HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-5-11, Page 6rsi eir PlePer is walarly w111.pleaaee notify as aepace. wily at this office for advertising rates,. TRE EXETER ADVOCATE. TILURSDAY, MAX 11, 1699,. Notes of Industry, China exporttt MO a fans annually, Inert furnaces with a capacity of 4,000,000 tons ann,.aily are idle beususe they are out Id date. The value of the annual production of she earth has been tabulated at $10,000,•. 3100,000.. There are said to be sold about 25,000,000 pes toilers in, the LFnited States and Canada each year. The lightest tubing ever make is a nickel aluminum, Three thousand feet of this tubing weighs only one pound, Experiments have been made with glass ss as substitute for ]petal bearings. The result is greatly re 'uced friction, If all the lands suet:able for the cultiva- Sion of sugar cane were utilized, in Cuba. theisland could produce enough sugar for the entire western hemisphere, An experiment in storing eggs was re - gently tried at Leith, where some 60,000 Scotch, Irish and Danish eggs were sealed In an apparatus for four months, after which only a small proportion of thein, were found addled, Tile air In the store cooled and allowed, to circulate freely ound the eggs, which are turned period. - :ally to keep the yolk surrounded with albumen. This is done by mechanism, There never wits, and never will be, a universal panaceit, in one remedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir --.the very nature of many curatives being such that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient=what would relieve one ill In turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, hu Quinine Wine, wbeu obtainable in a sound unadulterated gate, a remedy for many and gre vious ills. y its gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convalescence and Strength, by the influence which Quo gine exerts on Na ture's own restoratives. itrelIe es tilealrocpin4sspirits of those with wbotn a chronic state of morbid des - pendency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,, disposes to sound and refreshing sleep— Imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, courses through. out the veins, strengthenuig the healthy animal functions of the system, tbereby 'making activity a necessary result, strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand increased substance—result, im- proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection off. any in the market. All druggists sell it. Quality Snort deed to Site. Too touch attention is being given to .sizo of fruit, Strawberries aro grown of mammoth size, and every year some new variety is brought out, for which it is claimed that it "excels all others in size." In the meantime there is a sacrifice of flavor and quality. Fruit growers who ship strawberries to market prefer a va- riety that will stand shipment well, but for home use it should bo the object to grow the varieties of the best quality, making size secondary, But few garieties equal the flavor of the wild kinds, which aro small as a rule. lGinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Character in Lip. The old popular notion that thin and delicately formed lips indicate more spirit- uality and elevation of character than do -thick, coarse lips is rontrovorted in the Paris Bulletin of Anthropology by Dr. A. Bloch, who says he has made a thorough -study of the subject of lips from a scien- tiflc standpoint. The popular impression, he avers, is based on imagination, and the differences in human lips depend on race distinctions, as do the differences in the size and shape of noses. If your every -day duties are a burden, It is because you are nor welt, Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills will correct this condi- tion. The Power of Vaccinatloa. Victor and Harry were sliding down hill together when the sled tipped over and both fell off. Victor went to mamma crying, but Harry was not hurt. "How lid it happen, Harry," asked mamma, "that Victor was hurt so much worse than you were?" "I don't know," answered arry, "unless it's because I'ye been vier =einated." Health for the children. Miller's Worm Powders, An Unsolved Question. The energy of the discharge of a 13 -inch gun loaded with smokeless powder is equal to the energy of nine 40 -ton loco- motives running at the rate of a mild a minute and one 20 -ton locomotive running at the same speed thrown in. No battlo- ahip has yet received the shock of such a blow. What bolts will draw, what plates will warp, what leaks will develop when it occurs can but be conjectured. Miller's Worm Powders make the children healthy. In Westminster Abbey 1,173 persons have been buried.. He Has Tried In—Mr. John Anderson Kinloss, writes: "I venture to say few, if any, have received greater benefit from the use of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, than I have. I have used it regularly for over ten years, and have recommeuded it to all sufferers I knew of, and they also ,found it of great virtue in cases of severe 3ronchitis and incipient consumption," • Notting of Birds. Along the Adriatic Sea swallow and other migratory birds are caught every year by the hundreds of thousands and , eaten by the Italians, who spread nets in which as many as 300 to 600 of the tired -birds are caught at once. Miller's Worm Powders cure fits he children. Himself No Thief. "The min falls upon the just and the unjust, but the unjust generally have the. umbrellas," said Pudd'nhea d Wilson's sties boy. Nis Plus Uatre, She—lie's old 'enough to be her lather, He—Yes; there's no fool .like an old ,'scsel who marries a youngfedi FASHION HINTS. Lovely Since For the Up to Date Wo. mnu'e weer. It would seem that the silken fabrics produced during the winter could not be surpassed for beauty, but certainly some of those just prepared for use appear to excel them. Upon white or delicately tinted grounds of moire antique or of grog, grain with a woven, self colored figure are thrown printed designs of a chine. character of the most exquisite coloring and composition. The designs are floral and seem to be melting lute the fabric, so delicate is their coloring. Although the flowers themselves are not very large, they appear in large groups or garlands, some- times forming a vague stripe, Of course gowns of such elaborately decorated fabrics require hardly any trimming, as erne - Mentation would obscure the pattern. They are perfectly out and fitted and are ,made preferably In the princess style, that fashion allowing the largest unbroken surface of goods. The usual navy, or Yale blue silk 'with white designs is seen in more profusion than ever this year. Ieltas been worn for SILK PETTICOAT. many summers, and, being very service- able and generally beeoming, it seems to enjoy a permanont vogue. The designs. are chiefly of an arbitrary character this time—broken lines, curves and geomet- rical suggestions, placed close enough to- gether so that the ground is well covered. 1 The picture illustrates a petticoat of pink and white brocho silk- It has a deep flounce of white surah, ornamented with lace insertions and ruffle and groups of small tucks. The corset is of pink satin, I and the corset cover is a little sleeveless bolero of pink snrah, trimmed with lace and insertion and tied in a knot in front. JVDla CitomXT. SPRING GOWNS. New Developments Fee the Cominw Season, A new fancy for covering gowns Is the employment of black net over white silk or satin. The net is usually embroidered, and sometimes several thicknesses of mousseline do solo of different shades are interposed between the silk and the tulle or not to give a changeable effect. These rainbow tints are peculiarly attractive un- der flounces of black chantilly. 1 Largo flowers aro now worn in the hair with evening dress and are placed at each side of the coil of hair, high up or above each ear, in the old fashioned style Ca- mollies, roses, dahlias, even peonies, are ° thus used. The Louis Quinzo coat is a charming garment and is favored for small dinners, receptions and teas. It need not bo of the same material as the skirt, although the two should harmonize. The vest, over which it opens, is of different color, and both coat and vest are often embroidered. The revers are small. A cravat of lace or mousseline de soio and wrist frills of equal delicacy are essential accompaniments. Blouses aro not well represented among spring styles, the close fitting, pointed bodice coming to the front once more in most costumes. The bolero, which had fallen into the background more or less, is again in evidence, many cloth costumes BENGALINE GOWN. being completed by a bolero of velvet of a darker tone. It comes down to tbo waist line and opens in front to chow a yoke or plastron. The illustration shows a costume of red bengaline. The skirt has two circular flouncestrimmed with bands of black satin. The pointed bodice is ornamented with black embroidery and has revers of black satin, which open over a cravat and jabot of embroidered' white tulle. The close sleeves have bands of black satin at the top and wrist. The round hat of Week straw is decorated with a long black plume, a bow of red satin and a geld buckle Jvmia Caolfs'c. A SECTION CUi�EYAN�TWINS MURDERED BY LAW. according to African Superstition Their His Life One of Exposure and Much Hardship. Rheumatism and ifindre4 Trouble. the aN'regttatst Result-Qne Who Mas Been s Great Sufferer Spatulasfor the Benefit •f Others. From the Watobman, Lindsay, Ont. Win, McKendry, a gentleman. 52 years of age, has for 28. years been a respected resident: of Penelon Falls, Out. For 22 years he has Reid the position of section foreman for the G,T.R., which position he fills to -day, and judging from his present robust appearance will be tapable of do- ing so for many years to conte. During bis residence at Fenelon Falls Mr. Mc- iiendry has taken an active part in educa- tional matters, being an efUeient member of the school board on different occasions, Many times he bas been nominated for councillor, but owing to the position he held with an outside corporation felt it hi, duty to withdraw, although much against the wishes of the representative ratepayers. As the public well know, the duties devolving on a railway section fore- man expose him to all kinds of inclement weather, and ie takes a man with a strong constitution to sueeessfully fill the post. Oen, 4r. MoKendry had no illness until about three y. ars ago, when, to use pia own worms he says; -'--"I was taken down with severe rheumatic pains in the right knee and the muscles of the leg. I could not sleep or rest night or day. I could not begin to tell you what I suffered, I took many remedies, both internal and ex- ternal, prescribed by doctors and friends, but instead of improving I was steadily going from badto worse. One day while reading the Pr. sbyteriau Review I read of a cure through. the Bee of Dr. Williams' Pink Pi11S, in the case of a man who bad not been expeoted to recover, and this prompted pie to give this medicine a trial. 'I he action in my ease did not scene to be speedy, and I was using my fifth box before any decided improvement was noted, hue by the time I had used eight boxes I was a thoroughly well man, Since that time my general health has been the very best and I have no signs of the old trouble, I make this statement *Jun. tartly, because I think it the duty of those cured to put others in possession of the means of obtaining renewed health, and I am satisfied Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do ail that is entailed for them if given a trial." Theseills cure re n at by purging the system es do ordinary medicines, but by enriehing the blood and strengthening the nerves. 'they cure rheumatism, sciatica, Locomotor at:tvia, paralysis, heart troubles, erysipelas and all forms of weakness. Ladies will find them an unrivalled medi- cine for all ailments peculiar to tho sex, restoring health and vigor and bringing a rosy glow to pale and sallow ohoeka, There is mother medicine "just as good." Seo that the full name, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People, is on every package you buy. If your dealer does not have them they will be sent post paid at 60 cents a box, or six boxes for µ3.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookyille, Ont., or Sohonuotluly, New York. Egan Canada. Remove the skins of two fresh tomatoes by steaming. Take out tbo seed by cute ting a slice off the top and pour the con tents of an egg (raw) into each tomato. Mask with cream sauce, replace the slice out off to remove the recd, and then cook slowly for ton minutes in a buttered saucce .pan. Surround with Maderia sauce on a hot plate. There are cases of consumption so far advanced that Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup will not cure, but none so bad that it will not give relief. For coughs, colds and all affections of the throat, lungs and chest, it is a specific which has never been known to fail. It promotes a free and easy expectoration, thereby removing the phlegm, an gives the diseased parts a chance to heal, Waiting for a Report. "We have a new preacher," said Clari- ons. "How do you like him?" asked Quericns. "I can't say; my wife hasn't inet his rife yet." A new back for 50 cents. Tiller's Kidney Pills and Plaster. Mrs. Orljaw—They say you can hear bettor when your mouth is open, John.' Mr. Orljaw—Then yeti ought to hear pretty well everything. tihat's going on. A Fameu. Drummer. Probably the most remarkable drummer who has over lived was Jean Henri, the famous tambour major of Emperor Na- poleon. One of his feats was to play upon fifteen different toned drums ab the same time in so soft and harmonious a manner that, instead of the deafening uproar that might have been expected, the effect was that of a novel and complete instrument. In playing he passed from one drum to the other with such wonderful quickness that the oyes of the spectators could hardly follow the movement of his hands and body. Miniird's Liniment for sale everywhere. Books in the British etusautn. Dr. Richard Ga• -nett, the keeper of printed books in the British M.usenm, says there are about 2,000,000 hooks in the museum. The catalogue, whieh is not ail printed, used to consist of 3,000 columns. When itis all printed, however, it is hoped to condense .1t to 1,000. About $20,000 Is annually spent on the compilation of the catalogue alone. Just the Thing That's Wanted.—A pill that acts upon the stomach and yet is so compounded that certain ingredients. of it preserve their power to act upon the in- testinal canals, so as to clear them of ex- creta, the reteution of which cannot but be hurtful, was long looked for by the medical profession. It was found in Par. melee's Vegetable Pills, which are the result of m i h expert study, and are scientifically prepared a,i .a laxative and an alterative in oue. A Substitute for Lumber. The latest in the building line is the aluminium hut for Klondike miners. When packed for carriage it weighs 110 pounds. It Is composed of four sides and a roof of thin sheets of aluminium, and when put up it oontains 190 alibi* feet. Isirtlt Proves Witchcraft. Miss Slessor of the united Presbyterian Mission at Old Calabar was a passenger on the Elder -Dempster Liner Oron, 'which left Liverpool recently, and had with her four black children whose cases reveal a painful part of West African history, Miss Siesecte has now worked for 22 years in Old. Calabar. Tbe.ehildren are aged, respectively, 2, 3, 5 and 16. ears, and each, is one of twins appointed at one time to die, in accordance with a super- stitious custom prevailing in the Niger Coast Protectorate, In the course of an interview Miss • Slessor said that all twins born were, i according to the native laws, to be put immediately to death, and it is only - those who have been rescued by the mis- sionaries and placed beyond the reach of the native power who bave so far escaped, The obildren in the Oren were four of these. Altogether, Miss Slessor has herself saved the lives of 51 twins. When 'the twins are born they are at 1 once taken from the mother,and, if no one interferes, they aro rakenby the feet and bead and bave their backs broken across a native woman's knee, in the same way as one would break a stick, The bodies are then placed in an earthen- ware receptacle and taken to the bosh, where they are devoured by the flies, in- sects or animals. Sometimes the little victims are put in these receptacles alive, and are viten eaten alive in the same way.. Tbo mother becomes an outcast, If she does not at once take her own life, rile has to flee to tbo bush. If she ventures near the town or village, she must see that she does not remain in the path when any other native is coining. Her presence. according to the superstition, would defile the place for others, She must not drink from the some spring, must not touch anything even belonging to her awu relatives, and there is little cause for wonder that she takes away her lffe, which has become a living death, Bliss Slessor is accompanied on the Oron by Niel McIntosh, and together they aro going to establish a home for these native twins. The natives' supersti- tion is that the birth of twins is the re- sult of witeheraft and deviltry. Formerly the h mo as we e ter, well as the children, ren, was put to death, Tine intervention of the white missionaries and traders saved bee life. Miss Slessor said; "It is really Im- possible to at once put an end to the horrible native customs, There could bo no better governors than we have at pres- ant. Sir Ralpn Moor and Sir Claude Macdonald have helped ns all they can. We don't want them to kill the natives to make them abolish the shocking practice. We hope by saving the children and bringing them up like other children to show the natives that they are wrong in their bofief. It is their religious belief that makes thein kill their children." A Joke on ltlpling. There is ono betel in Rottingdean, the White Horse by name, and it is kept by an old fellow named Welfare. Rudyard Kipling frequently passed his evenings with Welfare, and together they smoked and hammered politics. Now, Welfare was a strong Radical, and Mr. Kipling, as is Well known, is an advanced Im- perialist. One can imagine, therefore, that those wore spirited meetings, In a while Mr. Welfare fell 111. Mr. Kipling raided just as usual, and be would sit by the bedside and talk. As before, they bolted politics and talked crosswise and fiung their lances, Now, it wee the prac- tice of the doctor to call quite late and take his patient's temperature, and ho always wondered to find hien. in what should have been the quietest hour of the day, heated and peeturbesT. Ihl- went on for several days—the doctor wondering, Mr. Kipling arguing, and Mr. Welfare igniting—until the maids lot out the secret of the nightly discussion. Then the surgeon came to the writer's house. "Mr. Kipling," said ho, "you must call no more at the White Horse." "Why not?" said Kipling. "Because," said the doctor, "you are, killing the landlord. On Monday when , you had gone his temperature increased seven degrees. Tuesday it increased eight, and last night when I called it bad gone up nine. At this rate you'll &urn the house down." The Erring dem An egg that had lain in its nest for a whole day with nothing to do, said to its mother: 'Mother, I am tired of staying here idle. The city Is the mace for an aspiring young ovoid like myself, and I mean to ro there. In the city ono can see something and be something, but here I am only referred to as 'that fresh young egg. • „ And the mother hen sighed and said: "My child, let well enough alone. I have heard of the temptations that beset one in a great city. The bloom of innocence is soon rubbed from a young egg and the end is ruination. Stay here and be hatohed and when you aro a chicken if you are luol,-y enough to escape my feet in the first week of your existence you will find that the country is a lovely place in which to live." But the young egg was obstinate, and that night, together with some other eggs as fresh as itself, it went to the city. And for a few days it was as happy and virtuous as could bo desired, but in the course of a few weeks it fell in with some loose eggs that lay around a corner grocery, and at last, as its mother had feared, the egg became bad and that was the end of it. Moral—Tho city is no place for fresh eggs—Criterion. we Odors. The London Chronicle tells this story of Father Stanton, the well-known Lon- don ritualist: Chancing to enter into conversation with a visitor to St. Albans', Holborn, who had attended the service for the first time, Mr. Stanton asked him what be thought of the servioo. Tho stranger re- plied that he liked it all very well except the incense, to the use of which he strongly objected. "I am very sorry for you. my friend," said Mr. Stanton. The other, not unnaturally, asked, "Why?" "Well, you see," said Mr. Stanton, "there are only two odors in the next world— incense and brimstone—and you'll have to choose between them." Invisible Building. Life Is a building. It rises slowly, day by day, through the years. Every new lesson we learn lays a block on the edifice which is rising silently within us. Every experience, every touch ofanother life on ours, eyelet, Influence that impresses us, every book we read, every oonversatlon we have, every cwt of our oommoneet days, nods something to the invisible 1luildtug, Ask any clisinterwed rifer about it and see what he says, Dendron M'f'g Co., Limited TORONTO, Ol\T. 214* NJ AT 10 NJ A L THE P -os,i�.�� FERNW RESUSCITATES worn out Lands, IMPROVES Good Lands and makes the Best Lands BETTER. IMPROVES the QUALITY or the Crop and increases the QUANTITY. ''AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY DISTRICT IN CANADA. NATIONAL FARMERS CO/Y, TORONTO, ONT. .ar .Vipond & Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Correspondence Solicited. Advances Made on Consignments. MONTREAL. iVIernber of the t1'a rker Standard Minn ExChal1gP., 12 Adelaide :A. T., TORONTO. ALL STANDARD BRITISH COLU1iBIA, ONTARIO min anpunLIC STOOK* DEALT IN ON COM eIISsION. 1 am offering some attractive m ,noy making etoc ks Jnr, now. It will pay yon to keep in tototh with me. CODES; Bell ford Malden re, C.)onglfs, 10oreing daie aids. Silk is considered unclean by the Mo- hammedans because iii is the product of a worm. Persiatic Sheep and shAnimal Dip Wa The only remedy that wltt positively Cure Scab In Shrrp. It destroys the patches of living bac- teria, relieves the pal t and Irritatton, heals the sores. and mikes the skin who e end sound. PERSIATIO SI1EEI' DIP is tnvalneblo for reeeving the animal of all vermin, flea., lice, ticks insects, eke., and for the cure of all s.tin diseases. Do ant be nut off with an inferior ar!ielc—ret the hes . PERSIATIC SHEEP DIP 1s the most highly medicated and reliable 1) p In the market. At your dealcra or direo. from us. The Pickhardt Renfrew Co., (t IMITED) Box A. Stouffvillo, Ont. PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS The B, -.t Made. send for Cataloger. COCKSUUUTT PLOW CO., I01CANTFO1tD. LCAS, STEELE & BR!STOI, L.S. & TeCotrees sarcomas or OSOOe0IES.]..s„�,' 11. Extract Write ns. HAMILTON. L.S. L 11. spices BINDER TWINE AND ROPE. ONTARIO BINDER TWINE CO.. 113 1Jnlou Station Arcade. Toronto. r � PERSON 1; o cano I I maklie a g�living selling o 0 r SILVERWARE. Profits to n;0:1.8 are guaranteed to exceed 811 se offered by any reliable competitor. Many agenic are niak:ni [rum $4.00 to $5.00 per day stili lg cur goods. We want a good repr seuiakive in eve.ytownship. Wliteforparticulars. ECLIPSE SILVERWARE CO., P.O. BOX 45I, TORONTO SUFFERING WOMEN I can cure permanently all diseases peculiar to women, such as displacements. in- flammations and ulceration of womb, painful, suppress- ed and irregular menstruation, leucon nccea, etc. WRITE roe FREE BOOK. Mrs, Julia B. Richard, Boxes, Montreal, Que. ARN A WATCH We give this fine watch FREE for selling 2 dozen Gold I' lore it Lever Collar Butt ens. Lady's Watch for ;t dozen, at 10c. each. Seud your address and we forward the Bute tons post paid. N o money required. Sell the Buttons to your friends, return the money and we send the Watch prepaid.—A genuine Am- erican Watch, guaran- teed for a isw hours work. The R. Oa Smith Co. brim*, Ont. GOLD PLATED Z111:141. to os with your mina end address, and wc wig forward this watch to 7.s b7 express ,for .xaodnatlon. 1t is as.,.b ck and burlauet•geol eye. bee, Mem wind and est, so14 pINd, Mndeomsl7 es graved. 1t loot. Ili..solid la fitted With a 7.Jawelleddwand)' Amid n Bode, Movement that we warrant to etre deed satisfaction. and 11 Jost the watch for trading put, poem U after careful ewe*. Motion you and thls watch to bs° aabny r enemaTifjre.ented, y1, the enema agent 9415 and damn sad it N yours Tirry Witty Cs,. Twelve, alit. T`Investors Parties possessed of funds from which they wish to secure a liberal return of interest should invest with The Investors Guar- antee Company BANKERS AND BROKERS, Roam 14, Stock Exchange Building, St. Sacra mcnt St., MONTREAL By their system of investment they can guarantee to investors a monthly profit on funds placed with them, of Not Less Than Three Per Cent. This Company offers the most complete guarantee for both principal and profit, and any investor can withdraw funds and profits to date upon Giving 30 Days' Notice Sums from $25 upwards re- ceived and invested. T. N. U. 218 ' Iva i poli] a1110, -suneo in tam g E'ittnit-h lard' clave to 1511014; doz, dainty a a.9 heliotrope,, Rose and Violet pu thine, No Iran or sawdust. S9 at 10e. each. Return ns VA.00 sad 1eedire ring i 6.tlig'by rotor mail. 1Ibcrn' cemmltslon, 0E'imp tarred. lintel tgooda returnahitl attoezz ce:.l*plvt Dept, 10 '..rorron_m, Out, 4 10 ri Fights off the hot sun, preserves the house, beautifies it as well, and gives satisfaction if you use Rarnsay's HOUSE PAINT BARN PAINT ROOF PAINT All dealers love it. Ask for CAM or send to es and we will tell you where to get it. A. RAMSAY & SON, PAINT MAXIMS. Montreal.