HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-5-11, Page 5THP
. # r XIC(ate)
Ts published aev erhye tThcuorsday Morning,
-By the ---a
Ona Dollar per azilzi m if paid in. Advance
*1.50 if not so paid,
3dsi'oetteta aq na-"taist oaf
No paper disoo1 tinuedeeti1ailerre rage'
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directione will be published till forbid and
charged accordingly. Liberal discountmade.
tor transotentadvertisei enteinserted for.
`oug eeriods, Every description of JOB,
pEIYTihi(I turnedio the &nest st le
y ,�
and at moderate rates. Cheques,moneyord-
ers, Pee. for advertising, sabser'lptioae.e'bp.to
berm ada payable to
Oli<as. D, Sanders,
Professional Cardec.
R. KINSMAN, L.1). S. & DR, A, R..
graduate Toroont
Teeth extracted without any pain or
bad ogees. °nice in neneoa'e
Bloch, west
slide Alae Strect,Exitter.
1lonors Graduate of the Toronto n
rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario, Teeth extracted without pain.
` Alt modes of Dentistry up to date, °Mee
over Elliot St Elliot's law odea --opposite
Ventral Hotel -Exeter.
_. .. __aredtcnl
Ttie.T.P. lifonis.VGRLIN, MEMBER OE'
the College of Physicians and Surgeon s
matario. i'hys*cian, Surgeon aid A.ccouch-
our, Ciliac, itatahwood, Qat.
D fl, Col-LtisTS, BA.liitISTFR,SOI.ICIT-
JL. OR, Conveyancer. Notary Public.
OMHoe--Over O'N(4l's Bank, Exeter, On team.
6lone1" to Roan.
LP Solicitors. Notaries, Conveyancers,
Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons
Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and 5' per
cent. ']ffarm radon's Bloat, Maul S
Exeter. (A member of the firm will he at
Hansell alt Thursday of each week.)
I. R. Cant tee, B. A.. D. lI. Dteicsox.
I Eto., Coaveyaaocrs. and Money to
Ii. P. Ei.l.tor. F. W. Onnnvate.
1,1 11ROWN.Winehelsea. Licensed Auot-
ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
tlideloaox, also for the township of C;aborno
Setae promptly attended to and terms tea -
sorhale.Sales rarr:aage a at Poet office. Wiu-
ns. 'ELLIOT,
Innuranee Agent,.
train St.
& Cotton Boot O mp
Is successfully used monthly by
l0,apeLadies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root eien-
penad, Take no othhrr,ns all 5fistures, pills and.
imitations are dangerous. Priee, Pro.1, $1 per
boat, No.2,10 degrees stronger, as per box. No.
1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two scent
Stamps Tile Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
rcessponsibleDrug issts iii Cana da�ottdedbyell
Nos. 1 ani No. a set.l in Exeter i,y C.
Lutz, Druggist. -- .
Killed in a Sawmill
"4 Cheerful Look
Makes a Dish a Feast..
"Cheerful looks " depend
just as much upon physical
well-being as upon natural
disposition and temperament.
If the blood . is disordered,
the brain is starved, and no
"dish is a feast,' for the
reason that the vitalizing.
elements do not reach the
proper spot.
A step in the tight direction is
to purify the body by the use of a
Natural remedy. Hoods Sarsaparilla
is Nattare's remedy, It acts upon the
blood, and whether the seat of the dis-
',order is brain, stomach, liver or kid-
neys, the purifying process of this
medicine is equally sure and successful.
a 1
art?i,er die at? .
X,~ tea
Creat B_uijder-" Uave used, H'ood's
Sarsaparilla for indigestion, constipation
and finds it builds up the whole systemand
1;x i�t
ices relief In eases of catarrh,rr 1ti lscta
r, Wzuuorr, Moncton, N. B.
Sour Stomach--"xty systeiu was out
of order. I suffered from headache and
sour stomach. Tank Hood's Sarsaparilla,
my health improved and 1 gained 18
pounds." Maxw>:ll, 7l. BaASORAW, Cole -
termite, Ont.
Bad Cough -"My sister was troubled
With a cough which caused pain in her left
side, She was confined to her bed. We
gave be Hood's Sarsaparilla and in a few
weeks she was able to .eft up In bed, tier apt
petite improved and the cough and accom-
panyirtg pain disappeared," Liar WAbasu,
24 Cottini;eu Street, Ifalifax N S
Dyspepsia--" My husband suffered with
dyspepsia.. Physicians did not benefit him.
Two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla relieved
him. My husband's Lather and our little
boy have been wonderfully benefited by this
medicine." :ins. D. e'. t'ttamerin.nrx, Glen
Sutton, Que.
Run. Down-" My system was run
down. 1 could not sleep Melee and my
appetite was poor, Iittod's Sarsaparilla re-
stored an appetite and str'nath and has
made me feel like a new women." tins. a+.
l$, 1)axns.r, it.antaerst, \, e.
Heed's Pills cure liver ills the non trrhatine, and
nall'cethertao to take ialuA flooe's arsapirilla.
Killed at Tomdesbol'a.
Lemie.bpro. :fifty 1. .icshu tinlith,
fot'me'n of the I4 tit sbcn•o t• 'rt iaall ui
the L I &: 13 was struck til: at .south
hound train. this ditt'rtloen, thrown
some distance front the trawl: and iu-
stantiv I ilht d. Ill' wale t'aughtt oil tilt'
track �by the train and those, who wit-
.. , , . , ,
� Y i seemed
nes., l d the c. E eti say Il
l tt ll t
r e') f t i)et a it his lorry
.look Ent rnE l ii t tt get }, t
out of the 'Way ituci the satiety of the
train and passengers than. his own life.
For arzat4 and Children.
Ft: ea
Ma a:.
Admiral Oewey May Come Horne
Whenever He Thinks It Right,
General Qua, Cables Washington That
the Insurgents Are Weakening -Pro-
gress of the Campaign -The Com-
mands Planned to ]feet at
a.ua Failed oonnect-..
Gua;;•ua Evacuated.
Washington, May 9.. -Tile Nay 1,e-
Pat e t selectedc r
r m n has a sue erre, to
Admiral Dewey to command the Asiatio
stations. Orders were issued y e terdaty
detaching Rear -Admiral Watson from
command of the Mare Island Navy Yard,
and ordering him to report to Admiral
Dewey at Manila to relieve that officer
when he feels that he can be sparedthere.
e t e t. 1'r t y Cl.eor hliankcnvre.
Manila, May A. -The Filipinos stir -
prised the United States fotees .at Sorg
Fernando with a daring triet;. yesterday.
A. railway twain 'with an engine ne atear1
end was run almost to the Auterlcan ouc-
posts and in plain sight of the town.
Befere they could be reached a gang of
natives sprang oil the train, tore up sev-
eral lengths et tho railway track, board-
ed d the train again, .and the train steamed
away so quickly that there Was no oppor-
tunity to capture the raiders.
The Nebraska Regiment ie asking; far
a temporary relief from duty. Only ;I75
men of this regiment are left nt the front.
Qtie SAYS Inear;;ante Are. Weakening.
Washington, May 9. --The War Deport -
want ltni received from General Otis a
despatch giving the situation in the
Philippines. some part; of which hart,
been omitted by the War Ilepartutent in
malting it public. 'fhe dispatch is as
Manila, Alay 8.---Adintant.General,.
Washington: Situation as follows: Law-
ton at ilaasin and Iialinnga :routing
partici to north and east. MacArthur at
San Fernando. Army gunboats operating
in rivers. Have chewed country weal of
MacArthur of insurgents. Signe of Mene-
t? weakness more apparent i1;a11Y.
• NAILED U To MEET '1'111: GintitOATe.
Capt. Grant went up the River :and
('acne Down Analis.
Manilas, May 9. --Th,' :,r:ny's f,lunlroatti
Laguna de Bay and t'aa+tadon; a, uu leT
command of Captain titeet, which start-
ed up the San ly','riratele River fur Ouagua,
an Sunday', preeinnably to establish there
a boo of supplies for the troops ongiute:1
ill the northern elentmign, returned yes-
terday, Major-General MacArthur luiviug
tidied to minuet with the expeclltian.
The gunboats found rebels entrenched at
Sounoan and (uagua, on the wafter
t thepawns. Thevessels � A iililk:
fronts of tole l v al steamed
past theworks, shelling
the oC i
and driving them out, Landing puttee
from the boats entered both towns, cap-
turing at Sosnroan a Spanish captain in
uatfon:1, who was ostensibly as prisoner
in the hands of the rebels, and also a
native officer. Arriving at Gungaaa, the
town and a small gunboat wore found to
be burning, and the natives were emcu•
sting the place in consetluenee of the
Harcourt't Reply to Itasubery.
London, May 9. -The Daily Mail an-
Inkv°1" nounces that Sir Will.iarn Vernon alar -
court, the former leader of the Liberal
party in the House of Commons, at the
dinner of tho Welsh rnombcrs of the
House last Saturday evening, delivered a
"resentful and out„potion reply" to Lord
Rosebery's references to the state of the
Liberal party, in his speech last week,
at the banquet of the City Liberal Club
at Walbrook, London. Harcourt, accord-
ing to The Daily Mall, declared that the
Liberals had no occasion to turn back-
ward, and that it ill became one of Mr.
Gladstone's colleagues to advocate wiping
out tl, whole inheritance Liberalism had
received from that illustrious statesman.
Bold Robbery at Dresden.
Dresden, May (i. ---This morning be-
tween the hours of;, three and five
o'clock the Canadian Bank of Com-
merce vault and safe* were blown open
and about six thousand dollars in
Bank of Cnlrnueree notes was taak.en.
Securities and other papers were left
undistulbedl. 'i'he safe is badly shat-
tered. There is as yet no clue to the
burglars. Entrance to the bank was
obtained by prying open the front •
door, and the safe and vault doors
were blown open with dynamite. Ben
Madden, who sleeps over the bank,
heard the noise of the explosion, and
after the latter, heard the men run-
ning away. FIe thought it was seine
drunken Men npctting packing boxes
on the street outside, and paid no at-
tention. It is a :mystery how the
burglars reached the town and how
they got away, as no . night trains
reach Windsor, and they did not
, y
drive through the town. It is sur -
missed that they came up the Syden-
hxm river in a rowboat. Detectives
Mahoney and Campeau, of Windsor,
are working on the case.
Chatham, May 3rd. -Chas. Dawson, 11"/""r"'""1"""'"1"'"2""275.711"/""r"'""1"""'"1"'"2""275.7
foreman for Kennedy & Downs' mill , �E
at Sycamore Siding was instantly kill-' il," t3
ed last evening by the belt which runs
the top saw. He was taking the belt
off the tightning pulley when ib caugb t
and threw him. to the floor close to the
pulley, and as the pulley was relieved
the belt struck him a terrible blow in
the face. Deceased was about 27 years
old and unmarried.
Her Clothes Cauaht Fire.
Guelph, May 5. -The four ye..ar old
daughter of Mr: A. Sutherland, deaf
mutes, of Brantford, who lived with her
grandmother, died this morning after
suffering terrible pain While playing
around a bonfire yesterday her clothes
caughe fire. Her five-year old play-
mate tried to quench the flames by
putting her under a tap and turning
on the water, but the girl was horribly
burned, and medical aid failed to give
Frightfully Mangled
St. Catharines, May 4. -Daniel C.
Borstedt, of Denver, Col., was killed
here this afternoon by falling off a
freight train and being cut in two.
Both arms were•broken; his face badly
cut; his heart and liver entirely re-
moved and the restof his body muti-
uti-lated. He was apparently about 27
years of age, andfrom letters found
on his clothes, of good family, but in
search of work. Several affectionate
letters from his mother and also from
his sweetheart, were fount., advising
hire to come home and settle down..
d Tried
F5� 25 Yeas
Would you feel perfectly sa
cafe to put all your money R
in a new bank ? One you Phave just heard of? P
But how about an old 11
bank ? One that has done
business for over a quarter ,vt
of a century? One that has 4
always kept its promises ?ft
One that never failed ; never 71
misled you in any way ? r3
You could trust such a bank, 1
couldn't you? ,
>>yS j
>K like such a bank. It has neveris
disappointed you, never will.
It has never deceived you,
never will.
Look out that someone off+
does not try • to make you
I invest your health in a new
1 tonic, some new medicine in
you know nothing of. ff
it 5oa and $t.oa'; all druggists. le
Pr•S.COTT & BOWNB,. Chemists, Toronto, ait
ltraIR ti094iAil 418141414 43tAMtoe5Q2i2I244
Buried the Papers.
Paris, May 9. --Mine. Eledie Wattier,
daughter of a French officer now uuder-
going imprisonment at Amiens for
swindling, has written to M. Mazean,
first president of the Court of Cassation,
declaring the late Sergeant-Major Lori-
mier, at ono time secretary of the late
Lieut. -Col. Henry, who liko Henry com-
mitted suicide, secretly brought her docu-
ments, including letters from Dreyfus to
Emperor William, which she says she
buried in an iron box in the forest of
Manly, northwest of Versailles. She for-
warded a cabman's receipt for the trip,
and declared herself ready to reproduce
the documents.
(louses Wrecked by the Tornado.
Guthrie, O.T., May 9. -The cyclone
which passed over Canadian County de-
stroyed at least 20 farm houses and caused
great damage to growing crops. At
Chickasaw 17 buildings were .wrecked
and 14 persons injured. J. H. Murray, a
railroad man, who was caught under fall-
ing timbers, died of his injuries. A
report says: James Whitman and his son
George, farriers, near Okarche, were
killed in their field. At Okarche five
homes were blown away. Rain fell in
torrents, and half a dozon culverts on the
Rock Island Railroad were washed out.
Temple's Periodical Comet.
Cambridge, Mass., May 9. -Dr. T E.
Keeler, director of Lick's Observatory,
announces through Harvard College
Observatory the discovery of Temple's
periodical comet by Mr. Perrine, an
assistant at Lick. The position of the
object, which is described as "faint," in
May, 6.9077, Greenwich mean : time,
right • ascension, 18 hours, 52 minutes,
57.8 seconds, declining south 4 degrees,
82 minutes, 19 seconds.
Asks 850,000 Damaras.
Portland, Ore., May 9.-A special from
Victoria, B.C., says: It Is announced that
Captain Corning of the British barque
Howard D. Troop will present a claim
to the British ambassador at Washington
for $50,000 damages against the U.S.
Governinent for the .detention of his
vessel and the removal of sailors from his
ship by force on Friday last.
Durham Grants the Loan.
i)urharn, Ont., May .9.-A vote was
taken hero yostenelay On a bylaw grant-
ing a loan of $10,000 to. tho :Durham
Furniture Company (limited). -'tire by-
law was carried by a vote of 224 to 20.
The Moulders and Cotton operatives'
Strikes al Montre:1-Crisis at B.ultalo
-Toronto Junction Settling.
Montreal, May 9. --Tho Merchants'
Cotton Company do not see their way
clear to give the 10 per cent. increase of
wages asked by their employes, who to
the number of over 100 walked out on
Saturday. The managers of the Mill,
whleh is located at SC, Henri, State that
they ora mottling; to grant increases all
around which welt amount to about 63
per cent. This will not only take tit those
who have already struck, but the other*'
as well. The company state that the in•'
crease' of 6% per cent. which they offer
is 114 per cent better than the rate of
wages were bettors the reduction of 1894.
The situation as regards the striking'
a ni
gs sunecha
Bcaupre's Pi, have signed
the agreement!
accepting the masters' offer of ten per
mit. advance.
The Bulralo Strike Extending.
33uffalo, NY., May 9. -Between 3.50
and 200 housemen employed by Gratton
&t Latimer refused toBotO work yester-
day tnorning out of sympathy for the,
striking grain siaovellers. Grattan & Lot -
tinier. as contractors, handle freight for
the railroad companies at the New York
Central, 3.al-a
wanna, Erie and ofher
freight haws. They handle freight inside
the freight houses exclusively, and have
nothing to do with the unloading or load-
ing of boats.
1 eadog_ an i:nd.
Tomoto c
of the TorontoJunction briakinake .s 1
about at an end. Four of the six yards
halo submitted it proposition of con-
itromise with their glen, and at as meet-
ing last night 33 of the men working 1s.
MAson's, Townsley's, Brown's and Bet -
ledge's yards decided to go back to work
this meriting at the following rates:
Setting off 2.2e. shifters 22e, teulperore
Soo, wirers 16e, spreading no, sanding
i0o, elay digging $1.60 per day. There
are 21 leen at Wakefield's yard and six
bey s 'who are still on strike, and at
Pear's yard there are eight men and two
boys swho still bold out for an increase
of wages.
A 1111 83 1.mtpAD TRUST.
Iaf Effeetod Will Include All 1.lne,i Be-
tWeen Roston and Chicago.
Cleveland. May' :I..-Acearding to a
high oflleia . of the Vanderbilt lines in
thls city the details of a big railroad
trust. which Is to include all the lines
.between Boston and Chicago, are IMP
Wing worked out, and the consolidation
may be eonlpleted within the next few
week;. The recent purchase of short lines
in NOW York, I'enusylvania, Ohio, In-
diana end Illinois was • in line with the
. plans fur the consolidation. which bas
been in contemplation. It is not the par -
nese to have all the lines outer ono
mann„ eluent exactly, but to apportion
thein intone the Pennsylvania Company,
` the Vanderbilt interests and the Balli-
• more A; Ohio, giving to each systetu tho
lines that it ean use to the best edema: -
v r•
'1•hts purpose of filo consolidation is;
said to bo to precool rate cutting and to •
accomplish practically what the joint
Tr'ailio Association was organized to do.
itch. LUDGA E 5N rosSEsS1ON.
Tito Lesaeo of Dead man's lelauel Decides
Vancouver, May 9. -Ludgate, the
lessee, took possession of Deadinan's
Island yesterday morning with 50 glen,
and at noon great gaps had been made
among the trues, while the island is in a
perfect cloud of smoke. The whole natter
of possession was brought off very quiet-
: ly, and few people know •of what was to
• take place. Ludgate says he will resist
by fordo any attempt to retake possesston
of the island, and any forceful proceed-
ings as well as any attempt to arrest his
men would now be accompanied by a riot
at least. Mayor Garden did not go near
the island, but, after consulting with
City Solicitor Hamersley, be left the
matter in the bands of the Provincial
Government, whose inspector is now
awaiting instructions from Victoria.
to Go Ahead,
lie Named Charles B. Squires.
Columbus, 0., May 9. -Attorney -
General Monnett yesterday filod in the
Supreme Court his answer to the motion
of the Standard 011 Coinpany requesting
that he designate tho persona alluded to
in his statement that he had been ap-
proached with offers of bribes to dismiss
the sults against the company, and named
Charles B. Squires, formerly of Cleve-
land and now of New York, as the party
through whom the alleged proposition
was made.
Escaped Jail by Chimney.
Toledo, May 9. --Five United States
prisoners, 'William Miller, George :Tones
and William 'White, pastoilico robbers,
and Thomas Burns and Fred. Williams,
are at large. The mon climbed up the
tall brick cimnhey at tho rear of the jail.
William Cox, a sixth man, was discovered
as he reached the top.
Must Stay in Jail.
Brockville, Ont., May 9. -Mrs. Web-
ster, who is under arrest charged with
blackinail, was again brought before
Judge McDonald yesterday. ,She was un-
able to procure bail and was taken back
to jail. Her ease will come up for trial
on the 10th.
About 835,150 Received.
Toronto, May 9. -The Provincial Gov-
ernment bas received $85,150 in license
fees from the distillers of the province.
Many brewers are paying their fees under
protest It is thought the bill recently
passed is not constitutional.
Preston to Ile a Town.
Preston, May 9. -At a public meeting
of the ratepayers, held in the Town Hall
last night, the following resolution was
passed unanimously: "That the Council
take immediate steps to incorporate
Preston as a town."
Klondike Gold.
San Francisco, May 9.-A letter from
Dawson,. dated April 8, says: The Yukon
Sun estimates the total output of the
Klondike region for the winter of 1898-99
at $20,000,000.
Galatea Ordered to Iceland.
London, May 9. -The British first-class
armored cruiser Galatea has been ordered
to Iceland, owing to recent seizures of
English fishing boats, in contravention
of the Danish regulations.
(Changed every Wed:, esd ay)
wheat per bushel 07 to Eat
Flour per owt 3 cls to 2.01:
Bare $5 to 45
Oats y 20 to 01
Pea$. 00 to 65
coni 44 to 4$
Butter 11 to ,i
tags to
Pt b. SG
o atees per a . ... 60 to
illy, per ton g 450 to Sur
nried Apples per ib 5
Dacks 7
c?r ase ti
Cit eken
t tirkey e
1 wuiRg
oi Winler
So the falling of the bairtolls
of the approach of ago and
declining power.
No matter how barren the tree
nor how leafless it may seem,
you confidently expect leaves
again. And why?
Because there is life at the
So you need not worry about
the falling of your hair,• the
threatened departure of youth
and beauty. And why?
Because if there is a spark of
life remaining iii the roots of
the hair
will arouseThehaiit r into heaithyceasesto activcome-
out: it begins to grow: and the
glory of your youthis restored
to you.
We have a book on the Flair
and its Diseases. It is free.
B s.7
The Rest o Freer
r o
n t the benefits
it you do at obtain all nn a
yott expected from the use of the Vigor.
write the doctor :hent it. Probably
there le some difficulty whit your gem
eral system wtdeh may ire molly
removed. ,lddreve.
Dn. J. C. AYREi, Lowell, Mase.
A $1I 0 Haul.
'\Vinglun». Ont May 0.- I,asat night
J. R. liunshltw, ten eke"' stun' Wan
burglarized, and goods amounting to
nearly. $1,001) taken out. Entiani't'
was made through the front tlttor by
prying it open with iron bars. There
is no clue to the burglars as yet.
A Sad Accident.
Parifi Ont„ :May 5. --Mrs. Bell, wife
of 1'Ir.A,eci. hell, baker, of this town,
nwt with All accident this morning,
which may have fatal results, Mrs.
Bell was burning some sulpher to fum-
igate it room, when her clothing
caught fire and before Mr. Bell, could
extinguish the flames she waS so baldly
burned that slight hopes are entertain-
ed for her recovery.
The Leading specialists of America
,, 550,000 CURED,
.,�'p WE CU' E SSIO � S
:• young or addle n ed monore o than thonwas-
' once of these nightly losses." 'they
Yrroducoweakness,7 nervousness, a feeling
eat ,;c disguetieelawhele train of symptoms.
13 They unfit ,a ,,an for businessmarried
t _• lixo and social happiness. , N.o wetter
whether caused by evil habits in youth,
`•,`t`% natural wonimoti cr sexual excesses, eta
4i, Now Method `Creatment will positively
<: Curt, you.
PR2' 'Reader, yea need help. Early abuse or
:)'2, later excesses natty have weakened you.
Slxpnsere may have diseased you. You
V. are ,ale till oared. Our New Method
:.ms'strill c; the yen. You run no risk.
' s n•t `;
50,0 CED
3 our -g a?F n --You are pale, feeble
and haggart e nervous, irritat: to and ex-
citable. You w.,me forgetful, morose,
and despondent, blotches and pimples,
sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping
form and downcast countenance reveal
the blight of your existence.
No matter how serious your case may
be, or how long von tuna have had it, our
NEW METltdD T1f'EAT22LBNT will
cure it. Tho "wormy, roams" return to
their normal condition end henoo the
sexual organs receive proper nourish-
ment. The organs become vit:Slized; all
unnatural drains or '_osess cease and
manly powers return. 1'lb temporary
�' • taenent but a permanent pure assured.
NO Chilli, NO PAY; NO OPE;A-
TL0N NLa :E uAI%Y. N0 DET N-
We treat and etiro SYDUhi.IS,_
MODERATE: If unable to call write
t $
Ili et
but don't think you can patch
clothes to look like new.
Then again it would not
pay you when you can buy
clothing at the prices we
Pants mete to order, ail
wool heavy tweeds 82.O0
Suits 0,80
Overcoats $,09
Black Worsted snits a spec.,
• S12.00
. Our $20 blacks beat all
others at 523. Conte and see
for -
People patronize us because
they realize that we always
sell clothing that is strictly
uta -to -date., .. .
Opposite Post Office
" I am using Lutes Powder. and
have nohesitation in stating; tart
it i8 it iuost exce'lle'nt powder for
poultry. ft certainly increases the
egg stipply, and promotes the vigor
and health of the poultry. 1 would
strongly rt•ytnnlnoucl pad
to give` it a trial." -NV. H. Thorn
Lain litiip English
ro<E. Fend,
C. li3 <. #Sl'ee 1
n tltifrt t 1 l v . Lutz, mid .int
L .,i ,t ial NMI
that it improves the enielition of
Milch cows, anti ilrrre:t1,es the flow
of milk. I would. rectoolalentl stot'k
1'nist'rS to give it n trial."•. NV. I1.
Laic- -n`.. aLic•Ft, �4,iS,,nv ,_
To read the big stores' ad-
-For whose' gond are we in
egthe furniture business? For
Ayours and ours. If we are not
14 useful to you we cannot be use-
ful to ourselves. We have got
to carry the goods you want at
the prices you want or we can-
not make a success 'of our busi-
ness. But we have been doing
business right along for years,
which droves that. we are the -
right kind of people with the
right prices. Come and see for
yourself.... .
Furniture. Undertaking,
Manufacturer and dealer in Plows,
Gang Plows, Land. Rollers, Root
Cutters, Straw Cutters, Saws.
Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and
Babbett Metal.
White Engine and Steam Thresher
complete, and Clover Mill, Straw
Cutter and Grinder, for $1250.
See our Truck and Scale combined,
weighs 800 lbs. Price $18.00.
Prr'ore. After. Wood's Fhoaphodine,
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Sia
packages guaranteed to cure all
So ins of Sexual Weakness, all effects at abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt'
of price, one package $1, six, $5. One'will please;
aim will cure. Pamphlets free to any, address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
tan Wood's Phosphodilre'is sold in Exeter by
0. Lutz, druggist.