HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-5-11, Page 8VauertaTaanne01141000aTraGrageGABS PERSONAL. OiSALWW.100WAglaftlfWAMMA.A... . . • „ eaperine was lost on April 20th, mil 0. Lutzsalt, wee the guests of Mr. A. E. B,en- BlISIllra. Brightness Brills Succ^ss Caperine Lost. etreet. Finder will kindly leave same at Metropolitan Hotel. council Proceedings" ' • Use Dix Little Liver Pills. Sold by Mr. F. McDonald and wife, of Hess- e . C.:es:teal t9 as/Jase'44/414 We:4,17./r.e3 Arm 'broken. Council met porsuant to adjourn- meat at Town Hall, May 5. All pies - STATFOAD, 014T, Miss Katie, daughter of Mr. R. ent, Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Taylor—Evans, that the Council furuish six inch tile for a draie on Elizabeth street from Wins Dearing's to the creek north of Francis 0111, interested parties to draw tile and do excavating,—Carried. Evans accidentally fell yesterday pretests pm Ares young men and women (Weduetsday) and sustained a broken for etainess lite. 44 i our regent students axi, This is the third thne the same have 'warted good situations. Business men appreeiato oar work awl apply to us arm has been:broken hi a similar man- ner. Iclater new if yon an. Prospectus free. for our grrairt„iros. car WS J. pet weasels* Eincitt, Principal Having moved into the residence Muir, that the proposal of the Electric WOM'reeireaKes,vississesmeseeaaraes of Mrs. Isaac Bowden, William street, Light and Power 0o, to furnish water the undersigned wishes to announce for street watering meioses be laid LOCAI that she will do carpet weaving on the .1,:aecall.11:341,:aaatesestrueeeeeso J k • i '` 1 shortest notice audatreasouable prices, -, Miss A. Onnss Boats to Roue over for further consi erationaOarmed Taylor—Armstrong, tbat the consider- ation of tenders for wind mill be laid over until net. meetings—Carried. Evsa, t. (4, etCs. nett on Solidity. Mr. R. II. O'Neil and wife, of Lucan, spent m few days in town with friends during the week. Mrs. Wm. Routley and son Thomas, Lond,on Road, are both qttite ill and confined to their beds, Mr, W. H, Oke„ of Bryanstou, paid hIs old home in Usborue a flying visit on Monday and returned Taesday. Mr. M. Ellwood and wife, Of Hen - salt, spent Sunday in town, the guest of Mrs. Allan, who is at present very 111, Mis Geo, Easterbrook has returned home from Burlington, and is erectin Use -English Stoek Food g s. . The undersigned will kean—Tvlorhat WBissthe tone ivork of MrWmPenhale's Psaltry Powder. ep a number riew barn west of town. and Lutz's o - • - • • of first class Veasure boats on the tendee for :street waterlirs at .97. cents OLL( River or on t uquke, parkula grounds, per day, wing the lowest b' accepted, . The followieg Persons left here in on Monday morning for Rainy River ' West Hinsin Provincial Election for hire to picnics or t -,,,e t - providing any chancre 1 made xi - o es.ive e i „. , a he District:—:George and Warner Davis, trial coulee off next month. dividuale. For particulars apply per. • satire e of sduNp,opilay,_ofelst.rartieei;ithAi silelclisuttrtoetnegt Oscar Anderson and Semi Prouty, of En tithe, be null an Tay the AevovaTE for Wedding sonally, or by card e 'telephone, stationery. Latest designs. Grand Bend. —Muir, that the fence arouud the park Stephen. be removed and the same be thrown Mr. Walter Poele has returned home Mr. Wee Fint.11 shipped, a carload of Morgan Wood Cowin.% open to the public. Evans—Taylor, in from the Old Comity after a visit of six cattle to Toronto on Monday. The Rev.Mt rgau Wood, preacher, amendment that we do not throiv park months with his parents there. Ile The lace clause is being put in shape orator, lectirrer mad reformer, Will ap- open and the Street, CoMinisS1011or lie trIV 93.:+101:5,,C1Pera 01,1 r11- strueted to keep it mowed and proenre fksi. the esauine, revs Mee- -)ft Mr. P Frayne's house is beiug roofed 611.Y evell'ing. -4°rgan '"-(x)("s 11"' • f The reports Lavine- spent a pleasant time in the old sod: eats f ti use ( r n. o e ic. and eeni „senpheed lea June 1st. mittedle'e a peer among orators and is 'D 1 1 4,1 . oxeye eecetrea sae amenement carnet., 'one OP.' e ost nowerful and el(xpieut Division Come waR held here on s - 1- 11 • Evans—Muir, that the following 80 - Na kers in. Canada To miss nearnes Thursday, with Judge Masson pres ' ks counts be passed and orders drawn on Siding 'an will be to miss a treat. Miss Mabel 'Walters Lae accepted is Owner's of fruit trees.should bear in treasurer for sinne.—j. W. Creech, don't Spray the Blossoms, street watering, $10; Electric Light e; Power Coa account to :Vey 1st, .$76,33: iltltt*lt'llit.3„ii";srs. 131s11°P & Swil' 8 mind that lt is cam ontrarY to law to Jes Creeeb, part salary, $ea; Silas !'oaerk ' spreY fruit trees, while the blossom is Handfortl, labor, $1; Walter WeAvott, Me. Wm, Peubale, of Stepb4, is on the tree with any poisonous pre- labor, $1,25; Win, Phair, labor, $0.37; , ' c". , ' - n "")c; prom- partition. The bees in seareli of them haviu" a fine birn erected 0 R 1 iStiS a &aka' Wost at tO wn. nectar imbibe the concoction iutended The Chureh of Engleeed sundae. to kill the tree pests. Tile honey, 8"11°°1 Ainnt'l C"nvVittion will lie therefore, eanuot be wholesome, held in nsall en Ma., - a „ especially when pails green le fregn ent- lioss eo gr. w, G. Taa,ntes hits reek,h,,a the ly used III spraying. The statutes d contract fer strie ,i watering, provide a penalty of $1 to $5 for spray- er swine tiv. lowest m . 411.1,!.1. se N , ten- mg trees while in blossom, , ut N ell cents per de- ,.., = Queen Esther. • . • Preparations for a splendid perform - Mr. Tk.ae: Ilendford, of Centralia, hag IU wed into t he hmito i a, awe of this grat.inusiTI production ', "Ile( an continue. Alia; N. Devidson will sme 1:tee My Yaeated lay 31ra. 31anuing on the title role' " Es-th4"; :Malcolm I,..rix?- dreW greet. cent will impersonate Ahasuerne King Lisvuee Inepeetor Ballautyne, of Seeforth. was in town Thursday hist supplying the hotel keepers with their 149940 laeense Mr. Henry Trott. of Ann Arbor, Mieha rendered a Owlee solo, e The Holy City," in;1 Main-st. 3lethodist elitireh on Sinulay evening. "Rev, Dr. Pascoe will reside with hie daughter, 31v. Dr. Potts, in Ham- Hum,after the close of his pastorate lwre itt J mica"— Winghain Advance. of Persia; Haman, King's Connedlor and overseer of the realm, will be re- presented by Mr. .Shapton; Zeresh, Haman's wife, by Miss L. Gregory; :Mordecai, the Jew, nuele of Esther, Whom he reared., by Henry Trott; Hate bonab, Captain of Guard, by Wm, Ford. Other important perts will be announced latee, In About theca, weeks "Esther" will be ready for presenta- tion. Town Park. Oniatown park is fast becommg Vegetation is makitig very rapid stodeh forward. Tha indication pot -at pine of beauty, During the past few days Constable Creech has much to heavy erops of sinalI fruit, such as plums, itierree: aud berries. A heavy Pmeed its aPPfarallee 11-77 11 general trot wonld do inealculable damage. c.skneionNivngetilp,. Ur -riming tht.. trees, ad gag(d. execting wire It is a settled fact that the audience 1 for the Morgan Wood lecture Friday I.VVning., Will Ns a lame one and every detail will IL. looked after so as to give the greatest einufort to the patrons. 3.V. 0 onnel. Registration. ane - Carried. Muir—Armstrong, that the clerk interview the G.T.R. re drain at Victoria street outlet, —Carried. Tay- lor—Muir, that the Court of Revieion Of Assessment Roll be held. on June 2nd, at 730 pan.—Carried, Evans— Armstrong that the Council adjourn until May 10th, at 8 o'elock pale Cnr- Med, 0. H. Bissierr, clerk. RXeter School Board Minutes, Meeting held in the Town Hallelptil 26th, All present. The follswing is the order 9f linsiness duly eubmitted and epproyed, Per resolution inimites of previous ineetiogs Per J. Senior aud. R. N. Rowe. the following duly certified pre payments; F, North- eott, wood, $14.08; R. Athioema wood, $13.75. Per W. .1, Carling and W. Trevethiek, the following, accouuts: J. Knight, baskets, 80e, ; Bell Telephone Co. messages, .80c.; Miss Huston, sub - saute services $5.40. Per H. Huston - and J. Senior, the adoptiou of the In- spectors report as read. Per H. HuSs ton and R. N. Rowe, that the princi- pel andSupplies Committee be a cOin- mittee to secure the maps required. Per H. Huston and J. Senior, that -the Repairs and Grounds Committees be fence around it. Tito new fence will a joint committee to effect the repairs not take the- place of the old, one, but stiggested by the inspector. Per R. will be placed a few feet farther back, N. Rowe and H. Huston, that the thus to alio* .sufficieht space for a question of desks for the third class sidewalk on the east end and front of rooms be hem over for future consider - the park. The trees are making rapid alma Per II. Huston and W. J. Care growth, and in a very- short time - Our liug, that the Principal be vequested.to eitizens will be privilegva to make use secare reports 'from the assistautteach- of their shady bows, and spend their ers at the end of ea.ch week of all ab - leisure hours 1110.St.pl(oitiatitly there. sentees not properly ..excueral and that a list of sueh be supplied the Trnane officer for .enquirv forthwith; also that & special report be ftuedsb.ed by the principal to the ' board at end of each month Of all cases requiring fur- ther action. Per H. Huston tosd R. N. Rowe, that the furnaces be declared approved and draft for .amount, of con- tract paid on certificate of the spec- ial conniuttee to supervise the work. Per R. N. Rowe and, W. 3, Carling that the request Of the Orangemen for the use of the gronnds for the 12th of July next be granted On receipt of the written guarantee of the Exeter Lodge that they shall be felt as bound and to, the satisfaction of the grounds com- mittee and that the .Tenitor be in charge and receive from the Exeter Lodge satisfactory compensation for his services. Per J. ,Senior and W. J. Carling, that permission be given to the pupils to play lacrosse on the school grounds subject to the control and approval of the Principal. Per W. 3. Carling, adjournment . 3 Geticia, While Mrs. Philip Lang was house - Opening at her resiclence on Andrew envie, she aceidently fell from a step- ladder, and was seriously injured. She is supposed to have broken a rib. Miss Polly .Bawden, who has been 'visiting friends la Ridgetown, return- ed home last week, accompanied by Mrs. John Bawden, who ss -111 visit friends here for a short time. Dr. A. R. Kinsman returned on Mon- day to Sarnia where Ile will remain to attenl to the duties of his brother, Dr. H. F. Kinsman who is attendint.2,, to Itis military duties. He expects to re- turn to Exeter in about three weeks, Mr. John Gill reports having four cuoscr. Friends. potatoes \\bleh weighs four and a The Canadian Order Chosen Friends heir pounds. Considering the season which have made such rapid progress those are heavy specie. They were grown by his brother, Mr. jos. Gill, Grand Bold. Thirties shonld bear in Mind that it- 18 nelawful to vetch Week bass. We underst.and a large number have al- ready hen taken and unless a stop is put to it a few examples will be made of the law -breakers in the neat future. Now, a hint to the wise is sufficient. The Orangeville, Post has the follow- ing reference to a former resident of Exeter, Mr. A. J. 'Rollins,and the null he recently purchased at Cataract:— "The .Clatinsict flour mill here, which has been run during the past two years by Messrs. Deagle Bros., has been purchased by Mr. A. J. Rollins of Exeter, who takes possession at once. Mr. Rollins is an experienced miller and, hie removal here will be 'a (listinet and welcome gain to this sec- tion. Cataract has exceptionally fine water power, is surrounded by a fine farming country, is splendidly situat- ed for shipping facilities, and there is, therefore, no reason why an industry like a flour min should not be an un- qualified success. We understand that it is Mr. Rollins' intention to overhaul the mill at once, repairing where such is necessity) and placing new machinery where it is called for. As he is said. to be 'thoroughly up in the business, it, is likely that art era of success is about to dawn upon the mill and a boom in the latter means considerable attendant prosperity for the village itself. .The farmers about• will be glad to learn that a spirited enterprieing man like Mr. Rollins here during -the past few weeks through the efforts or Mr. Barnes Deputy Grand organizer, elected officers at their last regular meeting. Thirty 110W members have been added and with the following enthusiastic officers the prosperity of order is assured, viz;—P. C., Thos., Fitton; 0. C., Mrs. J. P. Ross; V. C., Mrs, Horace Treas., Rev. W. M. Martial Rec.,J. H. Grieve; Assist. Rec., Alex Tait; Prelate, Mrs. Quance; Mar., Robt. Dinney; Warden, Mrs. M. D. Thompson; organist, Mrs, W. johns; Century, F. G. Thompson; Guard, W. Balkwill. For Consideration. The Wright County Progress, pub- lished in Hartville, Mo., in advocating instruction in the cowmen schools, relating to the care of fire, explosives, live wh.es, gas jets, etc., says:—"A five minutes lesson, twelve times a year, on the care of gas jets, would every year, save 100 country people from asphyxiation in the city. Gas light- ing may pass out, but practical know- ledge on this subject would not be amiss, in any event" The suggestions thrown oat by oar yankee friend are indeed worthy of general consideration Timely knowledge of such facts would indeed save many a person from an untimely end. It cannot be denied that ignorance of this subject costs the comity the lives of thousands yearly, and the only remedy would be to remove the ignoranc by a few min- utes tuition—if only once a week—and life would be that much safer. Death of Isaac Bowden. The many friends here a Mr. Isaac is about to take charge of the mill, aBawden were much surprised to learn it means prompt and satisfactorys of his death which sad event occurred gristing at their own door and the at Strathroy, on Sunday last, in the highest prevailing prices for their 81st year of his age. The deceased has grain. Mr. Rollins has our very best been in failing health for several years, wishes for success in his investment." but a severe attack of la grippe last .1., Parkhill ; Mr, II. Ellis' 7 -year-old, Roderiek, had his aret broken a few days ago by falling from a fence, which was only three or four feet in height. Goderich: Fridav, Frenkle, eldest son of Mr, and gra bI. 3. Pridasn, passed, perteefully away after a long illness, at the youthful, age of 0 years and 10 months, Moray; The many friends of Mr. Rodger Gilbert deeply regret his serious illness from cancer of the chin tied throat His waked attendants here, and specialists whom be consult- ed at Loodon, him that he remelt be mired owingto the locatiou of the Malady, as the roots are growing into his mouth, between bis teeth and down the glands of his throats Clinton: A sad aceident beret Mr. William Gibbings, of town, on Friday. He was building a milk stand when he slipped and fell to the ground and al- though the distance was only about six feet the 584(1011 eon tact with moth- er earth dislocated his thumb and broke three ribs. At seventy years or age he will feel the after results more than he would have a few years ago. Varea: On Tuesday the alarm of fire was beard, and it was discovered that Mr. Thos. 'Ward's chickory kiln was on lire. Very soon the entire vil- lage had turned oat, and with it boun- tiful supply of water the fire- Was every soon wider control. The origin of the fire is a IflySteit, as there had been no fire 011 the premises since before Christ - 11105. It was insured in the McKillop Mutual. Ansa Craig: The hand of death has, again visited our village end called another esteemed and loved one to Him in the person of Carrie H. eldest daughter of Alexander Anderson, at the age of 22 years and 7 months. Deceased had not en toyed robust health for some time and it was not until the after effects of la grippe that her friends became alarmed. From that time she continued to sink until Monday morning she entered into that region whence no traveller ever returns. She was a Member of the Baptist Church choir for SOille tine and was well esteemed. by everyone. The funeral on Wednesday to Dun- crief cemetery was largely Attended. Mr. Bawden, of Lucan, spentFriday in town. R. E. Pickard spent Monday ittLon- on business. Fred Davidson, of Lucan, spent Fri- day in. town. Barton Hooper, of Zurich, spent Suncla,y in town. Dr. D. A. Anderson -wheeled to Mitchell on Sunday. Mr. Gilbert,of London tp., spentSat- orday here on business. Harry Chesney, of Seaforth, spent Friday with friends in town. • Mr. T. B. Carling is attending con- ference at Toronto this week. Use Native Herb Tea for spring winter had a telling effect in s orten- medicine. Sold by C. Lutz. ing his days and he has never been the same since. A few weeks ago he, ac - Seeds companied by his wife, came to visit The Steel Briggs Co., mangel and friends here and also in Blyth, think - turnip seed. It pays to buy the best. ing the change would probably do him For sale at Stewart's Big Cash Store. good, but his condition clidnot seem to Always Buy the Best Seeds. improve and. shortly after returning The Steel Briggs Co. Mammoth home took his bed to rise no more and Long Red, Giant Yellow, intermediate succumbed peacefullyand almost inl- and. Golden Fleshed Tankard raa,ngel perceptibly to the deead destroyer at seed has no equal. For sale at Stew- the time above stated, -neuralgia, of the art's Big Cash Store. heart being the immediate cause of death. Deceased was born in North Morgan Wood. Moulton, Devonshire, England, in the Morgan Wood, the noted preacher, year 1819 and came here with his orator and lecturer is secured. for an wife and family in 1864, renting the evening here, and will appear at Gid- farm in Iisborne now occupied by Mr. ley's Opera House, Friday next. Plan Jaines Handforcl, London Road, where open at Grieve's tailor shop, 8 a.m., they resided for three years. Farm Thursday. life not agreeing with him he moved Beef Cattle are Dear. to Exeter, but shortly after coming In some parts of the province there here -1869 —he was bereaft of his wife, is something of a cattle famine. Gen- and in 1872 he again married,taking as erally beef cattle are scarce, and Mr. his partner, Mrs. Hurd. They con - T. W. Hodson, secretary of the Live tinued to reside here until about four Stock Association said recently that years ago when they moved to Strath - lie would not be surprised to see the roy and resided there since. He was a price of meat rise. Asked as to the most devout Christian, being a mem- cause. Mr. Hodson gave it as his opin- her of the Methodist church, and a ion that the large number of cattle Conservative in politics. He leaves shipped into the 'United States since to mourn his demise a wife and a the quarantine regulation had been grown -ins family of five—three sons removed, was responsible to a great and two daughters. His remains were extent. He did not, however, look for brought here by train on Tuesday and a cattle famine for a while yet, and conveyed to the residenee 91' Mr. Peter ventured the opinion that when farm- Bawden, from where the funeral took ers found they could raise more fish place the same day, at 2 o'clock. We for food in one acre of a fish pond than noticed among those from it distance they could in 10 acres of land, they Mr. Mid Mrs. Herrington, of Blyth would have fishponds. , Mrs. Thos. Snell, Brucefield, spent Sunday with friends in town. Dr. L. L. Follick, of St. Marys, spent Sunday visiting his parents 'here. Miss Ella Lamport, of Crediton, spent Tuesday with friends in town. L. H. Dickson, Barrister, spent Wednesday Goderich on businees. Miss Abbott, of Centralia, is the guest of Mr. Samuel Davis this week. Ex. Alderman Heaman, of London, spent Wednesday in town on busi- ness. Miss Clara Boyle, of Centralia, is spending a few days visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Abell, of Sea - forth, were guests at Mr. Powell's Sunday. Mr. 3. M. Stogclill moved his family and household effects to Seaforth on Monday. Mr. Wm. Brown is at present very low and the end is expected at any moment. Mrs. Jno. Harness is still very low, and there is but slight hopes for her recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moir, of St. Marys, are visiting friends in Hay township. Mr. A. Dempsey left Monday for Modesto Cal., where he intends resid- ing for a time. 4/,',01--44•••=3"6 arKaztgarAr ,str-414-10- .Teas&-ii!!=.4" • see. CAM- CASH OR PRODUCE. >.+< ONE PRICE ONLY. • Specials for . House-cleaning Time Lace Curtains, very special prices, Ohenelle and Tapestry Curtains - 30c., '40c., 50e., 75c., $L00, $1.10, Chenelle curtains .V.75, 3.75, 3,00, $1.*'5, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.75, lli3.00, and 4.50; Tapestry ctirtitins $2.75, $3.50. Our $1,501ine is very special, 3„.75, 4.50 and 5.50, regular $2.00 curtains. . $1.00; Tapestry $1.00, $1.25, $1-50; and 50c. ihe yard, Table Covers—Ohenelle, 25e, and windows, very d2o5ocifs, 4a0ned. Felt Covers $1.50, $1.75, $2.25; ... Wool Covers 75c., $1,00, $1.25, Window Blinds—the iergest as- plcaitleu,:t11Zirt,P4t., Eit0°ee.,k8OZ.i5:inlenic-i ,f)33°1,11:Patect.e;40111,, „,111reda(81,1,1)1510egl :5°00e...: ' sortment we have ever sliown. ony.v. trinnued; $1.00. _ 80c. and SUR). 3,AfilidS to choose Carpets—Heavy Stock. Hemps from. 12,e., 16e, 20e. and 25e.; Unions 25e., 30t.., 321.c. 35e., 40c,, 45c, and 50o.; Art Xuslins—our stock complete, All Woo'ls 55e„ Me. mei 35e.; . Speeial lines at 10e„ 124e., and ltc„ Tapestries .12e., 50c., 60e. and 750, ; Spot Mueliernind Curtain Nets, 10c., / 15e., 16c, 17e. and 20e. s Brussels 85e. end $1.00. — We ehow the .largest stork of Wall Papers in the coimesseebezip' 11 medium and higlagrade Impel's. Our stock teimprises 133 patterns' Job lino of Gilts, regular privy 20c., re(Inced to Se. Special line- of Toilet Setts, ten pieces, gold stippled, regular value $3,50 --Special Price $2.05. - ' i "'"---J ili STEWAIIT 0 .2, o a. • 4 stor,, elo .4e 0:30 pan., except 'Weilnegclay and Saturday', i mar1,4.7.,-Vr3,7"21;:r7Vrlirliigrxtr le. Ltc,IX"-W N..skr-z&-r-oilT aieverai-REPAn3 13ARGAIv.s For 30 Days Only. , Now is the time to get your bicycle put in good order for the season. No. I:—Bor $1 I will clean, oil and adjust all the bearings. No.2.—For $2 I will clean, oil and adjust all bearings, polish all nic.keled parts, and brighten frame and forks. No. S.—Por *4.501 will clean, oil, adjust, enamel the frame and fork black or maroon and polish nickel parts. No. 4.—For *61 will Mean, oil, adjust, en- amel black or maroon, true both wheels, true frame, forks and cranks, repair tires if worth repairing, and polish nickel parts. No. 5.—For $8 I will clean, oil, adjust, en- amel black or maroon, true both wheels, true frame,.forks and cranks, repair tires if worth repairing, nickel -plate all parts ex- cept spokes and hubs. No. (1 -For $10 I will clean, oil, adjust, en- amel black or maroon, true both. wheels. true frame, forks and cranks, repair tires as above, nickel all parts, put all new spokes in both wheels. Eratitford Bicycle Par Sale, $40 only. All kinds of Supplies on hand. Mr. F. H. Lutz end H. P. Ross, who have been attending the Toronto University, .have , returned home to and Mr. Geo. Herd, of Strathroy. spend the summer vacation. ' • tr.X*)*;Ari4LI.6' ISRAEL SMITH. THE - Exeter. Turf,. Club SPRI MAY 24th, 18997 —PROGRA3E- 2:20 Trot or Pace 2:30 Trot or Pace 3:00 Trot or Pace Running, Open Dn. ROLLINS,, Pres. atesseeeTaVellnIZSMB • • fAr.".,ViVi', ' , . A WORD V). e' „ about the Mel -waled lle„, e b/W, E. Sanford's Clothing 611 ./ 47/ "We have here one of the largest ei6 Readseto-wear Clothing stores in any ', 0„ee A -r town in Canada. Mere bigness is not an oec, / advantage hi everything In Clothing, as in Dress Goods, Millinery and Boots & Shoee, when you ' bny a snit you want to have the largest resources at your ,. command, yon want to be sure you will not mise anything You want to see. `There is nothing good in clothing you can't get here. There are many styles you eannot get anywhere else. Besides an assortment of regular goods, wo have many exclusive lines, We alone van 5011 ymn aud, added to all other advantages of resources, ex. perience and skill, we believe their is no other store Which has ability and motive to sell as Cheaply AS we; and. jtelgi»g from our elothing sales, we ;we doingour work well. E. J. SPACKMAIII/ Headquarters for W. E. Sanford's Ready-to-wear Clothing. d/1"8In 1PORIr10gtiTiOCNO."',. ... - - $225 $200 - - $175 - $125 A. E. TENNANT, Sec'y. EXTENSION 01? BUSIIESS. OMMON SENSE °MUNN that you should call and the Rues of EiliEEZ02.11-0:21MemurericEr 11.1.T....1.101•1111.1%. rocamq...1.4 'nu MILIPEO Dress We it tbe 001 warren I izes, shrin 42 Inc regular 50 int Mere SC 0111' pric 46 Inc our prit 44- Inc 30c., mu im wool, :It Fancs and fart 42 Inc black a worth 7 Plain warren 4141)0 est g(101 oth Lace ...\1100 just err tion on low mit Fine, 3 " 3S , • 3!"i 2 yds. 31 N FOR FIRST-CLASS BEEF, LAMB, PORK,. SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, inspect PRESSED TONGUE, CORNED BEEF; SALT, GENT'S FURN/SHINGS FRESH OR SMOKED ATEA.TS, that we have placetl in our stele,. ' You will find in this new stoek I Call at Quality and Price.... The Family Butcher Shop. One door North of R. Pickard's store. to suit you. J.1 eying purchased the Exeter mill, we are now prepared to do general gristing and chopping , Flour at Reduced Prices ALL KINDS OF GRAIN BOUGHT. FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL This is what we always accomplish when we make a suit for you. Grain delivered at gest elevator paid for at Mill office. FLI9L1R FIND FEED delivered to all paste Of toivii free of -Seed Wheat, Oats, Peas and Barley for sale at Pirst Elevator. COBBI4E14C1C & WILLIAMSr._ r erms Reasonable Prices that Please. Bert. Knight. SOLE LEATEIER We wish to impress on the minds of everybody that we don't sell sole Leather, neither do -we sell meat as tough as sole leather. OUR MEATS cam> Are, of the very best quality, Try our big brown Sirloin Roast. It is as toothsome and appetizin,,,, as the famous peacock's roagb of Ringly times. 'We know how to fix it up all nice tor the oven. Try us once, You'll try us twice; You'll find our meats. Are choice and nice. John Manning. Snell's,aar COMMERCIAL LIVERY. LOUIS DAY Proprietor. THE Inn 114 of 311 EPS. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at llawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable, Christie's old Stand will receive prompt at, tuition. . • . • . • _ Coneetion just at present the object of ettraction to the people of Exeter and surroaNds -ing cOuntay is • • OUR GREAT LINE -8— —OF— FURNITURE TO see is to examine and to examine our stock is to buy. Prices are so astounding -when the . . „quality is considered... ft. Tsl. 1OWE. The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament 1855.) , $2,000;000. . Rest Fund 1,500,000, Haad office Montreal' WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., Ganennaa MANAGER, Money aclyanced to good Farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers', att per cent. ner 5888311 . —EXETER BRANCH— Opon every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturdays IOem to 1 p.m. A general banking business transacted. CURRENT BATES allowed for m oney on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 8%. ' Paid up Capital DICRSON & CARLIN(/' N. D. 1I811805; Solicitors. manager Rem, This MONE We ha vastniei lowest r FA The ut sale che, Mone3 Barriste 0"11. Notics Revisio To wnsli ting for Credito of ten Creclitv .01•1•11i1M. Ti not a glass, propc of un our o