Exeter Advocate, 1899-5-18, Page 4THE Mrs. Webster bster of 'Watertown has ' Comill.....t• ,bet a aarreste t in Bir efcvillee, charged u� g� �, with trying to blackmail \Vendling, 1 1 of Illus .t ter �v`� i .ICC ', the maxi who is charged with malt- ipulattion of ballots in the recent elec Bl Chas, 11. Sanders, Editor and Prop dolt, 1111 Sprillg ,�i9 '1 THURSDAY, NAY 18. , 1899 `W W `V `Nzzavi '. oviim W' W •{M Y' p'Y�'•V' V' W `V' 113 THE EDITOR'S CORNER. THE' TOWN $11D'Tlir Every citizen will admit that �'a great znistaake was made in locating the ks-x- eta#r etation. It has been as t re at eietri- lianat to the town, It is so still. Last week a moll, reputable firm came to view the town with as view to buildings large incident oatmeal mill and a tiouring mill. They liked the town, its roads, building -s, tax rates and gt n-' creel 1)ro perity. The farming country atrotnad gives. exactly the class of grain etc. that they want. They would no doubt buy land and start building here in a few weeks, but the railway station ie the great dr rev -back. They would :hip huge quantities Of stuff and the teaming, etc., would sal lessen thea karofrits that they will probable- choose \\ itaghaatat or senatet'nvu with Netter taiiwaty faatilitie and competition. Those gentlemen will probably choose \\'ing;h:tut on cact'e►aint of the competi- tion, Their preadtlets are sold in Qne-1 bee and the Maritime provinces, so it _: a long haul for the railways. 'yet tlat• (1.T.R, make no move to keep this kind of trade in their own bands and 41 rtgui•ntly the town suf- fers se4•inusly. \i'hat k the remedy? .t proposition • s + useless. It is (o move the . t,at2u.a ist . al not worth 41ise ul.sng, because a few . tear•• sine. 4a ria u asked about the cost set vola, be about la -Company ..)Ill it � <,2i),twu►, The to#w11 c:atz" afford that even to get env or twat went industries. ett the r lilway height afford to divide, Thenslaw•olalti thing left is a spur from 1)t• �t 2t 4atl. t':}�}�+"tg: Maio etreret. Tide. 1»IIr"Alt lar a ila,cltt alai' I^•1111114"1' yards, Nay .eleeat Lala ttetllee' lat. north of glee ;`len l lira e e prcntieta. Then all fila= ltiaalu t. t.1)a,l. Lath, }'aunt% tlotlr, oat- meal awl :ail Leavy :.tuff in car lots etas 1 tee. load. ,1 ;Lad unloaded at that point. That is a central location that w•otnkl nearly ..tit all dealers. Then ata• eight•t. -Saay would not era. t gra very- nitwit in flea locality. Had we anything like a guarantee • would;tiniest e t•r. a,) we t � sae lll i i 1 l Minty have a floe and oatmeal mill bee. In ft•l'e fall. Why not a rvttein what the Rail- way ie willing to do in the premises acid lee theeitt:;t•et'• twee the Railway t'wnpaany,in a proper spirit and it eau ., would ce •t rain - b(" lltu)+'. Tie, Ital alw :lt \ a 1 ly w's.h ft•r the i,al-int.�• lint ilea -want -Aiming up. The sown waute the Nisi - nests and let ns ::tit` ourselves. Not time is to he I let if this industry: is to be seemed. l inst ascertain at awe whet the Railway Company will do, then call a public meeting for die - et ssienr. XQTE ASIS CO L3 T. (*JUL steek sold in i endon at WWI being •shove par 1•or they first time in the ln.tnry (.f the enterprise. ye*1x It is announced that Mr. T. A. Browne has been apppeeiutcd Post- master at London, Ont., in succession to Mr. R. J. C. Dawson, who is to he .ups rttmuated. * American anglais are petitioning the Ontario Gee -ermined t to abolish the ya liceens(. fee for fishing in On- tario waters.They say that they come for the sport alone and take very little of the fish across the border with them. * Dr. W. H. ;Wiley, Chief Chemist of the United States Department of Agriculture, says that fully 00 per cent. of the articles of food and drink manufactured in that country are frauds. All kinds of dairy provisions, as welI as nearly every variety of condiments, including coffee in the, berry, are adulterated. xe The Listowel Banner says that Pleat- ing-, the forger, who escaped from Stratford jail, did a cleverer trick than did Pare at Napanee, inasmuch as he had not Pare's opportunity. Phaling made a key out of a piece of wood from a chair rung, his only tool being a piece of zinc from the flooring. With this he opened two locks, and escaped by the roof and water pipes. Pare had wire and metal and outside assistance. A peculiar thing is that both prisoners left their keys behind them in their cells. Is this an evidence that crimin- als of this class have enough good feeling left that they wish to clear the jail officials by showing how they got out The following statement has been issued by the Ontario Departruent of Agriculture regarding the condition of crops and live stock, based upon re- ports received from 500 special corre- spondents during the first week, of flap, 1890. The weather in the win- ter and early spring has been unfavor- able to fall wheat. It is practically a fabiluxe in some localities. A consider- etble portion of the area sown has been ploughed up. The reports from A:l- e oana are more favorable than those it older settled countries. A large tart of the clover crop in the province has been winter -killed, because of ecce ty of snow. The damage has. been greatest in Lake Erie and Lake Ontario sections. Where the crop tuts survived the winter it is healthy and, flonrishiug. Wail;er rye hats'. is intered well. • A deputation which included the Bishop of London, Wiz; John Burns and others, protested to Sir Matthew \\'ltite Ridley, the Home Secretary, against Sunday newspapers, Sir Mat- thew said the Clov ernutent would sup- port municipalities in framing regula- tions which would lttuuper such news: papers, • Oen. (heel} has Made the fzrst au- thoritative statente,nt- as to the pro., grey., masking its the .developutent of wireless telegraphy under the auspices of the United States signal corm}as, The important conclusion is rcaehed by (xi e 1 Ir that the ware les. system is not likely to supplant the ordinaar'ymethods of telegraphic coainnunieation. The results so fat obtiaitted Lave been un- certain.. Owing to the unusual large number of teachers s hohave been turned out of the Normal Schools salaries in ;many places have been cut dowza to almost starvation prices, The St. Thomas Bozuel, which has just broken the world's record for salary, has just engaged a duly qualified lady for one orate departments: of its city .school at the princely reruultel'ation at 810 peranoutli, Chlorosis and neurosis in young; girls :are to beat tributed largely to the abuse of the piano, according to Dr, \1 aetz- hold. Out of 1,O11U girls practicing before they are 12 years of age, 1301; coffer from nervous disorders later in life. The violin is more disastrous in its effects, hat fewer girls practice on that instrument. The doctor gives no statistics as to the effect on the nerves of persons etenpelled to listen to the practicing. The Lemitigtou peach growers es - einem, that at least ltlt),tNill trees have been killed by the frost during the winter. shape$ have etiferte(1 very severely. . the toot, looking as if they had been boiled, Strawberries are also affected, but the growers hope that witg favorable weather the liana•• age will not be great. The heaviest loser among tilt pearl* growers issaki to be Charles iVeils. who is pulling up 111 ae rt:s of trees out of a total of :i,a at•rc . Ile will lose •galls) trees. ** Fall wheat has rime through the; winter in no regular fashion. some fair.4 risers in the county having splondid- looking fields, while others have bare and yellow patches on what promised , to be thick and hearty fields in No - vendee.. 'rhe " spotting " has been largely the result of lee forming, and Intuit 1a.s has also resnIted from the;P; water lying in low Tenee toward the encs of the winter. Reports to hand from other sections of the 1'rovmee lead us to the conelusion that the fall wheat prospect in this county is above the average, and so little is be- ing; l)luwed up here that tine weather •t• e crop o sat tl to almostm a1 t the f a l all ;ilea:Age yet.-(.utleri(h Signal. Trooliie Roimias " i eti Fee!ijis." �- PaFne's Celery Compound Does a iNondrous Work for Every Rundown Man and Woman. Tired feelinglt' These tiro words coved a nnnititude of dangers and perils, and should, when fully compre- hended, be taken as serious warnings, " Tired • feelings " gestalt front aa. vitiated and deranged condition of the blood and nerves, which cause a general weakness of the entire system. Constipation is usually one of the do- minant troubles; digestive vigor is lucking, appetite is poor and sleep is never refreshing. To banish " Tired feelings " the blood must be cleansed and panned, and the nerves toned and braced, This foundation work is rasily and gqslickly accomplished by using Paiit e's Celery Compound, the world's famous spring medicine. This note(, reltted,y, purely vegetable, pleasant to tltt; taistN, in every ease just what is claimed for it. itis the one spring medicine that our hest physicians vouch for; it is the great health restorer and strength giver that the best people of Canada talk about in the home and on the street. A few bottles of s'eine's Celery Cona- potuad used clurirlg the month of May. will banish all the troubles that reg#u- Itarly contribute to "'rod feelings and i health. f yon are nervous, 4 , sleepless, have indigestion, lly.p(.psia, neuralgia, litetrt trouble. kidney or liver a1Yeetions, your doctor ur druge gist will, if asked promptly ativ'ise the using of Paine's Celery Comte un(,,, Discovered by a. Woman. Another .great ths('(every 118. Leel, tuade,and that too, by a laity inthis country. •• c Disr e fastened' it. elut- ebe:;upon her and for seven year. she withstood it', at yer+•rt 1.1."4.K, Lana her y'itatI organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. tkrte ntotatlis she coughed ine a eeantly, and could not sheet. She finally dlne.tye•r, ed a way to recovea'y, by purt•hasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's 'New 1)is- eove y: for l'ntlsmnption, a1111 was sat lunch relieved on taking; tint dose, that .ht'slept all night: told with twe bottle;, bas been absolutely cred. Hematite is 12. Luther Lute. Thus writes W. C. ll:iauaiek 4l Co.. of Shel- by, N. C. Sold by all Druggists at et) Netts its au11 ti1.110 Every bottle guar - indeed. ,:nlic rens Cry f ti,•' n Tx T N Glorious News cozies from Dr, D. B. Cargile, of Washita, 1. T. He writes: r." Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs, Brewer of Scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break, out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help, but her eure is complete and her health is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Eleotrie Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores, It stimulates liver,. Kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion builds up the strength: Only 50 cents. Sold by all Druggists, every bottle guaranteed. Children Cry for S T Killed His Wife. Greenwood, Ont., May 13.—A shock- ing tragedy was enacted stere about seven o'clock this morning. Frederick Wood quarrelled with his wife and famalilylaast spring, and as as result he Wa1S looked up in Whitby j,aii forthit e months, Since his release Wood has been wandering front place to place, the family refusing to admit }tuna to their home any more, He slept in the barn belonging to the house last night and this morning when the members of the family had gone to work, his Wife awl daughter being the nuly ones remaining, be entered, the house. Wood gave his watch to Itis (laughtez•, and ordered her out. He then shot his wife, one bullet taking effect in the abdomen and one in the hitt k. 1Ie then placed the revolver to his mouth and fired, kiling himself instantly, [Latter•,] -•-;Mos Wood suffered 111111scly till Sunday when she steel, Hon. A. S. Hardy has ret meted frtlt the south, where he went to zest after the seasiolt, Elias Baker,a sellout t eaeher, jumped suet of his bedroom window at Stevens- ville and broke his nook. Charles Dawson, foreman of the Kennedy & Downssewn) ill, neat' Chats ham, was killed Wednesday. The ('bluest• have again caused trou- ble iaa 1' (l\V Inion, and 2,111111 British troupe have gone to stippte.s the t•is- At Montreal Mrs. Departs rescued twit of lit•i' clinch en 11u111 a burning house. making a desperate 'melt through smoke arid fktnw with one under her arm. The fell exhausted when the childrei were in safety. Two ter'ri'fic' c'xrr ,l(l h)1t•. first of Chita '- ate. thea of a boiler, wrecked ICortza chelnieal works, St. Helens, Lance- shire, Friday. I'entr persons were killed and twenty injured. The dam- age is ;i7eKI,O00. John Place, 13 year: of age, while at work in Millen and Plotit's basket far- t ury. Stt)ney ('reek, Monday had his ciething caught in the shafting Of a revolving pulley. Ile was whirled 'arotulal mantis head dashed against at beam its the ceiling several, tones. Ills elothhng was torn from his body, and he eves probably fatally injured intern- ally before the machinery was, stopped. There is jw'60 Oornbinatio 40( v eiT -00666600(4666 -606C< of sim and% in our Reny f dive ess Iectric and Imperi 1 Detachable Tires. --N 120 other tire approaches anywhere near them, and that is the reason for the great demand for them. Blow -offs, split rims, creeping tires and punctured tubes are unknown to our tires. Covers can easily be re- paired by vulcanizing, and made as good as new. What other wire -held -on cover can be treated this way with success? Send us Your Address and we Will Mail You our Catalogue at Once. jor) RA TFORb ICWCLkE S''-' Co. 4�fJ -2M-ge t„ =====. r=. BRANTFORD, ONT. Limited. ti' 0.4 kiFf What is Castoria fts fel IDS:tuts and Children. Castoria is a . harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor °Mei. Nareotie substance. It Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions ions of IlIothers. Castoria,. destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarr'liaeaand Wind Cons, Castoria, relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria, assimilates the Food, regulates the Stosziach, and Dowels ofizif. vats and Children giving `t. , : z" 1, healthy and natural sleep, Castoria is the Children's lumeeaa-•The Mother's Friend.. Castoria. Castoria )s an excellent nt medicine for ttCaatori;4 is SO, rvs;ll adapted to children children. Mothers have repeateilty told me that t recommend it as superior to any pre. Pi' its good effect upon their children." aciription known to ane." 1*. G. O. OSseoa. Lu.aerr„,lass. It. A..:melon. ;}#. M ilo .704 or. ;17. r THE FAC—SMILE SIGNATURE F lata . Castoria, 1 1 APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. T i (UfTAMR C e,',A.CY TT Mtt 'aY S'Tit£CT• t4 8131 • (i SHEEP DIP AND U ANIMAL WASH, YORK CIVY. ?e's rti ' )' 15 highly ., e 1 l rah(, ht ep l 1}t i. the luts4 hig,laly Bunt a ii.t,ttt•(1 3111(1 all-ro►utd_ :atisfae'torynil) ill the market for oaring ...kin dim.a ea its Battle, and for destroying vermin, It is pow=t'rfnl Wit hunt being li:a•+ht, alit\ im- mediate in divot with Ito irritating results. Cute-. Sores. ilt'tti,e., v. ,. , tihcau't'ttt, lidag,uo2ir tl:,stgn•t'ttc, lfed l.i('r,.Sl:its \\'++rr,t>, and •.;'alt. It gnhekly ride. the animal of all vermin. \1r. (1. A. BrodietBethesda, Ott.. s:te: " 1 (d it with g t. et sueeess 10 eastra in; .bttb. the ,Bash belling the wound-. i'a•)itli: and keeping the maggots away. I shall never be witltuut it. II htctr'ilr reeutnlnenel it to faa'nters generally. or AtY Your tD ca lers, r,, PICKHARDT RE'1FREW CO, ',••'f; Stoirffvi /o Ont. ..r1.104 .. .. . _ .,.,.a.o,.4,.u.4 Jeklir+lScaflex'9 .Are.a'ec tt AligtaraAc.Rx>.1'leaik[anc.AleatIxzar.&ark. re..x.ylk Ate NDN,F Sa't'is"�'Cis '‘w 1-4t vi;e NJj3t YBr lir nr- r 'Plir The Red Bird -Best To -day and Good For Years, 4 ft Gentleman's punt Such as CriticaI Wheelmen boon HERE are sucha number of important '99 features in the handsome Red Special, Model 51, shown in the accompanying illustration. that riders of experience are almost unanimous in pronouncing it the most perfect bicycle ever offered for sale in Canada. • There is a new handle bar adjustment, a new seat post adjustment, new front and rear hubs, new front forks and new improved caged bearings. Every new feature was thoroughly tested and proven valuable before being adopted. Every wheel must pass the most careful ex- amination before being permitted to leave the factory. Quality is the watchword throughout the entire big factory at Brantford, and every workman has instructions to spare neither time nor labor in his endeavors to t urn out an absolutely perfect bicycle. The wheels at your nearest Red Bird Agency show how well. we succeed. THE OOOLD BiCYCLE CO., LIMITED, I. SMITH Agent, Exeter. 4t0 .L9r ,Rea�.cr73cbfksrl^rx ralkxittc Ittk2firr-afirczat aitx2f3•cm' Xr2L2et:Ter.yf.k.lk/!dr_4i