt. BARRISTERS,
1 Wee Cour evclancere. and Monev to
V. EM.101'. F. W. Gtartmaal.
A netWooers
13 iiit(llVN, ifiineltetsea. I.ic(ensoel Auet
iaa.,or tor the Counties ofPert Itand
Sli.131est :,hien for the township of raborue
Salmi aerom,Idly attended to awl terms sea-
ser.baio.;;alea,rrreanged at Post office. Win -
Insurranee agent,
'lain St.
olIPOooleo Cotton Root Compound
Is successfully need monthly ay over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton. Root Com-
pound. Take no ocher, as all Mixtures, pills and
arc dangerous.Pis
ee No 1,1 e
box No
, D ]o do ✓ccs fronI,
, s n er .0 per box. No.
1 or 2. mailed on eceipt of price ad two 8•eent
stamps The Cook. Compaay Windsor. Ont.
responsible Druggis s in Cannd recommended by all
No.., t ani Ne: . sn1..1 in 1e:xnt, r i V C.
Lot -a Dragti,t.
Sete T fi 11 in Gilt on (every plug.
” Welcome, Evil, If
Thou Comest Alone."
One evil that cannot come
alone is impure blood. 27
this is allowed,it is at-
tended by kindred ailments
galore. This condition means
that every vein and artery of
the body, , instead of carry-
ing to the organs a health -
giving flow of rife, is laden
with a stow and impure fluid
that iS harming instead of
It is unfortunate when there is "bad
blood" between people. It is worse
when it is inside of you. hood's Sar-
saparilla will not make enemiesf'riendss,
but it will make "bad blood" good
blood, and blood should be of the best
quality. Hood's peter disappoints.
Pimpies•-431y face was covered with
pimples and blackheads but atter taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla a short time, I was
entirely cured, and mT skin left smooth
and Blear, I recolnrnend ]Hood°s tars*pas
rilla very highly." MAY RYAN, North
Street, Chatham, Ont.
Erysipelas---" 1 would strongly urge the
use of Hood's Sarsaparilla ter erysipelas or
any scrofulous disease, 1 have received
great benefit from Hood's Sarsaparilla for
the forme complaint. It is an escelieat
blood purifier," _ Ma. 3I. P. Weer, Church
Street, Cornwallis, Nova Scotia,
Tired Feeling -"I lead no appetite and
experienced a tired feeling. Different tued-
Wiiretl did not help rete. 1 tried Hood's
Sarsaparilla and ig a short time I wasen-
ooylng perfect health. Since then we always
Hood's Sarsaparilla when we need a
blood purifier or tonic." MBs, S. itaxell,
Beatrice, Ont.
Stomach -omach Trouble "Thad pains in
my sides and kidneys. , tainaeh and liver
troubles caused sty distress. I had doe-
tored without avail and used many meds•
cines unsuccessfully. :sly Sister advised
T,iOcd's Sarsaparilla and in a shurt time it
etre.1now a
m . K
:rad sleep
better. 1 shall never be without Hood's
Sarsaparilla in the house." atr:e, 1'nA:wee.
200 Ossin;,tun Avenue. Toronto, Out.
iicode 1'tle cure liver ills; the tan
only cathartic to take with Cloud'r7 .l'9erleAparrllA,
Chamberlain and the Colonial The Famous Spot the Scene of a
Representatives Confer" Red Hot Time on Monday.
Lord Selboree, 1 nder Secretary of State
for the Colonies, Replies to an In-
terpeilation ea the Subject by the
Earl of Aberdeen -- Colonial
Representations to Re
•LQndan, May Iii. -The Seeletary of
State for the Colonies, dr. Joseph
Chamberlain, bad a eonferenee yesterday
on the subject of the proposed Pacific
cable with Baron Stratheana and 3lount
Royal. the high eon-rnlsskoner of Canada,
and other colonial agents -general, who
presented certain modifications of the
original proposals. Mr. Chamberlain
promised that they should receive the hest
consideration.Replying in the house of Lords to the
Earl et Aberdeen (.1iiberal), former Gos•
ernor-General of Canada, who urged the
importance, of Imperial and colonial. Gov-
ernments reaching au understanding with
reference to the Pacific cable, the Earl of
Selborne, Under Secretary of State for
the Colonies, said Her Majesty's Govern-
ment runs perfectly pr'opared to. review
the whole matter In the light of Any new
representations the colonies might make.with a sincere desire to arrive at a decks
lett satisfactory to all Goveramcuts con-
Daring the course of his remarks. the
Earl of elbnrne assured the 1louae there
ryas n0 lntentlon 'open the part of the
Government t(1 throw cold water upon a.
matter of such t.rnaat public interest, nor
was nacre aur idea, of being ungracious.
Ile expressed surprise at the filet that ex-
ception had been taken to the Govern-
nrent's assserttou that the cable was
more important to Canada, And Austad -
Asia than to the United Kingdom, ex-
plaining that this Wit': not incompatible
with the view that it was of great im-
portance to the Empire, as. it alight be
perfer•tly true that nue/ a project as Ole
lnlght hal of treat Imperial interest, and
at tho same time be of greeter importance
seg l•pv'clile portions of Cha i mptrt>.
Continuing,. the Under Se rc tarry said
he diel not think anyone covan
ers t
with the foil ea,peet of the matter wouldstearal v, B'nlrent's (ati';'e 85 Woes
atia� ami nngirnt•r)Iri. 11,eeause Is, offeredt-) sharia
th + harden. without demanding share- of the prutlt.. The «090 of ;31.00,000 was
naked Itreatleei it waned to be the out-
side, limit; on the proportion of five.
eighteenths, which Great Britain eonld
be e:alie.l upon to p:ay. The conditions
proposed, he explained, wcro merely
such as the experience of the p1nstelllco
and treasury sug;;eeted, and being than
znoet likely to secure efliek'ney. If the
colonies bad tiny ubj,'etinus to urge
a".,*aatfst tho form of the 1.31'lti41 proposals,
the Government was perfectly prepared
0) review the whole matter, with a
sincere de-dro to arrive at a deck -Ion
which would the satisf $tory to tall con-
tborl anti (,9n}}ohne are on the
way to Canada by the :steamship
Pilot Meth, 02911 mud h('1' th luaaud are
on the poilntof sailing;.
The ('uronees jury at Dundee, re -it
turned as verdict nfjustifiable humiellk'
iiithe eat.eof1119'shoot lug tit tlu' In-
dian, John lee, at tit, 'Regis.
Per I f-ilts :lad Children,
° i.o
ovary Ilex Majesty Drove to Kensington Palace,
<41.4.41,444c iSag v."r!!� Accompanied, by Duke and Duchess
of York -Great Enthusiasm.
Lend= May 10, --Queen Victoria
arrived in London yesterday from 'tVlnd-
ser, accompanied by the Duke and Dneh-
ess of York and her suite, and drove to
1':enslugton Palace, the party occupying -
a number of open four -horse landaus,
with postillions in blue and white, red -
coated outriders, escorted by a detach-
ment of the horse Guards. Enthusiastic
people lined the route to tho palace.
where Her "AI os visited ]to
aj ty tetv t o14 :apart-
ment, which she occupied as a your
girl, which have been renovated prepara-
tory to opening the palace to the public.
Her ;Majesty fatted "Tito."
William H ill was arrested in 13r(trk-
vine on 9L (h argae of robbing the mails.
The Grand Trunk have decided to
Indict it 't9t):141 large bridge over the
Niagara River. The new striu•tnre
will eoll1Laet 1illi 10 with Fort Erie.
Three mu'n who vi.it(e(1 ('lnaitlinit
about the time ttf the Dresden linlIk
1 (krbi l
are now suspected 1 '
1 xx L (t the
t (
They are said to he in Chicago.
Oliver Stephen. an employee of the
Royal Electric. Company at ('lnanlbly,
received a enrx'(nt of (1,000 volts
through his body and was instantly
.l, wr�ww. iul t
A big yield of both
profit and satisfaction
will Iesult
ify o
u plaut
ys Seeds
They are always the best.
Do not acce yy
tate-buy nonethutiFerry's.
Sold by all dealers. Write for
the '99 Seed Annual -free.
D. M. FER RY & CD., Wlndsor,Ont.
Is one of the Largest
Colleges in Canada.
of our graduates were placed iu posi-
tions (luring the past, year.
Write for our latest catalogue.
:, va i;W.9 li;T'i�it•,.tallii
This Trade Mark is on
Every Tag.
see that you get it,
your dealer clogs not handle our
Twine, write Plymouth Binder Twine
Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto.
Q y Count With You ?
On tho arrival of Her Majesty at Pad-
dington railroad station she noticed on
the platform a shaggy Irish terrier
named "Tim," which collects contribu-
tions for the widows and orphans of the
railroad. The Queen had "Tim" brought
to her by the conductor of the train, and
after patting the terrier on the head she
dropped a piece of gold into the metal
box hanging about the dog's neck.
The Foreign minister of the Netherlands
Is .Decorated by the Czar.
The Hague, May 16.—M. de Staal,
the Russian a•s i
b s ac or to theur
Lo tof
St. .Tames, representative of Russia at
the peace conference and president of
that body, con err
el with the Foreign
Minister of the Netherlands, W. H. de
Beaufort, yesterday, and handed him the
decoration of the
Alexander Aevvski
Order. In so doing, the Russian repre-
sentative exprossecl the Czar's gratitude
for the hospitality extended to the dele-
Tho peace conference will hold its first
sitting at 2 o'clock on Thursday after-
noon next.
Trying to Stop Frauds.
Madrid, May 16.—The Minister of
Finance, Marquis Villa Verde, has issued
a decree closing immediately the regis-
ters of foreign bondholders, in order to
decide who is entitled to gold payments
on the external debt coupons under the
recent law. This comae is taken to stop
the frauds by which Spaniards transfer
their claims in order to secure gold, in
which foreigners only are entitled.
Going to Hunt for Andrea.
Stockholm, May 16.—An expedition
for the finding and relief of Andree and
his party will start for the northeast
coast of Greenland within a row weeks.
The relief party will be in charge of
Prof. A. G. Nathorst, and it will sail on.
the steam whaler Antaretio, of which
he is part owner.
Lord Hersohelt Was Rich.
London, May 16. -The will of the
late Baron Hersobell, the former Lord
Chancellor and member of the Anglo-
American -Canadian commission, who
died in Washin ton on Ma' h 1 last was
rebated esterda The estate is valued
at £153,000.
Millions for Tuberculosis Asylum.
Berlin May 16.—Baron Hoyl 7u Hor-
rnshein, the National -Liberal member of
the Reichstag, has donated 3,000,000
marks toworcis .the tuberculosis asylum
Mr, Luldgete, the Lebsea of the ]is11aed
Vivre the Pominton Goyera*n eat,
Starts, to Cut the Timber and Xa
Arrested by Attorney -General
Martin -, Case Traversed
Till Thursday.
Yancouveri B.C., bfey 10,• --The Hat
Act was read on Deadman's Island yes-
terday morning, and Theodora Ludgate
Was arrested andut ill hen cuffs after
fierce struggle with two onleers, one of
whorl he roughly used. Ludgatewho
has leased the island froln the Dominion,
decided the night before to make
another landing on the disputed island,
At ;x o'clock; a force of sixty or seventy
men were actively at work Cutting down
trees. About 6 o'clock a provincial con-
stable arrived and ordered that the work
be stopped. Ludgate defied him, and the
officer, realizing his helplessness, did not
attempt to use force, but set off for as-
sistance. About 0.30 Officer Baines of the
elty police arrived and bis order for ces-
sation of work wag also ignored. Provin-
elal officers continued. to arrives one at a
time, until they were about ten strong.
and each armee with revolvers.
They made no attempt, however. to
interfere with tbe men until the arrival
of Attorney -General Martin and Justice
of the fence Anderson, about 9.11, The
Att)ruey-General regnested Imam—tee to
older his men to stop work, but the saw-
mill men remained Obstinate as over,
whereupon: this Attorney-Oeneral ordered,
his arrest. Officer Baine$ stepped forward
to exc^eute the orders. He attempted to
arrest Ludgate by the airm, but received•
a blow on the jaw from that gentleman.
which sent hire sprawling among a heap
of underbrush. Officer Campbell went tR
Baine,' assistance and After about two
minute, fierce struggling the twa man-
aged to get Cho handcuff -ton the prlsanar.
The n 1t1et .act Rend.
Ail the men had in the meantime
Stopped work and were ready to attack
the pollee. when the Riot ,Aet was read.
and on Ludgate's 8alvi('e they refrained,
Loci; ate, was lea from the island with
blood !Dowing profusely from hist nose,
and the men remount -need work. The
Attorney-Oeneral addressed thein and
said if work was not stopped and all aft'
the Mand in 30 minntee the constabulary
would be ordered to shoot. Tlac' 21101 held
a short confab and (h ekled to leave. The
city le in a great state of excitement and
all kind, of rumors are afloat.
The Province has rec'eited a special
from Nanaimo, which says
isgeria departed from that port ,yesterday
morning for Vancouver simultaneously
with tau arrival there of the neva of
trouble. It is expevsted here almost any
hour, but it is not known what action
will be taken. The police are still on the
island and aro heiug reinforced. It is be-
11('ved that Ludgate's mien will go back
and attempt sa seizure, It is also rumored
that troops will be ordered out. Ludgate
is in jail and refuses to accept his release
on ball.
Tito Baso came up before Stipendiary
]Magistrate Anderson in the afternoon.
Very little was done in court, Ludgate's
lawyer objecting; to its jurisdiction. The
charge was cutting timber on Crown
lands. Mr. Martin appeared against Lud-
gate, anti asked for an adjournment till
Thursday, which was wanted.
SE2 TOR, I10Ut,TO 19 DEAD.
Sketch, of the Intutestiur; Career or a
Canadian 1111it11y lean.
Russell, May 1 6.—A despatch flatted
May 15, says: Senator Boulton shed this
morning at 1 o'clock of congestion of tho
lungs, brought on by it drive front Elk-
horn in the late snow storm. Ile was ill
eight days. The funeral will likely be on
11ricf Otography.
Lieut. -Colonel Icon. ('/edea Arkoll Boul-
ton was the sou of Limit:Colonel .['Arty
Boulton of ('obourg, 9)ntnrlo, and was born
in that town Sept. 17, 1841. He was eda-
cated at i'pper Canada College. in 1835
he was gazettes ensign in .11. 11. 1011th
Regiment (Royal ('enuinhu,$); was promoted
to lieutenant in 1S1i1. and, after serving in
various parts of the world, retired from tba
Only iu 1868. 1u the a tore year he a •as ep-
peilnted nutjur of the lath Battalion, V.51.,
and soon afterwards went to Red River,
now Manitoba. At the outbreuk ct the
rebellion under Riel in 18711 be took an act-
ive part on the side loyal with the late Sir
John :Schultz, ;end was one of the Canadian
Party arrested au¢ imprisoned and sen-
tenced to death by the conspirators.
Returning to Ontario after the rea
tolt of pcaue, he engaged In lumbering ope-
rations lu Lal Chid and was (sleeted reeve,
serving for throe years. ile.bot-:ttue brevet
Lieut: colonel In 1875 and retired with that
rank in 1881.
In 188(1 be again became a resident of
Manitoba, and then devoted himself 1 o
farming at S11e111noiith lilet'tod warden of
the County of I(ussell hb filled that office
for three years, and was subsequently chair-
man of the Judicial Board of the Western
Judicial. District.
He raised a corps of mounted riflemen
known as "Boulton's Scouts," and com-
manded the same throughout the Northwest
Rebellion, 1885, for which he obtained a
medal. He was an unsuccessful candidate
for the representation of Bartle in the
Manitoba Assembly at the general election
in 1879, and for Marquette in the House
of Commons at the general election in 1887.
He wrote an interesting book, "Reminis-
cences of the Northwest Rebellion."
He was called to the Senate by Lord
Stanley in 1889 and has since acted gen-
erally with the Liberal party in that cham-
ber. In 1897 he accompanied Sir Wilfrid
Laurier to England as a member of the
staff sent to represent Canada at the
Queen's Diamond Jubilee. lie favored a
commercial unity of the Empire upon a
free trade basis. In 1890 he introduced a
motion favoring an International peace tri-
The late Colonel married Miss Latter.
His daughter, Miss C. R. Boulton. has dis-
played ability as a writer for the periodical
press, and edited a newspaper in Manitoba.
In religion the Senator belonged to the
Church of Englund.
Montreal's Mayor Hurt.
Montreal, May 16,—Mayor Prefontaine
slipped on the sidewalk at St. Agatha
and fell, receiving severe injuries about
the head.
Mr. Oliver Perkes, an employe of the
Royal Electric Company, was shocked to.
death yesterday horning in the Richelieu
Power House, Chainbly.
Charley Devlin Home Again.
Ottawa, May 16.-C. R. Devlin, ex-
M.P., now Canadian immigration agent
in Ireland, arrived here yesterday. He
has conte to discuss matters with his de-
partment, and take a trip west to got
posted on what things really are in that
(Changed every Wedl,esday),
Wheat per bushel 18 to Ca
Flour per owt 1 85 to 2.tetl
Barley ..... 35 to 41
Oats 28 to 5 i
Peas c0 to 63
Corn 40 to 4s
I3utter. 11 to a1
Eggs. --.- .,.......... ....... 91
Po tatoee per bag ea to so
Hay per ton 4,50 8j1'
Dried Apples per lb
Ducks 7
L0eeie e).
Chicken g
Turkey 9
So the failing of the bairtells
of the approach of age and
declining power.
No matter how barren the tree
nor how leafless it may seem,
you confidently expect leaves
again. And why?
Because there is .life at the
So yon need not worry about
the fail:ug of your hair, the
threatened departure of youth
and beauty., ,And why?
Because .if there is a spark of
life remaining in the roots of
rbe hair
will arouse it into healthy activ-
ity. The hair ceases to come
out: it begins to grow: and the
glory of your youth is restored
to you.
We have a book on the Hair
and its Diseases. It is free.
The Best Advice Free.
it Tau dono /Win the b
� k o illi enacts
ouexpected from the
the Vigor,
the doctor about in Probably
there is some ditfirnity with your gen.
eral system wbleh may be eastry
removed. Address.
DR. J. 0. AYER, Lowell, Masa,
Five Men .Arrested.
'1'rvcr(1, (Jut liax -Five men tepre
arrested. here this afternoon, supposed
to be the patties who burglarized the
Standard Bank at Bowm1Lnville.
They are loeke(1 up i11 the jail await-
ing. indent !fleet ion.
The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by all poor dyapepties
whose ,Stomach and Liver are out of
order. (1 1.such '
n ( All , a iln ..hon
1t1 know >
x that tIr
Ring's New Life Pills, the wonderful
Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives 'L
splendid appetite, sound tligestiun mrd
it regular bodily habit that heaves
perfect health and gee: ttenergy. Only
25 Cents at any Drug Store
Attempt at Suicide.
Guelph,. May 18.-- .\. young main,
Alex lV hit(law, of Pilkington, 10 years
old, employed by Mr. Wm. French,
attempted to commit suicide about 0
o'clock last evening. After supper he
went out to the field and shot In/Itself
in the head with a s
nail 42 -calibre re-
volver, walked back to the house and
told what he had done. A physician
brought tbe patient to the (ienexai
Hospital here and this morning one of
the bullet:, which had penetrated the
skull above the right ear, was extract-
ed. The other bullet which was about
an inch in front was not found. The
ca -1<e of the rash act cannot be at trlbu-
tedto motive any - n i- beyond leyoud t,hatt he
owed a small sum of money, probably
not over $40.
A Fleshy
Did you ever see one ?
Did you ever hear of one ?
Most certainly not. Con-
sumption is a disease that
invariably causes loss of
If you are light in weight,
even if your cough is only
a slight one, you should
certainly take
Scolt's Emulsion
of cod liber oil with hypo
phosphites. No remedy
is sucha perfect prevent-
ive to consumption. Just
the moment your throat
begins to weaken and you
find you are losing flesh,
you shouldbegin to take it.
And no other remedy
hascured so many cases
of consumption. Unless
you are far advanced with
this disease, Scott's Emul-
sion will hold every in-
ducement to you for a
perfect cure.
All Druggists Koc. and St.
• Sco•rr .ec l3OWSE Toronto.
but don't think you can patch
clothes to look like new,
Then again it would, not
pay you when you can buy
clothing at the prices we
Pants in"' -e to order, all
wool heavy tweeds $2«OO
Suits. *9.80
Overcoats $,:pS
l3laolk Worsted suits a spec-
ial, $12,O0
Our $20 blacks beat all
otters at 823. Came and ae
for yourself'.
People patron ize us because
they realize that we always
sell clothing that is strictly
up-to-date... ,
Oj)posito rest Cilli
"-.I ;alt using L tttz s Powder, and
knave no hesitation in Matin; that
it. is 0 lmostexcellent powder for
1,U11111'y. 11 certainly increases the
egg supply, and promotes the vigor
and health of the pultry. I would
strongly recommend poultry raisers
to give it at trial."-- W. 11. TnoT1'.
I am using English Stook Fond,
lmanilfaet.11r(etl by (', Lutz, 9111(1 find
that i )
ha it Incl 1'eore.
the (odZfinn of
zmil('h cows, and u1(z(-19 eethe itow
of lmilk. I would 2344numeral stclek
raisersto give it n trial." • W. H.
I Is utrso.
ATo read the big stores' ad-
,y� �tlt1N'I1 l
'i( E 1 11 { y
For whose good are we in
the furniture business? For
yours and ours. If we are not
useful to you we cannot be use-
ful to ourselves. We have gob
to carry- the goods you want at
the prices you want or we can-
notmake a success of our busi-
ness. But we have been doing
business right along for years,
which proves that We are the
right kind of people with the
right prices. Come and see for
yourself ...
Furniture. Undertaking,
es, Neraar
'�aai"`er at sr � se 'I0-4
Manufacturer and dealer hi Plows
Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Roo'
Cutters, Straw Cutters,Saws,
Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and
Babbett Metal.
White Engine and Steam Thresher
complete, and Clover Mill, Stray,
Cutter and Grinder, for $12,50.
See our Truck and Scale combined,
weighs 800 lbs. Price $13.00.
Refese.seer'Wood's Phos hodine,
The Great English Remaly.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine' discovered, Sax.
,packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry,: Excessiveuse of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. One wilt please,
six toill cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
esirWood's Ph es plied ine is 9014 inEx'✓t, r
0. Ltltz, druggist: