Exeter Advocate, 1899-5-11, Page 4THE
41'5xtter 6Abvacate,.
Chas. H. Sanders, Editor and Prop
THURBDAY, MAY 11, 1809
v'It +if0 OlD' 011Ye V«i+►fit71 i
THE affairs CORER. F
ttCt et ktm,4
Theatuttuatl c onveution of the Lila
teals of H'e'at 1lat•on will be held at
iileil;annota on Tuesday, Mazy
., *
'tatter a tlaa)rehugh examination of
Nananee Lail, 1)ttective Greer has cont
abided II eat Pate and Holden had out-
side :teeiet
tasidle:teeiet see in effecting their es-
eape. Ten ware found in the Inet-J et
Pare's: •+,ta' the tit ,. Llat'(led'l:i t
4►f f ,at t coin, t i 1 t
tanks a bluff.
> ,r
A little daughter�,irl,of:t prominent
man in the ranks of the Liberal party,
bard been taught to pray for everybody
anal star•tle:I her another one everting
by 11«•r flet; oast Drayer, as follows
"Now, Oh God. take e area yourself;
It Al 10.e Yaw we shall oillk have
:alt•. Laurier lett to take ears`. of us,
area he is :lotal+hairg as well as papa ex -
peeled ht would aloe
1'r It an£,tta4 in the Waterloo
tenuity conned is at.voeaating the coal
tivatiou t)f si a4.a+ trees on the county
made. Th:et item has a level ]lead.
st•1lerttd' would not only old a
great thea] in the good st):ids m
kiltsat itwould ct,t not
is' aty, thegrowing trees
always be a vaivabfe asset if it were
ewer alt •sant] to realize upon them,
Mort Butter to the % aterie►ti Ilton--
ilit•tl•a•ln b}' name, May be final many
followers. --London
DANE d"lae)eatis SI:XT i)e►w1.
At Reek lfiapide. Iowa. on Thurs.
dear man, lain];. hotel keeper, of
Paisley end tonov at t• time
1 .1 It n1,:1...1 Conover. . 11 till
iedetel-keeper in 1'I ing11ain1 were st•u-
teu dal teal hong Terme did t t .r•iee)aI$etat
le illi I,ant pio adttattittr f . +'wiaullilag
the Pitot National flunk. of hawk
latpiale,t+;. taat'At1 tMI' fax' veal draught:,
Itii)e•.•, who t'l ent )1 ^at illy aiel tuned
„ ,
`'tetra''•: et; Cal{, •ad.t, La`,1*t."iLt ll seven
aa•:1$.* Belt i t l aaege adf alCterhag as re►l, a',a'al
ii, rt t aa; ain't three years for for.
"grey eeven years ars late Ping;.
ail )t gels inxe$r y. ars extra
ittoie^'i*'aeiatzetst lair violating the t"t)1i
%Idiot: of asst (44 :trdt)n, making four-,
tae :a ~,rata's :la :ani, t'aenee4t•r send] fling
eve Al to have ..Kat4lfl'td ::7 bank,.
-at«tee (hi s.],,T. lona?, J. t't' 'tri.
tit +..a-'kt'Ssegaa:au la.►til-int:, Ilan•. and
twat• prominent th.Ye!'e• ifs tlta`a WW1 tax
Girl'°,°, )-. hze. it* -eli.10,•a•:ming bat' ablaut
tweeny Sleets, Hirst: is only huts la tda
Fite• ,to iP,t•a1 ilio' aq"" t'VB) •t,'d'.211 •tgta.
u , a•'Rti ;nee led P lel, y about
three a:swaths ego. and after .4 et mut-
me- tight et 'W<atteerto►t 'twits hull fair
ti' N)la
la 41.
111: ITT'11U t1,d1:Y Tat Itt:i),
'e Rather a funuv int•itic^1ot happen-
ed int hal' int ruts' a sew tri tear rayone
illt•r1t tire:e e ;shalt a reeide at tit li,ettett-
leery :ureter ante efts a ale).n iat^.t tet orae
Iris gleed wit:' was in tlat' midst ut the
Baal ly-hit►•ly ul' rant,, . • ere aaairag end her
•assistatiat to taking down the old
family (•luck unknown to herself de -
tat rind the In•1141uitaltt weight. Th •
alcscnee of tlu• weight was not native:1
aired the eloek tick -locked merrily
rain], and in three hears galinod an.
]sour anti forty minutes, At eix
aelurk as they slIpp )seci, 3i1 . -.lira..
Sal anal Su will atilswt•r.ftir the pulpit e
of nau•ration had the ever. ; local
prepared. but t1u prtnlinen . citizen
atria.' not. By and by bale was ]nit
to led withoait papa's goodnight kiss
and sat twenty minutes to eight he re.
turned o111y to rnt•et with:--" Were
you kei'ping teat of the 'way for fever
there might lee a ear pet to heat "
" Why, it is not quite six o'clock yet,"
he replied, eonsideral)ly surprised.
.• Look at the eluek. It is just seven
forty." said his better half, but as she
spoke the town bell began ringing out
the'velconne hour of six. The Block
was examined and the mystery ex-
plained, but t ili.ieletat was too good
to keep and the citizen. be is fond of a
joke. has been telling it at his 'wife's
expense."—('lin ton News Record.
Brave Men Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kid-
ney troubles as well as women, and all
feel the results in loss .of appetite,
poisons in the blood, backache, ner-
vousness, headache and tired, listless,
run-down feeling. But there's no
need to feel liee'that. Listen to J. W.
Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says:
" Electric Bitters are just the thing
for a man when he is all run down, and
don't care whether he lives or dies.
It did more to give me new strength
and good appetite than anything I
could take. I can now eat anything
and have a new lease on life." Only
50 cents, at any Drug Store. Eyery
bottle guaranteed.
A Sad Suicide.
Brantford May 7.—A very painful
discoyery was made Saturday morn-
ing by Mr. Geo. Simpson, a well-known
farmer, living about a mile and a quar-
ter north of Onondaga. On going to
the barn early in the morning he found
the body of his nephew, Edwin Simp-
son, hanging suspended from one of
the rafters. He lost no time in cutting
down the body, but the deceased had
been hanging there some hours, and
life was extinct, The deceased was 22
years of age, and had many friends.
Beats the .iondike,
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville,
Tex., has found a more valuable dis-
cover than has yet been made in the
Klondike. For years he suffered un-
told agony from Consumption, ac-
ccomppanied by hemorrhages;. and was
Absolutely cured by Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds. He declares that gold is
of little value in comparison with this
marvellous cure; would have it, even
if it costa hundred dollars a bottle.
Asthma. Bronchitis and all throat and
lung affections are positively cured by
Dr. ,King's New Discovery for Con-
suniption. Sold .at any 'Drug Store:
Regular size 50 eents and $1,00. Guar
anteed.to cure or price refunded.
Proposed Monument to Bebert
Subscription books are now opened,
and are being cheerfully and liberally
signed by loyal andenthusiastic lovers
of Burns—in Toronto or elsewhere—to
raise funds for the erection of a hand-
some and artistic Monument in
to 1thonor of Sdotl► c1s darling poet
---Robert Burns, This will be the first
ruontunent (but not the last? to Scotia's
Bard in Canada. It is confidently ex-
pected that the Monument will be
erected. before the .close of the present
century—that is, ate .t year, 1000:--
'.'I. 3It,N r-'U7[:\T TO $d: Ri 5 WE'LL Biasi,.t'
Toronto Soote have said,—
Young Canada's first Cairn. of praise,
Ti) Scotland's bowed dead!
Let grateful hearts and willing hands,
Pay tribute, to his ruuue,
Tlli soon within Toronto stand:,
Hae. Monument of fame.
One Hundred years since
Burns died],
!end hundreds more array roll,
Still shall he be -solid Sal at iai s pride,
High on her honur4l heroila
Hie songs have won the human heart
Wherever shines the sun—
Great Illgh Priest of pot -tic art,
Thy work. was nobly done !
They . ay that thou art tread --.not sol
Trfl't poets never die!
Bat on quid on their measures, fotw,
as boundless as the sky!
Glad song-. of house, and Lava:, and
snail r know thorny —
a never r
Burns lives in taxi eternal -youth,
maw& empires pass away.
eongs Of ]iota: have cheer'd the
On many a dark domain,
(.lad echoes roll front wave to waave, 1
...and bids thein break their chain!,
'• Man's inhumanity to omni
Makes countless 11 o,tiani mourn!"
Burns taught the Brotherhood of flan,
The tyrant Jangled to worn]
111s songs of burl: are snug to -day
On every. foreign shore,
And shall with human hearts hold'
TM time b' more!
�' 1 t lt► shall t no foal rt ,
Their clIavt•l►otos taailti can soothe a
Or play the lover's part
In t•onrt or t t tt: we --love beguiled —
They wee) and wily the heat t!
Ina songs of Timm all c eede uphold—
phold—" 1 iiiml n ta' Blatt telt ti that!"
-tn bone -4 Ulan's as good as gold,
An' mane can yet naisea' that]
He had his faults, and so have we,.
His virtues let us cherish;
His sours are sung front sea to sea,—
Burns name shall never perish!
Toronto, Can. —Janet Ieettev.
Contributions of One Dollar and up-
wards may be sent to the Secretary of
The Burns Monument Committee, and.
whieb. will be duly acknowledged by
return mail, All cheques, or post of -
fie orders, should r
4e ebemade payable to
`Lie Bit ns Monument Fund
care of the Secretary, William Camp-
bell, McKinnon Building, Melinda St„
Toronto, Ont.
The moulders in thirteen foundries
have gorge out on strike in Montreal,
and trout the present sentiment of
]masters and men it looks like the be-
ginning of a long, stubborn fight.
Woridng Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest, little
that ever F:1
a to r.ii
New Life Pills. Every Pill is a sugars
coated globule of health, that ehauges
weakness into strength, listlessness in-
to energy, brain -fag into nteutal pow-
er. They're wonderful in building up
the health. Only 25 cents ler box.
Sold by all Druggists,
Mach Sorrow in the Fancily.
;airs. Jane Richards, of Kinlough. in
Kinloss township, knows what eurrow
is. ,fust a year ago her son,Jarnes, met
with an awfeat death inhis fathe','saw
got •• g
sill where hal' e,tu t � sheft and
uh in f n
*WS whirled into eternity, his body be-
ing badly broken. Six. week's after'
winds .Jr. Richards was found dead in
bed one morning, Heart disease eves
en d the silver cold while the haw
lcll slept. lk,t Thursday the second
accident happened im this sawmill and
though it bus not resulted fatally, as
dill the first, there is an awfulness
about it that makes the blood ram void.
Another taint of Mrs. Richards, a lad of
seventeen years, was working about
the hig saw and reaelting over it to pull
away emit. obstruct ion, his foot slipped
and his sorsa► ilesee"utliug upon the saw
it was ent ill' below the elbow. The
putt' boy pieacti ail, his severed limb
with his remaining hand and started
to ran home to his mtoiilev'. It all haps
vend so suddenly that he had aunt.
some distant'e before law ltuta•ittetl
ispeetat. are wetly/led from in,. •luta 1;.
They ran after hint and .carried hien in
their true. iii lair home. • The dorturs
are tel aha• limb and at last amounts
he a:, well as could be expel -teak
Red .clot From the Gun
Was the ball that bit G. B, Stead-
man of Newark, Mich., in the Civil
War. It caused horrible Ulcers that
no treatment helped for 20 years.
Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured
hire. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns,
Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions,
Best Pile euro on earth. 25 Cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed, Sold by all Drug-
Struck the Lawyer,
Thomits Whatleu of Lucan, was be-
fore Squire R. P. Lacey on Saturday
at London, ort a .barge' of suing elate -
toe and threatening langualgc', perfer-
red by John Jackson, of Ltteara. 31e,
Whalen was defended by Mr. J. M.
_MeAvov, and so efficiently that Jack-
son endeavored, to take satisfaction
out of the lawyer. Mr. Jackson while'--
under going crass -examination, made
a couple of passes at 31r. McEvoy, and
succeeded in reaching him once tender -
13' on alte left cheek, Tlte witness ss and
the witness box both bec•aine very dis-
connected, and had it not been for the
interpositionoft c. cont r t 'o -
h t 3I , 31 l'.L
aright have retaliated, after turning
the other cheek. As it was, he simply
smiled, and the ease was dismissed.
Persiatic Sheep Dip is the most highly concentrated nand all-round
satisfactory Dip in the market for
curing kin disease
s i
n ca
ttle, a
for leSera in vermin, ItisPavetfnlviwithout harsh, and im-
mediate in ell'eet with no irritating results. Cures Sores, Bruises,
Shear Cutts, Ringworm, Gangrene, Red Lice, Skin Worms, and scab,
It quickly rids the amoral of all vermin.
Mr. G. A. Brodie, Bethesda, Ont., says:—" 1 used it with great
sect.saes in eastra ing lambs, the wash healing the wounds rapidly and
keeping the maggots away. I shall never be without it. I heartily
recommend it to farmers generally.
At Your hasten, fiCKHAROT RENFREW CO
Or Aram the tuckers,
Onkel ern Cry for
If you have had- the grip take Hour's
brace alt u
�. "a 'i •t t will tad a
. t:� 111., I 1
a 3 P'
purify your blood, and 4 L('acanae all
barren effects of the disease.
The Case of Marion. Brown.
Within the past week I. .t
change has come over the condemned
!Manner, Marion Brown. 1,1p to a
few days ago his c.•anveniaohm was of
•t very unbecoming nature, bat a;; the
day appointed for execution draws
near, the donated man realizes his
awful fate. He read` ]tis ]111,1 daily,
and eats and sleeps well His atnxiety
to learn the result of the petition for
commutation increases as days go
i,y, 13ro'a•Il is retry nuttiest t lIt Ids
request for de•liead ides, :1` day or two
ago he. asked for eome pig: feet, which
were eoP11►lieti. Ile greatly enjoys a
cigar, and .spends the greater part of
Itis time reading and telIt-eting,it
has been stated bythaw• in a p1) thou
to know that if Blown is txeeute'tl h.
an ill
11ta1:e a general et)ntessiou at the
Sioufrville Ont,
tgs The Red Bird .Rest To -day and Good For Years
Modern Racer
FOR plopEtoi
Riicjc MEN.
RE thoroughly- up-to•(late features of the
Brantford lied Bird Special Facet' places
I• it in a rank by itself among racing wheels.
From tires to handle bars it is strictly-
Not Not only is it made of the best
material llaliti O,.
S � bre to buy, but
11 itthe
most carefully constructed wheel built to -day.
Every detail of construction is given the
most careful attention, after \vlii.cll it is sub
written] to the 1u(lst critical inspection Before
being permitted to leave the fttetory.
cy The • oma' of
It is Run by Canadian Workmen,
Financed by Canadian Money.
It's Patents are Granted by a
Canadian Government and it's
Goods Sold to Canadian People.
Thoroughout it is Entirely a
Canadian Enterprise.
In previous years =re riders have ridden
to positions of prominence in racing circles on
g Red Birds than on any other wheel, and this
year will prove no exception to the rule.
The improved Caged bearings with which
this wheel is fitted, make it not only the
easiest running wheel built, but the speediest.
See it at your nearest Red Bird. Agency,
Agent, Exeter.
ere+^rs�rs"ar'�xTV"3z irC' epi �acIo s,z
It's 0ii0.t Increased
50.E Per Cent. in 3 Years,
and is Stili Increasing,
Electric and Impea.'ial Tires are better, simpler,
neater and safer than any other tire made.
We bar none and solicit investigation.
We can supply any demand, and are up-to-date
in every possible improvement.
OUR CATALOGUE IS NOW READY. Please write for it.
Brantford icycle Supply Co.
r- *- = Ogi Via, 0- `_ �. -00066604-6-p;_�� t•O;0
��,D' � ��+�.�' d ��� .fir- � � ���ti1'`O'� 4�_"'b.
This Traed„ Mark is
Every Tag.
See that- yon get
Carlf your dealer does not handle our
on Twine, write Plymouth Binder Twine
it. Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto.
Does Quality Count With You ?
You Can't Get Rested.
Because That Tired Feeling is 'not
the result of exertion. It is due to the
unhealthy condition of your blood.
This vital fluid should give nourish-
ment to every organ, nerve and mus-
cle. But it cannot do this unless it is
rich and pure. This is what you want
to cure That Tired Feeling -pure, rich
blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla will help
you " get rested." It will give you
pure, rich blood, give you vigor and
vitality and braise you up so that you
n)ay feel well all through the coining
summer. If you have never tried
Hood's Sarsaparilla, do so now, and
see how it energizes and vitalizes your
whole system.
Seaforth: A quite marriage took
place on Wednesday at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, when
their daughter, Miss Emma, was unit-
ed in marriage to Mr. Wm. Trott. The
important ceremony was performed
by Rev. Mr. Russell, of the Methodist
church, and was witnessed by about
thirty of the most intimate friends of
the young couple. Mr. Dane Sperling
acted as groomsman while the bride's
sister, Miss Martha Wright, of Cleve-
land, Ohio, performed the duties of
Children Cry for